Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 09, 1901, Image 1

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    UN IOW Eatsb. July, 197.
GAZETTE Bstab. Uu., 1868
j Consolidated Feb., 1899.
VOL. n. NO. 11.
Marjr returned home and a few days
later was solicited to take charge of a
mail select school. But Mrs. Mason
thought it best for her to return to
Mount Holyoke ' and accordingly she de
clined Mr. Knight's offer, greatly to his
disappointment, and that of many others.
One morning about" a week after her
return she ; announced her intention of
visitlne her mother's crave. "I am ac
customed to so much exercise," said she,
"that I can easily walk three miles, and
perhaps on my way home I shall get a
Mrs. Mason made no objection, and
Mary was soon on her way. She was a
rapid walker, and almost before she was
aware of it reached the. Tillage. As she
came near Mrs. Campbell's the wish nat
urally arose that Ella should accompany
her. Looking up, she saw her sister in
the garden and called to her.
"Wha-a-t?" was the very loud and un
civil answer which came back to her, and
in a moment Ella appeared round the cor
ner of the house, carelessly swinging her
straw hat and humming a fashionable
song. On seeing her sister she drew
back the corners of her mouth into some
thing which she intended for a smile, and
said, "Why, I thonght it was Bridget
calling me, you looked so much like her
in that gingham sunbonnet Won t you
come in?" -
"Thank you," returned Mary. "I vas
going to mother's grave, and thought per
haps you .Would like to accompany me." ;
"Oh, no," said Ella, In her usual drawl
ing tone, "I don't know as I want to go.
I was there last week, and saw the mon
ument. "
"What monument?" asked Mary, and
Ella replied:
. -"Why, didn't you know that Mrs. Ma
son, or the town, or somebody, . had
bnnirht A mnnnmont wit-h mthar'a And
father's and Franky's and Allie's names
on it?"
Mary, hurrying on, soon reached the
graveyard, where, as Ella had said, there
- stood by her parents graves a large,
handsome monument. William Bender
was the first person who came into her
mind, and as she thought of all that had
passed Between them, ana ol tnls last
proof of his affection, she seated herself
among the tall grass and flowers which
grew upon her mother's grave and burst
into tears. She had not sat there long
ere she wag roused by the sound of a
' footstep.' Looking np, she saw before her
the young gentleman -who the year pre-
.: 1. .i v- i l i Ts r..
yuua uku YiaiLeu iier buiiuui lu rums vjui-
ner. Seating himself respectfully by her
h!H ho nnnlrfk nt tti tnrMi mT... And
asked if they were her friends who slept
there. There was something so kind and
. affectionate in his voice and manner that
Mary could not repress her tears, and,
snatching up her bonnet, which' she had
thrown aside, she hid her face in it and
again wept.
lftr time Tlfr. Rl-nrt snfforpri her to
' weep, and then gently removed the gtng-
nam Doiyiet, ana, noiaing ner nana oe
tween his, he tried to divert her mind by
talking upon other topics, asking her how
she had been employed during the year,
and appearing greatly pleased when told
that she-had been at Mount Holyoke.
:. Observing at length that her eyes, con
stantly rested upon the monument, he
spoke of that, praising its beauty, and
asking if it were her taste. . .
.?' '"No,- said" she. : "I never saw it until
to-day, and did nof even 'know it was
here.".' ' j ;V . , .
"Someone wished to surprise yon, I
dare say," returned Mr. Stuart "It was
manufactured in Boston, I see. Have
" you friends there?" .
Mary replied that she had one, a Mr.
Bender, to which Mr. Stuart quickly re
joined. "Is it William Bender? I have
heard of him through onr mntual friend,
George Moreland, whom you perhaps
. have seen." , ... '
Mary felt the earnest gaze of the large,
uark eyes which were fixed upon her
face, and coloring deeply, she replied that
they came from England in the same ves-
"Indeed!" said Mr. Stuart. "When I
return to the city shall I refresh his mem
ory a little with regard to you?"
- "I'd rather you would not," answered
Mary. "Our paths in life are Yery dif
ferent; and he, of course, would feel np
interest in me." - r
'"Am I to conclude that you, too, feel
no interest in him?" returned Mr. Stuart,
and again his large eyes -, reseted ' on
Mary's face with a curious expression.
