Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 30, 1901, Image 3

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TUESDAY, JULY 30. 1901.
and Skirts.
Vf e haye now on sale, and new
Spring Suits & Dress
Skirts, f :
tOu salts eompiise tbe aswest and
Wit ! the late ereatUnl soch at eoai and
. Mar affti and pot tilHon backs. New
style skirls are alio shown and Jacket!
Tli ri of ear suits range from $8.00
0. B. Young &
Albaiy, Orcpn.
E. E. Wilson spent Sunday at
Prof. Berchtold relumed Satur
day from a business trip to Port
Walter Keady went to Portland,
laturday, for an abfcnce of several
Boy Taylor ia now employed ia
the Combination barber shop at
Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Shedd left
Friday for a month's outing at
Born, to the wife of Richard W.
Scott, July 24th, at Inavale, Or., a
Edward Roaendorf hat a position
as assistant in the drugstore of D.
O. Wood worth, in Albany.
Banker Cooper, of Independenoe,
accompanied by ye politician Phil
Metsaham, went over to the eoast
Saturday. . : :
Miss Snell, Miss Helen Crawford
and Miss Chamberlin, of the corps
of instructors at the O A U are
home from their visit to California.
Saturday, Clerk Watterl issued a
marriage license to Nathan C. Pick
ott and Mies Lucy Steeprow. Both
of the young people are residents
of AlSea. "
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gibson left
Saturday, for San Francisco. It is
a business trip, combined with
pleasure, and they will , be absent a
little more than a week." - -
The W. C. T. U. reading rooms
are being thoroughly overhauled
and repaired. . A new reof is to be
put on the building and the porch
altered considerably.' ; When the
work in progress is completed there
will be a decided improvement ao
ticeable throughout the structure. -
Al Kemp brought a bough of
Royal Abb cherries to this office
Saturday morning that beat any.
thing ia the cherry line that we
have seen. A single limb three
feet long contained ever a gallon of
fruit. Tne cherries were an laoh
;ia diameter, of uniform size, aad of
, delicious flavor.
Luke Thornton and Mrs. Francis
Thornton were married Monday,
i She is 44 years old and his age Is
- 48. They were married many years
ago aad were divorced aad saw
have patched up their little dlffl.
cnltlesand will eammenea life all
aver again. Oregon City -Bnter-.
prise. The Thorntons were formerly
residents ox Uorvallis.
W. A. Sanders, the watchmaker.
Fred Overlander went to Port
land yesterday, for a few days on
J. M. Nolan and family left yes
terday for Newport for their usual
summer outing.
Attorney W. E. Yates and W. S
I UoFadden were, in Albany on legal
ousmess, aionuay.
Miss Nellie Evans returned Sun
day evening from a week's visit at
her old homo in Alsea.
It is reported that red huckle
berries on the mountains between
here and Alsea are getting ripe.
An excellent sample of Kinney
wheat has been contributed to the
Benton county 'exhibit by E. J.
Harrington. Some Russian millet
a rarity in this locahtv is to
the eredit of Westley Westall.
E. P. Greflfoz and Georffe Irvine
arrived home Saturday from their
hunting trip in the violnlty of Ya
ehatl. They were fairlr suecessfu
in securing plenty of fish and each
succeeded in killing a deer.
A couple of wagon loads of camp
ers passed through this city,
yesterday uorning. In one wagon
were five women and no men;
in the other four men and no
women. Wonder what the trouble
was, anyway?
M. C. Davis and wife, and Fred
Walker, came down from Spring
field. Saturday, and are the enests
of W. H. Franklin and family.
Mr. Walker is here with a view to
arranging to attend the O A C this
fall. . The party exptct to return
home today,
Yesterday, Mrs. AnesThnip-
soa, accompanied by her daughter,
Mtss Olive, went to Portland. J! or
some time Mrs. Thompson has suf
fered severely with rheumatism aud
sha it going to the metropolis With
view to taking; treatment of some
character. .
A couple of gentlemen arrived
from Eastern Oregon,1 Saturday,
with a drove of fifty head of horses
They left half of the animals a
short distance south of Gorvallia
and brought the remainder on to
towu. There are a few mules in
the drove and some of the animals
are well broke. The animals will
be placed on the market.
