Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 27, 1901, Image 1

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UNION Batata. July. 1897.
GAZKTTK Katsb. Deo., 1868,
i Consolidated Feb., 1899.
VOL. U. NO. 18.
The Ooetor
By Hesba
. . . ..
I think I was ns nearly mad as I could
be; nearer madness, I believe, than I
hall ever be again. Three weeks of it
had driven me to the very verge of des
peration. I cannot say here what had
brought mo to this paas, for I do not
know Into whose hands these pages may.
fall; but I had made up my mind to per
sist in a certain line of conduct which I
firmly believed to be right, whilst those
who had authority over me were reso
lutely bent upon making me submit to
their will. The conflict had been going
on, more or less violently, for months;
now I had come very Dear the end of it.
I felt that I must either yield or go mad.
There was no chance of my dying; I was
too strong for that.
It had been raining all the day long.
My eyes had followed the course of soli
tary drops rolling down the window panes
nntil my head ached. There was noth
ing within my room less dreary than
without I was in London, but in what
part of London I did not know. The
house was situated in a highly respecta
ble, though . not altogether fashionable
quarter; as I judged by the gloomy, mo
notonous rows of buildings which I could
see from my windows. The people who
passed up an ! 'own the streets on fine
days were well-to-do persons,- who could
afford to wear good and handsome
clothes. The rooms on the third floor
my rooms, which I had not been allowed
to leave since we entered' the house, three
weeks before were very badly furnished.
The carpet was nearly threadbare, and
the curtains of dark red moreen were
very dingy. My bedroom opened upon a
dismal back yard, where a dog in a ken
nel howled dejectedly from time to time,
and rattled his chain as if to remind me
that I was a prisoner like himself. I
had no books, no work, no music. It
was a dreary place to pass a dreary time
in; and my only- resource was to pace to
and fro to and fro from one end to an
other of those wretched rooms.
' A very slight sound grated on my ear;
it was the hateful cliek of the key turn
ing in the lock. A servant entered, car
rying, in a tray, upon which were a lamp
and my tea such a meal as might be
prepared for a school girl in disgrace. She
came up to me, as if to- draw down the
. '.'Leave them," I said; "I will do it my
self by and by." .'--..
JlHe' Jiot comiog home to-night,'? said
a woman a voice behind me, in a scomng
I could see her in the mirror without
turning round. A handsome woman,
with bold black eyes, and a rouged face,
which showed coarsely in. the ugly look
ing glass. She was extravagantly dress
ed, and not many years older than my
self. I took no notice whatever of ber,
but continued to gaze out steadily at the
lamp-lit streets and stormy sky.
"It will be no better for you when he
is at home," she said fiercely. "He hates
you; he swears so a handred times a day,
and he is determined to break your proud
spirit. We shall force yon to knock un
der sooner or later. What friends .have
yon got anywhere to take your side? If
you'd made friends with me, my fine lady,
you d have found it good for yourself;
but you've chosen to make me your en
emy, and I'll make him your enemy."
. "I set my teeth together and gave no
indication that I had heard one word
of her taunting speech. My silence serv
ed to fan her fury.. '" '
. "Upon my soul, madam," she almost
shrieked, "you are enough to drive me to
murder! I could beat you. Ay! and I
would, but for him. - So then three weeks
of this hasn't broken you down yet! We
shall try other means to-morrow." ,
'- She came up to where I stood, shook
her clenched hand in my face and flung
: herself out of the room, pulling the door
Violently after her. I turned my head
round. A thin, fine streak oi light, no
thicker than a thread, shone for an in
stant. ' My heart stool still, and then
beat like a hammer. I stole very softly
to the door, and discovered that the bolt
bad slipped beyond the hoep of the lock.
The door was open for me!
. -1 had been on the alert for such a
chance ever since my imprisonment be
gan. 1 My sealskin hat and jacket lay
ready to my hand in a drawer. I had
not time to put on thicker boots; and it
was perhaps essential to the success of
my flight to steal down the stairs in the
oft velvet slippers I was wearing. I
stepped as lightly as I could. I crept
past the drawing room door. The heavy
louse door opened with a grating of the
hinge's; but I stood outside it in the shel
ter of the portico free, but with the rain
and wind of a stormy night in October
beating against me.
