Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 23, 1901, Image 2

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FRll'A Y, AUGUST 23, 1901.
Col. A. K. McClure contrib- a horrib'e fratricidal strife They
utes a very interesting article to knew in thsir inner consciousness
the Chicago later Ocean, in that neither themselves nor the
which he expresses his belief that t executive they had chosen enter
if the Confederate government tained the least purpose of hirin
hd not fired on Sumter, and had;ing the South. They stood firm
refrained from any like attack ' ly and calmly on the righteous-
upon the United States troops, or
the flag of the Union, the Conled
cracy would have been success
fully established.
Whila this assertion may not
startle, it certainly will surprise
students of history, for it is diffi
cult to see how anyone with the
Colonel's knowledge of the facts
can reac'i such a conclusion.
Sorely it is not warranted by
anything in the attitude of the
South. For forty or more years
her political leaders had been ac
tive in creating and fostering a
public sentiment in that section
favoring secession from the Unien
and the formation of a separate
government by the slave-holding
states. So well had they suc
ceeded in doing this they deter
mined, in the event of Lincoln's
election, to go into open revolt.
From the time the presidential
nominations were made up to the
day of Lincoln's inauguration
they were actively engaged in
making all the material prepara
tions they possibly could in aid
of their determined purpose.
Through the cennivance of Floyd,
Buchanan's secretary of war,
' northern arsenals had been strip
ped of ordinance and munitions
of war by transferring their
stores to southern depots. South
Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana.
Mississippi, Florida and Alabama
had already seceeded. and the
forts, navy yards, custom houses,
mints and other federal property
within these states had fallen into
Confederate hands. The vessels
of the aavy were scattered on dis
tant stations. The little army
had bees cut up into small de
tachments and so distributed that
its mobilizatin was impossible,
Beauregard had made the most
efficient disposition of his forces
for the reduction of Sumter,
which it had been determined
should be neither provisioned nor
re-iaforced. The South had the
military situation well in hand,
Almost a month before the in
auguration of Lincoln the Con
federates had organized all the
departments of a civil govern
ment andinstalled their president.
Whatever Union sentiment had
existed in these states had been
awed ,into submission. Every
overture f compromise and
peace based on her remaiaitg in
the Union she scornfully rejected.
So far as the South was concern
ed secession was an accomplished
fact. It rested with the United
States government whether there
should be war or not Any at
tempt to provision Sumter, or to
repossess itself of the forts, arsen
als, and ether property seized by
the South, would be casus belli
and Would be forcibly resisted
This was the defiant attitude of
the South when Lincoln was in
Col. McClure has very clearly
set forth the condition of the gov
ernment and the divided counsels
of the North. There was no
army, no available . navy, little
desirable war material, an empty
treasury and sadly impaired cred
it. Truly, from a military view,
the government appeared to be
utterly powerless to protect itself, 1
let alone coerce the South. !
Southern leaders had skillfully :
played upon Buchanan's natural
timidity to prevent any coercion
UHtil they had matured their
plans .afld rendered coercion quite1
impossible. Always skilled in
mere casuistry, they easily con
vinced Buchanan and his attorney-general
not only of the utter
absence of constitutional authori
ty, bttt of its hideous wrong and
injustice. They compassed this
the more easily because both the
president.and his attorney-general
had been in life-long sympa
thy with the South on all ques
tions. Public sentiment in the
North was divided and quite de
bauched. The pra-slavery dem
ocrats, of whom Fernando Wood
was a perfect type, would have
attempted anything in aid of the
South. The commercial North
was anxious to avoid war, for
that would bring destructian of
lucrative trade and almost certain
repudiation of Southern obliga
tions. Some of the people, heart
ily tired of the interminable
strife over slavery, were willing
the South should go. A few,
like Horace Greely, had no stom
ach for actual blows. The masses,
long used to Southern swagger,
and final acceptance of compro
mise, believed this only another
and intensified exhibition of
Southern character that would be
calmed as before. The Northern
people abhorred war, esaecially
an internecine war. They could
not endure the contemplation of
ness of their own intentions.