Last Feldav, J. N. Ionian and
wife departed for Oregon City
where they will visit a few days be
fore startlag for their home ia
Hntchins, Iowa. During their visit
in Corvallis they were the guests of
Mr. lnraaas sister, Mrs. U, U. Uhlp-
; man. ; It is likely that they will re
turn to Uorvallis before lone,- as
they expressed a desire to sea' it
rain. .
Wilson & Corbett have just closed
the burning of a 200.000 kiln of
- briek. With the sale of this brick
Lewil Wilson olesei his connection
with the brick business la Corvallis
after being engaged ia it almost
continuously . since away - back ia
the sixties. He has sold his later
est to Mr. Corbett who . will eontiue
. to supply the wants of all those de
siring bis kind of goods, v. ,
A letter received from E. W. Ar
nold , states he arrived safely ia
.Asheville, N. O. and ; found his
mother improved la health. . He
'says a letter from Harry Arnold
announces that he will not be mos
tered out of the military service an
til December next, and that be Is
enjoying an almost luxurious an
. uneventful life ia one of the South
era islands of the Philippines
Jack certainly likes . Oregon for he
always said so, aad eloses his letter
- "Heptag yeu enjoy Oregon the
only believe me, eto."
A large , steel shaft 13 feet oaz,
24 inches in diameter arrived Sat
urday for use at Fischer's - flouring
mills. A new water wheel is being
put in at the mill to drive the elec
tric machinery and pumps, and the
shaft, which weight over 200
pounds, will bear this wheel.
Rev. R. Jj. Meily, who has accept
ed the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church In this city, arrived early
Sunday moraine; from California.
Hs occupied . the pulpit both morn
ing and evening and had a goStl
congregation. If the climate agrees
with his health he will -remain here
The W. C. T. U. gave An ioe
cream social on the court house
grounds last Friday evening. It
was a very enjoyable affair. The j
grounds are beautiful at any time,
but on ' this ooeasloa, things , were
fixed unusually attractive. The
adies realized iri the neiahborhood
f $40 on the enterprise. - - : :
Daring the past day or so leecerg
have invaded this city in numbers.
hey are men connected with the
big log drive of C.K. Spaulding.
There are 8,000,000 feet in the
drive and they are taking' them to
Oregon City: The drive is just
above town and will pass through
within a day or two. .
Oervallis and Independence sports
may seen have an opportunity to
ay seme wftgersI V An exeitinz race
between an Independence horse,
named Jim Corbett, and an animal
from ... this city belonging to Tee
Brown is being arranged.'- The dis
tance is to be between a half and
threa- quarters of a mile, for $300 a
side.-" ...... 3,:..; ,
Misses Elsie McDonald an! Louise
Leuenberger passed through Albany
early yesterday morning en rente
frem 8an Francisco to their home
near Colfax, Wash. Mrs. H. W.
Hall, of this city, drova over to Al
bany to sse them as they passed
through. The young ladies had
intended to visit this city, but en
account of some misunderstanding
regarding their round-trip tickets
they were unable to make the lay
;. V; A Big: Enterprise.
One oi the biggest enterprises
in Benton county and "biggest"
will stand considerable emphasis
in this instance is the new lum
ber mill recently built by Messrs.
Fly nn and Ewing near the Alsea
mountain, about one mile west
of the old Huffman mill .The
visitor to tne sue ot the new
mill is astonished when coming
upon this flourishing industry in
the very heart " of the Forest.
.Two months ago when the mill
was put in Operation, a wilder
ness formed the surroundings.
Today it Is the center of a thriv
ing little sattlement. The plant
itself is one of the finest in the
state. : Near it . stands the eoin
pany's store, offices and barns
while grouped about are a dozen
residences, occupied by families
of employes.
'The mill has a 90-horse power
boiler and tarns out 25,000 feet
of the finest kind of yellow fir
lumber per day. It has all mod-;
era equipments and the largest
orders can be filled promptly.
