Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 12, 1901, Image 3

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FRIDAY. JULY 12, 1901.
. -IN-
and Skirts.
We liaye now oa eale, and new
Spring Suits & Dress
nOor suit compute the newest nd
est ( tlit late creation! such as coat and
balero effects and postillion backi. New
style skirt are alio abown and jacket!
(M. '
Tba price of our suits range from $8.00
S, E. Young 8? Son,
4!baiy, OrefiOH.
The Black Cat.
Take youresga to Young's.
All kinds of repairing, at the
Bicycle Hospital.
Biass curtain rods for eala at
Young's Gash Store.
Big special 25 per cent off on
all summer goods at Kline's.
Fresh candy, fruit and nuts, al
ways on hand at the Commission
Store. . .
Poultry food, poultry cure, and
insect powder, at the Commission
Store. . ,-. '
All work guaranteed by Albert J.
Metger, watchmaker, three doors
north of the postoffice.
Friday is the time to order your
dressed chu-ken or Sunday's din
ner, at the Commission Store.
J. B. IrvlDe made a trip to Leb
anon, -Tuesday, to visit his sister,
Mrs. Miller, who is dangerously ill.
Ladies when yoa visit Nolan &
Callahan's be sure and look over
their remnant counter. Sone choice
plums. .'..'. '
Prof. Kent is in Portland where
he is making experiments with the
Baboock test to find certain proper
ties in the cream furnished there.
Dr. Lowe the eeulo optician will
be in Corvallls July the 22nd to
noon of the 24th. If you value
your eyesight you will have him fit
Classes to your eye.
John Barnhart, who has been c'on
fined to his room for several weeks
as the result of a severe sprain, was
able to be out on . the streets a few
days ago with the aid of crutches.
Next Monday the open season
for bunting deer begins. A num
ber of our sportsmen are already
planniag a trip to Mary's Peak
Uunday, in order to be on ' the
ground for an early hunt Monday
Norton Adams and J. H. Al
bright went to Newport, Tuesday,
'where they will be employed for a
month or such a matter. They
will work together with Contractor
Fleminsr on the construction of a
large store building in the "City by
the sea."
The passenger train over the
West Side arrived in this city about
an heur and a half late Tuesday
When near Carlton the throttle
valve f the engine became dlscon
nected. causine a delay. It is said
that a freight eneine picked the
train up and brought it u.
Indications of a good price for
berjs this fall are not so flattering
at present as they were a couple of
months ago. Buyers are not eager,
and we once at present ranges from
9 to U cents per pound, with few
deals consummated. It is thought
that the ruliner price this fall will
be from 12 to 13 cents. n
In a recent letter to a friend in
this city, Miss Blanche E. Riddle
writes from her Douglas county
home that she has two schools in
view for this fall. Miss Riddle
graduated from the 0 A C last
month and is well qualified for each
a pesition. Mauy sincere friends in
this oity hope for her success.
Leaving Portland at 7:30 yester
day morning the first Sundiy train
started on the Portland and Cor-
vallis run. and if traffic continues
as good as yesterday, the company
will no doubt find the experiment a
success. While no attempt bad
been made to advertise the depart
ure of the train, it was exceptionally
well patronized. The train consist
ed of two passenger coaches. At
everv station of any size the train
was met by bunebes of residents
glad to see the inauguration of the
new schedule, it was the nrst
time In the history that towns on
the West Side road received their
Sunday papers and that this ser
vice was appreciated was shown by
the crowd that gathered to greet
the train on its return trip in the
afternoon. The inauguration of
this train will make it possible for
people in the city to visit friends in
the country without interfering
with work, and for that reason no
doubt will gain much iu popularity
Telegram. '
?.W. A.r Sanders, the watchmaEer.
Buy your harvesting outfits from
Nolan & Callahan.
No charges for prescriptions at
the Bicycle Hospital.
Leave orders, at' the Commission
Store for all kinds of wood.
