Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 05, 1901, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1901.
Of all delusions, that known as
4 Thristian Science' r is the most
pernicious. It is simply : amaz-.
ing that intelligent, rational men ',
and women embrace such erron- j
eons doctrines as it sets forth. It
now nas over ooo organs
line nwr finn ororinized '.
churches with quite a million
members, and church property
valued at twelve million dollars.
It has gathered its membership
mainly from the organized
churches which appear to be al
most powerless to resist its ag
gressions and to expose its errors.
What gives it such vitality and
power is an inquiry of interest,
not only to church members, but
to all thoughtful men.
It cannot be all error, for no
pure, unmixed lie can long pros
per. It must contain some truth.
To combat the error we must dis
cover the truth it contains and
lift that out of its false relations
and by giving it its own settings
destroy the false inferences it has
been forced to yield.
Christian science has seized
upon the doctrines of the christian
church, and placing them in
false relations causes them to ap
peal to the natural yearnings of
the human heart through infer
ences which are subtile and se
ductive, but grossly delusive.
Man is a religious being. . He
believes in some sort of a supreme
controling being. He is not sat
isfied with a God who is afar off
and difficult to approach, and
powerless to help. His soul
yearns for a God that is near,
whose love encompasses him,
whose hand is ever ready to help
him. Christianity presents such
a God to him. It affirms the
kinship of God and man. It
teaches that both are spirit, God
the Father, man the child. It
declares the all-pervading pres
ence of God in the processes of
the universe and in the hmnan
So Christian science teaches the
kinship of the Creator and the
creatnre. Mrs. Eddy affirms
that, what men' call thought, is
really the ' 'God-thought, " and
the only force or power in the
world. Matter and evil, and
pain and disease are not real be
cause they have no place in the
Divine mind. They are but
forms of mortal thought which
right relations with the "God
thought" would destroy. All dif
ference between the Divine and
the human is destroyed by a pro
cess of fusion through which the
human loses its identity in the
God-thought. This is simply
pantheism, and practically pure
The conscious presence of God
with men is so vital to their re
ligious faith, and believed by
them to be so necessary to all
their true interests here and here
after, that christian - science had
but to put forth its efforts to real
ize this consciousness. here,
doubtless, is the, reason of the
success of this strange delusion.
The Christian church sees "the
livery of heaven stolen to serve
the devil," yet seems to be pow
erless successfully to combat the
hideous error. It is true, the
pulpit and religious press, have,
- from time to time, struck at it in
discriminately and . blindly, but
they have struck at its error instead
of acknowledging the truth which
underlies; setting that in its right
relations, and giving emphasis to
its rational inferences.
What deters them from doing
this? Is it probable they fear
that the church has taught this
radical truth so loosely, so vague
ly and carelessly, as to ren
der this sliding off into error but
a short, easy process? Whatever
the reason, the fact remains that
the pulpit and the religious press
have rather sought by invective,
ridicule,, abuse, and the charge of
error, than by admitting it basic
truth, to csmbat this system of
false science.
The secular press has done
more efficient : service. Not re
strained by any fear that Chris
tian science 'may be "a church
' doctrine gone . to seed," it has
sought to rescue the truth from
its false relations, while ridicul
ing the irrational and false infer
ences which have led so many to
embracing the delusion in toto.
Facts About Wool.
At the meeting of the North
western Wool-Growers' Associa
tion held in Pendleton this spring,
Prof. E. F. Pernor., "of the O A C,
made a most instructive speech,
of which" the following is an ex
tract: It is frequently the case, that
a given breed ot sheep will pro
duce in one couuty a superior ar-.
