Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 12, 1901, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1901.
What constitutes the proper ob
servation of theSabbath Djv is
a question wHich lias been dis-!the
cussed for centuries.
The Scriptures record that the
day was instituted by the Creator
who, after the six- days work of
creation "rested on the seventh
dav." and that he "blessed the
seventh day and sanctified it."
If the consecration of the Sab-
bath is coeval with the Creation
it must have been with the pur
pose of celebrating the comple
tion of the work of creation. It
is remarkable that betwx-ea tne
creation and the Exodus there is
no record ot trie oDservation oi
the Sabbath. It seems probable,
However, that the Jews never
wholly lost sight of it.- After
their deliverance from Egyptian
bondage Moses . gives this as a
special reason for the observation
of the day, which from Sinai they
had been " commanded to remem
ber to keep holy,
The prevalent conception of
the chief characteristic of this
Jewish institution is the prohibi
tion of work. Concerning this
an eminent Christian scholar
says: "The prohibition of work
,is only subsidiary to the positive
idea of joyful rest and recreation.
The Apostolic writings are al- F
c 1 11 euijet "
Sabbath. They p-rve no rules for
its observation, never denounce
its violation, and never include
'Sabbath-breakers" in their list
of offenders. From its begin
ning the Christian church has ob
served the first day of the week,
ui ijunuay, as a uay lor lueeung
together to break bread, to give
anu tu receive cu0n,lOKe
offenngs for charitable purposes
and for meditation and
" Scripture says very little concern
ing this day. It appears to have
been chosen by the Apostles be
cause it was believed to have been
the day of Christ's resurrection.
It is quite certain that for two
hundred years it was kept dis
tinct from the Jewish Sabbath.
During these first two centuries
of its life the Christian church
did not make any prohibition of
nor record any protest against
any work or occupation on the
Irord's Day.
After the conversion to Chris
tianity of .the Emperor Constan-
tine he issued several edicts pro
hibiting' the pursuit of many oc
cupations and - forms of pleasure
on the Lord's Day.
this day assumed
istics and place
the Character-
Of the Jewish
The sect "of Pharisees had in
vented many prohibitions respect
ing the Sabbath of which there
is no trace in the original institu
tion of the day. These were ar
bitrary and fantastical.
Pharisaical spirit dies hard.
Many of these arbitrary condi
tions passed over and became in
corporated with the observances
of the Lord's Day, or Sunday.
Thus it occurred that.a day of
joyful rest and recreation, di
vinely instituted to meet the re
qulrements of man's physical and
spiritual life comes to us burden
ed with harsh, irregular condi
The Puritans excelled the Jew
ish sect in adding "burdens too
grevious to be borne' ' to the ob
servation of "first day." A man
might not kiss his wife, might
not whistle, nor visit friends, nor
engage in any recreation nor
amusement whatever on that day,
Its hours must be given "to the
S3rvices of the public sanctuary,
to reading the scriptures, to medi
tation and to prayer."'
m. r..: . ci-n.
AUCV "IU1 Y; l".c
for man; these would give man to
the Sabbath as formulated by
Protestants are accustomed to
depreciate the manner in which
Catholics observe Sunday, but of
a truth it seems to be more in ac
cord with the Sabbatical idea and
purpose. There is a wide differ
ence between the Catholic and
and the Puritan observation of
the day, and multitudes of pious
men and women occupy a middle
. Many men living in cities are
enforced to toil six days in the
week. When Sunday comes
they are thankful that they may
have "mother" prepare the lunch
baskets and that parents, children
and the 4 'hired girl' ' may take
one of those godless Sunday
trains and hie away to some
shadv. quiet nooic ana nave a
joyous, pleasant and restful day.
They "find tongues in trees,
books in the ruuning brooks, ser
mons in stones and good in every
thing." Wno dare say they have
desecrated the Sabbath and of-i
r i . 3 j 1 , . T v f
ienaea ine vreaiorr iney uave
had a day of rest, of rational en
joyment. Instinctively ' their
souls have been drawn up from
contemplation of Nature to Na
ture's God, with whom they have
come into closer, holier commun
ion than if they had remained in
:ity and heard Rev. Dr. Oer-
icus discuss the Fourth Com
mandment. 'Because it i ! often sadly dese
crated we would not abolish the
Christian Sibbath: no more
would we deny lo those whom the
stress of life's battle calls to six
davs unremittine ton amm uie
heat and dust and rush incident
to city life such innocent diver
sions and rational pleasures as
thev may choose to pursue on
even though Dr. Clen- '
cus write "anathema" upon each .
one. i
The Deer Law.
