Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 23, 1901, Image 1

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Slrrs.1..?!7.! Consolidated Feb., 1899.
VOL. II. NO. 13.
For more than an hour there had been
unbroken silence in the dingy old law
office of Mr. Worthington, where Henry
Lincoln and William Bentler still re
mained, the one as a practicing lawyer
and junior partner of the firm, and the
other as a student still, for he had not
yet dared to offer himself for examina
tion. Study was something whichHenry
particularly disliked; and as his mother
had trained him with the Idea that labor
for him was wholly unnecessary, he had
never bestowed a 'thought on the future,
or made an exertion of any kind. Now,
however, a different phase of affairs was
appearing. His father's fortune was
threatened with ruin; and he sat in the
office with his heels upon the window sill,
debating the all-important question
whether it were betfV to marry Ella
Campbell for the money which would
save him from poverty, or to rouse him
Belf to action for the sake of Mary How
ard, whom he really fancied he loved.
Frequently since the party had he met
her, each time becoming more and more
convinced of her superiority over the oth
er young ladies of her acquaintance. He
was undoubtedly greatly assisted in this
decision by the manner with which she
was received by the fashionables of Bos
ton; but asie from that, as far as he
was capable of doing so, he liked her,
and was now making up his mind wheth
er to tell her so or not.
At last breaking the silence, he exclaim
ed: "Hang me, if I don't believe she's be
witched me, or else I'm in love. Bender,
how does a chap feel when he's in love?'
"Very foolish, judging from yourself,
returned William, and Henry replied;"
"I hope you mean nothing personal, for
I'm bound to avenge my honor, and
'twould be a deuced scrape for you tfiid
me to fieht about 'votrr sister.' as vou call
her, for 'tis she who has inspired me, or
made a fool of me, one or the other."
"You've changed your mind, haven't
yon?" asked William, a little sarcastical
ly. f
"Hanged if I have!" said Henry. "I
was interested in her years ago, when
she was the ugliest little vixen a man
ever looked upon, and that's why I teased
. her so I don't believe she's handsome
now, but she's something, and that some
thing has. raised the mischief with me.
- Come, Bender, you are better acquainted
with her than I am, so tell me honestly
If yon think I'd better marry her."
With a haughty frown William replied:
"Ton have my permission, Bir, to propose
, as soon as you please. I rather wish you
would;" then taking his hat he left the
office, while Henry continued his solilo
quy as follows:
"I wonder what the old folks would
ay to a penniless bride. - Wouldn't moth
er and Rose raise a row? I'd soon ntiiet
the old woman, though, by threatening to
tell that she was once a factory girl. But
If dad smashes up I'll have to work, for
I naven t Drams enongn to earn my living
by wit. I guess, on the whole I'll go and
call on Ella; she's handsome, and besides
that has the rhino, too; but how shallow!"
and the young man broke the blade of his
knife as he stuck it into the hardwood
table by way of emphasizing his last
words. , .
Ella chanced to be out, and as Henry
waa returning he overtook Ida Selden
and Mary Howard, who were taking
their accustomed walk. Since her conver
sation with William a weight seemed
lifted from Mary's spirits, and she now
' was happier far than she ever remem
bered of having been before. Mary
could not find it in her heart to be un
courteons to Henry, and her manner to
ward him that morning was so kind and
affable that it completely upset him; and
jvhen he parted with her at Mr. Seidell's
gate his mind was quite made up to
offer her his heart and hand.
""Iahall have to work," thought he,
"but for her sake I'll do anything.'' "
An hour later he sat down and wrote
to Mary, on paper what he yrald not
tell' her' face to face.. Had there' been
a lingering doubt of her acceptance, he
would undoubtedly have wasted at least
a dozen sheets of the tiny gilt-edged pa
per, but as it was one would suffice, for
she would not scrutinize his handwriting
-she would not count the blots,, or mark
the omission of punctuating pauses. An
Ardent declaration of love was written,
: sealed , and directed.
