ft A SEMI-WEEKLY. SIRA'SiW. i Consolidated Feb., 1899. CORVAIililS, BENTONj. CO UNTT, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1901. VOL. n. NO, 9. COMVALL pOORHOilS&l fALACE 1 ' U k BY MARY JLJKO CHAPTER XI. Ia the old brown 'school house, over shadowed by apple trees and sheltered, on the west by a long, : steep hill, where the acorns an 1 wild grapes grew, Mary Howard taught a little flock of twenty five, coaxiug garnet urging others - and teaching them all by her kind words and winsome ways to love her as ' they had never before loved an instructor. . When first he was proposed as a teacher in Itic-e Coi-ripr, Widow' Perkins, and a few others who 'had no children to send, held up' their hands in amazement, wondering '.'what the world was oomin' to, and if the coaimitteemnn, Mr. Knight, 'posed they was goin' to be rid over roughshod by a town pauper; but - she couldn't get a-stilleut, for the orthodox minister wouldn't give her one; and if he did, the Unitarian minister wouldn't!" Accordingly, when it was known that the ordeal had -been passed and that Mary had in her possession a piece of pa per about three inches' square, authorii-, . ing her to teach a common district school, this worthy conclave concluded that "either everybody had lost their senses - or else Miss Mason, who was present at the examination, had sat by and whis pered in her ear the answers to all hard questions." f ' "In all my born day I never seen any thing like it," said the .widow, as she distributed her green tea, sweetened with brown sugar, to a party of ladies, which she was entertaining. "But you'll see, she won't keep her time mor'n half ont Sally Ann, passtheia nutcakes. No body's goin' to send their children to a pauper. There's Miss Bradley says she'll take her'n out the first .time they get licked. Have some more sass, Misa Dodge. I want it eat up, for I believe ilt's-a-workin' but I telled her that .warn't the trouble, Mary's too softly to hurt a- miskeeter. And so young, too. It's government she'll lack in. If any body'll have a piece of this dried apple -pie, I'll cut it- . Fortunately, Mary knew nothing of Mrs. Perkins' displeasure, and never dreamed that any feeling existed toward her save that of perfect friendship. Since " we. last saw her, she had grown into a - fine, healthy looking girl. - Her face and c figure were round and full, and her com plexion, though still rather pale, was clear as marble, contrasting well with her i lark-brown hair and eyes, which no ! longer seemed .. unnaturally large."" Still, . -: she was not beautiful, it uj true, and yet ,. Billy was not far from right when he called her the finest looking girl in Chico- pee; and it was for this .reason, perhaps, " that Mrs. Campbell watched with jeal ousy. ' ' . : - : Every possible pains had been taken with Ella s education. The' best teach era had been hired to instruct her, and she was now at a fashionable seminary, but still she did not possess one-half the - ease and gracefulness of manner which . seemed natural to her sister. The two girls had seen but little, of each other; and oftentimes when Ella met her sister - she merely acknowledged her presence by a nod or a simple, how d ye dor' When she heard that Mary was to be a teacher she said "she was glad, for it was more respectable than going into factory or working ont." Mrs. Campbell, j tention to attend the academy in Wil too, felt in duty bound to express her i braham the next autumn, pleasure, adding that "she hoped Mary Finally he said good-night, leaving . would give satisfaction, but 'twas ex- tremely doubtful, she was so young, and possessed of so little dignity!" x - Unfortunately Widow Perkins red cot tage stood directly opposite the school house; and as the widow belonged to that stirring few who always "wash the I breakfast dishes and make the beds be fore anyone is up in the house," she had ample leisure to watch and report on the proceedings of the new teacher. Now, , Mrs. Perkins' clock was like its mis- . , tress, always half an hour in advance of the true time, and Mary had scarcely taught a week ere Mr. Knight, "the conv mitteeman," was duly hailed in the street :. and told that the "schoolmarm wanted . lookin' to, for she didn't begin no morn- - in' till half -past nine, nor no afternoon till half -past one! ' Besides that," , she added, "I think she gives 'em too long a play spell. : Anyways, seems ef some oil ' : 'em was out d' doors the hull time." Mr. Knight had too much good sense : to heed the widow's complaints, and he merely replied:"' "I'm glad on't - Five hours is enough to keep little shavers "cramped up in the house glad on't.' The widow; thus foiled in her attempts at making disturbance, finally gave up the strife,, contenting herself with quiz ' zing the Older girls, and asking them if . Mary could do all the hard sums in arith ' metlc, or whether she took them home for Mrs. Mason to solve! -.