Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 10, 1901, Image 2

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    w mm GAZETTE,
FfilDAY, MAY 10, 1901.
The day has passed when pro
tection, with some show of truth,
was declared to be a mere local
issue. Before the civil war our
manufacturing interest were in
t ie New England and Middle
States. The South and West
were mainly devoted to agricul
tire. The great staples of the
South were cotton and tobacco.
These were produced by slave
labor. Of skilled labor the
South had little or none because
she had no necessity for it and
afforded it no employment.
"Cotton is king" was her indus
trial shibboleth, and she was con
tent to Jook to the North and to
Europe for supplies of manufac
tured commodoties. Her pro
duct was in constant request for
export, and her efforts were put
forth to supply the demand.
Under these conditions she
naturally desired free trade.
In the South neither the demo
cratic nor the old whigi party
favored protection. A tariff for
revenue only, as nearly tree
trade as possible, was most ac
ceptable to the South. Calhoun
carried South Carolina into acts;
of nullification because the federal
tariff was framed as a measure of
protection as well as for raising
revenue. Protection was vehem-j
ently opposed by southern poli
ticians and statesmen, ' who de
nounced it as "sectional legisla-
4 'utterly unconstitutional. " The
supreme court affirmed the con
stitutionality of protection yet
the South continued to brand it
as "class legislation."
In the manufacturing North
the two great parties favored pro
tection. Thus, influenced by
Considerations of seeming self-interest,
the two sections of the
country were at variance on a
great economic question. As the
demacratic party passed more
under the domination of the
South it gravitated toward free
trade until outside of Pennsyl
vania it had but few earnest pro
tectionists in its ranks.
Although the constitutional
ity of protection had been
authoritatively affirmed and its
friends with intelligent and un
tiring devotion to the cause set,
forth the benefits which it would
bring to all sections of the coun
try, mistaken self-interest and a
growing distrust of the North
kept the South in favor of free
trade, or at most of a tariff for
revenue only. When the repub
lican party was formed among
its first utterances was that of de
votion to protection. Through the
whole history of the party it has
ever championed that cause and
insistently taught that it is a
potent factor in our national pros
perity. The party has endeavored
to lift protection out of the
damain of partisanship and place
it where it properly belongs with
those economic measures which,
"because of their national impor
tance, should not become in
volved in party rancor and strife.
This much has already been
accomplished; that is, the Ameri
can system of protection has be
come a national policy. . Our
people hold it so, and other
nations recognize it so. It meets
opposition, of course, as what
policy does not; but this is con
fined to a few commercial traders
and impractical academicians.
The mass of our people, manu
facturers, artisans and agricul
turists, favor protection. No
party pledged to destroy it could
possibly carry the country.
The free trade South no longer
exists, for the South is directly
interested in manufactures. It
will not be many years until
South Carolina will produce a
greater amount of cotton fabrics
than Massachusetts, and Ala
bama, Georgia and Tennessee
will press closely upon Pennsyl
vania in products of iron and
steel. Her agriculturists will
find, as those of the North have
found, that the home market is,
from every consideration, the
most desirable. The remarka
ble industrial progress of the
SoSth has carried the maxims of
protection along so that the sys
tem is well fortified there.
There are yet two or three
features of protection upon which
a better understanding must be
reached. These are: To what
extent shall it be applied, what
Shall be its amount, how long
shall it be continued?
Protectionists would extend it
to embrace every product of field,
forest, forge, loom and mine de
manded by our home markets,
and which, guarded against de
structive foreign competion, we,
by industry, skill and intelligent
economy j may supply from our
own natural resources.
In amount it should be suffi
cient to enable our producers to
pay their workmen adequate
wages, to render themselves fair
profits on their capital and, sub
ject to these conditions, to shield
them from foreign competition
in our home markets. It should
be continued, subject to these
conditions of wages and profits,
until our producers aided by their
skill, improved processes and
greater economy of production
may easily compete with foreign
producers in the foreign markets
of the world.