tide of wool, whereas, ' in the
county adjoining, ia which soil,
precipitation of moisture and ell
iptic conditions are apparently,
the s;'.!i)c, a wool fibre less valu
able to tltf manufacturer will be
produced br the same breed of
sheep. Only by the microscopic
examination of the; wool can
these things be determined. It
is possible, i'1 the liht of the
cxncnniiiitation which H8S been
carried on in this direction, to
reach absolute ".demonstration,
and Ic.tve r.o room for doubt. I
believe that in future years, the
exanmia ion ot wools under tlie
microscope will be as much a ne
cessity, to the wool grower as a
nowledp:e of the market condi
tions and acquaintance with the
labils and needs of sheep,-as re
gards their healthy growth and
Chancing to observe the un
usual brilliancy of the Indian
robes and blankets made of wools
raised on certain breeds of slieep,
I was led into a course of special
inquiry, while pursuing the ex
perimentation as to wool fibres,
with a view to determining,' if
possible, the reason for this bril
liancy of coloring. . Side by side
with the notes made during the
examination or the wool, sam
ples, I alsoi made record of that
which, in its completeness con
clusively proved to me why seme
wools take the dyes in the mills
so asto produce a coloring more
brilliant than those of any made
from other wools, and the reasou
is simply this- these wools con
tain less of pigment, (coloring
matter . which is a part of all
hair or wool), thus permitting
the artificial colors of the dyes
to stand out with greater distinct
ness, not- neutralized by an ex
cess of pigment in the natural
structure of the wool.
Out at the College.
The parties having the contract
to extend the heatinsr plant of
the O A C from the chemical
building to the Armory, have
the material all on the ground
for the work, which will be com
menced at once. The conduits
for the pipes (steam and drain),
instead of being brick, as the
others were, will be encased in
terra cotta pipe, cemented at the
joints, which will insure a good
job. ' - ..;.. -'-.v. ', - ,
The field of clover yielded so
bountifully that they have filled
their siios and barri with the
products, and they just finished
getting it off of the ground Tues
day. ... 'r-;:--:-. .
Spraying is ripe in the orchard
now. The work was commenced
Tuesday, and it must be; the
time of the year for this work, or
Prof. Coote would not be doing
it. ' .
The painters having the con
tract for painting the dormitories
and the chemical laboratory have
completed the first coat and
commenced the second on Cau
thorn Hall. .: It will make a
great improvement in the ap
pearance of the buildings a
change long needed.
The material is now on the
ground at the O A C for the con
struction of the .fruit dryer v for
experimental purposes. It is to
be constructed under the super
vision of Prof. Lake.
The Sunday Train.
. In response to earnest solicita
tion "from the cities of the West
Side, the S. P. railroad company
has decided to place a Sunday
train over this line as an experi
ment, and the; service will begin
next Sunday, - Jnly 7th. The
time of arrival and departure
will be the .same as that of the
week day trains arrive at Cor
vallis at 1 1 45 a. rn. and leave at
V.20 p. m. Manager Koehler
states this can only be looked
upon as an experiment, and that
his company may be forced to
discontinue this service should it
be found that it is not receiving
sufficient patronage to justify the
expense. "" ... . ..
are the most fatal of all diseases.'-..
.0 Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized Jay emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c and $1.00.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
K MINI-1 : KB-EX!-
Importer of . ...r
Highgrade Pianos, Organs and S-'muU
lbslrutnenta of all deevr'p'-ir n . -
The Celebrated
Needham Pianos and Organs
Which have become famous for their
beauty of tone, superior action and great
We invite comparison of our prices,
quality considered, with those of other
lirmsj Call aud examine our goods or
write for catalogue.
Office and residence one block west of
Court House.
The Fourth at Corvallis.
There wasn't a corporal's
guard of people left in Corvallis
on the Fourth. The weather
was perfect and the few who did
aot go to Albany or Philomath,
made up picnic parties ai ' tooK
lo the woods. Flags floated
from all public buildings and
many residences were decorated
with bunting, but all business
houses were closed, and only the
occasional report of a firecracker
broke the stillness.
The only event of the day of
any interest to Corvallisites was
the trap shooting contest at Phil
omath hi which the following
team from this city was entered:
Alex Rennie, Robt. Huston,
Telt Burnett. Grant Elgin. Frank
Lilly and Thos. Callahan.
Real Estate Transfers.
