Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 05, 1901, Image 3

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FKIPAY, JULY" 5, 1901.
and Skirts..
We haye now on sale, nnJ new
Spring Suits & Dress
"Our suits com pi be the newest and
tkoat of tn late creations etneh as coat and
balero effect! and postillion backs. . New
itylt skirts are alio shown and jackets
The price of our suits range from $8.00
S, E, Young & Son,
,, Albany, Oregon.
The Black Cat -
Take your eggs to Young's.
II 8 and M clothing, at Klines.
AH kinds of repairing, at the
Bicycle Hospital.
Biass curtain rods for eala at
Young's Cash Store.
Buy the Black Cat hose the kind
that wears, for sale only at Kline's.
Fresh candy, fruit and nuts, al
ways on hand at the Commission
Poultry food, poultry cure, and
inEect powder, at the Commission
Store. .
All work guaranteed by Albert J.
Metiger, watchmaker, three doors
north of the' pestoffice.
: Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in
the Mt. View school house Sunday
afternoon at half past two.
Friday is the time to order your
dressed chicken for Sunday's din
ner, at the Commission Store. .
T. E. Wilson returned to Port
land, Wednesday, after a visit of
several days with relatives in this
" The regular monthly meetiug of
the Citizens' League will be held at
the court house, Saturday evening
at 8 o'clock. 1
Usual services at Baptist church
on Sunday. Morning subject
"SSnadows, evening suDjeci, . iue
Lord's Dav." All welcome..
Remember, Grjswold's mammoth
Uncle Tom's Cabin" Company stay
only one night and give only one
complete performance, commencing
at 8 p. m. - "
. The congregations of the M. E.
thurch, South, and Congregational
church, will hold services jointly at
the latter chuch next Sunday at 11
a. m. and 8, p. m. ; ' 7
Misl Dra Porter, who has been
attending the Drexel Institute at
Philadelphia for the past two years,
visited in Gorvallis, T Wednesday.
Her home is in Halsey. ""
The marriage of Wheeler Cline,
of this city, and Miss Anna Ford,
of Lincoln county, occurred at the
United Evangelioal parsonage last
Saturday. Rev. Boozet officiated.
The young couple will make their
Lome on the island.
At the United Evangelical church
the subject of the 'morning sermon
will be "The Strength of Devotion,"
in the evening the subject, "What a
Sunday Train Means to Corvallis"
will be presented. A most cordial
invitation is extended to all.
' Griewold's Uncle Tom's Cabin
Company carry one of. the finest
bands on the load playing all of the
standard and popular music of th
day, under the leadership of George
F. Lille. . All lovers of music
should not fail to hear them
Everything up to date. ..
The first organ put out by the
Corvallis. Organ Factory is on ex
thibition at S. L. Kline's store. The"
ibox is made, of Oregon oak, finish
ed in the natural wood, and pre
sents a beautiful appearance. It
has six octaves, piano pedals, and
the steps are so concealed that the
instrument has every appearance
of a piano. The tone is full and
rich in quality. Mr. Kline is offer
ing the instrument as a premium
to hi? customers, and ivwill be
given away at a drawing next
Christmas. - !
A traveler from Belknap, about
"12 miles north of Corvallis, said to
day that some of the prune or
chards there gave prospects of im
mense crops. One grower, having
about 100 acres in cultivation, es
timated that he would have the
(best crop so far . harvested in that
-district, or in fact, anywhere, for
the fruit is so thick that there
would possibly be room for no more.
Another man, having a tract of 150
acres In, "is afraid he will
inotbein position to; save the im
mense crop. , In view of this fact
ihe lias commenced construction of
a new and large dryer, to b9 ready
in time for .the harvest. He is
credited with bavin said he never
,-flaw anything like it. Telegram.
, .W. A. Sanders, the watchmaker.
Call auJ sio Kline's new grocery
department. ,
rso charges for prescriptions at
the Bicycle Hospital.