-' j : In spite, however, iof these little an noyances, Mary was contented and hap py. ' She knew that her pupils loved her, - . and that the greater part of the district -.. were satisfied, so she greeted the widow . with her pleasantest smile, . and by al ways being particularly polite, finally overcame her prejudice to a considerable - extent. . One afternoon about the middle of July, as Mrs. Perkins was seated by her ? front -window engaged In "stitching shoes," a . very common employment In - -some parts of New England, her atten tion was suddenly diverted by a tall, stylish-looking young man, who, driving his handsome horse and buggy under the .shadow of the apple trees, alighted . -and entered into conversation - with . a group of little girls who were taking their usual recess; Mrs. Perkins curiosity was aroused, and Sally Ann war called to see who the stranger was. But for a wonder. Sally Ann didn't know, though she "guessed the, boss was one of the East Chicopee livery." ' ' T; "He's talkin' to Liddy Knight," said rt- she, at the same time holding back the . curtain and stepping aside so as not to be visible herself. ., -. " - "Try if you can hear what he's sayln'," whispered Mrs. Perkins; but a class of boys in the school honse just then struck into the multiplication table, thus effec tually drowning anything which Sally Ann might otherwise have heard. "I know them children will split .their throats. Can't they hold up a minute,". exclaimed Mrs. Perkins, greatly annoyed at being thus prevented from overhearing a conversation the nature of which she could not even guess. . The stranger was at that moment smil ingly saying: "Tell me more about her. Does she ever scold, or has she too pretty a mouth for that?" ".No, she never scolds," said Delia Frost, "and she's got the nicest white teeth, and I guess she knows it, too, for she shows them a great deal." - "She's real white, too," rejoined Lydia Knight, "though pa says she nsed to be yaller as saffron." Here there was a gentle rap upon the window, and the girls, starting off, ex claimed: "There, we must go in." May I go; too?" asked the stranger. following them to the door. "Introduce me as Mr. Stuart." . Lydia had never introduced anybody in her life, and,, following her companions to her seat, she left Mr. Stuart standing in the doorway. With her usual politsness, Mary came forward and received, the stranger, who gave his name as Mr. Stu art, saying ''he felt much interested in common schools, and therefore had ven tured to call." Offering the seat of honor, Mary re sumed her usual duties, .- occasionally casting a look of curiosity at the stranger, whose eyes seemed constantly upon her. It was rather warm that day, and when Mary returned from her dinner Widow Perkins was greatly shocked at seeing her attired ia y light pink muslin dress, the Short sl- A of which showed to good advantar r round, white arms. A nar row vei jx. . on confined by a small brooch and a b... )" silk apron, completed her toilet, with the exception- of a "tiny locket, which was suspended from her neck by a slender gold chain. This last ornament immediately riveted Mr. Stu art's attention, and from some strange cause sent the color quickly to his face. After a time, as if to ascertain whether it were really a locket or a watch, he ask ed "if Miss Howard could tell him the hourr "Certainly, sir," said she, and stepping to the desk and consulting a silver time piece rabout the size of a dining plate, she told him that it was half -past three. When school was put Mr. Stuart, who seemed in no haste whatever, entered in' I-to a lively discussion with Mary concern ing schools and books, adroitly managing to draw her out upon all the leading top ics of the day. At last the conversation turned upop Sowers; and when Mary chanced to mention Mrs. Mason's beauti ful garden he instantly expressed a great desire to see it, and" finally offered to ac company Mary home, provided she had no objections. She could not, of course, say . no, and the Widow Perkins came very near letting her buttermilk biscuit burn to a cinder when she saw the young man walking down the road with Mary. Arrived at Mrs. Mason's, the stranger managed to make himself so agreeable that Mrs. Mason invited him to stay to tea. Whoever he -was, he seemed to un derstand exactly how-to find out what ever he wished to know; and before tea was over he had learned of Mary's in Mary and Mrs. Mason to wonder the one what he came there for, and the oth er whether he would ever come again. The widow, too, wondered and fidgeted as the sun went down behind the long mil, ; "It beats all nater what's kept him 'so long," said she,- when he at last appear ed and, unfastening his horse, drove off at a furious rate;. "but if I live I'll know all about it to-morrow;" and with this consolatory remark she returned to the best room and for the .emainder of the evening devoted herself to the entertain ment of Uncle Jim and his wife, Aunt Dolly. " 3 ' -,'.