Year by year the national bene
fits of protection are becoming
more apparent. We see that it
not only creates new industries,
develops our natural resources,
gives capital and labor remunera
tive employment, but evokes
active and healthful competition
which improves the quality and
reduces the price of every com
modity demanded by home coh
surnption, and ultimately carries
our products into competition
with those of other nations in
the markets of the world.
The time is net distant when
the system of American political
economy as stable and receive
treatment as careful and intelli
gent as we now accord to our
raeiietary system. The policy of
the republican party is to hasten
the advent of this time.
Real Estate Transfers.
Elvia Withain to M S Miller.
9 lots in Jobs Add to Corvallis;
A P Harding to N C Popple-
ton, 160 acres; $1,000.
Arthur E Skasres te Tohn Bott-
ger, 80 acres near Summit; $200.
J W- Inffle to W H Green.
bond fordeodto 160 acres; $500.
P A Henshaw to N Henshaw.
deed to interest in 83 acres
near Albany; 5100.
For Chief of Police.
I respectfully an no 11 ace myself as a
candidate for the office of chief of Police,
subject to the will of the voters at the
coining city election. If elected, I pledge
myself to faithfully enforce all city or
dinances without fear or favor.
A. B. Alexandeb.
Champion Gopher Gun.
Harvey Sargeant is the inventor of a
gopher gun which will prove a great
boon to all who are annoyed by "var
mints" of any description. It will kill
anything from a mouse to a grizzly bear,
and it never fails. The price is only
$1.50. For sale by Huston & Bogne, The
Corvallis Commission store, and at the
factory on Main street. See it work,
and buy one.
Rotlcc to Taxpayers.
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of the county coort, I
will on Saturday evening, May 25, 1901,
close the tax books, make up the delin
quent roll and turn the same over to the
clerk. On the return to me of said roll
I will proceed to advertise and sell all
property on which the taxes are not paid.
M. P. Bubnett, Sheriff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ex
ecutrix of the estate of L. G Kline, deceased, has
Hied her final rxx.unt in said estata in the
county court f the state of Oregon for Benton
county in probate, ana Saturday, June I, 181, at
10 o'clock ft. m., at the county court room in the
court house in Corvallis, Bentei ceunty, Oregon; is
the time and place fixed by said court for hearing
objections, if any. to said final account m,r) t.h
settlement thereof.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 10th dayof May, 1911.
PAULINA KLINE, jExecutrix.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby civen that the undersifrned Mtwi.
tor of the estate of George W Buckingham, deceased,
has filed his final account in - aid estate in the
county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton
county, in probate, and Saturday. June 8, 1901, at
la o'clock a. m.. at the conntv court room th.
court house in Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, is
ban .mi hiiu fiiare nset oy sua conrc tor neaiia
objections, if any. to said final account and tha set
tlement thereof.
Dated at CorvalHs, Or., this 10th day of May. 1901.
J. P. GRAGU, Executor.
Think it Over.
Which is belter, to buy your pianos
aad organs "of an agent who represents
the factoiies where they are made, or of
one who only represents San Francisco
and Portland tabbing . houses? Is it
woith while to pay an additional profit
to city middlemen for the sake of getting
goods whioh have passed through their
hands, with douiila freight charges
added to other needlesB costs? Would
not the best plan be to have all your
money count on the value of the instru
ment itself? We think so, and for this
reason import all pianos and organs
direct from the factory, depend on quick
salss and small profits and thus give you
a high grade instrument at a moderate
price. All kinds of small instrnmsnta
sack as guitars, violins, mandolins, etc.
Call at office and residence one block
west of court house.
M. A. Goodnough.
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and bowels 4s not acj;
properly. BeWitt's Little Early Bisen
remove the cause of disease. Graham &
Wells, . ,
Try this Office or Job Work,
i m ymj mi n at
flakes the Hair crow. Clears
the Complexion. Softens and
whitens the Hands. Preserves
and beautifies the skin of 3n
f u and Children.
