Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 28, 1901, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1901.
and Skirts.
"W baye now-oa sale, and new
Soring Suits & Dress
Oar suite eeaprise Us newest and
tot ef the late ersatloni inch as Mat and
.feeler effsets and peatillion back. Nsw
etyl iklria art alto shown aad Jacketa
the prlca of ar smite rang from 8.00
Alkaiy, eregei.
The Black Cat.
Take yoar egga to Young's.
H Sand M clothing, at Klines.
Ail kiaae of repairing, at tha
. Blcyele Hospital.
You can keep cool by visiting
Nolan fe Callahan.
Btasi curtain rode for aala at
YeUDg'i Oath Store.
Bar the Black Oat hoie the kind
V.t ..... r. ..1. .nit .t mn'a.
i " j
. Preih candy, frail and null, al-
- wayionband at the Commission
Poultry food, poultry cure, and
iaiect powder, at the Commission
It is, reported that recent fronts
in Southern Oregon did consider
The family of Dr. M. M. Davis
went to the Coast, Wednesday, for
a brief outing.
All work guaranteed by Albert J.
Uetzgtr, watchmaker, three doorB
north of the postofflce.
Our ladies' and men's furnishing
goods departments are very com
plete. Nolan & Callalua.
Friday Is the time to order your
dreeied eh liken for Sunday's din
ner, at the Commission Store.
You can celebrate the glorious
4in oi juiv in siyie n you ouy your
Mr. and Mrs. Bicknell, of near
this city,' have been visiting Mr.
tad Mrs. William Bicknell, of Fair
Oaks, Southern Oregon.
The Presbyterian parsonage is
being thoroughly overhauled, re
painted and re papered with a view
-to renting the property.
Wild blackberries made their
first appearance in the Cervallis
'market, Tuesday, June 25th. Who
. will remember this date next year?
, Mrs. Herten, of this city, aether
-of Mist Addle Hertofi, has been
.quite ill daring the past week, but
-herooaditiea is improved at present.
. Attorney E. R. Bryson drove over
:4a Alhanr. W adnaadav aftarnaan.
to meat his wife, who has been vis
.itias Eugene relatives, aad bring
her home.
'Ernest Redd arrived yesterday
from his home In Carlton to play
wlln the band tomorrow noon on
the anival of the Biver and Har
bors committee.
Mies Bessie Irvine leaves today
' for Brownsville, where she will visit
her brother, Douglat, and also
prove up on a iimoor eiaim sue nas
near that place.
Bav. L. Myren Boezer will preach
1a the United Evangelical church
' Sunday morning aad evening.
: - Practical gospel themes will be pre
sented. AH are invited.
Norris P. Newton made this office
a call during the past few days,
He is certain that those who attend
.the Fourth of July celebration at
Philomath will have a most enjoy
able time.
Tom Ueateilh, who formerly held
a position in the establishment of F,
1j, Miller, this city, nas acoepted
situation with an Eastern house
and will be a traveling salesman
Jot the same.
Miss Nettie McGullough, of Port
land, arrived in this cfty, Sunday,
ud Is the guest of the family of
el Thrasher. She will remain
here for a week or longer. This
city was at one time Miss . McCul
leugh'e home. "
I. B. Dnniel will play tuba with
the Harrisburg . band at Albany on
the Fourth. Charley Barn hart
and Victor Moses are to play with
the Phiiamath band boys on this
occasion, playing tuba and baritone
respectively. . ' . -,;
Coryallis will be visited 'next
Tuesday, by a company of cavalry
from Vancouver barraeks." They
are to ko into camp en the flat jut t
above town- The advance man ct
the company was iu Corvallis, ' last
Saturday, making ' airaagements
for the compear during its brief
.sojourn in this vicinity. : .
W. A. Sanders, the watchmaker.
Call and see Kline's new grocery
department. - . : ,
No charges for prescriptions at
the Bicycle Hospital.