I darted straight across the muddy road
and then turned sharply round a corner.
On I fled breathlessly. As I drew nearer
to snop winaows an omnibus driver, see
ing me run toward him, pulled up his
horses in expectation of. a passenger. I
prang in, caring very little where it
might carry me, so that I could get quick
ly enough and far enough out of the reach
of my pursuers, - There had been no time
IU IUM, auu uum nam iusl. xue omniOUS
drove on again quickly, and no trace of
me was left.
The omnibus drove into a station yard.
and every passenger, inside and out, pre-
pared to aiignt. i lingered till the last.
The wind drove across the open space in
strong gust as I stepped down npon the
pavement. A man Had just descended
from the roof, and was paying the con
ductor,; a tall, burly man, wearing a thick
waterproof coat, and a seaman's hat of
oilskin, with a long flap lying over the
: back of his neck. His face was brown
and weather beaten, but he had kindly
looking eyes.
"Going down to Southampton?" said
the conductor to him.,
"Ay, and beyond Southampton," he an
- awered.
"You'll have a rough night of it," said
- , 3 A tJ 1 IS I .
: miss. "
. I offered an Australian sovereign, a
' pocket piece, which he turned over curi-
ously, asking me if I had no smaller
" hangs He grumbled when I answered
no, and the stranger who had not passed
on, turned pleasantly to me.
"You have no change, mam'zelle?" he
asked slowly, as if English was not his
ordinary speech. "Very well! are you
going to Southampton?
"Yes, by the next train," I answered,
deciding upon that course without hesita
"So am I, mam'zelle," he said, raising
hand to his oilskin cap; "I will pay
this sixpence, and you can give it me
again when you buy your ticket in the
I smiled gladly but gravely. I passed
on into the station. At the ticket office
they changed my Australian gold piece
and I sought out my seaman friend to re
turn the sixpence he had paid for me.
I thanked him heartily.
He put me into a compartment where
there were only two ladies, touched his
hat and ran away to a second-class car
In about two hours or more tny fellow
p'assengers alighted at a large, half-de
serted station. A porter came up" to me
as I leaned my head through the window.
"Going on, miss? he asked.
"Oh, yes!" I answered, shrinking back
into my corner seat. He remained on
the step whilst the train moved on at
slackened pace, and then palled up. Be
fore me lay a dim, dark scene, with little
specks of light twinkling here and there,
but whether on sea or shore I could not
tell. Immediately opposite the train
stood the black hulls and masts and fun
nels of two steamers, with a glimmer of
lanterns on their decks. The porter
opened the door for me. ;
'You ve only to go on board, miss, he
said, "your luggage will be seen to all
right" Aid he hurried away to open
the doors of other -carriages.
I stood still, utterly bewildered, with
the wind tossing my hair about and the
rain beating in sharp stinging drops upon
my face and hands. It must have been
close upon midnight - Every one was
hurrying past me. I began almost to re
pent of the desperate step I had token.
At the gangways of the two vessels there
were men shouting hoarsely, "This way
for the Channel Islands!" "This way for
Havre and Paris r' To which boat should
I trust myself and my fate?
A mere accident decided it. Near "the
fore part of the train I saw the broad,
tall figure of my new friend, the seaman,
making his way across to the boat for
the Channel Islands; and I made np my
mind to go on board the same steamer,
for I had an instinctive feeling that he
would prove a real friend. I' went down
immediately into the ladies' cabin, which
was almost empty, and chose a berth for
myself in the darkest corner. It was not
far -from the door, and. presently two
other ladies came down, with a gentle
man and the captain, and held an anxious
parley close to me.
"Is there any danger r asKed one or
the ladles. -' - - ; " '
'Well, I cannot say positively there
will be no dangei, answered the cap
tain; "there a not danger enough to keep
me and the crew in port; but it will be
a very dirty night in the Channel. Of
course we shall use extra caution, and
all that sort of thing. ' No; I cannot say
I expect any great danger."