Yet not for one moment did the
patriotic masses of the North, the
quiet, earnest, purposeful men .
who had supported Lincoln in 1
common with those who had sup- j
ported Douglas for president
waver in their determination that
the Union must be preserved.
They only requested that erery
thing possible should be done to
turn the South away from her !
mad purpose, and if blows became
. . r '
necessary me oaium oi sinking ,
the first blow must be upon her. j
The North had given no just
cause for war arid would give
none but it would preserve the
Union at all hazzards. This was
the calm, quiet, earaest purpose ;
of the North. Col. McClure has '
strangely overlooked this.
The attitude f the border
states called for the exercise of
the greatest patience, caution and
wisdom on the part of Mr. Lin
coln and never was so critical a
situation so wisely dealt with.
These states were saved to the
Union, and thus the Unionists
won their first victory.
Lincoln, whose reliance was in
the abiding patriotism of the
masses, knew if he moved slowly
and cautiously the Union cause
would gather strength day by day
until it would solidify in support
of whatever measures he might
find necessary to restore the Un
ion and quell the tumult. He
never lost sight of, never turned
aside from this righteous purpose.
To believe as Col. McClure, we
must believe that the mass
of the northern people were
devoid of patriotism, without at
tachment to the Union and whol
ly lacking virile courage. It in
volves believing Lincoln was not
sincere, uot earnest, not courage
ous. It pre-supposes that he and
the people of the North had forgot
ten their most sacred political tradi
tions and ceased to draw inspira
tion from the example cf their he
roic fathers whose priceless gift
was the Union.
Until Lincoln had time to de
velop his policy there was but
little danger of foreign recognition
of Confederate independence.
The very fact thai the
South seemingly had already
achieved independence con
vinced foreign nations that it
was not necessary for them to
hasten in the matter and thus un
necessarily become : involved in
possible difficulty with the gov
ernment of the United States.
The astute leaders of the
Soath saw that every fiay's delay
strengthened the hands of Lin
coln and that ultimately they
mast inglorioasly submit or fight.
Lincoln's purpose, as avowed in
his inaugural, meant that they
must submit or take the initiative
and fight. They did uot hesitate.
Tba crisis came and they cour
ageously chose to fight. Tfcat
the initiative was taken in Char
leston harbor is of no conse
quence. It had to be taken
somewhere and very soon, for
peacable sesession was an abso
lute impossibility and always had
All kinds of boxes at the Cor
vftlliB sawmill.
Fresh Alssa liouey at Ziero'fV
Two pounds for 25. .
Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothe
for dressy men, at S. L- Kline's.
, "Our Own," cheapest and best
washing powder, 5 pounds for 25c
at Zierolfs. :
15 per cent off en all our men's
clothing to make room for ou. large
fall order At Kline's.
To Let.
Mrs. V. Espy has a suite of 3-or 4
furnished rooms te let. They are suita
ble for small family or young lady stu
dents who desire to board themselves,
and contain, anions other things, a
kitchen range and a fireplace. For par
ticulars call at residence In this citv.
Form for Sale.
R. B. Blodgett oners for sale his 70
acre stock farm, one-half mile frem Blod
gett, Oregon.
House to Rent.
Good 5-room house, barn, and 2 acres
of ground. 'Situated one mile from post
office. ' Would rent for one year.
For particulars enquiie of
W. G. L ane,
Importer of
Higbgrade Pianos, Organs end .Small
Instruments of all descriptions," ' r
Tbe Celebrated
Needham Pianos and Organs
Which have became famous for their
beauty of tone, superior action and great
durability. - .
We invite comparison of our prices,
quality considered, with those of other
mi. tiaii and examine our eooas or
uau ana examine ourgooos
write for catalogue.
office and reiid,nce one block west of
Oonrt House.
