Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 25, 1901, Image 3

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TUESDAY. JUNE 25, 1901.
and Skirts.
We bare uow on sale, and new
Spring Suits & Dress
Onr salts comprue tbe newest and
West el the late ereationa such aa ceat and
eelere effeeti and postillion back. New
style skirts are alto shown and Jacket!
. The price of our wits range from $8.00
S, & Young & Son
Hh&uy, Oregon.
The Blaek Cat.
Take your eggs to Young. ..."
H Sand M olothing, t Klines.,
All kinds of repairing, at the
Bloyole Hospital.
Yea oan keep cool by visiting
Nolan & Callahan.
Biagg cartain Tods for tale at
Young's Gash Store.
Boy the Black Cat hose the kind
that wears, for sale only at Kline's.
Fresh candy, fruit and nuts, al
ways on hand at the Commission
Stere. ; : v
Poultry food, poultry cure, and
laseot powder, at the Commission
ATI nrnkV iiinnntAG A IK off T
Metgger, watchmaker, three doors
north of the pestoffice.
Our ladies' and men's furnishing
geeds departments are very com
plete. Nolan & Callahan.
. Friday is tbe time to order your
dressed chicken for Sandfly's din
ner, at the Commission Store.
You can celebrate the glorious
4th of Jul y in style if you buy yonr
outSt from Nolan & Callahan.
"Mothers, go to Young's Cash
Store for children's ready-made
waists. A new line just arrived.
. For draperies, lace curtains, per
tieres, lounge covers, bagdads, table
linens, towels and napkins, Nolan
A flullnhan.
Mrs. Agnes Thompson' offers for
sale up to July 1st the furniture,
stoves, eto., at her residence, corner
Fifth end Jefferson streets, Cor
vallis. Dennis Stovall is said to be di
viding his time between Maocabee
work and acting as mining corres
pondent. He is at present in
Southern Oregon.
Miss Mildred Johnson, who has
been visiting relatives and friends
in this eity for the past two or
three weeks, left for he. heme In
Portland, yesterday. :
John Barnhart who was seriously
traok, two miles south of the eity,
is improving nicely, and ha hopes
to be around on crutches in a few
days. .
It is regretted that the health of
Mrs. H. L. MoNulty is not im
proving. On the contrary it is
feared that It is. getting worse and
her condition is considered most
The Dust? band has ooneelled its
ngagement for a concert at Lebanon
June 29th. On that date, however,
the band will give an ice cream
social at Dusty in the evening,
open to all comers.
There was a school picuio in
Kings Valley, - Saturday, and a
number of Corvallisites attended,
among Others, Sup't Penman, who
is one of the chief charms of a pic
nic of this character.
Attorney C. E. Woodson, of this
eity, has been invited to read the
Declaration of Independence at Al
bany on the Fourth. Mr. Woodson
is an orator of no mean ability, and
Albany will hear that immortal
document properly read.
Notice is given, the patrons t
Case & Cumming that hereafter
they will forward their weekly
budget of laundry to the Troy
Laundry, of Portland, en Mondays
instead of Tuesdays, and it will he
returned on Fridays instead of Sat
Prof. S. Holmes expects to
leave on Friday morning for En
?ene. where he will remain until
fall, when ho will take charge of
the Cervallis schools. .. Mrs. Holmes
and and the children will spend the
summer at Union. Regus River
Eugene is to Celebrate the anni
versary of national ladepsndeBce
this vear. If will take her two
davs to do it. iast as it did Corvallls
list vear. Albany : will do the
grand, likewise Independence,
Philomath and Alsea. - There wil,
be nu merous places for Oorvallir-
Uei to ga on this occasion.
W. A. Sanders, the watchmaker.
Call and see Kline's new grocery
department. M
Eddie Rosendorf visited Independ
ence friends last week.
No charges for prescriptions at
the Bicycle Hospital. ;
Leave orders at the Commission
Store for all kinds ef wood.
Our premium dishes are for cash
buyers only. Nolan & Callahan.