'But it will be awfully rough r said
the gentleman. - ; -
It was very stormy and dismal as soon
as we were out of Southampton water.
"and in the rush and swirl of the Chan
nel. It did not alarm me so much as It
distracted my thoughts. My hasty escape
had been so unexpected, so unhoped for,
that it nau Dewiiaerea me, ana it was
almost a pleasure to lie still and listen
to the din and uproar of the sea. Was I
myself or no? Was this nothing more
than a very vivid dream, from which
should awaken by and by to find myself
a prisoner still, a creature as wretched
and friendless as any that the streets of
London contained? .' -
I watched the dawn break through
little porthole opening 'npon my berth,
which had been washed and beaten by
the water all the night longN The stew
ardess had gone away early in the night
So I was alone, with the blending light
of the early dawn and that of the lamp
burning -feebly from the ceiling. - I sat
up in my berth and cautiously unstitched
the lining of my jacket Here, months
ago, when I first began to foresee this
emergency, and whilst I was still allow
ed the use of my money, I had concealed
one by one a few five-pound notes..
counted them over, eight of them; forty
pounds in all, my sole fortune, my only
means of living. True, I had a diamond
ring and a watch and chain, but how dim
cult and dangerous it would be for me
to sell either of them! Practically my
means were limited to the eight notes of
five pounds each. .
As the -light grew 1 left my berth and
ventured tt climb the cabin steps. The
fresh air smote npon me almost pain
fully. The Ma was t owing brighter.
and glittered here and there in spots
where the sunlight fell upon It. 1 stayed
on deck In the biting wind, leaning over
the wet' bulwarks and gazing serosa the
desolate sea till my spirits sank like lead.
was cold, and hungry, and mtseraoie.
How lonely I was! how poor! with neith
er s home nor a friend in the world!
a mere castaway npon the waves of this
troublous life!
'Mam'zelle is a brave sailor," sold a
voice behind me, which I recognized as
my seaman of the night before; bat we
shall be In port soon." ' -
'What port?" I asked.
'St. Peter-Dort." he answered. "Mam'
zelle, then, does not know our islands?"
"No I said. "Where is Bt feter-
"In "Guernsey," he replied. "If yon
were going to land at St Peter-port I
might be of some service to yon."
I looked at him steadily. His voice
was very pleasant one, run or tones
that went straight to my heart. His face
was bronzed and weather-beaten, bnt his
deep-set eyes had a steadfast, quiet pow
er in them, and his mouth had a pleas
ant curve about it He looked a middle
aged man to me. He raised his cap as
my eyes looked straight into his, and a
faint smile flitted across his grave face.
"I want," I said suddenly, "to find a
place where I can live very cheaply. I
have not much money, and I must make
it last a long time. Can yon tell me of
such a place?". - ... :
"You would want a place fit for a
lady?" he said.
"No," I answered. "I would do all my
own work. What sort of a place do you
and your wife live in? -
'"' "My poor little wife is dead," he an
swered. "We live in Sark, my mother
and I. I am a fisherman, but I have also
a little farm. It is true we have, one
room to spare, which might do for mam'
zelle; but the island is far away, and in
the winter Sark is' too mournful. -
"It will be just th' place I want," I
said quicklq; "it would suit me exactly,
Can you let me go there at once? Will
you take me with you?"
"Mam'-ielle," he replied, smiling, "the
room must be made ready for you, and I
must speak to my mother. If God sends
us fair weather I will come back to St.
Peter-port for you in three days. My
name Is Tardif. You can ask the people
in Peter-port what sort of a man Tardif
of the Havre Gosseiin is.
I do not want any one to tell me what
sort of a man you are," I said, holding
out m)r hand. He took it with an air of
friendly protection.
What is your name, mam'zelle?" he
"Oh! my name is Olivia," I said. '
I went below, inexpressibly satisfied
and comforted. What it was in this" man
that won my complete, unquestioning con:
naence, i aia not Know; Dut h:s very
presence, and the sight of his good, trust-
wortny race, gave me a sense of security
sucn as i nave never felt before or since
surety uoa una Bent mm to me in my
great extremity.