SEPTEMBER 23-28, '01
Good Racing in
Latest Attractions in New Au
ditorium Building Every Ev
ening, with Good Music.
Beautiful Camp Grounds Free
Special Rates on Campers'
Tickets. Come and Bring
Your Families.
Reduced Rates -on all Railroads.
For further particulars add-ees
M. D. WISDOM, Sec, Portland
Notice for Publication.
Land Omci at Oriqos Cmr, Oregon.
August 5, lutl
Uotice is hereby given that the fallowingr-named'
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claiw, and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Benton county,
at Gorrallis, Oresron. on September 16, 19t)l, viz:
H. R No. 11942, for the E. 1 of S. E. 1 Sec. 18, T,
He names the following Witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
Albert Needham and Charles A. Baldwin of Sum
mit, Oregon, Albert Wischnofsky, of Blodgett, Ore
gon, Chris Germansen, cf Albany.
CIIA8. a 1100RES,
Notice of Guardian's Salo of Real
Netlce is horeby given, that in pursuance of an
order of the County i Court, for tae County of Crook,
State of Oregon, mde on the 5th dav of August,
1901, in the matter of the guardianship of Frank
Foster and Walter Fester, minors, the undersigned,
the guardian of the estates of said minors, wilt sell
at private sale, subject to oonfinnatiou by said
County Court, from and after the 21st day of Sept
ember, ltoi. all the right, title and Interest of the
said Frank Foster and Walter; Foster in and to that
certain pieae or parcel of land situated in 'Benton
County, State of Oregon, and bounded and described
as fallows, to-wit: An undivided two ninths in
terest in the south half ol the Donation Land Claim
of John Foster and wife, being claim N. (5 iu Sect
ions 29, SO, SI and 32 in Township 13 South, of Range
five West of Willamette Meridian Terms an con
ditions of sal,e Cash.
B. F. Allen,
Guardian ol estates of . Frank Foster and Walter
Foster, minors.
Nolle to Creditors. .
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator of the estate of J. B.
A. Robinson, deceased, by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Bentsn county. All persons
having claims against said estate are heresy re
quired to preseut the same to the undersigned
properly verified as by law required at the office of
C. W. Davis, in Philomath, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof. - -
Dated July 2, 1901.
L." E. Fridlkt,
Administrator oi the estate of J. B. A. Robin
son, deceased.
Mr. E: D. Arnold, Arnold,' la., writes:
He was troubled with kidney disease
about three years. Had to get up sever
al times during the night but three bet
ties of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a
complete cure, he feels better than he
ever did and recommends it to his friends
Graham & Wortham.
If you are Biuk all over, and don'tkuow
i'ust what ails you, it'a ten to one your
idaeys are out of order. Foley 's Kidney
Cure will bring yon health and energy.
Graham & Wortham. , :
Mid-Summer Excursion to Newport
There will be a chartered excursion train
leave Albany for Newport and retnrn,
Sunday, August 25. Train will leave Al
bany at 6 :SU a. in. ; Oorvallis, 7 :00 a. in. ;
returning, leave Newport 7:00 p. m.
Bates from Albany and Gorvallis to
Newport and return $1.75; Philomath to
Summit, inclusive, to Newport and re
turn, $1.50; Summit to Elk City, inclu
sive, to Newport aud return, $1.00; west
of Elk City, 75 cents. Tickets and passes
of C. & . issue will not be honored on
this trian. .
Tickets on sale by Geo. Irvine,, also H.
H. Crouise, agent "C. & E. Everybody
go and enjoy a day at the seaside.
Only a limited number of tickets will
be sold. '
Foley s Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
Tcy this Office for Job Work
The greatest skin specialist in America 1
originated the formula for Banner Salve. I
tor all akia diseases, all cnts or sores,
and for piles it's the most healing medi
cine, ittware of substitutes. Graham
& wortham. .
