Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 24, 1901, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1801.
Suits ;
and Skirts.
We baye now ox sale, and new
Spring Suits & Dress
Oar suits compiise the newest and
beat of tbe late erections sack as coat and
lr effects and postillion backs. New
style skirts are also shown ' and jackets
Tbe price of onr suits range from $8.00
S, E, Young & Son
Albany. Oregon.
The Black Cat.
O A C souvenir olive disher, at
Zierolfa. 1 :
Call and see Kline's, new grocery
Ira Hunter made a trip to Albany
a few days ago.
Gilt-edge bargaius in all lines at
Nolan & Callahan's. .
All kiBds f bargains at Mat
thews Cash Store. "
Prof. J. B. Horner made a busi
ness trip to Albany Wednesday.
Buy the Black Cat hose the kind
that wears, for sale only at Kline's.
Its about time to get next to some
cool underwear at, IN olan fc Calla
han's. Secnre an O. A C souvenir vase,
creimnr, sugar or bon bon dish, at
' Hugh P. Estea,a Walla Walla
business man, was in Corvallis Wed
nesday, oa his way to Lincoln county
where he owns a fine stock ranch.
Zierolf has just received the finest
assortment of souvenir dishes - ever
brought to Obrvallis. They eontain
views of the various O AG build
ings. ; '.
It is said that Manager Stone, of
th C. & E., in his recent eloquent
write-up of the rhododendron ex
cursion failed to .mention, among
other items, sea serpent. -
The young people's societies of
the various churches in Corvallis
are to meet in union service?. Sab
bath evening, May 26th, at the M.
E. church at 6:45. All are invited.
Mac Ooffuy, of Monroe, was in
Corvallis a few days this week, at
tending to business as administrator
of his fathes's estate. George Cof
fey, his father, died some two or
three years ago.' " '
Helen, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hustoo, of this
city, who recently submitted to a
surgical operation on her throat, is
doing nicely, and beyond a doubt a
perfect and speedy recovery" will fol
low.. ' :
The G. A. R. of this city will
hold Memorial services at the M.
E. church, next Sunday. The sor
mon will be preached by Rdv. Mark
Noble, and the othor ministers of
the city will participate in the ser
vices. : . " ' - ; t
Some of the handsomest, college
souvenir dishes ever seen in Corval
vis. are on display at Zierolf's. The
ware is most exquisitely wrought
and fine colored views in relief , of
the main buildings of the Agricultu
ral college, are given.
The confederated conductors' ex
cursion, which has come to be an
annual affair, in Oregon, is set for
June 9th this year. The excursion
is to be from various points in the
state to Salem, where great prepara
tions will be made to entertain the
Frosi the vicinity of Hillsboro
comes the comnlaint that there Is n
mall grub working en the roots of
hop vines, with the effect of event
ually killing the vines. ' It appears
that - new vines are escaping the
havoc wrought by these worms and
only old vines are molested.
. Mrs. Lyman G. Goodell and fam
ily wish us to express' for-them
their appreciation of the many aels
ol kindness on ihe part of neigh
bors during the recent illness and
demise of - Lyman G. . . Goodell.
They tender their heartfelt thanks
in acknowledgment ef these deeds
of kindness, sympathy and conso
. Jat'cn. - '.-vV''-". : :;
At 2 o'clock tcnorrow afternoon,
Corvallis Grange will hold an open
session in the assemble room of tha
Agricultural coiiege. a very inter
esting program will be given and
topics of interest will be freely dis
cussed. The subject of "Fruit Cul
ture" will be handled by Prof.
George Coote; "Apple Pests," Prof.
A. B. Cordley'The Composition of
Wafer" ATlnotratocn
v:-i Ti :. u i j
attendanee will greet this session of
the grange, and it is desired that
everyone will understand that he is
cprdially invited to be present
W. A. Sanders, the watchmaker.
O AC souveriir pin trays of vari
ous designs and views, at Zierolf s.
, For. shoes, hats and furnishing
goods, go to Young's Racket Store.