Looking back upon that time, now it Is
past and has "rounded itself into that
perfect star I saw not when 1 dwelt there
in, it would be untrue to represent my
self as in any way unhappy. - At times
wished earnestly that I had been born
among the people with whom I had now
come to live. "
Tardif led a somewhat solitary life
himself, even in this solitary island, with
its scanty population. There was an ugly
church, but Tardif and his mother did
not frequent it. They belonged to
little knot of dissenters, who met for
worship in a small room,, when Tardif
generally took the lead. For this reason
a sort of coldness existed between him
and the larger portion - of his fellow isl
anders. -.-"' "
But there was a second and more Im
portant cause of estrangement. He had
married an Englishwoman many years
ago, mucn to the disappointment of his
neighbors; and. since her death he had
held himself aloof from all the good wom
en who would have been glad enough to
undertake (he task ..of consoling him for
her loss. Tardif, therefore, was left
very much to himself in his isolated cot
tage; and his mother's deafness caused
her also to be no very great favorite with
any of the gossips of the island.
I learned afterwards that Tardif had
said my name was Olllvier,-and they
jumped to the conclusion that I belonged
to a family of that name In Guernsey
mis smeiaea me irom curiosity. 1 was
nobody but a poor womau who was lodg
ing in the spare room of Tardifs cot
tage. I set myself to grow used to their
mode of life, and if possible to become,
so useful to them that when my money
was all spent they might be willing, to
keep me with them. As the long, dismal
nights of winter set in, with the wind
sweeping across the island for several
days together with a dreary,-monotonous
moan which never ceased, I generally sat
by their fire; for I had nobody but Tar
dif to talk to, and now and then thero
arose an urgent need within me to listen
to some friendly voice, and to hear my
own in reply. v ... " -.-..
-March came in with all the strength
and sweetness ot spring. : I went out
frequently to the field near the church.
I was sitting there one morning. Tardif
was going to flsh, and I had helped Mm
to pack his basket I could see him get
ting out of the harbor, and be had caught
a glimpse of me, and stood up in his
boat, bare headed, bidding me good by. I
began to sing before he was quite out of
hearing, for he paused upon his oars list
ening, and had given me a joyous shout
and waved his hat round his head, when
he was sure it -was I who was singing.
By 12 o'clock I knew my dinner would
be ready, and I had been out in the fresh
air long enough to be quite ready for it
Old Mrs. Tardif would be looking out
for me impatiently, that she might get
the meal over, and the things cleared
away, and order restored in her dwell
ing. -
(To be continued.) :
His Mania. Is for Clocks. -One
of the most Ingenious mechanics
in the world Is a Frenchman named Le
Boullat, living at La Coutaness, -who
has made himself famous for the curi
ous clocks he manufactures. He can
make' a clock out of almost any con
ceivable material. . Straw and paper
are among the raw "materials he uses,
For twenty years he has been manufac
turing freak clocks and most French
men who want something out of the
common in that line apply to Le Boul
lat A while ago be turned a lot of news
papers Into pulp, mixed it with harden
ing substance and carved the clock out
of. the compound. Even the wheels
and all the machinery of the clock were
made of this material. . Naturally this
curious clock does not keep very cor
rect time, but the wonder is that it
goes at all. The newspaper clock Is
one of Mr. Le Boullat's latest trl-
umpbs. - : .
Another of his designs appears to be
merely a collection of large and small
sticks held together by wires. It. is
only upon close inspection that one sees
that it is a. clock constructed on excel
lent principles. ; It keeps very fair time,
never varying more than two minutes
In a week. ---- - -
Now and then the clockmaker receives
commissions from wealthy .Frenchmen
for clocks of unique design In silver or
gold, decorated with precious stones.
Some of these clocks are entirely made
of gold, with diamond-tipped hands,
and rubies, garnets, pearls,, opals and
emeralds to represent , the figures on
the dial. Some of bis clocks are beau
tiful works of art and a few of the
most interesting specimens are among
he smallest of timepieces. -
Her Father Was Not a Liar.