" Restless and unquiet, he sat down to
await bis answer. It came at last his
rejection, yet couched in language so kind
and conciliatory' that he could not feel
angry. Twice tVee times he read it
over, hoping to find some, intimation that
possibly she might relent; but no, it was
firm and decided, and while she thanked
him for the honor he conferred upon her,
she respectfully declined accepting it, as
suring him that his secret should be kept
"There's some comfort in that,"
, thought he, "for I. wouldn't like to have
it known that I hnv. hfn rofiiaail K n
poor, unknown girl," and then, as the con
viction came over him that she would
never be his, he laid his head- upon, the
table and wept such tears as a spoilt
child might weep when refused a toy too
- costly , and delicate to be trusted in its
rude grasp.
; Ere . long there was a knock at the
door and hastily wiping away all traces
of his emotion, Henry admitted his fath-
. vi, njuu uau cyme iu lam ui xneir luture
-'i - " i it ii ....... ecu wurav luau
her bad feared. But he did not reproach
his wayward son, nor hint that his reck
less, extravagance had hastened the ca
lamity which otherwise might have been
avoided. Calmly he stated the extent to
" T, U.1.U . (I LIE au.viwu, auuai Ullll
though an entire failure might be pre-
venteu a snort time, it wuuiu come at
last; and that an honorable payment or
his debts would leave them beggars.
"For myself I do not care," said the
wretched man, pressing hard his aching
temples, where the gray hairs had thick
f ened within a few short weeks. "For
. myself I do not care, but for my wife
and children for Rose, and that she
mst miss her accustomed comforts, is
the keenest pang of all."
All this time Henry had not spoken, but
thought was busily at work. He could
not bestir himself; he had no energy for
that now; but he could marry Ella Camp
bell, whose wealth would 'keep him in
the position he now occupied, besides
supplying many of Rose's wants.
Cursing the fate which had reduced
him to snch an extremity, toward the
dusk of evening Henry started for Mrs.
Campbell's. Lights were burning in the
parlor, and as the curtains were drawn
back he could see through the partially
opened shutter that Ella was alone. Re
clining in -a large sofa chair, she sat,
leaning upon her elbow, the soft curls of
her brown hair falling over her white
arm, which the full blue cashmere sleeve
exposed to view. She seemed deeply
engaged in thought, and never before had
she looked so lovely to Henry, -who as
he gazed upon her felt a glow of pride in
thinking that fair young girl could be bis
for the asking.
"And so my little pet is alone," said
he, coming forward, and raising to his
lips the dainty fingers which Ella extend
ed toward him. "I hope the old aunty is
out," he continued, "for I want to see
you on special business."
Ella noticed how excited he appeared,
and always on the alert for something
when he was with her, she began to
tremble, and without knowing what she
said asked him what he wanted of her r
"Zounds!" thought Henry, "she meets
me more than half way," and then, lest
his resolution should fail, he reseated her
in the chair she had left, and drawing an
ottoman to her side hastily told her of
his love, ending his declaration by saying
that from the first time he saw her he
had determined that she should be his
wife! And Ella, wholly deceived, allow
ed her head to droop upon his shoulder,
while she whispered to him her answer.
Thus they were betrothed Henry Lin
coln and Ella Campbell.
"Glad am I to be out of that atmos
phere," thought the newly engaged young
man, as he reached the open air, and be
gan to breathe more freely. "Goodness
me, won't I lead a glorious life? Now,
if she'd only hung back a little but no,
she said yes, before I fairly got the words
out; but money covereth a multitude of
sins I beg your pardon, man'am," said
he quickly, as he became conscious of
having -rudely jostled -a -y oang ldy ,, .wh
was turning the Corner.
- Looking up, he met Mary Howard's
large' dark eyes fixed rather inquiringly
npon him. She was accompanied by one
of Mr. Selden's servants, and he felt
sure she was going, to visit her sister. Of
course, Ella would tell her all, and what
must Mary think of one who cauld bo
soon repeat his vows of love to another?
In all the world there was not an indi
vidual for whose good opinion Henry Lin
coln cared one-half so much as for Mary
Howard's; and the thought that he
should now surely lose it maddened him.
The resolution of the morning was for
gotten, and that night a fond father
watched and wept over his inebriate son,
From one of the luxuriously furnished
chambers of her father s elegant mansion
Jenny Lincoln looked mournfully out up
on the thick,' angry clouds which, the live
long day,, had obscured the winter sky.