, - baolutelypnre, delicately rnMicatwI.
. CTJTiCOtt aP i tint only the mint iHicuci. ta
;,npn inrntaTidbesiitiflet,butUiepareBtaU.dsweet
e of toilet, biih, anj bsby untpw.
Ort'tt CT-- Trh-e. British denoti Nbitbetit. T ontioc
i'OTTEa. l. .-.D C. Ccbp., Sole Props.. Boston, u. 6. A.
For Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of City Treasurer at the
next annual city election to be held in
the City of Corvallis on the 3rd Monday
of May, I9OI. Wm. McLaqan.
Thomas Maple, Biikbcck, 111., writes:
"I had a very bad case of kidney trouble
and my back pained me so I could not
straighten up. The doctor treatment
did me no good. Saw Foley Kidney Cure
advetised and took one bottle whicl!
cured me and I have not been affected
since. I gladly recommend this remedy"
(jraham wells.
For Police Judge.
I am a candidate for police judge, tub
ject to the will of the voters of Corvallis.
If elected, will do my duty.
Miles Stai.r.
Mr. W. J. Baxter, of North Brook,
N. C, says he suffered with piles for 15
years. He tried many remedies with no
results until he uted DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured
him Graham &Wells.
To Voters.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of police judge, subject to
the will of the voters at the coming city
election. If elected, I pledge myself te
a faithful discharge of the duties of the
office, ithout fear or favor,
E. R. Bhyson,
Mr. E. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes :
He was troubled with kidney disease
about three years. Man to get up sever
al times during the night bnt .three bot
ties of Foley's Kidney Cure effected i
complete cure, he feels better than he
ever did and Tecommends it to his friends
Graham & Wortham.
for" Police Jn.lge,
I hereby announce mjself as a candi-J
date for the offica of police judge at the
election on the 20th of May, 1901.
Respectfully yonrs,
E. P. Gbbfeoz.
"Our little girl was unconscious from
strangulation daring a sudden and terri
ble attack of croup. I quickly secured a
buttle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving
her three doses, The croup was mas
tered and our little darling speedily re
covered." So writes A. L. Spafford,
Chester, Mich. Graham & Wells.
Letter List.
For the week ending May 4, 1901.
Persons calling for these letters will
please state date on which they were
advertised. They will be charged at the
rate of one cent each.
Mrs Emily B Apger, W A Davidson,
H L Elliott, S Emerson, Miss Ethel Has
ord, B Hatten, F M Kerney, Miss Mas
son, Rev I N Mulkey (2), Mrs C H Nioh
olson (8), Mrs M H Smith, Lew Wil
liams, Miss Daisy Woods and Miss Ag
nes Worden.
B. W. Johnson, P. M.
The greatest skin specialist in America
originated the formula for Banaer Salve.
For all skin diseases, all cuts or sores,
and for piles, it's tho most healing medi
cine. Beware of substitutes. Graham
& Wortham.
To Rear.
Ten acieF, with Louse and barn, close
to college. Enquire at this office.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver
is sluggish and your bowels clogged. De
Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the
whole system. They never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells.
Notice ol Election.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
election of the City of Corvallis, Benton
County, State of Oregon, will be held on
Monday, the 20th Day of May, 1901, for
the purpose of electing a mayor, chief of
police, police judge, treasurer, and one
councilman for the first ward, one coun
cilman for the second ward, one council
man for the third ward, and the follow
ing place has been designated as the
voting place for said election : Council
room in City Hall, situated on the south
east corner of Fourth aad Madison streets.
And the following judges and clerks have
been appointed to conduct said election:
Judges, Caleb Davis, W. Crees, M. Ja
cobs; clerks, J. L. Underwood and J.
L. Ripley. Given under my hand and
seal this 6th Day of May, 1901.
E. P. Gheffoz,
Police Judge.
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using DeWitt's Witch Hzsl Salve.
Look out for counterfeits, If yon get
DeWitt's yon will get good results. It
is the quick, positive cure for piles
Graham & Wells. . '
Foley's Honey aad Tap
for children,safe,sure. No opiates.
