Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 09, 1901, Image 2

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TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1901.
It is altogether probaD'e that
Mr. Mitchell will oppose the re
election of Senator Sinio.i, for
he doubtless feels that there are
other men who would be more
subserviceable to him than Mr.
Simon has been, . or is likely to
become. It would appear that
Mr. Mitchell is ambitious to be
the senior senator from Oregon.
His loag service in the senate en
titles him to recognition as not
only the older but the better sen
ator. This is quite natural. But
there are those who believe that
this laulab e ambition is likely
to become meanly envious and
bitterly jealous. Many people
believe that this spirit possessed
Senator Mitchell and influenced
him to oppose the re-election of
the late Senator Dolph.
While Mr. Mitchell will not
openly oppose Senator Simon, it
would be wholly in keeping witti
the methods large numbers ot re
publicans impute to him, if he
Bhould use all his influence to de
feat Mr. Simon's re-election
Indeed, it is rather expected by
his personal following that Mr.
Mitchell will name the next U,
S. senator, and that it will not be
Mr. Simon. The unanimity and
positiveness with which demo
crats assert this might give rise to
the suspicion that we have not
yet seen all the influences which
brought Mr. Mitchell democratic
support last winter. It may in
volve his support of a democrat
to succeed Mr. Simon. However
improbable this may appear it is
not oeyona tne range or eossidu'
ities. Mr. Mitchell's influence
may be able to thwart Simon's re
election, but unless he carries hi
support over to a democrat, ha
will not name Mr. Simon's sue
cessor. Senator Simon will,
unable to encompass his own re
election, have more than a little
- to say who shall succeed him,
He will be succeeded, if he must
be, by a republican; of this demo
crats may be assured. He wi!
be such a republican as Mr,
Mitchell cannot dominate: of this
"the Mitchell push" may be ad
The jealousy and little per
sonal ampittons ot Mr. Mitchell,
nor of anyone else, forthat mat
matter, will not be permitted to
muddle the work of the next leg
Mr. Simon has been a leader
"a bsss" if you will in the poli
tics of Multnomah county and
the state for quite twenty years,
but never in all that period has
he resorted to such disreputable
and despicable measures as char
acterized tne course ot tne op
position to Mr. Corbett last win
ter. The truth is that all throug
his political life he has been re
markably free from any just
charge of supreme selfishness
Many republicans believe that he
should at once force Mr. Mitch
ell's hand, so that his opposition
if opposition it is to be, will be
driven from covert into the open,
It is pointedout that Mr. Mitch
' ell has control of trs federal pa
trouage, and has controlled it for
four years. It is argued that Mr.
Simon should now demand con
trol of this: The administration
will, in all probability need Mr.
Simon next session of congress
and might be willing to turn the
federal patronage over to him,
especially since Mr. Mitchell will
not again need its usufruct, for
four or five years. '
If Mr. Simon thinks this should
be done he has the nerve to de
mand it. It is a safe guess, how
ever, that Mr. Mitchell will' not
' willingly let go, especially if he
is determined to oppose Mr. i
The simple purpose of the Ga
zette at this time is to warn all
concerned that the republicans of
the state will not suffer the party
to be brought under public re
proach through the overweening
ambition of any man. They
have had enough of this. "
A Beaton Trip.
The Homestead "hustler,"
made a trip through the north
ern part of Benton, county last
week and the following extracts
are clipped from his notes:
Mr. Harding is the vetch .man
01 isenton county, ana last year
threshed 450 bushels at 3 cents
per pound. This farm also has
a large dairy : herd, all of the
milk being taken to the Corral
lit creamery.
We turned west at jor near
Granger and make a halt for
. dinner at ' he farm of W. A.
Beal, who by the way, is aft old
settler of this neighborhood ftafl
a prosperous farmenThje Wiles
farm Vas next ftn our route, and
is located at the foothills before
ascending the stock ; farms near.
On this place is some good stock.
The next stop,, made was at
the ranch of J. H. Moore, new
comer to Oregon, but a warm
friend of farm papers and good
stockmen. . Mr. Moore has a
beautiful two-year o'J Norman
stallion;: - recently
n ported from
the state of Illinois," :wd a colt
that the' people of, Bentou will
hear more of: before inany years
elapse. ., ' '.'