As the season for hunting deer '
is near at nana many nunters i
will want to pest themselves en
the law covering this matter. It
is as follows:
The open, season for deer com
mences July 15th and ends No
vember 1st. It is unlawful far
any person to take, capture, kill
or destroy in ; any pen season
more than five deer. Any per
son who lawfnllv kills five deer
can make an affidavit before any
, .. tw. nnm.
dellver tfl affiftnt one leather tag
, . - j u- u f.
(designed and issued by the state
game warden) for the hide of
each deer, net exceeding five in
all. One of these tags shall be
securely fastened with wire , to
each deer skin, and the owner is
then entitled to offer such deer
1, . - c 1 avne.
or exchange or
tfan tfttion tft any pntith.
in fte punishmest
, v,nUnn of anv r ihm n
v:-sftnR ftf fh5 art is lv fi fine of
- - j
not less than $25 nor more than
$500, together with the costs ot
prosecution, or by lmpnsomnent
in the county latl tor not less
than 30 nor more than 120 days,
or by both such fine and impris
Real Estate Transfers.
"MA Spaulding to S Davis,
lot in Philomath; $225.
J O Rhine hart to G BeKman,
256 acres near Blodgetts; $25.
J M Osburn to G Bettman,
land near Blodgetts.
-Oak Ridge Cemetery to J E
Gleason, lot 5; $7. -
T TT Tanil tn TT S fllMcnn
L0 acre9) Seo 16, T 13, SR6W;
J C Right to R E Tuttle, lot
3, blk 4, Dixon's 1st Add to Cor
vallis; $100.
M G Hanna to H Hanna, 6
lots, Avery's Add to Corvallis;
$1. "
M C Snell to First National
Bank, mortgages on lots 11 and
12, blk 23, County Add to Cor
vallis; $650.
Hart, Schafiher & Marx clothes
for dresey men, at 13. L- Kline's.
Remnants! RemnanU! Bar
gains! Bargains!. Nolan Calla
han. '
Young keeps the Brown '.'Star 5
Star" shoes, the best in the market.
15 per cent off on all our men's
clothing to make room. for ou.- large
Sail order At Kline's.
rn,.. - . v ,
! Mothers, go to Yount'a Cash
.Store for children's readv-ma5e
waists. A new line just arrived.
Letter List.
For the week ending July 6, 1901.
Persons calling or theso letters will
please state date on which, they were
advertised. They will be charged at the
rate of one cent eacbt
Mrs Leila Bushoell, Zep Blicky, Beam
& Hogor, Robert R Black, Marion Cop
pin, Miss Sarah Chamberlain, Miss Ma
rion Clnppit), Mrs May Blassfoot, Wra H
Easom, Mrs D T Gillespie, Mrs Lizzie
Harris, Aroma Jackson, O. L. Lundt,
Roy Mason, Frank Mafield, Montana
Cattle Buyer, W H Norman, Peter Peter
son,' M J Palmer,- Jason Staley, L VV
Van Horn Miss Nellie Williams.
15. V. Johnson, P. M.
Geo. C. Hickock, CurtUs, Wis., says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to be all you claim for it. I
have given it t'j my lather ami it is the
only thing that ever helped him." Gra
ham & Wortham.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
M. A. G00DH0U0H
: IiiiWMter of
? -
Highgrade Pianos, Organs and Sirall
Instruments cf al description!'.
The Celebrated
Needham Pianos and Organs
Which have become famous for their
beauty of tone, superior action and great
W invite comnarison of onr price?.
quality considered, with those of other
firms, Call and examine our goods or
u-rir.a for catalogue.
' Office and residence one block west of
Court House.
For Sale.
Cedar posts 1st ad 2nd grade;
No 1
shakes and Shingles.
Corvallis Sawmili, Company,
Mr. E. D. Arnolds Arno'd, la., writes
He was troubled with kidi . y disease
about three vears. Had to e 1 up sever
al times during the night but three Dot
Hps of Foley's Kidney Cure effected 1
complete cure, he feels better- than he
ever did and recommends it to his friends
Graham & Wortham.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator of the estate ot J. E.