Leave orders at the Commission
Store for all kinds of wood.-
Young keeps the Brown "Star 5
Star" shoes, thg best ia'the market.
S. L. Kline left Tuesday for Sin
Francisco to spend the 4th with his
family. He will bo absent for sev
eral weeks.
A bareain:-An all wool fine twist
black suit for $10.00, of the' Hani
. - I
of th
bchafiner and Mart brand. Best
made. At Klines.
Thos. H. Miller, accompanied by
his wife, will arrive in Corrallis in
about a week from Clearfield. Iowa,
to virit his son, F. L. Miller.'
Miss Clara Newhouse returned to
her home in Corvallis last week,
after a year's absence, visiting her
grandparents in Waterville, Wash.
A letter from Mr. C. B. Wells,
dated La Grande, Oregon, stales
that the writer left that place July
1st for Leduc, N. W. T., to join his
Lost A gentleman's gold ring,
with large opal setting. , . Finder
will be rewarded by leaving the
same at Albert J. Metzger's jewelry
Dr. Clementine Boll, of Glondale,
Southern Oregon, arrived in Cor
vallis,. Monday, for a brief visit with
friends. Tuesday, she departed for
home. .- ., v - ' ;
Mrs. Emma Galloway, the new
president of the Relief - Corps of
Oregon, has- appointed "Mrs. Prudence-
Chipman, of this city,
one of her special aids.
W. E. Yates filled all the barns
in the western part of town with
clover hay, from his five-acre patch
and is now looking up quarters in
which to Btore his 'gophers for next
years crop.
Troop A, 1st Cavalry, O. N. G.,
of Lebanon, under command of
Captain Young, arrived Tuesday
afternoon and went into camp on
the flat south of town. Early Wed
nesday morning they pulled , tip
stakes and ' Started for Albany,
where they were a part of the show
on the Fourth. Tbey were about
fifty strong.
Roy Howard, Johnny Howard,
Charlie Christiana and Guy Moore
have returned to Prineville after a
year's study at the Oregon Agricul
tural College at Corvallis. Miss
Edith Howard and Joe Howard j
were also students. Prineville is
well represented in that splendid
institution of learning and we hear
favorable reports from all. Prine-;
ville Review. :-..-'
Yaquina bay now has a life-sav
ing station thai is equal to any
demand that is likely to be mads
upon it. ' A couple of weeks ago the
steamer Alliance brought a new
boat up from San Francisco. The
boatfformerly belonged to the Gold
en Gate Park Station at San Fran
cisco, and' is built on the "Debin's"
principle. It is self-baling and
self-righting. People who visit the
bay this summer will have' an op
portunity to view the life saver.
A man awakened DiHey, "Tne
Fixer," a few nights ago and made
him go down-town and sell an Im
perial bicycle. The young fellow'
wanted a wheel for his best girl
and had walked ten miles to get it.
A year ago a brother of the pur
chaser secured a wheel for the ob
ject of his adoration and now she is
his wife. It is to be hoped that the
recent purchaser will be as success
ful as his brother. The parties re
side about half-way betweenCor
vallis and Monroe. ; .,
Mrs. Lulu Webber, of Medford,
visited old-time friends in this city,
Tuesday. Corvallis used to be Mrs.