Over 700,000 feet of lumber; has
already been placed on the mar-1
ket. This means that a mine of
wealth lying undeveloped at oar
door, is being converted into a
commodity for whioh the outside
world will gladly exchange coin
of the realm. Nor is this all. Em
ployment is being given t6 farm
ers and their teams in the vicin
ity, and logger::, and mill men
with . their families have been
added to our population. Ten
or a dozen teams are kept haul
ing constantly, and about 20
men find employment about the
camps and mill. About $60 a
day is dibursed in wages. .
This is parely a Benton county
enterprise. ; It is owned by: Ben
ton county men and was built
with Benton county eapital.
Every dollar earned by it remains
in Benton county. It deserves
the ' patronage of Benton county
people. Every person living
along : or using ; the. Alsea road
should support it, fof it is bound
to be a great factor in securing
the improvement of that high
Homo Again.
his gttfls had "gone eft,'? but no
gopher 1 had paid ;. ,la r penalty.
He went over to iaspeet the scene
and found , the guns lying to
gether at some distance from
where they had been placed with
every appearance of having been
discharged. Examination of. a
bole brought - to light a gopher
and Mr. . Sargeant started for
town in high glee. On reaching
the Oren home, some party there
wished to be showa how'the gun
operated. The inventor set the
hammer and pulled the trigger.
The gun was loaded., It went
off. - But any other gun would
have dons the satoe under like
circumstances. Mr. Sargeant' s
right hand -was -within the zona
ot "fire and the second and third
fingers ' of that raembei i were
badly lacerated. Dr. Farrt
dressed them and .it is ' believed
that the damage will not he per
mafleut ; - '
They eto oat Salmon.
Of ; late there f has been
Buch coateatlon between certain
scientists in : Oregon anfl Cali
fornia tegardlBg the question , of
whether or not sea - liens feed on
salmon. The Californlana took
the negative side of the question
while the Oregoai&ns held to the
affirmative, c Prof. McElfresh,
of O A C, became Interested and
premised to investigate the, mat
ter some time during this sum
mer. The following dispatch
from Astoria weald sec to set
tle the matter . ia favor : of" the
Orogflniaas : V- J -A.
Seiam at work on Desdamoaa
sanis had an exciting experience
on Wednesday, ywhea a monster
sea lion was caught in the gear.
As the sein was, being hauled in
the sea lioa became demonstra
tive and viciously attacked the
men.- Every effort was made to
frighten off the. raeaster; but he
was not to be soared avay4 and
actually drove -the entire crew
onto the sands. -The men had
bo firearms, and the sea lion was
left in possession of the premises
until he had satisfied his appetite,
when he took his departure, hav
ing devoured a number of sal
mon. - . r '
Friday evening three children of
Ham gave a drygoods box entertain
meat In the street near the First Na
tloaal Bank. Negro melodies written
by white men were the features,
aside from passing the hat and a
long-winded "buek danoa." The
accompaniments were "plunked"
off on a mandolin aad truitar. "The
colored people did no harm, how
ever, and furnished some amuse
meat, especially for the children
many of whom had never seen a
The O A C building committee.
consisting of President Weather-
ford, John Daly aad J. T. Apper-
sob, of the board of resents, met In
Albany last Friday for the ournese
or considering plans and specitica
lions for the horticultural hall
which is to be constructed at the
college; Although Architect Bur
grafs plans had been accepted the
beaTd, after going over the various
details, concluded that it woull be
advantageous to make certain alight
modifications. After eomDlekins
their business in Ablany they came
over to this city to see about getting
a lease of the Serosia Hall. They
desired not only to see about se
curing a suitable lease, but to de
termiae whether the building would
be suitable, what .repairs would be
necessary and if any should be de
manded who would make them
Saturday, Mr9. Thomas Gra
ham and son, Dob, arrived in
Corvallis. ., The came sere street
from Newmarket, Mo. When
they left the East the heat -was
ntease aad people were, selling
their stoek for 1 whatever they
eould get There had beea no
rain in that section for mere
than three months and every
thing was burned up. Com lad
gone up to 60 cents per h'ushel,
but just before they left "New
market the priee' dropped to
about 52 cents.