Mart Bilyeu, of Scio, arrived in
this city yesterday for a brief visit
with his brother.
Rev. L. M.' Boozer will preach in
the Witham school house Sunday
afternoon at 2:30.
Our Great Mid-Sum mer Sale is
now in full blafct. Bargains all
round. Nolan & Callahan.
Given away a pair of Queer.
Quality shoes on August 8th. Call
at store for particulars at Kline's.
Notice is given to all taxpayers
who do not wish their property ad
vertised for sale for 1900 taxes that
they must pay their taxes before
July 20th.
G. S. Humbert will preach at the
Christian church next Sunday.
Subject at 11 a. m, "Recruiting for
ChriBt;" at 8 p. m., "A Servant of
Jesus Christ."
Last week Thomas Bell disposed
of his interest in the Charter Oak
Mill . Co. to E. Buxton. ' The latter
is bow down at Soap Creek , where
the mill is at work. ...
During he first of the week Mrs.
George A. Waggoner - and family
moved ' into a dwelling near the C.
& E. depot! The house just vacat
ed by Mriv Waggoner is to be e-c-cupied
ere long by a couple whose
wedding will oecur shortly.
W. M. Roblnett a traveling sales
man for the wholesale house ef
Sligo Iron Store company of St.
Louis Mo., visited Corvallis, Wed
nesday. Mr. Robinett is a nephew
of Joseph Yates, and was formerly
a student of the agricultural college.
The K. of P. lodge of this city
are in receipt of an invitation to at
tend the Knights of Pythias field
meet and basket picnic at Eugene
today. It is a matter of regret that
affairs - have so shaped themselves
that a delegation cannot be sent
from the local lodge.
The shooting match between the
gun clubs of this city and Philo
math, which was to have taken
plaoe in this eity tomorrow has been
postponed for a week. A couple of
the members of the Philomath team
were obliged to be absent tomorrow
and this caused the postponement.
Beginning Sunday evening at the
United Evangelical church the pas
tor will deliver a series of Sanaa
evening 6ermons on "Problems Tha
Perplex." The first of the series
will be "Temptation." . Morning
sermon, "bometning lor iliacn to
do." A cordial invitation is ex-1
tended to all. '
The city girl who expressed so
much sympathy for the poor farmer
because of his cold job in harvest
ing the winter wheat, is equal in
agricultural knowledge to the one
who expressed a desire to sea a field
of tobacco when it was just plug,
ging out; but the damsel who ask
ed which cow gave the buttermilk
is entitled to the whole bakery.
Last summer we printed a cam
munieation from a resident desiring
seats to be placed under the maples
in the court house yard. The seed
sown last year has born fruit.
Wo. Lane has placed some benches
in the shade during the past few
days and people, old and Young,
can now hie themselves to this spot
on a warm day and enjoy the fresh
air and cool shade.
A few days ago Henry French
brought a magnificent cluster of
Crimson Ramblers to this office.
These flowers are as beautiful aa
they are rare in this vicinity and
were the first we have ever seen.
Mr. French states that they .are
quite hardy and do well in this
country. A few will be found to be
an adornment to any flower gar
den. Tomorrow the building com
mittee of the board of regents will
hold a meeting for the purpose of
locating the site of the new horti
cultural hall and to determine ether
matters connected with its construc
tion. It is thought that the foun
dation will be laid this fall and
early next summer the building
will be rushed to completion. It is
surmised that the foundation will
be of granite brought from the Cas
cade mountains. ,.
We note that Prof. J. B. Hor
ner's tribute to the late Prof. E. B.
McElroy which was delivered re
cently before tho Memorial Associ
ation of this city has been published
by a number of our exchanges.
He likens McEIroy'8 life work
among the school childreu of this
state to "a drop ef dew on the leaf
in the early morning that mirrors
and absorbs the whole sky above it,
whether, it be blue and clear, or
whether it be covered with clouds."