Webber's home, and she is a
daughter of Capt. N. P. Stevens,
who died in Lincoln county a few
weeks ago. She has .been visiting
her brother, in Albaay, and em
braced the opportunity - to coine
over and make arrangements for
her son to attend the O A O this
fall. At present Mrs. Webber and
her daughter, Miss Irene, are teach
ing music in Medford. : --.vS-
For months, the cry came in from
different parts of the county to the
commissioners court for a rock
crusher, that if we only had . the
machine we would soon have' fine
roads. The court ordered one, and
it has been here lor over two weeks,
tested and accepted by the county,
Daid for and all ready to run. Yet
it stands on the flat above town,
no man Having laitt violent nanas
upon it to movo it south and start
it to work. Soap Creek will oil it
up and start it ouits good work
some of these days.. ,
In less than two weeks the Sum
mer School at Newport wiil be
opened.- All of the instructors
chosen for the vaiious branches ; of
the school are of recognized abili
4n their special fields, and beyon
doubt the teacher who fails to at
tend will regret the fact in the fu
ture. Instruction will be given in
everything from mathematics to
music. The work of arranging for
the school has taken several months
and too much credit cannot be given
Prof. J. B. Horner, of this city, for
to him is mainly due thefast that
.there is to bn a Echool it alj. ,The
exact date on which tin school will
open is July 17th.
Mayor Woodcock's Address of Welcome on
Behalf of the Citizens of Corvallis. '
I have been reqneslcd to express a few
words of welcome on the part of the Citi
zens' League of Benton county and the
City of Corvallis in token of our sincere
appreciation of tho interest represented
in your Visit to the State Agricultural
At different periods during the history
of this school it has been regarded as
local 1y those who-have not thought
thoroughly along the important lines
'S" by the scientific and experimental
racnnrnli m oil A in (Via ci.bnnl Ttr..
questions, however, are becoming better
understood. It is evident from the large
number of intelligent, representative,
progressive farmers aud business men
from different parts of this state, that
more than a local iaterest ia being felt in
the importance of the State Agricotlural
College at this time. It is natural and
correct for as to regard those who have
gone before as having wisely laid the
proper foundation stones npon which is
being established this the best and most
progressive government in the world to
day. Upon this point it is significant
and convincing that the congress of. the
United States builded well when they set
apart to each of the sevaral states large
tracts of public lands to be sold and the
proceeds thereof retained as an irreduci
ble fund the interest accumulating
thereon to be used in maintaining state
agricultural colleges in the v different
states where instruction in agriculture
and the mechanic arts should be the im
portant and leading instructions; follow
ed by subsequent legislation establishing
experiment stations in connection with
these colleges, and large appropriations
provided by congress to pay the expenses
thereof. To say that national legislators
of that day were mistaken in these lines
is to accuse them of being incompetent
and enacting unwise legislition. But
such was not the case. While practical
farming performed in an intelligent way
without the aid of scientific research is
very substantial and necessary, yet
scientific principles, we are compelled to
admit, are- founded upon truth. It
seems, therefore, that this same scientific
truth and investigation along those lines
coupled with the practical and experi
mental is becoming as essential when
applied to "farming as it is to the other
pursuits in life."
It is evident that those who were in
strumental long ago in providing the
means from the general government by
which these agricultural colleges and ex
perimental' stations "shall he maintained
were at that time able to look into the
distant future and forsee the conditions
as transpiring at this time. At that
time those who had not made special
studyof those subjects regarded the pro
ceedings along those lines wijh apparent
indifference, because the lands all over
our country were comparatively
ducing Jarge and never failing crops.
Conditions have changed. By constant
cropping.year after year for a generaiion
the soil became depleted. . It required
different treatment. The const ant yearly
cropping under' the same continuous
methods exhausts the soil of Important
elements which it is necessary to restore.
The agricultural college and station sup
plies this important information.. By
carefal experiments and analysis we are
able to learn through these schools what
elements have been taken from the soil
by old methods and what treatment is
necessary to restcre the soil to its normal
condition. " 7 , '.