Miss May Gerhard returned yes
terday from a brief visit in Albany,
Mrs Sol Stock of San Francisco,
recently arrived iu Salem lor a brief
visit. . , . .
We will sell 20-cent coffee on
Saturday, the 25th, 6 lbt. for $1, at
Kline s-
Mis W. T. Small and Miss
Blanche, returned .yesterday from
a week in Portland. -
The Pierians of 0 A C entertain
the Philadelphian society, at the
college this Friday evening.
Mesdames S. H. and E. J. Hor-
ton, of Monroe, visited CorvaMis re
latives the first of the week.
After a few days' visit with rela
tives, Mrs E. F. Thayer r eturned to
her home in Salem Wednesday.
Our premium dishes have arrived.
Present your coupons. -
Nolan & Callahan.
Mrs Rialto Weatherford return
ed Wednesday to her home at Har-
risburg, after a brief visit in Corval
lis. w.
Misses Mildred Linville and Nell
Elgin were passengers for Salem on
Wednesday morning's btat, for a
few days' visit with friends.
Miss Sadie Wioslow, accompanied
by hor mother, left by boat Wednes
day morning for her homo at New-
berg, after a few . days in Corvallis.
The ladies ef the Congregational
Missionary Society were entertained,
at tea Tuesday afternoon by Mrs.
Emille Pernot. The affair was very
On account of the union Memor
ial service at the M. E. church.
there will btrno morning service at
the Evangelical church. Services
as usual at eight p. in.
Bread and butter plates, choco
late cups, coffee cops, etc, with views
of Cauthorn Hall, Alpha Hall, Me
chanical Hall and Executive Build
ings on them, at Zierolf's. r
T. J. Buford came out Srom Siletz
Monday, and returned Tuesday.
He was accompanied home by his
daughter, Miss Mary, who had been
for two weeks the guest of Corvallis
friends. - , 4
Corvallis is to have a stamp photo
gallery. The promoters of the en
terprise are Mr and Mrs Gldnden
ning, recent arrivals from Ashland.
They will take up their residence
here and expect to be ready for
business next week." -
Jas. McCaustland arrived home
Wednesday from Portland, where
he took a course at the business
college. He will remain here unti
after the commencement exoercises
at O A C have takeu place. '
A story is being circulated to the
effect that ' down on his wonderful
ranch near Elk Citv Colonel Parker
recently found the petrified image
ef an animal whieh, about the heal,
resembled either a rat or a rhinoc
eros.- i "V' .
There is to be a business meeting
ef the Coffee Club at four o'clock
Monday afternoon , when the pay
ment of annual dues will be in order
There will also be election of officers,
and a fall attendance at the " meet
ing is desired. . ' -
Marion Johnson of Portland, was
a Uorvalus v visitor Monday. Mr
Johnson is traveling far a typewriter
company, representing the ; New
Century, Densmore and. Yost - ma
chines. He left Monday evening for
Albany, en rente home. :: " i
At the residence f Dr. and Mrs
G? R. Farra a week from tonight,
a social is to be given by the Con
gregational ; Missionaey Society.
Ios cream and other light refresh
ments will be served, and the pub
lic is cordially invited to attend.
- Miss Adelaide Greffoz, for- the
past three years bookkeeper in the
store of A. Hodes, left Tuesday for
Portland, to join her mother - and
Miss Rosalie in their new - home.
Many Corvallis friends regret the
departure of this estimable family.
A meeting of tha Corvallis bicycle
Club is called by the president, E
R. Lake, for Monday evening, May
27th, at eight .o'clock at the court
house. Important matters, are to
be acted upon, and it is urged that
all bicyclists in the city, : whether
members of the club or not, attend
said meeting. . . t" : - ;
; Henry Reis and wife, who have
been at Bandon, -Oregon for some
time, recently arrived in Corvallis
and have been the guests of Mr and
Mrs Lee Henkle and family, who
are relatives. They ara now out at
Dusty visiting with Mr. Reir par
ents. In the coarse of a week Mr.