Art Squares,
Oil Cloth,
Iron Beds,
Wall Paper,
Window Shades,
Go Carts,
J. D. Mann 6c Co.
Our Clubbing List.
Subscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTB can!
obtain the following pipers in combination sub
scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low
prices stated below; canto, in adance always to ac- j
conpanythe order. Those wishing two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, will please
correspond with this orfico and we will quota you
the combinatian price. Wo can save yoa money on
nearly all publications vou desire.
The abbreviations below are explained as follows:
W. foi wckly; S W for aemi-weekly; T W, for tri
weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for ssmili onthly.
The first price represents the subscription rate of
the. publication alone, and fine second the rate for
the publication offered in conjunction with the
semi-weekly GAZKTTE.
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port
land, Or., S.W., to cents; 31.80.
Oreironian, Portland, Or., V, $1.60; 2.55.
nural Spirit, Portland, Or , Contains a live-stcck
market report, W., 2.00; 2.55.
Pacific Christian Advocate, Portland, Or., W.
$2.00. 3.05.
The Thrice-a-Week World, New York, T. W.,
S1.00; 2.20.
Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough stock
and farm journal, W.. $1.0022.30.
Tho Kepublie, St. Louis, Mo S. W., tl.60; 2.05.
Tho American Farmer, Indianapolis. Ind., Live
stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 50 cents; 1.65.
The Cosmopolitan llagazine, New York, M.,
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 56 pages of
latest maps; S ; 2.85.
The Outing Magazine, New York, M., $3,00; 3.80.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W., 51.00; 2.30.
Oregon Poultry Journal, Balem, Or., M.. 50
The Pathfinder,
District of Columbia, W.,$1.00;
The Designer,
, New York, Standard Fashions, M.,
81.00; 2.35.
American Agriculturist, Chicago, III., includirg
cupy ui iear x)ook ana Almanac, v., fl.uu; z.ay.
Farm, Field and Fireside, Chicago, 111., W., $1.00;
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, has .no riva
as a great modem newt apcr, T. W , $1.00; 2.16.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.90.
Young Peoples Weekly, Chicago, 111., W., 50 eents;
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W., 81.C0; 2 05.
The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , 111., M.,
50 cents; $1 75.
Farm and Fireside,
50 cents; 1.75.
Springfield, Ohio, S. W.,
$1.00; 2.15.
Home Com; anion, Springfield, Ohio,
Lippincott's Magazine
$2.50; 3.25.
Pe., M.
'Ev rv Month (Mujic, Song ard Dance), Jiew York,
m., yj .uu; z.i;.
The Century Katazine, New York, M., $4.00; 8.05.
Hoards Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis., The
best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world. W..
$1.00; 2.30.
Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.13.
American Homes. Knoxville, Tenn.. M-. SI. 00;
Boston Cooking School Slagazine, Ei-M., 50 cents;
McC lure's Magazine, New York, M.,$1.C0; 2.40.
Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville, Kv.,
one of the best papers from the great South, T. W.,
$1.00; 2.05.
"Dairy Fortunes," a neat, well written boek ol
204 pages on all questions conceralng dairyinar,
feeds and feeding, the constituent properties of all
kinds of feed; 39 combinations forming well
balanced rations for dairy cows. Every dairyman
should haTc it. Price with the Cokvallis Gazsttk
one year, $2,5$.
Pocket Atlas of the World, 881 pages, containing
colored maps sf all the states and territories in the
Vnited States, the province of the domiaion of
Canada, and of every country and civil division on
the face of the globs. Also valuable statistical in
formation about each state and county, giving the
papulation of every large city iu the worts', besides
other valuable information. A handy reference
work fos every persen; with Corvallis Gazette one
year, s.0. .
Digests what yoc cat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kiuds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use nTany
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.,
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago
The il. bottle contains 354 times the 50c. size.
Craham & Wells.