A. EeblDson, deceased, by the County Court ot the
State ot Oregon, for Benton county. All persons
baviDg claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same to the undersigned
verified as by law required at the office of
j. T. uavie, in trmiomain, vsreguu, wibuuu via
nontbs from the date hereof.
Bated July 2, 19el.
U C. Fridlky,
Administrator of the estate of J. E. A. Aebin
son, deceased. - .
State Treasurer's Fourth Notice,
. Notice Is hereby given that there are
now funds in the Treasury with whir.h to
redeem all outstanding State Warrants
drawn on the General Fund and en
dorsed "Presented and not paid for want
of funds," prior to this date; also to pay
all warrants drawn on the State Scalp
Bounty Fund, and endorsed ''Presented
and not paid for want of funds, prior to
May 1st 1900, and all such warrants,
propel ly endorsed, will be paid npon
presentation at this omce, interest there
on cea: ing from and after this date.
Chas. S, Moore,
State Treasurer.
State of Oregon, Treasury Department;
June 5th, 1901, "
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Look out for counterfeits. If yon get
DeWitt's-'' you Will get gocd results. It
is the quick, positive, cure for pile?
Graham & Wella.
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
Kotiue is hereby given that the nnderBijrned ad
ministrator of the estate of William H. Pugh, de
caased, pursuant to an order of the County Court
of the Slato of Oregon lor Linn oounty, made on
tho fifth day of July, 1901, duly entered in Probate
Journal Numbor 16 of said court, will from and af
ter the 10th day of August, 1901, proceed to sell for
cash in band, at private sale, all the interest which
tho said estate of of William H. Pusrh. deoeased. has
in and to tho following described real property, to
wit: Tho west ' of the N. B. X of lots 8 and 10, in
ia Section 39, T. 12, S. R 4 W , also beginning at
me X. vv. corner of n n. ri i oi sec a, i, as, 5.
B. 4 W., of the Willamette Meridian, and running
thence north 2.G0 chains, thence north 284 degrees.
E. 16.60 chains, thence north 43 degrees, K. 6.00
chains, thence 8. 62 degrees, E. S.30 chains, tlience
S. Sbti decrees. E. 13,77 chains, thence S. 1 3-4
degrees, W. 8.04 chains, thence west 22.90 chains to
tne place os Deginning, save ana except tne follow
ing described tract, to-wit: Beginning; at a point
34 OS chains K. of the N. W. comer of the N. E. 1-4
of Sec 30, T. 1. S. K. W., of the Willamette Mer
idian, thence W. 7.00 chains, thence S. 8.00 chains.
thence B, 1.00 chain, thenos S. 30.0 chains, thence
E. 6.00 ohains, thence down the river with the me
anders to tho place of beginning, containing 27.66
acres, and a tiact 40.00 rods East ar d Westerly,
80.O rods North and South, in the 8. W. corner ef
the W. 1-2 of the N. E. 14 ot Sec 30 T. 12, ft. B 4
W. . said premises being situated in Benton Countv.
State of Oregon, belonging to said - eetato, subject to
the approval and confirmation of the Cc onty Court
of Linn County, Oregon, to pay char yes, and ex
penses of administration and claims against said os
tate, and for distribution of proceeds thereof, after
payment of such charges, expenses and claims as by
law required. .
Dated this 12th day of July, A. D., 1911 -
Johh W. Puoil -Administrator
of the estate of
. William II. Pugh, deceased.
are the inost fatal of all dis
eases. Cm CY'O KKY CURE Is I
FULCI o Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians" as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c and" $1.00.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ao.
Anyone serndfrtg a sketch and deserlptkw ssay
quleklr nAcertain onr optatoi
invflituoK Is probably patepti
Uonsstrictlreonttdentfal. Hw
r ascerT.ain onr opmion rreo waeuior ao
Btlreonttdentiol. Handbook oa Pauwa
us. zreu. uiuuki afienuy zor tecuruig jpawuuw
Patents taken thronU Hunn A Co. reoelri
zree. uiaost ntieney lor g
wti taken thronU Hi
U notice, without banra
ipffuu ftonesi witnoni eaarge, in uie
clemiflc Jfmerlcait
A hanasowair fllvstrated weekly.