Dreamily for a while she listened to the
patter of the rain as it fell upon the de
serted pavement below, and then, with a
long, deep sigh, she turned away and
wept. Poor Jenny! the day was rainy
and dark and dreary,' but darker far were
the shadows stealing over her -pathway.
Turn which way she would there was not
one ray of sunshine which even her buoy
ant spirits could gather from the sur-
rounuiug gioom. tier only sister was
slowly but surely dying, and when Jenny
thought of this she felt that if Rose could
only live she'd try and bear the rest; try
to forget how much she loved William
Bender, who that morning had honorably
and manfully asked her of her parents,
and been spurned with contempt not by
her father, for could he have followed
the dictates of his better, judgment he
would willingly have given his daughter
to the care of one who he knew" would
carefully shield her from the storms of
life. It was not he, but the. cold, proud
mother, who so haughtily refused Wil
liam's request, accusing him of taking
underhand means to win her daughter's
"I had rather see you dead!" said the
stony-hearted woman, when Jenny knelt
at her feet and pleaded for her to take
back the words she had spoken. "I had
rather see you dead than married to such
as he. I mean what I have said, and you
will never be his.
Jenny knew William too well to think
he would ever sanction an act of disobe
dience to her mother, and her heart grew
faint and her eyes grew dun with tears,
as she thought of conquering the love
which, bad grown with her growth and
strengthened with her strength.. There
was another reason, too, why Jenny
should weep as she sat alone in her room.
From her father she had heard of all that
was to happen. The luxuries to which all
her life she had been accustomed were
to be hers no longer. The pleasant coun
try house in Chicopee, dearer far than
her city home, must be sold, and no
where in the wide world was there a
place for them to rest.
Mr. Lincoln entered his - daughter';
room, and bending affectionately over her
pillow said, How is my darling to-day?"
"Better, better almost well," returned
Rose, raising herself in bed to prove what
she had said. "I shall be out in a few
days, and then you'll bny me one of those
elegant plaid silks, won't you? All the
girls are wearing them, and I haven'
had a new dress this winter, and here
tis almost March. ,
- Oh! how the father longed to tell his
dying child that her next dress would be
a shroud. But he could not. He was too
much a man of the world to speak to her
of death; so without answering her ques
tion he said: "Rose, do yon think yon
are able to be moved into -the country?
- "What, to Chicopee? that horrid, dull
place T I thought we were not going then
this summer T'
No, not to Chicopee, but to your grand
ma Howland's in Glenwood. The physi
cian thinks yon will be more quiet there.
and the pure air will do you good.
Rose looked earnestly in her tatners
face to see if he meant what he said, and
then replied: "I'd rather go anywhere in
the world than to Glenwood. Xou've no
idea how I hate to stay there.: Grandma
is so queer and the things in the house so
fussy and countryfied and cooks by a
fireplace, and washes in a tin basin, and
wipes on a crash towel that hangs on a
roUr!" ;
Mr. Lincoln could hardly repress a
smile at Rose's reasoning, but perceiving
that he must be decided, he said: We
think it best for you to go, and shall ac
cordingly make arrangements to take you
in the course of a week or two. Your
mother will stay with you, and Jenny,
too, will be there a part of the time;"
then, not wishing to witness the effect of
his words, he hastily left the room, paus
ing in the hall to wipe away the tears
which involuntarily came to his-eyes as
he overheard Rose angrily wonder "why
she should be turned ont of doors when
she wasn't able to sit upP'
I never can bear the scent of those
great tallow candles, never," said she;
"and then to think of the coarse sheets
and patchwork bedquilts oh, it's dread
Jenny's heart, too, was well-nigh burst
ing, but she forced down her own sor
row, while she strove to comfort her sis
ter, telling her how strong and well the
bracing air of the country would make
her, and how refreshing, when her fever
was on, would be the clear, cold water
which gushed from the spring near the
thornapple tree, where in childhood they
so oft had played. Then she spoke of
the miniature waterfall, which not far
from her grandmother's door made
fairy-like music" all the day long, and
at last, as if soothed by the sound of that
far-off water, Boseriorgot her trouble,
and sank into a sweet, refreshing slum
ber. ,- ' ,.
