THE fOBliLIS GiZETTL FKIPAY, JUNE 28,1901. Flavor in Eggs. Here is something that in all likelihood is not known to many poultry mJn, bnt which is quite easy to believe. The American Cultivator says: Farmers have known far years that when onions were fed to hens they imparted their flavor to the egs. Now an experi ment station Las very carefnlly proved It by a thorough trial, but they claim that it required some fifteen days before they cmld de tect the flavor. Their onions cr garlic must have been very mild flavored, or the hens vefe not very hungry for them. When we learned it by experience, throwing soma partly decayed onion into the henyard, it took but a day or two to detect the flavor in the egg, and in a week the egg had a stronger flavor than a raw onion. Bat then we had not learned to give the hens ereen food during the winter, only as wa had it from the table waste, whioh was not a large amount, just cabbage leaves," parings of roots and such mater ial from a small family. It does not take a week to give a fishy flavor to eggs if Bens are fed freely on fish when hnngry for animal food, and it is manifest all the sooner if the fish is a lit tie stale, and decaying meat, not sweet enoagh for table use. will flavor our eggs just as quickly it fed freely. We think food affects flavor of eggs as surely and nearly as qeickly as it does milk whea fed to cows, and we only ' wonder that the experiment sta tion should have thought it nec essary to f rove it. Seals and Salmon. Prof. McElfresh, of O AC proposes to investigate the foods of sea-lions this' summer with a view to ascertaining whether the California naturalists are correct in their contention that seals do not destroy food' fishes. The Coos Bay News takes issne with the California naturalists as fel lows: ' If those naturalists would spead a vaeation on the eoast. visiting the mouths of the rivers and bays during the silmoa sea son, they would sson be con visaed that their claims are er loaeeas. A good many years age, when sea-liens were very namerouS at the mouth of the Ooquille, we have frequently watched a school of liens fishing on the bar, and the number of salmon they would kill was something astonishing. The river then entered the ocean quite ft distance south of where it decs now. It passed close by the Tapper Rock, and a person sit ting on the blnff had an excellent view of the mouth of the river. The sea-lions net only destroyed salmon for food, but in many in stances seemed to kill them for the mere sport of doing so. They would often take a bite dut of a salmon and then let the fish go, to fall a yrey to the eagles, ospreys, seagulls and shags, that always congregated for a square meal when the sea-lions were fishing. The Way He Kills It. How to destroy fern is a ques tion that pHzzles many a raaeher, 0a both sew and old land. Col. F. J. Parker, editor and farmer, writes the Homestead his experi ence along this line on his raneh in Lincoln cotnty. At the risk Of leing laughed at be submits the following reeeipe for destroy ing fern, aud it appears to bt all sight: Fern can be killed on lcel or any ground a roller can be run over. First thing to do is to cut the fern and burn it (fall preferr ed), then plow and let it remain uatil what little frost we get tenches it, but really this part is immaterial. After letting it lay for a few weeks harrow it thor Cfljhly and plow again, sowing as early as possible oats or rye; the grain comes np before the ftrn, bat to kill . the fern beyond a peradventura when the fern be gins to come up and the plants are tender and brittle get a good, sound leg about three feet or mare in diaaeter and roll the young grain bsfore it is jointed. This will crush the fern and bleed it. . The fall following you can sow it to clover or timothy, aad the fern won't bother much afttr. Tat roller should be used as loaf as the young fern comes up, two or three rollings will do. Tfle only trouble, is to get the average Uncola county farmer to believe it, they preferring to use long sticks and cut it down with them. Was Illegal. . James Dunn brought suit fur divorce against his wife, Mary Simpson Dhj Tuesday, in Lin coln county "circuit court. It is thought that the cas will come up