E. B. Horning was stricken down
April 1st. with a complication of
diseases. -.First he had typhoid
fever and when he began to recover
from that kidney troubles of a se
rious nature ' developed and he was
obliged to undergo a surgical opera
tion. At different periods his con
dition was considered most critical,
but he is now steadily improving
and be will ' soon be himself again
it is hoped- The first time he. was
down town since April 1st wan on
the 4th of July, when he was driven
about in a carriage for an airing.
Un Tuesday afternoon, our
friend, Joseph Yates, loaded bis
two-horse automobile with
bottles and grub, hitched np his
praneiflg stead, squared himself
in the seat, drove around to oar
place of business and insisted on
the writer making a flying visit
with him to Sodaville. We
rather hesitated, knowing that
he was tongue-tied and ; fearing
that we would be compelled to
do all. the talking, bat finally ac
cepted his gracious offer and we
were soon speeding across the
valley in fine style, arriving at
our destination at 6 p. .
After anchoring "Billy" and
his mate and laying aa ample
supply of clover hay within their
reach, we proceeded to "camp
out" in the presence of that
bountiful supply of grub.
At the spring were carpenters
and plasterers making some im
provements in and about the
springs, cleaning the reservoir,
cementing the floor, and making
general repairs about the ,baild
ing, a thing fflBch needed, ' and
which they will bo able to do
with the $1,000 appropriated by
the last legislature. It afforded
us great " pleasure . to note the
prosperous condition of the coun
try; the immense piles of hay,
now almost all in the cock; and
it is now especially gratifying to
note that instead of the ordinary
crop of cheat great fields of clov
er and some timothy could be
seen; thus Indicating that Cur
farmers are awake to their inter
ests.. .-. ;
The mowing machines and
hayrakes were visible on all sides.
The rich fields of golden yellow
wheat with heads bending as if
beckoning to the husbandman to
stake ready for the harvest, and
not a bug to be seen the "bug
gers" not having made their ap
pearance this season as predicted.
The oats also promise an abund
ant yield and an occasional piece
of rye could be seen, one of which
"Father" Yates insisted had
made a luxuriant growth of at
least 7 feet . in height. In the
pastures were great hards ef
sheep and cattle rolling in fat,
and by the roadside milk cans
were waiting to be transported
to the creameries. The fruit
crop is also wonderful to behold,
and garden track is abundant.
Then, too, as an evidence of that
deep and lasting prosperity we
noticed numerous barns in course
of (Jbastruction We looked in
wonder and amazement at the
bountiful harvest now awaiting,
and thought Of the striking con
trast' as compared with the
dreadful condition? now existing
in the East, and came home su
premely happy. W. P. L
The Hand of Providence.
A most exeiting runaway is
reported to have occurred a short
time ago in this city. From
what is learned, it appears that
Jacob Blrrmberg and his "one
horse ' shay" were transacting
some Business along . "junk"
lines in the alley back of the es
tablishment of John H. Simpson.
Jake beeame aumiadful of the
mettle of his steed and left him
unguarded for a moment. Some
thin? very, unusual must have
occurred to - frighten ; the old
charger, for he dashed out of the
alley at a pace that made onlook
ers hold theii breath. His Old
less worked like the were
wooden, but he was doing his t
most and most likely thoSglt he
was setting a paee that - weald
have done him credit twenty-five
years ago. When he was. fairly
oat on the street the eld herse es
pied a buneh ef grass near the
hardware store of R. M. Wade &
Co. and could go so farther. In
his runaway tha old animal trav
eled at least 150 feet but lackily
no damage . resulteQY it is
thought by many of per citizens
to be providential that , grass
crows so premiscnonsly about
town, and in the face of the evi
dence famished in this case the
task of convincing people to the
contrary seems doubly hard. We
have crass - enoagh growing in
the streets to step a herd of
Everything; Moves.