Young keeps the Brown "Star 5
star" shoes, the best in the market.
Oar toon's &td boys' shoe depart
ment Is very strong. Nolan & Cal
lahan. .
George Horning was over in Lin
coln county last week looting after
some business. '
Assessor Bush went over to Alsea,
Saturday, to see what he could do
for the people of that section.
Miss Bessie Miller, of Lebanon,
has been visiting friends in this
city during the past few days.
The olothing wo sell is perfect.
The inrisibl ) part is just as good
as that which yau can' see. NoUn
& Callahan.
Carl Porter and wife moved to
Albany , last Thursday to reside.
Carl has accepted a position in the
meat market of Henry Broders.
Mrs. B. W. Wilson, who has been
visiting for some weeks in Portland,
the guest of her son, T. E. Wilson,
and his wife, arrived home Satur
day. Miss Leona Smith, of Corvallis,
who has been taking a course in
music at St. Helen's Hall, was in
the city Sunday, the guest of Miss
Lyle Lawrence. Oregon City En
terprise. "Gopher heaven" is certainly lo
cated in VY. E. Yates' clover patch
out west of the oollege. The clover
will yield about three tons to the
acre and the gophers about three
hundred to the acre. ' v
In walkinff through the 0 A C
orchard you are at once struck with
the magnificent manner in which!
it is cultivated, and equally struck
with the scarcity of frtlit on. the
apple trees. You will pass tree
after tree with hardly a sign of
fruit on then. Pears, plums and
cherries present a much better
showing. '
The London Exchange Telegraph
Company says: The legal prelim
inaries in the suit of Portia Knight,
the. American actress, against the
Duke of Manchester for breach of
promise, have been completed and
the case has been set for hearing.
Colonel N. B. Knight, father of
Miss Knight, is here to support his
daughter's Interests.
Mrs. M. Jaoobs takes a walk early
every morning for the benefit of her
Health. Saturday morning, while
walking along the sidewalk a block
north o f the echooL house, she
ettppjd on a broken plsnk that
sprang down, letting her foot go
through the walk and then holding
her fast. With great difficulty she
managed to extricate her foot, and
considers herself very lucky that
she was not seriously hurt.
Peter Riekard was in town Satur
day, from bis Beaver creek farm.
Mr. Riekard states that the out
look for both grain and fruit in his
section is most flattering and if the
farmers get a good price for grain
there will be plenty of money In
the country ihls fall. It is Sr.
Rickard's intention to move his
family to town this winter, In ordei
that he may be able to give his
children every possible advantage
in the way of education.-
In one of the neighboring cities
it is reported that various property
owners allowed their sidewalks"- to
reach suoh a condition as to become
a menace to lif&jind limb.. Remon
strance and warnings from the city
marshal were ef no effect.
The city authorities, fearing a dam
age suit, ordered notices posted
near these defective places warning
the general public that the walks
were unsafe. There are a few places
in Corvallis where notices would
not be amiss, especially if they
were notices or improvement.
The residence of Dell Felton
came near being burned' last Fri
day evening. ' A fire was discovered
on the roof by Mrs. D. S. Adams,
who gave an alarm, iir prompt
and energetie measures it was put
out before it had done any damage
worth mentioning. It Is evident
that a spark had fallen into the
valley of the roof, and as there was
a good breeze it was soon fanned
into a maze. xne . tamiiy . were
seated in me nonse, wnouy uncon
. Ml. .1-1 . .1.11.
scions of the bre burning over
their keads.
The following delegates will rep
resent Ellsworth W. R. C, at the
state meeting of that order at For
est Grove from June 25th to 23th:
President, Mrs. Prudence Chloman;
past presidents, Mesdames Fannie
Orin, M. C. Thorp, Agnes Young,
Delia Chipman, Sarah Cronk,
Frankie Smith and Tillie Read. At
no period ia its history has Ells,
worth Relief Corps been to flourish
ing as at present. Last March its
membership . numbered but 23,
today 52 names appear upon
the roster. These are active,
energbtio workers, and the reor
ganization of Ell worths Post, G. A.