for a hearing at the Jnly term. According to the" grounds set forth in the complaint, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn were never legally married. At the last November term of circuit court in this county, Mrs. Duun, then Mrs. ' Simpson, was granted a divorce J from Mr. Simpson. The time of . appeal in such cases is six' months in the state ef Oregon, and a marriage that is solemnized by a divorced person before the i expiration ot that tune is not egalized by .... r i i the laws Ot this state. In Taauary Mr. Daan and Mary Simpson went to Brit ish Columbia and were married. The oemplaint alleges that the marriage was illegal and Is now null and void, and prays the court to so decree. Mis. Dunn was in Newport whea she learned of the proceed ings and she at once took a con veyance and drove to Summit, where she took the train-Wednes day morning for this city. Mr. Dunn is represented in the matter by attorneys E. R.Bfyson aodW. S. McFadden, while . W. E, Yates is retained by Mrs. Dunn, A Quiet Plenlc. F"br the benefit of those who cannot, or do not care to go any distance to a Fourth -of July celebration, it is the intention to bold a picnic in the grove on the place of Mrs. Agnes Thompson, about a mile south of town. This is a nice fir grove, of large size and it will be an ideal spot for a basket dinner.' Here old aad yonng can get plenty of fresh air and have room to move about freely'and escape the jost ling crowd, sweltering heat, dastv roads and hot sidewalks, where one must stand around and get tired without having any fun to offset it. It is intended to have plenty of small boys and firecrackers, a swing Or two, and a social time. - It is only prepos ed that this picnic shall afford enjoyment for those who do not desirda big demonstration. There will be so expense attach ed to this little outing, and all you have to do is to take your luncb basket and go. A general invitation !s extended to all. Beats Vitriol. .A gentleman who was in the neighborhood - of "Jo notion, -City, relates that his attention was at tracted by tha fine appearance of a thirty-acre field of wheat. It was beyond doubt the finest graip he had Seen this year and he in quired into the cause of its flour ishisg condition. He was in formed that the farmer had ex perimented with lime, 'using it in place Of vitriol in order to in sure his crop against smut. He used the lime liberally, knowing that. his land needed Hole any way, provided that the effect .on'' the grain was not all - thaEj&e hoped for. At the same time he used vitriol on an adjoining field and there " was a marked, fliffer enee. It is stated that lime is much cheaper than, vitriol ' and serves the double purpose ot in suring grain against Smut as well as enriching the soil. Real Estate Transfers. Aaron Dabler to M P Burnett, lot 7, block 7, Dixon's Addition to Corvallis; con, $650. '-j John Richard to M P Burnett, lots 8 and 9, block 7, Dixon's Add to Corvallis; $135. S K Brown to L, B Moses, two lots in Philomath ; $800. O A C Company to Phy Simp son, 120 acres near Summit; $480. , . " .-; . - J M Osburn estate to H S Pernot, 639 acres near Corvallis: $8,125. : .: v:.v-c',:V J , M Osburn estate to Sol King, 120 acres Corvallis; $50. O & C R R ioi H Woodbury, 160 acres; 403. U. S. to WO Hodges, patent to 160 acres. - Mr. E.D. ArnolJ, Arnold, la., writs: He was troubled with kidney disease about three years. Had to fat np ierer al times daring the night bnt three bet ties of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a complete core, he feels better thaa he ever did and fecommends it to his friends Graham & Wertham. . 1 . ' ; F()lCVfS KtdtieV Cttn makes kidneys and bladder right mr. . . F.I. A. 800DN0UGH . -,i Importer of - ,- ,: - Higbrade Pianos, Organs and Small Instruments of all description?. kanufactubbbs agent for The Celebrated Needham Pianos and Organs Which have become famous for their beauty of tone, superior action and great uu,u"r . 