THE CORVALLiS GAZETTE, TUBSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1901. SPRING 1901 STYLES -IN- Suits and Skirts. We haye now oa sale, and now Spring Suits & Dress Skirts 0r wait eompiise tlie newest ond kt of the late creations such as rout and WoHro effsots and postillion backs. New style skirts are also shown and jackets too The prie ol our suits range from $8.00 S, E Young & Son, Af&aay, Oregon. 10CAL MEWS. , Sjrifford issum jaerin at the J- J coast. S. Chapman and wife returned from tha coast, Friday, having en ' joyed an anting of a couple of weeks. Does your wateh or jewelry need repairing? If so, take it toE.P. Greffoz, the jeweler. All work war ranted. Attorney W. E. Yates, accompa nied by Prof. J. B. Horntr, returned Saturday evening by private con vevance from a ten days visit to Newport. About 2 a. m. Friday morning the inaehine ehep aad residence of Louis Minch were burntci m Aioanr Mr. Minch savs $5,000 would not cover hia loss. S. L. Kline arrived in Corvailie, Friday, having spent Bix weeks in San Francisco visiting with his family. Mr. Kline reports his fain ily all well, and that they will likely visit this place tn October. Word baa reached this city to tha effect that I. R. Daniel has ao cepted a position as conductor on a street car line in . roruana. ue has many friends in this city who hone that he may be successful in his metropolitan undertaking. Frank Ward, a member of th eraduatina class of '01, OAO, came over from his Linn county home Friday. He has accepted a situa tion at the druz store of Allen & Woodward, and ' will commence work today. ,. It ha3 been learned that the Johnaoo-Rflonie party reaohed Seal Rocks and established their catr,p3 unmolested. Jhey are en- tertaining their many visitors on a grand scale. It is reported that Post matter Johnson had a violent spell ol cramps, the result of dab hline his feet in the water of bliss. Last Thursday, August 15tb, Mr. Augustus Loersdon, of filt. View; and Mies Anna 0. Vesg, of Albany, were united in marriage at the borne of the bride's pareate on sec ond street, Albany, Toe wdding was attended by relatives of the contracting parties. Rav; L. My ron Boozer, at this city, officiating, MrJ. Lessa Scafford returned, Friday, from Independence, where she had been to attend the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Scaffold. Mrs. James Bcafford died, Wednesday, at her home a couple of miles from Indpendence, and the funeral occurred Thursday. Death was caused by a co n plication of deceases. A very dainty wedding diuner was served at the conclusion of the ceremony. The newly married couple were the recipients of nu merous and valuable presents. Mr. and Mrs. Logsdon left Albany in the evening for Portland for a short visi t, after which they will re side on the Logsdon far in, six miles north f Corvallis. Friday, Sheriff Burnett receivod a communication from the -Harry N. Morse Detective Service informing . him that there was a reward of $250 offered for one Warren How ard Kerriaghan. Said Kernaghan was acting as local cashier of the Pacific States Telegraph Co., in Se nttle, and absconded, leaving a shortage of $5,000 in his accounts. in !. l . no - r I ue man bol):jui -j years ui agffj 6 feet 3 inches tall; weight, about 165 pounds; light hair and fair c3mplexiou; blue eyes, sharp fea tures aad smooth taoe; stands erect and has rather a swinging- carriage. From the report of Supt. Den- man, filed with State Superintendent Ackerman, it is learned tuat in Benton county there are 1,233 male persons between the age of 4 and 20 year j ; 1,195 females between the same ages; male pupils enrolled on the school books, 890; female pupils enrolled 904. There are 23 male and 74' female teachers employed There are 25 male and 33 female teachers holding state Certificates The remainder of the teachers hold 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade certificates, Too tatal number of days of attend anoe during past school year was 616,423. Number of legal voters, 1.820. Number of Echoel bouses 60. W. A. Sanders, tub-watchmaker. Neal V. Murray jyas a passenger to Newport' Saturday. ' -, ' J. II. Harris and family are en joking a several.weeks visit at Now port. ... " Miss Rytle Gatch of Salem, ar rived Friday on a visit With hor iiratidmolher, Mrs. T. M. Gatch. The next meeting of tho State Horticultural Society will be