SEMI-WEEKLY. UNION KstKb. July. 1897. GAZETTE Kstab. Dec, 1863. i Consolidated Feb., 1899. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1901. 'VOL. II. NO. 7. OUSE BY MARY J. CHAPTER VlII.r-(ContInued.) One morning about two weeks after ward Mary was in the meadow gathering cowslips for dinner when she heard some one calling her name; and looking up. she saw Jenny hurrying toward her, her sunbounet hanging down her back, as usual, and her cheeks flushed with vio lent exercise. As soon as she came up she begun with, "Oh. my, ain't I hot and tired, and I can't stay a minute, either, for I ran away. But I had such good news to tell yon, that I would come. You are going to have a great deal better home than this. Yon know where Rice Corner is, the district over east? Mary replied that she did, and Jenny Continued: "We all went over there yes terday to see Mrs. Mason. She's a real nice lady, who used to live in Boston, and be intimate with ma, until three or four years ago when Mr. Mason died. We didn't go there any more then, and I asked Rose what the reason was, and she said Mrs. Mason was poor now, and ma had 'cut her;' and when I asked her what she cut her with, she only laughed, and said she believed I didn't know any thing. But since then I've learned what it means." "What does il?" asked Mary and Jenny replied: "If a person dies and leaves no money, no matter how good his folks are, or how much you like them, you mustn't know them when you meet them in the street, or you roust cross over the other side if you see them coming; and then when la dies call and speak about them, you must draw a great, long breath, and won der 'how the poor thing will get along, she was so dreadfully extravagant.' I positively heard mother say those very words about Mrs. Mason; and what is so funny, the washwoman the same day spoke , of her, and cried when she told how kind she was, and how she would go without things herself for the sake of giv ing to the poor." After a moment's pause Jenny proceed . ed: "This Mrs. Mason came into the country and bought the prettiest little . cottage you- ever saw. She has lots of - nice fruit, and for all mother pretends in Boston that she does not visit her, just as soon as. the fruit is ripe she always goes there. Pa says it's real mean, and he should think Mrs. Mason would see through it." : "Did you go there for fruit yesterday?" asked Mary. "Oh, no," returned Jenny; "Mother said she was tired to death with staying at home. Besides that, she heard some thing in Boston' about a large estate in England, which possibly would fall to Mrs. Mason, and she thought it would Le ' real kind to go and tell her. ; Mrs. Mason has poor health, and while we were there she asked mother if she knew of any good little girl she could get to come and live with her; 'one,' she said, 'who could be quiet when her head ached, and who would read to. her and wait on her at other times.' Mother said she did not know of any, but when Mrs. Mason went out to get tea, I followed and told her of you, and the tears came into her eyes wheti I said your folks were all dead, and you were alone and sorry. She said right oft that she would come round and see you soon, and if she liked you you ' should live with her." So saying, she ran off; Mary, having gathered her cowslips, sat down to think of Mrs. Mason, and wonder if she should ever see her. That afternoon, when the dishes were all washed, she, as usual, stole away to her books. She had not been long occupied ere some one called i her, saying Mr. Knight was downstairs and wanted to see her, and that there was a lady with him. . - Mary readily guessed that the lady must be Mrs. Mason, and carefully brush ing her hair and tying on a clean apron, she descended to the kitchen, where she was met by Mr. Knight, Who called out, ."Hallo! my child, how do you do? 'Pears to me you've grown handsome. It agrees with you to live here, I reckon, but I'll venture you'll be glad enough to leave and go and live with her, won't you?" pointing toward a lady who was just coming from Mrs. Parker's room and to ward whom Mary's heart instantly warm ed. . -.