But she made no reply, and, soon rising
np said it was time for her to go home.
-': . -, -. 4 : :, . ...
Vacation was over," and again in the
"halls of Mount -Holyoke was heard the
tread of many feet, and the sound of
youthful voices as one by one the pupils
came .back to their accustomed places.
For a time Mary was undecided whether
to return or not, for much as she desired
an education she could not help feeling
delicate about receiving it from a stran
ger, but Mrs. Mason, to whom all her
thoughts :and feelings were confided, ad-
vised her to return, and accordingly the
first dny of- the term found her again at
Mount Holyoke, where she was warmly
.welcomed by her teachers and compan
ions. -Still, it did not seem like the olden
. time, for Ida was not there, and Jenny's
merry laugh was gone, -
Patiently and perseveringly through the
year she studied, storing her mind with
useful knowledge; and when at. last the
annual examination came, not one in the
senior class stood higher, or was grad
uated with more honor than herself. Mrs.
Mason, who was there, listened with all
a parent's pride and fondness to her
adopted chird, as she promptly responded
to every question. But it was not Mrs.
Mason's presence alone which incited
Mary 'to do so well. Among the crowd
of spectators she caught a glimpse of a
face which twice before she had seen
once in the school room at Bice Corner
and once in the graveyard at Chicopee.
Turn which way she wonld, she felt rath
er than saw how intently Mr. Stuart
watched her, and when at last the exer
cises were over, and she with others
arose to receive her diploma, she invol-'
untarily glanced in the direction whence
she knew he sat. . For an instant their
eyes met, and in the expression of his
she read an approval warmer than words
could have expressed. ..,
That night Mary sat alone in her room,
listening almost nervously to the sound
of every footstep, and half-starting up
if it came near her door. But for certain
reasons Mr. Stuart did not think proper
to call, and while Mary was confidently
expecting him he was several miles on
his way home.
In a day or two Mary returned to Chic
opee, but did not, like Ella, lay her books
aside and consider her education finished
Two or three hours each morning were
devoted to study, or reading of some
kind. For' several weeks nothing was
allowed-to interfere with this arrange
ment, but at the end of that time the
quiet of Mrs. Mason's house was dis
turbed by the unexpected arrival of Aunt
Martha and Ida, who came up to Chico
pee for the purpose of iuducing Mrs, Ma
son and Mary to spend the coining winter
in Boston. - At first Mrs. Mason hesitat
ed, but every objection which either she
or Mary raised was so easily put aside
that she finally consented, saying she
would be ready to go about the middle of
November. ;
".Come this way, Mary. I'll show you
your chamber. ' It s right here next -to
mine," said Ida Selden, as on the evening
of her friend's arrival she led her up to
a '- handsomely furnished ' apartment,
which for many weeks had borne the title
of Mary s room."
"Oh, how pleasant!" was Mary's excla
mation, as she surveyed the " room in
which everything was arranged with such
perfect taste. .
Mary was too happy to speak, and,
dropping into the easy-chair, she burst
into tears. In a moment Ida, too, was
seated in the same chair, with her arm
around Mary's neck. Then, as her "own
eyes chanced to fall upon some vases, she
brought one of them to Mary, saying.
"See, these are for you a present from
one who bade me present them with his
compliments to the little girl who nursed
him on board the Windermere, and who
cried because he called her ugly"
Mary's heart was almost audible in its
beating, and her cheeks took on the hue
of the cushions on which she reclined. Re
turning the vase to the mantelpiece, Ida
came back to her side, and, bending close
to her face, whispered: "Cousin George
told me of yon years ago, when he first
came here, but I forgot all about it, and
when we were at Monnt Holyoke I never
suspected that you were the little girl he
used to talk so much abont. But a few
days before he went away he reminded
me of it again, and then I understood why
He was so much interested in . you.
wonder you never told me you knew him,
for, of course, you like him. Ton can't
help it." . ; ,
- Mary only heard a part of what Ida
said. - "Just before he went away."? Was
he gone, and should sbi not see him af
ter all? "A cloud gathei id upon her brow,
and Ida, readily divir ng its cause, re
plied, "Yes, George is i Jne. Either he or
father must go to Ne f Orleans, and so
George, of course, w. t-, Isn't it too
bad? I cried and ti itted, but he onlv
pulled my ears, and said he should think
I d. be glad, for he knew we wouldn't '
want a six-footer domineering over us, and
rouowmg ns everywhere,, as he. would
surely do were he at home."