held n this city the second Tuesday in January, 1902. Walter Bartges, formerly con ductor on the C. & E.. passc-d through Corvallis last week. He is now assistant conductor on thaS.P. Mies;8 Grace Scott and Elizabeth Schooling returned from Newport, Thursday. Mies Schorling left fur her homo at Tns Dalles, Friday. Mis3 Vanche Dickinson arrived in Corvallis, Friday, and was the guest of Mrs. Taylor. Porter until Saturday, when sho procoedod to Independence, her home. She had been spending a couple of weeks at the seashore. A rumor, which is bsing circula ted with all circumBtlnce and de tail, states that a double wedding is to ojcur shortly In Portland, and that Corvallis will supply ft bride for an Eastern Oregon groom, aud a groom for a Portland bride. It is expected that the clover hul- ler recently ordered by J. R. Smith & Go. for Kiger & Harding will arrive this week. This will will be the first clover hnller ever brought to this country. It will oost between $500 and $600, Gal. Thrasher completed a four weeks canvass of the country be tween Corvallis and the coast and returned ' home Friday. During that period he wrote 40 policies in the Oregon Fire Relief association, which company fce represents. Proofs of the Benton county sou venir have been read aad returned for correction and it is believed that the work will be completed and shipped to Corvallis in a week or ten days. The proofs give indica tion of work cf the highest quality. . Last Friday, O. L. McOIun, of Nebraska, purchased the Eunson place of 80 acres, about 3 miles south of Philomath, for $2,500 cash. Mr. McClun will take possesion with his family about October 1st. The eale was made by Henry Ambler. Sulpkuf Springs, Era. Frank Lilly is visiting rela tives near Monroe. Miss Sarah Jacobs wont over to the coast yesterday. Sunday, Miss Agnes Klecker re turned to her home in Portand. . Carl Hodes and wife, and the family of D. D. Berman wer3 New port passengers Monday. Im nense bargains in broken lines of Ladies, Misses and Child rens Shoes aad oxfo.'ds -for this month only. Nolan & Calahan. Wednesday mornins carnentera will begin taking the kinks out of bany attorney, and others from the 8 bridge across tho mill race! neighboring tbtvns of the valley. south ot town and travel over this structure will be iuterupted until next Sunday. When the work is completed tue distance from this city to Monroe and way points will ba materially shortened. Mr. JVC. Griffith of North West Missouri wa3 here last week find called oa Morgan & Robinson who showed him some choice farms. He is well pleased with the country and departed Sunday for home. He will sell out and return to Cor- This popular Benton coapty resort is being: well patronized this samtnerand is under the management of the Owner, T. C. Baker. The accomodations for campers and boarders are first- i class. . , On last Sunday were found camped here the families of Wm. Crees, A. Locke, Thomas White- horn aad James Fletf, of Corval lis, and N. M.MsTewport, the Al- i OUR PRICES A party of ' Corvillis .young' people, consisting of Misses L,il- j ly, McDaniel, Maugus, and! Groshofig, Messrs. Metzer, Bier, Porter afld Clark, made the trip by team aad their deport meat was becoming to residents of Corvallis. They seemed to have a jolly time. Some alarm was manifested in camp while they were taking ..their lunch, occasioned by ." the poppln? of vau as oon a pogaiuie enu locaie corkS) Dut Up6n Investigation Here. " i tins was tnnnfi .iA rw onlw nnitt j bottles of soda!, water furnished Pacific Co. will make a rate of one by genial Jim Bier, of the Car fare for the round trip, from all its vallis Soda Wofks. They drove Stations in Oregon, to Salem and re turn and it is to be hoped that everyone who can do so will show bis appreciation by taking advan tage of opportunity to pass a few days pleasantly and profitably at.our State Capital. The Oregon State Fair at Salem, September 23rd to 28th, 1901, in- lusive, promises to ie me nest mis cam ids in a satisiactorv manner. year, that has yet been held. New fea- j. v tures for amusement and instruct. w,., t. , :y ion have been added, and particular railroad man, was here with his attention will be given to the Stock family and a large sized Camera, Exhibit, owing: to the great and Sunday, and took snap shots of constantly increasing interest in every moving; object, dairying throughout the state. . . - . . J. B. McMillan, of Knox county Mr. Tohn ' Wiles; of Wells, last Mo., arrived in Corvallis Thursday can1av m-ip fif.ra!,;rtn v,.;T1(T Wn ZZluZ ' vw' nearly four soore years of nurchasinsa suitable nlace. Frl- ac 13 xcmarsauiy wcu preserv- t. . b . . v, i ,i.n.t.. tt: riav he was shown a S1U.UUU farm tM) utan;. iii3.uii listed by Morgan& Robinson whioh drea and grandchildren had met pleased him highly. He -left Sat- at.