Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 20, 1901, Image 2

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No lnaa occupying a sinilir
positon has possessed the confi
dence of the Ammcan pe.ipL' in
so large a measure as Archbishop
Ireland. He is an earnest, p;i- (
triotic man, fully understanding
and ardently attached to Amen-: 8
can institutions, and quick to see
any assault upon the inherent !
and lawful rights of any cass ot
citizens. .
Speaking recently concerning i
striKes, ne saia:
To employeB entering willingly a
strike the matter is one of iheir own per
sonal concern. nnd others have bnt to
concede lo them thsir wrsnu 11 right to
act in sujIi cn iaiicr il.f-y Men
are the masters of their haudrf an 1 their
labor; the liberty is thairs to work or
not to work, provided they understand
the consequences that follow, and resolve
to accept and endure such consequences.
Bnt while the neui to enter upon a
Btrik u and must bs conceded ai a rilit
beloJuiri to the personal freedom of the
workingmcn, this must be ever demand
el and in the name of the same princi
ple of freedom under w hich the men re
fuse to work that their desire to cease
to work must in 110 way interfere with
thj liberty of others Who may wish to
work. The Constitution and the laws
authorize it; the spirit of the country
proclaims it; the prosperity of the pea-
pie, the very life of the nation, require
it. Neither state nor fellow-citizen may
interfere with my parsoual liberty. This
Is the very core of Americanism. This
ia the Uaching of National and Christian
ethics: -
This 19 a clear, forcible and
comprehensive statement of the
tights of workmgmen in the
premises. Were it recognized
and obserbed by the labor unions
strikes would never be character
ized by any sort of violence,
There would be no reason to fear
destruction of property, loss of
life and acts of lawlessness,
Strikes would be of less frequent
occurrence and strikers would of-
tener obtain J their obiects. Yet
in spite of such teachings as
Archbishop Ireland's, in face of
the In a Hparlv (vnriiitinpri h
our courts, regardless of the fact
that they have been punished by
fine and imprisonment for un
lawful interference with the
ngnts 01 otner workmen aesinng
to continue at work, the first act
of striking unionists is to force
nofi.union men to quit work and
join the union. People who have
nevel witnessed large strikes can
but illy comprehend the indig
nities heaped upon the man who
refuses td join the strikers. Go
ing to and returning from his
work he is beset at every step by
the strikers. He is forcibly de
tained, argued with, threatened,
and berated. As the conditions
become more'intensified he is as
sailed, and often badly injured.
It is a common thing for the
women of the strikers t& join
their husbands and brothers in
these assaults on the "scabs,"
and they are generally experts in
the use of vile epithets, stale
eggs, decayed fruit and brick-,
bats. Of course, this soon leads
to riot, which often requires the
stern action of the military to
suppress. ' The mass of Ameri
can mechanics and workmen do
not engage in riot and riotous
conduct. Read the names of the
killed and wounded after a fight
with the police and soldiers and
you will rarely find one that has
bjen Americanized.
It is to be deplored that labor
unions which Jiave been power
ful instrumentalities in compell
ing recognition of the rights of
labor, and in bettering the condi
tion of the working man, should
ever pursue a Course which must
inevitably end in riot and blood
shed. Denouncing trusts formed
bp capital, labor has formed a
. trust mere exacting, more imper
ious, more domineering, more
cruel in its methods than any
ever attempted by capital. La
bor, unions are rapidly . becoming
the laboring man's greatest ene
my. Even now scores of the
most skilled and intelligent
American mechanics either refuse
to become members of them, or
firmly decline to follow them in
any unlawful practice. They see
that too often the unions deserve
to be, and are justly denounced
as foes to the working man's
best interests, un-American in
t&eir purposes and utterly de
. structive of his rights as a free
The words of Archbishop Ire
land will influence hundreds of
men either to come out of the
unions or to labor to place them
on a right basis, and conduct
them in full recognition of the
inherent rights of other men,
whether capitalists or laborers.
Try this Office for Job Work.
Taberaacle Meeting.
Rev. C. C. Pol ins, D., of
Dallas, will open the United
Evangelical Tab;rrncle Meeting
Saturday eyeniisg, August 24th.
The bi tent will b located on
tBs lot east of the church, and
will b? comfortably seited and
well lighted. Rev. Po'inz will
preach Saturday
e.cnin-' at 8
o'clock, Sunday mir;;:-,i4'
ju the afternoon at i.
ot 11,
and at
in the eves iny.
