TIE COMUIS GAZETTE. FK1PA Y, JUNE 7, 1901. SPRING 1901 STYLES -IN- Suits and Skirts. We liaya now on sale, and new Spring Suits & Dress ' Skirts. ZlOnr auits eompiiss the newest . and . bait of the late creations such as coat and beler effect and postillion backs. New style akirU are also shown aad jackets Uo. The price of onr suits range from $8.00 V S, t. E. Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS. The Black Cat. O A C souvenir olive disher, at Zierolf's. Call and seo Kline's new, grocery . department. W. E. Yatos visited Toledo Mon day, on legal business. Leave orders at the Commission Store for all kinds f wood. Mrs. Hattie Danny left Wednes day for Pendleton, to remain.. Miss Clara O'Kelly of Airlie, vis ited Corvallis friends Tuesday. Buy the Black Cat hose the kind " thnt wears, for sale only at Kline's. The T. M. Coon sawmill beyond Philomath began operations Monday- . Fresh candy, fruit and nuts, al ways on hand at the Commission Store. .". , Poultry food, poultry cure, and insect powder, at the Cemmiesion Store. Secure an 0 A C souvenir vase creamer, sugar or bon ban dish, at Zierelf'a. : 'j-y. : A Wallls Nash passed through Cor vallis on the train, Wednesday, homeward bound. - ' All work guaranteed by Albert J. Metzger, watchmaker, three doors north of the posloffice. Frank Porter is now employed in the Skipton livery stable, Albany. He bpgan work last week. Friday is the-time to order your dressed chicken for Sunday's din ner, at tha Commission Store. Miss Hortense Greffoz leaves Mond.iy to join her mother and sis ters in their new home in Portland. Miss Constance Holland arrived yesterday from Salem. She will be the guest of friends until after com mencement. M. L. Adams and family now occupy their new residence, in the west part of town. The removal was made a few days ago. After a week's visit with his bro ther, Dell, in Corral lis, Master Ar thur Alexander returned yesterday to his home in Kings Valley. ' It is reported that a Southern Oregon man, who was a victim of the oil craze, reported having struck a magnificent flow of "lard" oil. Miss Edith Howard returned yesterday from Capitola, California, where she represented O A 0 at the Pacific Coast Y. M . C A. conven tion. Miss Eliza Stoten of Dusty, was in Corvallis the first of this week, enreute to Lee Brown's on Soap Creek, where she will spend the summer. Dr. F. M. Carter of Yaquina City has been appointed health officer . by Gov. Geer, to succeed Dr. Bay--ley, deceased. Dr. Carter is asrell- known physician, and pioneer , of Lincoln county. . Taylor & Smith shipped a car load of cattle to rortland, Tuesday, At the same time Snodgrasi & Dinges, of Monroe, shipped a car load of sheep and a carload of hogs to the metropolis. v The family of th late Dr. Bay ley wish us to express their thanks to friends for kindness and sympa thy in their late bereavement.' Also to express gra tilude for the beauti ful floral tributes sent for the funeral. . , . ... What do you want? We want to lurnisu you with i.leasant, perma nent employment, at which you can earn three to five dollars per day. Address, Manager, 403 Chamber of Commerce Building, Tacoma, Washington. - Three families arrifed by wagon Tuesday, from Lake View, Oregon Eldon Bowen and his family, and two other families, all former Alsea ilea, comprised the caravan. Mrs. Bowcri is a sister of Miss Nellie Evans, who has a situation at Hall's restaurant. The travelers have been away aheut a year, and they each declare that they, will be well satisfied to stay in this section henceforth-. ",-' W. A. Sanders, the' watchmaker. OA C souvenir pin trays of vari ous designs and views, at Zierolf's. For shoes, hats and furnishing goods, go to Young's Racket Store. Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in the Witham school house" Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Attorney J. F. Yates was in at tendance at the session of circuit court this week, at Dallas . . C. P..Fullerton came out from hi? home in Alsea, Tuesday, and re turned the following day. "Uncle Charley" is the justice of the peace over there. It has been discovered that a few of the stamps of the Pan-American series of the "Fast Express" have been printed with the express up side down. President Gatch has bean so troubled with rheumatism recently that on one or two occasions he has had to be conveyed to and from the college in a carriage. It is hoped that for the benefit of all concerned the weather will be pleasant for the next few days, at least, on account of the commence ment exercises at O A C . Saturday, Mrs. J. A. Buchanan purchased the dwelling house of the late Mrs. Mary Fuller. The price paid was $1,700, and the property is located in the south end of town. Everything possible will be done to make the Locomotive Engineerb' excursion to Salem, next Sunday, a success. On arriving at the cap ital there will be many attractive features iD the way of entertain ment presented at the fair grounds. Mrs. Stiles, of Portland, a niece of C. Lincoln Bennett of this city, is visiting in ttiis city. Mr. Stiles is a member of Parsons' orchestra which is to arrive, today to furnish music for the Junior Hop which is to take place in the armory tonight. The junior class at O A C this year numbers 42 students. Next year they will likely attend college en masse; in faet, so far as known they will all be back. At any rate it is safe to presume that the seniar class of O A C next year will num ber 40. Prof. Arthur E. Bernays, of Al bany College, gave' an illustrated lecture on English cathedrals in the ehapel at O A C, Tuesday evening. The illustrations were given by stereoptican and were quite inter esting. There was a very fair at tendance. Rev. L. Myron Boozer will de liver a special sermon to students and young people, Sunday evening at eight o'clock, in the United Evan gelical church. Subject, "Every Man a Master." A cordial invita tion is extended to the public to at tend this Eervice. It is estimated that the hop erop for Beritoa county last year amount ed to 3000 bales, " weighing 180 pounds each. This giyes 5.40,000 pounds, which, reckoned at 14 cants per pound brings to the county the neat sum ot )fo,blW. Burely-this is an industry worth fo9tating. Frank Thrasher and Glen Gil lette left by boat Wednesday morn ing, for Portland en route to Spo kane. Frank Thrasher has a situ ation assured him, while Glen, who has been employed in the establish ment of J. H. Simpson, of this city, has assurance that ne will secure a position. The promise of a good wheat crop in the' Willamette valley is belter this year than last, but it is by no means ss good as it might be, ao corning to report. In Washington county, the Hessian fly is said to be doing some damage, but as yet no complaint.on this head has came td us from this immediate section. There will be battalion inspection at the colleee campus tomorrow af ternoon at two clock. The odet battalion- will bo inspected by Col Charles A. Coolidge of the 7th Inf. U. S. A., of Vancouver barracks The public fchould not fail to attend this inspection. The public drill will occur at this time, instead, of Tuesday, as announced. Harry Withyeombe accompanied Raymond Henkle to Pert! and Tues day, to take the state examination in pharmacy. The boys passed al right an J will return hom today The examination took place on Wednesday. During the absence of Mr. Withyeombe, Mrs. Esther Reid occupied his position in the. drug store of E. Allen. It is stated that on her down trip to Portland, Tuesday morning. the KBth scraped bottom on sev eral gravel bars.' Fear was enter tained that she would not be able to continue on the upper river route much - longer. However, there has been a slight rise in the river since then and it may be that the water will be sufficient for some time yet It is hoped bo, anyway. The- Benton County Sunday School Atsociation will hold its can vention on the Bellfouatain Camp ground, on the 22 & 23 of tW month. State Field Worker C. A Dotson will be present and perhaps other state officers, resides the best Sunday School talent in the county, AH schools in the county are expect ed to send delegates. Free enter tainment will be proylded on the grounds and in the homes in th community. Miss Eda Jacobs returned Tues day from a brief visit in Salem. . . A new walk has been "laid in front of the meat market of Taylor & Smith. - . : ; Gus Danneman has arrived from Cle.ii, Eastern Oregon, to attend comuiencepnent. Quite a number of Alsea people nave Deen attending business in Corvallis this week.. - Invitations are out for a picnic to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Laws and Mrs. Laws, sr., across tho Willamette, next Thursday - On last night's boat Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thayer