Tnrost Hr.
cul&Uon of any sot en till e journal. Terms. W a
rear: roar months, $L skua by all newsdealers.
mn& Co New Yort
T ) ... ism1, '. wuma
The greatest skin specialist in America I
originated the formula for Banner Salve. I
For all skin diseases, all cuts or sores,
and for piles, it's the most healing inedi
cine. Beware of substitutes. Uraliam
& Wortham.
N. C.
W. J.-Baxter, of North Biook,
savs he suffered with piles fr 15
V0iim 111 irinA mativ nmwiiM illL.llO
J - ' ,i.
reenlis utnil he uied DeWiifs Wilrh
Hazel Salve and that
quickly cured
him. CirBliam AWella.
Tliose famous little pills, DeWitt's Lit
tle Eariy Risers compel your liver and
bowels to do their duty, thns giving you
pure, rich blood to recuperate your body.
Are easy to take. Never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells, -
DeWitt's Witch Hael Salve should be
promptly applied to cuts, burns and
scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the
injured part. There are worthless coun;
terfeics, be sure to get DeWitt's. Gra
ham & Wells.
"I am indebted lo One Minute Cough
Cure for my present good health and my
lifp. I was treated in vain by doctors for
luog trouble following la grippe. I took
One Minute Cough Cure and recovered
my health." Mr. H. Wise, Madison,
Ga. Graham & Wells.
Question Answered.
" Yes, Aueuet Flower still has the
largest sale of any medicine in the
civilized world. Your mother and
eiandmothers -never , thought of
using anything else for indigestion
or biliousness. Doctors were scarce
and they seldom Jieard .of appen
dicitis, nervous prostration or heart
failure, etc. J hey used August
Flower to cleanse out the system
and stop fermentation of undi
eesttid food, regulate the action of
the liver, stimulate the. nervous and
organic action oi the system, -and
that is all tney took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few
closes of Green's August Flower, in
liquid form, to make you " satisfied
there is nothing serious the matter
with you. Get Green s Prize Alma
nac. Graham & Wortham.
You will waste time if you'undertake
to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starv
ing yourself. That only makes it worse
when you do cat' heartily. You always
need plenty of good food properly diges
ted. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the re
sult of j ears of scientific research foi
something that would digest not only
some elements of food but every kind.
And it is the one remedy that will dolt.
Graham & Wells.
"I had a running Bore on my urcast for
over a year," eavs Henry i&. Kiohards, ot
Willseyville, it. Y., "and tried a great
many remedies, but got no relief nntil 1
nsed Banner Salve. After nsingone-half
box, I was perfectly enred. I cannot re
commend it loo highly." Graham &
Wortham. i
A bad complexion generally results
from inactive liver and -bowels. In all
such cases, DeWitt's Little Early Risers
produce gratifying results. Graham &
Our dabbing List.
Subscribers to tho CORVALLIS GAZETTE can
obtain the following papers in combination sub
scriptions with tho . GAZETTE, at tho very lo
prices stated below; cash in advance always to ac
coir pany tho order. Qhoss wishing two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, will pleas
correspond with this office and we will quota you
the combination price. We can save yon money on
nearly all publications you desire.
The abbreviations below are explained as follows:
W. fot weekly; 8 W for semi-weekly; T W, for tri
weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi-ivonthly.
The firet price represents the subscription rate of
the publication alone, and the second the rate for
ihe publication offered
in conjunction with the
semi-weekly GAZKTTE.
Oregon Agricultarist and Rural Korthweat, Port
land, or., S.W., 60 cents; $1.80. . :
OroifOnian, Portland, Or., W., 50; 2.66.
- Rural Spirit, Portland, Or r Contains a live-stock
market report, W.,2.00; 4.5S. .
Pacific Christian Advocate, Portland, Or., W.
$2.00. S.05.
Th Hirice-a-Weck World, New York, T. W.,
l.0C;2.20. , . - . : .
Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, & thorough stock
and farm journal, W..
The Republic, St. Louis, Uo S. W., $1.00; 2.0ft.
The -American Farmer. Indianapolis. Ind., Live
stock, farm and poulur journal M., 50 cents; 1.65.
The Cosmopolitan UaGrazin. Kew York. M..
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, &t! pagea ot
latest mans; ; 2.85. -
The Outing; Mazarine, Kew York, M., (3,00; S.80.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W..S1.D0; 2.30.