Rev. D. M. Mdzer. A. M
avid Rev. S.J. Lindsay, oflnde-
pendeuce, wiil arrive the first of
next week -to assist ia these
meetings. Let all come and en-
ioy these mid-summer services
Real Estate Transfers.
A E Laws to W M Robinson,
deed to ia8 acres, T 12 S, R 5
W; $ 1,920.
E Mnlkey to I D Pittman, 80
acres near Blodgett; $50.
John ZAs to M Ek. Ice Plant
and land containing; sams:
The Astoria Co. toC&ERR
Co. deed to Depot Grounds; $735.
B F Ellsworth to J B AcAully,
acres near Philomath; $800.
All kinds of boxes at the Cor
vallis sawir.iil.
Fresh Alssa honey' at Zieroif's-
Two pounds for 25c.
Bar your harvesting outfit at
Nolan & Callahan's.
Hart, Schaffnei & Marx clotht6
for dressy men, at S. L- Kline's.
,!Oar Own," cheapest Bnd best
wafbing ponder, 5 pouuds for 25c
at Zieroif's.
Broken lines of ladies', misses' and
children's shoes at re nnant prices.
Nolan & Callahan.
15 per cent off on all oar men's
o'oihing to make room for oil.- large
fctll order At Kline's.
Our remnant and odds and ends
sale will continue until our nsw Fall
stock arrives. Nojan & Callahan.
To Let.
Mrs. V. Espy has a suite of 3 or 4
furnished rooms to let. They are suita
ble for small family or young lady stu
dents who desire to board themselves,
and contain, among other things, a
kitchen range and a'fireplace. For par
ticulars call at residence in this city.
Farm for Sale.
R. B. Blodgett ofiers for .sale his 570
acre stock farm, one-half mllo from Blod
gett, Oregon.
Lost Valises
Lost, Monday, August 12th, on the
road somewhere between Albany and
Airlie, a russet leather valise, about
8x16x22 inches, with nickel finishings.
Slightly worn. It contained. papers and
pocket book of value only to the owner.
A liberal reward Will be paid for its re
turn to me at Airlie, Or.
A. J.'Jounson.
House to Rent.
Good 5-room house; barn, and 2 acres
of ground. Situated one mile from post
office. Would rent -for one year.
For particulars enquire of
' W. G. Lane.
If you are sick all over, and doa'tknow
just what ails you, it's ten to one your
kidneys are out of order. Foley's Kidney
Care will bring you health and energy.
Graham & Wortham .
Government Laud.
Parties desirous of locating on govern
ment land should see
J. W. Webeep.,
Angora, Or.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the Qsdersigrneii lias
been appointed admiDidtratcf of the estate of J. E.
A. RobiBEon, deceased, by the Ceunty Court f the
State of Oregon, for Benton oumty. All persons
having claims against said -estate are hereby re
quired to present the same to the undersigned
properly verified as by law required at the office of
0. W. Da?i?, in Philomath, Oregoc, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated July 2, 1991.
Administrator of the estate of J. E. A. Re bin -
son, de-je&jed.
Mr, E. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes:
He was troubled with, kiduoy disease
about three years. Had to get up sever
al times during the night bnt three bot
tles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a
complete cure, he feels better than he
ever did and recommends it to his friends
Graham & Wortham.
Administrator's Notica.
Notice ishcrtby given tall persons iuteretted
that the undersigned hae been duly appointed ad
ministrator of tho estate of Walter 8. Hobbs de
ceased, by the county court of Benton county, Ore
gon, and has duly qualified as such administrator,
and all persons having claims against ssid estate are
hereby required to present tho same to the under
signed at the office of the Corvallis Gazette, in Cor
vallis, Benton county, Oregon, with the proper
vouchers within six months from the date hereof
Dated this 27th day of July, A. ., 1901.
- Administrator.
Attorney for tho Administrator. -
r?. r y -w
ruicy s tiuney ana iar
- . .V. . J 7 ,
for cbildren,safe,sure. No opiates,
Importer of -
Higbgrade Pianos, Organs pnd Small
Instruments of all descriptions.
1 -e-7
J - fS1? -Tr?-& 4. -231
The Celebrated
Needham Pianos and Organs
. Which have become famous for their
beauty of tone, superior action and great
durability. . ' -
We invite comparison of our pricep,
quality considered, with those of other
firms, Call and examine "our goods or
write for catalogue.