Leave eiders at the Commission
Store for all kinds of wood.
Our premium dishes are for cash
buyers only. Nolan & Callahan.
Young keeps the Brown ; "Star 5
Star" shoes, the best in the market.
Our men's atd boys' shoe depart
ment js very strong. Nolan & Cal
lahan. . .
James Rose, sheriff of Lincoln
county, was in 'our eity a few hours
Miss Alt a Altman returned Mon
day from a ten-days' visit with
Mies Skipton, in Salem.
Rev. J. Sherman Wallace, of Ha-
Hinaville, has been visiting friends
in this city during the past few
days. ;
The clothing- we sell is perfect.
The invisible part is just as good
as that which you can see. Nolan
& Callahan.
A bargain -.-An all wool fine twist
black suit for $10.00, of the Hart
Soaaffner and Mart brand. Best
made. At Klines.
H. A. Scoseia . left yesterday
for his heme near Brownsville, to
remain daring his father's absence
in Eastern Oregon .
There will be preaching in the
51. E. church, South next. Sunday
at the hours of 11 a. ro. and 8 p
r A cordial welcome to all.
Richard Evans, of Waldport, is
in the city as a delegate from Lin
cola county to the meeting of West
ern Oregon farmers held here yes
S. Chipmao, of this city, has
been elected vice-commander of the
G. A. R. of Oregon by the 20th an
nual encampment of that organi
zation now in session at Forest
Rev. Farrier left, Tuesday, for
Seattle, after a short visit with rel
atives in this city. His son, War
ren, will remain here for three
weeks, the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
Fred N. Stump, ef Surer, a grad
uate of thin year's class, O A O, was
i a town, Wednesday. All who at
tended the performance of A Mod
ern Ananias,' 'given by the seniors a
law weeks ago, will remember him
for his clever work in the ro'e Of
Dash wood.
Paul Dodele ii erecting a fine
ceuntrv residence on his farm near
Wells. Tho building is now well
started and Mr. Dodele deemed it
wise to place an iasurance on it.
Accordingly Oal Thrasher went
down Tuesday and insured it for
$ 1,400. It is to cost $2,200.
Ed. Darin, who is now traveling
salesman for Fleish'ner, Meir & Go.,
of Portland, was ia Cervallis for an
hoar or two, Wednesday, while on
his way to the bay. He will pass
through this city again tomorrow
en route to Portland. Mr, Dunn's
business territory is mostly in the
Spokane region. "-,
It is sincerely hoped that out citi
zens will clean up the streets aad
alleys and have everything looking
like a new dollar on the arrival or
tho River aad Harbor eommitteo
tomorrow noon. There is an aband-!
anco of rubbish of various" descrip
tion, is well as weeds, that Should
be cleaned Bp any way.
Geo. Cathey, son of Dr. B. A.
Cathey, of Corvallis, is in the city
visiting relatives, having come up
on his bicycle, riding from Cervallis
to Oakland, 95 miles in one day;
He was accompanied by Prof. J. B.
Patterson, of the Oregon Agricul
tural College, who is now visiting
friends in Camas valley. Rote
burg Review.
A letter from Dr. Jas. A. Harper,
now in Chicago, to the Gazette,
states that Dr. Harper has taken
unto himself a partner for life. He
is taking a special course in den
tistry at the Northwestern univer
sity, of whieh institution he II a
graduate. Together with Mrs. Har
per, he will leave for Corvallis about
the first week in, Ja'y. "
, - . ':.: : , " i
A letter received by relatives ia
J this city bears the intelligence that
Glen Gillette and Frank Thrasher
areoth employed at present in a
hay field near Pendleton. They
are getting $1.50 per day. They
state that everything in the neigh
borhood of Walla Walla Is over
done and employment is hard to
find, owing, to the fact that people
have, been encouraged (a go there
in numbers beyond reason t
Sheriff Burnett received a tele
phone message, Wednesday fere-
noon, from H rand Durbin, of baiem,
who : is sheriff of Marlon county,
telling him of a horse theft. It
appears that Tuesday night a span
of horses were stolen at Salem and
the party made good his esoape.