R., was largely due to their efforts
and encouragement-
Bargaina in all summer goods at
Nolan & Callahan's.
A. F. Herehner arrived Saturday
on a short visit wirh his family.
Bruce Bumettleft yesterday fer
Portland, where he has been offered
a situation.
E. R. Bryeon went to loledo
yesterday. He will return home
Eph Cameron, uow of Union,
Oregon, arrived yesterday on a visit
with relatives.
Born to the wife of Clarence
Starr, .in this city, June 21et, a
boy; weight 11 pounds.
Mrs. E. H. Taylor is expected
home this week from her visit with
relatives at Pataha, Wash.
Johnson Porter has mado an ad
dition to his barn, on his place
north of town, doubling its capacity.
A report from Alsea states that
George Hash, of that valley, was
the victim, Sunday, of a gunshot
wound in the hand.
Mrs. Espey and daughter are at
tending the state camp meeting of
the United Evangelical church now
being held in Independence.
Thomas Jenkins, who has ju3t
disposed of hi interest in the car
riage factory, left Monday for hia
home in Rock Island, Illinois.
At meeting of the citizens' league
will oceur at the court house to
night at 8 o'clock, at which time
arrangements will be made fer en
tertaining the River and Harbor
committee - during its visit here
Saturday, and also the farmors
who will be here Thursday.
When you are in town, and hive
an hour to spend, walk out to the
college and sse the samples of Cots-
wold and Shropshire Sheep. The
flocks are not large in numbers, but
they are dandies in size. It will
pay you to take a look at them.
Dr. Withycombe has tried an ex
peri ment oh clover ensilage. He
filled one bin with cut clover as run
through the cutting machine, and
filled another with clover just as It
came from trie field. If the latter
keeps in good shape it will prove a
labor saving experiment.
The Buena Vista correspondent
of the West Side, says: The school
closed here last Friday. The grad
uating exercises were held Friday
night. Prof. Swan will move hack
to Corvallis during the week. We
regret very much to lose Prof. Swan
and family from eur community.
Yesterday, Rev. L. M. Boozer
started for Portland on his wheel.
He calculated to cover the distance
in one day, but his best friends con
sider this very - doubtful. Mrs.
Boozer has been visiting with rela
tives in the metropolis for some lit
tle time, but will return home with
her husband in a few days.
Rev. R. L. Meily, who visited Cor
vallis some two months ago and
preached a few times in the Pres
byterian church, of this city, has ac
cepted the invitation of the church
and will return toassume the posi
tion of pastor. He will he here to
commence, his work on the first
Sunday of July.
During the latter part of last
week workmen were employed at
the O A 0 making repairs on the
roof of Canthora Hall. It appears
that numerous holes have - been
made In the Toof, presumably by
22-caliber rifle ballets. The sup
position is that some ol the boys
have been engaged at target prac
tice. ...
R. A. Zahn came out from Alsea,
Friday, with a load of wool. He
reports everything in that section
in good condition, except the road
over Alsea mountain. It seems
there is much feeling on the part of
the residents of the little valley over
that portion of the read which lies
in Willamette precinct, rhis is
about seven miles in length and
the top of the mountain is in the
middle of the district .
"Squaw Francis," an old Indian
woman, ofttne out from the Suetz
agency a few days ago. ".; She is veryl
old and ia former years was a fa
miliar figure in this city. She Is
acquainted with all of the "eld
tiinerB" and during her recent visit
she has been looking them up.
This is her first visit out here in
many years, and she brought nu
merous little baskets and Indian
trinkets with her which she is en
deavoring to sell.
Attorney J. H. Wilton and wife
went to Dallas, Thursday, to prove
up on the homestead of ' A. K.
Handy, deceased. Mr. Handy was
the father. of Mrs. Wilson and waB
lest a couple of years ago While
hunting in the mountains near Fall
City, Polk county. No traoe of him
has since been heard of, and Mis.