Office and residence one block west of
Court House.
SEPTEMBER 23-28, 'Ql
Good Racing in
Latest Attractions in New Au
ditorium Building Every Ev
ening, with Good Music.
Beautiful Camp Grounds Free,
Special Rates on Campers'
Tickets. Come and Bring
Your Families.
Reduced Rates en aS9 Railroads
For further particulars add'ees
M. D. WISDOM, Sec, Portland
Notice for Publication.
Land Omcs at Okecos City, Oeecox,
Augusts, 1981
Kotice is hereby given that the fellowing-named
settlor has filed notica of his intention to make tiual
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of county,
at Ccrvaili?, Oregon, on September 10, 1931, viz:
H. E. No. 11942, for the E. i n S. E, Sec. 18, T,
11 J;, 117 W.
He names the following WitnesseF to prore his
ciidnuous residence upon and euitiraiion of said
lano, viz:
Albert Needham and Charles A. Baldwin of Sum
ait, Oregon, Albert Wisehnofsky, of Blodgett, Oro
ffon. Chris Germansen, of Albany.
OKA'S. B. S400RES,
, ltcgister.
Sotico for Publication.
United States Land OffIce,
Oregon Oity, Oregon, Aujrust 2, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provi?inns of the act of Congress of June S. 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oreeron, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4. 102,
of Garfield, county of Whitman, State of Washing
ton, bas this day filed in. this office his sworn state
ment No. 5483, for thelpurchase of the NE NW
lots and 2 of Section No. 30 in Township Ho.
13 S, R No. C W, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than fer agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the. Register and -Ue-ceirer
of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri
daj tho 18th day of October, 1001.
lie names as -witnesses: William H. Gwinn and
Frank L. Owinn of Garfield, Whitman Co., Wash.,
B. F. Totten tnd Thomas Coon of Corrallisi Benton
Co , Oregon.
Any and all persons adversely the above
described lands are requested to' file their claims in
this cfiico on or before said 18th day of October,
1901. CIIAi. B. MOORS, '
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oreeon City Oresron, Aasast 2. 1
, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Pubiig Land
States by act of Augikt4, 192,
of GarfieM county of Whitiran, State of Washing
ton, has this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 5482, for "he purchase of the Lot 3 of Sec
tion No. 30, iu Township No. 13, S, Range No. 6
W, and 'frill offer proof to show that tha land toupht
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agritultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 15th
day of October, 1901.
lie names as witnesses: Theodora T. Orr and
F ank L. Gwinn, of Garfield, Whitman 0, Wash.,
B. F. Totten and Thomas Coon of Corvallis, Benton
Co., Oregon.
Asy and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this offico on or before said 18th da of October,
1901. CHAS. B. ilOORES,
-' ' . Register.
Notice for Publication.
x United States Land Opfjcb,
Oregon City, Oregon. July, 26, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in cumplUace with tha
provisions of the act of Cungreis of Juno 3, 1S78,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,- eitd Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all tha Public
Land States by act of Aurust 41592,
oi Oar Held, county of Whitman, Statoof Washing
tea, has this day filed in this office hia sworn state
ment No. 6476, for the purchase of E ot SW J,
sfi i of NW i and Lot 4 of Section No 30 in Town
ship No 13 South, Ranga No 6 West, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than, for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land bsfora the
Register and Receiver of thi3 omce at Oregon City,
Orearon, on Friday, the 18th day of October, 1901.
Be names as witnesses: 8. F. Totten, of Inavale,
Oregon, Abe Coon, of Inavalo, Oregon, Thos. Coon,
of Inavale, Oregon, Martin Butler, of Fern.
, Any and all pcrons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to fits their claims in
this office on or before said 18th day of October,
1901. . . CUAS. B. MOORES,
s -. . Register
" irr. sr
roiey s ivianev ure
. . "i .j . ,y . . ...
makes kidneys and bladder right
The greatest skin specialist in At erica
originated the formula for Banner Salvo.
1-or all skia diseases, all cuts or fores,
ami for piles, it's tha most healing tnedi-
nr.e. .Beware of substitutes, uraham
& Wortham.