With ths animals taken were two
halters and a' bridle, Whieh way
the party headed is not known, so
it may be well for everybody to bo
on the watch. The description of
the animals is as follows: . Two bay
horsee,- geldings, matched team,
weight about 1,150 pounds each, one
nine years old and, the other -ten,
while stars cn their foreheads, shod
all around. After1 standing awhile
one of he horses will be lame in the
left hind leg.
Bargains la all summer goads at
Nolan & Callahan's.
Geo. W. 'Wicks, the dairyman
of Marion county, is in the city. . :
' T. L. Davidson, ex judge of Ma
rion county, visited Corvallis this
week. ' , '
Mrs. Espey and daughter, Miss
Kate Daniel, arrived home from In
dependence, yesterday. . '
. Sol M. Stook arrived in Corvallis
yesterday and renewed his acquaint
ance with old-time friends.
Frank Conover and family, for
merly ofthis city, are now resi
dents of Butte, Montana.
Mothers, go to Young's Gash
Store for children's ready-made
waists. - A new line just arrived.- '
Mrs. E. H. Taylor and son.Zach,
arrived home, Wednesday, from a
visit of "soma duration at Pataha,
Wash. ;-,-:
For draperies, lace curtaine, por
tieres, leunge covers, bagdadt, table
linens, towels aad napkins, Nolan
& Callahan... '
Miss, Lena MeCormiok and moth
er moved into one of tho Kiger cot
tages, just north of the school
house, last Wednesday.
Ex-Senator A. I. Johnson, of
Scio, now bank inspector, paid the
the First JNatienal of this city a
business visit Wednesday.
Mrs. Agnes Thompson offers for
sale up to July 1st the furniture,
stoves, etc., at her residence, corner
Fifth and Jefferson streets, Cor
The citizens league will meet at
the Occidental tomorrow at noon,
and march to the train to meet the
congressional rivers and- barbers
committee. .
Yesterday there was a man and
his wife ia town in a buggy. Eaeh
carried a child iu arms. They
dtove a team with a colt at each
side. A cow was led behind with a
calf at her side. One' apiece. Eu
gene Register. ,
Bruce Burnett sow holds a posi
tion with Wells Fargo & Co's. Ex
press. He is a messenger for the
company and has headquarters at
Portland. He makes the rua be
tween Corvallis and the metropolis,
with occasional runs , over the East
- The Woodmen will hold a meet
ing tonight and it is hoped that
there will bo a large attendance.
Two initiations are scheduled for
this meeting. There will be Wood,
men present from Desty on this oc
casion and a good lively time is as
sured. ...
Colonel Emmett Callahan, who
has just returned to Baker City
from an extended visit East, states
that the Oregon exhibit ia the min
eral department at-the Pan-American
Exposition, is conceded to be
the best of its kind from any state
in the union.
Hugh Herron of Irish Bend,
while in town a few days ago rent
ed one of the Hufford houses for
the occupancy of his daughters.
who will attend the O A C on tho
opening of that . institution next
fall. The house rented - is just
north of the John Osburn residence.
People are beginning to oast their
eyes about : for a fitting place to
spend their summer vacation.
Many will go to the coast, others
will visit tho various spriags, aad a
largo number will hie themselves
to the mountains. Of tho latter.