Ore iron Foultrt Journal. Salem. Or.. M.. 60
cents; 1.80. . .
The Pathfinder. District ot Columbia. TV.. $1.00:
105. . . -'
The Dmltner, Kew York, Standard Fashions, II.,
$100; 2.35.
American Agriculturist. Chlcaco. Ill-, includins-
copy of Year book and Almanac, W., fl.00; S.30.
Finn, Field snd Fireside. Chitaico, III., W., $1.00;
2.15. -
St. Louis -Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, bis no riva
as ft ereat modern newspaper, T. W, $1.00; 2 15.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.80.
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, III, W., 50 cents;
$1.90. . - -. , . -
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W $'..C0; 2 05.
The Fruit Growers', Journal, Cobden , III., It,
50 cents; $1 75. - .
Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, S. W ,
50 cents; 1.75.
Women's Horn Com; anion, Sjring9cld, Ohio,
$L00; 2.15. .
Lippiocott's Mogasine, Philadelphia,. Pa., U.,
$2.60; 8.25. -.
Ev'rv Month (Music, Kong and Dnce), New York,
U.,$1.00; $2.15.
The Century Magazine, Kew York. M., $4.00; 8.05.
Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis., The
best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world, W..
$1.00; 290.
Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.15.
American Homes, - Knoxrille, Tenn., M., $1.00;
2.80. -
Boston Cookiuc; School Magaaine. Bi-M., 50 cents;
LOO. - ......
UcClure's Magazine, New York, U. , $1. 00; 2. 40.
Twice-a-Week Courier Jonrnal, Loniiville, Ky.,
ne M the best papers from the great South, T. W.,
$LO0; 2.05.
'Dairy Forlunes," a neat, well written book of
201 payes on all queations conceriiing dairying,
feads and feeding, the constituent properties of all
kiads ot feed; 39 combinations forming well
balanced rations for dairy cors. Every dairyman
shouM have it. fries with the Corvallis Ujljbttk
one year, $2.69.
Pocket Atlas of the World, 881 jwraf, containing
colored mans of all the states and territories in the
United States, the province of the dominion of
Canada, and of every country and civil divi.ion on
the face of the glob.. Also valuable statistical In
formation about each state and county, giving the
population of every large city in the world, besides
ether valuable information.- A handy reference
work for every person;
year, t0. - -
with CORVAU.1B Uaxbtts one
"I to truthfully state to yon and
the readers of these few lines that your
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ia without ques
tion, the best and only cure for dyspepsia
that I have ever come in contact with
and I have used many other preparations.
John Beam, ' "West Middlesex, Pa. No
preparation equals Kodol Dypsia Cure
as it contains all the natural iliestanls.
.:ii ,i:., u i.:...i.. ..e r ..i I t.
""'"" " . 1
ielp but do you good. Gralunn & Wt-lU.
The Great Scourge
Of modern times is consumption. Many
cures and discoveries from time to time
are published but Foley's Honey andTnr
does trnuiiuiiy claim 10 cure an cases in
the early stages and always affords rcui-
fort and relief in the very worst cases.
Take no substitutes. Graham & Wor
You can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. What your body needs is plenty of
good food properly digested. Then if
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contaiss all of
the natural digestants hence must digest
every class of food and so prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishing the body
and replacing the wasted tissues, thus!
giving life, health, strength, ambition,
pure blood and good healthy appetite.
Grajiam & Wells.
Drugs & Medicine Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Corvallis, Oregon
Established, Incorporated, lfS
The most complete line I of Pure Drugs d
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Ferfumcry, Toilet Article,
Combs, Brushes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
':" : CIGAKS
Manager of Perscription Department, .
T. A. JONES. Registered,
Special Course in Plarmscy at Perdue UniVersi
ty, Indiana -
Digests what you eat.
Thi9 preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allow3 you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E. C. TjbWitt & Co., Chicago,
Xne fl. bottle contains2tt times the 50c. size.
Craham & Wells.
No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation,
good 'buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom land.; price, . $650. 4 miles
from Philomath.
No. 131 80 acres, 25 in cultivation,
nice young orchard ; fair buildings, 2
cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plow, cultivator,- tools, etc.; also
furniture. , This is a good hill ranch and
is cheap at 700. ' C miles from town.
74 160 acres; SO in cultivation ; small
house;, good barn and water ; y2 miles
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county read ; good pasture and timber.