There is a little girl in Detroit whose
passion for the truth under all circum
stances embarrassed her .father ; very
much the other day.:- Not long ago he
lost a high-salaried place in a business
house because of its absorption by
trust, and in the evening denounced
all persons connected with trusts as
thieves and robbers. But the trust
found that It needed him, and he was
soon holding his old place, in addition
to a good block, of stock, ft was no
ticed that the little girl was deeply im
pressed with the incident and looked
at her father doubtlngly when he was
home. One evening there .was com
pany at the house, and the -host be
came involved In a heated political de
bate with a peppery guest .The form
er made a statement which the latter
flatly denied. ''"-"
'Why, my dear man," laughed, the
host, "you don't mean to call me
liar?"- :"'"C.',r'V '" ; - 1"
'No, he don't," declared the little one.
as she sprang in front of the visitor
and", glared at him with flaming eyes,
"and I won't have it My. papa is a
robber and a tblef, but he is no liar!"
The explanation was soon secured
from the child, and the hilarity follow
ing the expose was the joy of the even
ing. New York Tribune.
Air Torpedo. .
The Swedish government has given
5,000 kroner ($1,340) to Major W. T,
Unge for the purpose of making fur
ther experiments with the air torpedo
invented by him. Major Unge's inven
tion Is patented under the name of "the
flying torpedo," Is intended to convey
through the air large explosive
charges for considerable distances, and
looks like an elongated cannon shell.
It Is propelled through the air in tbe
same manner as a rocket. In a sep
arate compartment the torpedo con
tains some kind of slow-burning chem
ical composition, the propelling-charge.
which generates gases in large quan
tities. In the base of the shell is
turbine through which these gases es
cape, thus furnishing the motive pow
er and causing the shell : to rotate
around Its axis.
The most recent triumph of the
French postal administration is an In
genious little machine which not only
automatically weighs letters and sam
ples, but records on an Indicator at the
side the amount required for stamps.
When the article deposited, on the bal
ance exceeds the regulation weight, the
Indicator promptly hoists the sign,
"Too heavy." - -
AmericVs First White Child.
The first white child born on United
States soil was the granddaughter of
White, the governor of Roanoke Island.
She was christened Virginia Dare, and
her birthday was on Aug. 18, 1587.
, Slow bnt Not 8ure.
"They are not engaged yet? I sup
pose-he is slow and sure."
- "-well, he's slow, but she isn't at all
sure." Brooklyn Life, - "
Water for Plants.
riants need a good deal more water
as the days grow longer and warmer
than they do in midwinter. "
Woman may be at the bottom of all
man's troubles,' yet without her life
would not be worth living.
Unfulfilled Prophecy.
We have been re-reading the proph
ecy of Mr.-C, Wood Davis, issued about
ten years ago, in which he said that as
m 18S0 the United States exported
enough of grain, hay and cotton to sup
ply 6,645,000 people In other countries.
and In 1S85 enough to supply 4,300,000,
that by 1895 we should have to buy
food and cotton for 380,000 of our own
people at home, and in 1000 enough for
5,47o,000. , We said then that we had
no faith In his figures, and that, we be
lieved the cultivation of some of the
then unimproved land and better meth
ods of production would enable us to
feed and clothe our population and
have a surplus for other nations not
only - in 1900, but for many a decade
after that We are thankful that we
have lived to find that in 1900 our ex
ports of agriculture products not only
grain, hay and cotton, but many other
things have not decreased In value or
amount below the amount we sent out
in 1885 and 1890, but have made a
handsome increase, and it will yet be
many ; years before all our available
land will be tilled or grazed, and many
more before we shall have reached our
largest capacity of production. The
average crops as reported by the last
census are far from being one-half, and
are scarcely one-third of what good
farmers call a good crop. Figures are
deceiving sometimes New England
How to Catch the Curculio.
A Kansas experiment station bulletin
says that the curculio has been con
trolled successfully by Jarring the trees
in early morning and collecting the in
sects in the curculio catcher. The can
below the canvas Into which the insects
fall is partially filled with kerosene. A
sheet with the seam ripped half the
length to permit its being readily
placed around the tree Is a cheap and
effective substitute for the catcher here
figured. When the sheet is used, the in
sects should be collected in another re
ceptacle after-jarring each tree. v
Plants Poisonous to Animals.
