Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 21, 1901, Image 3

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    THE Mills GAZET fE,
FUIPAY, JUNE 21,1901.
Suits f
and Skirts;
We bare now ox f ale, en J new '
Spring Suits & Dress
" Skirts,
0t suits comprise the newest and
best ( the lata ereatiom Bach at coat and
elere effects and poitilllon backi. New
style skirts are alto shown aid jackets
The price of our suits range from $8.00
S, B Young & Son
Mirny, Cregcn.
The Black Cat.
Take your eggs to Young's.
H 8 and M clothing, at Klines.
AH kinds of repairing, at (be
Bicycle Hospital. .-. -
You can keep corf, by visiting
Nolan & Callahan.
Biass curtain rods for tab at
Young's Cash Store.
Bay the Black Cat hote the kind
tkat wears, for sale only a.t Kline's.
Horns-grown cherries have made
their appearance ia the local mar
ket. - '
Freeh candy, fruit and nuts, al
ways on hand at the Commission
Poultry food, poultry cure, and
iasect powder, at the Commission
All work guaranteed by Albert J.
Uetger, watchmaker, three doers
north of the poetoffice.
Our ladies' and men's furnishing
g tods departments are very com
plete. Nolan & Callahan.
Friday is the. time to order yonr
dressed chicken for Sunday's din
ner, at the Commission Store.
Mothers, go to Young's Cash
Store for children's ready-made
waists. A new line just arrived.
For draperies, lace curtains, por
tieres, leu age covers, bagdads, table
linens, towels and napkias, Nolan
& Callahan. r v a:-
MordaUnt GOodnough will teach
the piano and ofgan in - Corvallis
this summer. For terms etdj call
at residence one block west of court
Among the A! sea teachers at
tending the institute are Misses
Janie Vernon and Mattie Chandler,
and Mr. D. D. Longbottoaa. They
arrived in town, Tuesday.
Misb$aTy Jones fjave a party to
number of her friends, Tuesday
evening, at her borne in Jobs Addi
tion. Light - refreshments were
served and a most enjoyable time
is reported. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Booth expect
to leave today for the coast, where
they will most likely remain for the
summer. They will take charge of
their property on Nye creek during
the watering season.
.- ' .
Judge Woodward aad Commis
sioner Xnotts went np to Monroe,
yesterday, to see the gravel loader
tested. This loader is the one that
was constructed by Farley & Ralls J
ior tne couniy at a contract price
ef $250.
Tonight the Odd Fellows will
tender a reception to C. E. Moor
and S. A. Hemphill, who have been
for fifty years members of this
order. A splendid program has
been prepared and a pleasant treat
is in store lor those wno are present
on this occasion.
Miss Anna Goodojaa, who has
been teaching school in Berry, ar
rived in 'Corvallis, Wednesday, to
to attend the teachers' institute.
She has been the guest of Miss Nel
lie Evans daring the visit. Miss
Goodman expects to leave today for
her home in Alsea.
Mrs. Florence jenes, . mother of
Mrs. J. H. Harris,, of this city, ar
rived, Tuesday, ; fiom her home in
Lakeview. South Eastern Oregon
Wednesday, she went to Portland
to be present at the graduation of
her daughter, who has oeen attend
ing college in the metropolis. ;
An agricultural paper, comment
tea on the possible ' inorease of
heep in the. Willamette Valley,
states that three or. four times as
.tnanv sheen as aro in the valley . at
'.present can be maintained without
in any way interfering witn mo
agricultural products of the this
section. ;'
C. B. Wells and daughter left,
Tuesday, for La. Grande, Eastern
Orron. Mr. Wells has a "married
daughter there. Should h fail to
find anything that suits him in that
section it ia his intention to go up
int.n Alberta, a nrovioce Of Canada
Hii sons are at present losatod in
jsortnern Aiosna.
, W.' A. Sanders, the watchnoak'er.
Call and see Kline's new grocery
No charges for prescriptions jit
the Bicycle Hospital.