came up from Salem to attend the junior hop, this eve ning, at the armory. Miss Stella Killin, daughter of Benton Killin, of -Portland, arrived Wednesday to remain until after commencement. She is the guest of Miss Mable Withyeombe. Quite a number of teams have been employed during the past few days hauling gravel for the Mt. View road. The gravel is being placed on the road near the John Rowland home. S. L. Kline, who went to San Francisco about a month ago to at tend the various proceedings .that took place in that city, during the visit of President McKinley, will ar rive home this week. . Tuesday a marriage license was issued to George A. Scott and Miss Olive E. Jenkins. Both of the young people are .-esidents of Philo math, where they are well known and highly respected. - Prof. V. C, Hawley of Willam ette University will deliver a lec ture before the student body in the armory, tomorrow evening at eight o'clock. His subject will be "The Development of the. Mind." . . . : Wednesday was the 52nd anni versary of the , birthday of Mrs. Taylor, mother of Walter Taylor, and she was tendered a surprise by about twenty of her lady friends. A mo3t enjoyable time is reported. In honor of Miss Clara Irvine, of McMinnville, a jenkins party was given by Miss Bertha Davis at her home, Wednesday evening. The prize was won by Miss Clara Fis-sher.- A delightful time is reported. While splitting some kindling wood, Tuesday morninp, Rev. F. A. Lark had the misfortune to cut his left wrist quite badly with an axe. Had the axe been sharp it is likely that the wrist would have been sev ered. Mrs. J. F. Reisacher and' Miss Myrtle Fitzwater, of Condon, Ore- gen, arrived in this city Wednesday, and are to be guests of the Misses Hoover, sisters of Mrs. Reisacher, until after O A C uom.uencement exercises. On account of the baccalaureate sermon at the college, Sunday, there will be no morning sermon at the M. E. church, South. The usual evening sermon will be given at 8 p. m. There will be S.ibbath school at 9:45 a. ni. Prof. J. B. Horner's eulogy to the late K. is. AlcMilroy, which was given in the M. E. church of this city on tho evening of Decoration Day., appeared in full in the States man of last Wednesday. It tilled three and a half columns of this publication. , Tomorrow afternoon at their pleas ant country home, fie miles north of Corvallis, Mr. and Mis. George Armstrong are to entertain . their friends. The affair will be, in the nature of a picnic. These events are looked forward to with much interest from year to year, and are greatly enjoyed by tho3e who attend Marlon Johnson, formerly of Cor- vallis and an old friend of the local editor was in the cfty this week from Portland, being a representa tive of a typewriter house handling the improved Densmore and New Century Caligraph, He has good prospects ; of placing several ma chines in the city. Grants Pass Observer. The local editor referred ta is Claude Riddle, who left this city in the middle of the winter, On June 4th, Sheriff Burnett truned oyer to Treasurer Buchanan $4,185, collected, on taxes. This sum is f utticient to nay on ail county warrants outstanding up to the date of March 7tb, 1901, leav ids . the -county ck only three month at present on its warrants The total collections made by Sher iff Burnett up to date, and turned ever to Tieasurer .Buchanan, is ifroz 885. The sheriff expects to collect about $6,000 more this year, and it is estimated that from this sum Benton county can just about pay off all warrants outstanding against her;"" ' ';': Wallis Nash is authority for a report that Lincoln county is to have a fair at Toledo thia year. The fair is to be held one 'week be fore the stale, and committees have been appointed and the county di vided into eight working districts each committee being alloted work in its own section." . A ladies''com mittee has also been appointed to work in conjunction with the other committees. Work has already be gun and at the end of-, the county fair it is the. intention to send choice exhibit to the state fair. It is said that this will t be the first county fair ever held west of the Coast Ranges in Oregon. ; A Grand Re-Union. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen, in this .city, wa3 the scene of a gathering of uunsual interest Tuesday. It was the occasion of the 85th anniversary of -the birth of Mrs. Christina Barker,' mother of Mrs. Allen, and she was surrounded on this occasion by her children, grand children and great grandchildren. Two of her brothers were pres. ent on this occasion. Ichabod Henkle, aged 90 years, and Jacob Henkle, aged . 75 years. Her sister, Mrs.. Mary King, aged 79 years, was also of tha party. The relatives present represented foar generations and numbered about 30 people. 1 Ira Allen and family and Mrs. Barker's son, William, and fam ily, of Salem, were present at the re-nnion. Harrison Johnson, of Lebanon, aged 80 years, was Over and made one of the com pany On this memorable occasion. Mr. Johnson was a member of the train that Mr. Barker and husband crossed the plains with. Mrs. Barker is one of the early pioneers of the state. She was born in Ohio in 1816 and crossed the plains to Oregon in 1853. That two sisters and two brothers of the same family, the youngest of whom is 75 years old, slioald be able to participate in a gather ing of this kind ij very unusual. and beyond a doubt no other family inOregon can boast ofas many brothers and sisters who have reached their a-'es and who are all living. Senior Entertainment. A Modern Ananias" to be given by the senior class of the O. A. C. at the opera house Monday evening is one of the most successful farce- comedies ever written . The story is briefly this : Lysander Lyon was in his infancy de serted by bis mother and taken care of by a bachelor uncle who grew immensely rich in California. Lvsander is made his uncle's heir and goes to Europe to study. To inculcate economical habits he is re stricted to a small allowance and meet ing a rich widow, whose hold on life is slender, he marries'her unknown, to his uncle. Alter his marriage he finds him self step father to a fleshy old maid to whomi on her mother's death, the ex- ancle has become guardian of Nelly ! me of a Sflsday service tO Cor Goldengate and decides that his two ' vallis. - By Having the daily wards should marry. Unknown to Ly sander he crosses the continent at a tima hen that young man is paying a sur reptitious visit to America. Lysander meets Nellie and scrapes acquaintance withher, but, owing to Francisco's blun der, thinks her name is Prudence the name of her friend. In order to avoid marriage with Nellie, whom he thinks he has never seen, he invents a story to the effect that he is already married and then the complications ensue. Finally Le is forced to confess all his deceptions except one the truth about "baby. Nel lie forgives him and so does the uncle for his ribs and also for his first marriage bat both imagine Baby to be a little child- Then the trutn comes to the surface, when, by an almost superhuman effort of nerve, he marries bis' step-daughter to his uncle ahd himself weds Nellie. CAST OF CHARACTERS; Lysander Lyan, M. D. . . . -. . .Mr. Stalker Col. Lyon Ivan Brown Derby Dashwood. . .". F. N. Stump Francisco. . .-. :.E. E. Shepar-d Baby . . . : . . .... 4 . .Miss Emma Bask Nellie Goldengate . . .Miss Ivy Burton Prudence Mayflower. .... . .Miss Holden Kittie .Miss Flora Wilson Tickets 25 and 33 cents, at Daniels book store. Residence Burned. Thursday ..morning about, i clock parties returning home from an entertainment at the home of Miss Bertha Davis, dis covered flames issuing from the woodshed in the rear of the resi dence of Joseph H. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was absent at Toled, and his wife and little child ware alone In - the house. By dint of much hammering on doors and windows Logan Hayes succeed ed in arousing Mrs. Wilson whs was .partially , snffocated. with smoke. Tho alarm was then soanded, and the fire boys re sponded promptly. Much furni tare and small articles were re moved from the roomsi3own- stairs, bnt although the efforts of the department were wisely and promptly directed, the flames had gained rapid headway and the building is a totaL wreck. The loss is unascertained, but aside from the honse which cost about - $1,000. Mr. Wilson's fine library and other valuables were destroyed. ; The insuratfee is in the neighborhood of $500. Not Lost Just Missing. Alter a short visit" with rela tives in this city John Huffman left fos Ills home in Canyon City, yesterday. Thnrsday's Oregon ian . makes him the hero of a "man lost" item, but Johnny is abundantly able to take care of himself. That paper savs: 4 John