- . ! "You see," continued Mr. Knight, "one of the Lincoln girls has taken a mighty shine to yon, and it's queer, too, for they're dreadful stuck-up folks. "If you please, sir," said Mary, inter rupting him, "Jenny isn't a bit stuck-up.' "UmpL!" returned Mr. Knight. "She does not belong to the Lincoln race, then, I guess;.' I know them, root and branch. Lincoln's wife used to work in the fac tory at Southbridge, but she's forgot all about that, and holds her head dreadful high whenever she sees me. But that's neither here nor there. - This woman wants you to live with her. Miss Mason, this is Mary. Mary, this is Miss Mason." . The introduction being thus happily over, Mrs. Mason proceeded to ask Mary a variety of questions, and ended by say ing she . thought she would take her, al though she would' rather not have her come for a few days, as she was going to be absent. Miss Grundy was now inter rogated concerning her knowledge of work, and with quite a consequential air she replied: "Perhaps, ma'am, it looks too much like praising myself, considerin' that I've had the managin' of her mostly, but I must .confess that she's lived with me so long, and got my ways so well, that she's as pleasant a mannered, good tempered child, and will scour as bright a knife as you could wish to see!" Saturday came at last, and long before the sun peeped over the eastern hills Mary was up and dressed. Just as she - was-ready to leave her room she heard Sally singing in a low tone, "Oh, there'll be mourning mourning mourning mourning; Oh, there'll be mourning when Mary's gone away." " . - : About nine o'clock Mr. Knight drove op alone, Mrs. Mason being sick with nervous headache. "I should have been p TO PALACE HOLMES here sooner, said he, "but the roads is awful rough, and old Charlotte has got a stub or somethiu' in her foot. But where'g the gal? Ain't she ready?" He was answered by Mary herself, who made her appearance, followed by Billy bearing the box. And now commenced the leave takings. Miss Grundy's turn coming first. . "May I kiss you, Miss Grundy?" said Mary. Miss Grundy bent down and re ceived the child's kiss, and then darting off into the pantry, went to skimming pans of .milk already skimmed. Uncle Peter between times kept ejaculating: "Oh, Lord; oh, massy sake! oh, for land!" Billy knew it would be lonely without Mary, but he was glad to have her go to a better home, so he tried to be cheerful. Aside from him, Sally was the only composed one. It is true her eyes were very bright, and there was a compression about her mouth seldom seen, except just before one of her frenzied attacks. Oc casionally, too, she pressed her hands up on her head, and walking to the sink, bathed it in water, as if to cool its in' ward heat. : : CHAPTER IX Very different this time was Mary's ride with Mr. Knight (rom what it had been some months before, and after brushing away a few natural tears, and sending back a few heart-sighs to the lov- ed ones "left behind, her spirits rallied, and by the time they reached the borders of Rice Corners there was such a look of quiet happiness on her face that even Mr. Knight noticed it. , As1 they rode on Mary fancied that the country looked pleasanter and the houses better than in the region of the poorhouse; and when a sudden turn of the road brought into view a beautiful blue sheet of water, em bosomed by bright green hills, her delight knew no bounds. Springing up and point ing toward it, she exclaimed: "Oh, please stop a moment and look. . Isn't it lovely? What is itr "That? Oh," that's nothing but 'Por dunk Pond,' or as folks most generally call 'era, seem' there's two. North and South Pond.' "How far is the pond from Mrs. Ma son s? asked Mary, casting longing glances toward the distant sandy beach and the graceful trees which drooped over the water s edge. - "It's farther back than 'tis there, 'cause it s uphill all the way, said Mr. Knight, "but here we be at Miss Mason's this house right here," and he pointed to a neat, handsome cottage, almost hidden from view by the dense foliage which surrounded it. There was a long lawn in front, and into the carriage road on the right of it Mr. Knight turned, and driving up to a side door, said to Mary, Come, jump down, for my foot is so lame I don't be lieve 1 11 get out. But there's your cheat. You can't lift that. Halloo! Judith, come ere. - . In answer to this call a fat, pleasant- looking colored woman appeared in the doorway, and as if fresh from the regions or cookdom wiped the drops of perspira tion from her round, jolly face. "Here, Judith," said Mr. Knight, "help tnis gal lift ner trans out. j Judith complied, and then bidding old Charlotte to "get up," Mr. Knight drove"! away, leaving Mary standing by - the Kitchen door. ' : " "Come in and sit down," said Judith. pushing a chair toward Mary with her foot. "It's as hot here as an