Lavo orders at the Commission
Store for all kinds of wood. ,'
Don't fail to remember that Kline
is still paying 5 cents for eggs.
Mrs. Mary Bryson is visiting Eu
gene friends. She left Tuesday.
Our premium dishes are for cash
buyers only. Nolan & Callahan.
Young keeps tha Brown "Star 6
Star" shoes, tho best ia the market.
Herman Tohl, of O A C. left
Tuesday for his home at Tillamook.
Our men's ar-d boys' shoe depart
ment is very strong. Nolan & Cal
Mrs, Gillespie and children leave
today ior a visit with relatives at
The last meeting of tho Coffee
Club before vaeation, ooeurs Mon
day afternoon at 2:30.
Mrs. J. R. Hughes and mother,
Mrs. Hughes, returned Wednesday
to their home in Portland..
John Howard, Roy Howard aad
Dick Fruit left by wkeel Tuesday
morning for Eastern Oregon.
Gus Danneman returned a few
days ago to his borne ia Clem, after
a tea days' visit with his family.
Frank Sites and wife returned to
their homo at Yachats Tuesday,
after a brief .visit with friends in
Corvallis.. ' ; ii.
The filnthincr we" Bell ia nurfeci
The "invisible part is just as good
as that wiicn you can soe. JNolan
& Callahan.
"Wednesday, Mrs. L. L. Porter, of
Oregon City, arrived in Corvallis
for a visit with her parents, J. A.
Spaagler and wife. ,
Mies Cecil Wellsher nas been en
gaged to teach n three months'
term of school In the Willamette
district, beginning the first ' of
August. "
Miss Armstrone. of Portland, who
has been the guest since commence
ment of Dr. and Mrs. Withycombe,
left Monday for her home.
Miss Minnie Buxton : leaves to
morrow for f ortland, where she
will enter the Good Samaritan hos
pital for the purpose of becoming a
trained nurse. ,
Services as usual at the Baptist
ehurch next Sunday. A foreign
mission sermon will be preached ib
the morning. Everybody is eor
dially invited to attend.
There is to be an ice cream aad
strawberry social Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar
Healy. Tho affair is given for the
benefit of the Baptist church, and
the public is oordially invited.
Ray Goodrich, of the '99 O A C
feotbal team find well known here,
ha9 been the guest for the past week
of "Bruce Barnett and Ed Rosen
dorf. He came down from Eugene
where he attended school the past
year. - -
Tickets will be on said July 3rd
and 4th, good for return up to July
9th inclusive, between all points on
O. JK. fe IS, lines, at one fare for the
round trip. Don't fail to take ad
vantage of this opportunity to visit
your friends. Grand celebrations
will be held at diflerent points on
our lines.
It is sincerely hoped that a- large
number of people will -attend the
firemen's meeting this evening.
There are several places in town
that would be at the mercy of a fire,
if such were once started. Among
other buildings may be mentioned
the public school. In this every
body should be interested, i .
Chas. H. Horner, graduate and
salutatorian of the class of '01, O A
C, departed, Wednesday, for., his
home in Salem. During the past
year he has been editor-in-chief of
tha college "15arometer,'r and the
various lumbers of., the mag
azine speak volumes in his praise.
Charles has many friends in Cor
vallis who will glVe him, a hearty
Weloome when he chooses to come
np on a visit. ;
Evel since the Opera House in
Albany burned down a couple of
years ago there has been a crying
need for such a bunding. Kecently
there has been considerable agita
tion of the matter and Dr. J. L.
Hill has offered to pnt up such a
play house as can be constructed
and fitted up for from ; $8,000 to
$10,000. All that he asks is that
progressive citizens will raise him a
Bonus of $l,5UU. A his seems to be
Albany's opportunity..
Quite a lot of plumbing is to be
done at the agricaltural college on
the administration building, the
mechanical hall and the ladies'
dormitory, f. R. Smith & Co. will
do the plumbing. About two weeks
ago, when in Portland, Mr. Smith
ordered the necessary material
frm the East. It is expected to
arrive in Corvallis about the middle
of July. On its arrival the work of
plumbing wiil begin. WO. Heck
art will do the carpentering neces
sary in connection with the task of
plumbing. It is the intention or J.