; At the home of S. ' H. Moore,
a son ot the 'above "genlleman,
was our .uext halt, and here we ,
pent the night with one of the i
most pleasant gentlemen ' who
ives in this valley.. -Mr.Moere
is a new - comer, ana is widely
known as the man who owns the
mule-footed". hogs, - or hegs
without a cloven foot We saw
some of these animals and Can
truthfully state that they have a
solid hoof. lir. Moore owns 900
acres and. has a fine herd of cat
tle and lots of sheep aud horses
to eat up the bountiful crop of
grass that grows on this place. A
few of his cattle died last fall
from ; eating smut hay, but at
present everything on the Moore
ranch is healthy.
T, C. Baker is the last man on
the creek before you strike the
high mountains, and while here
the bustler was shown some fine
Angora goats, a lot of Shrop
shire and Cotawold sheep, an
Aberbeen bull and a great num
ber " of fine Cattle. Mr. Baker
also owns the noted White Sul
phur spring, located t miles
from bis residence,", and was
making preparations' to move
up to the spring while we were
there., and the family will con
duct a restaurant daring the
snmmer months. '
Corvallis Won.
The concensus f opinion ot
Corvallisites who spent the 4th
away from home, is that the
most enjoyable time was founa
at Philomath. The big grove
west of town was filled with
humanity, and the cool shade
made witnessing the program a
pleasure. . s .
The sawing contest was most
exciting. Philomath won in 65
seconds. Dusty evened matters
by walking away with the tug-of-war
event The most inter
esting feature of the program
was the.: elay pigeon matchr
Three teams were entered. Phil
omath, Dusty and Corvallis, and
so elose was the contest that the
last shot won the event. ;
The teams and individual
scores follow:
Dusty team:
Ed Starr, 433 2 2.
C R Barclay, 343 313.
F Porter, 310 1 5. -Fred
Henton, 3 a 2 3 10.
E Binnett, 3 1 5 2 11.
Total score, 51.
Philomath team:
Ed BryanK3 5 5 215.
N M Allen, 454 2 15.
E Bethers, 1 2 2 2 7. .
Gny Frink, 3 2 3 3 11.
W H Newton, 353 4 1S. '
. Total score, 63.
Corvallis team:
Frank Lilly, 3 2 5 515.
Robert Huston, 4'i 3 2 10.
Thos Callahan, 142 2 9.
Grant Elgin,' 3 4 3414.
Alex Rennie, 444 4 16.
- Total scare, 64.
Philomath is not yet convinced
that Corvallis has the better
team, and a challenge has been
issued to the Corvallis club,
which has been accepted,, to try
conelnsions again next Saturday.
Each team will be strengthened
by an additional marksman, Telt
Burnett being chosen by the
home clnb, and Frank Williams
by the challengers. The contest
will take place on the flat south
of this city.
A Bimee Girl.
A live business was done across
the river last week bv a vounar
girl, who ondoubtedly has aa
accomplice, in the sale of silver.
ware, says the Albany Democrat.
This was the way she : did it:
Dressed rather poorly, she told
of having just arrived with her
parents from the J East, getting
here without any money, and as
it was necessary for them te have
seme to live, she wished to bor
row a little on some silverware,
which she had with her and pre
sented for inspection. - Her folks
needed $6 badly, and this would
be retaraed in a few days, as
sees as they could hear from the
East. Five different men are
known to have given her the $6
and taken the silverware as se
curity. How many others in
vested is not kaown. The silver
ware is, of coarse, cheap, so that
'"ri" Importer of - . "
iJJigrado Pinnos, Organs and . Small
instruments ol all description .
The Celebrated'
Needham Pianos and Organs
Which have become famous for their
beauty of tone, superior action and great
( durability.
I We invite comparison -of our prices,
quality considered, with thoso of other
; firms, Call and examine our goods or
1 writfl frir cstaioffiie.
Office and residence one block west of
Court House.
a big profit is made. Who the
girl's accomplice is has not been
named. She is now operating
somewhere else. Look out for
Letter List.