oven: but I had crambry sass and ginger snaps, and massy knows what, to make this morning and I got belated; but set down and make yourself to home." Mary took the proffered seat, and then J udith left the room for a few moments, saying when she returned that, as Mrs. Mason was still suffering from a head ache, she could not see Mary until after dinner. "And," continued Judith, "she told me to entertain you, but I don't know what to say nor do first. Harry died just a week to a day before he was to be married, and so I never had any little girls to talk to. - Can't you think of some thing to talk about? What have you been used to doing : ' "Washing dishes," was Mary's reply, "Wall," answered Judith, "I guess you won t nave that to do Here for one night when some of the neighbors were in heard Miss Mason tell 'em that she got you to read to her and wait on her. And then she said something about your not having an equal chance with your sister. You nan t but one, now t other s dead, have you? - ' Mary replied in the negative, and Ju dith continued: "Wall," now you've got over tne hrst on t, 1 reckon you s glad the baby-'s dead, for she must have been kind of a bother, wasn't she?" Instantly Mary's thoughts flew back to an empty cradle, and again a little golden head was pillowed upon her breast, as often in times past it had been, and as it would never be again. Covering her face with her hands, she sobbed, "Oh, Allie, Allie! I wish she hadn't died!" ' Judith looked on in amazement, and for want of something better to do placed a fresh stick of wood in the stove, mutter ing to herself, "Now, I never! I might of knew I didn't know what to say. What a pity Harry died. . 1 11 give her that big ginger snap the minute it's baked. See if I don't." Accordingly, when the snap was done, Judith placed it in Mary's hands, bidding her eat it quick, and then go up and see tfle nice cnamDer airs. Mason had ar ranged for her. "Come," said Judith; and leading the way, she conducted Mary up the stair case, and through a light, airy hall to the door of a small room, which she opened saying, "Look, am t it pretty?" Mary's heart was too full to speak, and for several minutes she stood silent. With the exception of her mother's pleasant parlor in old England, she had never be fore seen anything which seemed to her so cosy and cheerful as did .that little room, with its single bed, snowy counter- pane, tnuslin curtains, clean matting, con venient toilet table, and what to ber was fairer than all the rest, upon the mantel-piec- there stood two small vases, filled ith sweet flowers, whose fragrance fill ed the apartment with delicious perfume. All this was so different from the bare walls, uncovered floors and rickety, furni ture of the poorhouse that Mary trem bled lest it should prove a dream from which ere long she would awake. - When Mary was finally sent for by Mrs. Mason she had been so much accus tomed to sick persons that she knew in tuitively just what to do and when to do it, and her step was so light, her voice so low. and the hand which bathed the aching head so soft and gentle in its touch that Mrs. Mason involuntarily drew ner to her bosom, and kissing her lips, called her her child, and said she should never leave her; then, laying back in her easy chair, she remained perfectly still, while Mary alternately fixed her hair end smoothed her forehead, until she fe'.I into a quiet slumber, from which she did not awake until Judith rang the bell for sup per, which was neatly laid out in A little dining parlor, opening into the Bower gar den. There was something so very social and cheering in the appearance of the room, and the arrangement of the table, with its glossy white cloth, and dishes of the same hue. that Mary felt' almost as much like weeping as she did on the u.i,ht of her arrival at the poorhouse. But Mrs. Mason seemed to know exactly how to entertain her; and by the time that first tea was over there was hardly a happier child in the world -than was Mary. - Mrs. Mason soon dismissed her to her own room, where she for some time amused herself with watching the day light as it gradually disappeared from the hills which lay beyond the pond. Then when it all was gone, and the stars be gan to come out, she turned her eyes toward one which had always seemed to her to be her mother's soul looking down upon her from the windows of heaven. Now to-night there shone beside it a smaller, feebler one, and in the fleecy clouds which floated around it she