Mr. t. J. Baxter, of North Brook,
N. C, fays he suffered with piles for 15
years.;;" He tried many remedies with no
results until he used DeVTllt's Witch
Hasel Salve and that, quickly cured
in. Graham & Wells. '
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Lit
tle Eariy Iti38rs compel your liver and
bowels" to do their duty, thus giving yon
re, rich blood to recuperate your body.
Are easy to take. Never cripe. Gra-
tarn & Wells.
Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johustown, Pa.,
says: " Our little girl almost strangled
to death with croup. The doctors -said
she couldn't live bnt 6he was instantly
relieved by One Minute Cough Cure.
Graham & Wells.
In cases of. cough or croup give the lit
tle one One Minute Cough Cure. Then
rest easy and have no fear. The child
will be all right in a little while. It
never fails. ' Pleasant to take, always
safe, sure and almost instantaneous in
effect. Graham & Wells.
Question Answered
Yes, Aueust Flower still has the
largest sale of any medicine in the
civilized world. Your mother and
eiandmothers never thought of
using anything else for lndigostiou
of biliousness. Doctors were scarce
and they -seldom heard of appen
dicitis, neryoua prostration or heart
failure, etc. They-used August
Flower to cleanse out the system
and stop fermentation of undi
gesttd food K regulate, the action of
the liver, stimulate the nervous and
organic action of the system, and
that is all they, took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few
doss of Green's August Flower, in
liquid form, to make you satisfied
there is nothing Ferious the matter
with you. Get Green's Prize Alma
nac. Graham & Worthaai.
Eruptionp, cuts, bums, scalds and sores
of all kintfs quickly healed by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salye. Certain cure for
piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be .sure
you get the original De"Witt's. Gra
ham & WoH's.
"I had a running sore on my breatt fr
over a tear," eays Henry R. Richards, of
"Willseyvil'e, N. Y., "and tried a great
many remedies, but ot no relief until 1
used Banner Salve. After usingone-half
box, I was perfectly cured. I cannot re
commend it loo highly.'' Graham" &
Wortham. ,
O. O. Bnck, Beirne, Ark., eays: 'I
was troubled with constipation until I
bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Since then I have been entirely cured of
my old complaint. I recommend them .
Graham & Wells.
Our CIufcb3nar List.
Subscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can
obtain tha following papers in combination sub
scriptions with tha GAZETTE, at the very lovt
prices stated below; cash in ath ance always to ac
company the order. Those wishing two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, will please
correspond with this office and we will quote you
the combination price. We can save yon money on
nearly all publications you desire. .
The abbreviations below are explained as follows:
W, foi weekly; S W for semi-weekly; T W, for tri
weeklyt M, fur monthly; S M, for semi n onthly.
The first price represents the subscription rate of
the publication alOHc, and J the second the rate for
the publication offered in conjunction with the
semi-wcbklv GAZETTE. --
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Po.'t
land, Or., S.W., 50 cents; 5180.
Oregonian, Portland, Or., W., $1.EQ; 2.55.
Rural Spirit, Portland, Or, Contains a live-stock
market report, W., 52.00; 2.55.
Pacific Christina, Portland, Or., vVT.
$2. OP. 3.05.
Tha Thricc-a-Weck World, New Tsjrk, T. W.,
$1.00; 2.S0. - .
Homestead, Des Koines, Iowa, A thorough stouk
Kadfiam journal, W.. $1.00; 2.30.
The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W &1.C0; 2.05.
The American Farmer, Tndianapolis, Ind., Live
stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 60 cents; 1.05.
The Cosmopolitan Magazine, New York, 51.,
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 56 pages of
latest maps; $ ; 2.S5.
The Outing Magazine, New York, AL, 53,02; 3.80.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W.,$L00; 2.30.
Oregon Toultrj Journal, Salem, Or., M., 50
cents; 1.80. ,
The Pathfinder, District of Columbia, W., $1.00;
2.05. .
The Designer, New York,
Standard Fashions, M.,
?i.uu; z. 09. r
American Agriculturist, Chicago, 111., including
copy of Year Book and Almanac, W., $1.00; 2.89.
Farm, Field and Fireside. Chkago, 111., W., $1.C&;
2.U. -
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, has no riva
asm gieat modern newspaper, T. W , $1.00; 2.15.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.90.
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, 111., W., 60 cents;
Cincinnati Inquirer. Cincinnati, W., SI.C0; 2 05.