Don and his mother left Cor
vallis about five years ago, Don
was a little fellow, but now he
a six-footer. : After leaving
here they went to Nortnern Cali
fornia, and after residing there
or some time, taeV moved to the
central part 01 the state. They
eft that sectioa for Louisiana
and afterward treat to Texas,
From Texas they went to Mis
souri and took up their abode at
Newmarket. Taey only re
mained there about four months
before leaving for Corvallis, their
old home, .
During their pilgrimage Doa
has occupied his leisure hours
collecting stamps ana fie bow
has a collection of more than 1,
500 aittcreni xtaas. some 400
of these are United States stamps,
public and private, aad the bal
ance are foreign Don is quite
an authority on : the matter of
stamps 7 axd V slates that ' the
stamps, publlo aad private, that
have been istued by the .United
States government ap to date
number over -t, 000 various kinds.
Mrs. Graham aad Doa are now
the guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. R,
Farta. Test how long thay will
(remain here they have sot de
termlned. Diek Graham is1 at
present is Santa Barbara, Call
forma. ,
Just So.
Henry Sargeant Wounded.
A gua is dangerous in inverse
ratio to the caution used by the
party handling it. This item
does net concern mathematics
but your class in geometry may
find proof of the above theorem
by eoasulting Harvey Sargeant.
He demonstrated tne preposition
to a number of persons at the
home of Levi Orea last Satur
day morning. " Mr. Sargeant is
the inventor , jof a gopher gun
which is; said to be "periectly
safe." -Mr. Oren told Mr. Sar
geant that he was troubled with
gophers, and offered to buy agan
if satisfactory proof was given
that the weapon could perform
tne - service claimed for it
Word reached the inventor that
Over in BeUtoa county. ; just
south of Corvallis,! they have a
bridge that is so crooked that ?a
mart, was driving over, it - with a
fout-horse team and met the lead
team coining back,' and thinking
if was another team undertook
0 baek off aad get into such a
mix-up that he forgot his name,
and making the ' sharp turns ia
the bridge made; film so dizzy
that he couldn't ' follow the
straight read when he got into
it u ,OBe our photografcers
ought to go over -and photograph
t, and hang it ia nis window
and offer a do2en photographs to
the man who could name it. It
would bo a drawing 6ard and he
would be ia no danger of having
to make the ghetegraphs either.
People's Press. - Let it aamee
to say that the bridge referred to
was constructed by a Lina coun
ty socialist with i populUtic . ten
dencies. - i vv-Mii
Suits $!cir!$
WILL BE . ' , ffk
fifty Cents
ON THE ilVjk
Fifty.Cent Shirt Waist at..
Seventy-Five-Cent Shirt Waists at...
Dollar Shirt Waist at..
Dollar Fifty Shirt Waists at...:.....'
Two Dollar Shirt Waist at ......
Fifty-Cent Crash Skirt at.....
Seventy-Five-Cent Crash Shirt.
Dollar Crash Skirt, Skirt at.......
Dollar Fifty Crash Skirt at.......
Two Dollar Crash Skirt at
Five Dollar Crash
Four Dollar Crash
This is a Genuine Bargain Sale, so
Suits at $2 50
Suits at $2 00
come early and get first choice as they will last lflflg
at these prices.
Additional Local.
outfit at
P. M. Zierolf returaed yesterday
from a week's absence In .Portland
The wedding ef Attorney T. N
McFadden and Misa Agnes Whit-
aker - occurs tomorrow afternoon at
the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. , John whitaker.
Father Jurek will perform the cere
mony. 'r - :
A letter from the Saa Francisco
printing house, states that labor
troubles ia that eity have delayed
the completion of ' the Benton
county souvenirs. The proofs will
be here this week and the work
will be rushed
Mrs. J. N. Dolpb. who has been
visiting relatives ia and near Cor
valliB, leaves the latter part of this
week. In company with - her
nephew, Johnson Porter, Mrs. Dolph
visited the old Mulkey home west
of this oity .Sunday, where she spent
her girlhood days, (since the aeath
of her husband, the late Senator
Dolph. Mrs. Dolph has resided in
Paris. - ' -
Real Estate Transfers.