U. S. to B F Brattaiu, patent
to 160 acres in Alsea.
G II Dow to J C Irwin, 163
acres 10 miles south of Corvallis;
$2,000. "
State ot Oregon' to Thos H
Gragg,. 160 acres near Dusty;
$200. . ' .;"
K 15 Taylor to M Voss et al,
lot 7, blk 3, Corvallis; $1. :
M Voss to . Huston & Bogu?,
lot 7, blk 3, Corvallis; $825.
Martha Huston to O J Black
ledge, lols 5 and 6, blk 12, Co
Add to Corvallis; $325.
J M Osburn to F W Osburn,
244 acres near Corvallis; $10. :.
J !.r Osburn to E E Wilson,
325 acres near Corvallis; $44. jr.
F W Osburn to John McGee,
244 acres near Corvallis; $3,000.
For Sale.
Cedar posts 1st and 2nd grade; No 1
shakes and Shingles.: -:
: Corvallis Sawhiix Company..
Mr. E. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes:
He was troubled with kidney disease
about three vears. ilad to get up sever
al times during the night but three bot
tles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a
complete cure, he feels better than he
ever did and recommends it to his friends
Graham & Wortham.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice fs hereby given that the undersigned Las
been appointed administrator of the estate of J. K.
A. Kemnson, deceased, oy the County court of tbe
State of Oregon, for Benton county. -All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same to the undersigned
properly verified as by law required at the othce of
C. W. Davis, in Philomath, Oregon, ; within six
nonths from th date hereof.
Dated July 2, 10M. -' "" " -
, L. E. Fridlkv,
Administrator of the estate of J. . A. Uebin
son, deceased.
Geo. C. Hickork, Curtiss, Wis.,' says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to be all you claim for 'it. I
have given it to my father and it is the
only thing that ever helped him." Gra
ham & Wortham.
State Treasurer's Fourth Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
now funds in the Treasury with whioh to
redeem all outstanding State Warrants
drawn on the Gf neral FuAd and en
dorsed "Presented and not paid for want
of funds," prioisto this date; also to pay
all warrants drawn on the State Scalp
Bounty Fund, and endorsed 'Presented
and not paid for want of funds," prior to
May 1st 19CX), and all such warrants,
properly endorsed, will be paid upon
presentation at this office, interest there
on coating from and after this date.
.- CnAs. S, Moore,
- ' . - " :-V State Treasurer. "
- Stale of Oregon, Treasury Department,
Jane 5th, 1901, -
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Look oot for counterfeits. If yon get
DeWitt's jou will get good resn'.ts. It
is the quick, posiiive cure for piles. -
Graham & Wells
If you are sick all over, and don't know
just what ails you, it's ten to one- your
kidneys are nut of order. Fo'ey's Kidney
Cure will bring yon health arid energy,
Graham & Wortham.
The greatest skin specialist in America I
originated the formula lor Banner Salve. I
rorau tKiii diseases, all cuts cr lores,
and for piles, it'sths most hfa'.ina medi
cine. Beware of substitutes. Graham
& Wcrtbavn.
Mr. W. J. Baxter, of North Brook,
N. C, says he suffered with pi!( fo 15
years. ; fie tried many remedies with no
results until he used DeWitt's Witch
Hazel fc'alve and that ' quickly cured
him. Graham &Wflls. . ..
Those fautom little pills, DeWitt's Lit
tle Euriy Itinera compel your liver and
bowels to do their duty, thus giviitp; you
pure, rich blood to reenperate your body.
Are easy to lake. Never gripe. Gra-ha-n
& Wells."
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sslvs should be
promptly applied to' cuts, burns and
scalds. It 'soothes and quickly heals the
injured part. There are worthless coun
terfeits, be sura to got Do Witt's. Gra
ham & Wells.
"I am indebted lo One Minute Couch
Cure for my present good health and my
lift. I was treated in vain by doctors for
luug trouble followiug la grippe. I took
One Minute Cough Cure and recovered
my health." Mr. H. Wise, Madison,
Ga. Graham & Wells. .