- . That evening - Mr. Knight, who had been to the postoffice, called at Mrs. Ma: 'son's, bringing with him a letter which """" "' 10 Mary, he winked at Mrs. Mason, saying. -l Kinder guess now all -.. this writin' works will end; but hain't there been a young chap to see the school?" ; "Yes; how .did you know it?" returned Mrs. Mason, while Mary flushed, more deeply than she did when Billy's letter was handed her..' ' : - "Why, you see," answered Mr. Knight, I was about at the foot of the Blanch- ard hill, when I see a buggy coming like Jehu. Just as it got agin me it kinder slackened and the fore wheel' ran off smack and scissors. - - . "Was he hurt?" quickly asked Mary. "Not a bit on't," said Mr. Knight, "but he was scared some, I gness. I got out and Helped hint; and when he heard I's from Bice Corner he said he'd been .into school. Then he asked f orty-'leven ques tions aDout you, and jest as I was settin yon up high, who should come a-canterin' up, with their long-tailed gowns, and hats like men, but Ella Campbell and a great white-eyed pucker, that came home with her from school? Either, Ella's horse was scary or she did it a purpose, for the minit she got near it began to rare, and she would have fell off if that man hadn't catched it by the bit and held her on with t'other hand. J alius was the most sanguinary of men, and I was- building castles about him and our little school: marm, when Ella came along, and I gin it up, for I see that he was took, and she did look handsome, with her curia a flyin' Wall, s I wasn't of no more use, 1 whipped up old Uharlotte and come on.' "When did; Ella return?" asked Mary. who had not before heard of her sister s arrival.. '.:"";:'',- - "I don't know," said Mr. Knight. J'The first I see' of her was cuttin' through the streets on the dead run; but I mustn't stay here gabbin', so good-night, Miss Mason good-night, Mary hope you've got good news in that ar letter." The moment he was gone Mary ran up to her room to read her letter, from which we give the following extract: "You must have forgotten George More- land, or you would hav mentioned him to me. I like him very much, indeed, and yet I could not help feeling a little jealous when he manifested so much interest in you. Sometimes, Mary, I think that for a brother, I am getting too selfish, and I do not wish anyone to like you except myself, but I surely need not feel so to ward George, the best friend I have in Boston. He is very kind, lending ma books, and has even offered to use his in fluence in getting me a situation in one of the best law offices in the city." After reading this letter Mary sat for a long time thinking of George Moreland of the time when she first knew him of all that William Bender had been to her since and wondering, as girls some times will, which she liked the best. Bill.' unquestionably had the strongest claim to her love, but could he have knows how much satisfaction she felt in think ing that George still remembered and felt interested in her he would have had some reason for fearing, as he occasionally did, that she would never be to him aught save a sister. - CHAPTER XIL The summer was drawing to a close. and with it Mary's school; She had suc ceeded in giving satisfaction to the en tire district, Mr. Knight, with whom Mary was a great favorite, offered her the. school for the coming winter, but Bhe had decided upon attending school her self, and after modestly declining his of fer, told him of her intention. - But where s the money coming from ? " said he. v..-- - '..'. Mary laughingly asked him how many bags of shoes he supposed she had stitch ed during the last two years. 