Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 25, 1901, Image 2

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TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1901.
The teachers' institute held in
Corvallis last week was well at
tended, and as such meetings go
was a gratifying success. Yet the
trend of the instruction given
and the discussions had suggest
to a dispassionate observer that
the schools are attempting too
much; that they are not working
in their own proper sphere, and
that consequently the results of
their work are not satisfactory.
These defects have been charg
ed to the . public schools in Ore
gon as well as elsewhere not
by their enemies but by their
earnest and devoted 'friends.
They are recognized by the most
experienced and intelligent super
intendents, principals and teach
ers and vaguely seen by many
others. It is in no fault finding,
hyper-critical spirit the Gazette
refers to these charges but rather:
that all just cause for them may!
be removed.
The time which the greater
number of children can attend
school is far too limited to at
tempt more than a rudimentary
knowledge of a few fundamental
and necessary subjects- It is de
sirable a child should be taught
to read correctly and fluently, but
not necessary that he should be
come a skillful elocutionist. He
should write legibly and rapidly
but need not become an ornametal
penman ; he should be taught to
compose correctly to the end that
he may write letters of business,
friendship, etc., but he need not
become a thorough rhetorician:
he should be well grounded in
the fundamental processes of
arithmetic and their ordinary ap
plication but no attempt should
be made to instruct him in extra
ordinary and fanciful applications
of it; he should be instructed to
speak and to write gramatically
but need not acquire a nice, crit
ical knowledge of the language.
The time is too short, if there
were no other forbidding condi
tions. After a life-long pursuit,
exhaustive Knowledge on any
subject is attained by few and on
a multitude of subjects by none.
The greater number of child
ren in our public schools are des
tined to become farmers, me
chanics or tradesmen and the
wives of these. They will en
gage in the ordinary occupations
r i:r mu-: i: :n i :
ui inc. a licit uvea win uo giveu
to the struggle for subsistence
ana to winning a competency tor
themselves and . families. It is
. the province of the schools to
impart such training and knowl
edge as shall be of practical ralue
to oar children when they have
grown up and . entered upon the
, activities of life,
The state, .too, is interested in
that she desires her future citi
zens to be intelligent, industrious
and virtuous that fhey may be
fitly qualified to assume the duties
pertaining to American citizen
ship. She does not contemplate
training tne youtn to Become doc
tors and lawyers, but to become
good citizens. When the schools
attempt more than these things
they wrong both the individual
aad the state and go beyond their
proper sphere,
The number and variety of
subjects taught or attempted to
be taught and the multiplicity of
text-books used in the schools
testify all too clearly that, the
schools have undertaken. . too
much and by this means have
been carried beyond their own
ngnt lines 01 educational en
A contemplation of the work
undertaken, the ultra-philosophi
cal methods of instruction . at
tempted and the elaborate and
expensive machinery" employed
leaves little room for wonderment
that the youthful mind is cloyed
rather than developed, and the
average teacher confused and dis
Results cannot ' be otherwise
than most unsatisfactory. : Who
should be satisfied? . Not the boy
or girl whose time has been wast
ed in acquiring a mere useless
smattering of knowledge; not the
. ' teacher who has labored faith
fully and arduously on lines pre
scribed to her, let us say, by the
'school machine, ' ' not the parent
and tax-payer who, after long
continued and onerous taxation
in support of the schools finds
his girl unable to read correctly,
his boy unable to tell him how
many tons of hay the new hay
mow win noid; not tne state
mliipri bti? mnrle lavish nrovisian
for the support of public educa -
tion, and not even the theorist
who in spite of dismal failure
PLXXA lu uw lui.uuvuMV
theories. This, indeed, is what
has broueht the schools into the
unsatisfactory conditions which
exist. ;
At one time "the relation of
the public school to the COl!fP:eM !HiBr18 rinnos, Organs and Si
2 l i' 'i'u.'n ' instruments of all doampUom-.
