TWO LOVES OF A SAILOR. Oh, an old man gat and blinked V the sun - And a song o' the sea sang he. He sang a song of a mariner bold And his sweetheart so true the sea. Sing ho, yo ho, sing hey! O'er crested billows, thro' dashing spray, - With sails a-bnlging ahe sends away; Away, away o'er the waters gray Away through the dying day! Sing ho, sine heyi Oh, the mariner bold his ain love pressd To his heart and her sweet lips kissed Sweet lips' that swore they would e'er be true, When he sailed away 1' the mist. -Sing hey. oh hey. yo ho! Through the singing tops the wild winds blow. Into the dank mists the ship doth go, And the mariner sings as he rolls be low, "My Jove will be true, I trow!" Sing hey, yo ho! Oh. the lassie ashore forgot her man. But his sweetheart, the sea, proved true. She lulled him to rest on her heaving breast And her white arms about him threw. Sing ho. yo ho. sing hey! He went to his one true love that day. At peace in her arms for e'er and aye Less lasting the lassie's peace, they say She wed with a lump o' clay! Sing ho, sing hey I St Paul Dispatch. ,.., 1 1 i i 4,. ,t 0,m ih 1 1 t An Augmented Education I Tj$ HE friends of Marcla Egremont often wondered which she knew the most about, vocal training or love-making; she had enjoyed so much of both. As a consequence of this over abundant preliminary education In both lines her friends also predicted great difficulty and delay In the matter of her "settling down" either to a career or a peaceable married existence. Marcla, for the present, judged all lovers, apparently at least, by their vo- cal qualifications. As a heart-search lng love affair Is supposed to be "devel oping" to the human voice espe cially of the tenor variety Mar cla may be supposed to have rendered large numbers of rising tenor sing ers valuable assistance on the road to ward fame. She had grown rather weary of this pastime and of tenors when Philip Derwent mad his appear ance in her world. Most music-lovers went wild oer Philip, praised him unreservedly, but Marcla tossed her head in disdain. ' "Cold as the polar regions, that voice!" was her verdict "Not even wine would take the chill off those top notes." "Love?" suggested the friend who had most Intimate knowledge of Har cia's numerous but not perhaps utterly unselfish efforts In behalf of rising sing- ' ers. "Perhaps," replied Marcla, enigmati cally, "but it takes a lot of trouble to do some things." Then she went quietly on with her own life and enjoyment, using her fine voice and eyes so well that Philip Der went was soon desperately In love with her, or fancied that he was. But still, according to Marcla. the chill remain- VABCIA'S TUBS CAME FIRST. ed to shadow the all but perfection of those upper notes. And then came the night of the charity concert Marcia was still undecided as to what to do with her voice and her wonder ful vocal training; the friend who knew her best was more puzzled than ever. But, for the time being, she was all en thusiasm about her music. The pure enjoyment of singing possessed her night and day. She appeared In the little ante-room of the big hall early on the night of the concert, dressed to per fection, all radiant and sparkling and charming delightfulness from satin slippers to shining hair. And her color came and went in a fashion which set Philip's heart beating wildly, as they ' waited silently side by side for their re spective numbers. - Marcia's turn came first, and Philip slipped into the side of the hall -to listen. She sang as one translated. he looked as one transformed. The or chestra engaged for the occasion was magnificent one; the music swelled out mightily In wonderful, soul-stirring waves. Marcla leaned her voice on its beauty and grandeur and sang as one sings only once or twice In a life time. Something, she knew not what, took possession of her that evening and glorified every note. The faithful old singing teacher, who had prayed for her to fall madly in love and suffer ' sharply in order that the power might be brought out and fullest expression made possible, would have wept with joy to hear her. Three times did the enraptured audience insist upon her re turning. Thrice did she repeat her in itial triumph, with no shadow of fall ing off or failure. And Philip Derwent, listening and watching, felt something awake within hlm.which was different from any feeling or experience he had . previously known. . An-orchestral number separated his song from her number, and while It lasted be looked at her dumbly, unable to say a word of all that he longed to otter.. When, just as the last strong chord vibrated, he opened his lips to ex- THE YELLOW MAN'S BURDEN. Th