'More'n two hundred, rll bet," said he. "Not quite, as many as that," answered Mary; "but still I have managed to earn my clothes and thirty dollars besides; and this, together with my school wages, will pay for one term and part of another." Well, go ahead, returned Mr. Knight. "I'd help you if I could. Go ahead; and who knows but you'll one day be the president's wife." When Widow Perkins heard that Mary was going away to school she forgot to put any yeast in the bread which she -was making, and, bidding Sally Ann "watch it until it riz," she posted off to Mrs. Ma son's to inquire the particulars, reckoning up as she went along how much fourteen weeks wages would come to at nine shil lings per week. ' i - But with all her quizzing and "pump ing, as Judith called it, she was un able to ascertain anything of importance., and, mentally styling Mrs. Mason, Mary, Judith and ail "great gumpheads," she returned home and relieved Sally Ann from her watch over unleavened bread. Both Mrs., Mason and Mary laughed heartily at the widow's-curiosity, though, as Mary said, It was no laughing mat ter where the money was to come from which she needed for her books and cloth ing." -"; ; - V Kvery thing which Mrs. Mason could do for her she did, and even Judith, who was never famous for generosity, brought in one Saturday morning a half-worn merino, which she .thought "mebby could be turned and sponged, and made into somethin' decent," adding, in an under tone, that "she'd had it out air in' on the clothes hoss for more'n two hours!" A few days afterward Jenny- Lincoln came galloping up to the school house door, declaring her intention of staying until school was out, and having a good time. , - " "I hear you are going to Wilbraham. said she, "but I want yon to go to Mount Holyoke. We -are going, a whole lot of us that is, if we can pass examination Rose isn't pleased with the Idea, but I am. I think 'twill.be fun to wash po tatoes and scour knives. I don't believe that mother would ever, have sent ns there if it were not that Ida Seldan-is going, j Her father and her Aunt Mar tha used to be schoolmates with Miss Lyon, and they have always intended that Ida should graduate at Mount Hol yoke. . Now, why can't yon go, too?"- I wish I. could, said Mary, "but can't. I haven't money enough, and there is no one to give it to me. 'It wouldn't , hurt Mrs." Campbell to help you a little," returned Jenny. "Why. last term Ella spent almost enough for candies and gutta percha.-toys to pay the expense of half a year's, schooling at Mount Holyoke. It s too bad that she should have everything and you nothing. - - ii o oe continued.) :' : , Cures Victims of Drags. A church union now exists in" New York for the most remarkable purpose on record, i Its avowed object is to cure the victims of the mnrnhlna nnrl I other drug habits and a most Impres- sire list of well-known elercrvmn dir. registered themselves In support of the scheme, which Is eon-ducted by Dr. W, N. Kiehle. .-' '" . - The plans of Dr. Richie's work and the means by which. he hopes to make it effectual are" to be made public as soon as possible. All that is withheld from the public Is the elements of the mysterious compound, which Is, Dr. Richie alleges, an absolutely infallible panacea. , Men 'and women who have sunk to the lowest levels of degradation have It, Is' claimed, , by the use of this cure become perfectly -regenerated, T Physi cians of established reputation private ly -Indorse the cure.and the testimonials appear so convincing, that the clergy men who have formed, a, union on the strength of it" feel absolutely sure" of Jts efficacy.. '." . ; -u. : Dr. Richie says that he obtained the cure from a frlencLof his,; who in turn obtained it from a German savant. The friend referred to, having "once become the slave of morphine" arid having, but 6 cents left In the worldj Converted if into a 5-cent stamp to address a letter to the German who hadoriginated the cure. The recipe came, was made use of, and the man; when Dr. Richie knew him, was enjoying an honored old age, A committee has been formed to're ceivc- donations for the cure of such pa tients as are not able to pay. Could Not Be Repeated. ' "I met Higginbee and he stopped me to tell me what his little boy said, but I'll bet one thing." "Hunt i What's that?" "I'll bet he didn't tell his boy what said." Indianapolis Press. If Satan ever gets short of fuel he ought to be able to use excuses. yam " A Surprise for Three. "I'll do it," thought Teddy, "because It will please grandpa so much. And I am not afraid, not one single mite! Not one mite!" he added slowly, as he walked toward the barn. 