Question Answered
YeB, August Flower still baa the
largest salc-of any medicine in the
civilized world. Your mother and
ei andmothes - never thought of
ueing anything else for indigestion
or biliousness. Doctors were scarce
and they seldom heard of appen
dicitis, nervous prostration or heart
failure, etc. They used August
Flower to cleanse out the system
and stop fermentation of undi
gested food, Tegulate the action of
the liver, stimulate the nervous and
organic action of the system, and
that is all thev took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. : You only need a few
dos-s of Green's August Fluwer, in
liquid form, to make -you satisfied
there is nothing serious the platter
with you. Get Green's Prize Alma
nac. Graham & Wortham.
You will waste timo if jou undertake
to cure indigestion cr dyspepsia by ttarv
ing yourself. That only makes it worse
when you do eat heartily. You always
need plenty of good food properly diges
ted. Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure is the re
6 nit of eat s cf scientific research foi
something that would digest not only
some elements of food but every kind.
And it is the one remedy that will do it.
--Graham & Wells.
"I had a running sort- on my tireast for
over a year," says Hemy R. Kichards, of
Wilteeyvil'e, N. Y., "and tried a great
many remedies, but got no relief until I
used Banner Salve. After using one-half
box, I was perfectly cured. I cannot re
commend it too highly." Graham &
Wortham. v ,.
A bad complexion generally results
from inactive liver and bowels. In all
such cases, DeWitt's Little Early Risers
produce gratifying results. ' Graham &
Wells.; .v'.;
Our Clubbing List.
Subscribers to the- CORVALLIS GAZETTE can
obtain the follourinsr papers in combination nih-
cripUons with the GAZETTE, at the very lew
con pany the order. Those wishing two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, will please
correspond with this office and we will quote you
tbe combination price. " We can save yoa money ou
nearly all publications yon desire.- .
The abbreviations below sro explained as follows:
V. foi weekly; S W for seni-weekly; T W, for tri
weekly; M, fcr monthly; S M, tor semi n-onthly.
The first price represents the subscription rate of
the publication alone, aud ;the Becond the rate for
the publication offered in conjunction .with tbe
senu-weekly GAZKTTE. ,
Oregon Afrricnlturist and Rural Northwest, Tcrt-
land. Or, S.W., SO cents; gl.80.
Oreironian, Portland, Or., W., $1.60; 2.55. ' '
Rural Spirit, Portland, Or , Contains a live-stock
market report, W., it2.00; -
Pacific Christian - Advocate, Portland, Or.. V.
$2.00. &05. . -
The Thrice-a-Wcek World, Kew York, T. W..
$1.08; 2.20. - :
' Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough stock
and farm journal, W.. $1.00;;2.30.
The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., S1.00; 2.C5.
The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind., Live
stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 50 cents; 1.65.
The -Cosmopolitan Magazine,- Kew 'York, M.,
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 5o pages of
latest maps; S ; 2.85. - - -
The Outing Magazine, New York, SL, $3,00; 3.80.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W.,$1.00; 2.30.
Oregon roultrj Journal, Salem, Or., .H.. 50
cents: 1.
Tho Pathander,
District of Columbia, W.,$i.00:
The Designer, New York,
Standard Fashions, M..
LW; 2.3S. - . .. ,
American Agriculturist, Chicago, 111., including
copy of Year Book aud Almanac, W., $1.00; 2.39.
Farm, Field nd Fireside, Chicago, 111., W;, $1.00;
2.15. - '
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, SL Louis, has no riva
as great modern newspaper, T. W, $1.00; 2.15.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.90.
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, 111 , W., 50 cents;
$1.90. ,
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W $:.00; 2 OS''
The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , I1L, M.,
60 cents; $1 75. . ,
Farm and Fireside,
50 cents;' 1.75. . .. -
Springfield, Ohio, 8. W.,
Women's. Home Comi-anion
Springaeld, Ohio,
$1.00; 2.15.
$2.50; 3.25. .