Everything is teemia? with
life and energy at thetagrieul
tural college these days.. Quite
a swarm of painters are plying
their brushes, thereby materially
changta? tha appearanoa of va
rious buildings. Men are at
work digging the ditch tram the
heating plant to the armory for
the purpose ot laving pipe for
the heating of the latter building
In the administration building
carpenters and plasterers . are
making things hum la tha way
of remodeling and preparing for
certain plumbing work that is to
be done. Gardeners are at work
about the college campns beauti
fying the grounds in every con
ceivable manner.
The heavier work in connec-
tiua with the college farm also
employs a number of men at
present. In fact, sothine is be
ing neglected frora tha most
scientific professional work down
to trapping the -industrious and
most officious enemy of the gar
dener, the gopher. After one
has noted all of these signs of
progress and Industry a stroll in
to the college "print shop" will
prove to one that there is a move
on in that quarter, Bulletins
and matter f various character
have to be Issued, and so press
iag is the work that George B.
Keady and his son, Walter, are
employed all t&e time.
Text-Books Chosen.
Tht board of text-hooks com
missioners has selected the books
to be used in the common schools
ia the state for the next six
years. Ginn & Co.' get 75 per
Ia making the awards the beard
voted as a unit, the selections
having been agreed upon before
hand. The concensus of opinion
expressed by a number" of book
men is that a reduction of 10 per
cent, in the cost of books ia like
ly to be one result ef the selec
tion of books by the commission.
That there will be a gain in the
general character of the text
books, seems to be certain. The
adoption of the vertical system
of writing is oae ot the most rad
ical changes made by . the Com
mission. The books adopted are
here shown by series, the prices
being for a set of the series:
Cyr's readers, five books, Ginn
& Co. ; exchange, $1,03; retail,
Reed & Kellozp-'s grammar.
three boeks, Maynard, Merrill &
Go. ; exchange, 68 cents: retail,
$1.25.' :
Wentworth's arithmetic, two
books, Ginn & Co. ; exchange,
36 cents; retail, 70 cents.
Frye's geography, two books,
Ginn & Co.: enchange, 00 cents;
retail, $1.80.
Speller, Reed's word lessons,
one book, Maynard, Merrill &
Co.; exchange, 10 cents; retail,
22 cents.
Wheeler's - primer, W. H.
Wheeler & Co. ; exchange, 15
cents; retail, 30 cents.
Brook's mental arithmetic,
Christopher, Sauer & Co.; two
now in use; retail, 30 cents.
Newland & Row's vertical
writing, eight books, Heath &
Co.; 6 cents straight.
Thomas' - primary history-i
Heath & Co. ; exchange, 30
cents; retail, 60 cents. Mr.' Scott
oted for McMaster's history.
Thomas': United States His
tory, grammar grade, Heath &
Co; exchange, 50 cents; retail, $1.
After the vote Bad been taken
President H. W. Scott stated to
the book men that the members
of the board had been studying
the merits of the text books for
about four months, that they had
held a conference, compared
notes and investigated prices
and that the selections made
were the result of that confer
ence. Miss Barry's Recital.
No more charming woman has
bee, heard ia recital in Corvallls
than Miss Margaret Barry. She
delights mora by her winning
personality than ner wont as an
artist. Her every movement is
grace personified ; her voice is as
seductive as a lute, though lack
ing in richness and dramatic
power; her smile as alluring as a
siren's. But if one can forget
this oatward . charm, and coldly,
consider the merits of her per
formance there is much which
makes extravagance praise ful
some flattery. C -v--.
Her timbers from Eugene
Field, "Little Boy Blae," and
''S'eein' Things;" "Phylis," and
the second selection from Les
Miserables, show her to best ad
vantage, and in these her inter
pretation is little short 1 perfect.
To those who nave iieara miss
Katheryne Oliver in "The Lit Ia
Minister, 1 Miss Barryu. reading
is disappointing. She has neither
the dialect nor the conception.