92 A nice residence 1 acre of land in
Corvallis, 5 minutes walk from postofBce ;
price $800.
8&W-80 acres; 50 in cultivation; good
house, barn, fruit and water; 3 miles
from Philomath. A good farm for
$2,200. '
74 1 GO acres; 30 in cultivation; small
house; good barn and water; 1 miles
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county road ; good pasture and timber.
113 A gpod 7-rooin house with one
half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken
Bouses and ahedx, price 3600; well-arranged
for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis postofflce
Real Estate Agent,
Bjx59, Philoftath, Benton County, Oregou.
Geo. C. Hickock, Curtiss, Wis., says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to be all yon claim for it. I
have given it to my father and it ia the
only thing tbat ever helped him." Gra
ham & Wortham.
Our men's, boys' and children's
clothing stock is immense this sea-
and Second
Hand Goods
For Sale.
A street sprinkler. Enquire of Geotgp
Whiteside; for particulars.
II people only knew what v.? know
about Kodo! Dyepppsia Cnre, it would
bo ueed in. nearly every household, as
there are few people who do not suffer
from a feeling of fullnots after eating
belching, flatulence, sour stomach, or
water brash, caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kedol
Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from
the stomach, will digest your food, cer
tainly can't help but do yoa good. Gra
ham & Wells,
Save Money.
Owing to the fact tbat we have had to
take a good share of tho lumber cut by
our Tualatin mill, and that we also have
a large amount of fir logs coming in th
big driye from the McKenzie, we are get
ting overstocked and will have to sell to
make room. Our stock is A 1. Save
money by buying now,
Cobvallis Sawmill Co.
"I have been suffering from Dyspepsia
for the past 20 years and have been un
able after trying ull preparations and
physicians to get any relief. After tak
ing one hottle of Koriol Dyspepsia Cure
I found relief and am now in better
health than I have been for 20 years. I
can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too
highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. W.
Roberts, North Creek, Ark. Graham &
For Rent.
. Will rent 200 acres of land nest of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in work andimprovements on the place.
Address M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Oregon.
The Great Scourge
Of modern times is consumption. Many
cures and discoveries from time to time
are published but Foley's Honey and Tur
does truthfully claim to cure all cases in
the early stages and always affords com
fort and relief in the very worst cases.
Take no substitutes. Graham & Wor
tham. For Sale to Loagers and Others.
one large iJurham bull, eight years
old, gentle. Price moderate. Inquire of
Wallis Nash, Nashville, Oregon. .
Drugs & Medicine Kodaks & Photo Supplies
CorvalSis, Oregon.
Established, Incorporated, 1S98
The most complete line of Pure Drugs and
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books nd Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article,
Combs, Ercslies and Mirrors.
Pceket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Perscription Department,
T. A. JONES, Registered,
Special Course in I'aarniacy nt perdue Vniversi
ty, Indiana
he first
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
, Lons Made;
Oa all kinds of approved, security, and. especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate busi-
cm cuicrpriaek aaq industries ol tnis country.
Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange
Biffht exchange and transfers sold cyailable In
the principal cities ef England. Ireland, Switzer
land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, SwecU
en, Denmark, Italy, ituesia, Spain, Portugal, Ger
Letters of Credit .
Issued available in the-principal cities of the
United States.
Principal Correspondents Upon Whcm 7j
Sell Sight Exchange
The Commercial National Bank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglo-Californian Bank, Ban Francisco, Calif.
The National City Bank New York.
The Bank of New York National Banking: Assn.
Importers & Trader's National Bank, New York.
Shoe and Leather National Bank of Boston. Mass,
Philadelphia National Hank of Philadelphia, Pa
Dfiuistrv of every ti.f?m done in 5rsl
class manner, saUMCCtion guar
anteed. crowd iSQ mm 'mi & spegi&lty
Office over 2T:erolf s grocery store, oppos j
the hi itfti-e. Cci vat us. Oregon.