The bulletin from the Montana Ex
periment Station gives a list of four
teen species of plants which are known
or strongly suspected of poisoning ani
mals. Among them are the lupines,
which killed 100 out of 200 bucks fed on
hay, and in 1898 some 2,000 sheep from
eating ripe lupine on the range. .The
trouble seems to be in the ripe or near
ly ripe seed. The purple and tall lark
spur killed 40 cattle in the Gallatin
Valley when other plants were covered
with snow; aconite, water hemlock and
nightshade have proved poisonous to
both man and beast In 1898, a dairy
man had a field of oats so badly smut
ted that he cut them for hay instead
of letting the grain ripen. Out of 30
cows which were given one feed of It,
12 died within 18 hours, having both
gastric and .cerebral trouble. . Ergot on
native grasses is claimed to have killed
a number of horses in from six to eight
hours, the muscles of tbe throat being
paralyzed first, and then the whole body
paralyzed. Strychnine and whisky seem
to be the only remedy having effect
It is better to avoid feeding ergot or
smut on any grass or grain. Exchange.
Farm Fence. ;
- Bad fences have been a trouble to
every rural community from the earli
est history.: to- the present day. Neigh
borhood rows and feuds and aggravat
ing litigation and even bloodshed have
resulted, from defective fences. Wood
en fences, whether 'of rails, poles
boards, are a standing menace to the
public peace wherever they exist and
but little better Is a wire fence that
does not effectively serve its purpose.
There are nowadays a large number
of patterns of wire fences ready made
and sold In rolls ready to be unrolled
and nailed to posts. Some of these are
good, and some are better, and some are
almost perfect A really good wire
fence may cost more to begin ' with
than a wooden one, but on account of
its durability alone It is far cheaper.
f.. ,.1. stnflr Tnnd.
Th valno of the cabbaze as food for
stock may be summed up "as strong in
two points, the large amount mat can
ho rmwn nnnn an acre of soil and its
succulency, which makes It a milk-pro-rtiipinfr
food easily digested. . But it re-
nnipoa atrniur soil and xood cultivation,
does not keep well for winter use un
less pitted where it will be frozen until
cmnir. and vi then havine but a
short season, while if stumps and any
decayed leaves are iea u is aimosi im
possible to prevent It imparting a rank,
unpleasant, flavor to the milk and but
ter, or even to the meat,, unless Its use
in discontinued two or three weeks be
fore the slaughtering. As regards tbe
nutritive value Professor Johnston In
Agricultural Chemistry estimated sev
enty pounds of cabbage to have about
the same value as four pounds of oil
cake, twelve pounds of pea straw, six
teen pounds clover hay, twenty pounds
of meadow hay, 110 pounds of oat
straw or 120 pounds of turnips. This
last we think he bases upon the flat or
English turnip, which are not as nu
tritious as the rutabaga. The value of
the cabbages, as of the roots. Is best
found when a small amount is given
along with coarse, dry fodder and a
limited amount of grain. Massachu
setts Ploughman.
Destroying; English Sparrow.
A paper published In New South
Wales, Australia, tells how farmers de
stroy English sparrows out there. They
make a double coop and put one or
more fowl or chickens in one compart
ment, leaving the other empty. When
feeding they scatter a little wheat in
the empty compartment which is soon
found by the sparrows. After about a
week they soak the wheat In vinegar
and sugar. After tbe sparrows become
accustomed to this, they add a little
strychnine to the vinegar and sugar,
and allow the wheat to soak about
twelve hours, then dry it and scatter it
in tbe empty coop. One or two grains
is enough to finish any sparrow, and if
It is given every day at the same place
In the same way, and dead birds re
moved if any die in the coop, hundreds
of them may be destroyed, but if the
dead are left it may frighten away the
others. Massachsetts Ploughman.
Start Horses Slowly.