fan cied she could define the face of her baby sister. Involuntarily stretching out her hands, she cried, "Oh, mother! -Allie! I am so happy now;" and to the child's im agination the stars smiled lovingly upon her, while the evening wind, as it gently moved the boughs of the tall elm trees, seemed like the rustle of angels' wings. Who shall say the mother's spirit was not there to rejoice with her daughter over the glad future opening so brightly before her? (To be continued.) NO WONDER HE WAS BALKED. Difficulties the Frenchman Ex peri- - enced in Learning: Kagrlisn. A. Frenchman thirsting for linguistic superiority recently began a course of English lessons with a teacher of lan guages. . After toiling conscientiously through a good many exercises-ihe fol lowing dialogue between the pupil and his master was overheard: I : find the English very difficult," complained the Frenchman. . "flow do you pronounce t-o-u-g-b?" It is pronounced tuff.' " Eh, bien, tuff;' 'snuff,' then, is spelt s-n-o-u-g-h, is it not?" 'Oh, no; 'snufF. is spelt s-n-u-ff. As matter of fact words ending in o-u-g-h "are somewhat irregular." - - I see; a superb language! T-o-u-g-h is tufF and c-o-u-g-h is 'cuff.' I have a very bad cuff." " No; it is 'coff,' not 'cuff.' " Very well; cuff, tuff and coff. And d-o-u-g-h Is 'duff,' eh?" "No, not 'duff.' " ," 'Doff,' then?" -"No; 'doh.' " "Well, then, what about h-o-n-g-h?" "That is pronounced 'hock.'". " 'llockT Then I suppose the thing the farmer uses, the p-l-o-u-g-h, ; is pluff, or is it 'phlock,' or "plo?" Fine language plo.' " v - ". No, no; it is pronounced "plow.' " I snail soon master English, I am sure. Here we go. 'Plow,' 'cony tuff,' 'hock,' and now here Is another r-o-n-g-h; that is 'row,' I suppose?"- " 'Oh, no, my friend; that's 'ruff again." v- "And bo-u-g-h is 'buff ?' " "No; that happens to be 'bow.' " "Yes, wonderful language. - And 1 have just e-n-o-u-g-h of it; that's 'enou, is it not?" : "No; ' 'enuff.' " Sheffield - Weekly News. Lady "Bobs" and Her Trunks. There is a story going around about Lady Roberts and her trunks, for the truth of which, says the Westminster Gazette, a man returning from South Africa vouches. - ' At the height of the transport difficul ties, Lady Roberts carried eight large trunks from Cape Town to Bloemfon tein in the very teeth of the officers. Everybody wondered,-7 everybody grumbled. No one but Lady Roberts could have taken the things through. The.transport of stores had been stop ped for the time, the sick lacked every comfort, and those who were not sick were half-starved and -only half -clad. Therefore, when a fatigue party was told off to fetch those eight trunks from Bloemfontein station, some rather un complimentary things were said about women travelers in general and this latest transgressor in particular. ; Next day seven of the eight, trunks were unpacked, and their contents dis tributed among the soldiers. The clever lady had snapped her fingers at red tape, and, had smuggled through com forts for the men. One small trunk con tained her personal belongings. Sea Fish in Lake Ontario. The. deepening of the St Lawrence canal system has had other results than to allow the passage of ocean going freightage. Following in the wake of the vessels sea herrings have. made their appearance in Lake On tario, and are being eagerly captured by the fishermen. . - ' :: . Preliminary Step. "Are you educating your child with a view to his future college career?!' "Oh, yes; he's got to - begin - next week and take a drop of tabasco sauce three times a day." '., The Game of Buried Treasure. It is probable that on some occasion a number of boys were Idly kicking a can about, and the game of buried treasure just evolved itself without any particular effort on their part . It Is certainly a good game, and those whom I have watched play It seem to enjoy themselves immensely. The equipment for the game Is hot difficult to procure; cans are always available. Decide by counting out who shall be "it," or the miser who must guard his treasure. The miser-will take a position direct ly over the can, his treasure, one foot an each side. At least, this is the posi tion usually chosen as being the best suited for guarding the can. There Is no rule, however, about this, and some A GAME IS PKOGBE8S. boys prefer other defenses, as standing just behind the can or continually mov ing about it - - . The rest of the boys are robbers, and circle about, attempting to steal the treasure, or, In other words, kick