Mr. W. J. Baxter, of North Brook,
N. C, soys he suffered with piles for 15
years. He tried monv remedies with no
results until lie lined Fe Wilt's Wild.
Hazel Salve . and that qnirkl y cured
him. Graham AWells.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers compel your liver and
bowels to do their duty, thus giving you
pure, rich blood to recuperate your body.
Are easy to take.. Never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells, :
Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa.,
says : "Our litue girl almost strangled
to death with croup. The doctors said
she couldn't live but she. was iustantly
relieved by One Minute Cough Cure.
Graham & Wells.
In cases of cough or croup give the lit
tle one One Minute Cough Cure. Then
rest easy and have no fear. The child
will be all,, right in a little while. It
never fails. Pleasant to lake, always
safe, sure and almost instantaneous in
effect. Graham & Welle.
Good Advice
The most - miserable beings in the
world are those suffering Jfroni Dyspep
sia and .Liver uoinplaint More than
seventy-five per cent, of the people in
the united States are afflicted with these
two deseases and their affects : such as
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual
Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Heart-bum. YYaterbrash, Lxnawing and
Burning rains at the pit ot the stomach
Yellow Skin, Coated Toaarue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming up
ot food alter .bating, JjOw Spirits, etc.
Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower, for 75 cents. Two doses
will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's
Prize Almanac. Graham & Wortham.
Eruptions, cutB, burns, scalds and sores
of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for
piles. Beware of counterfeits. . Be sure
you get the original DeWitt's. Gra
ham & Well's.
"I had a running sore on my breast fur
over a year," eajs Henry R. Richards, of
Willseyvil'e, N. Y., "aud tried a jreat
many remedies, but .trot no relief until I
used Banner Salve. After using one-half
box, I was perfectly cured. I cannot re
commend it too highly." Graham &
Wortham. . .
O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: "I
was troubled With constipation until I
bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Since then I have been, entirely cured of
my old complaint. I recommend them.
Graham & Wells.
notice for Publication.
United Siatxs Land Office, -Oregon
Oitr, Oregon, August 2, 1901.
Notice is hereby g lven that 111 compliance with the
pravisinns of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78,
entitled "An act fur iho sale of umoer lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing,
ton Territory,'' as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1392,
of Garfield, conaty of Whitman, State of Washing
ton, has this dav filed in this office his swam stte
ment No. S483, "for tbetpurcbase cf the Nfi NW
lots 1 and 2 of Section No. 30 la Township Ho.
13 S, K No. 6 W, uid will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said laad before the Register and Re
ceiver of this-office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri
day, the 18th day of October, 1901.
- He aaraes as witnesses: William H. Gwina and
Frank L. Owinn of GarSeld, Whitman Co., Wash.,
B. F. Totten and Thomas Coon of Corvallis, Benton
Co , Oregon.
Any and all persons olainr ing adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this efltce on or before said 18th day of October,
1901. .. CHAa. B. M00B8,
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City Oregon, August 2, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of tha act af Congress si June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of ti:r laaris ia the
Statss of California, Oregon, Nevada avd Washing
ten Territory," as extended te all the f ubllc ind
States bv act f Au?!Ut. 1,
af GarSeld, county of erbitna). State of Washing
ton, has this day Sled in this office his sworn state
ment No. 5482, for 'he purchase of the Lot 3 of Sec
tion No. 3t, in Township No. 13, S, Range No. 6
W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 18th
day of October, 1901.
He names as witnesses: Theodore T. Orr and
Rank L. Gwinn, of Garfield, Whitman Co., Wach.,
B. F. Votten and Thomas Coon of Corvallis, Benton
Co., Oregon.
Any and all pereous claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their, claims in
this omce on or before said 18th da of October,
1901. v. . CHAS. B. afOORES,
Notice for Publication.
" CFfrrKL Btatts Land Omea,
Oregon City, Oregon, July, 1M1. .