For the week ending Jn 6, 1901.
Persons calling - for these letters will
please state date on which they were
advertised. They will be charged at the
rate of one cent each. , - .
Mrs Leila Bnshoell, Zep Blicky, Beam
& Hozor, Robert R Black, Marion Cop
pin, Miss Sarah Chamberlain, Miss Ma
rion Chippie, Mrs May Dlassfoot, Wm H
Eaeom, Mrs D T Gillespie, Mrs Lizzie
Harris, Amma Jackson, O. L. Lundt,
Roy Mason, Frank MafielJ, Montana
Cattle Buyer, W H Norman, Peter Peter
Bo'n, M J Palmer, Jason Staley, L W
Van Horn Miss Nellie Williams. -
B. W. Johnson, P. M.
For Sale.
Cedar posts 1st and 2nd grade;
No 1
snakes and bliingles. .
Mr. E.'D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes :
He was troubled with kidney disease
about three years. Had to eet up sever
al times during the night but three bot
tles ot l'olev a Kidney Uure enecteu
complete cure, be feels better than he
ever did and recommends it to his friends
Graham & Worlham.
NotJfo to Creditors).
- Notiue Ib hereby given that the undersigned hu
been appointed administrator of the estate of J. .
A. Robinson, deceased: by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Benton county. All persons
having claims against eaid estate are hereby required-to.
present the same , to the - undersigned
propei fy -verified as by law required at the office of
C. W. Davit, in Philomath, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated July 2,1951. v
' . L. E. Fridlkt,
Administrator of the estate of J. E. A. Rebiu
son, deceased. - '
Geo. C. Hickock, Curtiss, Wis., says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to be all yon claim for it. I
have given it to my father and it is the
only thing that ever helped him." Gra
ham & W'ortham.
State Treasurer's Fourth Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
now funds in the Treasury with which to
redeem all outstanding State Warrants
drawn on the Gf neral Fund and en
dorsed "Presented and not paid for want
of funds," priorto this date; also t pay
all warrants drawn on the State Scalp
Bounty Fund, and endorsed "Presented
and not paid for want of funds," prior to
May 1st 1930, and all such warrants,
properly endorsed, will be paid upon
presentation at this office, interest there
on ceating from and after this date. .;
.. Chas. S, Mooke,
State Treasurer.
State of Oregon, Treasury Department,
June 6th, 1901,
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Look out for counterfeits. . If you get
DeWitt's you will get good results. ; It
is the quick, positive cure for pile?.I
Graham & Wells.' ' '
Foley9 s Kidney Cure
makes kidneys end bladder right,
are the most fatal of all dis
iULlI o Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c and $1X0.
kfcfc- go YEARS' ;
CoPYRiam-B li.
juletlT ascertain our opinion free whether an
lnvaitloa J probably patentable. Cosmiualoe.
ttoffls etrictly oonsaentuU. Bandsookoa Patent
sent free. Oldest tut en cy for securing patents.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. reeelre
tpecOii netfcs, without cHroeTui the .
Scientific Jfeiericast
A hsndsooielr uhutrated weektr. T -arrest r
' olaton of any solentlfic Journal. Terms. tTs
Anyone senaing a ssetca and description but
roormontos, !. Sola by all newsdealers.
fflce, 626 F 8t Wasbinstoo. IX C.
-g J MIL.
aa-j-i -ikiuti .
The greatest skin specialist in America I
originated the formula for Banner Salve. I
m11 J . 1 1 ...
lor all skin diseases, all cats cr sores
and for piles, it's the most healing medi
cine.. Beware of substitutes. Graham
& Worthatn. ,; : , .
Mr. "W. J. Baxter, of Nortli Biook,
N- C, says he suffered with piles for 15
years. He tried many remedies with no
results until lie used DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve and ' that quickly cured
him. Graham AWells.
Those famous little pills, -PeAVitt's Lit
tle Eariy Risers compel "your lifer and
bowels to do their duty,-thus giving yon
pure, rich blood to recuperate your body.