M;giz'.ne, .''Philadelphia," Pj., M.,
Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and Dance), Sew York,
M., $1.00; 82.15. . .. .
; The Century l!aSadne, New York, H., $4.00; 6.05.
Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis. , The
best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world. V'.;
$1.00; 2.30. . ..
.Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.15. ' .
niericon Homes. Kncxvillc, Tenn., M., $1.00;
1 90'"" Co:ii" So'acol I'ajizine, Bi-SI., 60 oents;
McClureN Magazine, New York, II., 81.00; 2 W: :
Twice-a-Wock Courier Journal, Lonisville, Ev.,
ns of the best papsrs from tbe grtat South, T. w.
$1,110; 2.05. . - '
"Dairy Fortunes," a neat, weir written book of
20 pages oa all questions concerting dairyinr,
feeds and feeding, tne constituent properties of all
kinds of feed; 39 combinations forming well
balanced rations for dairy cows. Eery dairyman
should have it. Irics with the Cokvau-is U azote
one year, Si 69. , - ; . .
Focket'Atlas of the Worid, 331 paces, coutainino
colorel maps of all the states and U-rritorie i in the
Unite t States, the province of the dominion of
Canadt, and of every country and civil division on
the fac.i of the globe Also ' valuable statistical In
formation about each state and county, giving the
population of every large city in the worlJ, besides
Othsr Vallllbln irifarmt.i(i A hanilir r.f.ron...
work fop every ncraon: with foavALus UAxerra one
- . "I wish to truthfully slate to yon and
the readers of these few lines that four
Kodol Dyspepsia. Cure is without q'ie
tion, the best and cure for dyspepsia
that I have ever come hi contact hh
and I havetised many other preparations.
John Beam, W.-et Middlesex. Pa. No
preparation rquals Kodol Dywpsia Cure
as it contains ail the natural distaiilN.
ll will digest all kinds if foo I and can't
help but do you uood. Graham & Wellp.
The Great Scourge
Of modern limes is consumption. Many
cures and discoveries from tune to time
are published but Foley's Honey and Tar
1 Iocs trutliluliy claim to cure all caRes in
the early stamen and always aii'ords com
fort nnd relief in the veiy worst casec.
Take no substitutes. Graham & Wrr-
You tan never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. What your body needs is plenty of
good food . properly digested. Then if
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the nVtural digestants hence must digest
every class of food and so prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishing the body
and replacing the wasted tissues, thus
giving life, health,' strength, ambition,
pure, blood nnd good healthy appetite.
Graham & Wells.
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
1 CorvsilSs, Oregon
Established, Incorporated , iEjR
most complete line of Ture Drugs
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article,
" Combs, Brushes and Mirrors.
Pceket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
CIGAHS -Manager
of Perscription Department,
T. A. JONES, Registered, ,
Fpecial Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Universi
ty, Indiana "
Digests what yota cat.
This preparation contains all of tho
digestants and digests all kiuds of
food. It givesjnstant relief aud never
fails to cure. ' It allows you to eat all
the food you want Themostseusitive
stomachs can take it. By itsuso many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It eare't iaeip. . '
bat do ya good
Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago
Ine$l. bottle contains 2!4 times thc50c. size.
Graham & Welfs.
No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation,
good buildings, fine frnit and water, good
land ; price, $650. 4) miles
i from' Philomath
No. 13180 acres, 25 in cultivation,
mice young orchard; fair buildings, 2
cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plow, cultivator, tools, etc.; also
furniture. This is a good hill ranch and
is cheap at $700. C miles from town.
74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation ; small
house; good barn and water; 1 miles
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
counly read; good pasture and timber.-
113 A good 7-ropin house with one
half acre lot; fruit, good water," Jciiicken
houses and sheds, price 3600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
CoryalliB poetoffice.
Eeal Estate Agent,
B-jjc 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
Ftie first National Bank
U. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY. Assistant Cashier..
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
Ou all kinds of approved security, and especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate busi
ness enterprises aud industries of this country.