It away without being tagged. If "one succeeds, another immediately kicks it, and away goes the can down the street with a crowd of yelling robbers after it doing their best to prevent the poor miser from regaining his position over the treasure. If the miser succeeds in tagging any boy who has kicked the ean before another boy kicks it the boy tagged becomes the miser and must stand over the treasure. . Of course the boys who are attempt ing to get at the can will help each other. One should attract the miser's attention In front while another creeps up from behind, or vice versa. If the distracted guardian of the treasure turns his attention to the man behind him, the man in front will immediately dart in, and so on. I think you will find that the game, simple as it seems, offers numerous chances for judgment and quick maneuvering. Onr Weights and Measures. Perhaps you have heard that the gov ernment is establishing a "standard izing bureau" at Washington. ; It may not have meant anything to you when you read it but it really is an impor tant step toward setting up in business wholly for ourselves. Why, do you know, if every weight and measure in the United States had been destroyed a few years ago, we should have- bad to send to the standardizing bureau of England for patterns to make the new ones by. . r, We pride ourselves upon being a na tion of business men, but still we are unconsciously a very careless people about the weights and . measures we trade by. They are made after all im aginable designs, and, differing as they do in shape, they easily deceive pur chasersif the .seller so wishes. But when the standardizing bureau gets in to thorough working order all this will be changed. -- Weights and measures will, not only-be uniform throughout the country, but they will be absolute ly correct This standardizing will in elude scientific instruments, so that surveying will be done more accurate ly, gas and electricity will be measured exactly, physicians' prescriptions filled with greater exactness and all meas urements, in fact, from dry goods to machinery, will be made with greater care. : Mr. Noboiy. I know a funny little man, : As quiet as a mouse, Who does the mischief that is done In everybody's house. There's no one ever sees his face. And yet we all agree That every plate we break was cracked By Mr. Nobody. - ?Tis he who always tears our books Who leaves the doors ajar; 'He pulls the buttons from our shirts Ana scaicers plus mar. That squeaking door will always squeak. For, prithee, don t you see, . , We leave the oiling to be done ,, By Mr. Nobody! - . The finger marks upon the doors : I By none of us are made; - I We never leave the blinds unclosed To let the curtains fade. .J' The ink. we never spill; the boots !? That lying round you sec, . . jj Are not our boots! They all belong To Mr. Nobody! . A. Tinshop on a Bicycle. - A tinshop in a wagon has been a com mon sight on country roads for years, It seemed as if there was no limit to the amount of tinware the peddler could store into the many openings and "cupboards" in the great boat like vehicle.. But the bicycle may take the placeof the old tinshop wagon. By means of It thanks to modern in vention, the peddler can now travel much more quickly and at the -same time have his wares on ..exhibition. The new vehicle, however, in point, of steadiness is perhaps better adapted to city use than to the country. . -'- - Extending beyond the handlebars of the bicycle In front and behind the saddle. In the back, is a rod to each end of which Is fastened a skeleton cone of wires. All up and down the wires are numerous hooks, to which the various cooking utensils are hung. The whole thing is but another con trivance to gain trade, for of course. many persons will buy that which is brought to them, who hesitate to seek it for themselves. All Children Should Learn. To swim. To run. To sew on their own buttons. To be neat - To be punctual. To be respectful. To be truthfuL To be obliging. To be unselfish. To be observant To be studious at study times. To be merry at play times. A Not Uncommon Remark. Harry, aged 5, went to church one Sunday, and on his return home his grandmother asked him what the min ister said I don't know, grandma," replied Harry, "he didn't speak to me." A good many older people who attend church seem to think the same thing. Why She Wa Sweet. A foud mother who was caressing her 3-year-old daughter .exclaimed Nellie, I wonder what makes you so sweet?"' After a