R. Smith & Co, to complete this
work in about three weeks after
the work is started, but they do not
wish to begin operations before all
the material arrives, in order not to
balk anything. r
Bargains in all summer goods at
Jsolan & Callahan s.,- 2 : A.
Eggs 17 cents per dozen at F. L.
Miller's, who's the farmers' friend.
Miss Bessie Dilley, and little
brother left for a two weeks' visit at
Scio, yesterday.
I. R. Danial and H. A. Scoggin
arrived home, yesterday, from a
week's outiag in the Big iUk coun
try. . .. : . .... :
: The C. & E. train from the front
now get3 into Albany one hour
etrlier and leaves one hour earlier
for Detroit.
Pres. T. M. Gatch and family
took their departure, Wednesday,
for Nye creek, to occupy their new
cottage for the summer.
Park McDonald left Tuesday for
Portland, where he hat been offered
a good situation. He expects (o re
main until fall, at least.
Dilley is offering tho finest wheel
on earth an Imperial for $25.
He guarantees it and will keep it in
repair for one Beason without oost.
Mr?. Agues Thompson offers for
sale up to July 1st the furniture,
stoves, etc., at her residence, Corner
Fifth and Jefferson streets, Cor
vallis. .
Rev. G. S. O. Humbert and wife
left for Turner, Wednesday, to at
tend the annual meeting of the
Christian Church Association
which convened at that place yos
terday. Wayne Starr was taken to Port
land by the deputy U. S. marshal,
Tuesday, where he will be tried for
the robbery of the Dusty postofhee.
E. C. Clement, postal Inspector, was
up -from l'ortiano, Wednesday.
He secured the stamps and other
articles, stolen from the "Office by
Starr.- :''-'
Principal J. . J. Bryan, of the
Toledo schools, left for San Fran
cisco, ' Saturday. - He. will act as
traveling salesman for a' large
wholesale house in that city during
the summer r -and , will, return to
Oregon this fall to resume - his
duties as principal of the Toledo
Schools. . j .....r; ' . '-' ' " . '-
Company G, O. N. G., has secur
ed the services of Hermann Breyer,
of this city, as cook for the com
pany during its coming; enoamp
ineat, from June 23d : to 30th.
Hermann 'served as cook with the
Oregon boys in the Philippine
campaign,- aud he'r considers the
small caBUahty list of that regi
ment his strongest recommendation.
Burt & Lemon, painters of Salem,
who secured the contract for re
painting the various O A C build
ings, began work during tha first of
the week. . Work started on Alpha
Hall, whioh is to bs painted white,
with lemon trimmings. Canthorn
Hall is to be stone colored , with
light trimmings, and the laboratory
will be finished ia nearly the same
colors as Cauthorn Hall.
Wiedermaau's Big Show will open
a week's engagement at the opera
house on July 1st. This is an
eastern repetoire company and it
has7 been prononnced by the public
and press of California to be the best
popular priced attraction ever seen
on the Pacific coast. The company
carries a . magnificent uniformed
band and orchestra, which will be
Been daily in street parade and con
cert.: -. .
Wilbur Starr returned a few days
ago from a Portland hospital, where
he was the subject, reoently, of a
delicate surgical operation, When
a child Mr. Starr received a blow on
the head, from the effects of which
he - has - been a sufferer ever
since, and ia the effort- ta get relief
he has spent a considerable sum.
The reeent operation consisted ef
lifting a portion of the skull which
had been a pressure on the brain.
The patient is already greatly im
proved and a complete cure is al
most assured.