When the horse has been fed and Is
taken out' to work, it should be started
in to labor rather easily to get the most
work at the least inconvenience to the
horse. The reason for this is not hard
to find. It is simply that during the
feeding time the organs are getting
themselves into condition for digestion
and are possibly even digesting the
feed. - A large quantity of blood is call
ed away from the other members and
is poured into the vessels about the
stomach. This blood must all be with
drawn when the horse begins to work
and be supplied to the muscular or
gans where it is most needed. This
change cannot be done all at once. It
requires a little time for the blood to
reach the physical demands. If the
blood has time to make the change by
moderate starting all will be welL If
not, then there Is a temporary exhaus
tion from which it may require hours
to recover entirely.
Running; Farm Machinery.
No man can be considered an expert
in running farm machinery unless he
attends to certain points in managing
the machines. First keep every joint
and bearing well oiled. Next see that
all parts which arerllable to collect dust
are-brushed clean at least every time
the team is unhitched, and see then
that every nut and bolt is in place and
holding the parts snugly. Not only that
but if a rattle Is heard when at work.
Investigate at once and stop it even if
It is necessary to unhitch the team to
make it safe to work on it Keep all
cutting parts clean and sharp, and see
that the draft is just right to be as
easy as Is possible for both team and
machine. r The man who does all this
will accomplish good work and not in
jure team or machine. ,
- Clo-rer Bloat.
Clover bloat can always be prevent
ed by keeping the cattle off the clover
while it is wet with rain or dew. The
usual cause of death when an animal Is
bloated is congestion of the lungs- from
pressure of the stomach against them,
The flesh of such animal should be
darker in color from the stoppage of
blood In the small vessels than the
flesh of an animal butchered, but I do
not believe it would poison any one to
eat the flesh of such animals. The best
remedy for clover bloat Is to make an
opening, in the upper part of the left
flank with a pocketknife and thrust the
fingers into the opening. Then the gas
will escape at the sides of the finger.
Or use some hollow tube to put into
the opening. . ."
" Bl ck Tong-ne In Cattle.
' Black tongue Is one of the forms of
anthrax. The tongue turns black, and
the animal dies in a few hours. . It is
contagious and infectious and Is In
curable, and all carcasses should be
burned. If it appears in a herd of
stock, the well ones should be vacci
nated- with anthrax vaccine and not
blackleg vaccine. 1
Notes Abont Frnlt. . -
In the market buyers sometimes pre
fer small but fully ripened strawberries
to larger ones picked too green.
Tbe grape Is considered tbe most
healthful of all fruits. Every one who
has a garden, a yard or a wall can grow
grapes. ."'' ; ''.i?
In starting a young orchard look af
ter the trees often, and wherever a limb
is found crossing another limb cut It
out,-;. v.-.: .-r
Plum trees should be sprayed with
Bordeaux mixture, but it should be
weaker than for apples, or it will burn
the foliage. . .'"! - - -- . --, '''.
- Apple, pear and plum trees should be
planted in every poultry yard. They
will afford shade for the fowls and the
poultry. will destroy many Insects.
Plum trees do not generally require
as much pruning as apple trees. Prun
ing should be ..done as early In the
spring as possible, before the sap
starts., i-. ,;: .-
' There is no section of country where
some variety of every kind of fruit
will : not do welL Experiment with
fruit until you find varieties suited to
your locality. ,". : ' -
Most plums should be picked for
market a few days before they are
thoroughly ripe. Even for home use
they are better just before they are per
fectly ripe. Germantown Telegraph,
Be Can Traca His Forefathers Back In
dividually to Adam.
Queen Wilbelmina'a much-heralded
ancestry of 2,000 years and her reputed -descent
from Balthazar, King of Ar
menia, who some maintain was one of
the three wise men who made presents
to the Infant Savior, Is put to blush by
an unassuming Delaware County (Pa.)
pastor, who can trace his descent over
5,000 years to tbe davs when Adam and
Eve began the history of the human
race in the garden of Eden.
Indeed, those who have the pride of
ancestry should look with envious eye
on the Rev. Matthew P. O'Brien, rector
of St Charles' Roman Catholic Church -
In the little hamlet of Kellyvllle.
Through a long line of kings and no
ble ancestry Father O'Brien can trace
his descent clear back to Brian Bora,
who early Iq the eleventh century was
supreme ruler of all Ireland, and who
died April 23, 1014.