whlta man' hnrHpn has been described in Drone and poetry- The yellow man's burden, greater than his white brother's, remains to be pictured by historians and commentators. China's payment 01 3UU,uuu,uw lnaemmry, enormous as uiw sum is, cannot be the heaviest weight on the shoulders of the already overtaxed Celestials, says Williamsport (Pa.) Grit.' China's credit remains good so long as she has concessions to offer as security. If she display good financiering, China can easily pay this amount or even a larger one, to satisfy the pecuniary demands of the powers, the while investing large sums in needed internal improvements. The yellow man's-burden Is not a financial one. -. China is to-day practically without government for her 400,000,000 of people. The royal family is divided, the Empress working against reforms necessary for the perpetuity of the empire, and the Emperor being powerless to carry out such improvements as he considers advantageous for the nation. Imperial authority lacks power to execute its ordinary orders even, neither Empress nor Emperor having civil officers of sufficient loyalty or armies of sufficient strength to oppose the powerful viceroy and crafty mandarins. Such obedience as is secured, springs from policy more than from anything else. Dishonesty, corruption, treachery, and worse crime exist in the highest as well as the lowest official and social circles.' Civilization in its true sense, is not appreciated by the average Celestial who is an example of a decaying race. China's real burden is to arrest decay, reiuvigorate and elevate its 400,000,000 people, a burden which no other nation has to bear. - . It is true that the payment of $300,000,000 indemnity will not make China s burden any lighter, no matter how favorable the conditions of payment It is also true that unaided she cannot begin the further existence as an entirely independent nation. But the indemnity may hrinz this necessary assistance, since financial obligations will continue inter course with some nation or nations able to give direction. Still, the conditions are not such that foreign assistance can easily be accepted, a fact that discloses the worst phase of the yellow man s burden. , : r press his admiration, she slipped from the waiting-room and out Into the side of the hall to listen to him, as he real ized with a thrill. At first this knowledge threatened to hamper and hold back his powers of ex pression. His heart beat like that of a child expecting to be chidden, or of a novice facing an audience for the first timer He would not look in Marcia's direction; he dared not Then suddenly a" thrill of shame swept through him to be afraid of a girl who had stead fastly refused to consider him as any thing mora than the merest of ac quaintances! Shame! - He faced her daringly, his heart beating faster than ever, and almost lost his breath over the great surprise which followed bis movement She was watching him anxiously, eagerly, her eyes dilating with something like fear as he stood there, hesitating. -The orchestra rum bled out the prelude to his song again. and this time he lifted up his voice and sang. '-- ''' -'- Something stirred in the back of his throat, and It seemed as though bands, hitherto unrecognized, were loosened; something stirred under his heart and he felt like a god rather than a man. The marvelous burst of song that fol lowed was but the natural expression of this new joy and freedom. And all the "chilliness" had vanished ' from those wonderful top notes. He, too, was recalled three times, and he reached the waiting-room again, the last recall over, in a state bordering on what would have been exhaustion had he not been so uplifted and happy. Marcia met him, cheeks flaming, eyes sparkling, yet moist and dewy, lips parted in generous commendation and sincerest praise.: And Philip, still un der the spell of that wonderful exalta tion, caught her in his arms and drew her head down to his breast ". "My darling! My dearest!'