Mary felt more disappointed than she
was willing to acknowledge, and for a
moment she half-wished herself back in
Chicopee, but soon recovering her equa
nimity, she ventured to ask how " lone
George was to be gone. j "" - . : ,
Until April, I believe," said Ida: ''but
anyway you are to stay until he comes,
for Aunt Martha promised to keep you
I don't know exactly what George said to
her about yon, but they talked together
more than two hours," and she says you
are to take music lessons and drawine
lessons, and all that. George is very fond
Of mUSlC." :- -7;j-
The next morning between 10 and 11
the doorbell rang, and in a moment Jen
ny Lincoln, whose fathers house was
just opposite, came tripping into the par
lor. She had lost in a measure that 10
tundity of person so offensive to, her
mother, and it seemed to Mary that there
was a thoughtful expression on her face
never seen there before, but in all other
respects she was the same affectionate,
merry-hearted Jenny. ... --
I just this minute heard you were
here, and came over just as I was," said
she. After asking Mary if she wasn't
sorry George had gone, and if she ex
pected to find Mr. Stuart, she said, "I
suppose yon know Ella is here, and
breaking everybody's heart, of course.
She went to a concert with us last even
ing, and looked perfectly beautiful. Hen
ry says she is the handsomest girl he
ever saw, and I do hope she'll make
something of him, but I'm afraid he is
only trifling with her." . - -
If there was a person in the' -world
whom Mary thoroughly detested it was
Henry Lincoln, and her eyes sparkled
and flashed so indignantly that Ida no
ticed it, and secretly thought that Henry
Lincoln would for once find his match.
After a time Mary turned to Jenny, say
ing, "You haven't told me a word about
about William Bender. Is he well?"
Jenny blushed deeply, and, hastily re
plying that he was the last time she saw
him, started up, whispering in Mary's
ear, "Oh, I've got so much to tell you
but l must go now." - : vv
Ida accompanied her to the door, and
asked why Koae, too, did not call. In
her usual frank, open way Jenny answer
ed, "Yon know why. Rose is so queer."
Ida understood her, and replied, "Very
-well; but tell her that if she doesn't see
fit to notice my visitors I certainly, shall
not be polite to hers.
This message had the desired effect, for
Rose, who was daily expecting a Miss
King from Philadelphia, felt that nothing
would mortify her more than to be neg
lected by Ida, who was rather a leader
among the young fashionables.'- Accord
ingly, after a long consultation with her
mother, she concluded it best to call up
on Mary. In the course of the afternoon.
chancing to be near the front window,
she saw Mr. Selden s carriage drive
away from his door with Ida and her
'Now is my time," thought she; and
without a word to her mother or Jenny
she threw on her bonnet and shawl, and
in her thin French slippers stepped
across the street and rang Mr. Selden's
doorbell. Of course she was "so. disap
pointed not to find the young ladies at
borne," and, leaving her card for them,
tripped back highly pleased with her own
cleverness. ; --
Meantime Ida and Mary were enjoying
their ride about the city, until, coming
suddenly upon an organ grinder . and
monkey, the spirited horses became
frightened and ran, upsetting the car
riage and dragging it some distance. For
tunately Ida was only bruised, but Mary,
received a severe cut npon her head.
which, with the fright, caused her to
faint. A young man who was passing
down the street, and saw the accident, j
immediately came to the rescue; and
when Mary awoke to consciousness Billy
Bender was supporting her and gently
pushing back from her face the thick
braids of her long hair. ' .- : - , "'
"Who is she? Who is she?" asked the
eager voices of the group around; but
no one answered until a young gentle
man, issuing from one of the fashiona
ble saloons, came blustering up, demand
ing 'what the row was." '
Upon seeing Ida, his manner changed
instantly, and he ordered the crowd to
"stand back," at the same time forcing
his way forward until he caught a sight
of Mary's face. "
"Whew! Bill," said he, "your ' old
flame, the pauper, isn't it?"