'That morn ing at breakfast Grandpa French had told them about poor Dobbin. He was lame; and he had to stand In his stall all day long. - . "I'd like to put him out, but he would get Into the newly planted garden," said grandpa, "and I can't spare one of the men to tend to him, so the poor fel low must stay in the barn." Teddy was only seven, and he felt just a wee bit frightened of horses, for you see he lived in the city and not on a farm. He screwed his fore head all up in a knot he thought so hard, and then he said, "I'll do It!" . "Come along, Dobbin!" he said brave ly, as he untied the big halter and seized the end of it firmly his hand. Dobbin walked hurriedly out over the barn floor, clumpety clump, through the door and into the bright sunshine. Then he stopped. ; "Get up r said Teddy. ; v Dobbin tossed up his head and snort ed, and then he did go along in good earnest He hopped and he cantered and ran limping ver the ground so fast that Teddy had to run to keep up with him. - : - '. - - Whoa!" he shouted. "Whoa, Dob bin!". " But Dobbin didn't whoa till he stood under Teddy's oak-tree, and then he laid down on the soft green grass and rolled and rolled. Poor little Teddy Just glanced at those flying feet,' and then he scram bled Into the tree.- He was too fright ened to say a word. . Oh, If grandpa would only come! He screamed and screamed at the top ; of his voice, Grandpa! grandpa!" It's Dobbin," he explained, when grandpa discovered him, "I-was going to s'prise you and take Dobbin out, an' then he rolled an' then" his voice was very low, "an' then I climbed up here an' Dobbin's in the garden!" "Well, well, well!" laughed grandpa. I guess we've had a surprise party all around! Tou surprised Dobbin, he sur prised you, and youboth surprised me. that's certain!" . . " . '. "If I'd. had a clothes-line," faltered Teddy, "I. could have held on when climbed up here. I'll get it next time, grandpa," he added, brightly. But grandpa answered very decided ly: "'There mustn't be any next time. Teddy, remembar! One surprise party Is a plenty for one summer!" And "then he went to hunt for Dob bin. -Youth's Companion. . MiscMevoui Maiaie. . One morning when Mischievous Maisie arose She saw from her window the long gar den hose. ' Which William had left when he went to pick peas." s So Maisie examined the hose at her ease, And decided to water the flowers near - by, - " '.. . , ' . . Which she did very well, tijl she happen ed to spy - f '' The kitten, the Imp, and turning to look. She pointed the hose at fat Susan, the " - cook, ". . ; .- - ' ' - Who was not at all pleased with the sud - den cold bath. ; 7 - . . ; - And promptly complained to her mistress in wrath.. - - ' . - - - A Boy Fiddle Maker. v " "The Fiddle Maker of Tamarack" is the. title won by Harry Evans, a 14- year-old boy living at Syracuse, N.- Y, Last March the boy started in to make a fiddle after theStradivarlus model. He got books from public libraries treating on the subject, and then sup pleid himself with fine seasoned woods from far away places. : Then with the best tools he could get, he went to work, getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning, that he might have time for his violin making before school. When his first violin was completed he found that it weighed too much, according to the Stradivarlus standard, so with in finite patience he took it all apart and smoothed, ana sandpapered the sur faces until it was reduced to the proper weight - Then he Invited all the musi cians of note in the city to come and hear it, for he Is something of a violin player as well, as maker.- Every one proclaimed the fiddle a marvel In work manship and tone, and its maker genius. He Is a nephew of the actor, Charles Rlegel, of New York. ; The boy has a sister who Is. deserv ing Of mention. She is 15 years old and is In business for herself, having opened a grocery which promises to de velop into a department store, having already a meat market, a drug depart- UAISIS AND THS 6AKDRS HOSE. ment, an ice cream parlor, and a candy kitchen. The American Boy. Bailie's Answer. Sallie, what Is 8 minus 6?" Sallie could not answer, which was nothing unusual, whereupon the teach er, thinking it might aid her by stating less abstractly, said: 'Now, Sallie, If your mamma went to the barn and found 8 eggs, and nsed of them to bake a cake, what would she have left?" With a smile of contempt, Sallie an swered, "Why, shells!" . Papa Waa Sa-rins;. "Here," said Benny's papa, showing the little fellow a coin, "is a penny 300 years old. It was given to me when I was a boy."