." - The stage employe, waiting a call , in the corner, smiled, sighed, and considerate ly departed. "My sweetest girl, I know you love me as you know that I wor ship you. We have told each other all to-night in our singing.".. . And the friend who knew most of Marcla, coming to the waiting-room to congratulate and accompany her home ward, was treated to the greatest sur prise of her life. For Marcla lay in Philip's arms quite meekly, and the light of a new-born gentleness and af fection almost transfigured her face. Chicago Tribune. i - Surprising Shrinkage. A writer on old Texas says. In "The Evolution of a State," that In 1837 the winter was cold and wet, and the set ELECTRIC TRAIN WHICH WILL RUN 100 MILES AN HOUR Railway travel at the rate ot iw miles an hour on a single rail with electricity as the motive promises to be the common method in England in the-not remote future. It is now almost certain that Manchester and Liverpool are to be con nected by rail in this way. Parliament has already partly consented to the expert ment Last year the promoters were beaten m the house by lobbyists of the three existing railways between the two cities. This year the innovators are luckier. Safety by the single rail system is secured by constructing the track on a trestle, and the train is kept from oscillation by the use of side rails, which act as SSide;; The whole distance between Manchester minutes wuooui-a stop ty trains wnica win consist of only two cars constructed on the plan of non-resistance to atmosphere.- Each car will have its own motor and will be operated alternately for ten minutes. It is expected that this line when built will revolutionize the railway system of England. The invention is that of M. Behr, who is successfully operating a similar line in the suburbs of Brussels. process of regeneration necessary for her tlers suffered for clothing. Buckskin was sufficient while the weather kept dry, but there was one great objection to it as a rainy-day garment. One afternoon a certain Jiuimie, who had not been long in the country, was out with a surveying party, when there came up a drenching rain. Before they could reach shelter ne buckskin breeches of the men were thoroughly saturated. A hospitable house, ren dered delightful by daughters'- and young lady guests, opened its doors, and the surveyors took shelter. Jlmmie was not acquainted with the vagaries of buckskin, and on alighting from his horse he was distressed to find his feet enveloped in the slimy . folds of trouser legs which had mysteriously lengthened, and become as unmanage able as a jellyfish. So he took out his knife and cut off the extra length. A rousing fire had been built in the great open fireplace, and the boys drew up In front of It to dry their clothing. As the buckskin dried it - began to shrink, and the breeches made a per ceptibly retrograde movement. . Jim perceived it, and, bending down, stretched them, to y. the : ill-concealed amusement of those Who had witnessed the amputation. But the buckskins were on the retreat, and presently had put an alarming distance between their lower edge and the top of Jim's shoes. He did not wait for the rain to stop. He got out his horse and rode away. - Electric Eel's Victim. At the Zoological Gardens a large electric eel was swimming in its tank with more activity than usual, when a big cockroach fell Into the water, and in its efforts to get out made a dis turbance of the surface, which attract ed the attention of the eeL The eel turned round, swam past it, discharg ed its battery at about eight inches off, and the cockroach instantly stop ped stone dead.' It did not even move its antennae after. The eel then pro ceeded to swallow Its victim, and the narrator goes on to point out the cu rious circumstance that the fish. which weighed about twelve pounds. should find it worth while to fire its heavy artillery at a creature an inch and a half long, when it could easily have swallowed It sans facon. Cham bers' Journal. - Aa Abstainer. Brlggs Well, I have had to give up flirting. Griggs Why? BrlggsI found it was affecting my heart . :- .. Don t depend on your personal pearance earning your salary: ap- and Liverpool will be covered in twenty ' RECEIVES MUCH MAIL TENANTS OF A ' BUSY OFFIOE BUILDING IN CHIOAGO. The Monadnock Block Baa a Special Postal Sub-Station ef Ita On Which Does the Becoad Largest Buslnssa In the City. ', The smallest postal district in the world Is under the roof the Monadnock Building at Jackson, Dearborn and Yan Buren streets, in Chicago. The building alone comprises a separate and distinct district In itself. At the same time the volume of business there Is the largest of any of the sub-stations or even districts In the city, save that of the Board of Trade' station. In this immense 17-storied structure, which covers the small ground area of 400 feet long by 70 feet wide, nearly 6,000 people occupy 1,200 rooms. When it is considered that the population of many towns covering many miles of area do not reach that figure, some conception of the population of the Monadnock Building may be had. The comparison is a striking ' one, and serves to show what a large number of people can be crowded into a small space. . It Is also an example of the economy In ground space that has come to be necessary in this commercial