It was fortunate for Henry Lincoln
that Billy Bender's arms were both in
use, otherwise he might have measured
his length npon the sidewalk. As it was,
Billy frowned angrily upon him, and in a
fierce whisper bade him beware how he
used Miss Howard's name. By this time,
the horses were caught, another-carriage
procured, and Mary, still supported by
Billy Bender, was carefully lifted into it
and borne back to Mr. Selden's house.
. Many of Ida's friends, hearing of the
accident, flocked in to see and to inquire
after the young lady who -was injured.
Among the first who called was Lizzie
Upton from Chicopee. On her way home
she stopped at Mrs. Campbell's, where
she was immediately beset by Ella, to
know who the beautiful young lady was
that Henry Lincoln had so heroically
saved from a violent death dragging her
out from under the horses heels!"
Lizzie looked at her a moment in sur
prise, and then replied, ' "Why, Miss
Campbell, is it possible you don't know
it was your own sister? .S .' -
It was Henry Lincoln himself who had
given Ella her information, without, how
ever, telling the lady's name; and now,
when she learned that 'twas Mary, she
was too much surprised to answer, and
Lizzie continued: "I think you are labor
ing under a mistake. It was not Mr.
Lincoln who saved yoar sister's life, but
a young law student, whom you perhaps
have seen walking with George More-
land. . - " j- '.-",:.. . -; ' .
: Ella replied that she never saw George
Moreland, as he left- Boston before she
came; and then as she did not seem at
all anxious to know whether Mary was
much injured or not, Lizzie soon took her
leave. Long after she was gone Ella sat
alone in the parlor, wondering why Hen
ry should tell her such a falsehood, and
if he really thought Mary beautiful. Poor,
simple Ella! She was fast learning tp
live on Henry Lincoln's smile, to believe
each word that he said ; to watch nerv
ously for his coming, and to weep if he
stayed away. .
t (To be continued.)
Mra. Meredith Telia Abont the School
for Farm jr' Wives tn Minnesota.
What the West is doing in the way
of training girls to live happy lives on
farms was very ably shown at Hunt
ington hall, Boston, recently' by Mrs,
Virginia C. Meredith, preceptress of the
school of agriculture of Minnesota uni
versity. ;.':..v""l '"''" :, -
Mrs. Meredith has herself conducted
a successful stock farm for many years,
and -she believes thoroughly in the
farm life" for young people. -'
"The farm .home," she- said, "is. to
my mind the ideal home, : and I am
glad to say the thought In our school
is always to educate the girl for the
life she will have to live. '-. .
"At first we had only boys In" the
school, but when these, noticing that
their sisters and sweethearts needed
to learn just what they were learn
ing, begged us to take girls, too, we
did so, and now for fpur ; years ' we
have been training farmers' daugh
ters to make happy farm homes.
'Our girls study side by side with'
the boys the different breeds of live
stock and the various ' developments
of plant life. A farmer's wife needs
to, know how to tell a shorthorn from a
longhorn, .and what season is best for
planting corn. .. ;. ',.;.'. '
. "We have been hearing In the past
much about the man's desire to get
away from the farm. ' The reason for
his restlessness lies in the dissatisfac
tion of his women folk with farm life.
They needed to be taught that it was
interesting to make a farm home.
"We give our girls - special work
adapted to women in the home, such
as-cookery, which extends through the
three years, dairy chemistry, and plant
life. Butter-making is not drudgery
to the girl who understands the jvhy
rof it,.and sewing is rapidly ceasing to
become a. lost art now that girls see
that patterns ':' are . comprehensible
things and not Chinese puzzles. .
t'The girl. Is taught, too, about tex
tiles, a most interesting subject from
the farmer's standpoint; and she at
tends lectures on household art in
which suitability is shown to be the
desideratum of purchase of furniture.
.-'' "The application made In our -school
of mechanical drawing that of design
ing model farmhouses will have a
great influence on the coming farm
home of Minnesota. When the present
generation build houses they . will be
convenient ones." .
A Short Talk to Boys.
. If it becomes necessary for yon to
leave school for a time and go to work,
do it gracefully. Work is honorable.
Don't be afraid of It It would be an
excellent idea for everybody to learn
a trade. The old Jewish law made it
obligatory, asserting that If a man neg
lected to teach his son a trade he did
the same as make him a thief. The
Emperor of Germany Is a bookbinder.