- . "Well," cried Benny; "Just think of any one's being able to keep a penny as long as that without spending it!" - What Mamma Called Him. Stranger What is your name, little boy? v Little Boy Willie. Stranger Willie what? Little Boy Willie Don't I guess. Thaf s what mamma always calls- me. Particular About His Treatment. Small Tommy was sent home ill from the kindergarten one day and as he entered the house he said: "Mamma, 'm just awful sick, but I don't want you to try any faith cure on me"; : ODD WHITE HOUSE INDUSTRY. Mra,McKlnley' Pleasure In One of Ear Choaea Avocations. A recent visitor at the White House found the wife of the President busy, as usual, knitting the woolen tops to slipper soles. A pleasant protest that the first lady of the land should so steadily employ herself was well an swered. ' Why shouldn't she knit the slippers? It was about all she could do In her state of health. And then' the gentle lady told with undisguised satisfaction of the sale of a pair of her slippers at a 'New Eng land fair for a good purpose. The slip pers had brought $350, which had gone for the benefit of the -cause. If there existed a desire for the possession- of a pair of slippers knitted by the wife of the President measured by such a sum, why should she not try to meet it, and thereby extend help to worthy objects? Mrs. McKlnley defended her vocation admirably. Frequent requests for some handiwork of- the President's wife to be utilized for the benefit of charity or church come to the White House. None is" refused so long as Mrs. McKlnley has the strength to fulfill them. Relating to the leather soles of these slippers, there is a story which en hances their value.-Mrs. McKlnley told It recently. On one occasion, early in the first term. Vice President Hobart came Into the presence of the lady while she had her knitting in band. He picked up from a table near by a sole upon which work had not begun. - Where do you get these?" he asked when he had learned of the charitable purpose of the industry." Mrs. McKinley.. replied that she bought the soles by the dozen. 'Well," said , the Vice President, "these are made at my factory. I will see thaf hereafter you are supplied with the soles 'for the slippers without cost That shall be my contribution to the good work." From that day, so long as he lived, Vice President Hobart, saw that the stock of .soles as often as It ran low through Mrs. McKinley's industry was replenished. And since the death of the Vice President Mrs. Hobart has kept up the contribution from the factory. ' The Strange Lighthouse Tree. Among the world's curiously formed trees the Asiatic star tree is not con spicuous, but among nature's freaks in the tree class it stands alone. Its prop erties are entirely peculiar to itself. Its history is clouded, its attributes unlike anything seen in other trees. ; Enormously tall, a man ofordinary height Is dwarfed into nothingness be side its trunk.. Bare from the ground np to a distance of about forty feet, It puts forth at that place a hundred tan gled limbs. From the latter there shoot out great clusters of long pointed leaves which, bunching themselves together, exude a kind Of phosphorescent lighl at night giving a strange spectral appear ance to the bin tree. - Travellers on the desert, descrying .this tree at night, frequently - mistake the giant-leaved thing for the illumined window of a house or some lonely tower. . The light is not brilliant; it Is subdued, but vol umlnous, and lasts until daybreak. .. -Csed, the Telephone. A San Franciscan, who has recently returned from Honolulu, relates that while there he had occasion to Inquire about two ladies who, he understood, were stopping at the Chapin House, and accordingly used the telephone. r ."Let me have the Chapin House," he said to central, and, when the connec tion was made, he Inquired if the two Madies were there. ... . "No," came the answer. -"But they were there last night, weren't they?" "Yes." was the hesitating reply; "but we had to let them go this morning. - "Had to let them go," echoed the San Franciscan;; "why, what sort of a hotel are you running?" "This Isn't a hotel," replied the voice at the other end. 5. . "Isn't that the Chapin House?" de manded the mystified San Franciscan. -"No." was the reply, "It's the station house."; :-; "-"'' - ' S': y : - When a man is confronted with a lot of his old love letters Jh a breach, of promise suit he realizes that kind words can never die. -y -.. ; -i, : All work and no play may wake Jack a dull boy, but very few boys will be come dull if left to themselves. . Salae the Calve. Evidently there is a better chance for profit now in growing young stock either for the dairy or for beef than at any time in the past ten years, and perhaps In the last twenty years. But we have the statistics for the past ten years as sent out by the Agricultural