- In a few days preparations were com
menced for moving Rose to Glenwood,
and in the excitement of getting ready
she in a measure forgot the tallow can
dles and patchwork bedquilt, the thoughts
of which had so much shocked her at
first. .,. " .7
Put in my embroidered' merino morn
ing gown, said she to Jenny, who was
packing her trnnk, "and the blue cash
mere one faced with white satin; and
don't forget my best cambric skirt, the
one with so much work on it, for when
George Moreland comes to Glenwood
shall want to look as well as possible;
and then, too, I liKe to see the country
folks open their mouths and stare at city
fashions." -
'What makes you think George will
come to Glenwood?? asked Jenny;
'I know, and that's enough," answered
Rose; "and now, before you forget it, put
in my leghorn hat, for if I stay ions I
shall want it; and see how nicely you
-cantfild atbe -dress I wore ot- Mni-Baa--!
sell's party!"
Why, Rose, what can you possibly
want -of that?'? asked Jenny, and Rose re
plied: -
"Oh, I want to show it to grandma,
just to hear her groan over our extrava
gance, and predict that we'll yet come to
ruin!" -- : -,v.r -:,:- -'-
Jenny thought that-if Rose could have
seen her father that morning when the
bill for the dress and its costly trim
mings was presented she would have
wished it removed forever from her Bight.
Early in the winter Mr. Lincoln had seen
that all such matters were settled, and of
this bill, more recently made, he knew
nothing. . ' . . " -."
I can t pay it now," said he promptly
to the boy who brought it. "Tell Mr.
Holton I will see him in a day or two."
The boy took the paper with an inso
lent grin, for he had heard the fast cir
culating rumor "that one of the big bugs
was about to smash up;" and now, eager
to confirm the report, lie ran swiftly back
to his employer, who muttered, "Just as
I expected. - I'll draw on him for what
I lent him, and that'll tell the story. My
daughters can't afford to 1 wear such
things, and I'm' not going to furnish
money for his." r -y .
Of all this Rose did not dnsam, for in
her estimation there was no end to her
father's wealth, and the possibility of his
failing had never entered her mind.
(To be continued.)
- Punishment Postponed. -Fatner
(sternly) Now, sir, come with
me. I'll teach you to tell the truth,
and - - -,
Willie Pa, do you always tell the
truth? - .
Father I do.
Willie Well, pa, tVe other day you
said "the child Is father to the man."
Suppose you hand that strap over to
your father, now. Philadelphia North
American. " : .
A Sense at ecuritx-
"Doesn't It worry you to have your
husband spend so much time in the cor
ner store talking politics?" r
. "No," said the woman with the weary
look In her eyes. , "I know that when
he is talking politics,: he isn't letting
anybody sell him bad mining stocks or
gold bricks, or green goods.- Jt keeps
his mind occupied, and perhaps it is
better so." Washington Star.
Words of Avfnl Import.
"What , would you do If you was to
git. convicted of a penitentiary of
fense?" asked Plodding Pete.
"I'd never serve me term," answered
Meandering Mike.
"Maybe you'd have to." -
"No. De law would lose its grip on
me right dere. : As soon as I heard de
judge say 'Imprisonment wit' hard la
bor" I'd drop dead." Washington Star.
No Lack of Mascots.
"No," candidly, admitted Noah, "the
ark Is not exactly a Herreshoff fin-keel.
I didn't know anything about alumin
um when I planked her top sides, and
her canvas Is not cross-cut, nor does
she carry a spinnaker.
mi,' ne auuea, complacently, "we
are right in it when It comes to mas
cots!" Brooklyn Eagle.
- Otherwise with the Poor. '"'
"'I feel sorry for the rich.
"When a rich man gets a counterfeit
quarter he can't remember where he
got his dollar bill broken." Chicago
Record. - - ,;;.-. -.
' Something; About Knives.