The fact that you have a trade need
not make you work at it, but With a
good trade at his fingers' ends and good
health to back it, a man Is seldom floor
ed, no matter where he finds himself.
If you start, to learn a trade, remem
ber that the harder yon-work, and the
more closely you apply . yourself, 'the
sooner you will outstrip all your chums
and land on the top of the ladder where
situations are many and wages are
high. Don't be afraid to work. Don't
be content with merely putting in the
allotted time, but try and find out the
best way to accomplish the work you
have to do in the neatest and most ex
pedltioua manner. You may think that
effort of this kind is not appreciated,
but it Is, and when some fine day there
is a chance for promotion, and when
you find yourself singled out from half
a dozen of your chums,- and sent up a
step higher, don't attribute It to luck.
but to the fact that your employer saw
and appreciated the fact that you were
careful and painstaking and took tills
method of rewarding your efforts.
On the other hand, if you go fooling
along-, doing just as little as you can,
and not even that until you are. told re
peatedly, and then in a slipshod and
slovenly manner, don't attribute- It to
luck when some other fellow is allowed
to go several rounds above you on toe
ladder, at better pay, . The employer
has seen the difference between your
way of doing things and the other
boy's, a'nd prefers his to yours, that's
all. The American Boy. - - .
- . : IhintT Little Tr -Tellers.
Two little travelers are Teddy and May.
Long journeys they take in their morn
ing's play, .-:;'A: '
Exploring the brooks, the garden and
: lane. '; -
They range through the. pasture - and
: fields of grain; ' I ' -
They visit points of the greatest renown
Without so much as -a shilling or crown.
Their forests aretretchesof waving
grass, "- - ,
Their ocean the meadow, and there, alas!
They often are shipwrecked among the
flowers : -.
And suffer delay for long, sunny hours.
But' though to marvelous places they
fare. - - - - - - . - - .
Their wanderings have but one end, for
this pair
Aiwavs return with a hop, skip and
. . . iumo. . - -- - . i
To refresh themselves at the dear old
Youth's Companion. " -
7 JCs-sr -Inside ' Bot-lev
Most young people think it would be
impossible to put a hen's egg Into a
bottle without breaking the shell. It
looks harder to explain than tjie king's
question how the apple got into the
dumpling, and for this reason the. secret
of the trick will please young people
who love to make their friends won
der. Like many-other curious things,
it is easy enough when you know how.
This is the way it is done: Soak
fresh egg for several days in strong
vinegar. The acid of tne vinegar will
eat the lime of the shell, so that, while
the egg looks the same, it will be soft
and capable of compression. Select
bottle with a neck a third smaller than
the egg. With a little care you will
have no trouble in pressing toe latter
into the bottle. Fill the bottle half
full of lime water and in a few days
you will have a hard-shelled egg in a
bottle with a neck a third smaller than
the egg. . : -
Of course you pour off the lime water
as the shell hardens. How the egg got
into the bottle will be a. conundrum
that few can answer. , - .
. ; Tommx Was Tricky. .
Tommy, aged 5, had . a pony and
dog, and, while he liked them both, he
liked the pony best, une aay a visitor,
to test his generosity, asked him if he
would not give him the dog, "No,'
replied the Httle fellow, "but I'll give
you iny.pony."-- This -surprised his
mother very much and she asked him
why he didn't give the dog . instead-
"Don't say a word, mamma," whisper
ed the little schemer, "when he goes to
get the pony I'll sic the dog on him."
' A Pn Inar Question.
-"Mamma," said little Elsie, looking
up from her - Sunday school book.
"there's one thing I can't understand
about Adam and Eve." "What is it,
dear?" asked her mother. "I know
where their meat ana vegetables eam
from," said Elsie, "but where In the
world did they boy their groceries?" -
Wanted Her Foot WakeneJ.
Bessie, aged 4, had been sitting in a
cramped position for some time play
ing with her doll. By and by, when
she attempted to get up, she dropped
back on the floor and exclaimed: "Oh,
mamma, my foot's asleep!; Won't you
ring the breakfast bell, please, and
wake it up?" : -; v ', . :" "
Grandpa and the Golden Kule,
Would you like me to give you a
quarter, grandpa?", asked 5-year-old
Johnny. "Certainly," replied the old
gentleman. "Very well," said the little
diplomat, "then you should do unto
others as you would that others should
do unto you." .