Her rendition is pleasing, bat
not masterful. True, she makes
a fascinating "Babbie," but this
is onl y because Mis9 Barry ner
self is not less witching than the
heroine of 'The Littla Minister,"
and she exereises this" faculty
in swaying her audience, much
as "Babbie" does to begaile
; Miss Barry is in mauy respects
a remarkable woman, and while
it is too much to say that she
ranks with the greatest readers
of the age, she certainly deserves
many of the kind things that
have been said of her. -
Additional Local
Mrs. MVP.- Burnett and son, Leo,
ieis Wednesday for a visit with Mrs.
Burnett's mother at Baker City.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will give an ice cream social
oa the lawn at the church next Sat
urday afternoon and evening from
3 to 10.
Ivan Daniel left yesterday for a
trip a-wheel through Wheeler and
'Gilliam counties. He went by way
of Portland and will be absent a
month or six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Miller, of
Clearfield, Iowa, arrived yesterday
on a visit with their son, F. L. Mil
ler, ef this city. They will remain in
Corvallis for a month or six weeks.
A sequel to the little altercation
at Philomath on the Fourth, be
tween Dr. Loggan and J. W. Ingle,
was the arrest of the doctor yester
day on complaint of Mr." Ingle.
The latter claims that he was as
saulted and beaten. The Gazette
will give the details later as they
are brought out In the trial.
Sam. T. Shaw, the prince of theat
rical managers and general favorite
of the publio died in Kansas City
last week. About a year ago he
had aa attack of brain trouble from
which he never recovered. He
made two appearances in Corvallis
and for a time Jessie Shirley was
his leading lady. Many of our
theatre goers who remember him
feel that his death has closed the
career of a most clever and versa
tile comedian.
At the regular meeting Monday
night the council found little busi
ness to transact. Bills amounting
to $500 on the general fund, and
$94 on the street fund were allowed.
The fire and water committee were
instructed to confer with the water
company concerning the putting in
of a number ef hydrants. , A special
meeting of the council will be held
Monday evening for the purpose of
discussing the matter of procuring
additional hose for the fire com
pany. ... (
A telephone message to S. N. Wil
kins from Prineville, Tuesday, an
nounced the accidental killing of
Med Moore that day. Mr. Moore,
who was a brother ot Mrs. Wilkins,
had won a rifle at a raffle and in
examining it the weapon was dis
charged, the ball passing through
his heart. Mr. Wilkins left for
Prineville Wednesday morning.
Mr. Moore was a resident of Cor
vallis some fifteen years aero and
his many friends here " will ' be
shocked at the announcement of
his untimely death.
Superintendent Henry French, of
Benton county's exhibit to the state
fair, informs us that the following
further contributions have been
made" to the exhibit: By Mrs. El
vin Witham, cherries; Mrs. Ben
Martin cherries and black currants;
O. Martin, some excellent speci
mens of raspberries over three
fourths of an inch in diameter.
The O A C experiment station has
contributed 12 or 15 samples of
strawberries and cherries. Mr.
French states that Professor Lake
and others connected with the sta
tion have given valuable assistance
in classifying grasses and in other
ways. . -
A Monroe correspondent gives
the following account of the re
union of the Ingram family last
Sunday on Ingram island, four
miles east of Monroe: The reunion
eonsisted of Grandma Ingraham,
aged 78, six children, 23 grand
children and 17 great-grandchild
ren; total, 47. Also 14 relatives by
marriage. It was also ascertained
by aotual count, that there were 37
other persons not present with In
gram blood in their veins, making
a grand total of 84 surviving mem
bers of the family. Grandma In
gram has lately been successfully
treated . by Dr. Brown, of Eugene,
for cancer. She Is now in excellent
spirits, and her face is healing
Preparations, for the big Wood-
men initiation whioa is to take
place on Mt. Tabor, Portland, Au
gust 3rd, at which time 1.000 can
didates are to be initiated, seem to
be progressing yery nicely. Doubts
were entertained in certain eircles
regarding the probability of so
many candidates being secured On
this oecaslon, but over 800. have al
ready been secured. An excursion
train will be run from this eity on
August 2nd, at which time a greatly
reduced , rata will be afforded to the
general public as well as Woodmen
Parties can confer with J. Wrage
regarding the excursion rate that
will be offered. The train will re
turn on the 4th or 5th. The data
of return is not yet determined.