was an absorbing question, l his . v - ,
was followed by
common school
"the work of the
in an extended
scheme of education." These
subjects were discussed at teach
ers' institutes, in educational
journals and from the lecture
platform by learned college pro
fessors and college-bred superin
tendents and teachcrs-r-a class of
men usually actuated by fin?
philosophic theory rather than by
plain, practical sense and by
these means the schools were
turned away from their true in
tent. -"-- , ; "f . '
The charge is frequently made
that the Christian church has lost
sight of its true mission, aad it
would seem to be measurably
true. With very much more
truth and emphasis this may be
said of our public schools. Be-
ciouaea in a maze or tneory, ioi-
lowing a divided purpose its fine ! Court Houee. -and
elaborate machinery clatters J -
merrily on in spite of the truth ier) Thenias Allen, John Gra
that its product is very crude and . ham, Anna Maxfield and Iva
unsatisfactory. Theorists have i
made the schools little more than ;
educational "experimental sta
tions." .'
There are not lacking some
healthful signs. Here and there
are a few clear-headed, earnest
men and women closely identified
with the schools. They see they
are engaged in forging but a link
in an ideal educational chain to"
be completed by the college and
university. They comprehend
that the public schools have a
work which is peculiarly their
own, which can be done by no
other agency, and that this work
must be conducted from begin
ning to ending absolutely with
out reference to what other edu
cational ; agencies may undertake
or fail to undertake. There will
be reorganization on more rational
lines; there will be more intelli
gent and efficient adaptation of
educational - means : methods of
instruction will be fitted to pub
lic school requirements, our pro
cesses will supplement the neces
sities of individuals rather than
be directed upon the mass. The
high school will be eliminated
from the system as being outside
of common endeavor. Teachers
will acquire higher and ' better
qualifications for their work.
There will be, no retrogression
but a steady growth in efficiency
until the system of public schools
shall . fully grasp all the educa
tional possibilities within its own
right limits. . v , . " -
Iet the work of educational re
form begin and go forward until
we may apply our expressive tate
motto to our system of education
by public schools.
Kings Valley Picnic.
The last anion school picnic
for this year was held in Kings
Valley last Saturday. - The
threatening and usual rain," held
off until all the features of the.
program were .; rendered. The
new grflnds -were at the cross
roads, near Mr. Vincent's, where
by a little Work one of the best
picnic grounds in Benton county
can be made. The ever accom
modating Philomath band 1 was
there to do their part in adding
life and mirth to the pienic. , It
can be trnthfully said : of the
members of the -band that by
thcirmanlyt quiet and pleasing
manner, th4y made inany friends.
Just before tha 4 morning exer
cises Supt Denman gave each
school boy and girl a small flag
of oar country. ' 3; :
-The addresses of Rev. L,awner
and JV B. Irvine were listened
to with unusual attention. .Hey.
Lawner gave the young men and
women some valuable advice as
to t&8 needs of present age. Mr.'
Irvina eompared the educational
oppattunlties of today with thosi
of the last dscade. ' He did not
spare werds in telling the parents
teachers and , orficers their duty.
He struck straight frem the shoul
der with telling blows.
- The . literary program was
filled with Tvell rendered recita
tions, .cheerful song?, pleasing
drills ftnd dialogues. The fol
Iswing contests took plase: Ap
pla eatiHg, wn by Chas. jCalda.
weter; ugly ?fac ceatest, Carl
Stwy ; fleur eating, Rowe Max-1
fild; v drinking, Pearl Vincent-
efc race. Edith Pattersou crack.
8!J ' cllu rauersou , crack.-
er eating, Creo. ; Be? ens; blcyele
tafle, Tames Chambers. The
ft.-., nc
aame3 01 tae winners of the pea.
noil race and soda drinkin? con.
; test Were net obtained. ;
j .A pleaslsg feature of the pro-
gTam was tha presenting of
Igata grade diplomas in a few
" w-w- ' J w . J
maa te Ernest Eddy, Curtis Mil
M. A. -600DN0UGH
Importer of
1 I Ti X.A'tZ- r-5,1
1 ter1 J'
The Celebrated
Needham Pianos and Organs
Which have become famous for their
beanty of tone, superior action and great
Wo invite enmnarisnn of our Drices.