-The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , I1L, 21,
0 cents; 1 75.
Farm and Fireside,
50 cents: 1.76. .:
Springfield, Ohio, S. W.,
$L00; 2.15.
Ho:ne Companion, SpringSoId, Ohio,
Lippiacott's Magazine,'
$2.60; 3.25.
Ev'rv Month (Music, Son;
Philadelphia, Pd., M.,
j and Dmce), Sew York,
The Century Vatailne, New York, M., $400; 6.05.
"Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis., Tho
best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world, W.,
$1.00; 2.30. - .
Table Talk, Philadelphia, SI., $1.00; 2.15. .
American Homes, Enoxville, Tenn., II., $1.00;
Boston Cooking School Magazine, Bi-M., 50 cents;
1.99. . -:
McO lure's Magazine, New York, M., 31.00; 2.40. ;
Twice-a-Weck Courier Journal, Louisville, Ky.,
ana ef the best papers from the great South, T. W.,
$LC0; S.05.
'Dalry Fortunes," a neat, well written hook of
204 pates on all questions concerning diiryinr,
feeds and feeding, tha constituent properties of all
kinds of feed; . S9 combinations forming well
balanced rations for dairy cows. Every dairyman
should have it. Fries with tha. CoavAuus Gazette
one year, $i 59. '
Pocket Atlas of the World, SSI pages, containing
colored maps i all the states aud territories in the
United States, tha province of the dominion of
Canada, and of every oouutry and civil division on
tba face of the fi-lobd. Also valuable statistical In
formation a'aont each state and county, giving the
' pppuiati.n of every larre city in the world, besides
. um i....rmtioo. a uiay reterence
i work for every peiwn; with Corvallis UiZBjTB one
T. T. Tho in., Suniplervr)!?", Ala , "I
wm. (Differing from ibcpepsirt when 1
cotmmrnce'J isklrig Rwlol Dyspepsia
Curd. I look Severn! bottles sfid ea'r diL
tiest anything," KuM Dyspepsia Core
is t!0 only preparation contniiiing ail the
nnturnt digestive IhrS Is.. It gives weak
stomach errlho rn-t. restoring their
mrliiriil condition. Uiiihnm A Wei's.
Tho Grcnt Scourge
Of modern limes in rrbiiin r.l lott. Many
cures and (Jici'Ovcrirs (roni time lo Hmo
are published but Foley's Honey nndTur
does truthfully claim lo cure n'.l cuie In
ttie early stages and alwayn affords com
fort and relief in the very worst ve:
Take no substitutes. Graham & Wor
tliam. Don't be satisfied with temporary relief
from indigestion; Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
permanently and completely removes
this complaint It relieves permanently
because it allows the tired stomach per
fect rest. Dieting won't rest the stom
ach. Nature receives? supplie from the
food we eat.. Tho sensible way to help
the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which digests what yon eat and
can't help but-do you good. Graham &
Drugs & Mcdiciues Kodaks & Photo-Supplies
.Ccrv&Elis, Oregon -
Established, Incorporated, 1698
The most complete line of Pure Drugs and
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, ToUet Article,
Ccrabs, Brushes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Perscription Departmert,
T. A. JONES, Registered,
Epecial Ceurse in Pfearrrccy at Perdue TJniversi
ty, ludiasa
Digests what yots eat.
This preparation contains all cf the
digestants and digests all kicils of
food. It gives instant relief and nerer
fails to cure, ft allows you to cat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can-iake it. By its use many
tnousanas or dyspeptics nave ocen
cured after everything else failed. It
ia unequalled for all stomach troubles.
If can'S help.
but sfo yaa gsd
Prepared only by E. O. PeWitt & Oo., Cliicaso
Soe hi. bottle contains2H times tbcSCc. size.
, Graham & W'elfs.
No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation, I
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom land ; price, ?650. 4y2 miles
from Philomath.
No. 131 80 acres, 25 in cultivation,
nice young orchard; fair buildings, ,2
cows and calvus, team, wagon and har
ness, piow, cultivator, tools, etc. ; also
furniture. This is a good hill ranch and
is cheap at J700. 6 miles from town.
74 1 GO acres; 30 in cnltivatien ; small
hsnse; good barn and water ; 1J milca
from town; cheap at J1.5C0; on main
county road ; geed pasture and timher.