age. And out of this economy has come the system of skyscrapers that the larger cities and especially Chicago, have been forced to build. The Monadnock postal district was established last year, though a money order, stamp, and registered letter sta tion was established there more than two years ago to meet the demands made by that section of the down-town district Prior to that time the deliver ies of mail in the building were made by carriers working out of the central station at the foot of Washington street, on the lake front . They would have to route their mail at the main office and then carry it to the Monad nock Building. The rapid increase In the volume of mall overburdened the carriers to such an extent as to cause the frequent use of auxiliary service, and the expenditure of money in car fare allowance In transporting the heavy mails from the central station to the bullding.i In order to relieve the situation an Investigation was made, resulting in the recommendation by Superintendent Garrity to Postmas ter Gordon that the four carriers serv ing in the building from the main office be transferred to the Monadnock sta tion, and that the malls be dispatched to them by wagon messenger. This recommendation was approved by Post master Gordon. The building thereupon was made a separate district and the carriers were transferred. The sched ule of the wagon service was arranged so as to make close connection with the carriers' deliveries. It provided for sixteen dispatches daily from the cen tral office to the Monadnock Building and twenty from the building to the central office, except on Sundays, when the number is only three to and two from the sub-station and district The carriers schedule in the building provides six deliveries every day ex cept Sunday, and is so arranged as to enable the men to begin their deliveries practically the-same time as they did when serving from the central station. In these six deliveries the carriers dis tribute on an average 25,000 pieces of mail daily in the great office structure. At least 75 per cent of the mall re ceived here for delivery Is addressed without room number. The difficulties and delays that would naturally grow out of this condition can readily be seen. The carriers who serve the dis trict are old ones, however, and have reduced the apparent drawback to minimum. Seldom is a mistake made in the distribution. : Long training and service In the pos tal department have made these car riers adepts, establishing a system that insures accurate delivery of mail to the persons to whom it is addressed. Every old or new occupant of the building Is known to them. And when a new per son comes into the building, no matter how humble or high in position, he gets his mall promptly.- Such names are secured by the carriers on their re spectives floors and. added .to the list Those who leave the building are also kept up with and their mall Is for warded to their new addresses. In fact. the district, though smaU In area. Is a separate and distinct posteffice in It self, and the same routine is found there as In the central office. It only differs in degree. Chicago Tribune. CORN POPULAR IN EUROPE. Illinois' Great Cereal in Growing; De- V - mand Across the Pood. It was over-ten years ago that an at tempt was made to popularize Ameri can corn in Europe by teaching foreign nations how to cook and prepare It In various ways, and the consumptive de mand has steadily Increased ever since. The "corn kitchen" at the Paris Expo sition last summer was one mote effec tive method of popularizing a ' cereal which In this country is considered equal to any raised. Before the de partment of agriculture sent Its first representative abroad, nearly a dozen years ago, to show Europeans how to prepare corn products, . there was vague Idea prevalent in most foreign countries that Indian maize was good enough for pigs and cattle, but not fit for human beings to eat : Even . the poorest peasants of Northern . and Southern Europe refused to touch the 3orn, although it could be obtained cheaper than the rye and barley which they ate daily in one form or another. It was the testimony of Mr. Murphy, the department's pioneer agent In the interests of corn, that the prejudice against eating corn was so great that it was almost impossible in some places to induce the poor people to eat corn products when offered to them free. There was quite a marked contrast between this early reception of our corn and the way the corn - dainties which the Parisians and visitors ate so eagerly at the exposition were disposed of last summer. All the corn delica cies that were turned out of the "corn kitchen" were devoured readily by ea ger and appreciative visitors, and plen ty more of samplewould have met a like fate been possible to pre- par them. American corn products a free food certainly received more than their share of attention, and It is not Impossible that thousands of new corn eating recruit were made by this ex hibition. .