moment's profound thought the little miss replied: "I guess God muust have spilt some sugar in my dust." CAREERS CHOSEN BY CHILDREN Most Girls Want to Be New Women When They Grow tip. "What would you like to be?" is a question that has been put to the chil dren of 'different nations during the past year, with some startling results. The replies to the inquiry among French children are now being pub lished, and some are quite as amusing those received from English and American youngsters. . . Judging from the replies of the girls, it looks very much as if the new wom an will have things pretty much her own way over there in another gen eration. Who would have believed, for instance, that of these 442 little yirls, more than one-half aspire to what are called in French parlance liberal careers,- asks the Philadelphia Tele graph. The first French woman to be admitted to the bar had scarcely got into her new robes of office when these questions were sent out . Yet fifteen little girls declare their inten tion of following her example. The small boys, of course, have the primitive -small boy susceptibility to drums and enld braid and hane! tinner! Says one: I want to regain Alsace and Lor- aine. " I'm already a good deal of a sol dier. I have a sword and four or five guns," says another. , 'When the trumpet sounds," writes a third, "I feel my heart beat faster." "I want to be a soldier because I am tall, strong, not stupid, and not a cow ard." . - . ' ' - Only one of these 2C4 belligerent youths owns up to a bit of vanity in his choice of a career, but it is safe to believe that being human and French, the others are not Insensible to the charms of gold braid and spurs and brass buttons. Says the honest one. 'The uniform Is very pretty, so that my sister's girl friends will look at me." The would-be farmers have a touch of poetry in their natures, not sur prising in lovers of the country. Says one: ' -,.' - "'. ; ..- .... ... "I shall be a vine grower. It is my father's occupation. A good worker is esteemed by all the world." 'Agriculture," says another. "is the I don't but an most noble of the professions. ' want to be a routine farmer. educated agriculturist." 'I am 13 years old," remarks a philo sophical youth. "If Bonaparte had been alive I should have enrolled my self under his flag. But not having a sword, I shall take a plow." Danish Export of Eggs. In 1895 we scarcely knew Denmark as an egg producer; but in that year was founded the first Danish-co-operative society for the export of eggs. The same system which had succeeded with butter was now to be applied to eggs. The country was divided up into dis tricts; each district had in some rail way station a collecting depot, and all members of the society were bound to deliver three times a week at the de pot. The depot agent refused, or bad a right to refuse, all eggs more than four days old, and every producer of each district - had a distinctive number branded on the egg.. Thus, in the event of an egg proving bad, the depot which shipped it would be proceeded against and by means of the distinctive num ber the depot agent would be able to detect the producer, on whom the loss would finally fall. ' By thns guaranteeing absolute fresh ness and making good any occasional loss, the Danes established a high standard, and so created a continuous demand. And what is the result? In 1895 the first year of the experiment- there were established six local egg so cieties, with an aggregate of . 2,000 members; in 1900 there were actually no fewer than 837 separate co-opera tlve societies, with a total membership of 130,000 producers! . Is it surprising that Denmark should send to England alone 300,000,000 of eggs annually? London Mail.! v ; V . But for adversity lots of men would never find out whether they were hon est or not ' X None but tha grave deserves the mon ument. . Size of teed Potatoes. We have always obtained better re sults from the- use of seed potatoes "about the size of a hen's egg" or as near that as we could judge by the shape of the potato, and cut In halves, as from any seed we had and we have tested them against larger ones cut In halves and In quarters, against smaller ones used whole and against pieces cut to two eyes each. Yet the pieces of two eyes were so nearly equal that we would use that method If the seed cost a high price, by which we do not mean the early price of the Early Rose at a dollar a pound, but if they cost $3 a bushel. But the potato, of that size, scarcely