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress f June 8, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tha
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the Pablie
Land States by act af August 4, 188J,
of GarleM, county of Whitman, State of Washing
ton, bas this day filed in this omce his sworn state
ment No. 6476, fur the purchase of B J4 ol 8W J,
ME i at NW $ and Lot 4 of Section No 30 in Town
ship Nc 13 South, Kange No 6 West, and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Friday, the IStli day of October, 1901.
Be names as witnesses: B. F. Totten. of Inavale,
Oregon, Abe Coon, of fuavale, Oregon. Thoe. Coon,
of Inavale, Oregon, Martin Butler, of Fern.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the abeve
described lands, are requested to file their elaims in
this office on -or before said 18th day of October,
C S-. - Register
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given te all persons interested
that the undersigned has keen duly appointed ad
ministrator af the, estate of Walter 8. Hobbs, de
ceased, by the county court of Benton oountr, Ore
gon, and bas duly qualified as"such administrator,
and all persons having claims against said estate are
hereby r&quired to present the same to the under
signed at the office of the Corvallis G azittk, In Cor
rallls, BeBton county, Oregon, with the proper
vouchers within six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 27th day of July. A D., Will.
h Administrator.
- Attorney for the Administrator,
P. T. Thomas, Sumptcrville, Ala., "I
was suffering from dyspepsia when I
commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. I took several bottles and can di
gest anything.!' Kcclol Dyspepsia Cure
is the only preparation containing ail the
natural digestive fluids. It gives weak
stomachs entire root, restoring their
natural condition. Giuliani & We'.ls.
The Great Scourge
Of modern times is consumption. Wauy
cures ana aiscovenes from lime to time
are published but Foley's Honey and Tar
does truthfully claim to cure ail cases in
tne early stages and always affords com
fort and relief in the very worst cases.
Take no substitutes. Graham & Wor
tham. Don't tie satisfied with temporary relief
from indigestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
permanently and completely removes
this complaint. It relieves permanently
because it allows the tired stomach per
fect rest. Dieting won't rest the stom
ach. Nature receives suopliei from the
food we eat. The sensible way to help
the stomach is to use Kodol DvsDensia
Cure, which digests what you cat and
can't h?lp but do yon good. Graham &
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Corvallis, Oregon
Established, Incorporated, 1E9S
The most complete line 1 of Pure Drugs aad
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Artlcla,
Combs, Brushes and If Irrora.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Pertcription Department,
T, A. JONES. Registered,
Special Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Uaiversl
ty, Indiana
Digests what yoa eat.
This preparation contains all of the
dlgestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. 1 1
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
Ift oan't heSp
but do yoa good
Prepared only by E. O. TjbWitt & Oo., Chicago
Toe 51- bottle contains times the 50c size.
Graham & Wells.
No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation,
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom land; price, $650. 4 miles
from Philomath.
No. 131 80 acreff, 25 in cultivation,
nice young orchard; fair buildings, 2
cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plow, cultivator, tools, etc.; also
furniture. This ia a good hill ranch and
is cheap at $700. G miles from town.
74 1C0 acres ; 30 in cultivation ; small
house; good barn and water; miles
from town; cheap at $1,5C0; en main
county read ; good pasture and timber.
US A good 7-roem house with one
h alf acre lot ; fruit, good water, 'chicken
houses and Sheds, price ,600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis postofflce.
Real Estate Agent,
Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
rtie first National Beak
M. 8
WOODCOCK, President.
MOOR. Vice-Preaident.
GEO. B. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loan Made
On all kinds of approved security, and
te bust
te encourage ana bnUd up tne lei
Titimate bus:
nest enterprises and industries of
Received subject to check payable om demand.
Foreign Exchange
Sight exchaore and translera sold avallabla la
the principal aiUac af England, Ireland, Switzer
land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spaia, Portueal, Ger
maay, Austria.
Letters of Credit
Issued available ia the principal cities oi the
TJnittd States. - . . - .