- . The national food crop of Germany and Russia Is rye, while that of France Is wheat, that of China rice and that of India millet Corn cannot be said to be our national food crop exactly, for we are heavy raisers and consumers of wheat, too, but we can raise corn at. a cost that enables us to sell It In com petition with nearly all the national foods of other countries. Thus, from the standpoint of actual nourishment obtained from the foods, we can seU corn in Russia cheaper than the peas ant can raise their rye, and In France far cheaper than the farmers can pro duce their wheat. It Is fair under these circumstances to suppose that the more general introduction of our corn among the poorer classes of Europe will mean corresponding increase In the demand for it as human food. At present we ship our corn to all parts of the world, and the natives of Europe, South America, Central America, Australia, Africa, Canada, China, Mexico and the West Indies have abundant opportuni ties to discover Its virtues as a human food. It is quite evident that the propa ganda movement in the interests, of corn has already borne fruit We are told by the statisticians that during the last five years our exports of corn have averaged 173,818,301 bushels per an num. while during the five years before that date the annual average exports of corn were only 49,054,663 bushels. This shows an increase of some 254 per cent Harper's Weekly. KING OF ITALY'S DISCOVERIES, Why Victor Emmanuel Ie Unpopular with His Civil Servants. There Is an element of the unexpect ed about King Victor Emmaneul which is beginning to render him noioso (a bore) to certain classes of his subjects. suppose all the world over civil ser vice clerks are more assiduous than any others In their efforts to render their positions sinecures, but in- Italy they reach the acme of perfection in this respect The other morning Slg. Frlnettl, minister of foreign affairs, went, as usual, to the Quirinal for the royal signature to various documents, which the king signed without com ment until he arrived at one for the augmentation of the staff of the for eign office. "This," he said, to the sur prise of the minister, "you may leave; I desire to look Into It," and there the matter ended for the moment, says the Rome correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette, v . ' . ' The next morning his majesty went out alone and on foot, arriving at the foreign office about 9 o'clock, and be gan a tour of discovery, we may call it. in search of some one to speak to. At last, In a small room toward the roof he came upon a lone man busily en gaged in rolling a cigarette. "Ah!" said the king, "you are already at your work; pray what are the regulation morning hours in this officer "From 8 to 1.2," stammered the unhappy man, wishing his bad luck had not led him so early out of bed. "And what hour, may I ask, can I hope to see your cata logues?" "About 1L" the embarrass ed clerk replied, too confused not to tell the truth. "Oh, well, go on with your smoke, and tell your chief of my visit when he ,comes," which, of course, was done, causing dismay to reign supreme in the breasts of the 300-odd clerks thus caught napping. Meanwhile the minis ter was called and dryly told that in stead of increasing the staff of the of fice It might be just as well to see that those already there did their duty. Mrs. Albert's Petticoat. A Scotch newspaper prints an anec dote so characteristic of photographers in general that no one could doubt its authenticity: .' : - On one of the first visits of the late Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to Deestde, a photographer from Aber deen was ordered to Balmoral to photo graph them. In nowise embarrassed by the august pair, he arranged them to his satisfaction, canted their heads and plucked at their garments with a free hand, and then retired behind his black curtain to see if they were in proper focus. Immediately after a hand appeared waving, and to. their immense amusement, the order came: "A little less white petticoat, Mrs. Albert, If you please!" A Youthful Calculator. -A. little girl who had been studying fractions, when told by her mother that eggs were 9 cents a dozen, called out to Rob, her younger brother, "You don't know how much that is apiece, and 1 do." ... Robert