marketable, unless there was a season of scarcity, is as well matured as the potato that weighs a pound, and we think throws as strong a shoot and produces as much. We never made a test by comparing the use of pieces of large potatoes against pieces of about equal weight of the smaller ones, and to learn anything from such a test one would need to continue it for a term of years, using the largest from the larg est seed each time. It might be well after selecting as we would, for some years, to change to pieces from the large ones for a season, but we are not sure of it Massachusetts Ploughman. To Keep Milk Cool. A correspondent of Hoard's Dairy man gives a plan for a combined ice house and cooling chamber. The cool ing chamber Is partitioned off in such a manner that it has ice on top and on three sides. The dimensions are 12 feet Wide, 14 feet long and 12 feet high, with a cooling chamber parti tioned off 8 feet long by 6 feet wide. The floor of a cooling chamber should be placed about three feet below the surface of the ground so as to take ad vantage of the coolness of the earth. : Growios Unions. The use of good seed for the onion crop is most important as the labor of preparing the land, weeding the rows and other care necessary is as great for the part of a crop as for a full one, while the cost of fertilizer Is not lessen ed, nor are the onions better or in as good demand if they grow too large. The onion seed deteriorates very rapid ly in germinating properties if it is kept until more than one year old, ex cepting that in very small quantities it may be kept in something practical ly airtight as in a tin box with snugly fitting cover. We would not sow onion seed without having it tested, and mak ing sure that not less than 80 per cent would germinate. Those who sow under glass-and transplant have at least the advantage of not having to care for any rows that are not filled, and if a part of the seed is too old to sprout the only loss is the price paid for the seed. This practice is growing in favor, and fast taking the place of the old method of setting out the dry sets in the spring to grow the early onions for bunching, as it requires but little more labor to fit the land for one than the other, and the new plants seem to grow as rapidly, as the dry sets. American Cultivator. Weed Seeds. If the farmer desires to know how to select good clover seed he should learn to know weed seed as soon as he looks at it. - Then if his eyesight is not good enough to distinguish it when it is among the clover seed, let him spend from fifty cents upward for a good magnifying glass, and let him buy no clover and not much other seed until be has examined it and found it rea sonably clear of the weed seeds. It may be hard to find it perfectly pure, but there W no use in buying such seed as a sample sold in Vermont last year, which had 59,310 weed seeds in a pound. Just think of sowing ten, twenty or more pounds of such seed on an acre. ' The seeds of plantain, sor rel,: pigweed, smart weed, curled dock and the foxtail grass were the most abundant in this lot and each of them might pass for clover seed at first glance, but can be detected under a magnifying glass. It would be a good lesson for the boys to collect samples of "each of these and some other seeds In little vials, and label each, that they mighty . study them until they knew them too well to buy them as clover seed. ' ' " " ' Forshnm as Fo lder. We plow the ground in the spring after corn planting, says a Kansas cor respondent in Prairie Farmer. The lat ter part of June is soon enougn. De cause if you sow too early it will get ripe and you will have to cut it in the warm weather of Aogust It is better to plant so you can cut it just before frost. It will keep better ana is not iia ble to sour, as it might do if cut in the warm weather., We sow It-broadcast shout two bushels to the acre. Be sure and sow It thick or It will grow big ICEHOUSE AND CO0LI5O CHAMBER. rank stalks, which will be hard to handle and stock will not eat so well. We aim to feed it out before Christmas or before It freezes too much. Of course, if It is fine, say like millet It will keep Just as good as any hay. We usually cut It with a mowing machine, rake it put It In big shocks and feed -from the shocks just as needed, as it will keep' just as well as if stacked. for if it is coarse and rank the stalk" -will have lots of juice In them and will not keep if stacked. Sorehum fodder Is splendid for all kinds of