'It o juvuv uuiiifjariBuu ui uur unuci, anaHtv considared. with those of other arms, Call and examine our goods or write for catalogue. Office and residence one block west of Court House. Our Clubbing List. Snlucribera to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following sepcr la cosabtuation sub scriptions witn tae UAiiis, m ina very lew prices stated below; cash In adianee always to .0 conrsanv the order. Thote wishinr two or more paoucauons namea who in UAAbiia. wm pieas correspond with this office and we will quote you the conrbinatlsn price. We can tare yoa money on nearly all puniicauons tod uesire. The abbreviations below are expiated as follows: w, (oi weekly; a w lor semi-weeKir; t w, tor in weekly; f, fur monthly; 8 II, for at mi n onthly. The first price represents the fuKiriition rate ot the publication alone, and Jtbe second the rate for the publication offered in conjunction with the seml-weeklr uaxbtte. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Poit- land, or., a rt., so cents; si.ou. Oreconian, Portland, Or., W., Jl.M; 2.55. Rural Spirit, Portland, Or, Contains a lire-stock market report, W., SI 00; 2.56. . PaelSe Christian Advocate, Portland, Or., W. S2.00. &06. The Thrice-a-Week World, Kew Vork, T. W, $1.0; 1.20. Homestead, Dei Moines, Iowa, A thorough stock and (arm journal, w.. 1 1.00;Z.30. Tho Uepublle, St. Louis, Uo S. W., tl.OO; 2.05. The American Farmer, Indianapolis. Ind., Live stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 50 cents; 1.65. The CosmoDOlitan If ansine. New York, H. and Atlas of the WorM, bound in cloth, 58 pages of latest maps; ; z.e&. . The Outing Uagasine, Kew York, tL, (3,00; 3. SO. Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. , W. , 1L 00; 2. 30. Oregon Toultr) Journal, Salem, Or., M., 80 eeuts; 1.80. The Pathflnder, Dhtrictof Columbia, - W., 1.00 2.06. - The Dotigner, Kew York, Standard Fashions, M. i.w; z.. American Agriculturist, Chicago, 111., -including copy o( Year hook and Almanac, w., si.oo; - Farm, Field snd Fireside, Chicago, 111., W., (LOO; a. lb. . - St. Louis Globe-Democrat. St. Louis, has no riva as a great modem newspaper, T. W , $1.00; 2.15. The Weekly Inter-Occan, Chicago, W., (1.00; 1.9a Young People's Weekly, Chicago, III, W., 60 cents: $1.00. ... - Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W (1.00; 2 05. . The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , 111., M 60 cents; (1 76. - , . Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, 8. W., 60 cents; 1.75. . Women's ' Home. Cornpanion7 Springfield, Ohio, (1.00; 2.15. Lipplacott's' Magazine, Philadelphia,-' Pa.; M., (2.60; S.25. . , - . ..- - . Ev'tv Month (Music, Korg and Dance), Kew York, M,,1.00; (2.15. Albany will Celebrate Greatest and Grandest outburst of Pa triotism ever, held iu the Willam , ette Valley. HON. C. W. FULTON, OF ASTORIA, will deliver the oration. - Grand gorgeous, spectacular eveats. glittering -array of Continuous program throughout the day aud evening. . Baseball, Races, Water Sports and a score of other contests,. 1500 IN CASH PRIZES S500- Free Open air concert at night. Two hours of fun and entertainment. -COME TO ALBANY- Reduced rates on all railroad linee. Kew Rates. , To Detroit aad return $81.25. tickets ou sale July 2nd and 3rd, final limit August 31st. Cincinnati and return $78.50, tick ets on sale J sly 2 and 3, final limit Sep tember 1st Call at city ticket office Portland, Oregon, for particulars. -Tea cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeka and sparkling eyes if your liver is sUiegigh and your bowels clogged.: De Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the w hole system. They never gripe. Gra ham Wells. - Skin affections -will readily disappear by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you will get good results. It is the quick, positive cure for piles.--Graham & Wells. T What do you want? We want to furnish you with pleasant, perman ent employment, at which you can earn three to fi . e dollars per diy. Address, Manager, 403 Chamber of Commerce . Building, - Tacoma, Wafh. If you are sick all over, and don't know i'net what ails you, it's ten to one your idneys are nut ot order. . Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you health and energy. Graham & Wortham. Lest., Llewellen selter bird dog white, with black ears and small black rpots over ! body; collar with name, "I, M. Hunter," out in leather. Any information will be f hatllrruTlir ra. thankfully ret eived. L M, Huhtsb. The greatest skin upecialial-in America I originated the formula for' Banner Salve, 1 For all skin diseases, all cuts or sore a. and for piles, it's the most healing medi cine. Beware of substitutes. Uriihnm & Wortham. Mr; N. C., Tear. W. J. Baxter, of North Biook, fays he Buffered with yV.v f"r 15 He tried manv reuifiiiea i lb iio' result xntil he ued DeWiil's I Haze! Salve and that quickly (him. Graham AWells. Witch cured WANTED. Fifty gocd famis end CO tloik nritlifi" to sell. Geo. F. Eai.m & Co , Kpul Eslole.Irjburaiu e and Collections. Olfice: Room No. 1. First Nat'l Bank Bid's, Corvallis, Oregon. - Spring couch are rpevlally dangerous and unless cured at onco, eerions results often follow. One Mlnuto Cough Care sets like msglu. It U not a common mixture but is a high grade remedy. Graham & Wells, Thomas Maple, Blikticck, 111., writes: I had a very bad esse of kidney trouble and my buck pained nie so I could nasal straighten up. The doctor treatment did me no good. Haw Foloy Kidney Care advertmcd una took one home - wnicii cared me and I have not been affected since. 1 gladly rrocmmenJ this remedy" Graham t Wells. "Our Utile girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and terri ble attack of croup. I quickly eecured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving ber three dones, Tho croup was mas tered and our little darling speedily re covered." So wrltss A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich. Graham & Wells. . ' Question Answered. Ye, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in Hie civilized world. Your mother and gi and mothers never thougkt ef using anything else for indigestion or biliousness. : Doctors were scarce" and they seldom heard of appen diciti", nervous prostration or heart failure, etc, , . They used Arigust Flower to cleanse out tho system and Btop feriiieutalion of undi gested food, regulate "the action of the liver, stiunulato the nervous rnd organic action ;- of the system, find that is all they took when, feeling dull and bad with headaches and other a'ches. You only need a few doss of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make 'you satisfied there is nothing eerious the matter with you. ' Get Green's Prize Alma nac. Graham & Wortham. y You wiil waste lime if you undertake to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by etarv; ing yourself. That only makes it orse when you do eat heartily. You always need plepty rjf .gqci food properly diges ted. Kodol' Dyepepbia Ctneis the re sult of j ears 0 scientific research foi something that1' -would digest not only some elt ments. of food- but every kind; And it is the one remedytbat will do it. Graham & Wells. ; -y , . Geo. C. Hickock.'Curtiss, Wis., says: "Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested and found to be all yon claim for it. I have given it to my father and it is the only thing that ever helped him." Gra ham & Worthain. ' - . "I had a running sore on my breast for over a year," says Henry B. Richards, of Willseyvilla, N. 3f., "and tried a great many remedies, but got no relief until I nsed Banner Skive. After using one-half box, I was perfectly cured. I cannot re commend it too highly." Graham & Wortham. ' ' - . State Treasurer's Fourth Notice. Notiee is hereby given that there are now funds in the Treasury with whiuh to redeem all outstanding Stnte Warrants drawn on the : General Fund and en dorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds," prior to this date ; also to pay all warrants drawn on the State Scalp Bounty Fond, and endorsed '"Prepented and not paid for want of funds," ptior to May. 1st 1900,' And all such warrants, properly endorsed, will be paid upon presentation at this olfice, interest there on ceasing from and after this date. Cms S, Moore, : . , State Treasurer. State of Oregon, Treasury Drpartmtnt, June 5th, 1901, . x Notice of Flaa.1 Settlement. Kotice is hereby given tbat tha ttndei signed, as ex ecutrix of the estate ef Geerge Kldders, deceased, has Sled her final aixount in said estate, m the Oonaty Court of Beaton County, State ef Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Saturday, the 0th day of July, 19ol; at the henr ef eleven o'clock