thought a moment, and an swered proudly, "Yes, I do; you get a cent apiece for nine and three for noth- ln." Youth's Companion. The Pope's Golden Rose. ' The golden rose which the Pope gives every year to a royal lady distinguished for loyalty both to the Pope and to the Church of Rome is made of pure gold. ana is vuiueu hi v,uuu, mere is a golden rose In the center, in which the Pope pours balsam, this being sur rounded with smaller rosebuds and leaves, all of the purest gold, and chis eled with exquisite workmanship. The Savage Bachelor. "A man who will leave his property to his wife only-Tin condition of her not marrying again," said the Sweet Young Thing, "is as mean as he can be." "Oh, I don't know," said the Savage Bachelor.' "Perhaps he Is a friend to mankind." Indianapolis Journal. Longest Word in the Language. The longest word in the English lan guage is "Proantitransubstantlation- lst," a jointed word of twenty-eight let ters. ; "Transubstantlationableness" is the next longest . -. About the Right and Left Hand. -- The right hand, which is more sens!- tlve to the touch than the left is less sensitive than the latter to the effect of heat or cold. ; : . .Addition to self and substraction from, others comprises some men's sole knowledge of arithmetic. The ocean has Its uses; therefore poets are wrong in calling It a watery waste. OUR BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO- INGS HERE AND THERE, Jokes and Jokeleta that Are Supposed to Have Been Recently Born Saying and Doings that Are Old, Curious and Laughable The Week'a Humor. - "Tour love letters," wrote a Boston man to his New York fiancee, gently but firmly, "are not couched In the ex- actest English." " 'My love letters," replied she, "are not for publication, but merely as-a guarantee of good faith," Detroit Free Press. An Important One. . "Thompson has made a discovery." "Indeed?" "Tea. He says that he has discovered that the more buttons there are on a woman's coat the greater the probabil ity that it really fastens with hooks and eyes." Puck. Possibly. "You say the play was entirely with out a villain V "Yes that is, if you choose to omit the author." Indianapolis Press. How to Get Them to Stop. Irate Passenger (having caught the car on a dead run) Suppose I had missed my footing and bad a leg cut off? Conductor You wouldn't had to run no more; we got orders to stop for cripples. His Status. He Look here, my dear. I cannot afford to entertain on such a scale as you have indulged in of late. She John, I really believe you are just the kind Of a man who would be perfectly happy if you lived within your Income. Life. Criticism. First Drake I think that young drake Is very stupid. Second Duck Oh, yes! He doesn't know enough to stay out when it rains. Came Back Viewless. : Mrs. Gushington 1 suppose, now that you have been abroad, you have your own views of foreign life. Mrs. Newrich No, we ain't got no views. We didn't take no camera along. u-It's so awful common. Phila delphia Record. , Increasing; the Chances. Once it encouraged a boy to be told that he might become President of the United States some day. Now It is neecssary to change the promised prize to Presidency of a trust New York World. Belated. "I understand that Frailman has come to the conclusion to contest his wife's will." "Well, what is there courageous about that; she's dead, isn't she?" Richmond Dispatch. - ALang Story. Ned If you want to marry an heir ess, why, why don't you propose to Miss Elderly? She's rich. Ted Yes; but I object to her past Ned Why, I thought that she was above reproach. .----' Ted It Is; but there's so much of it Town and Country. Trying; to Deceive Her. "No," said the landlady, "we cannot accommodate you. We only take in single gentlemen." - . . "Goodness,", replied Mr. Marryat, "what makes you think I'm twins?" Philadelphia Record. . Of Two Evils the Lesser. Papa Didn't I tell you, Willie, if 1 caught you playing with Tommy Jink again I would whip you? Willie-Yes, sir. ...- - Papa Then why were you playing with him? Willie Welt I got lonesomer than I thought a lickin' would hurt, so I just went over and played with him, that's why. Easy for Her. . Airs. Muggins Mrs. njones is very regular in her attendance at the moth ers' meetings. She never misses one. Mrs. Buggins Why should she? She hasn't any children to keep her home. Philadelphia Record. A Call Down for Mr. M. Mr. Meek I should certainly have some say as to whom my daughter weds. . Mrs. Meek Not at all. Let her alone. and she'll marry some old fool just like her mother did. Baltimore World. - - r A Literary Oracle "Your friend says he has no trouble whatever in understanding every para graph of that voluminous state docu ment" : - , ,"Yes. :: I don't know whether to re gard him with great respect or great suspicion." Washington Star. Overheard at Lennox. . . Tom Does your father know that I play golf? -. ' i Alice You don't suppose I've told him your fallings, do you? Judge. The Society Monstroclty. "Those folks in the next flat are aw fully pretentious." 