The experience and observations of
the results of the agricultural industries
in our state is abundant prrof of these
changing conditions, r , - '
For many years after the early settle
ment of this country it was only neces
sary to plow and sow by indifferent
methods in order to reap an abundant
and profitable harvest, but by constantly
withdrawing the natural elements of the
soil it was found difficult and after an
other short time impossible to obtain the
same flattering results, different meth
ods of cultivation in due time were intro
duced with apparent success. But this
was only temporary, for with the best
methods as generally practiced for the
last ten years it is evident that the yield
of grain and other products have be
come much less and mere difficult and
the soil less productive for other pur
poses. With these conditions confront
ing us we turn to the agricultural college
and experiment station to learu the
cause and suggest the remedy, which
must come to us through scientific inves
tigation. These subjects, the best meth
ods in producing and protecting the fruit
and other, products of the soil as well as
the best kinds, .breeds and grades of
stock adapted to our industrial condi
tions, the best and most economic feeds
and the best methods of feeding them
are very important questions confronting
us at this time, because all of the indus
tries common to man . are effected by the
rise and' fall of agricultural pursuits.
They are the underlying support for all
business. Hence it is that we constantly
nnd lawyer?, doctors, ministers, mer
chants, laborers, : tradesmen, and all
classes and' conditions of our people
earnestly discussing the -varying condi
tions effecting the agricultural industries
of the country. 'It is for these reasons,
well understood tp seriously effect every
person no matter what may be their call
ing or condition et Hie, that we con
stantly find them in all pursuits of life
discussing earnestly in the effort to learn
everything available upon these import
ant subjects because we are alike inter
ested in the results and valuable informa
tion 'Obtained Ik rough the scientific re
search made by these-educational insti
tutions established by the general govern
ment purely ,'upoa agricultural aud in
dustrial lines,.
I realize that roti have come here not
to be wearied by any remarks of mine.
but to investigate and learn the results
of theecientifie research and questions
which will be ably -handled by gentle
men specially skilled therein. In behalf
of the people of Benton county and City
of Corvallis I take pleasure in extend
ing to you a most hearty welcome and
trust that you will find your stay among
us both profitable and pleasant.
Wells Items.
The badly decomposed body
of a dead man was found near the
S. P. bridge across the , Luckia
mute, between Suver and Parker
station, Sunday. The body lay
in a dense thicket, and was dis
covered by James McLain, a resi
dent of the vicinity. In the
pocket ef the dead man's coat
were found a five cent peice and a
tneniorandam, but the latter con
tained only a few figures and
there was no other cine as to the
identity. .of the remains. A re
tfolter was found nearby, which
ga?e foondation for the general
supposition f self-destruction.
The ballet had entered the tem
ple, passed through the nead and
was found in the hat which still !
covered the skull. From the
condition of tfie " body, it is
thought that death resulted at
least two months ago. As nearly
as can. be ascertained, deceased
was aged between 24 and 30, and
in life must have weighed 145
poondSi The clothing was in
good condition and the toes of
the sock that covered the feeS,
were still clean, and white. An
inquest was held by the coroner
of Polk county, and because of
the condition of the remains, a
grave was made by the side of
the corpse and burial took place
without further cerefflony or de
lay. The question - is: Whose
son was he? .
Mrs. Jacob Gulford and son,
wfio have been visiting C. M.
Vanderpool and fainilf , left Mon
day for their home in Prineville.
- Miss Mattie J. Lee left Mon
day for " Independence, from
Whence she will proceed, neSJtj
week, to Winlock, Washington, J
for a visit with relatives. She
will be absent a month or six
weeks. '. -, - '
Mrs. Robert Wilson returned a
few days ago 'from a two weeks'
visit with relatives in Efigene.
Miss Zelia Miner, 6f Corvallis,
has been engaged to teaeh the
Wells school the coming term.
Haying is in full blast in this
kyicimty.- The yield is very
heavy and the quality first-class.
The handsome new residence
of Paul IS. v Dodcle is rapidly
searing completion, aud will be
an ornament to .this locality.
W. 0. Heckarfe is the contractor.
' T. Norton is having a large
barn built on his farm one mil
north of Wells. It: is 34x54,
and the work is under the super
vision of B. J. Kelly, formerly
of Corvallis. .
Tha steam threshing outfit, for
merly owned by Joseph Hecker,
was purchased Mondayi by a
farmer from the Irish Bend ooan
try, south of Corvallis. The
buyer's name was not learned. .