Wilson, being his heir, is making
final proof on the claim owned by
her lather at tho dato et his un
timely disappearance.
Corvallis is certainly a good mar
ket for farmers, bggs are now
18 cents per dozen in this city. It
does not mailer to the farmer who
has eggs to sell whether this is
caused by local competition, or not.
The important part of the business
is the fact that he can get more for
his eggs in Corvallis than he can at
any other place. Why or how this
is brought about .does not effect
him, To the business men of the
cit much credit, is due for estab
lishing and maintaining a produce
market that is eecoad to DOB.
Will Start an Organ Factjory.
The carriage factory is to be again
rut n "werationr It has a new
c , R SI. C amer, of Dallas, Or
egon. Lue. j&;ii tU- evening Mr.
Thomas Jenkins dieted of the
building and plant for $4,500, and
is now speeding for hia home in Ill
inois. -V
, Mr. Cramer is proprietor of the
organ factory at Dallas and it is his
intention to convert the carriage fac
lory into a oneern for the manufac
tury of Organs. He will arrive here
in a few days and will employ a
iorce or men to complete the unfin
isned vehicles new on hand. It is
hoped that orders now being filled
for organs at Dallas will be com
pleted by fall, when the factory will
be removed to Corvallis. Should it
be found impossible to begin opera
tions here at that time, the plant
here will be running by the first of
January next at the latest, A force
of eight men are new employed,
but with the opportunities offered
here for an increased out-put, a
larger number of men will no doubt
find employment.
The Corvallis and Bonlon County
Prune company which assisted Mr.
Cramer in the purchase, has secur
ed the big 80-horse-power boiler
and 50-horse-power engine at the
factory and will begiamovlng them
to the big orchard today, where
they will be used in operating a
mammoth dryer with a capaoity
of from 1,200 to 1,500 bushels per
day. This will be the largest dryer
in. the world. The orchard will
probably yield 40,000 bushels of
prunes this season, and the services
of the big dryer as well as the old-two-lnnnel
dryer will be required
in curing them. Mr. Cramer will
replace the engine and boiler with
eroaller machines.
Philomath Celebration.
Philomath is going to have a
real old-fashieaed Fenrcfe. of July
celebration. One of those events
where patriotism manifests itself
in cheers for "Old Glory," the
screaming oi the eagle, burning
oratory, martial music,, and mu
tual admiration. The effete civ
ilization ot Albany and other
towns may eontent itself witu
jostling crowds, striped bunting
ana circus lemonade, but Philo
math invites you to a celebration
in the open air, a genuine love
least, a full meal of patriotism.
The parade will form at the
town hall at 9:30 and march to
the grove west of the village,
where the program' will begin at
10 o'clock. The principal feat
ure Of the morning exercises will
be an address by Hon. B. F.
Jones, of Toledo. In the after
noon will occar a tug-' -war1
contest for apprize ef $5; chop
ping contest,' prize," an ax; the
whole to conclude ' with an ex
citing shooting match.
, Corvallis will be deserted on
that day" and its entire popula
tion will be at Philomath. All
will take their dinner baskets
and esjoy a jpienio and a . Fourth
f July celebration , under one
tent for one price of admission.
The road and bicycle path td
to Philomath will bet& be ia
good condition and tha exoflus
will begin early in t& mdr&isg,
Ho, tor Philomath! i
- Will be Here Thursday. "
Between 50 and 100 farmer9.
representing the various counties
of Western Oregon, 'will arrive
on the regular trains Tntirsdajr
to-risit the agricultural college
aad experiment station. Dnr
ing the' afternoon the visitors
will inspect the farm and various
building, and in the evening at
8 o'clock a lecture en farm and
dairy topics will be delivered at
the armory by Hon. C. L SmitS,
of Minnesota. Every farmer in
the vicinity of Corvallis should
heal this address. , After, t&e
meeting a social .time will ocomr
and refreshments will be served.