' Not All Kindt. ' "
Big Sister Oh, I do hope papa will
take me to the concert. I'm so fond of
music. . - ... :
Little Brother Huh! Then why don't
you never let me play my drum in the
Thoneht He'd Better Be Mended.
Small Johnny, on being told that he
must be. broken of a bad habit, said: -
Don't you think I had better be
mended?"-- - - t
One of Their Principal "Exchanges'
North of Union q.nare -
There are newsboy centers, as well as
news centers, In New York. The north
side of Union Square is an important
one, and there, at that hour of the af
ternoon at which the newspapers 'ar
rive from down-town, a crowd of small
boys, of all the various ages and sizes
which come under that classification,
gathers daily. The Subway company
has built a high wooden -fence around
Its power house there and against this
fence are a number of small square
shelves, says the New York Evening
Post. On these shelves the newspapers
are piled as fast as they are thrown out
of the delivery wagons and the boys
rush around them, each one trying to
get his stock of papers first.
The whole scene has the air of a di
minutive stock exchange. They may
hot be picturesque, these small boys.
but they are unquestionably alive. - As
soon as one gets his bunch of papers
he tucks it under one arm, like a half-
clipped -wing, and flies to waylay the
crowd of men that poursp from down
town along Broadway and 5th avenue
at that time of day. A certain num
ber, . though, seem ' to prefer hanging
around Union Square to argue and dis
pute, In their shrill little voices and to
write derisive remarks, ".-referring -i to
each other's past and future, with chalk
on the fence. ; ;- ;
At the south side of the square, on
pile of dirt and stones, and just be
neath the equestrian George Washing
ton's outstretched hand, there is an
other knot of boys "grabbing papers
from the delivery wagons of one or
two newspapers which only deliver
their papers there, and not at the up
per end of the square. : The boys who
have already received . their papers
scramble up on top of the pile of stones,
and," sparrow-like, ' perch there with
their heads on one side, looking down
on and jeering at the hustling crowd
below. ' - . '
There are other newsboy centers at
6th avenue and 23d street, and indeed
at many other points up town, but none
so lively and exciting as the one at Un
ion Square. Quotations of prices may
not vary- much there, but trade is al
ways lively; - . - - '
"- The Suburban State.
New Jersey may be called a suburban
State, for its population has been dis
tributed largely under the Influence of
two great and crowded centers just be
yond its limits. Of these New York is
much the more important Nearly half
the population of New Jersey resides
within eighteen miles of New -York,,
and a large proportion is directly subur
ban. One hundred thousand more live
within twelve miles of Philadelphia.
Six of the ten largest cities in the State
Newark, Jersey City, Hoboken, Eliz
abeth, Bayonne, and Orange are large
ly tributary to New York, as Camden
Is to Philadelphia. In the other three.
Paterson is on the finest water .power
in the State, Trenton Is at the head of
navigation on the Delaware, and has
obtained" some water power from .the
river, " and New Brunswick is - at . the
head of navigation on the Rarltan, the
largest rhrer in the State. From Eco
nomical Studies. - -
How the' Brahmin Cleans His Teeth.
i When the. Brahmin cleans his teeth
he must use a small twig cut from one
of a number of certain trees, and before-
he: cuts It he . must make his act
known to toe gods of the woods. .-
He must not indulge In this cleanly
habit every "day. " He must abstain on
the 6th, the 8th, the 9th,' the 14th, the
15th, and the last day of the moon, on
toe days of new and full moon, on the
Tuesday- In every week, on the day of
the constellation under which Jhe was
born, on the day of. the week and on
the day of the month which correspond
with those of -his birth, at an eclipse,
at the conjunction of his birth, at the
equinoxes, and other-unluc:y epochs,
and also on the anniversary., of the
death of his father or mother.
Any one who cleans his teeth with his
bit of 'stick on any of the above-mentioned
days will have hell as his por
tion. From "Hindoo Manners,"' . the
Abbe Dubois. -' . . ?
A Pound of Spiders' Webs.