-the-Springs, and prepared" a. urdav for his horns in Missouri, sumptuous dinner, consisting of Upon his arrival there no win con- spring chickens,' ice creamy: and Friday evening, the crew of the OAC thrashisg machine completed the task of thrashing some oats, vetches and grasses for M. S. Woodcock. The authorities at the college desired to do this in srder that they might obtain some of the seed for use on the college farm next year. ... suit his partner about purchasing this Benton county pioperty, and it is possible that gentleman will come here to inspect the place ba fore the deal is clossd. -' Thanks to the efforts' of Supsrin tendent Denmah and Rev. Waggon er the neoeesary runci nas oeen raised to secure the coursa of lee tures mentioned! in our lsst issue. Tho course will open with an ad dress by Dr Thomas A. Boyer on i' rom spdbu to 4Vu per weefc is the neat sum distributed among the farmers of Benton eonnty for batter fat brought to the Oorvalhs creaaa- ery. Manager Kaubisch informs ns that he ships from 1800 to 2000 pounds cf butter fat to Pertland eaoh week for whioh fee pays the farmer w cents per pound. Writing to tho Gazbttb from Lake View, Kansas, under date of AucnstHtb, F. H. Bruce makes inquiry concerning the opportunity far seourirtg work in this section. Mr. Brnne who is a farmer, has lost heavily n acoonftt of the dry season in Kaunas and intends eeffl- ingto Orlgon with his wife and five children, the oldest a girl of 16. Mr. C. A. Gardner of Albany afld Miss Maggie A. Custer of Phuo math were united in marriage Sat urday Aug. 17,1901, at the United Evangelical parsonage. Rev. L. Myron Boozer officiating. They were attended by Mr, Wm. Todd and Miss Ethel Newton.-- Two brothers and a sister of the groom were present. Mies Caster is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. F Ouster of Philomath. Mr. acd Mrs. Gardner departed for Albany where they will reside; r:.'.,-.. William n. . Beach, of Qregqn City, and Mies Nettie Harlan, of this city, were united in wedlock last Wednesday, in this city, Judge Woodward officiating. Mr. Jtseach graduated at OAC with ths class of 99. He was coach of the ladies basket ball team of OAC during the seaEon of '99 and CO, and dar ing the existence, of the t?am it was never defeated. At present Mr. Beach is foreman tn one of the departments of the - Oregon City Wao'en Mills. Mis Harlan ir an estimable young - lad and has many friends in Corvallis, Im- mediately after the marriage th young couple took their departure for Oregon City. Friday a citation was issued by the county court to the heirs of th estate of Thomas Eglin, deceased, yhey are cited to appear before sai4 court on the zna day ot arptemoer, 1901, to . show cause, it any there be, why an order should tot be made authorizing anti empowering the executors of said, estata to. sell the real property of said estate. The property they desire to sell consists of lots 7 and 8, blk 10; north half 'of lot 1 (except 25 feet square on the west end of said lot), lot 2 and west half of lot 3, in blk 18, City of Corvallis. The .purpose of selling this property is for the payment of expenses, ehargea and claims now existing- against said estate. down in the cofll of the mornin? arid returned t'Just as the sun went down." jThs party was chaperoned fey Miss Hettie Lilly. It is said that William Crees is tBa Only man; in evidence dar ing the week wfio looks after the interests Of the ladies of the K03ST ALL' SXTMMEK w ' ISt WILL BE xfim ON THE it hi it v :v ' 1 ' i -v Y " A FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS. MEJSTS THAT Fifty-Ceat Shirt Waist at....... Seventy-Five-Cent Shirt Waists at... Dollar Shirt Waist at.. Dollar Fifty Shirt Waists at...: Two Dollar Shirt Waist at 25c 3Sc 50c 00 "5TOTT CAN GET -A. Fifty-Cent Crash Skirt at 25c Seventy-Five-Ccnt Crash Shirt 38c Dollar Crash Skirt Skirt at 50c Dollar Fifty Crash Skirt at.... Two Dollar Crash