L. Huffman, a resl3ent of Canyoa City, who came to Portland: May 27, to purchase a newspaper, plant fof the new town of Whitney is missing. His relatives in Baker City yesterday telephoned to the Imperial hotel, asking for information in regard to him, but beyond trie fact that he registered at the hotel May 28, no tidings could be given. Inquiries at the American Type Founders' office in'this city were also frnrtless, as the young man had not been there. Whitney, where he was to start the paper, is the new terminus of the Sumr tcr Valley railroad. V - Trimming Hats. At their residence, Wednesday, evening, Dr. and Mrs. Witny combe entertained theysenior class of O A C. It was wnat is termed an "informal party," and was most enjoyable for the guests. During the evening the new class song tpas rehearsed. Games of various kinds , were played, but the crowning event is said to have been a hat : trim ming contest, in which the young men were set the taab of trim rniag hats for the young ladies present. Some of the elabera tion of the youn men were re markable and the results of their labors were wendreus to beaold. John Wiley won tho prize for "style'! on his up-to-date decora tion of a hat for Miss Bessie Smith. For 'originality" Wil liam Pate took the lead and the most original thing of the even ing was voted to be the hat of Miss Grace liichael, whose hat Mr. Pate decorated. Delicious refreshments concluded a most delightful evening. For Better Service. The citizens' league has ap pointed a committee to urge the matter of having the time of de parture of, the S. P. passenger j changed from 1:30 p. m., to 5:00 i a. m. Auo.th.er committee is ea 1 deavoring to impress upon the I same company the mutual benefit j to be derived by the city and ' themselves from the establish- train leave Here in the morning at 5 o'cloek and return at 7 p. in., residents of this city would be enabled to go to Portland, trans act considerable business, and re turn the same day. The in crease in traffic would no doubt be considerable, and it would be a good business proposition for Corvallis. - Additional Local. The annual address at Philomath college, will be delivered next Sun day by Rev Humbert of this city. The subiect of G. S. O. Humbert's sermon Sunday eve will be "The con version of the Apostle Paul." The public is invited to attend these ser vices. Yesterday morning, at her resi dence, Miss Margaret Snell gave the young ladies of the O A C senior class a breakbast. At eight o'clock the guests arrived and a most deli cious breakfast awaited them. After the repast, four young ladies read a paper eaoh on the parlor, bedroom, dining room and kitchen. The papers were all very entertaining as well as instructive. On the de parture of her young, guests, Miss Snell presented with a smal book of poems and a picture, as souvenirs of the occasion. Mr. H. T. French," head- of the committee now engaged in prepar ing Benton county's exhibit far the coming state fair, is most anxioug to secure a specimen of "every vari ety of grass grown in this county. There are considerably over 100 of these, and there is no reason why fine samples of each Should not be. included in our exhibit. Mr. French is very enthusiastic and if farmers will second Lis : efforts, Benton county will walk away with first prize. V Bring - your specimens to the Gazette officej or let Mr. French know where he can get them, and he will be glad to go after them. The reading room building is undergoing repairs. Wednesday morning (Jharley Bianesiee began the task of raising the building and putting it on a good foundation. In all probability a new roof will ba put on the building. It is to be painted and; papered throughoat and everything finished in. first class style. Underwood & Kerr! will do the painting and papering. For years the reading room has been kept top by the W. C. T.-U. of this city, and now they are having all of these improvements made. To the W. O. T. U. much' credit is due far their effortf , but the public generally have seemingly failed to appreciate the privilege that has beea'pffered them. W- It is proposed " by the sportsmen of this city to organize a gun club; in fact, the movement is already well on foot. It is proposed repur chase a trap for clay pigeon shoot' 5 . r I "ioe up'. o$nss and wear the clothcj made by Francisco's leading " Eve: suit ruaranteed to "si-.ic.