113 A good 7-rooui house with on9
li alf acre lot ; fruit, good water, .chicken
houses and sheds, price 600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis pestoffice. x
' " Real Hstate Agent,
Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
first National Bank
"WOODCOCK, President.
MOOR, Vice-President.
C. E.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN Y71LES, .Corvallis, Oregon.'
Loans Made .
On all kinds of approved seenrity, and especially
to encourage ana bnild up the legitimate busi
ness enterprises and industries of this country.
Deposits . '
Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange .
Sight exchange and transfers sold available In
the principal cities of England. Ireland, (Switzer
land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger
many, Austria.
Letters of Credit
Issued available in the p;
United States.
cities ot the
Principal -Correspondents Upon Whcsn V
Sell Sight Exchange .
The CoinmerciHi National Pank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Fortlaad, Oregon.
The feauk of California, Han Francisco, Catif.
Anglo-CHhftmiian Haul;, ia;i Francisco, Calif
The National City Bank Kcw York.
The liauk of New York National flanking Ass'n.
Importers SiTiacier's Nr.tional Bank, New York
Stioi::n:d Letiiisr Ni;tio"a! Bank of lioston. Mass
Hiiladiloi.Ui Nariuiikl I'iiiltof I'hitodclpkia. ra
B A fi M g A. 8, V E
the most haaling ealva in the world.
PortlaiidAstofla Koute. &?&a 'J$m i 1
tnve Aslorm .7 P, f, "ijjf '
Tile Dailss-Poriiaiii Bouts
Vancouver, Cascade Locks, St.
Martin's Springs, hoed River,
White Salmon, Lyle, The Dalles.
Leave Portland J A. M.
Arrive Tlie Dalles 3 V. M.
LeaTC " 4 "
ArriTB Portland 10 "
ITSundav Trim; a Leadinsr Feature.
Wl'his Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions on Earth.
Landing and Office: Foot of Alder Street.
Botn nones Main 351.
Portland, Or.
JOHN M. FIliOON, Agt. The Dalles.
-A. J. TAYLOR, Agt. Astoria.
J. C. Wyatt, Agt. Vancouver,
Prather & Barnes, Agts, Hood River.
E. "W. CRICIITON, Agt Pertload.
Dentistry if every dcscrintinB rt&neln first
CiSSS maitwr, and eu-tisffifttou gunS-
cot m mm. & specialtt
OfitPe over Zieroif's grocery stOrl?, oppose
(Lepcs-ttt'ce.CgrvalHs. Oregon.
B. A. 6ATHEY, W. D.
Physician $r Surgeon
Booms 14 in Bank Building.
Office Hours a lo 4 p. m.
Residence: Cornet College and Slh 6ts.
Tele'pliono lit office irhd residence.
Corva'lin, - - - OrtfeoA
Ofpick Colter 3rd and Monroe strpets
Hoces 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun
Cay 9 to 10.
Residence Corner 3rd and Harmon
streets, Corvallis, Oregon,
Telephone 315, at residence.
Iracti.-o in M Slate and Federal Court
E. R. ' Bryson
Corvallis, Oregon.
CISce in Fcttoffice EcllAitig.
Office in Wbiteiiorn Eiork
CorvEHls, Oregon
Mies Mamie Smith, Middieloro, Ky.,
writes: "My little sister Lad the croup
"very bad. I'gave her several dotes of
ifoley's Honey and Tsr, and the was iu
ntantly relieved. It Faved her life. Gra
iiara & Wortham.
If the action of your bowe's is not easv
and regular serious complications must,
bethe 6nal resalt. DeWitt's Little Early
Itisers will remove this danger. Safe,
pleasant and cHctive. Grr.ham & Wells.
ror Reat.
Will rent 200 acres of land rst of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in work andimprovementH on t,he plave.
Address M. S. Woodcock,
Corvailis, Oregon.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is liereby given that there is
money in the treasury to pay city war
rant number 879 for general fund, en
dorsed November 14, 1899. Also all city
street warrants endorsed prior to Julv
10th, 1901. Interest will stop on the
same from this date. Wm. McLagan,
City Treasurer.
Dated Corvallis, Oregon, July 30, 1901.
Native Herbs.
Anyone desiring this great blood f.nri
fier, may serurejthe samo by calling on
or addressing
F. Kleckeh. '
Philomath, Or.
Trice $1 per box -. -
James White, Bryantsville, Ind says
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run
ning sores on both legs. H had suffer
ed six years. Doctors failed tohelphim.