Skirt at This 750 1 00 Suits at $2 50 -Suits at $2 00 is a Geiiaine .Bargain Sale, so come early and get first choice as they will not last lOflg ' . - at these prices. Five Dollar Crash Four Dollar Crash KIvINE'S WHITE HOUSE noon. His visit here was for the 79th birthday., - f Mr. Wiles, al- all the good things of life, and when he was driven over from his farm at noon he was inform ed that they were celebrating his birthday. A pleasant hour was spent .at) the table in relating pioneer remmiscenses of the days of '45,. in foasts,T aad the render ing of recitations by Mr. Wiles' grandchildren,: Francis and Clar ence. Uncle Tohn said he 'felt "What time is it, and. where arailike.ha wouldtJivejUxbfi.a ;eens we?" Jay William Hudson will be tenariaa, and rt is honed , by his Beard twice during tne series, nis many tnends that lie may saoieois Deing . "ino JtieroeB 01 tne A Tight Squeeze. Goldeh age." and "Ramble3 in the I Land of Shakespeare. ' Pr. Wil liam Radir will follow with an ad- dress on "Uncle Sam," while W. L, I Gaston wilrolose the program abeut I Dscember 1st. -His topic will be j "Yosemite." It is remarkable what time and patience may accomplish. In the contest for a pair of shoes recently closed at Kline's, Mrs. Jas. Dunn performed a feat which 6eem al most incredible. Upon One tide of an ordinary postal card, Bhe wrote tne words "Oneen quality $3.00 sheas for ladies" 640 times. Every letter is perfectly formed and the work is neatly done. To the naked eye the card appears to have traced ifl the 9Q&& Rifling to ge out T , "Tl j f l "rls ' sotne logs, ana tBey wcnTtakiog : 6 Tve, a a. the less off of a hillside. A book Oummings, of Halsey. wrote the was made fast 0; a log in ordSr mnTAa Rl)M I meg m-hih Mrs C! hna lO roll 18. OUl uv na ucu, f icia Yonsiff of this city took third place was standing just below the log, with 569. : , asl whea il was &iven a half if at weekl roll, it suddenly ssua alound hose eomoanies 1 and 2 cave an im- as tasa?:h on a i pivob. Tha end itation of an eld time Fourth of of tae swinging log struck Frea July contest by racing frem . the and winched hitn against another crossing in front of the postoffiee to h60. oqo& aad;. hard. Itsfrnck tae nydrant at the nans corner, &im aboat the waist aad it seems J." IZIVT, that &e oms his escape to ,:?,f XT- fact tHat his watch, acted as a BAAa ti.a 5;J sort of relief a his.b&dj and tur Tho rwotrvfcor. kf itio latto Sea his in sttcn a fJiatiner that team kcknowliffed the earn, bnt were he was not seriously injured willing to wager the ice cream that He was given a terrible squeeze No. 2 couldn't duplicate the feat and his body was rendered black That company accepted the chat- and blue In sevef&l places. lenge. and last Friday evening an- Mr. O&ersr states that the other race occurred under the .same tTia efimftftn-? sre Fred Oberer .came up from Tampico, ; Saturday morning. He states that; tie mm of the Charter Oak Mill running continuously, although with a light force at present. The rea soa of, the forte being light is explained" by the fact that many ef the mes ;in the employ of the company were obligeS to quit mill work in order to harvest their crops. . One day last week Mr. Ooerer ha4 qaita a arrow escape from being" seriously hart. He was animal as eonia be obtained fi am experiments plnmonary tuber cn losis. The one is feasible hi cause it does not endaaer Ufe. Becaose the other does, 1 is re garded as imprac&ble. T&e yolanteers av. been in necalated witB the germs obtain-1 ed from infected cows. Tfieir esnditioa a few weeks hence it is I thought will definately sllowifi Dr. Koch's tneory is correct. Dr. Rielly ia speaking of tSis expsriment said ssveral offers hava been ebSained from persons willing to subject thesaselves to inoculation with the rasre serioas species ef bovine tuberculosis,' but that, fortunately, these offers will aot need te Be accepted. Oae volunteer, who hailes from Michigan, offered Eiimself as a subject without requiring an an nuity for his family. The pro posal was referred to the corpora. Hon Council's effiee and preolpi- tatea a discisssioa of the liability of the city for damages ia case of fatal termination to tho test. Corporation Conacil Walker finally advised the health officials not to accept tha Michigaa man's offer. ; The city woald be held responsible, Mr. Walker said, for tae aeata f tae subject. ENTON