Specialties Diseases of women and
children ; alsodeformitiesand all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidbntal Hotkl Mondav, Wcdnes
day and Friday, 1 -.30 to 5 :30 p. ni.
6. A. GATHEY, M. D.
Physician $- Surgeon
Booms 14 in Bank Sallding.
Office Honrs j2"
z to 4 p. m.
EesicSrnce : Corner College and 6th Sta
Telephone at office nnd residenre.
Gorva'IU, - Oregon
Office Coreer 3rd and Monroe streets
Hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Snn
day 9 to 10.
Residence Comer 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone 315, at residence.
Practice in -all State and Federal Court
OfficteJ tngFifhtb National Bank Buildine,
Bryson Woodson
Corvallis, Oregon.
Office in Fcstoffice Buildine
Office In n bllehorn Block
The operation of throii'rh trains be
tween San Francisco and Lop Angeles,
via Surf and Santa Barbara, will begin on
on the new
lar. 31, 1301
Two through Jtrain6 daily. The Coast
Line Limited leaving each terminal early
in the morning equipped with elegant cafe
and parlor cars, will make daylight trips
tnrought tne most picturesque, varied
and entertaining scenes on the continent
Inquire of agents cf the
Mies Mamie Smith. MIddlesboro, Ky
writes: "Mv lit tie sister l,ad the croup
very bad. I gave her eeyeral dosea of
Foley's Jlonev and, and ehe was in
stantly relieved. It caved her life. Gra
ham & Wortham,
Notice of Filial Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the understpietl, as
administor of the estate of John L. Clark. decead
has filed his final acctwnt, in said tstate in the
county court of Bentcu county, Oregon, and that
said cuurt has appointed Saturdaj, tne 11th day of
May A. D. 1901, at the hour of ten o'clock a m. at
county court room, in tne court house, in the city
of Corvallis, Benton county, state of Oregon, as
the time and place to hear objections, if any, to
final account, and the settlement of suid account
and estate
Conallis, Oregon, April 6, 1901.
Administrator of the Estate pf John L. Clark, De-
Notice to Creditor.-.
Notice ii heretj given that the undersigned hftf
keen appointed administrator of the estate of
Thomas Wyatt, deceased, by the county court of
Benton county. Oregcn. All persons having claims
against saiu estate are hereby notified to present
the satae, duly verified, together with the proper
vouuiier, 10 me ai tne law omce ox ir?son et wood
ton in Corvallis. Benton countv. Oreeon. within ais
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 1st day of March A. D, 1901.
Administrator of taid Estate.
Administrator's Notice. 1
Notice is hereby siven that the undersigned has
been duly appointed by the connty court of Benton
county. Oregon. adnifniNtrator with the- will an
nexed of the taut ft Thomas Kgenlou Hogg, de
ceased. All persons having claims against said
tstataarp hereby required to present tame to the
the undersigned at his residence near NoshvilU
Orepon, iuly verified and with proper vouchers
within six mouths from the date of this notice.
Dated this 3rd day of May, 1901.
Admr with the Will Annexed.
H. C. Watson and L. L Swn, Attorneys.
Notice for Publication.
Ukvtks States Laxd Oitm,
Oregon City, Oregon. March, 4, 1M1.
Notice U liereby given that in compliance with the
provieicps ol the act of CongreM of June 8, 1878.
entitled "An act fer the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, aad Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the Fablie
L&nd States by act of August 4. 1892.
of Monmouth, countv of Polk, state of oreron. h.
this day filed in this office tier sworn statement No.
5353, for the purchase of S4 of Ni: J and N of SFJ
of Section No 2 ih Township Ho 13 South, Kange No
7 West, and will offer proof to sbow that the land
eoufrht is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregron City, Oreffon, on Wednesday, the
29th day of Mav. 1S01. She names as witnesses:
Michael G. riyan. of Fall City. Polk Co., Or, Jas M.
Flynn. of Monmouth. Polk Co.. Or.. Samuel W.