These farmers from abroad as
semble at Corvallis npon invita
tion of Traffic Manager Mark-
ham ef the Southern Pacific.
Bach is supplied with transpor
tation for the round trip. Mr.
Markkas wisely believes5 lhat
the revenue of his company's
lines in Oregon depends upon
the prosperity of the people f
Oregon. Development 61 Mr
agricultural and dairying inter
ests means increased' business for
the railroad companies. ......
Shifts the Blame.
Hon. C. L. Smith, of Minaa
sota, who is holding most Sue
cessfwl dairy meetings through
out the valley under the auspices
of the Southern Pacific company,
will be present at a meeting held
at' the O A C. next Thnrsday.
At a resent meeting Mr. Smith
is quoted as sayine:
4 What' s tha mattar wltu the ;
majority of farmers is tnat tftey!
don't think. They do not farm
the railroad com pjuy lias to do
with" the farmers,' anyway, and
they seemed to think that tile
average farmer knows all about
farming and cannot be told any
thing about.' Said he finds that
those who know all about it are
not saccessfnl and are blaming
the country, climate 'etc.. for
the noa productiveness of their
farms when the difBcnlty ts that
they don't know how and are not
willing to learn. When he finds
a man that is ; willing -to learn
and asks questions for the pur
pose of gaining inform "Vi he
finds a prosperous farme .jays
he finds some farmers who nn
derstand their business and are
progressive, but he finds that a
majority are not. It is not the
farm that Is bad, but tho farmer.
There are a great many more
poor farmers than farms. They
allow the barnyard manure to ac
cumulate around the barn when
the land is hungry for it." .
Beyond doabt Mr. Smith is a
most competent and capable man
and ne appears to bave a thor
ough, grasp en the troubles that
beset the average farmer. It is
to be hoped that the meeting
this week will bs well attended.
For Copying; the Rolls.
"Assessor H. L,. Bnsh has nearly
completed the work of assessing
for this year. About a taostll
ago he,deeided to let the work
ot copying the Benton county
assessment rolls out to the lowest
bidder who was both competent
and reliable. Accordingly he
advertised the matter. " T&e fol
lowing bids were received: Miss
Mildred Linville, $137; W.' A.
McGhee, $150; Miss Winnie
Cameroo, $130; Herman Breyer,
$ 125, and N. Tartar, $ 119.
The bids wera all fairly cldse
together and were all from reli
able . and competent persons.
Mr.. Tartar, being the lo west
bidder, was awarded the contract.
The work ef coypimg the rolls is
to begin on Jaly 8th and must
be completed in time for presen
tation at tha regular meeting of
September term of the county
court. - Although Be has the
work far enougli along for .'the
work ot copying to begin at any
time how, there is still seme run
ning aboat that will cecapy Mr.
Bush's timer -
Additional Local.
"Bull Breeehes," strongest work
ing pants made. No rips. Nolan
& Callahan. - .
A bargain :-An all wool fine twist
black suit for $10.00, ef the Hart
Schaffner and Mart brand. Best
made. At Klines.
Tommy Nolan, accompanied by
Mrs. Nolan and Miss Mary, return
home from Mt. Angel tomorrow.
Tommy graduated from the college
at that place this year.
Frank Howell is home frfim
Washington on a short visit.- His
fcrother, Henry, will arrive in about
a week. Frank reports" business
good in our sister state.
Rev. W. W. Farrier, of Oakland,
Calif., editor of "The Pacific," the
official organ ef the Congregational
church on this ' coast, is visiting
with his brother-in-law, Dr. L. G.
Altman, in this city. - , ' "
At a meeting of the EaBtern Star
to fee held-' tomorrow evening a
vote will be taken on the matter of
adjournment of the lodge until the
September meeting. The lodge
adopted this policy last summer.