we nave seen uncle loavs Labin
in numerous forms of dramatie
architecture and various stages of
development. We have seen it with
and without, with two Topsies and
two Marks, but last Monday even
ing was our nrst time to witness It
wbsre - trie entire company , were
"Marks," Through the process of
evolution the cabin became a tent
and the bloodhound had assumed
the garb of a bird dog. The ear
load of mechanical effects was sup
plied in the gestures and acting of
the players, and photos of the com
pany hawked about during the
performance furnished the beauti
ful scenery. About 500 people be
held this burlesque perpetrated in
the name of "Uncle Tem." A
word of com.uendation is due tho
little tot who portrayed "Eva," and
the music of the band and orcnes
Men's and Boys
Owin? to tho fact that we will have the largest and
best stock t f Men's and Boys' Clothing that eyer camo
to Corvailis this Fall, we will haye to expand our cloth
ing room. Therefore we will sell all remaining clothing
At a Liberal Discount
15 Per
new clothing will be the well-known Hart, Shaff
& Marx Brand; best-clothing on earth at the price.
- graduation.
Stress Academic aad Professional Course. Well Equipped Traiaisg' Department
Bxyeaaea range from $xao to $173 per year. Fall Term Opens Septemberi7th.
For catalog containing full announcements, address.
J. B, V. BuTIkBR, F. It.
: . Secretary.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Rough and Dressed Fir Lumber
Corner of 5th and
For prices enquire at yards or
or Philomath,. Oregon.
& at this.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock" of candies, fruits and g
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
- a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
people are killed every year in this
country by CONSUMPTION. Th
fault is theirs. No one need have
consumption. It is not hereditary.
It is brought on by neglect. You
have a slight cold and cough. Yoc
do nothing to get rid of it.
will cure a cough or cold in one
"Shiloh' Is a unfailing- earn (or eonghs
throat mad Wag trouble. It will cut con
miDDtton. It is a remarkable reffledj."
, A. E. SALTER, M. Buffalo, K. T.
ShUob's Consumption Cure Is sold by an
droRKista at 85c, fitto, Sl.OO at bottle. A
printed raarsuita kms with erery bottle.
It yon are not satisfied go to your drugglal
and jet your manay back.
- Wrir, for illustrated feooV on consumption. Sen
without cost to yon. S. C. Wells & Co., LcRoj, N.Y A
Foley's Honey and Tar
forchudrea,saie,sure. no vpiaisa.
Expansion Sale
State Normal School
Monmouth'' Oregon.
for graduates ot the Normal School, dur
ing the past year has been much beyond
the supply.
Positions from $40 to $75 ner month.
Students are prepared for the slate exam
" inations and readily take state papers on
Washington Streets.
address the company at Corvallis
Native Herbs.
Anvose desiring this (Treat blood puri
fier, may secure the same by calling oa
or addressing
Philomath, Or.
Price $1 per bar.
The least in quantity and most in
quality describes De Witt's Little Early
Risers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaiata. Graham & Welle,
' Government Land.
Parlies wishing to locate on govern
ment land will do well to consult
. F. Kleckeb,
Alsea, Or.
If you are sick all over, and don't knoir
just what ails you, it's ten to one your
kidneys are oat of order. Foley's Kidney
Cure will bring yon health aad energy.
Graham. & Wortbam.
New Lumber Yards. . .
The Benton County Lumber Co, has
opened a yard at the corner of 5th and
Washington streets, near the 8. P. depot
in this city. They have a full stock ot
fine fir lumber. Prices quoted on application.