V - . Deposits .
j Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange
Sight exchange and translers sold available in
many, Austria.
v'- ' Letters of Credit
Issued available in the principal cities ot the
United States. , , .
Principal Correspondents Upon whora W
Sell Sight Exchange ,
The Co:umcicinl National Bank of Chicago.. -The
first Katicnal Be.nk of rorrland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif.-Aiiglc-Cahforniau
Hank, Sail Francisco, CaUX.
The JJatioaal City Bsnk New York.
Th- l.auk of New York National Bankine; Asa'n.
I:ll jo ti rs Si Trader's National Cank, New York
Klioo in rl r .tthPr Natioml Rank of Boston. M.-.s
1-lliladi.luhia 1-i'ai.iouali.aukof rhiladclphio. Vi
th most healing salvo in the world
Portland-Astoria Houte.
Daily Ktund Trips except Sunday.
Iave rortlnnd
Leave ' Astoria
7 A. M.
7 P. M.
Tils Danes Portisna Route
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon, Lyle, The Dalles.
Leave Portland , 7 A. If.
Arrive The Dalles 3 P- M.
Leave " 4 "
Arrive Portland ii:io "
ATiP-Sundav Trins a Leading Feature.
-This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions on Earth.
Landing and Office: Foot of Alder Street
Both Phones Main 351.
Portland, Or.
E. W. CSICBIOK, Agt. Portland.
JOHN SI. FILXOON, Afct. The Dalles.
A. J. TAYLOR, Agt. Astoria.
Dentistry of every description done in Bret
class inann-?r, na miukihchuh Hum
an teed.
Office Over Zieiolf 's procery store, oppos:'
the ost office, corvallis. uregon.
Specialties Diseases of women and
children ; also deformities and all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidektai. Hotel Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 6 :30 p. m.
Physician Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
u I 10 to 12 a. m.
0ffice Houre 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence: Corset College and 8th SI
Telephone at office and residence.
Corva'lis, - - - Oregon
Office Coreer3rd and Monroe streets
Hocks 9 to 12 : - 2 to 5 ; 7 to 8; Sun
day 9 to 10.
Residence Corner 3rd and Harri-on
streets, CorvaHis, Oiegon.
Telephone 335, at residence. .
rm.ES Convbyanciso
Practice in all State and Federal Court
Office; in! Firbt; National Bank Bnildinu,
BrysoTi ' Woodson
Corvallis, Ofe-on.
Office in FcstciEce Etildlce.
OfSc in ffbitehorn Blorfc
Corvallis, Oregon
Mips Mamie Smith, Middleloro, Ky.,
writes: "Mv lii tie sister bad the cronp
very bad. 1 gave her eeveral dotes of
loley's Honey and Tar, and she was in
stantly relieved. It raved her life. Gra
ham & Wortham.
The piles that annoy you so will be
quickly and permanently healed if you
nse DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be
ware of worthless counterfeits. "Giaham
& Wells.
For Rent.
Will rent 200 acres of land est of
Mcnrce and take part payment of rent
in woik and.iinprovcments on the place.
Address M. S. Woodcock,
Cotvallis, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undei signed, ex
ecutrix of the estate of Geortre Kiuders. deceased.
has filed her final account in. said estate, in the
County Court of Benton jCoumy, State of Oregon,
and that said Court has appointed Saturday, the
6th day of July, 19ol, at the hour of eleven o'clock
a. ni. at the County Court Room, in tho County
Court House, in the City of Corvallis, Benton
County, State of Oregon, as the time and p-aoe to
hear objections, if any, to said final account, and
the settlement thereof and of said estate.
Corvalus, Oregon, June 3rd, 1961.
- BERTna RroDKits,
Executrix of the estate of Georee hidden, de
ceased. . .
What do you waDt? We want to
furnish you with peasant, perman
ent employinent, at which you can
earn three to five dollars per dsy.
Address, Manager, 403 Chamber of
Uommeice Building, - Tacoma,
Wath. -...:.