Alsea will undoubtedly get a large
Wo prodlot that W. E. Yates will
soon be heard by tho general pub
lio in 'cello solos. He has purchas
ed a 'cello for himself with a rlew
to establishing a little ttnsloal cir
cle in his own family, aad tho idoa
is commendable. He purchased
the instrument ef I. R. Daniel, who
immediately telegraphed Bhsrfaan
may & Vo., ei Han Francisco, to
send him another hisa-class 'cello.
air. Daniel's instrument is expect
ed to arrive In this city today or to
morrow. '
Aeeordlng to I. R. Hlokl, who It
gaining renown for his weather fore
easts, tt Is deublful, Indeed, ir the
weather will be favorable for the
various Fourth of July celebrations
aad ptcbles. Mr. Hicks states that
his forecast of tho western coast Is
thal- 4he weather will be stormy
from the 1st to the 6th of July, with
the storm center about the 3rd. He
statos that the storm will bs at its
worst from the 3rd to the 6th. . We
hope that for once in his career tho
gentleman is mistaken.
Mr. Henry Frenoti informs as
that contributions of small fruits
for tho Bentoa oottnty exhibit have
been made by Hesdames H. M
Fleming, 0. M. Smith, L. V. Flint,
F. O. Wiloox, Dunham, aad R. W
layior. Mr., uunbara . has con
tributed some specimens of wheat
and oats 6 feet, 5 inches in height,
while some ane specimens of rye
and vetches 7 feet In length were
brought in by Thos. Bouldon. Mr,
Bouldon expects to raise a crop Of
corn yet this year on the Una open
which these grasses were mown
E. J. Hariingten is credited with
some, remarkable vetches,- 8 feet
inches in length. T. C. Baker is
preparing a complete : exhibit - of
early specimens of grass and fodder
plants crown in his section of the
tho county. He already has about
I7d excellent samples. ,
Over Oaa Handred Of Tfcem Visit the Col.
. ' lee aad Corvallis.
. The members of the Rivers
and Harbors committee will have
to put forward their best foot if
they hope to make a more favor
able impression on this commun
ity than the distinguished-looking
farmers of the counties of West
ern Oregon, now visiting Corval
lis and the . college. Taking
time by the forelock a number of
these gentlemen reached this city
ia advance of the time set for
their , arrival 12 o'clock yester
day. Of the 125 or x3 mem
bers now here, all but 30 or 40
arrived on Wednesday's trains.
These and the citizens league
were at the depots to welcome
yesterday's arrivals.
After dinner .the excursionists
were escorted to the college where
they were shown the farm and
buildings of that institution.
An interesting feature of the
informal program of the after
noon was the filling of a large
silo with clover from the college
farm. Steam was gotten tip and
the various machines were put in
operation in the large iron and
wood-working shops.
Last night C. h. Smith, of
Minnesota delivered : an address
the college -chapel. Besides
the delegates many farmers from
this vicinity, who came in to take
advantage of the opportunity of
fered to gather new ideas by. con
tact with those from abroad, were
present at the lecture. The col-
ege quartet rendered several de-
ghtfal numbers at this meeting.
After the address the visitors
were invitedio a banquet at the
city hall by the citizens Ieagne,
large number attended. The
Corvallis orchestra furnished
music for the occasion.'
The benefit to the farmers of
the Willamette valley which will
result from this visit of these
men, prominent in the various
fields of agriculture, will be con
siderable. The knowledge gain
ed by them concerning methods
used at the college and the gen
eral workings of that institution
will be largely disseminated.
Thentoo", Corvallis and the col
lege will receive many benefits
indirectly from this visit in the
time to come.
me oaiesa statesman 01 yes
terday contains the following
item, whieh reminds us that one
must ge away frem home f to
learn the news: '
"In this eity at the home of
the bride's parentsMr. and Mrs. I
A. Alexander, on 12th street,
Yew Park, Jane 26, 1901, Mr. J.
W. Foster and Miss Lora C. Al
exander were married,
; "The ceremony was performed
n ine presence 01 a tew invites
guests, and Rev. Jehnr Parsons,
D. D., pastor of the First M. E.
ehnrch officiated. . Mr. Fester is
a prosperous yoang business mar?
of Cervallis, and his bride is as
accomplished yoang woman who
eeently , moved to Salem. The
home was. beautifully decorated
for the oeeasion, and after the
ceremony a delicious lunch was
sr?el. - Mr. aad Mrs. Foster
left on the aiteraoon traia yes
terday for Seattle aad Victoria,
and they will return In about
two weeks. They : will make
their heme ia Corvallis." -
The Gazette endorses the
kiad words of the Statesman
and extends congratulations.