In a good deal cf the most fertile
portion of tho Willamette Valley
there is only, about one family to
each 320 acres of land. There are
some farmers who can make three
or four times .as much as tho aver
age farmer on 320 acres, but we be
lieve it will be found that the aver
age farmer who farms 320 acres
makes nothing more than a fair
living. In. this fact lies one of the
greatest obstacles to the achieve
ment and maintenance of 1 good
roads. With only one or twofarm
e s to the square mile the oost of
good roads cannot be met. What
the Willamette Vallev needs is a
system of farmiae which will 'give
eight or ten families a good living
on each square tftile. Agncnilurlst
Mention was mads in this paper
a conple of weeks aao 6f the acci
dental shooting of Nathan Samp
ter. while huntintr in the mountains
near Berry. The Albany Herald
gives tho following account of his
present condition: Nathan bo me
ter, the young mn who was shot
through the head, two weeks a-jo
and brought from the mountains to
Albany for treatment, has so far
recovered that he has been' walking
abeut the house, r and yesterday
crossed the house to a neleheors
For three days after the accident
brain matter was .discharged from
the wound. Since the swelling has
subsided the skull from the right
to the ton of the head is found to
be crushed, and, notwithstanding
all this, there seems a possibility ot
his recovery. . y ...
, Married. J :
At the residence of the bride's
parents, in this city, at 7 o'clock
We '::-dav evening, Harley L
hail :' -i Grace E. Adams.
only daughter of Mr. . and Mrs.
D. S. Adams, were united in
wedlock, Rev. Mark Noble offici
ating. .
The residence was nicely deco-
rated with roses and house plants
and everything was in perfect
accord with the occasion. The
brides was attired - in white and
the ceremony was performed in
the presence of only the immedi
ate relatives of the contracting
parties. ? Immediately after the
marriage occurred the young
couple took a conveyance and
drove to Albany, en route to Sa
lem, where they will visit a few
days with relatives. They will
then return to Wells, where they
will reside until after harvest. It
is Mrv Hall's intention to locate
in Guy, Wash., in the fall and
take charge of a drug store which
he owns in that city.
The bride is well known in
this city and has a host of friends
and acquaintances and she bears
the highest character. The groom
is a young man who has been
raised in this county. He at
tended college here and at Pacific
University, and at both institu
tions was very popular in football
circles. - He is steady and up
right in his manners and has no
bad habits. The Gazette ex
tends hearty congratulations and
wishes the young couple all pos
sible success in their journey
through life.. ;
A. T. Woods and Miss Tina
Richardson were united in matri
mony yesterday at the M. E. par
sonage, Rev. Frank I,. Moore
officiating. They ; are both of
Blodgetts, Mr. Woods being the
storekeeper at that place. They
are both highly . respected and
numerous friends extend good
wishes. They left bn the after
noon train for their home, to take
up life's work in earnest.
W. H. Height, of Polk county,
and Miss .Viola Miller, of Philo
math, were' united " in the holy
bonds of wedlock, Wednesday.
The marriage ceremony occurred
at the Baptist parsonage, this
city, and was performed by Rev.
Mark Noble. Both of the youug
people are spoken of most highly
arid many friends hope for thejr
success in life.
Teachers Chosen.
The board, of school directors
held a meeting Saturday evening
and selected the following teach
ers for the coming school year:
Prof. S. W. Holmes, 9th grade ;
N. Tartar, 8th grade; Miss Mat
tie Lee, ef Wells, 7th grade;
Mrs. Laura Campbell, of Albany,
6th grade; Miss Ella Carria, 5th
grade; Miss Edith Alderson, 4th;
Miss Lena. McCormiek, 3rd
grade; Miss Ida Maxwell, and
grade; Mrs. May Nelms , ist
grade. : Since the meeting of the
board Miss Maxwell has tender
ed Ber resignation She ttas ac
cepted an invitation to occupy
the chair of household science ia
U. ftf W., la Seattle. This
again leaves a vacancy, but It is ;
likely that the board will hold a j
special meetiag sooa aad Select a j
teacher to complete the corps.
Prof. Helaes is a graduate et
Willamette Uaiversity, having
completes a nine-years' course in
this Institution ia four and a half
years; This fact alone- speaks
volumes in his faver. eot the
past twe- years he has been en;
igea at v teaching in tiraat'6
Pass. T&e last issue of the
Times left "many people ia tie
dark as to whether Prof. McDon
ald had been re-engaged or aot.