Are easy to take. V- Never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells... r il.;'-: ,-
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve should be
promptly applied to cnts, bnrns and
scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the
injured part. There are worthless coun
terfeits, be sure to get DeWitt's.' Gra
ham & Wells. ' ,
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my present good health and my
lift. I was treated in vain by doctors for
lung trouble following la grippe. I took
One Minute Cough Care and recovered
my health." Mr. H. Wise, Madison,
Ga. Graham & Wells. -; ; '
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower still has the
largest Bale of any medicine in the
civilized world. Your mother and
grandmothers'- never thought "of
using anything else for indigestion
or biliousness. Doctors were scarce
and they Beldom heard ot appen
dicitis, nervous prostration or heart
failure, etc. Uhey used August
Flower to cleanse out the system
and stop fermentation of undi
gested food, Tegulate the action-of
the liver, stimulate the nervous and
organic action of the system, and
that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with . headaches and
other aches. You only need a few
dosf s of Green's August Flower, in
liquid form, to make you satisfied
there is nothing serious the matter
with you. Get Green's Prize Alma
nac. Graham & Wortham.
You will waste time if you undertake
to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starv
ing yourself. . That only makes it worse
when youTio eat lieartily. You always
need plenty of good food properly diges
ted. Kcdol Pyepepsia Cure is the re
sult of (ais of scientific research for
something that would digest not only
some elements of food but every kind.
And it is the one. remedy that will do it.
Graham & Wells. - '
"I had a running st-re on my breast for
over a year," eays Henry K. Richards, of
Willsevville. N. Y.. "and tried a ereat
tnany remedies, but tot no relief until I
used Banner salve. After using one-half
box, I was ptrfectly cured. I cannot re
commend it 4 too highly." Graham &
Worlham. '.
A bad complexion generally results
from inactive liver and bowels. In nil
such cases, DeWitt's Little Early Risers
produce gratifying results. Graham &
Wells. ....' - - .
Onr ClttDbiag List.
Subscribers 'to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can
obtain the following- papeTS in combination sub
scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the reiy low
prices stated below; eash in adance always to ac
corr.pany the order. Those within; two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, will please
correspond with this office and we will quote yon
the combination price. We can save you money on
nearly all publications yoa desire.
The abbreviations below are explained aa follows:
W, foi weekly; 8 W for semi-wetklyi T W,- for tri
weekly; M, for monthly; S U, for senii-lronthly.
The first price represents the subscription rate ot
the publication alone, and the second the rate for
the publication offered in conjunction with the
semi-weekly OAZKTTE. .
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port
land, Or., S.W., 60 cents; 91.80.
Oregonian, Pertland, Or., W., $1.50; 2.55.
Rural Spirit, Portland, Or, Contains a live-stock
market report, W., (2.0O; 2.55.
. Pacific Christian Advocate, Portland. Or., W.
$2.00. S.05.
The Thrice-a-Week World, New York, T. W.,
$1.08; i.20.
: Homestead, DesMoine8, lows, A thorough'stock
and farm journal, W.. $1.00;':2.30.
. The Republic, St. Louis, Ho 8, W., $1.00; 2.06.
The American Fanner, Indianapolis, Ind., Live
stock, farm and poultry journal, U., 60 cents; 1.65.
The Cosmopolitan . Uagaxine, New York, M.,
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 5o pages of
latest maps; -; 2.86. .. (
The Outing Magazine, Kew York, iL, $3,00; 3.80.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W.,$LO0; 2.30.
Oregon roultrj Journal, Salem, Or., M., 50
cents; 1.80.
The PathBnder, District of Columbia, W.-$l.O0;
2.06. . ..- . r- ..... ..
The Deaiirner, New York, Standard Fashions, U.,
$L00; 2.S5.
American Agriculturist, Cliicago, III., including
copy of Year Book and Almanac, W., $1.00; 2.30. .
Farm, Field and Fireside, Chicago, III., W., $1.00;
St. Louis Globe-Democrat. St Louis, bis no riva
as a great modern newspaper, T. W-, $1.00; 2.16.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W.. $1.00: LOO.
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, IIL, W., 50 cents;
$1.90. -
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W $1.00; 2 05.