-. well tailored fab r;t wil woe!. A good suit made or order cost you but a little more than a flimsy "ready made." Call on S. L. KLINE hive your measure taken, but1 Insist that you select from the thnry llilp samples. They are the best SPECIAL SALE Men9 Linen Hats for Summers The Largest Line in town to select from and .: Prices the Lowest. Headquarters for Soft Brown Shirts and Collars. All the new styles in stock. See us for Fine Shoes; everything that is new in Patent Kid and Oxfords any style you want. Sole agent for the Black Cat Hose for men. The kind that wears; 10 to 35 cents per pair. 3 1 I Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House g ssTHE P ee AND! RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. H. W. HALL, SJob Printing at this office- MsJ Strong Academic aad Professional Course. Well Equipped TtaiiiineTHeparttn Exyenees range from $130 to $175 per year. EFaUjTcim Optcs September 17th. For catalog containing full announcements, address. J. B. Secretary. ing and lay in a quantity of blue rocks. Grant Elgin is one of the leading spirits in the move, and had secured the following member ship fer the club up to yesterday morning: M. P. Burnett, Grant Elgin, R. H. Huston, E, Bethers, E. E. Wilson, Ed Olark, Ed Smith, Alex Rennie, J. N. McFadden, Thos. Callahan, Franjt Lilly, W. H, Cur rin and George Irvine. An operation was performed On Ed Horning, Wednesday, by Drs. Farra. and Cathey, for the purpose of removing a quantity of pus from an abscess which had formed in the patient's right side in the region of the kidneys. : It is "quite common for abscesses to form after an at tack of typhoid fever, and Mr. Horning is just reeevering from an attack ofthis disease. Insertion of the needle developed the fact that pus had formed, and the patient was given n anaesthetic and an incision made. About one and a half pints of pus was removed. . Mr. Horning is (somewhat improved as a result, and if no complications ensue, he should rally rapidly. . Zierolf has just received the finest assortment of souvenir dishes ever broueht to Corvallis. -They contain ' views of the various O A U uud 1DB9. ,' A Call for Warrant Ho. 28S1. Notice is hereby given that there is money in the treasury to pay City war rant Number 2881, endorsed no v. inn, 1899. Interest will stop on the same from this date, : , Wk. MoLagaV, , - . City Treasurer. Dated Corvallis, Or., June 7th, 1901. . Native Herbs. Anyone deeiring this great blood puri fier, may secure the same by calling on or addressing F. KlecEeb, Philomath, Or. ' Price $1 per box. tailor. please Proprietor. State Normal SchoJ Monmouth Oregon. QEOD FOR GRSDUiTES The demal for graduates ot the Normal School, dut ing the past year has been much beyoi the supply. I Positions frcm G40 to $75 m montf STATE CERTIFICATES AKD DIPLOM Students are prepared for the state exail motions and readily take state papers graduation. P. 1i. CAMPBEH, Preside: Foley's Kidney CuA makes kidneys aad bladder right The least in quantity and most Quality describes DeWitt's Little EaJ Risers, the famous pills for coDStipati and liver complaints. Graham & Wei Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still hai t! largest sale of any medicine in t civilized world. Your mother a eri andmothers never thourht using anything else for indigeiti or biliousness. Doctors were Bean and they seldom heard of appa dicitis. nervous prostration or heal failure," etc. They used Angtf Flower to cleanse ou the systa and stor fermentation of uni Rested food, regulate the action the liver, stimulate the nervous a j organic action of the system, a: that is all they took when feeli dull and bad with headaches al other aches. You only need a fa doses of Green s August Jb lower, liquid form, to make you satiifi there is nothing serious the mattt YYilM VUU. VJCb VXTJCU 0 x Xiao niiu nac. Graham & Wbrtham.1 .. Lest.. . Llevrellen setter bird dog, wbite, w black ears and small black spots c body; collar with name, "I, M. Hunte cut in leather. . Any iaformation will thankfully received. ' L M. Hdntbe A Call far Warrants. Notice is hereby giyen that there money on hand at the county treaiard office to pay all orders endorsed marked "sot paid for want of funds' to and including those of March 1901. Interest will be stopped on sa from this date. Corvallis, May 18tb, 1901. - W. A. BUCHAKAN, Treasurer of Benton Co., Or r Baker v 1