Our Distinguished Guests.
Corvallis is to be the : recipient
oi an unusual : honor tomorrow.
The Rivers and Harbors commit
tee of the house - of, representa
tives will be our guests. With
the committee are Congressman
Tongue and ' a number of. dis
tinguished gentlemen of Portland
and ; Astoria. . The party num
bers in all about 7 s persons,
They arrive by special train at
12:30 p. m., over the S.'P. from
Portland. The train wilL stop at
the crossing on 1 Madison street,
where the party will be met by
the ; band and : the Citizens'
League, acting as a reception
committee, and escorted to the
city hall. Here they will par
take of a substantial dinner, pro
vided by the, league and served
by the ladies of the Coffee Club.
There will .; be no speeches or
formal program. After dinner
the -party will be escorted to the
C. & E. iepot r where they will
take the train for Albany at 1:15
At Salem they . will board a river
steamer and proceed to Portland
Foley's Honey and T&T
forcblldren,$afe,sure. ISo opiates.
' Try this Office for Job Worki
At Popular Prices.
Manager Groves has arranged
with Wiedemann's Big Show for
a week's engagement, opening on
Monday, July 1st, presenting the
four act - comedy, "Down in
Egypt," a play written by Torn
Wiedemann. It is a story of
Southern -Illinois, a portion vof
which-is known as "Egypt,"
I The plot is eh the same lines as
I Via Old Kentucky" aad the cast
is made up of clever people in
their respective lines. Between
acts six strong vaudeville fea
tures are introduced including
Nellie Wiedemann, the electric
dancer; ; Chas. Barrington, the
hsman orchestra aad animal im
mitator; the Mnllally Sisters ia ;
a unique singiBf and dancing
act; Petite Zeila Marie the child
artist and Miss Clare Confieldi
tho superb contralto vocalist.1
The sold erohestra is a feature
that will 1 please lovers of high-
elass musie. The priees are 10,
20 and 30 cents. The sale of
seats opens- on Friday. .
Additional Local."
Eggs are 13 cents per dozen in Al
bany. Who's the farmer's friend.
"Bull Breeches," strongest work
ing pants made. No rips. Nolan
& Callahan.
' A. M. LfcFollette, ef Marion
county, attended the farmers' con
vention hero yesterday. Mr. La
Follette prepared tho exhibit which
took the state prize last year.
Putnam : Fadeless Bye, Turkey
Bed, is the fastest and brightest
Bed Duo Staff known, very desir
able for carpets, mittens, stocking,
etc. 10c. per package. Sold -by
Graham & Wells.
Dr. F. M. Garter, of Toledo,
came oat to attend the meeting of
farmers' yesterday and today. The
doctor was recently appointed
health officer at Yaquina to fill the
unexpired term of the late Dr.
Bayley. , '
1 Geo. E. Fish and wife, who havfe
made McMinnville their home since
last November, left yesterday after
noon for Bay City, Michigan, to re
side permanently. They will spend
a week at the Beffalo exposition.
B. F. Grant, of Harlan, was in
the city Wednesday. Mr. Grant
has been a resident of Lincoln
county for 30 years. He has great
faith in the future of that county.
The farmers of that section are
turning their attention more and
more to raising cattle, sheep and
goats. In Mr. Grant's neighbor
hood alone there are 800 sheep and
200 or 300 goats. Years ago it was
impossible to raise these animals on
account of the depredations of bear
and cougar, but these beasts of
prey give little trouble now.
At a regular" meeting of Oregon
Council No. 2, A. F. & A. M., of
Corvallis, Wednesday eveniag, the
Royal Master and Select Master de
grees were conferred -upon v.&.