! quality considered, with those of other
j firms, Call and examine our goods- or
write for catalogue. -
0ffice ond ,.eBidence one block
west oi
Cadv of Kings Valley schaol,
an Raph Caves,"Ralph Vincent
and Ira VinGent of Alexander
school." --' '" ' ' -'""" '
So well pleased were all at the
success of the picnic tl 't after
completing the prograiu, Mr. L,.
G. Pric.e stepped npofl the plat
form, thanked Sup't DenmaH en
behalf of the citizens for giving
them such a good time, and pro
posed three cheers for th saper
intendeui which wfire given with
a will.; ' : :' '
While these picnics are to be
encouraged fer the pleasare they
afford, and the opportunity they
offer the pupils and patrons of
the various districts to become
better acquainted, their real value
lies in their educational features.
The literary part of every pro
gram is always. strong, and is fur
nished dv the eapils of tht vari;
ons schools, who thus have fin
opportunity to measure strength
with someone outside of their
own district; an incentive which
calls ut their best effort. In aa
ditioa to this addresses ca edu
cational matters are delivered by
able speakers.
Albany will GelebMe
Greatest and Grandest outburst of Pa
triotism over held in the Willam
. ' ette Valley. '
will deliver the oration.
Grand, gorgeouss
spectacular events.
glittering array of
Continuous program throughout the day
andeTening. ,
BasefeetS, Races, Water Sports
and a score of other contests. V. "
Free open airconcert at night. Two
.hours of fun and entertainment.
Reduced rates on all railroad lines.
New Rates.
- To Detroit and return $81.25, tickets on
sale-July 2nd and 3rd," final limit August
31st. Cincinnati and return $78.50, "tick
ets on sale July 2 and 3, final limit Sep
tember 1st. Call at city ticket "office
Portland, Oregon, for particulars.
Yen cannot enjoy perfect health, roey
cheeks and sparkling eyes if jour liver
is sliiKgish and your bowels clogged. De.
Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the
whole system. They never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells.. -
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Look out for counterfeits. If you Ret
DeWiit's you will get good results. It
is the quick, positive cure for piles.--Graham"
Wells. "
What do you want? ... We wftat to
furnish you with pleasant, permaa
ent empleyment, at which you can
earn three lo fis e dollars per dny.
Address, Manager, 403 Chamber of
Commoroe Building, ' Taoomft,
If you are sick all over, and doVt know
juet what ails vou, it's ten to one . your
kidneys are nut of order. Foley's Kidaey
Curo will bring you health and energy.
Graham & Wortham.
Mr. E. D. Arnold. AriUVfi. Tft rvritoe
) He was troubled with kidney disease
I n,b?ut u,?e ?'ear8,: Had to at "3
Ul times during the night but three bet-
ties of Foley's Kidnej Cure effected a
- complete cne, he feels better than he
ever did and recommends it tobisirWmds
Graham & Wortham.
I -
i ' Lost.
,v " ,rWr,
; biatk Ciirs an(j BmaI1 blak spot; over
bod v; collar with name, "I,M. Hunter,";
u, )u ivauici . iiu; imui UlttkiUU WU1 DG
thankfully reeived, i. m. HpKiai.
V i
The greatest sVin specialist in America
originated the formula for ISannrr Salve.
For all skill diseases, all cuts or soren,
anil for piles, il'athe most healing medi
rinp. Beware of. substitutes. Graham
& Wortham.
Mr. Vf. J. Baxter, of North Biook,
! N- C, fays he suffered with piles f-r 15
years. He tried many remedies with no
rosultB Kutil he used DeAViit's Wituh
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured
i him. Graham &We!ls.-
tn'tv gocd farms end 0 ttotk renchte
lo sell. , Geo. F. Egijn & Co ,
Real Estale.lDeurance and Collections.
Oilicc: Room No. 1, First Nat'l Bank
Bld'g, Corvallis, Oregon. . . ....