Reis will go to Portland, from which
place he will start on the road for a
wholesale house. - His route will
take him through Idaho and that
section of country. An interesting
item in connection with their jour
ney to this city is the fact - that be
fore leaving Bandon, Mr. and Mrs
Reis shipped two trunks and a box
to Corvallis in Lee Henkle s name.
Their effects did not arrive at the
time they should, and it later davel
oped that they were- held in Port-
land with quite a bill against them
and that either a trunk or the box
was brokeB. This matter has been
satisfactorily straightened oat.
Oar Citizen's Refuse to Be Divided oil
- the Question of Enforcement of Laws.
Tbe result of Monday's election
seems to give general satisfaction ;
and, with all the candidates good
and law abiding citizens, it would
seem that the result could not be
other than satisfactory. While
therejwere two tickets Jn the field,
they presented exactly, the same
list of candidates with the excep
tion of one councilman in each
ward. Each ticket t declared for
"Law and Order," more in jest
than in earnest apparently, for the
people of this community are a
unit for good laws and their en.
forcement, and in no city in the
state is there less reason for a moral
crusade. The very fact that all the
candidates in Monday's election
were reputable business men is evi
dence of this.
That visitors to our city are im
pressed with the purity of our
moral atmosphere, it is only neces
sary to repeat the words of Col.
Holt, the noted ' evangelist who
conducted a series of revival meet
ings at the M. E. church last De
cember. In conversation with the
Gazette man, Col. Holt said:
"No town in the state of Oregon
has had : more unjust calumny
heaped npon it than has Corvallis.
From the reputation of-youi oity,
gained abroad, I expected to find a !
little hall on earth here. Imagine
my jiurpriae, when I learned from
personal experience that the moral
atmosphere of this community was
exceptionally pare."
That there is room for improve
ment in eur social conditions no one
will deny, but any attempt to or
ganized crusade ormake an issue
of something which does not exist
is bound to terminate .in a farce
That is why everyone was in the
best of J humor Monday, and all
havejbeen laughing ever siuce.
"Improve the morals of the indi
vidual, and the moials ot the com
munity will take care of them
selves," is the axiom of the practical
reformer. .-,'".--.
The churches of Corvallis, the
agricultural college, the various lit
erary and religious societies', and
the fraternal orders, each in its
proper sphere, are exerting an in
fluence which gradually but surely
is making this the cleanest and
most desirable residence city in
Otegoa. ; IT is to the credit of the
entire community that there is no
talk of a movement to ' counteract
this influence. , . When there is such
a movement it will be time to put
up a "Law and Order" ticket.
The result of the election Monday
is as follows:
Mayor, M, S. Woodcock, no oppo
sition, 372 votes. .,1 - r
Councilman 1st ward, D. C.
Rose, 64; , J. B. Irvine, 60; - 2nd
ward, Wm. Crees, G8;Geo. W. Smith
59; 3rd ward, A. Hodes, 66; D. M.
Smith, 59. . ......
Police Judge E. P. Greffoz, 250;
E. R. Bryson, 133.
: Chief of Police Asa - Alexander,
200;- G. A. Robinson, 175.
-.Treasurer Wm. McLagan, no
opposition, 380. v
Three Weddings.
One of the prettiest weddings
seeff in Corvallis in a long time
occurred at the home of Mrs Rflth
N. Clark at 10:30 Tuesday. The
bride was Miss Jennie Clark, and
the groom. Glean Winslow. of
Meberg.' :
The parlor was beautifully de
corated with cut flowers, ferns
and snowballs, the predominating
colors being pink and white, and
Hurler a large arch of ivy, from
which was ; suspended a bell of
calla lillies, , the ceremony was
performed by Re?. P. S. Knight.
The Bride wore ia elegant cos
tume of white silk organdy, trim
med with laee, ribbon andrhine-
stone ornaments, and carried a
bouquet of roses tied with ; white
satin ribbon. The traveling suit
was pearl gray eloth. The wed
ding march was rendered by Miss
Hettie Lilly. After the usual eon
gratulatibns, an elaborate wed
ding dinner was served. Many
handsome presents were received
from relati ves and friands . Because
of a recent death ia the family,
the wedding was a very quiet af
fair, only the immediate relatives
of the interested parties, being
present. .