Get.. DeWiit's. Accept no imitations.
Graham & Wells.
Geo. C. Hiekock, Curliss, Wis., says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and fonnd to bo all von claim for it, I
have given it to my father and it is the
only thing that ever helped him." Gra
ham & Wortham.
rr.K I "from Portland
f?alllke. Denver.
a. n.
via Hun-
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kantas City, St.
4 :S0p.m.
Louis, ChieagH
and East.
Salt Lake, Denver,
bt worth. Omaha,
Kansas Citv. St
8:10 a.m.
via Hnn-jLouis, Chicago and
Kington. East.
St. Paul
Fiat Mail
6:00 p.m.
Walla Walla. Lew
istou, S po k ane,
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Dulnth. Mil
waukee, Chicago,'
7:00 a.m.
and Kast.
Through Pullman and Tourist Seep.
No change of cars. Tickets East via all
rail, or via boat and rail, via Portland
Ocean and River Schedule.
All Bailing dates
subject to change.
For San Franeis&o,
8 p. m.
4 p. ni
Sail every hve days
Irom April Zrl.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. m.
Columbia River
4 p. m.
To Astoria & way-
10 p. m
Water Permitting.
Steamer Ruth leaves Corvallis for Al
bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land
ings, Monday, Wednesday and Friday
6 :0(r a. m, ; returning, arrives Corvallis
nboun Midnight, Tuesday, Thursday ftUd
A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent,
Corvallis 6 Eastern BaH.
2 "or Ywquina:
Train leaves Albriny
'' " Corvitliis
" arrive? Yaquina
1 Kelmning:
Lavrn Ya quiu a....
Leaves Co vallis. . . .
Arrivt-'H Albany ....
3 For Detmit:
Leavta Corvallis ....
Leaves Albany
Arriyes Detroit. ....
I Eeturuing:
(eaves Detroit
Leaves Albany
Arrives Corvallis .
12:C0 p.
1 :40 p.
5:55 p.
7:C0 a. oav
11:33 a. Ui.
12:13 p. in.
12:00 p m.
1 :30 p. in.
6:0 p.
5:30 a. m.
10:S0 a. ra.
11:15 . n.
- Trains 3 and 4 between Albany and
Corvallis.,Tuesdays. Thursdays and 8at
or;1flV6 enly. All other trsios daily ex
cept Sunday.
Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany In
time to connect wiili the 8. P. soth
boniid train, as well as giving tw r
thre ltonra in Albany before departure
of S. P. north bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the 8. P.
west side train at Covvallis Crossig lor
Independence, McMinnviilo asd all
points north to Portland.
Edwin Stone,
H. H. Ckonise, Manager.
Agent, Cervailis.
Southern Pacific Ccinpanv.
Trgins leave Coiv3llis for PrrTJaaad
(!.; ilKticr at 1:20 p. m.
L Ptrtlid 8 a m
Lr Albany 12:r,0 p m
Ar Ashland 12:33 a m
Ar HaTami-nto..-5 .00 p m
Ar Pan Francisco. 7:45 p m
S :30 p m
10:60 p m
11 :30 a ta
4 :SS a m
9.30 a M
Ar Ogdcn
Ar Denver
Ar Kansas Cily-.
Ar Chicago-.
-5 :4o p m
-9:00 a m
-7:25 a m
.-7 :55 a m
11:45 am
9:68ft m
7 :28 a m
9 :30ft m
Ar Lpb Anpeles 1 :20 p m
Ar El Paso 6:M p m
A r Fort Wrsrth 6 3tr a m
Ar City of Mexico 9 :6o a to
Ar Flausron 4 :00 & m
Ar New Orleans.- 6 :2a ft m
Ar Washington 6 :42 a m
Ar New York 12 :43 pm
7:88 to
12:48 p Ik
both trains. Ghair ears Saerf.mBH
Ogden and El Paso, pnd Toniiitt nr ta
ChUugo, St Louis, New rleeng Slid
Connecting at San Francifn o aith
eral steamship for Honolulu. Jjf
China, Philippines, Central and 8
Pee F. B. FARMER, agent a CfcrvallU
statii n or address .
C. H. HARKHAM. G. P. A.,
Portland, Ot.
Physician $ Surgeon
Foley's Honey and Tsr
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Sutsciite for this