a. n, at the County Court Room, in tae County Court House, in the City of Corvallis, Benton Ceuaty, State of Oregon, as the time and placa to hear objections, it any, to said final account, and the settlement thereof and o( said estate. Corvallis, Oregop, June 3rd, 11)61. - BBRTilA RlDDXRS, - Executrix of the estate of Georga Itiddcrs, de- BANNER 3A LVE the most healing salve In the world. n 0 0 10 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. ' It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. , It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help ; . v; but do you good Prepared only by K. O. DbWitt & Co., Chicago Xne tl. bottle contauu2K times theaOc. size, Graham U Wells. . H people only knew hat we. know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would ho used in nearly every . household, as there fta few people K ho do net suffer from a feeling of fullness after rating, belching, flatulence, scur Momach, or water brash, raoFcd by indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation such nsKcdol Dyspepsia Cure, which, lth no'nid from the sloinoili, nil! uijictl tour food, cer tainly can't help but do you good. Gra ham & Woile, ' Save Money. Owing to the fact that we have had to lake a good share of tho lumber cut by our Tualatin mill, and that we also have a large ameunt of fir logs coming in the big (Iriye from the McKeuxie, we are get ting overstocked and will have to sell to make room. Our stock is A 1. Save money by buying now, Corvallis Sawmill Co. "I have been suffering from Dyspepsia for the pnbt 0 years and have been un ablo after trying all preparations and physicians to get any relief. After tak ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I found relief and am now in better health than I have been for 20 years. I can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts; Noith Creek, Ark. Graham & Webs. For Rent. , Will rent 200 acreB of laud etst of Monroe and take part payment of rent in work and.improveinenta on the place. Address M. S. Woodcock, Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon. The Great Sceufge Of modern times is consumption. Many cures and discoveries from time to time are published but Foley's Honey and Tar does truthfully claim to cure all cases in the early stages and always affords com fort and relief in the very worst cases. Take no substitutes. Graham & Wer tham. . ' For Sale to Loggers and Others. ;.One large Durham bull, eight years old, gentle. Price moderate. Inquire of Wallis Nath, Nathville, Oregon. Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies ; ... CorvalBis, Oregon Established, ' Incorporated. ifjS WHOLESALE & RETAIL. . The most complete line of Pure Drugs and - ' - Chemicals in CorvalliF. " - - . Eooks and Stationery, Commercial Pa pers, Flue Perfumery, Toilet Articls, 7 Ccmfcs, Brushes and Mirrors. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery CIGAES : Manager of Peracription Department, T. A. JONES. Registered, Special Coune in Piarmacy ot Perdue Universi : ty, Indiana ' TO HOMCSEEKERS. . No. 101 4o acres, J5 in cultivation, good buildings, fine fruit and water, good bottom land ; price, $650. 44 miles from Philomath. No. 1 3180 acres, 25 in cultivation, nice young. Orchard; fair buildings, 2 cows and calves, team, wagon and har ness, plow, cultivator, tools, etc.; also furniture. This .is a good liill raneh and is cheap at $700. 0 miles from town. 74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation ; small house; good barn and water; 1J miles from town; cheap at $1,500; on main county road ; good pasture and timber. 113 A good 7-room house with one half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken houses and sheds, price $600; well ar ranged for . poultry raising; this is a cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from Corvallis postomce. HEBST AMBLER, Real Estate Agent, Box 59, riiilcmalh, Benton County, Oregon. Hie first National Bank ,v: OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. .. ESTABLISHEB 1090. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. S C. E. WOODCOCK, President. MOOR, Vice-President. WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. . Loans Made On all kinds of approved security, and especially to encourage ana build up the legitimate bust ness enterprises and industries of this country. , Deposits v Received subject to check payable on demands Foreign Exchange Sight exchange aad transfers sold available in me Letters of Credit Issued available in the principal cities of the United States. . , , i Principal Correspondents Upon Whom We t .-: -". Sell Sight Exchange . - The Commercial National Bank of Chicago. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. Aiiglo-Calrfornian Bank, San Francisco, Cali The National City Bank New York. The Bank of New York National Banking: Ass'n. Importers & Trader's National Bank, New Yorku 6hoo and Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass, fhiladclpliia National Baukof rbiladelpkia, Pa WE) CI Portland-Astoria Houte. STR. "TAHOMA." ' Daily Rtuud Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD - Ieave Portland.,... Leave Astoria , 7 A. M. ..7 P. M. Ttie Caiics-Ponianfl Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT" DAILY ROUND TRIP EXCEPT MONDAY. Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. time card. Leave Portland 7 A. M. Arrive The Dalles 3 P. M. Leave " 4 " Arrive Portland..-...'. 11 MEALS THE VERY BEST. ffir-Snndav Trios a Leadiuc- Feature. AsT-This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac tions on Earth, Landing and Office: Foot of Alder Street. Both Phones Main 351. Portland, Or. E. W. CRICHTON, Agt. Portland. JOHN M FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles. A. J. TAYLOK, Act. Astoria. E. H. TAYL0R DENTIST. Dentistry of every description done In first class manner, ana Muisiaction guar- anteed. CBQWR Ml BRIDGE WORS k SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's Krooery stor, oppos:M r stor, Oregon ine pOft'ftice, uervaina VERS. DR. CVLTIilE RAMSEY, Osteopdthist Specialties Diseases of women and children ; also deformities and all chron ic and nervous diseases. Occidestal Hotel Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1 :30 to 6 :30 p. m. B. A. 6 AT HEY, M. D Physician $ Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours Eesidence: Cornet College and 8th Su Telephone at oftii-e and residence. GoTva'Iis, . - - - Oregon L G. ALTMAN, M. D Office Conror3rd andMonroestreete Hopes 0 to 122 to 5: 7 to 8; Sun day 9 to 10. BEsrDKNcr Corner 3rd and Ilani&on streets, Coi vallis, Oregon. Telephone 315, at residence.' Notary - Titles- Co KVBVANcifQ JOS. H: WILSON. ;- ATTORUEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office inFirbt; National Bank Building. Bryson 8? Woodson ATTORNEYS -IT -LAI Corvallis, Oregon. Office in PcstcfEce Ettllding. DR.' JAS. A. HARPER DKNTIST Office in Wbltehora Blork Corvallis, Oregon Mies Mamie Smith, Middlesl oro, Ky., writes: "My little sister bad the croup very bad. . I gave her several doses of Foley's Honey and Tar, and she was in stantly relieved. It saved her life.-Graham & Wortham, Kotice cf Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given lb it the under signed administrator of the estate ofF. L. Such, deceased, has this 10th day of May A . V., 1901, filed his final account as such administrator with the County Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, and the Judge ef the County Cenrt of said Benton County, Oregon, has appointed Monday, July 1, 1901, at two o'clock P. M. thereof, as the time, and the County Court Room . in the County Court House in Corvallis, Oregon, as the. place for the heaiir.g of objections to such Gnal account. Pebcy R. Kejxy, , Administrator. : - Dated Mjy 10, 1901. You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers remove the cause of disease. Graham & Wells, - Kotice for Publication. Cxittd States Lass OmoB, Or e en city, Orefon, March, 4, 1901. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisiens of the act of CfclifeTert ef June S, 1878, 'An act lor tne eaie oi timber tanas in ins Kevada. and Wash- extended to all the Public 1S9S. - .