Principal Correspondents Upon Whcia Ti
Sell Sight Exchange
The Commercial National Bank f Chicago.
The First National Bank of Fortland, Oregon.
The Bank ef California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglc-Californiau Bank, Sou Francisco, Calif.
The National City Bank New York.
Tha Basic of Xew York National Banking- Asa'n.
fmnoiters & Trader's National Bank, New fork
Shoo and Leather National Bank of Boston, Maa
Philadelphia Xatioualftaukof Philadelphia, Fa
th most healing salve in the world.
White) f)oLiia w)
Portland-Astoria Route.
Daily Rcflnd Trips except Sunday.
lavc Portland 7 A. M.
Leave Astoria 7P.M.
Te Dalies Poniana Route
Vancouver, Cascade Locks, St.
Martin's Springs, Hood Rives,
White Salmon, Lyle, The Dalles.
time card.
Leave Portland 7
Arrive The DaHea 3 P- M.
Lav ' A a "
Arriva Portland -T. 1.
jw&dndav Tries a Lcadlne Feature.
49-Thia Route has the Grandest 6cenic Attrae-
. uons on Eartn.
Landing and Office: Foot of Alder Street.
Both Phones Main 351.
Portland. Or.
JOHN M. FIUOON, Agt. The Dalles.
A.J. TAYLOK, Agt. Astoria.
J. C 'Wyatt, Agt. Vancouver,
Prnther & Barnes, Acts, Hood River.
B. W. CHICHTON, Agt PaTtlaad.
Dentistry of cveir description In oral
olift manner, and ra-tisIBftlon guar-
Ofte ever rietolf 's frrwery store, 6ppo-4
tne post othce. corvnius. Oregon.
B. A. SATHEY, NH. 0.
Physician $ Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
ruR. -p,- J 10 to E n. tB.
Office Hours t & 4p. .
Residence! Corset College and 8th Su.
Telephone at office) abd residence.
orta'lia, - - Oregon
Office Corser 3rd and Monroe streets
Hocks 9 to 12: 2 to 5;. 7 o 8; 8un
day 9 te 10.
Eesidince Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone 815, at residence.
Ti i i i a Covbi AHCINd
Practice In isll State and Federal Court,
0l8c; intFirbt. National tkak BuUdinu,
E. R. Brysori
Corvallis, Ore"on.
Office in PCEteffice Bslieiss.
M In Wbitrhorn Block
Miis Mamie Smith. Middieiloro. Ky
writes: "Mv little sister bad the cronp
verv bad. leave her several doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar, and she was in
stantly relieved. It raved her life. Gra
ham & Wortham.
If the action of your bowe' not easv
and regular serious complications in net
be the final result. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers will remove this danger. Snfe,
pleasant andeffictive. Graham & Wells.
For Rent.
Will rent' 200 acres of land est ef
Monroe and take part payment of rent
In work and.improvementa on the place.
Address . M. S. Woodcock.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Call for Warrants.
, Notire is hereby given that there is
money in the treasury to pay city war
rant number 879 . for general fund, en
dorsed November 14, 1890. Also all city
street warrants- endorsed prior to Julv
10th, 1901. Interest will atop on the j
same from this date. Wm. McLaoan,
City Treasurer.
Dated Corvallis, Oregon, July 30, 1901.
Native Herbs.
Anyoko deeiring this great-blood puri
fier, may secure the same by calling on
or addressing
F. Kleckeb,
. Philomath, Or.
Trice tl per hex.
"James White, Bryantsville, Ind" says
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed ran
ning sores on both legs. He bad suffer
ed six years. Doctors failed to help him.
Get DeWitt's: Accept no imitations.
Graham A Wells.. '
Geo. C. Hinkcw k, Curtisa, Wis., "says:
"Foley's Kidney. Cure has been tested
and found to be all you claim for it. J
have given it to my father and it is the
only thiBg that ever helped him." Gra
L: nt & Woitham.
and union Pacific
Depart TIME SCHEDULES l Abhivx
for from Portland prom
Chirago- SaltLake, Denver, "
Portland Ft Worth, Omaha
Special Kansas City, Si. 4:30 p.m.