All boys have knives in their pockets,
but some of them are -so doll they are
not of much use either to their owners
or to their owners' neighbors. A boy
without a knife, as I know from ex
perience, is very miserable and in a
poor way to get all the enjoyment out!
of life. Of course, girls do not use
knives so much as boys do, but they
frequently have to borrow of their
brothers or their friends when they
want to sharpen pencils or cut their
jumping ropes or gather pussy willows.
Do not think I would urge selfishness
upon my readers, but persons who bor
row knives are often very careless with
them, losing them or keeping them
much longer than they need. - -What
I want to tell you is the very
simple thing of how to keep a pocket-
knife sharp. With a little trouble and
patience a knife can be sharpened and
kept In good order, but it is surprising
how few boys know how to do this. In
the first place, if the edge of the blade
is badly nicked, or if the sides curve
out it should be ground on a grindstone
until the nicks all disappear. - Be sure
to put plenty of water on the stone, so
that the heat arising from the friction
will not take out the ."temper" of the
steel. Hold the blade firmly so that
the stone will grind from the top of the
blade nearly to. the edge.-- When the
grinding is done the sides of the blade
should curve In. The blade may then
be said to be "hollow ground." If the
stone is allowed to grind to the edge
the blade will become too thin and will
Now place the blade in a fiat position
on a whetstone and grind with a circu
lar motion. - Treat both, sides In this
way till a slight fringe appears on the
edge. If the knife does'not need grind
ing it can be "whet up'' in the same
way,-with the exception of bearing a
little" more strongly near the cutting
edge when rubbing across the stone.
Either water or fine oil may. be used
on., the stone, which should be . kept
clean. - Last of all rub the blade care
fully on a strop or piece of soft, smooth
leather, which will remove the fine
fringe on the edge and will polish the
blade. In following these . directions
you can put an edge on your knife
blade that will require you to be care
ful -of your fingers.-Chicago Record-
Herald. : - - .
- Kites for fishing.
Kites have been used with great suc
cess as a means to stop partridges ris
ing and flying from cover where, it is
wished to keep them for shooting the
birds will not rise when, kites are fly
ing above them,' fearing, doubtless, at
tack. . - ; - .' - --
And now the kite has been used for
fishing. . . ...
The credit of discovering the possibil
ities of 'air-line fishing is due to Edward
Horsman, the great kite expert and
manufacturer. ' -'
The advantage of fishing from a kite
Is that the fisherman may stand on the
shore while his bait Is dropped far out
at sea; also that timid fish are not
scared by seeing fishing rods or boats
when an air-line Is used. "For kite fish
ing, strong kites are flown, the string
carrying a small pulley, through which
the fish line runs. One end of the fish
line is held by the fisherman on shore;
the other, which is weighted, ''drops
from the pulley as the ascent is made,
and dips into the sea. f At the moment
when a fish snaps at the bait and is
booked, the fisherman feels the pull on
his line, the kite is quickly hauled in,
and the fish is dragged In at the same
time. Mr. Horsman has caught many
a fine fish in this way: Pearson's Mag
azine. ; ''-'li'. ' : -St', -
Points for Growing Girls,
Some one has suggested fifteen things
that every girl can learn before she is
15 years of age. Not every one can
learn to play or sing or paint well
enough to give pleasure to her friends;
but the following "accomplishments"
are within everybody's reach:
Shut the door and shut it softly. :
Keep your own room in tasteful or
der.' . ''' " " ' - - '
Have an hour for rising and rise, r
Learn to make bread as well as cake.
- Never let a day pass without doing
something to make somebody comfort
able. Never go about with your shoes un
buttoned. Never come to breakfast without a
Speak clearly nough for everybody
to understand. ; .
Never fidget or hum, so as to disturb
Never fuss or fret, or fidget Pitts
burg Press. " - ' - - .-.;,
Snail Helped Its Sick Friend.
The great Darwin, who learned so
much about animals -and their ways,
tells many wonderful stories about
them In the books he has published. In
one instance he attempts to show that
lower animals have reasoning powers
by citing the actions of a couple of
snails that were placed In a walled gar
den. This garden was absolutely de
void of vegetation, and the poor snails
began to suffer for want of food. One
of them became ill. Then the stronger
of the two evidently concluded that
something had to be done. It seemed
to hold a conversation with its sick
companion and hurried away. The
persons watching their actions conclud
ed the sick snail had been deserted and
left to die. Not so, however. The
strong snail laboriously climbed over
the wall and found a delightful gar
den adjoining, full of green leaves and
plants. Then it turned back, crawled
to its sick friend and "talked" with it
again. At last the two started over
the wall, and in time were lost in the
paradise that had been found.