It if easier to keep well than get cured.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers taken now
and then, will always keep your bowels
in perfect oider. They never jtripe but
promote an easy gentle action. Graham
& Wells. . .
W5k OUFnoN
and Union Pacific
from Portland
SaltLake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, St
4:30 p.m.
. n:.
Louis, Chieage
via 11 un-
and East.
SaltLake, Denver,
9 p. m.
Ft Worth, Umaha,
Kansas City; St
8:10 a. tn.
via Hnn-
Louis, ChicaKO and
St. Paul
Walla Walla. Lew
Faat Mail
6:00 p.m.
istun, S p o k a ne,
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Dulnth, Mil
7:00 a.m.
Spottan n
waukee, Chicago,
and East.
Through Pullman and Tonrist S'eepera.
No change of cars. Tickets East via all
rail, or via boat and rati, via. rortjana
Ocean and Kiver Schedule.
All sailing datesl
subject to change
8 p. tn.
For San Franeiaao,
4 p. m.
Sail every live days
f rom;,A pnl 'la.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. m.
Columbia Rivsr
4 p. ru.
To Astoria & way-
10 p. m
Steamer Rut h leaves Corvallis for Al
bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land
ings, Monday, Wednesday and Friday
6:00 a. m, ; returning, arrives Corvallis
altoun Midnight, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. ,
" i .
A. L CRAIG, Gen. Paea. Agent,
J. P. TAPSCOTT, Agent,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis 6 Eastern Railroad.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. m.
" " Corvallis 1 :40 p. m.'
" arrive? Yaquina 5:55 p. n.
1 Retcu ii:iig: ,
JavcP Yaquina.. . . 7:10 a. m.
Iveaves Co'vailis.... 11:33 a.m.
Arrives Albany .... 12:13 p. m.
3 For Detioit :
I.eavt s Corvailifc 12:00 p nu.
Leaves Albany. 1:30 p.m.
Arrives Deu oil .... 6:20 p. hi.
4 KKurning:
Leaves Detroit
Leaves Albany .
Arrives Corvaiiis
5:30 a.
10:30 a.
11:15 p
Trains 3 and 4 bet-ween
Corvallis, Tuefdava. Thursdys and Sat
urdays only. All other trams daily ex
cept Siindav.
Trains 1 and 4 airive in Albany in
time to connect with the S. P. south
bound train, as nell as (livina two or
thiee hours in Albasy lieloie departure
of S. P. north bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
west fide train at Coi vallis Crossing for '
Independence, McMinnville and all
points north to Portland. .
Edwin Etone,
U. H. Cbokise, Manager.
Atttnt, Cervailis.
Southern Pacific Ckinpanv-
Trains Jeave Coivallisfor Portlanel
arid w f y ita tiers at li0 p. in.
Lv Portlard 8:80 a in
Lv Alhnm 12:30 p m
At Ashland .12:33 a ra
Ar Sacramento -5.00 p m
Ar Pan FranHsto-7 :4S p m
8:80 p rn
10t) p m
11:30 am
4:35 am
fi.SO a pi
At Ogden-- 5 :45 p m
Ar Dtnver 9:00 a tn
Ar Knnrac City .7:26 a m
Ar C'bicBg 7 :65 a m
11:46 am
9:00 o
9 :S0a m
Ar Los Arjretor 1:20 p m
Ar El Paso -6:00 p m
Ar Fort Wnrth 6:30 a m.
At City of Mexii-o 9 :65 a m
Ar Houston -4 :f0 a m
Ar New Orleans 6 :2b a m
Ar Washington (1 :42 a m
Ar New York 12:43 p no
7 :00 a m
C :00 pm
6:30 atn
4:00 a m
6 ;l!5p m
6:42 am
12:43 p m
both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cart to.
Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and4
Connecting at San Francin-o rft.h sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, japan..
China, Philippines, Central and Sobttu
See. F. E. FARMER, spent a CorvalhV
station, or address
C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A..
Portland, Or.
Physician $ Surgeon,
, 1 .
Foley's Honey mad Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumoniae
Sufcfciite for this JIr.