At 1:15, amid showers of rice
and old shoes, Mr and Mrs Wins
low started by carriage for Salem,
where they will visit relatives for
a lew days. They will be at
home to friends after Jane 15th,
in their future home atNewberg.
The bride is one of Corvallis'
loveliest girls, respected and eg-
teemed by all. The groom is
a graduate of .O A. C and a young
man xf sterling worth. . He is
engaged in the jewelry busiuess
at Newberg.
The best wishes of a multitude
of friends are extended.
-The home of Z.lrs. Sarah
Cauthorn was the scene of a
pleasant social event, Wednes
day. - The occasion was the mar
riage of Miss Frankie Cauthorn
of Corvallis and Archie Mcln
tyre of Athena, Eastern Oregon.
- The ceremony was performed
in the presence of the. family
and a few . - intimate : . friends.
There was a profusion of roses
tastily arranged about the. rooms,
and after congratulations had
been ofiered, the inerry company
partook of a sumptuous wedding
1 l- mi. i ' .
mncn. .ine orme's gown was
of white swiss, with real orange
blossoms from California, and
she carritd a bouquet of white
roses. The wedding inarch was
by Miss C&rne Danuetnan.
Many handsome presents were
received, consisting principally
of silverware. ' v
At 1:20 Mr., and Mrs.'MoIn
tyre left for Portland, where
they will spend a few days be
fore "proceeding to their new
Mrs. Mclutyre graduated from
O A C with the class of 99. She
is one of Benton's fairest daugh
ters, and a host of friends wish
her a happy future. The groom
is a former O A C student, and
an enterprising rancher- of near
Athena, where the home of the
young couple is to be. The Ga
zette joins in hearty congratu
lations. There was a quiet wedding at
the M. IS. parsonage Wednesday
evening. The interested parties
were William J. Moore and Miss
Lottie Mitchell. The ceremony
was performed at eight o'clock
by Rev. Frank X. Moore, only a
few relatives and intimate friends
being present. The bride was
attired in a becoming costuoiePof
gray. The newly wedded pair
will reside ia Corvallis and num
erous friends wish them a pleas
ant journey through life. : ;
Team Rhus Away.
Rube Kigfer's team got away
from him early yesterday morn
ing and took a little spin. Mr.
Kiger was hauling some old
bridge lumber home from a point
near the Fischer flouring mill
and just as he was going up a
slight rise ol ground the double
trees broke. This lei the team,
which is quite spirited, bolt
ahead, and sooner than take the
risk of being pulled off the wagon
Mr. Kiger let go the reins, but
not before his hands were some
what skinned- and blistered.
The wagon rau back down the
decline and the team came on to
town at a lively gait. They ran
down First street and by the
time they had arrived at the
planing mill had slackened speed
considerably. George Kisor,
who was at work in the rear end
of the brick livery stable, chanc
ed to see the horses and bv run
ning cross-lots caught them.
The whole affair terminate! in a
very lucky manner nobody was
seriously injured, not even a
horse, and the extent of the
damage can be remedied with
$2.50. . : - ,
Struck a Cable.
Tuesday, while assisting to
bring a raft of logs down the
river from near Harrisbnrsr to
the Corvallis Sawmill. William
Beckwith had a narrow escape
from what might have caused
death. : Everything went well
with the rafting party until they
reached the Stalbuseh place, a
few miles above this city, where
it seems there was a cable stretch
ed across the river, so low that it
caught on the corner of the raft.
The raft, of logs, moving as it
was, lightened the cable until
the tensioa was very great, when
it suddenly -freed itself, and
whether Mr. Beckwith was struck
by the rebounding cable or in the
shock lost: his balance and fell,
is not known. At any rate he
fell down oa the raft "and was
rendered unconscious for .quite
awhile. For a time much anx
iety-was experienced regarding
his recovery. However, he was
about as usual the next day and
felt none the wrse for his mis
hap. Ribbon Sale.
Special sale of ribbon at Young's
Cash Store, at followinz prices:
25cts per yard
22 "
The . well dressed man "gets
there." Come and see our new
spring suits. Nolan & Callahan.