Three fine deer wed seen on
the John Smith place, Sunday,
by a party en route from Wells
to Sulphur Springs. - ?
"". ;' Topsy.
Told the Farmers.
During the course of the re
cent farmers' meeting held at O
A C, Dr. James Withyeobe,- of
that institution, made the follow
ing statements: ;
The trouble with your land is
that it cannot retain water. v We
find that the fields have suffered
and that is because of -the physi
cal condition of the land being
wrong. The recent failure of the
wheat crop was not due to pests;
1 should ,. be attributed to the
fault of the soil. In a sense.
there is no new land any more in
the valley. " Your pasture lands
are not new. Thev have been
run over by stock, arid the soil
has consequently been drawn
upon until the. plant" food has
been exhausted. It must be re
tained. Experiments "on this
farm have, demonstrated beyond
dispute fhat the only way to re
tain the plant food is - by rotation
of crops. If this is done there is
no reason whv 40 bushels of
wheat to the acre should not be
a common thing.
Here is a clover field. Yeu
have a fair idea of the yield.
This is how we work it: Sow
clover on fall wheat in February,
It makes late pasture. .: Next
year it produces from 3 to 4 tons
of hay per acre. The field is
kept in clover another year, or
the sod is broken upland sown to
oats or father grain, or planted to
some . cultivated crop, such, as
corn Or potatoes. After that the
field is again put in wheat, thus
making a 4-year rotation. ' In
sowing clover it is, highly desira
ble to apply , about" 50 Or 75
pounds of land plaster to the
acre for the yield will often in
crease so ner cent thereby. -.
The Tune rain often interferes
with" the proper curinsr of clover
nay, but if the clover field is pas
tured with light stock', such , as
sheep or calves, in early spring
the maturing of the crop will be
sufficiently delayed to overcome
this difficulty. .
Revenue Tax Repealed.
Changes recently made in inter
nal revenue taxes became effective
July 1st. The items repealed which
most directly touch the public are
the 2-cent tax on every bank check,
the 1 cent levied on express-receipts
and the 1 cent affixed to telegraph
ic messages. There are several
other important . taxes . repealed,
however, which will affect import
ant interests,' and in many cases
will reach the public. Among these
are the stamps affixed to proprieta
ry medicines, perfumery and other
drugs, which have given so much
annoyance to the thousands of
druggists throughout the country.
The 10-cent tax on bills of lading
terminated on June SO, and the
high tax on charter parties suffered
the same fate. There are important
modifications of the rates on beer
and cigars, but these taxes are far
from being abolished.
Provision is made for the redemp
tion of unused stamps, and checks
With stamps imprinted, purchased
under the war tax law.
Additional Local.
Dr. Lowe, the optician, is comiug
soon. The wise will wait for him.
Ed Crawford and Chas. Bier, of
Salem, came to Corvallis to spend
the Fourth with friends.
Our Great Mid-Summer Sale is
now in full blast. Bargains all
round. Nolan & Callahan.
Mis. Eila M. Humbert will
preach at the Christian church
next Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 8
p. m. You will be welcome.
Putnam Fadeless Dye, Navy Blue
is the fastest known blue, with the
exception of indigo (and it is impos
sible . for you to do home dyeing
with indigo.) Ten cents per pack
age, .bold by Graham & Wells.
Rev. G. S. O. Humbert returned
a few days ago from Turner, where
he attended the State Ministerial
Association of the Chtistian church.
While there he was elected presi
dent of this body for the ensuing
year. ,. .. - " - :
O. B. Connor, foreman at the
college 1 farm, had an experience
with a bull -last, week wbieh
amounted to nothing. The bull,
which bas'not the sign of a horn,
was standing with its head at Mr.
Connor's feet. It began in a play
ful manner to push him against the
fence, but got . rather rough and
crowded him so closely that he
tamed and seized the top board
just as the bull caught him amid
ships and gently assisted him over.