- 113 A good 7-room house with one
fa alf acre lot ; fruit, good water, 'chicken
houses and sheds, price $600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis poEloffice. - -
Real Estate Agent,
Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
file First National Bank
ESTABLIwHbll 1200.
II. r. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
On all kinds-of approved security, and especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate busi
ness enterprises and industries of this country.
- Deposits-.'
Received subject to check, payable on demr.d.
Foreign Exchange
Sight exchangee and transfers sold available In
the principal cities of England. Ireland, Switzer
land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway. Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, bpain, Portugal, Ger
many, Austria. . '
Letters of Caeclit
Issued available in the principal cities of tin
Uuitsd states. -
Principal Correspondents Upon Whom
. ' Sell Sight Exchange
The Commercial National Bani of Chicago.
The 1-imt Nation&l of Portland, Oregon.
The Hank of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglo-Cahfornlcn bank, Ban Francisco, Calif
Tne Nat:sn!ll Citv Bank New York.
The of Kew Vork National Banking Aas'n.
Inij;o t rs & Trader's National Bank, New York
Shoi:a: tllA-alhrr Kntiu'iRl Bank of Boston. Mess
Fhiladclvliia National Kuukof Ihiladclpiiia. 1"-
the most healing aalve In the world.
Portland-Astoria Route.
Daily Ktund Trip except Sunday.
Leave Portland
..7 A. M.
Ieave Astoria
...7 r. m.
Ttis Danes Poruana Boute
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon, Lyle, The Dalles.
time card.
Leave Portland
Arrive The Dalles
Arrive Portland..:....
...7 A. M.j
...4 "
JO-finndav Trim a Leadinor Feature .
-rhis Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac-1
tions on Earth.
Landing and Office: Foot of Alder Street.
Botn nones Main 351.
Portland, Or.
S. W. CRICSTON, Ag. Portland.
JOHN M. FIXLOON, Act. The SaUes.
A. J. TAYLOR, Agt. Astoria.
Dentistry of every desert ptton done to first 1
cmss manneT, ana ranswotiun guar
Office bver Zterolf rrocery store, oppos:M I
Use post ofllce, i; or num. (.'regon.
Specialties Diseases of women and
children; also deformities and all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 6 :30 p. m.
Physician $ Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
ftrc Tj.a j. 10 to f2 a. m.
Office Honrs 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence: Cornet Colleee and" 8th Sta.
Telephone at office and residence.
Gomllls, - - ' - : Oregon
- .
1 G. ALTMAN, M. D.
Office Confer 3rd and Monroe btteets
Hodes 9 to 12: 2 to 5: 7 to 8; Sun
day 9 to 10.
REsmicJCCE Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone 815, at residence.
Titles. Cokvbtakchio
Practice in ;all State and.Federal Court.
Office. ic&FirbtJ National Dank BuHdinH.
Bry son Woodson
Corvallis, Ore-on.
Office In Pcstcffice Bnildlce.
Offle tn Wbitthorn Block
Mits Mamie Smith, MiddlesI oro, Ky.,
writes: "My little sister bad the croup
verv bad. - I'eave her seveial doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar, and she was in
stantly relieved. It raved her life. Gra
ham & Wortham.
The pileB that annoy you so will be
quickly and permanently healed if you
use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be
ware of worthless counterfeits. Giabam
& Wells.
, For Rent.
Will rent 200 acres of land west of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in workrandimprovements on the place.
Address - M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given ttat the undeisigned, as ex
ecutrix of the estate of George Bidders, deceased,
baa filed her final account -in said estate, in the
County Court of Benton County, State of Oregon,
and that said Court has appointed Saturday, the
0th day of July, 19ol, at the hour of eleven 'clock,
a. m. at the County Court Boom, in the County
Court House, in the City of Corvallis, Benton
County, State of Oregon, aa the time and place to
hear objections, if any. to said final account, and
the settlement thereof and of said estate.
Corvallis, Oregon, June 3rd, 191.
Eertua RrDDKRg,
Executrix of the estate of George Hidden, de
ceased. What do you want? We want to
furnish you with pltasant, perman
ent employment, at which you can
earn three to five dollars per d-iy.