Ewinir, of Fall City. Polk Co.. Or.. John W. Bed..
of Philomath, benton Co., Or. -
Any and all persons claiming adversely the mbeto
described lands are requested to file their claims ia
this office on or before said 29th day of Hay,
1981. CI1A&, B. MOOKE8.
Be c. iter
!HOfT line
Union Pacific
from Portland
Porthuid Special
9 a. m.
via Hun
tington Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, St
1 :30 r.m.
Louis, Chieage
and East
9 p. m.
via Hun
Salt Lake. Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha.
Kanssa City, St
3:10 a.m.'
Louis, Chicago and
Walla Walla. Leif
Bt. Paul
istan, S po k ane,
Fast. Mail
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Duluth, Mil
0:00 p.m.
7:00 K.m.
waukee, Chicago,
and East.
Through Pullman and Tourist S'eepsrs.
Ocean and Eiver Schedule.
AU sailing dates
subject to change.
For San Francisco,
3 p.
4 p. m.
Sail every five days!
from April 2d.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. m.
10 p. m.
Oelumbla River
4 p. m.
To Astoria & way-
Willsmelta River.
Ex. Sun
6 a. in.
I4:60p. m.
Oiegon City, Kew-
berir, balem, inde
pendence and way
6 a. m.
30 p.m.
Corvallis and Way
and Fri
3 -.33 rxra.
i a. m.
T nesdayj
T hursd'y!
W ednes-
Oregon City, Day
day and
ton & Way-land 's.
Sneke River.
L ewurton
8 :3u a. in
3" 40 a. m. ;Eipria to Lewie'n
A. L CRAIG. Gen. Pass. Agent,
J. P. TAPbCOTT. Agent,
Corvallis, Oregon.
CcrvaUis & Eastern Railroad,
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45
C&rvaflip 1:C0
" arrives Yaquina G:45
1 Reluming:
Leaves Yaquina.... : 1 0 a. m.
Loaves Co'vallii" . 11:30 a. hi.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p.m.
3 For DeUoit:
Leaves Alhany 7:,: 0 a. m.
Arrives Detroit .... 11:20 -i. ru.
4 Retarning:
Loarve Detroit 12:10 p. m.
Arrives Albany.... 5:45p.m.
One and two connect at Albai y
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct srvic to and
from Newport
Trains for the
at noon, giving
reat-h ram pine
and adjacent
mountains arrive
ample time Ut
grounds on th
Breiterbush and Santiaui river the
same day.
Edwin Stone,
H. L Waijikn, Manager.
T. F. & P, A.
U. II. Ckonise, Agent, Corvallis.
Southern Pacific Company.
Tiains leave Corvallis fnr Portlrod
end way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland 8:30 a m
Lv Alhunv 12:) d m
S:S0 p m
10:5n p m
11 :) a m
4 :85 a m
9.30 a to
Ar AsKIhIk) .12:33 a in
Ar feaoraiiiento 5.01 P m
Ar 8an Francisco- 7 :45 p m
Ar Ogtfen 5 :45 p m
Ar Denver .0:60 a fn
11 :iS a m
9 :00 a tn
7 :26 a B
Ar Kansas Gitv 7 :25 a In
Ar Chicago T !So a m
Ar Lo Anffetes 1 s20 n m
7:00 a
6 Jepft
1143 p In
Ar El fasti 60 p tn
Ar Fort WrUv 6l3 sa
ArOlir cf SletSeh 0'E6 a ra
Ar Bn,ufct(if 4 !0fl a m
Ar Nfew Orleans- a tu
Ar Washington .Ji r42 a m
Ar New York -lfi r48 f lu
both trains. Chair car Sacrantit0 te
Ogdeo and El Paso, nnd Tourist canto
Chicago, St Loon, Kc Orleans am
Connecting at San Frarroiaro irKh (
eral steamship lities for BdrmlQlfiV JtrpM,
China, Philippines, Central and Ser5
Sen F. K. FARMER, ageat a Oorrallfc
station, or address
C. H. MAEKHAM. . P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Physician 4vrgecn