L F Wilson to W O Corbett,
briek vard sear- Corvallis; $700.
Lucy G Yates to E F Wiles,
10a acres on Soap Creek; $r,8oo.
J'W Ingle to State LaaS Board,
160 la Kings Valley; $77.
Wanted Active and energetic,
agents; permanent positions; good
commissions -r: exclusive.', territory,
either city or country. Address
"Manager," room 403, Chamber of
Commerce building, Tacoma, Wash
. The least in . quantity and moat in
quality describes DeWitt's Little Early
Eisers, the famous pills for coostipatiea
and liver complaiats. Graham & "Wells,
The Black Cat.
Boy year harvesting
JNoian e uaiiahan's. .
Big bargains in all summer goods
at Nolaa & Callahan's.
For extra heavy draper duck go
to Nolan & Callahan's. ,.
Big special S5 per cent off on
all summer goods at Kline's.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes
for dressy men, at S. L- Kline's.
Broken lines of ladies', misses' and
children's shoes at remnant prices.
Nolan & Callahan.
. Broken lines of men's fine shoes
worth from $3.50 to $6 going at
$2.50. Nolan & Callahan.
Given away a pair of Queen
Quality shoes on August 8th. Call
at store for particulars at Kline's.
Our remnant and odds and ends
sale will continue until our new Fall
stoek arrives. Nolan & Callahan,
The new college walk is progress
ing nicely and will be quite an ad
dition to the campus when com
pleted. . -
A yeung man from Corvallis fell
desperately in love ever by the sad
sea waves. The parting is said to
have been almost unbearable. ,
Benton county is practically out
of debt. A call for warrants which
appears at another place in this
issue, cancels all warrants up to
June 5th, 1901. , .
Mr. and Mrs". E. A, Thayer rede
up from Salem, Saturday, on their
wheels. Mr. Thayer returned to
Salem, . yesterday morning, but
Mrs. Thayer remained to visit Tela
tives. -" '
John Whitaker was in Corvallis,
Saturday, on business. Questioned
concerning, the hop outlook, Mr.
Whitaker said that the yield would
be light in bis yard this season, out
the quality would be exceptionally
The report of the board of regents
of O A O during their recent meet
ing contains this paragraph in refer-
eace to bops: we Oeiieve the sud
ieot ef curing boss- with less heat
should be taken ap oy the station.
The hlah-priced Bohemian and Ba-
sion hops are cured by the heat of
the sun. " That cannot- be doae
here oa aocoant of the Cost of la
bor, the process requiring a great
deal of handling. By exeesslve
heat the valuable part of the hop,
the lupulin, is renaerea volatile,
and passes off with the heated air
and steam. It may be that, some
device can be invented for passing
air more readily aad. more of it
through or. over the hops.
. Manager Edwin Stone of the C.
& E. went over to the coast Satur
day. ! In conveisation with the Ga
zette man, Mr. Stone said that
while traffic to the coast had
been steady since the opening of the
season, there could not be said to
be aa exodus in that direction as
vet. Nor would there be in aav
likelihood while the present delight
f ul weather prevailed In the valley
The summer school is attracting
many from a distance who sever
have been to the coast before. Con
cerning the probability of Sunday
excursions being run this season,
Mr. Stone said past experience
would not iustlfy the running of
Sunday trains to the coast. , While
the company is anxious to accom
modate the public, excursions to
Newport, unless given under the
auspices of seme organization, have
proved losing ventures.
Manufacturers of all kinds of-
Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber
Corner of 5th and Washington Streets.
For prices enquire at yards or address the company atjCorvallis
or Philomath, Oregon. . .
ob Printing
at this office -
Cofvallis, Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. . Smokers supplies
v. ' ' a specialty.
, H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
s and
Owing to the fact that we will haye the largest and
best stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing that ever came
to Corrallis this Fall, we will have to expand our cloth
ing room. Therefore we will sell all remaining clothing
At a Liberal Discount
15 Per Cent
Our new clothing will be the'; well-known
ner & Marx Brand; best clothing on : earth
rHart, Shaff
at the , price