stock. Hogs will eat It with a relish; cattle and horses like it also. Eowlns- Clover Seed. The Department of Agriculture says there are 17,856,000 clover seed In a bushel, which would be 297,000 In a pound. There are 43,560 square feet in an acre, so that one pound would fur nish about 6 seeds to the square foot And yet we are afraid to advise a far mer, to use less than eight or ten pounds per acre, giving fifty-four seed to the squaue foot, and yet if every seed grew, the small number would place the plants close enough together to produce a good crop. The extra seed, or seven- eighths of the seed cost, is the price we pay for not having well-cleaned, plump- seed, and the land in such condition that each one will have a fair chance to germinate and grow. Parsnips for Milch Cows. The parsnip is probably one of the best roots ever grown for milch cows, and it has a great advantage in that it may remain in the field until spring when other roots are all gone, and then be used until grass has grown. It is as easily grown as the carrot and like that root it wants a deep, rich and mel low soil. Many object to growing It even in the garden, because the weeds are apt to get such a growth before the parsnips come up that the labor of weeding is greatly increased, but this may be remedied by mixing a few rad ish seed with the parsnip seed, which will come up so that the rows can be seen and hoed out long before the par snips are up. They can be pulled when the parsnips are thinned. Keeping Country Boys at Home. The drift of rural population to cities has long been a characteristic of recent times. Every census hi recent years both in this country and in Eu rope has shown the vastly greater growth of cities as compared with ru ral regions. If there were wider ' In telligence among farmers in feeding the ambition of the young, if they were to give their children something that they might Improve by industry, something that would stimulate ambition and awaken pride, there would in all like lihood be less discontent with country life and less of longing for the untried and unknown life of the city. Indian apolis News. Cnttni; Asparaerns. The question of the propriety of cut ting all or certain asparagus shoots as rapidly as they appear and for a con tinued time often arises, for it Is well known that the continued cutting away of all a plant's growth has a weaken ing tendency at least As recently stated, most gardeners cut all growth during the first half of the season. But a correspondent recommends leaving nil the very light growth, that it may strengthen the plants for the following season, and only cutting that which Is strong. Meehan's Monthly. Time to Eow Tobacco Feed. There seems to be a general rule for sowing tobacco seed in each State with reference to the frosts which are likely to" occur in the spring. Seed beds should be planted from six weeks to two months, according to the variety of the seed, before the latest date at which killing frost has occurred in the locality. This is for domestic seed. Imported Cuban seed should be plant ed a month later and imported Sumatra six weeks later than acclimated seed. . Don't Spray Frnit Trees in Bloom. Professor Beach recently discussed before a beekeepers' convention the spraying of fruit trees when in full bloom. Generally speaking, his con clusion seemed to be that spraying dur ing blooming time was not only waste ful, but decidedly harmful as well, cut ting down the supply of fruit to an ex tent that if generally practiced, would amount to thousands of dollars to the fruit men all over the state. Farm Notes. The market for American apples Is now worldwide. Interest in farming is undoubtedly reviving In New England. Don't sow alfalfa seed on unprepared soil as you do clover. ". If it fails with you, manure the land and try again. The family horse should be raised and trained on the farm. Then you thoroughly understand his disposition and know how far he can be trusted. ' The application of sulphur to soils for the prevention or potato scab re gardless of the character of the soil is liable to occasionally cause much la jury. ' v . : '.' Bordeaux mixture has been fonnd of value in stimulating tomato plants to more rapid growth. Increasing their vigor and of particular merit in keep ing down the attacks of flea beetles, i Twenty thousand mutton sheep are being ' fattened at Rocky Ford. Col, on beet pulp, with a little corn added. There is another "waste' product" be ing utilized turned Into mutton.