What the Moon Is.
"I wonder what the moon is made
of?'' queried little Ethel as she paused
to gaze at the large, round orb.
"It ain't made of nothin'," replied
her 5-year-old brother. "It's a hole In
the sky for God to look through when
he wants to see what's going on in
; As Thins Happen.
"This is a topsy-turvy world," .
Said little Johnny Greene;
"The way as boys are treated
Is certainly quite mean. .-.
A fellow's hustled off to bed
Before he's sleepy, see!
And he's next morning hustled out
While sleepy as can be."
Forgets Where the Place Is.
Small Harry had lost his pencil, and
his mother told him he should have a
place for everything and keep every
thing in its place.
"1 do, mamma," replied the little fel
low, "but sometimes I forget where-the
place is." : : .
Tit for Tat
"Mamma," said four-year-old Margie,
"I'm not going to invite you to my
wedding when I get married."
"Why not, dear?" asked her mother.
"Because," replied the little miss,
"you didn't invite me to yours."
A Good lieflnitlon.
Teacher Can you tell me the mean
ing of the word "lazy"?
small wuiie xes'm. .it's what -a
fellow is who always wants his little
sister to do. things for him. - . "
Indianapolis Man Palls Teeth with
- - Thumb and Finger.
Dr. Charles- E. OonghUn of Indian
apolis has discarded the forceps' In
pulling teeth and has adopted the prim
itive rules of the Chinese- by using
nothing except his thumb and Index
finger for the purpose. ' ? He believes
that the sight of the forceps consti
tutes the harrowing part of tooth pull
ing, and that many nervous persons
are almost as shocked at the sight of
the instrument as they would be if a
revolver were presented at their heads.
He can take out the most firmly rooted
double tooth in a few seconds, and that
without causing pain, comparatively
speaking. . ;
"It is all done with, the thumb and
forefinger of the right hand," he said,
"and does not require any great
strength,, for it is not performed by
main force." -
"In pulling a tooth by hand it is first
worked around with a gentle motion,
and there is absolutely - no violent
wrenching or tagging. In a surprising
ly short time the largest and most
firmly rooted molar will show evi
dences of being loosened. The motion
is then continued with an increased
pressure outward from the pivot of the
tooth, as it were, until it seems actu
ally to come out of its own accord. It
is brought out with a final circular
twist, not more violent than the gen
tle working which is required to loos
en it, and it is all over before the pa
tient "realizes that his tooth Is being
extracted. ; "'',".-.-".
,"It is ridiculously easy when you
have got the hang of it. The tooth al
ways comes out, and my patients tes
tify that It is a comparatively painless
process, the movement of the tooth be
ing so gradual as not to produce' any
shock even to the most nervous per
son. -"- . ' '. -.. : . -'
"I learned the process from a Chi
nese practitioner. It has been practic
ed by . the Chinese from time imme
morial. , Our method seems as crude
and as barbarous to them as theirs
seems antiquated to us. -
"In many cases we are getting too
far away from nature with our compli
cated apparatus and highly . scientific
way of going at things, and I have
found that extracting teeth by hand is
not only better for the patient, but also
for the practitioner, for a man of sym
pathy must necessarily feel some of
horrors caused by the forceps in an
extremely nervous person, and just to
the extent that 'be is unnerved he Is
Incompetent to perfprm his duty well."
New York-Sun. -. . :
' " .... Hart Joh. '
Carpenter Well, .. boy, have
ground all the tools, as I told
while I've been out? .
Boy (newly apprenticed) Yes, mas
ter, all but this 'ere 'andsaw. An' I
can't quite get the gaps out of it!
Punch. ; " : ,
The Wonderful Change in Scaddles.
"How it it Scaddles, who used to be
so down on war, Is anxious to enlist
and go to the Philippines right off?"