Spring coughs are rpecially dangerous
and unless cured at oace, serious results
of ten follow. One Minute Cough Cure
acts like magic. It is not a common
mixture but -is a high grade remedy.
Graham & Wells.
Thomas Maple, Birkbeck, 111., writes:
"I had a very bad case of kidney trouble
and my back pained me so I could n4fc
straighten up. The doctor's treatment
did me no good. Saw Foley Kidney Cure
advertised and took one home wnich
cured me arid I have not been affected
since. I gladly reccmroenj this remedy"
Graham & Wells.
"Our little girl wns unconscious from
strangulation during a sudden and terrim
ble attack of croup. I quickly secured a
bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving
her three doses, The croup was mas
tered and our little darling speedily re
covered." So writes A. L. Spafford,
Chester, Mich. Graham & Wells.
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower still hat the
largest sale of any medicine ifl the
civilized world. Your mother and
giandmothers .never thought of
using anything else for indigestion
or biliousness. Doctors were scarce
and they seldom heard of apptn
dicitfa, nervous prostration or heart
failure, etc. They used August
Flower to cleanse out the system
and stop fermentation of undi
gested food, regulate the action of
the liver, stimulate the nervous nd
organic action of the system, and
that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches aryl
other aches. You only need a few
doss of Green'B August Flower, in
liquid fofni, to make you satisfied
there is nothing serious the n.etter
with you. Get Green's Prize AIna
nac. Graham & Wortham.
You will waste time if you undertake
to cure indigestion or dyspepEia by starv-
ing yourself. That only makes it -worse j
when you do eat heartily. lou always
need plenty of geed food properly diges
ted. Kodol Dyspepsia Cuie is the re
sult oi jeais of scientific research for
something that would digest not only
some elements ef food but every kind.
And it is the one remedy that will do it.
Graham & Wells.
Geo. C. Hickock, Curtiss, Wis., says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to be all you claim for it. I
have given it to my father and it ia the
only thing tbat ever helped him." Gra
ham & Wortham.
"I had a running sore on my breast for
ovsr a year," eays Henry K. Richards, of
Willseyville, N. Y., "and tried a great
many remedies, but got no relief until I
used" Banner Salve. After using one-half
box, I was perfectly cured. I cannot re
commend it too highly.". Graham &
State Treasurer's Fourth Notice.
-" Notiee is hereby given that there are
now funds in the Treasury with which to
redeem all outstanding State Warrants
drawn on the General Fund and en
dorsed "Presented and not paid for want
of funds," prior to this date ; also t pay
all warrants drawn on the State Scalp
Bounty Fund, and endorsed "Presented
and not paid for want of funds," prior to
May 1st 1900, and all such warrants,
properly endorsed, will be paid upon
presentation at this office, interest there
on ceating from and after this date.
x Chas. S, Moore,
State Treasurer.
State of Oregon, Treasury Department,
June 5th, 1901,
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is heraty given tbat tot nndei(ignd, ag ex
ecutrix of tbe estate of GeTg Rldd.ri, deceased,
has filed her final account in said estate, in the
County Coort of Benten County, State of Oregon,
and that eaid Court has appointed Saturday, tbe
0th day of July, iol, at the hsnr of eleven o'clock
a. re. at the County Court Rosm, in tbe County
Coart Houae, ia the City of Corvallis, Benten
County ,. State of Oregon, as the time and place to
hear' objections, if any, to said final account, and
the settlement thereof and of satd estate.
Corvallis, Oregon, Juae 3rd, 1981.
Bbhtha RisDxns, '
Exeeulrix of the estate of Oeorg-o kidders, de
the most healing salve in the world.
Dyspepsia ure
Digests what yon eat.
Thi9 preparation contains all ot the
digestants and digests all kind of
food. It gives instant relief and never
faila to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensi tiye
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands . of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
Bt can't help : s;":;
but do you good
Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago
Xneil. bottle contaissSH times too SOcsizo.
Crsham Wells.