It has- been calculated that if a pound
of thread made from - spiders' webs
were required. It would occupy nearly
28,000 spiders a full year to furnish it
The author's train of thought
construction train. . -
is a
. ' ' Iaarentenit Hay Stacker.
A patent has recently been issued to
a Montana man which provides a hoist
ing device to be used as a bay stacker,
derrick and the like. The device con
sists of a base constructed In adjust
able sections locked together by a key
which is Inserted in one of three re
cesses formed in the sections. In sock
ets at the ends of the base sections side
sections having ball ends are received.
Thus universal joints are produced.
The side sections are composed of slid
ing members, the upper of which are
raised by a ratchet drum and - rope.
Forked guy ropes support the side sec
tions, corresponding members of - the
forked portions of the guy ropes being
connected at the same side of the side
members and adjacent to each other.
A pulley Is suspended between the up-
per members of the side sections, and
over the pulley a hoist rope is carried.
The end of the hoist rope, if it be so de
sired, may be connected with a sling,
a platform or with any device neces
sary In hoisting material of different
kinds. The device IsMescribed in the
Scientific American, from which the il
lustration is reproduced.
Insect Enemies of Growing; Wheat.
There are many insects which feed on
and injure growing wheat, but. the
greater proportion of the losses to
wheat fields chargeable to Insects is
due to the attacks of less than half a
dozen species. The most destructive
of these .pests is the chinch bng. The
great damage to farm, crops by this in
sect Is due to its wide distribution, Its
prevalence more or less every year, the
enormous multiplication in favorable
seasons, and to toe fact "that it attacks
all the cereals and most forage plants.
The next in Importance is the Hessian
fly. It Is estimated that the damage
to the wheat "crop by this pest is about
ten per cent of the product in the chief
wheat-growing sections of this country.
which indicates an annual los of forty
million bushels and over. Next of im
portance are the wheat midge and grain
plant lice. Insects of second-rate Im
portance are the wheat-straw' worms,
the wheat-bulb worm, army, worm, cut
worms and various sawflies. Massa
chusetts Ploughman.
To Aid in Dehornlne.
A correspondent of Hoard's Dairy
man describes a tie he uses for holding
a cow's head at the stanchion while de
horning. The accompanying cut shows
how it is made. When the cow's head
is fast in toe stanchion, the rope is
dropped over the neck, the' loop is
caught on the under side and the rope,
doubled, is put through the loop and
placed around the nose far enough np
not to shut off her breathing. The rope
is then pulled back to a post at the side
of the stanchion, and one turn is made
around the post- - A man holds toe end.
and by placing his weight on the rope
can hold the cow's head quite secure
while her horns are being removed.
The rope is quickly removed by slip
ping it off the nose and pulling it out
from toe loop. - - - -.''-!'
' ' Whole Corn Pilaa-e. . " ' "
v The corn for siloing whole should Jbe
one of the small Hint varieties, planted
at the rate of not over twelve quarts of
seed per acre, says Hoard's Dairyman.
Put the corn in the silo when- the seed
is in milk and take extra precautions
that it is well and solidly packed, with
out holes or empty corners. Cover with
hay as suggested. If the work is well
done, there should result a fair quality
of silage, but as it takes more ; work
to handle It and less corn of the flint
varieties can be grown per acre than
the large ensilage corns whole corn
silage costs more per ton than the cut
silage. Good ensilage will not Injure
the milk in any way. : .
"' - Bntt and Tip Kernels for Seed. "'
Professor ShameL Instructor in farm
crops at the Illinois College of Agricul
ture, says that It is a good plan to shell
off and discard both the tips and butts
of the corn ears selected for seed. That
was wiitti- nae luugui iu uu wueu
young, and we thought it the proper
way until we saw the results of a trial
made by the late Dr. E. Lewis Sturte
vant, while Director of the New York
Experiment Station at Geneva. He
planted several rows of corn, placing
the kernels in -the drills just as they ,
grew In order on the cob, also strips in
which one bad seed from eight butt ker
nels in each row, another from eight tip
kernels in the rows, and the third eight
kernels from each row as near the mid
dle of the ear as possible. We think In
every test the kernels from the tip gave
earliest ripening corn, and in more than
half also produced a larger yield than
those nearer the middle of the ear. In
every case the yield was at the rate of
several bushels less per acre from those
kernels near the middle of the ear.