9.a'.n,' Louis, ChieagH
via Uun. Bnd East.
tington . .
Atlantic SaltLake, Denver,
Express Ft Worth, Omaha,
9 p.m. Kansas City, St 8 :'0 m.
via Hnn- Louis, Chicago and
tington. East - Walla Wall. LMr
Fast Mail 6 P
Sk"P aWnadUEa.t.ChiCa V
Through Pullman and Tourist S'eeren.
No change of cars. Tickets East via all
rail, or via boat and ran, viaromana
Ocean and River Schedule.
All sailing dates
subiect to cb&BW.
8 p. m.
For Ban FrftnciSAO,
4 p. m.
Sail every five days
Irora April xa.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. m.
Colombia River
4 p. m.
iTo Astoria & way-
10 p. m.
Water Permitting.
Steamer Ruth leayea Corvallis for Al
bany, Salem, Portland and ay Limn
ing", Monday, Wednesday and Friday
6:00 a.m.; returning, arrives Corvallis
abonn Midnight, Tuesday, ThnrMay too
A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pasa. Agent,
Corvallis & Eastern Rauraad
2 For Yaqutna:
Tram leaves Albany 12:80 p. m.
" Oorvallia 1 :40 p. m.
" arrive Yaqnina 5:55 p. w.
1 Returning: Yaquina.... 7:C0 a. .
Leaves Co-vallis.... 11:23 ft. to.
Arrives Ail-any .... 12:13 p. Ba.
3 For Detioit
Leaves Corvallis
13:00 p m.
Loaves Albany 1:SU p. B.
Arrives Deti oit .... 6:20 p. to.
1 Returning:
Leaves Detroit ....
Leaves Albany
Arrives Corvallis...
5:30 a. m.
10:30 a. sn.
II: 15 p. .
Trains 3 and 4 between Albany , and
Corvallia, TuesJuyfr. Thmedays and Sat
urdays enly. AlLotber trains daily
ept Biindar.
Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany la
time to connect with the 8. P. aoath
bound train, as v. ell as giving two cr
three honra in Albany befoie depirture
of S. P. north bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the 8. P.
west eide train at Corvallia CrossiBg tot
Independence, McMlnnville aid all
points nerth to Portland. ,
Edwix Stonb,
H. H. Cbonibe,
Alien t, Cervailia.
Southern Pacific CcmpaBT.
Trains leave Cci vallls for PcrBctid
fcr.d v. c.j tlnticLS et 1:20 s. IB.
L PitfUmul 8:a a m
Lv AlVanv 12:89 p m
Ar ABhlnwt 12:33 b m
A Sacramento,. .6 .fjO p n
Ar 8an Franvta-o. 7 :46 p m
11:3.. a
4:88 a sa
8.S0 a m
Ar Ogden. 6:45 p m
Ar Denver 9:00 a m
Ar KatiSiis City -7:26 a m
Ar Chicago 7 :65 a m
7 :.
Ar Loa Angeles -I !2Q p m
Ar El Faro 60 p tn
Ar Fort Wrth 6 :80 ft m
A i Pity of Mexico 0 :B5 a m
Ar Hotjhwik. 4 '60 a to
Ar New Orleans 6 :23 m
Ar Washington ..0:42 m
Ar New York. 12:43 p m
both trains. Chair ears Bacraaeat) t
Ogden and EI Paso, and Tends nrttt
GhimO, St Louis, New Or!eBI IM
Washington. -
eral eteaffigh!
China. Phili
Pep F. E. FAf'SlER. fgent GornEi
sution, or Address
C. n. SARKTUM. 0. t. A.
Physician Surgeon
: " I
Foley' 's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pacycgoqla,
Sutsciibe for thisjajtr.