II people only knew what wo know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Core, it would
be' used in nearly every ' household, as
there are few people ho do not suffer
from a feeling of fullness after paling,
belching, flatulence, saur stomach, or
water brash, racsed by indigestion or
dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from
the stomach, will fligrt-t jour food, cer
tainly can't help but do you good. Gra
ham & Wells,
Save Money. ;
Owing to the fact that we have had to
take a good share of the lumber cut by
our Tualatin mill, and that we also have
a large smeunt of fir logs coming in the
big drWe from the McKenzie, we are get
ting overstocked and will have to sell to
make room . Our stock is A 1. Save
money by buying now,
Coevalus Sawmill Co.
"I have been suffering from Dyspepsia
for the past 0 years and hate been, un
able after trying nil preparations, and
physicians to get any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of Eodol Dyspepsia Cure
I found relief and am now in better
health than I have been for 20 years. I
can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Core too
highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. W.
Roberts, North Creek, Ark. Graham A
; For Rent.
Will rent 200 acres of land west of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in work andimprovements on the place.
Address el. a. Woodcock,
- ' Administrator,
, Corvallis, Oregon.
The Great Scourge
Of modern times is consumption. 'Many
cures and discoveries from time to time
are published but Foley's Honey and Tar
does trutmulry claim to cure ail cases in
the early stages and alwayn affords com
fort and relief In the very worst cases.
Take no substitutes, tjraham & Wor
tham. Tor Sale to Loggers and Others.
One large Durham bull, eight years
old, gentle. Price moderate. -Inquire of
Wallis 'Nath, Nashville, Oregon.
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks 8c Photo Supplies
Corvallis, Oregon
Established, Incorporated, if$R
most complete Hue of Pure Drugs
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Fa
, pers, Fine Perfamery, Toilet Artlds,
Ccmbe, Brnenes and Kirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Ferecriptien Department,
' T. A. JONES. Registered,
Special Course in Pharmacy ct perdue Univexxi
ty, Indiana
No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation,
good buildings, fine fruit and water, good
bottom . land;-price, $650. 4)4 miles
from Philomath.
No. 131 80 acres, 25 in cultivation,
nice young orchard; fair buildings, 2
cows and calves, team, wagon and har
ness, plow, cultivator, tools,! etc. ; also
furniture. This is a good hill ranch and
is cheap at (700. 6 miles from town. ,
74160 acres ; 30 in cultivation ; small
house; good barn and water ; 1 miles
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county read ; good pasture and timber.
113 A good 7-room house with one
half acre lot ; fruit, good water, chicken
houses and sheds, price $600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this -is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis poetoffice.
Real Estate Agent,
Box jo, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
riie First National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. .
Loans Matte .
On all lunate of approved security, and einoclany
to encourage and bnild up tbe legitimate busi
ness enterprises and industries of tbis country.
- - Deposits - -
Received subject to check; payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange
Sight exchange and transfers sold available in
tbe principal cities of England, Ireland, Bwitser
land, France, Belgium, Holland. Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spam, Portugal, Cer
many, Austria, - .
Letters of Credit ' ' , '
Issued available in tbe principal cities ct tbe
United States. ..-.,; ;.:.-: . - - w .. ..
Principal Correspondents Upon Vhosa T
Sell Sight Exchange ,
The Commeroial National Bank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. ;
The Bank of California, Sn Francisco, Calif. t-Anglo-Cahfornian
Bank, San Francisco, Calif.
The National City Bank New York. .
The Bank of Hew York National Banking Aas'n,
Importers 8t Trader's National Bank, New York,
ghoa and Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass.
Philadelphia National Hank of Philadelphia, Pa
White) flomifl
Portland-Astoria Houte
- ST R.: "T A H O M A.",
Daily Kcund Trips except Sunday
Leave Portland..'.
Leave Astoria
.7 A. M.
..7 p. M.,
Eaiies-PDtw Route
Cascade: Locks, Hood River,1
White Saimon and The - Dalles.
time card.
Leave Portland
Arrive The Dalles...
Arrive Portland......
.....7 A.
.....j P.
4 '
49-Sundav Trios a Leadinflr Feature.
ftsr-Tbis Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions on Earth.