American Cultivator.
Dairying; in Iowa,
The report of Dairy and Food Com
missioner. Norton, of Iowa, contains a
number of statistical facts which are
of general Interest The total number
of cows in Iowa is 1,295,960, or an
average of 23 to the square mile in the
less populous portions of the State to
55 in the more populous. The value of
these cows is $38,358,503, or nearly $30
per cow. The number of cows to each
1,000 population is 576. The average
price of butter has decreased over
seven years ago, but has increased over
last yftr. The average price in 1893
was 27 cents; in 1894, 24 cents; in 1895,
21 cents; in 1896, 20 cents, and in 1900,
22 cents. Durlnu the year endiner July
1,1900, there were but three licenses
Issued for the sale 6f oleomargarine in
the- State. All of these have since ex
pired, and no renewals have been taken
out Of the 936 creameries in the State
S42 are operated on the separator plan,
71 on the gathered cream plan and 50
on a combination of the two plans.
Five hundred and one creameries are
owned by individuals, 349 are operated
on the co-operative plan, 116 on the
stock company plan. There has been
a notable increase in the past year of
the number of farm separators in use
in the State, in 1900 there being 3,332
as against 1,762 of the previous year
and 904 of 1898.
Bed Top Hay and Pasture.
It used to-be a customs to sow red
top along with Clover for meadows or
pasture land. It 'did not reach Its best
condition until the clover had been cut
for two -years, and even until timothy
had passed its greatest yield, but as it
was fit to cut for hay about the same
time as the timothy they were often
sown together. It would grow on low,
moist lands where the clover or timo
thy were likely , to winter kill, it made
a strong, smooth turf, and the fine hay,
when cut early, was relished by all the
animals. Seedsmen tell us that the
sales of red-top seed are growing less,
and we are very sorry if it is so. As a
pasture grass a mixture of June grass
or Kentucky blue grass (poa pretensis)
and . red top (agrostis vulgaris), leaves .
but. little to be desired, the first being
early and the red top enduring until
the late falL One bushel of each seed
per acri gives good results for pasture
land, though some, of the clovers may
be added to improve the field the first
year or two. Exchange.
Ooose Farming- in Ensland. '
Goose farming and goose fattening
have fallen off greatly In England.
From old accounts we read that It was
not uncommon for a man to keep a
flock of one thousand, each of which
might be expected rto rear on an aver
age, seven goslings. The flocks were
regularly taken to graze and water the
same as sheep, and the man who herd
ed them was called a gooseherd or goz
zard. The birds were "plucked five times
in the year, and in the autumn flocks
were driven to London or other mar
kets. They traveled at the rate of
about a mile an hour; and wonld get
over nearly ten miles, a day. When
geese are to be traveled a distance in
Europe they are driven through warm
tar -and then through sand, which
boots' them for the journey. :
Horse for. the Farmer.
Draft horses of good form sell almost
according to weight, except that as
weights increase prices rise at a much
greater ratio, so that extreme weights
bring enormous pricearif only the bone
is satisfactory. Prices range from $125
to $300. with an occasional one higher
and with an Increase of about 10 per
cent when matched In teams. These
prices are sometimes exceeded, and
dealers Insist that prices -were never so
low that a span of draft horses would
not bring $600 If only they were good
enough. . - ' - : ' . ; -,
" Farm Brevities.
A simple way of keeping trace of the
age of a fowl 1s to put a ring made of
wire on one of her legs for each year of
her life.
' ' The output of the 175 canneries In
Maine Is $5,000,000 auunally. - In ordi
nary years $350,000 is paid to farmers
for sweet corn alone. - : .
The disappearance of the "old-fashioned
apple" is a frequent lament The
modern fruit is fair to look upon, but
genuine flavor Is too often absent -
Raspberry and blackberry plants are
benefited by continuous cultivation
during the time of fruiting, and to ac
complish this they should be tied to
wires. - - '- : . ,'-' . . .
', Sugar beet factories are now in suc
cessful operation . in California, New
Mexico, - Utah,. Nebraska, New York,
Oregon, Minnesota, Illinois, Washing
ton, Colorado and Michigan. -