He was not.
Teams Canset Cross.
Tadee Wood desires te. state
that teams will not be allowed to
pass over the Marys river bridge
from tbist Friday), morning until
tomorrow noon, oa account ef
repairs that are in progress,
Diacasslea ot the coaditiea t
the brilge- determiacd ;. Jndge
Woodward to haye the bridge
thoroughly examined by , Mr.
Frank Miller.' of Albany, the
well-known bridge builder. Mr.
Miller gave the bridge a thorough
examinations, Taesday, and rec
ommended certain repairs, with
whioh he considered the bridge
waald be perfectly safe for an
other year at least
, Contractor Tillotson and . his
force ef men will begin the task
of ralsiae the south end of the
stracture this morning. 1 It will
be raised & few inches .so M to
allow the removal f seme of the
old caps, that set on tha filing,
and 'the substitution of new ones.
A few new co.pple bldeks will be
pat in. - Mr. ;Tillo!son wilLork
as many men as possible la "order
to have the bridge open for traf
fic at tSft earliest moment
A Crying Shams
other visitors at the
offica this week were
two gentlemen from Alsea. I,ike
all residents of that seetiett who
succeed in crossing "the moun
tain" safely, the burden of their
conversation was ; the horrible
condition of the ioad across this
during the winter months:
almost impassible barrier. Fdr
at least six months in tha year
between 500 and 800 people liv
ing in Alsea and the country trib
utary are practically cut off from
the outside world. This matter
has been S3 thoroughly gone over
by the papers of Corvallis in
time past that it is unnecessary
td dilate upon it here. Suffice
it to say, the fact that such con
ditions exist is a crying shame.
The thing td do is to formulate a
remedy and apply it. There is
a sentiment among the people of
Alsea ia favor of the establish
ment Of a small sawmill at a con
venient place equipped for saw
ing blocks suitable for Corduroy
ing the road in question. There
is an abundance of timber grow
ing along the road and it is be
lieved that enough volunteer la
bor could be secured to do the
jvork. ' '
1 ue late legislature passeu a
T. . 1 - t . 1
bill providing for the appoint
ment Of a readmaster by the
county court,. ritU sufficient sal
ary to warrant him in employing'
his entire time from Mareh 1st to
December ist, in superintending
construction of -reads and build
ing of bridges. A competent
engineer could aceompllsh much
between now and next fall in the
way f improving the Alsea
mountain road with the assist
ance even of unskilled labor.
Sunday School Picnic.
Afeoat 9:30 o'clock Tuesday
fflOrniag three hay wagoa loads
of members of tha Presbyterian
Sunday school, together with an
immense quantity of choice eat
ables, started for Crott's Grove,
This is across the. Willamette
from Cortallis a few" miles
About 11 a. m. tne grove . was
reached and it proved to be an
ideal place lor such a gathering.
The day was ideal in every re
spect and the children were
amused in various ways. They
all enjoyed themselves to the ut
most and the only thing" tUat se
es rred to mtr the pleasure efthe
picaicers was a slight aecident
that befell the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. O. Lincoln" Ben
sett. The ' child iamped from
one of the wagons aad sustained
a severe sprain of one of hex
ankles. . She will be laid as for
a week or more. -
Additional Local.
"Bull Breeohes," strongest work
ing pants made. No rips. Nolaa
& Callahan.
A bargain :-An all wool fine twist
black suit for $10.00, ef the Hart
Schaffner and Mart brand. Best
made. At Klines.
Professor W. O. Swan and family
have "returned to Corvallis. Pro
fessor Swan; has just closed a suc
cessful term of school at Baefla
Vista. ' ;: , ; . . - -; , -
A farmers' meeting will be held
at Wells this afterneon. o. jj.