"I don't know, and what makes it
odder is he only got married a couple
of months ago, - too."r-Phlladelphia
Times. ' -v,
-The pain of parting is experienced by
the small boy when his mother at
tempts to comb his hair.
The Old Bail Fence.
In the merry days of boyhood when we
' never knew a care
Greater than the mumps or measles or
a mother s cut of hair.
When a sore toe was a treasure and a
stone bruise on the heel
Filled the other boys with envy which
they tried not to conceal.
There were many treasured objects on
the farm we held most dear.
Orchard, fields, the creek we swam in,
and the old spring cold and clear;
Over there the woods of bick'ry and of
oak so deep and dense,
Looming up behind the outlines of the
.--,' old
i ) 1 ra
I fence.
On its rails the quail would whistle . in
the early summer morn,
Calling to their hiding fellows in the field
of waving corn.
And the meadow larks and robins on the
stakes would sit and sing
Till the forest shades behind them with
their melody would ring.
There the catbird and the jaybird sat
and called each other names.
And the squirrels and the chipmunks
played the chase-and-catch-nie
And the garter- snake was often in un
pleasant evidence
In the grasses in the corners of the
j . i j 'a"
I 1 ! ' fence.
As we grew to early manhood when we
thought the country girls
In the diadem of beauty were the very
fairest pearls
Oft from spellin' school or meetin' or the
jolly shuckin' bee
Down the old lane we would Wander
"with a merry little "she."
On the plea of being tired (just the coun
try lover lie).
On a grassy seat we'd linger in the
' moonlight, she and I,
And we'd plant a future picture touched
- with colors most intense
As we sat there in the corner of the
, jail
Denver Post.
Question of Too Much Land.
There are lots of land owners in ev
ery section of the. country who are
lacd roor. They own and control more
lund than they can work to advantage.
They .hang on to it like grim death
until the sheriff comes to their, relief
or they are fortunate enough to find
some man who has a sum of money
large enough to pay one-third down
and a bank account good enough to
take the risk of getting the balance to
gether hi one and two years. . There
are plenty of large farms throughout
the country which could be made to
pay for themselves within a few years
if divided up properly and placed in
the hands of ambitious men who would
appreciate an opportunity to secure and
pay for a home of their own.
Another benefit would acrrue from a
change of this kind. The condition of
society would be much benefited. As a
rule, either in city or country, the best
communities are those in which the
people own their own homes. It pre
vents that floating element from pre
dominatingpeople who have but lit
tle interest in their surroundings, as
they are here one year and somewhere
else another. It is a fact that values
are higher, the moral tone -better and
the people more' happy and prosperous
in communities where there are small
farms which are owned by their occu
pants. Stockman and Farmer.
- Golden Cashaw Pumpkin.
The Golden Cashaw pumpkin Is one
of the best of the newer sorts, both for
pie-making and ' for stock-feeding.
When the pumpkin is matured the skin
is golden orange in color. The flesh
is fine grained, rich yellow in color,
sweet and rich In flavor. This variety
Is one of the sorts it would pay to grow
alone, that is, not in the corn field,
by anyone who had a large herd of cat
tle to feed. Grown alone the yield is
materially increased. Indianapolis
Green Pea Louse. -
The Department of Agriculture has
issued a report on the ravages of the
green pea louse, giving warning that
this insect, one of the most important
of those which have ravaged the crops
of the country during the last two sea
sons, will widen its range geographi
cally and Increase the amount of de
struction. " ;'
Since its first appearance in May,
1899, at Bridges, Va,, its devastation
has steadily increased and It has now
become the cause of great loss In the
principal .pea growing regions of the
United States.- The estimated loss it
caused along the Atlantic coast States
in 1899 1 estimated at $3,000,000 and
In 1900 this had reached $4,000,000 by
the middle of June. In some farms in
Maryland 80 per cent or more of the
crop was destroyed. Vigorous efforts
are making to control its spread and
the official bulletin gives a detailed de
scription and means of fighting it
Frnit Note i.
Handle fruit as if you were handling; ;
eggs. ,
It is the duty of every farmer to plant
fruit trees.
Cut out from the pear tree all limbs
which show blight.
Most fruit growers say that clay soil -Is
the best for the pear.