Landing and Office: Foot of Alder Street
Both Phones Mam 351.
, Portland, Or.
E. W. CKICRT02T, Agrt. Portland.
JOHN X. FILXOON, Act. Tne Dalle.
A. J. TAYLOR, Xgt. Astoria.
Dentistry of every depart pttpn doiw In first j
- UW58 nmioer, snq sansiactHm bui"
Offie bVBr SBerolf 'B arecery store, 6io 1
the post oiace. Corvallis. Oregon.
Specialties Diseases of women nnd
children ; alBo deformities and all citron-
lc and nervous diseases.
Occidental Hotkl Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 6 :30 p. m.
Physician S Surgeon
Rooms 14 fn Bank Building.
rv,- I 10 to 12 a. m.
Office Hours J 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence: Cornel College and 8th Sts.
Telephijne at office and residence.
Corvallis, - - - Oregon
Office Corner 3rd and Monroe streets
Hours' 0 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun
day 9 to 10.
Kebidkkce Corner 3rd and Hartison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone S15j at residence.
: JOS. H. WIL80U.
Practice in all State and Federal Coert.
file: inFh-bt; National Bank BaHdirre.
Bryson Woodson
Corvallis, Oregon.
i ttRrm in Toatoffiee Enlldlce.
Offiea in WliUhorn Bl4-k
GorvaJlls, ' Oregor
- Miss Mamie Smith. SUddleshoro, Ky.,
writes: "My little sister bad the croup
very bad. I'gave her several doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar, and she was in
stantly relieved. It saved her life. Gra
ham & Wortham.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that tlis nnder
jigned administrator of the estate of F. L.
Such, deceased, has this ICtli day of May
A. D., 1901, filed his final account as
such administrator with . the County
Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, aad
the Judjte ef the County Court of said
Benton County, Oregon, has appelated
Monday, July I, 1901, at two o'clock P.
M. thereof, as the time, and the County
Court Boom in the Oonnty Court
House in Corvallis, Oregon, as the placs
for the hearing of objections to such final
account. Pebct H. Kblly,
Dated May 10, 1901.
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and bowels do not act
properly. DeWUl's Little Early Risers
remove the cause of disease. Graham &
Wells, . , - , : ' -. : ....
Kotice for Pttblieatltfi.
- " Ukiteb Statu Laws Omoa,
- -i Oregon City, Oratan. March, 4, 1SS1.
sletios is hervby (iven that iu eonpltaac with tha
Broviticn ot the act of Cong-reta of Jnao 8, 1S7S,
ontitlea "An act for the tale of tinker lanes tn the
8tatea of California, Oregon, Kaveda, aad Washing-ten
Territory," as extended to all the Pablie
Land States by act ef August 4, Ufa,
-v-MR3.BE88ie 8. fLTNX,
of afonionth, caunty of Felk,' slate cf Orecrn, la
this day filed m this office her sworn statement So.
536S, for lie enrchue of SHt M;J andtitefBEJ
01 section ro z m iownsnip ao 13 Boats, Kanf no
7 West, and will offer proof to show tbat the lind
sought fa more raluabla for its timber or stone than
for agricultural nurDoses. and to establish her elaisi
to said land before the Kegisterand Heceiver of this
ofllca at Oregon ' City, Orcron, on Weanesday, tbe
28th day ef afar, 1941- She uuaee ss witnesses:
stiensci u. Fiyan. 01 rail u:ty, relkC'a, or, Jas at.
Flynn, of Monmouth, Polk Co., Or., Samuel W.
twin, of Fall Oitr. Polk Co.. r.. John W. Hrda.
ot Philomath. Benton Co.. Or.
Any and ail parooa eltunuis; adrenelr the aheve
deaenbed lands are requested H tile their eialree in
this ofHce on of Vafore aald xlith day of May,
'- 1 1mA
am& Union Pacific
Dkpart TIME SCHEDULES abhivb
rem from Portland FROM
Chiiaifo- guitlAke, Denver,
Portland n Worth, Omaha
Special KanBM city, St. 4 :30p.m.