The: Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobdea , IIL, M.,
60 cents; $175. ,-; " ,
farm and Fireside, Springfield. Ohio, 8. W.,
60cente; 1.75. ... " -
Women's Home Companion. Sprlngneld, Ohio,
$L0O; 2.16. . . . :
Lippincott's Migailue, Ihlladelphla, Pa., al.,
$2.60; 3.25. : , . .
Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and Dmce), New York,
M., $1.00; $2.15.
The Century llagasine, New York, M., M.00; S.01.
Heard's Uulryman, Fort Atkinson. Wis., The
best most up-to-date dairy journal In the world, W
$1.00; 2. so. y
Table Talk, Philadelphia, If., $1.00; S.1.1.
American Hemes, Knozvllle, Tsnn., M., $1.00;
Boston Cooking School llagasine, Dl-M., 60 osnU;
LOO... - . . - '
afcClure'sMagszine, New York, M.,$1.C0; S 0.
. Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville, Ky.,
ne'ef the best paper from the gnat South, T. W.,
$1.00; 2.06. . :
"Dairy Fortunes," a neat, well written book of
201 sages on all questions concerning dalrylnr,
feeds and feeding, the constituent properties of all
kinds of feed; 39 combinations forming well
balanced rations for dairy cows. Iisry dairyman
should have it rrice with the COEVAU.U Uaiim
one year, $2.60.
rocket Atlas of the World. 3S1 pages, ooiitainlng
colored maps el all the states and territories in the
United States, the province of the domlsion oi
Canada, and ot eveiy country and civil division on
the face of the globs. Also valuable statistical In
formation about each state and ooat.ty, giving the
population of every large city in the world, besides
ether valuable information. A bandy reference
work for every person; with CosVAUJa OASarrs one ,
year, to. . . i
"I to truthfully state to yon and
the readers of these low linos that vonr
. -. , '
Kodul Dyspepsia Cure ll without ques
tion, the best and only cure for dvspepala
that I have ever come In contact with,
and I have need many other preparation!.
Johu Beam, iWnat. Middlesex, Fa, No
preparation equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
118 it contains all the uiilnrul dutrstaiils.
It wilt digest all kinds of food Mtiil can't
elp hut dp yon ooil. Graham & Wf lis.
The Great Set. urge
Of modern timet is consumption. Many
cures and diecoverin from time to time
are published but Foley's llonry and Tar
does truthfully claim lo cure nil cases In
tne eariy stages and aiway snoroi com
fort and relief in the veiy worst canes.
Take no substitutes. Graham it Wor
Yon can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. What your body needs is plenty of
good food properly dieted. Then if
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the natural digestants hence must digest
every class of food'and so prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishinK the body
and replacing the wasted tissues, thus
giving life, health, strength, ambition,
pure blood and good healthy appetite.
Graham & Wells.
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Corvallis, Oregon
Ktablishcd, Incorporated,
The most complete line I of Pure Drugs Bad
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article,
Combs, Brushes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
-mi- CIQAB8 ;
Manager of Perscription Department, , .
. T. A. JONES. Segiatered,
Special Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Universi
ty, Indiaoa
Diaests what von eat.
This preparation contains all of the S
digestants and digests all kinds of )
food. It gives instant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take ip. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E. O. TjeWitt & Co., Chicago
The $1. bottle containsSH times the 50c. size.
Graham & Wells.
No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation,
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom land; price, $650. 4 miles
from Philomath. '
' No."l31 80 acreB, 25 in cultivation,
nice young orchard ; fair buildings, 2
cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plows cultivator, tools, etc. ; also
furniture. : Thia is & good hill ranch and
is cheap at $700. C miles from town.
.74 160 Seres; 30 in cultivation ; small
bouse; good barn and water ; 1 miles
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county road ; good pasture and timber.
113 A good 7-room house with one
half acre lot;- fruit, good water, chicken
houses and sheds, price $600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis poetoffice. " V
Real Estate Agent, .
Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
Hie first National Mnl
M. P
C. E
WOODCOCK, President.
MOOR. Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. .
: Loans Made
On all kinds or ai
security, andescecially
to encourage am
build up the legitimate busv-
uess enterprises and industries of this country.
Depoeits' .
Received subject to check payable on demand.