This, however, is only the beginning. -Starting
with Brian, who is twenty-
six generations removed, he goes back
twenty-one more till be reaches Oliol
Olum, King of Munster; a jump of for
ty-seven generations more reaches Mile-
sius, who was King of Spain thirteen
centuries before Christ; from Mllesius
to Adam Is thirty-six generations, so
that Father O'Brien Is 130 generations
from Adam, or 5,905 years from the
creation of the world. -From
the information of those who"
are wont to twiddle their fingers at
pedigrees' and to make faces when
crowned heads are turned away from
them, and who affect to despise rather
uu utruiiy luye a luru, it may ue
stated right here that Father O'Brien
can put his finger, figuratively speak
ing, of course, on one and all of his
long line of progenitors, can call them
by name, and is thoroughly posted on
their doings, good, bad, and indifferent
Yet, despite the fact that he can keep
tabs on bis ancestors away back of
Solomon the Wise, the Queen of Sheba,
and David and Lot's wife, Abraham
himself, the father of the faithful, to
say nothing of Moses and his little
tramp of forty years in the wilderness
Father O'Brien is democratic In his
tastes and bearing, and as faithful a
pastor as he is democratic.
For the benefit of the unbelievers who
perhaps have but little data or accurate
information regarding their great
grandfathers Father O'Brien stated the
other day that he thought it might be
as well, although he was perfectly able
to go back 5,905 years, for him to rest
his claims of ancestry on the broad
shoulders of the giant Brian Boroimhe,
who was monarch of Ireland ten odd
centuries ago, and chased his enemies
across the bogs of the emerald isle a
good long while before William the
Conqueror subjugated England with
his Norman hosts.
Father O'Brien has traced his long
ancestral tree only after many years
of the most careful and painstaking re
search, and. he is positively sure that
he has not made one mistake.
Ancestry has always been a fad with
him, but he is frank to acknowledge
that he had no idea when he started to
investigate the subject of his own that
he could go back, without a break, to
Adam, the original progenitor of man
kind. v
Think of a man being able to tell who
his ancestor was when Helen of Troy
was sweet 16, when the hanging gar
dens of Babylon were in full bloom and
glory, when Achilles was a schoolboy,
or when Romulus was still in the care
of his she-wolf foster-mother! Phila
delphia Inquirer.
Wholesale Weddings.'
At Plougastel, In Brittany, France,
there is but one day a year on which,
from time immemorial, weddings are
allowed to take place namely, on the
Feast of St Frances, a model Christian
wife and mother for whom the citizens
of Plougastel have the greatest vener
ation, which they chiefly manifest by
setting ail the weddings for that day.
This year not less than forty-four cou
ples knelt before her altar to pronounce
the nuptial vows. This day of wed
dings by the wholesale is, of course, a
feast for the whole village. In the
early morning all the couples meet on
the town's public square. Thence they
go to the City Hall, where the civil cer
emony is gone through with. This over,
a procession is formed, and all the cou
ples, followed by their respective
friends, march three times around the
village before entering the church,
where the religious ceremony is per
formed. Hereupon follows the banquet,
which is held at the common expense.
The last wedding, feast saw no less
than 2,000 guests partaking of the
bounteous repast According to an
eye-witness of these fraternal agapae,
apart from the tables at which sat the
wedded couples, plates were conspicu
ous by their absence. There was on an
average one plate to every four guests.
That little deficiency, however, did not
prevent the Plougastelites from enjoy
ing themselves capitaly during the six
days duration oi tne ceremonies. i
ftoyai ADSiainer.
The Queen of Holland, it is stated, is
a total abstainer, and ostentatiously re
fuses, on all public occasions, to par
take of wine. The Queen is a patron
of the Total Abstinence Society and of
the Women's Social Purity League, and
it Is said she is among tbe most active
of workers. ' ' - . , -
.'. Timber in Germany.
Germany, although it has 35,000,000
acres of forests excellently managed
and yielding an immense revenue, de
mands increasingly greater quantities
of wood, so that for the. last ten years
tbe amount of timber which it buys has
doubled and its value trebled, ' r
Covetous men live without comfort
and die without hope. .