8.a- .n'- Lonis, Chi sage
via Uun- andEart. .
tington. -
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
Express Ft Worth, Omaha,
0p.m. Kansas City, St 8:10 a.m.
via Hnn- Lonis, Chicago and
tington. East ' '
6 00 d m Minneapolis, S t. - -nn
o.w p.m. paul( DuInthi Mu. 7.00 a m.
Spoksn.. "ankee Chicago,
' and East
Through Pullman and Tourist B'eepera.
No change of cars. Tickets East via all
rail, or via boat and rail, via Portland
Ocean and River Schedule.
I All salhfis datooi
subject ts ehaHge.
8 p. m. For Baa Francis, i p. n
, Sail every fiverdays
from April 2d.
v?L Columbia Rim
Ex. Sun. SfQamur p. a.
8. p. m. oUaiBoT. Except
Saturday, To Astoria & way
10 p. m. landing.
fitpamer Rut h leaves Corvallis for Al
bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land
ings. Monday, Wednesday and Friday
6:0(i a. in, ; returning, arrives Corvallis
abonn Midnight, Tuesday, Thursday ana
Saturday. 1
A. L CBAIG, Gen. Paso. Ageat,
J. P. TAPSCOTT, Agsnt,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis & Eastern RaHrBad.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 1Z:5U p. m.
' " Cervallia 1 :40 p. no.
" arrive? Yaquina 5:55 p. ii.
X Returning: ,
Leaves Yaquina.... 7:00 a, .
Lea vps Cervallia. .. . 11:S3 a. en.
Arrives Albany ... 12:13 p. va.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Corvallis .... 12:00 p m.
Jieavea Albany . . . . v 1 :ou p. m.
Arriyes Detioit .... 6:20 p. fn.
1 Returning:
Leaves Detroit ..... b.oO a. n.
Leaves Albany 10:30 a. as.
Arrives Corvaliis .... 1 1 : 15 p. na "
Trains 3 and 4 betwefa Albany and
Corvallis, Tuesdays. Thmsdnys and Sat
urdays only. All other trains daily ex
cept "Sunday.
Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany ia
time to connect with ihe S. P. south
hound train, as well as giving two or
three hours in Albany befoio departure
of S. P. north bound train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
west side train at Corvallis Crossing for
Independence, McMinnville and . all
pUIQlB UUIkU luiuilioii".
Edwih Stoke, .
H. H. Cbonise, Managsr.
Agent, Corvallis. -
Southern Pacific Ccapaiv.
Trains leave Coi vallls for Portland
?r d way ttations at liSO p. bo.
Lv Portland 8:80 a in
Lt Aliieej 32 P rn
A oshlaiwl 12:83 am
A eafTflrnenlo -6.08 P rn
Ar Pan FriinHsro-7 :45 pm
199 pa
JO a in
Ar Ogden 6:45 p m
Ar Denver -9:00 a rn
Ar Kansas City -7 :8 m -At
Chicago 7 :65 a m
H :48 a m
6-.e9a a
. 7 :J5 m
9 :80 m
Af Los Angeles i f20 p m
Ar El Paso- - p m
Ar Fort Wwrth 8iB9am
A r City of Mesiuo 8 :65 a m
Ar Houston A iftO ft m
Ar New Orlesn 6:25 ft m
Ar Washington 0:42 a m
Ar New York .lzriSpm
both trains. Chair cars Bacramttita f
Ozden and 1 Paso, aad Tenrist a tp
6Mgo, St Louis, New Orlosns M
VVaBbinglou. . ,. ,
MJfinecunK at ru 1 rniw iiru wim csjy
eral SteitmghTb for Honolura, Jsti.
China, PbiiippToes, Central' aria Softtb
A n erica. -- " -
j- . t . - ...
Sen F. E. FARMER, ageat Cof Talils
station, or artrirces - , r ;
''CM. KARKI1AM. G, P. A..
Portland. C.
G. H.
Foley1 s Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
7:00 a m
JEubsciite fn this i