Address, Manager, 403 Chamber of
Coujmeice Building, .Tacoma,
It ii easier to keep well than get cored.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers taken now
and then, will always keep your bowels
iu perfect order. They never jiripe but
promote an easy gentle action. Graham
& Wells. ' " 1 ' '
Shout Line
for from Portland from
Chicago- stLg, Denver,- "
Portland Ft Worth, Omaha
special Kansa8 City st. 4:30 p.m.
is8 L0018' Chieage
via Unn- Bnd
tington .
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
Express Ft Worth. Omaha,
9 p.m. Kansas City, St 8:10 a.m.
via Hnn- Louis, Chicago and
t'ngton. East. .
St.Panl Walla Wall. Lew-
Fast Mail ?D' 8 P . k ' ??
C -00 d m Minneapolis, S t. ,
to .00 p.m. pauli j, MH. 7 KM a.m.
Spokane wankee Chicago,
and East. .
Throngh Pullman and Tourist 8'eeptra.
No change of cars. Tickets East via all
rail, or via boat and rail, via rortiana
Ocean and Eiver Schedule.
All sailing dates
subject to change.
8 p. m. For San Francisso, 4 p. in.
Sail every five days
from April 2d.
Da"-T Columbia RItst .
Li. Sun. e..Mer 4 p. m.
, Saturday, To Astoria & way- S"Bdy
10 p. m. landing,
Steamer Ruth leaves Corvallis for Al
bany, Salem, Portland and way uma-
inps, Monday, weaneeaay ami x-nuty
6:00 a. m. ; returning, arrlveB Corrallif
aboun Midnight, Tuesday, Thnraaayaaa
A. L CRAIG, Gen. Paw. Agent,
J. P. TAPSCOTT, Agent,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis & Eastern
For Yaquina:
Tram leaves Altiany 12:50 p. ta.
" Corvallia 1:40 p. rrl
" arrivee Yaquina 5:55 p. 4ia
Leaves Yaquina.
LeavcB Co'vallis.
Arrives Albany .
For Detioit:
Leavt'8 CorvalliP.
7:10 a. o,
11:83 a. tn.
12:13 p. tn.
12:00 p m.
Leaves Albany.... .. 1:30 p
Arrives Detroit
6:2U p.
6:30 a.
10:30 a.
11:15 p.
4 Returning:
jeaves Detroit . . .
Leaves Albany . , .
Arrives Corvallis..
Trains 3 and 4 l-etwem
Corvallis, Tuesdays, Thuisdays and Sat
urdays enlv. All other trains daily ex
cept Sunday.
Trams 1 ana 4 arrive in muauj is
time to connect Willi the b. f. soutn
bound tram, as well as givinu two or
tin r-e hours in Albany befoie departure
I of S. P. nortli bound train lor Portland.
Train Nr, 9. fTtrtflPCtS With tllO D. f.
west side train at Corvallis Crossing or
Independence, McMinaville asd all
points north to Portland.
E.DW1B dtopik,
II. H. Cbonise, Manager.
Anent, Corvsllis.
Southern Pacific GciaptBV.
Tiains leave Coi vallis for PortiaBd
st d vsej ttatit&s at 1:0 m.
Lv Portland 8:30 a m
Lv Albnnt 12:30 p in
Ar Ashland 12:33 a ni
Ar gacrnuiento B.fjO p m
Ar Pan Francisco- 7:45 p m
8:tfl p m
196 p m
11:) am
4 .85 a m
Ar Oeden 6:45 p m
11 :45 a ib
9:0a D
7 :1S tn
9 :S0a tn
Ar Denver -9:00 am
Ar Kansas City 7:25 a m
Ar Chicago : 7 :56 a m
Ar Los Augelee---! :20 pm
Ar El Paso 60 p m
Ar Fort Worth 8 :80 a m
Ar City of Mexico 9:65 a m
Ar Houston 4 :60 t m
Ar New Orleans 6 :25 m
Ar Washington 6:42 a m
ArNew York- 12:48 pm
7:00 a as
0:80 itB
40 fcm
12:43 p m
both trains. Chair cars Bacransnb) ta
Osden and El Paso, sad Tourist car If
Chicago, St Louis, New Orlesas
Connecting at San Frsm-im-o with Min
eral steamship Iifes for Honolulu, Japan.
China, Philippines, Central and Eobtfc
See F. E. FAfiMEE, agent a CorvalHa
station, or address
Portland, Or.
Physician 8f Surgeon,
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Subscribe for tliis