Smith of Minnesota, whe is travel
ing in Oregon at the instance of the
Southern Pacific railroad, will be
oae of the principal speakers. -
Printers, like Hamlet, are as a
rule "even poor in thanks," bat we
contribute freelr from our store of
gratitude to Miss Blanche . Kiddle
for kindly remembering, us with a
box of fine cherries from the splen
did orchard at her home in Deng
las county. .
Pastor F. L. Moore will occupy
the pulpit at the M. E. church next
Sunday. Morninjr. saDjeet: ' rue
Method of present Day Revelation."
Evening, "The Truth About a Gen
eral Judgment" - A welcome "ex
tended to - straneers. - Remember
also the Sunday School and Ep
worth League. '
Surveyor; G. A.- Wageoner, ot
Benton, and O. M. Collier, surveyor
for Lane county, will begin the es
tablishment of the boundary line
between these two counties, Mon
day, June 24th. ' A law passed by
the late legislature provides that
(-permanent boundary lines may be
located by tne surveyors of tne
counties interested." ; This . will
prove a happy solution of tha dis
pute which .arose between Benton
and Lane over the south boundary
of this county.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys end bladder right
Sensational Prices in the jTail
or Suit and Shirt Waist Dept.
Final reduction of the season, on ' Ladies'
Suits; and Shirt Waists and a general
clean-np of all spring and summer
'"'.V . - '. goods. ;; . '.
' WAISTS . '
- Our 50 cent Waists, now 39 cents.
Our .75 cent Waists, now 50 cents.
Oar $1.00 Waists, now 80 cents
Oaf $!.50 Waists, now $1.20.
at KLINEfS, The White House,
- ..... g
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House I
I Pioneer Bakery
I Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly 'on hand. Smokers supplies
I - - a .specialty. . 1
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
Strong Academic aad Professional Coarse.
Bxyenees range from $rao to $175 per
For catalog containing full announcements, address.
, v. BurrER.
lOreat plue for $10
" "' ' a" Wo0' ' fj '
I - -:-' ; ! piack 1
. Schaffner? M'. ' -" .' 1 - i -fM i
V;& Marx" fO1;. I! 'V of the.,.. . ;g . -Tailor, tj
? HII If :;: Ilk ; ; ;famous ft .e9 cf
Correct Clothing. Extra Fine Suits $16.50
The man who wears a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit can rest assured that
his clothes are correct form, that they are ia good taste and rfght in fit
and fashion; materials are the finest we can buy, and the sewing aad tail
oring aa perfect as skill can make them. : , '
Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits
We can order you these o the best materials silk lined throughout. '
The least in Quantity and most in
quality describes De Witt's Little Early
Bisers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaiata. Graham & Wells.
X Call for Warrant No. 2881.-
' Notice is hereby given that there is
money in the treasury to pay City war
rant Number 2881, endorsed Nov. 14tb,
1899. Interest will stop on the same
from this date, .
- Wm. McLaoar,
City Treasurer.
Dated Corvallis, Or., June 7th, 1901.
' x SUITS '
All $8.50 Snits now $6.38
All $10.00 Snits now $6.74
All $12.50 Snits now $8.20
All $16.50,Suits now $12.25
These are all new goods this spring, and
are strictly ur-to'date in style "and workmanship.-
' ' : - "
r a We especially ask you to call. We will
take pleasure in showing you goods and prices
State Normal School
Monmouth Oregon. .
for graduates ot th. Normal School, dur
ing the past year has been much beyond
the supply.
Positions from $40 to $75 ecr month.
Students are prepared for the slate exam
. inaliona and readily take state papers on
graduation. .
' Well Equipped Tiaiaice Xesaritncct
year.J FalliTcim Opens Stptttnberii7th.l
. Freudani.
New Lumber Yards.
The Benton County Lumber Co'4 haa
opened a jard at the corner of 5th arid
Washineton streets, near tha 8. P. dant
in. this city. They have a full stock of
fine fir lumber. Prices quoted on j
plication. " . .
Native Herbs.
Anyone desiring this great blood purl-
ner, may secure the same by calling on
or addressing
F. Klesker,
. , Philomath, Or.
Price $1 per bex. - .
. orano ot oopvrwht