. i: .. Foreign Exchange -
Klfrht exchange and transfers sold avaitabld in
the principal cities of England. Ireland, Switzer
land. Prance, Belgium. Holland, Norway. Swed
en, Denninrk, ItalyLRussia, Spain, Portugal, Gcr
many, Austria.
Letters of Credit
Itsued available lu the principal cities of the
United Suites. .
Principal Correspondents Upon Vhoni Ws
x Sell Sight Exchange r .,
The Commeroml National Bank of Chicago.
The lrt National Rank of Portland, Oregon.
The Imnk of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Angio-Cahforuian Hank, San Francisco, CaliC
The Kstionnl City Bank New York.
The 1 .Bilk of New York National Banking Ass n.
Inipo ti rs ft Trader'.-. National Bank, New York,
fehffc. i'l l.esthpr National Bank of Boston. Maw.
thilai'.clohia National Laukof Philadelphia, l'i
til moat healing salve In the world.
DvsoDm lu re
Portland-Astoria Routes
Dslly Rtond Trips except Sunday.
Vttrt Portland..
.......7 A. M.
7 P. M.
ieve Astoria...
Tfiii Dalles Portland, Boute
Cascade Locks, Hood River;
White Salmon. Lyle, The Dalies.
reave Portland
Arrive The Dalles.
Arrive Portland....
7 A. M
t...,.i?. H
'.".'.".''.'."il:io "
t - - Mi.tSTMivtsY eeaT.
sSundav Trios a TadiiifiT Feature.
-This Route hns the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions on Earth.
Landing and Office: Foot of Alder Street.
, tfotn fflones Main 351.
Portland, Or.
B.W. CB.ICHTON, Aet. Pertland.'
JOHN K. FIILOON, Aet. The Dalles
A.J. TAYLOR, A (ft. Astoria.
Dentistry of every description dona In first
close manner, atid satisfaction guar
OrBee over Hcrolf ' ffrocery store, opposne
the post oliice, CbrVaUiH. Oregon.
Osteopathist .
Specialties Diseases of women and
children ; alsodeforinities and all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 6 :30 p. m.
Physician 8? Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
rwn i 10 to 12 a. m.
Offiee Houra J 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence : Ceraei College and 8th Sts.
Telephone at office and residence.
EoTvaUis, - - Oregon.
Onici- Gorrer 3rd and Monroe streets
Houeb 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun
day 9 to 10.
Kesidkkcs Corner 3rd and Hartison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone 315, at residence.
Notary.' GosvBrAKCisa
Practice in tall State and Federal Coart.
Office, fnJFirbt: National Bank Build ing
Bryson $- Woodson
, Corvalller Oreon. -
Office in Poatcffice Enlldlng.
dr.:jas. a. harper
Ulce in Wbltehorn Block
Corvallis, Oregon
Miss Mamie Smith, MiddiesLoro, Ky.,
writes: "Mr little sister had the croup
verv bad. leave her several doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar, and she was in
stantly relieved. , It saved her life. Gra
ham & Wortham.
- The piles that annoy you so will be
quickly and permanently healed if you
nse DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be
ware of worthless counterfeits. Giaham
& Wells. -
For Rent.
Will rent, 200 acres of land .west of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in work andimprovements on the place.
Address M. S. Woodcock,
. Corvallis, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the nnde) signed, as ex
ecutrix of the estate of George Kidders, accessed,
has filed her film) account in said estate, in the
County Court of Benton County, State of Oregon,
and that said Court has appointed Saturday, the
6th 'day of July, 19ol, at the hour of eleven o'clock
a. m. at the County Court Boom, In toe County
Court House, in the Citv of Corvallis, Benton
County, State of Oregon, as the time and place to
hear 'objections, if any, to said final account, and
tne settlement tnereof ana of sola estate. ;
Corvallis, Oregon, June 3rd, 1 081. .
Executrix of the estate of George Bidders, de
ceased. . -
. What do you want? We want to
furnish you with pleasant, perman
ent employment, at which you can
earn three to live dollars per diy.