- . ' . , MKS.f BESSIE S. rLTKH, of Honnymth, ccnntT f Fclk, state cf Crcra, la th's (fay Bled in thjs ofGce her sworn statement Ko. &Sn3, for the purchase of Sot KEi SDdNftofi&i of Scctiun No 2 Hi Township No 13 South, Icauge Ko 7 West, and will oSer proof to sbow that the land sought is mors valuable (or its timber or stone than fer agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Rejfister and Receiver of this otfi' at Oregon City, Cresrou, on VTednesday, the 29th day of May, 19GL bhe n&mes as vrituesses: Michael Q. Flynn. cf Fall City, folk Co., Or, Jas M. Flynn, cf aonraouth, Polk Co., Or, gsmuel W. Kwing-, of Fall Citv, Folic Co., cr., John W. Hyde, of Philomath, benton Co., Or. - Any and all persons clainticK adversely the above desenbed lands are requeswd. to flic then- claims in this office on oi before said SUth flay of Hay, IBM. - CliAS. a ttOOBES. Ktsia'.tr Oregon Shojtlbne ahdUnlojs Pacific Dkpakt TIME SCHEDULES arkivk yoR from Portland rBOJ SaltLake, Denver, V Ported Ft Worth, Omahi tepeciitl KRneag City St. 4" :30 p.m. vi!'nn L008- Chi 6 age via Uun- BndEllst. tington . Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Express Ft Worth, Omaha, 0 p.m. Kansas City, St 8:10 a.m. via Hntl- Louis, Chicago and tington. East St Paul 'u"a Walla. Lew Frt'atMail l'tn' 8 P f, k e ' 6 '00 d m Minneapolta, S t. 7 ,(V. o.wp.m. pauI) Du,n,n Mn. 7:00 h m. Spoksnr. autee. Chicago, and iast. Through Pullmau and Tourist 6'eeptra. 2 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No change of cars. Tickets East via all rail, or via boat aud rati, via rorllaaa Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. . All Bailing datesl subject to change. 8 p; ni. For Ban FranclMo, 4 p. TO. Sail every five day aj Irom April 2d. Daily Ex. Sun 8. p. m. Columbia River StBsmar. 4 p. ra. Sunday Saturday, To Astoria & way- 10 p. m. landing. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISIO! Steamer Rut h leaves Corvallis fer Al bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land inns, Mondav, Wednesday and Friday 6:00 a.m.; returning, arrives Corvallis abonn Midnight, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdav. - A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pats. Affeat, J. P. TAPSCOTT. Agent, Corvallis, Oregon. CorvaUis & Eastern Ratlrsad. TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. til. " " Corvallis" 1:40 p. m. "' arrivpp Ysquina 5:55 p. t. 1 Returning: L?bcs Yaquina.. . . 7:C0 a. n. - Lfaves Co-valiis. . . . 11:33 a. Ba. Arrives Albany .... 12:13 p. m. 3 For Detioit: ' . Leaves Corvallis.... 12:00 p m. Leaves Albany. ..... 1 :30 p. ra. A rriyes Detroit .... 6:20 p. fn. 4 Returning: ; 'leaves Detroit . . , L aves Albany . . Arrives Corvallis. 5:30 a. ra. 10:30 a.m. 11:15 p.m. Trains 3 and 4 between Albany aad Corvallis, Tuesdays. Thui sdays and Sat urdays only. All" other trains daily ex cept Sunday. Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany ia time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, as well as uivin two or three hours in Albany befoie departure, of S. P. north bound train for Portland Train No. 2 connects nilh the S. P. west side train at Corvalli Croesig for Independence, McMinnville ard all points north to Portland. ; Edwin Stohb, H. H. Cbonise, Manager. Aetnt,! Corvallis. SOUTH and EAST - VIA Southern Pacific CcmpaiY. THE SHASTA ROOTIS Trains leave Coivallis for Pertlaoet trd Dtay tlations at 1:10 p. m. L rvrtlinid 8:R0 a m Lv AHuihv.. 12:30 p iu Ar Abhlatid.... .12:33 am Ar Sacramento 6 .0" P m Ar San Francisco. 7 :43 pm S:3m 1Q P n 11 :80 a fei 4:8 tt 9J30aii 1 :4S ft m 9 a in 7 :S6 ft hi 9:80 Am Ar OgdeD-1 5 :45 pm Ar Denver- -9 :80 a m Ar Kansas Ciiy--7 :25 am Ar Chicago-, '7 :55 a m Ar Los Angeles. 1 :20 pm Ar El Paso 60 p m Ar Fort Werth 6:33 a m A i City of Mexico 9 :55 a m . Ar Houston 4:00 A m Ar New Orleans 6 :2b a m Ar Washington ..6:42 a m Ar New YorkS 12:43 p m 7:00 as S:80llft. 4:00 KB. 6 M 9 k 6!4Sfctft 12:3fmi PULLMAN AND TOURIST CABS on both traips. Chair cars Sacramento t Ogden and Ei Paso, sad Tonrirt canto Chicago, St Louis. New Orleans lad Washington. r r Connecting at San Francis- Ui seT-, eral steamship lines for Honolulu Jtptft, China, Philippines, Oeutral and Sooth America. - - " : , See F. E. FARMER, stent a CorvalHt staaoD, or aourees ,- ". C. 11- MAKKI1AM. G. P. A- 7 .Pert land. Or. C. H. NEWTH Phy-ician &mgccn l niLOMATli, Cl ECf K . Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. Ttbstiite for, tjiis pjet, :