Blackberries are a profitable tarry to
raise for the market
The best sol! for the raspberry Is a
rich, well-drained, deep soil.
The number of known species of
plums runs up into the hundreds.
Land that will produce grain and .
vegetables will grow blackberries.
Plums should be thinned to about
six inches apart after the June drop. ,
Plant different kinds of fruit trees, so ;
as to be sure of a crop of some kind.
Pears and plums are just as hardy as
apples and just as valuable to raise.
Strawberries will grow In every State
in the Union. Have you a bed of them?
Fruit trees require to be cultivated
and pruned, but they will repay all
care and attention.
Training raspberries and blackberries
on trellises is recommended by some
When fruit has been thoroughly1 ;
thinned it attains the largest size, great
est beauty and deliclousness of flavor.
For Unloading- a Hayrack.
An easy way to unload a hayrack
without lifting it off is to set four posts
in such a manner as to be far enough
apart one way to miss the running
gears of the wagon and far enough"
apart the other to hold a 16-foot racltr
Top boards are nailed to the posts.
These are pointed at one end and by
driving through between the two pan
els the rack is lifted from the wagon,
being gradually raised as the wagon
passes along. Exchange. -:
Quality of Potatoes.
The demand for quality is by no
means confined to fruit, as many farm
ers think. One might say the consumer
has no means of knowing if a certain
variety . of potato is likely to cook up
ntealy or be soggy, and that is true so
far as the appearance of the tuber goes,
but here is the way the consumer treats
the matter:-Be gets a small supply of
potatoes from the grocer and finds
them soggy and tasteless. The next
time he goes to the grocer he tells him
in unmistakable terms that no more,
potatoes like the last are wanted. The
grocer in turn lays down the law to the
commission man from whom he buys,
who in turn looks up the source of sup- '
ply, and either writes the grower thaj! .
no more of the variety should be sent
or says nothing and sells them to whom
he can at any price he can. Thus the
producer pays the penalty for not tak
ing quality into consideration in potato-. '
growing. Test varieties in the soil you
intend to use, and know what you are
doing. If the soil is sandy or gravelly
loam and the plot has the proper care,
there is no trouble in producing qual
ity. -
Sorghum as Forage Crop.
If sorghum is wanted for fodder, says
Orange Judd Farmer, sow June 10 or
after and let it remain in the field
until the lower blades Lave dried up
and the seed has just passed the dough
stage. Cut with a mower when the
dew is not on and put into shocks at
once.. Build shocks eight feet high' and
eight feet in diameter and leave in the
field until wanted. Sorghum put up in.
this way M'ill make excellent feed un
til warm weather next spring. After
that the juice begins to sour and it
must not be used. Some feeders con
sider one acre of sorghum worth two
acres of ordinary field corn, if an or
dinary wheat drill is used for sowing
sorghum seed, stop three of the holes
and leave three open. The crop can be
cultivated once. When cutting time,
comes- go into the field with a self
binder and cut as oats or millet The
objection to this method is that In most
of the humid States there Is danger of
sorghum spoiling under the band. In
Nebraska and Kansas and further west,
where the air is dry, this objection does
not bold. The crop is easier handled
In bundles. , ;
Pasturing in Sprayed Orchards.
The statement was recently made in
an agricultural paper that several cases
of swine-kllling by pasturing In spray
ed orchards were on record. There is
certainly some mistake about this, for
the matter has been repeatedly-tested,
and it has been found that it would re
quire the consumption of nearly half a
ton of pasture by an animal for it to
obtain sufficient poison . from under
sprayed trees to Injure It Moreover,
swine of all animals are the least af
fected by poisons of any pasturing ani
mals in orchards that have been spray
ed, provided only spraying has been
done, and there has been no large quan
tity spilled over a small area. In the
latter case animals would be likely to
be made quite sick. Exchange.
. ' Vanquishing the Burdock.
' One man claims to have freed his
premises from burdock burrs by keep
ing them mowed and cut off all sum
mer, never permitting them to form
leaves. It ended tbem. Another said
he put a very little gasoline on each
plant by the use of a small oil can, and
every plant to which the oil was ap
plied went the way of all the eartlu