-' . ' Lost.. ., .
Llowellen setter bird dog, white, with
biacK ears ana small black spots over
body; collar with name, "I, M. Hunter,1
cut in leather. Any information will be
thankfully received, L M. Hcntee.
by Rev. F. A. Lark at ii
The New Staff.
; At a joint - meeting Tuesday
afternoon, in Prof. Horner's
room at O A C, in which the
different societies were represent
ed, officers' were elected to take
charge of the college 'Barom
eter' Vdurinriti publication next
year. The following selections
were made: James Zurchef, editor-in-chief
; Miss Edith. How
ard, business manager, and Miss
Elizabeth St. German secretary.
The editorial stall was also elect
ed and consists ot two members
from each of the eight societies,
making sixteen in .'all-. The
duties of the staff will be indi
vidually assigned next week.
Chas. H. Horner, the. present
editor-in-chief, presided over the
meeting with fairness to all can
didates, aud there is no doubt
but Mr. Zurcher will prove a
worthy sucoessor of Mr. Horner,
Miss Howard is the present as
sociate editor of the Barometer
and there is no fear entertained,
as to her fitness for the position
of business manager ; ;
Additional Local.
Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in
tbe Witham school house Sunday
afternoon at three o'clock. Sunday
School at two. V - : y: .
Putnam Fadeless Dye, Sky Blue,
produces the bright shades of Blue
so desirable in ribbons and other
fancy articles. 10c. per packs go
Sold by Graham & Wells. , .
Through some mistake the 'Ga
zette said in the last issue that the
Union picnic at Dusty would be
held June 1 8th. It should have
given 'Juno 1st as the date.
Owing to the fact that the Dis
trict Conference ef the M. E. church
South, is in session this week at
Tangent, there will be no preaching
at their church in this city on Sun
day, Rev. Lark being in attendance
at conference. '. .
. Miss Bessie'Chipman passed the,
12th milestone in her journey of life
Saturday. The event was celebrat
ed with a party, about a dozen lit
tle friend of the youthful hostess
being present. Ice cream and cake
were closing features of the after
noon. . ' ' '- .- .
At the conclusion, of the Christian
Endeavor convention held in Salem
recently, representing the yarious
organizations of this nature in the
state, Rev. G. S. O. Humbert, pas
tor of the Christian -church of this
city, was elected first vice-president
of this association for the ensuing
year. -. . . . -
The pidiio season w not to be ig
nored this year, judging from the
number now scheduled to take place.
Besides those annunced at Beaver
Creek, Wells and Dusty, another is
to be given at Herren's grove, south
of Monroe, a week from tomorrow.
Numerous Corvallisites -expect to
attend. f . ;
Julius Joseph, one of Albany's
pioneer residents, died in that city
Monday night. He was a veteran of
the Civil War and a member of the
G, A.- R. of Albany. For many
years he had -been manufacturing
cigars.- He was respected by all,
and at the time of his death had
reached the age of 64 years. .
A fine new lathe was received by
Berry Brothers yesterdey for use ini
their repair shop. This firm is now
prepared to do all classes Of repair
ing in the most workmanlike man
ner. Their, shop is on Main street,
just south of J, H. Harris' store.
Their customers are assured court
eous treatment, and satisfactory
work is guaranteed.
" Waliis Nash, who, for several
years, has been leading a sort of
patriarchal life on his extensive
stock ranch in the Coast . Range,
near the line of the Corvallis &
Eastern Railway, is in Portland,
says the Oregonian. Four of Ms
sons' have gone into the world and
are successfully making their way,
and now his remaining son, who,jt
was supposed' would succeed him
in the patriarch business, has de
cided to ; take a university course
and try his luck in the - busy
haunts of man. Mr. Nash has no
idea of remaining alone among his
herds of cattle, and as dairy farm
ing is taking the lead now,' and his
extensive ranch and more exten
sive range are. admirably adapted
to this business, he has advertised
his place for sale, and intends to lo
cate m Portland. .
A Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby . given that there
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pay all orders endorsed and
marked "not paid fcr want of funds" np
to ami including those of November 9th,
lOOO. Interest will be stopped on same
from this date.
Corvallis, May 18tli, 1901. .
, , W. A. Buchanan,
Treaturer of Benton Co., Or.
"I had a running sore on my breast for
over a year," eays Henry E. Kicliards, of
Willseyville, N. Y., "aud tried a great
many remedies, but got no relief until I
used" Banner Salve. After using one-hall
box. I was perfectly cured. 1 cannot re
commend it too highly." . Graham &
and wear the clothes made by
San FriRrisco'j leading tailor.
Evuy wit r-jarar(:cd to please
raiments well tailored fab
rics sill wooL A good suit made
or order cost you but a little
more than a flimsy "ready
made." Call on ; ;
have your measure taken, 1ut
Insist that you select from the
Henry Hilp samples. They are
the best.
Men's Linen Hats for Summer
The largest Line in-town to select from and- ..
. . Prices the Lowest. "
Headquarters for Soft Brown Shirts and Collars. All the
j- p new styles in stock.
,; - for Fine Shoes; everything that is new in Patent
r Kid and Oxfords any style, you want.
.Sole agent for the Black Cat Hose for men. The kind
that wears; 10 to 35 cents per pair.
The Corvallis
Keeps constantly on
A package of 4-rm & Hammer Soda is given free withlS!
V fevery sack of the latter -
Hay, Oats, Grain
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
'M "a.
i. -. ' ' -. : 8
Frfesh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and 1
I I nuts kept canstantly on hand. , Smokers supplies . 1
f a specialty. ;.
t Hi W. HALL, Proprietor. A
Job Printing
atlthis office ""
Exyenes ranee from $180 to $175 per year.
- lor catalog containing full announcements, auaress.
For 50 Years
mothers have been giving their
children tor croup,- coughs and
colds - .. ' , '.
Mothers have cwShiloh in
the house at all times? .. Do
you know just where you can
find it if you need it quickly
if your little one is gasping
irid choking with croup? If
you haven't it get a bottle.'
It will save your child's life-
i T "Shnoh always cored my baby of croup.
: - cooshs and colds. 1 would not be without it.
MRS. J. B. MARTIN, HoatsviUe, Ala.
- Shiloh'a Conrnmptlon Cnrfl Is sold by all
InisrgUW at 5o, 0c, S1.00 bottle. A
or in ted Knarante icoea with erery bottle.
Fryonarenotaatlafiedso to your druggist
and got your money back. - . .
Write for illnitrated book on consumption. Sent
without cost to you.- S. C. Wells & Co., LeRoy. N. Y .
Sold b- Graham & Wortham
the most rtaaling salve In the world.
hand the celebrated
fcggs, poultry, Etc. .
tsaKerv i
State NoMal SgIiooI
Monmouth, Oregon. -
for graduates ot the Normal School, dur
ing the past year has been much bevoml
the supply. .-'')
n -i: - sin i. sir ... -i l. '
rusiuuns. iiuiii 9411 tu no per munio.
H T n B 1. IILIII liiiiilv .nil niuiiivi m
a r - unit 1 iriiiai td bku u riumn r
Atuaenis are prepared ior tne Biaie exame
inations and readily take state paperg oa
graduation. ..
E FaU Turn Opens 6eptemtf 17th,
, P.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys end bladder right.
, The ..least in quantity and most ia
quality describes DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaints. Graham & Wells.
Question Answered. J
Yes, August Flower still has tkt
largest sale of any medicine in the
civilized world. Your mother amd
grandmothers never thought ef
using anything else for indigestiem
or biliousness. . Doctors were scarce
and they "seldom heard of appen
dicitis, nervous prostration or heart
failure, etc. . They used August
Flower to cleanse out the system
and stop ; fermentation of uadi
gested food, regulate the action ef
the liver, stimulate the nervous and
organic action of the system, and
that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few
doses of Green 8 August Flower, ia
liquid form, to make you satisfied
there is nothing serious the mattat
with you. Get Green's Prize Alma
nac. Graham & Wortham.