Walter Kisor is the first farmer
to respond to tho call for fruits and
grasses for Benton county's exhibit
at the state fair. Mr. Kisor brought
to this office, yesterday, a jar., of
gooseberries whieh the agricultural
editor thought were plums. ... ; 1 ,
United services will be held' by
the congregations of the Congrega
tional and la. Hi. cnuren, houih,
during the monthef July. They
will meet in eacn church alternate
ly.' Services ' will' 'be held in1 the
Conerecational church the first
Sunday in July, In the M. E.
church the second Sunday, and so
on through the month. ....
A telegram received ia this city
yesterday states that the national
committee oh Rivers and-Harbors
will arrive here next , Saturday.
The party, consisting, ei some
75 members, will come on the neon
train. They:, will be given a.lunch
bv the citizens' league at the fare
men's hall which will be served by
the Ladies Coffee club. - v
? Vsfl
- gee g
ana i wine,
eent for
Sensational Prices in the Tail
or Suit and Shir t Waist DepE
Final reduction of the season, on Ladies'
Suits and Shirt Waists and a general
clean-up of all spring and'.summer
gOOds. .. . , .
Out 50 cent - Waists; now 39 cents. .
Our 75 cent Waists, now 50 cents.
Our $1.00 Waists, now 80 cents
Onv $1.50 Waists, now $1.20.
Al 1
; All
iS .T&ese
are, strictly
at KLINE'S; The White House.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
.... . . . i , . ., .
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly n" hand. Smokers supplies
. : ' a specialty." ' ; ,v . '.
H. W. HALL. ProDrietorv '
Strang Academic and Professional Course. Well Equipped TieSsirg Separficcct
ExyejiBcs ranee from $cao to $175 per yeai.V FallJTcim Cftns Sep tember;i7tli.l
Dor catalog containing full announcements, address. .
J. B, V. BVTIEIt, . r
secretary. .
Great Value for $101
An all-Wool JEf
WW"' '.'.'fine twist fBy" xt
- mmm worsted -: ; Ira ,i f ,
H, fMl : Suit;;--; f M
Schaffner fill . i . u 5n M -Wk ' ' ' ?
&Marx MU ll . - "'If fi T V
irr&IXfl Im famous ,;v;i Clothes V
Correct Clothing Extra Fine Suits $16.50
' The man who weara a Hart Schaffnet & Mars suit can rest assured .that
hia clothea are correct form, that they are ia good taste and right in fit
and fashion; materials are" the finest ire can bay, and the sewing aad tail
oring as perfect aa skill canjaakethemVi
. Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits
We can order you these of the best materials silk lined throughout.'
: The least in -.quantity and most ia
quality describes DeWitt's' Little Early
Risers, the famous pills. 'for constipation
and liver complaiBts.Graham oWells-.
' Wiedemann's Big Show.
Aneastern. company .consisting
of 25 people and a superb band and
orchestra, will be ,at the." Opera
House all next wek. Tha program
will - contain a repertoire of come
' dies, till new to the coast.
.suirs:; r v""
$8.50 Snits now $G.3S : '
All-iiaOO Suits now $0.74 1 r
$12.50 Snits now $8.20.
$16.50 Snits now $12.25
are all new goods this - spring, and
. -
up - to - date in style and workman-
o- We especially ask you to call. We will
take pleasure in showing you goods and prices
State Normal School
.. . Monmouth Oregon. ..
for graduates ot the .Normal School, dar
ing tbe past year has been much beyond
the supply. " - - '
Positions from $40 to S75 ser month.
'Students are prepared for the slate exam-
inaiions ana readily take state papers on
- graduation. . ... .. .
Mew Lumber Yards.
- The Benton County Lumber Co. has
opened a yard at tbe corner of 5th and
Washington streets, near tbe 8. P. depot
in this city.- Tbey have a full stock of
fine fir lumber. . Prices quoted on ap
plication. - -
Native Herbs.
AByoae desiring this great blood purfj
ner, may secure, the same by calling o;
or addressing ,. "-.,
.. , ' F. Kleckeb,
, T . Philomath, Or.
Price $1 per bex.
OT eaPVBHlHT tut : .