Robert Glass and his sister, Miss
Lilly Glass, accompanied by their
brother Frank, arrived home, Sat
urday, from Eastern Oregon. Frank
went out there about a year ago
and took up a homestead, and sev
eral weeks ago his brother and sis
ter crossed the mountains to make
him a visit Frank la looking well
and reports that he likes that coun
try very much, and will make his
home there. He starts back next
week. His brother and sister are
not so enthusiastic over the section
that Frank has chosen for his home
and declare that the Willamette
valley is good enough for them.
Writing to the Gazette from
Hope, Indiana, Sherman Seward
expresses a desire to know more of
the Willamette valley, "its crops,
weather, fruit, etc." He says: "Here
we are putting up our clover hay.
By July 1st we will be cutting our
wheat, and ia a week's time all of
the grain in the country will be in
the shock. This year it is badly
injured by the Hessian fly. Last
year we did not get our seed back.
Corn is not more than tea inches
high and is gettibg its first plowing.
Am contemplating a trip to your
county withiu the next 6ix months
with a view to finding a location,
and would like to read your paper
in the meantime." We have given
Mr. Seward's address to the adver
tising committee of the Citizens'
League, and he will be sent a copy Of
the illustrated pamphlet as soon as
it is completed. .
. Civil and Sacred"
At the M. E. Church, July 7, 8 p. m.
preceeded by song service with, special
. Government Laud.
Parties wishing to locate on govern
ment, iana will ao wen 10 consuic
. F. Klkceeb,
Alsea, Or.
Mothers, go to Young's Cash
Store for children's ready-made
waists. . A new line just arrived. ,
1 P
l Mm f
It 1
Hart, .
& Marx
wirr, KHAFmn haju
I Mr-
mm w 1 -.
Correct Clothing. Extra Fine Suits $16.50
The man who wears a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit can rest assured that
his clothes are correct form, that they are ia Rood taste and right in fit
and fashion ; materials are the finest we can buy, and the sewing and tail
oring as perfect as skill can make them.
Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits
We can order you these of the best materials silk lined throughout. -
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty.
H. W. HALL' Proprietor.
85 mzm awimisssasssi.aasi
Strong Academic and Professional Course. Well Equipped Traiaice Department
Exyenses range from $130 to $175 per year. FaU Term Opens SeptemberfX7th.J
i) or catalog containing full announcements, address. .
J. B. "V. BUTtEK,
R Big Show Coming-
Frank E. Oriswold's Pavilion Railroad
will exhibit r ' '
This-company, carries forty people, a carload of beautiful special scenery and
'mechanical effects;-" one of the finest bands and orchestras on the road. This
company has been organized at" an actual cost of 20.C00, and shonld not
. ". be confounded with bther so-called companies playing this piece.
Admission, 25 cents; Children, 15 cents.
Native Herbs.
Anyone desiring this great blood puri
fier, may secure the same by calling on
or addressing . ,. :
' F. Kleceeb,
rhilomatb, Or.
Price $1 per box.
The least in quantity and most In
quality describes DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaints. Graham & Wells,
An all-Wool
fine twist
of the
; famous
H. S. & M.
Brand of
f flvW ! I Schaffner
WktZi-M & Marx
ps fc-Vl Tailor
if - Made
fj I' 1 Clothes
State Normal School
Monmouth Oregon.
for graduates ot the Normal School, dur
ing the past year has been much beyond
the supply.
Positions from $40 to $75 eer month.
Students are prepared for the state exam
inations and readily take state papers on
p. i,. CAmrsEU,
New Lumber Yards.
The Benton County Lumber Co. has
opened a yard at the corner of 5th and
Washington streets, near the S, P.,depor
in this city. They have a full Btock of
fine Cr lumber. Prices quoted on ap
plication. -
Foley's Honey an Tar
forehUdrea,safe,sure, No opiates .