'Are they 7" - 'Yes. - She sends her visiting card over two middle names on it when he -wants to Dorrow butter." Puck. Worth More ' "A penny for your thoughts. Ee gle." 'Worth more, weally; make It a fwank "A franc? Nonsense! Why?" "Was thinking In Fwench, ye know. of you, don't ye know." Harlem Life. Brook'ya Lovers' Vara. She So this la the end of our en gagement? He It may be for you, but it will take me a year yet to pv ne bills. Brooklyn Life. Self PI jr. "I see Jack Ketcham has been mar ried to Miss Goldlrox." 'Yes, and I was very sorry to see it" 'Sorry? For her sake or his?" 'For mine. I wanted her." Phila delphia Press. In Chicago. Doctor Oh! IH pnll you through! Patient That's right, doctor! I want to be included In the next census. Puck. A Clear Interpretation. Pastor I am pained to see, dear brother, that you will sleep In church on Sunday. Parishioner Of course. Why not? Isn't Sunday a day of rest? The New Baby. Happy Father We've got a new baby up at our house. Friend So? What do you call him? H. P. We don't call him; he does all the calling himself. Suburban Floral Festtvela. "Yesterday was sweet-pea day out at our house." "In bloom already?" "No, my wife stood over me while I weeded them." A Blow to Expectation. Mrs. Dobbs You told me Mrs. Hobbs was highly Intellectual. Mr. Dobbs Didn't you find her so? Mrs. Dobbs When I called we talked a solid half hour about clothes. Where Was He At She There are some' people I like and some I don't like. He What about me? She Oh, present company is always excepted. Information from Headquarters. Cleverton Look here, have you been making love to Miss Summit? Dashaway Yes, sir, I have. "Well, do you know that I have been making love to that girl?" 'So she said." Colors Hun Mad. 'Have you seen Jack Liflington's new golf suit?" "No; it is gay, I imagine." "Gay? He looks like a demented Easter egg." Life. In Earnest. He (delightfully) Have you really and truly never been engaged before? She Never that is, not In the win ter. New York Weekly. Gardening; Expose I, Mr. Citily I should think you would raise mushrooms; they are very ex pensive. Mr. Isolate (of Lonleyville, mournful ly) Everything is expensive by thP time I have raised it!" Puck. A Crushing De-Feet. Cincinnati Enquirer. Ominous. First Bookkeeper Dobson has been chuckling to himself over his work all day. He must see something very amusing in the figures he's working with. Second Bookkeeper That so? Well, let's watch out and get away the minute closing-up time comes. His 3-year-old boy has been saying some thing cute again. Twins. 'Quite an interesting thing happened at Nupop's house last night." "There were two interesting things." "I only heard of one; the arrival of a son and heir. What was the other?" "The arrival of another son and heir." Philadelphia Press. The Dog's Immune. Snobbins I should think you'd be afraid of having that big dog around you all the time. If I had him I should be afraid all the time he would go mad. Snubbins But he doesn't have to live with you, you know. Boston Tran script Irrea-ular. He When I tell you that I have enough to support you In the style In which you have been accustomed to live, you must take my simple word for it -She But, George, Is that strictly business? - Dromedaries Smoke Tobacco. -Dromedaries are said to be particu larly fond of tobacco smoke, and can be made to do almost anything while under its influence. Travelers, It is as serted, rely more on their tobacco smoke for their control over these huge beasts than anything else. When trav eling on long journeys the dromedaries are In many cases required to travel night and day without rest, and they are kept up to their task by smoking cigars. The driver carries a triangular piece of wood, which is pierced at one point like a cigarbolder. This is In serted in the mouth of the animal, the cigar being lit and pressed into the hole. . The dromedary closes its eyes and puffs awty . through its nostrils until the cigar is burned away. The indulgence appears to refresh it, and the keeper has no difficulty In persuad ing the animal to plod on without further rest. Pittsburg Dispatch. - Age of Marriage. I The average age at which men marry Is 27.7 years, while the average age at which women marry Is 25 years.