Address, Manager, 403 Chamber of
Commerce Building, Taeoma,
Waeh. ' 1 v. -
It is easier to keep well than get cured.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers taken now
and then, will ' always keep your bowels
in perfect order. They never gripe but
promote an easy gentle action. Graham
& Wells., -
Shout line
UNioj Pacific
from rortland
Si a. nt.
SaltLake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Umaha
Kansas City., St
4 :30
Lonis.f Chieag
via Unn-
and east.
9 p. m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha,
Kansas CJity, St
8:10 a.m.
via udd-
Louis, Chicago and
St. Panl
Walla Walla. Lew
Fast Mail
is ton, Spokane,
Minneapolis. St.
6:00 p.m
Fanl, Dulnth, Mil
waukee, Chicago,
and East.
7:00 a.m.
Spekan c
Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers.
No change of cars. Tickets East via all
rail, or via boat aud rail, via Portland
Ocean and River Schedules
All sailing dates!
eubiect to ehanea
8 p. m.
For San Francisao,
4 p. m.
Sail every five days
trom' April za.
Colombia River
Ex. Sun.
4 p. m.
8. p. ro.
To Astoria & way-
10 p. m
Steamer Rntli leaves Corvallis for Al
bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land
ings, Monday, Wednesday and Friday
6:0(i a.m.; returning, arrives uorrains
abonn Midnight, Tuesday, xnnrsaay ana
L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent,
J. P. TAPSCOTT, Agent,
. . Corvallis, Oregon.
CorvPallis & Eastern
i For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany lz:SU p. m.
" " Oorvallin 1 :40 p. m.
" arriven Yaquina 5:55 p. ir.
1 Returning:
Leave Yaquina.;.. 7:C0 a. m.
Leaves Co'vallis.... 11:83 a. m.
Arrives Albany .... 12:13 p. m.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Corvallis 12:00 p m.
Leaves Albany . . . . . . 1 :30 p. m.
Arrives Detroit .... 6:20 p. m.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit .... . 5:30 a. ro.
Leaves Albany ..... 10:30 a. aa.
Arrives Corvallis .... 1 1 : 15 p. tn.
Trains 3 and 4 between Albany and
Corvallis, Tuesdays. Thurrdxys and Sat
urdays only. All other trains daily ex
cept Sunday.
Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany la
time to connect with the S. P. south
liound train, aB well as uiviiiu two or
three hours in AlbaBy befoie departure
of S. P. north bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 niiects with the 8. P.
west side train at Corvallis Crossing; for
Independence, McMinnville ad all
points north to Portland. .
Edwin Stoke,
H. H. Ckonise, Manager.
Agent, Corvallis.
Southern Pacific Ctffipanv.
Tiains leave Coi vallis for Portland
and wsj fctatlocs at l:JO p. tn.
Lv Portland - 8:80 am
Lr Albanr.. 12:30 p m
Ar Ashland 12:33 am
Ar EacrBmento -6.00 P m
Ar San Francisco-7 :45 p m
9 '.80 p m
108 p tn
11:30 am
4 :SS a m
9 .SO a m
Ar Ogden 6:45 p m
Ar Eenvtr -9:00 a m
Ar Kansas City 7 :25 a m
Ar Chicago --'-7 :65 a m
11:46 am
9 :90a n
7 :S6 a m
9 :S0a to
Ar Los Angeles 1:20 p m
Ar Kl Paso -60 p m
Ar Fort "Worth 6 :80 a m
Ar City of Mexico 9 :65 a m
Ar HouKton -4:00 a m
Ar New Orleans.. 6 :25 a m
Ar Washington .-6:42 am
Ar New York 12:43 pm
7 :00 a ra
60 pm
j i80 am
40 am
12:43 p to
bath trains. Chair cars Sacramento te
Ogden and EI Pbbo, sad Tonrirt ear to
ntiimiro. St Louis. New . Orleant and
fVinnftrtini? at fan Franciw-o with I
eral steamship lines for Bonolnlo. Japao,
China, Philippines, Central and 8o6th
See F. E. FARMER, agent a CervalHa
station or address ' .
C. n. Ma BKI1 AM, G. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Physician $ Surgeon
Foley's Honey and Tar
cares colds; prevents pneumonia.;
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