Department at Washington. In 1890 there were In the United States 36,849, 024 cattle. In 1895, 84,364,216. Since that time there has been a steady de crease of about two million head per year, until in 1899 there were but 27, 874,225. In 1890 there were 589 cattle to each one thousand Inhabitants, and in 1899 only 373 to each thousand. As the number has decreased the price has increased. The reports of the Kansas City stock yards show the following prices for prime steers on Aug. 10 for three years: In 1897, $4.80 per hundred pounds, 1898 same date $5.25, and In 1899 $6.20. It is said that there are not as many cattle In Texas now as in 1895 by more than 2,500,000. Nor is the de cline in numbers in the United States alone. Cuba was said to have about eight hundred thousand cattle In 1895, and at the close of the war had but twenty-five . thousand. " There must have been a great reduction in South Africa since the Boer war began, and Australia has been heavily drawn upon to feed British troops. If five or ten years ago farmers in New England or any of the United States could not raise or fatten beef profitably to sell at the price Western beef cattle cost when brought here, it does not follow that they cannot do both now. Six dol lars and a quarter per hundred pounds In Brighton for the best grade of steers to-day should leave a margin for profit to the feeder, if he feeds to the best advantage, and If he grows his own young stock, and most of his own food for them, It seems as if nearly all was profit or at least pay for his labor. And while they are growing, the manure heap is Increasing in size, to help add fertility to the farm and increase its productiveness. American Cultivator. Early Garden Vegetables. There was a time when the gardener who had. his produce ready for the market earlier than his less enter prising neighbor was well repaid for his care and trouble by better prices for the products. Then the early bird caught the wealthy consumer. Now the early worm in the Northern States finds his profits if not himself picked up by those in a Southern climate, who can plant grow and put on the mar ket a crop before the plow can pene trate the frozen soil of the Northern States.' We are inclined to think the chance for profit to-day, for market gardeners here, is in growing such crops as will not mature until South ern produce ho longer fills our mar kets, and perhaps in putting that In cold storage that it may not be brought out until there are indications that it Is much wanted by those who are will ing to pay liberal prices for it : Let early crops pass by, and strive to grow crops of such quality as will suit even those" who have been using the earlier products oV the South, which are not Improved by long transportation. Massachusetts Ploughman. ... . For Washing Vegetable. A combined washing tank and dry ing table for vegetables, is Illustrated In the Ohio Farmer.: A is the tank. B the table, hinged to tank, and the legs hinged to table. When not in nse, the two legs are folded over on the ta ble, and the table folded over so as to make a lid for the tank,, the legs fold T'ANK AHD DBTISO TABLE. Ing inside out of the way. The tank can be set anywhere for convenience. The bottom of the tank should be low er at one corner, with a hole there to let out water by withdrawing a plug. Po tatoes and other vegetables should be washed before taking to market They present a nice, clean appearance that makes them sell better. Creamery Butter. It is reported that in the vicinity of some of the best creameries in the but ter-making sections it is difficult to ob tain a package of really good cream ery-butter, unless it is sent from the city. dealers who may have bought it right there. An ironclad contract places it all in the hands of . certain dealers, and even those who place their milk In co-operative creameries are not able to obtain good butter for home use. This is but a mistake, for those which have a good reputation could easily have a certain number of pounds or tubs to be retained for home patrons, and it is said that some do this, avoid ing their contracts by putting special brands on such lots.. v -' -.