COUNTY LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers of all kinds of- Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber . . m CARLOAD SLOTS"" " NYARDS AT CORVALLISv- Corner of 5th and Washington Streets. For prices enquire at yards or address the company at Corvallis or Philomath, Oregon. fiJob Printing x jfjF ' : at this office W very bright, They are eutttnf considerable hard wood and there is a good market for it. It seems that there Is a steady demand tor hard wosd. : V: Will be; Tested. Additional Local. The Black Cat.. - Go to Zierolf 'e for Alsaa honey. Royal fruit jars, the best thing going, at Zierolf e. Big bargains in all sumni er goods at Nolan & Callahan's. Big special 25 per cent off on all summer goods at Kline's. For extra heavy draper duck go to Nolan & Callahan's. Our Own washing powder 5 pounds for 25cts at Zierolf'e. The very best washing . pawder, "Our Own," at Zlerolf's. Five pounds for a quarter. v Broken lines of men's fine sfioes worth from $3.50 to $6 going at $2.50. , Nolan & Callahan. Jelly glasses, "Royal" fruit jars, etc., at Zierolf 's. . Remember onr reduotion and remnant salt -.will 'close Saturday, August 31st., Nolan & Callahan. For Sale. . Four-room cottage and two lots, near S. P. depot. Inquire oi W. C. Corbett, Corvallis; Or. Wanted cenditions, No. 2 getting water in 25 seconds, and No. 1 in 27 sec onds. : :- - " Bert Willis acoompanied by Mis wife and Mr. and Mrs. Silsby were passengers to Newport yesterday. Bsrt was formerly a popular OAC student, but is now a Southern Ore eon railroad man. Mr. Silsby is an engineer on the Roseburg devis- Dr. Koch's theory that bovine ion. Speaking of the destructiGnUaSrcuies!g oaatot be communi st the train or eleven cars near caei to hmnan belega -19 now uianqaie, oaturaay, ir. oiisay hia. tested under tha direction r XLll X, m, CM8 HeaUh Depart i' .i uiav- ftv. ment. aavesai men are now A a nMifl ; ti,a MHiM f th; t.rnin undergoing the expenmeni of crew, who were all in the caboose, nocniatioa nnaer tha direction t To trade, a pair of work horses ia good condition, for 300 bushels of oats, deliv ered. Apply at my ranch, near Monroe. ' ... '. - . . . J. W. "Walters, was miraculous. That car was blown to pieces. The fireman owed his life to the merest accident.- At the sta tion just beyond where the explo sion occurred ho intended climbing upon the oil car just in the rear of the cars of dynamite. Ia a spirit of iun some. friends held him until the car passed and he cot on the caboose. " - Dr. Reilly, acting commisioner ef health.' - The experiment is mafle with skin . tuberculosis lusus--form of the desease waiclJi is curable ana controlable. - Jast as satisfactory a test, it is assert ed by Dr. Reilly, can be seenred bv inoculation of the fiumaa be. ing tfiti ihe bacilln9 from the', be sold. ; HKRiZEST Will soon be oyer afld you are probably thinking of purchasing a watch or some piece of iewely or silverware. Call and see my stock. I can give yon good bar gains at prices that are very low. . - E. P. GREFFOZ, The Jeweler. Mid-Summer Excursion to Newport There will be a chartered excursion train leave Albany for Newport and retnrn, Sunday. August 25. Train will leave Al bany at 6 :3U a. m. ; Oorvallis, 7 :00 a. m. ; returning, leave Newport 7:00 p. m. Kateg from .Albany and Corvallis to Newport and return $1.75 ; Philomath to Summit, inclusive, to .Newport and re' turn, $1.50; Summit to Elk City, inclu sive, to Newport and return, $1.00; west of Elk City, 75 cents. Tickets and passes ot U. & li. issue will not be honored on this trian. Tickets on sale by Geo. Irvine, also H. H. Cronise, agent C. & E. Everybody eo aud enioy a day at the seaside. Unly a limited number ot tickets will Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House P aicerv AND RESTAURANT7 Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and suts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. I H. W. HALL, Proprietor. LXpflHSillll Men's- and Bovs GLOTH Owing to tiie fact that we will have tlie largest and best stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing that ever came to Corrallis this Fall, we will have to expand our cloth ing room. Therefore we will sell all remaining clothing At a Liberal Discount 15 Per Cent Oar. new clothing will he the well-known Hart; Shaft ner t . Marx Brand; best clothing on earth at the prica w Lb