Yates, S. Li. Kline, J. is. Irvine and
C. M. Vaaderpeol. Visiting mem
bers from Albany Couneil present,
were D. P. Mason, J. P. Galbraith,
Clay Marshall, B. D. Seeley and
others. After tho degrees were con
ferred, all partook of a sumptuous
spread ia tho banquet hall, where
were furnished those" present all the
Good things of life."
In the case of G. Lackey, ad
ministrator, against Lincoln county,
brought for $5,000 damages, result
ing from the death of the mother of
the plaintiff oa account of bridge ef
defendant falling in, after a partial
trial ia - the circuit court at Albany
the eomplaiat was withdraws aad
tho privilege of bringing a new
trial was granted. This suit is un
der the new law holding counties
responsible for damages on account
of defective bridges, aad even with
a law covering tho case it is being
found difficult to bring an action ia
a manner that will enable the case
to rosea the jury, v
Government Land.
Parties wishine to locate on govern.
ment, land will do well to consult
(- ; i. JM,ECKBB,
Alsea, Or. .
See S. L. KLINE, , Agent for
Binders; Mowers, Hay Bakes
and Twine. :
most fatal of all dis-
are tne
cm eve T W ,M
rULt T o Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized bv jmi
nent physicians as the best tor
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
, PRICE 50c an4
Sensational Prices in the Tail
or Suit and Shirt Waist DepE
Final reduction of the season,
Suits and Shirt Waists and
clean-up of
all spring
Waists, now
Waists, now
Our 50 co nt
Our 75 cent
Our $1.00 Waists,
Oar $1.50 Waists,
at KLINE'S, The
Corvams' Most Popular- Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. ; Smokers supplies
t. .a specialty. ..
H. W. HALL, Proprietor. ..
Strang Academic aad Professional Coarse. Well Equipped Traiaixe Separltrcct
Bxyeaaes range from $xao to $175 per year.f FallSTcrm opens Septemtier2xftli.
For catalog containing full announcements, address.
B. V. BUTItSlt,
lOreat Value for
& Marx fef " ill
: Clothes
eovHT 1101
Correct Clothing.
The man who wears a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit can rest assured that
his clothes are correct form, that they are ia good taste and right in fit
and fashion ; materials are the finest we can buy, and the sewing and tail
oring as perfect as skill can make them.
.Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits
We can order you these of the best materials silk lined throughout.
The least in quantity and most in
quality describes DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaints. Graham & Wells.
Wiedemann's Big Show.
An eastern company, oonsisttBg
of 25 people and a superb band aid
orchestra, will be at the Opera
House all next week. The program
will contain a repertoire of come
dies, all new to the o oast.
on Ladies'
a general
39 cents.
50 cents.
80 cents
: AH $8.50 Suits now $6.38
All $10.00 Suits now $6.74
AAll $12.50 Suits now $8.20
: All $16.50 Suits now $12.25
. These are all new goods' this spring, and
are strictly up-todate in style and workman
ship. '
We especially ask you to call. We will
take pleasure in showing you goods and prices
White House.
State NoMal SgIiooI
Monmouth Oregon.
for graduates ot the Normal School, dar
ing the past year has -been much beyond
the supply..
: Positions from $40 to $75 m month.
Students are prepared for the slate exam
inations and readily take 6tate papers on
, . P. I.
An !all-Wool
fine twist
of the
H. S. A M.
ii ,Kit Schaffner 3
"1 i & Marx j
- 'i K-h" Tailor C"
"J C Made ?
q Clothes V
j v.
Brand of
Extra Fine Suits $16.50
New Lumber Yards.
The Benton County Lumber Co. baa
opened a yard fit the corner of 5th and
Washington streets, near the 8. F. depot
ia this city. They have a full Btock- ol
fine fir lumber. Prices quoted on ap
Native Herts.
Anyone desiring this great blood pnri-
tier, may secure the same by calling oa
or addressing .
F. KleSer,
Philomath, Or,
Price $1 per tx.