-;. V' -, 11 ' . Barley and Oats. ; . At the North - Dakota Experiment Station they " made ar trial for nine months of the comparative value of feeding oats and barley to three horses and two mules. In every case of anl nials working in pairs at the same work, the one given barley made less gain or lost more flesh, according to the work they were doing. When changed about the result was the same. The one that gained flesh on oats lost It on barley. Beside this If the bar ley feed was continued long, the ani mal that had it would refuse to eat the barley, sometimes (or several meals. The rough fodder was the same. good timothy hay in all cases. They therefore decided 'that barley was not as valuable food for horses as oats when fed in equal weights. The Cranberry Fire worm. The larvae of Rhopobota vaccinlana; or cranberry fireworm, cause consider able damage to the cranberry crop of Massachusetts. The larvae of the first . brood seldom cause much Injury, while those of the second brood are often ex ceedingly destructive. Where the cran berry bogs .can be flooded with water at the proper season for destroying the larvae, this method Is very effective, but in many cases it is Impossible to use water in this way. Experiments were tried with arsenate of lead, which was usd as a spray at the rato of 9 pounds to 150 gallons of water. The first application was made in the early part of June. The second brood of 'caterpillars appeared during the first part of July, and a second application was made, the insecticide being used at the rate of 134 pounds to 150 gallons of water. Nearly all the larvae were de stroyed, and a great saving in the cran berry crop was the result of this meth od. It was found that three men with a good outfit could spray eight acres of cranberry bog In ten hours. A $5,ooo Cw. This cow was purchased at the Chi cago stock yards recently for $5,000 by N. W. Brown, of Delphi, Ind.. and is DOLLY II. Hereford. Carnation, a Kansas City cow, held the former world's record. A few weeks ago, at an exciting sale. J. C. Adams, of Moweaqua, 111., bought the animal for $3,700. Fodder Corn. The farmer who does not plan ta have a field of corn fodder to use this summer for his milch cows will de serve no pity if he finds his milk sup ply so short next summer that it will not sell for enough to pay what it costs him for feed. The excess of rain during the first four months of this yeai may be taken as a good indication ot a drought later on, and the crop is so easily and cheaply grown, so valuable if needed for feeding green, and so easily kept for winter use if not fed in the summer that there seems no excus for failing to produce it There ara other forage crops that have been hlghr ly recommended, but we think the corn crop is as well adapted to New Eng land as any, and almost any one knowi the soil and care it needs. We would put in one field in May and follow witl others up to the middle of July to give continuous feeding when needed. New England Homestead. 'About Cows. The Farm Journal says that a cow giving 5,000 pounds of 4 per cent mllB will produce only $50 worth of butter, while one that will produce 8.00C pounds of 5 per cent milk will produce $100 worth of butter, and her calf is worth three times as much as that ol the first There will be little difference in the cost of keeping the two cows, so that where the first gives a profit ol $30 the latter will net the owner $100, if we count the first cow's calf at $10 and the other at $30. Some people dc not think there Is much difference Id cows, but some cows forget to pa j their board bills, while others take great pleasure in supplying the table with luxuries, paying the Interest clothing the "baby and paying the hired girl. The good cow is a poor farmer'i friend. Water and Drlnkintc Vessel. ' One of the most important things to be looked after in raising chicks is their drink. They should have fresh water placed in clean drinking foun tains. A fountain that cannot be open ed and cleaned never should be used, for a slimy substance will form on the Inside of the fountain and unless re moved will surely cause bowel trouble. Many persons have lost nearly all their chickens from this' cause and then won dered why they are not successful. Exchange. " Saltinz in the Chnr-. Salting In the churn Is practiced .bjr many butter-makers and especially by farmers. . The butter granules are al lowed to reach the size of a grain of wheat the salt is then added and the churn slowly revolved. It will not take the salt long to become thoroughly In corporated in the butter. . The maker will soon be able to estimate the amount of salt required for any one churning. , , ; .'.'''. Files and Horses. ' :" To prevent files from worrying horses, take two or three handfuls cf walnut leaves and pour thereon boil ing water about one pint to each innje handful of leaves. , Let thl "walnut leaf tea" cool, bottle It off and, before the horse goes out damp bis ears and -other parts most troubled by. flies with the Infusion, using a sponge for the purpose,