Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 10, 1901, Image 1

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CWION Batab. Jalr. 1SS7.
GAZETTE Eatab. Dee., IMtt.
A Comprehensive Review of the lmporwt
Happenings of the Past Week Prese ied
in a Condensed Form Which Is Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
The British battle ship Warspite is
at ban iiego, Cal.
The yacht Constitution has been
launched at Bristol, K. I.
Immigration to this country so far
this season is unprecedented.
State fair purses for two races are
the largest ever offered in Oregon.
Supplies have been ordered rushed
to soldiers at Fort Gibbon, Alaska.
Troops will begin to leave China
when she promises to pay the indem
nity. University of California" defeated
University of Oregon in field day, 75
to 42.
Ihe .British house of commons
adopted the coal tax by a vote of 333
to 277.
An engineer was killed and a score
of passengers were injured in a train
wreck in Iowa.
Much satisfaction is expressed in
London at the turn the South African
affair has taken.
A draft of the hew canal treaty is
said to have been presented to Eng
land by Secretary Hay.
One million Chinese have lost their
lives by starvation and violent deaths
since the allies hrst landed.
A trial trip of Shamrock II - has
proven her to be vastly superior in
every particular to Shamrock I.
' Twenty torpedo boats and destroy
ers will be turned over to the govern
ment within the" next few months.
Latest mail advices from China
brought proofs of terrible conditions
which exist under the foreign military
rule in .North China.
The controller of currency has is
sued a call for a Statement of the con
dition of the national banks at the
close of business on Wednesday April
Work of cleaning up the . debris
from the Jacksonville fire is progress
ing rapidly. Martial law still pre-
vails. Supplies in great quantities
are coming from all parts of the
Insurance companies in Missouri
have been robbed out of $100,000 by
a gang who have been setting hres in
the southern part of the state. Six
men and one woman have been arrest
ed. Three of them have made written
Famine forced court to leave Sinan
Bubonic plague has broken out in
. Honolulu.
France has restored loot taken from
the Chinese.
German soldiers fired on a British
tug a Tien Tsin.
Seven people were burned to death
in a Chicago fire.
Ex-State Superintendent McElroy,
of Uregon, is dead.
The Shamrock II had her first trial
spin at Southampton.
. About a dozen people were injured
in a train wreck in Ohio.
" A commission has been appointed
to improve the Pei Ho river.
Another battle has occurred be
tween the Boers and British.
Revolution in Colombia has degen.
era ted into guerrilla warfare.
" Fire in Nashville, Tenn., did dam
age to the amount of $100,000.
Wholesale arrests resulted from re
volutionary movement in Russia.
Another oil gusher has been struck
at Beaumont, Tex,, near the other
The homeless of Jacksonville, Fla.,
as a result of the recent fire, will be
,' quartered at St. Augustine army bar
racks. China suggested to powers the open
ing of Manchuria to all countries.
Mrs. McKinley has been given the
honor of launching the battle ship
Ohio at San Francisco.
The force of soldiers in the Philip
pines will be reduced to 40,000, and
if improvement continues, still fur
ther reduction will be made.
President McKinley, while at El
Paso, Tex., exchanged felicitations
with President Diaz, of Mexico, and
received delegations from that coun
try. A reuglar semi-monthly steamer
service between San Francisco and
Manila is to be established at once,
two first-class steamers to be placed
upon the route.
During 1889 the total value of
mules exported to all foreign . coun
tries was $516,000, while during 1900
the figures reached $3,919,000. Mem
phis used to be the great distributing
point lor mules, but Louisville has
recently taken precedence.
iCeflselMated Feb. 1899.
Lost on the Desert, a Little Girl Dies of
Hunger and Exposure.
North Yakima, Wash., May 6. A
5-year-old girl has been found on the
lonely desert of the Horse Heaven
country, 18 miles from her home,
standing in a badger hole, where she
died from starvation. The child was
the daughter of Hon. W. B. Mat
thews, ex-county commissioner of
Yakima county. Searching parties
had been scouring the country for five
days and nights in an effort to locate
the child alive. It was thought that
she had been carried away by Indians
and would be found on the reserva-.
tion. She had been tracked 12 miles
from her home when all traces of her
were obliterated by the winds blowing
the tracks from the sand.
Two children, a boy aged eight
years, and the girl, five, were sent out
from home five days ago to look after
some lost cattle. They walked away
until 10 miles from home, when grow
ing tired they fell asleep. A passing
cowboy noticed them, and after arous
ing the sleepers took them on his
pony and carried them almost home.
The children then assured him that
they could get home without further
assistance, and he let them go alone.
The night came on and it is supposed
the boy ran faster than his sister and
left her behind. When he reached
home he was frightened and could not
tell exactly what had happened. A
search was made for the girl, but she
could not be found that night.
Reports of a Secret Combination of Disaffect
ed Elements Are Confirmed.
London, May 6. "The reports of a
secret combination of disaffected ele
ments in the Yangtse province, for the
purpose of. organizing general risings
are receiving some confirmation,"
says the Shanghai correspondent of
the Morning Post. "The British
consul at Nankin telegraphs Mr. Bren
nan, the British consul at Shanghai,
that the Nankin viceroy is very anx
ious about the Yangtse movement.
and he asks Mr. Brennan to assist the
Taoti to preserve order by holding
troops in readiness.
"It is announced from a German
source that the French have with-
tnAUFBNHrtcr f
TlSDAY MAY 2,184 '
Mtafe U AAflmc-r
This monument was erected May 2,
1901, near Champoeg, Oregon, on the
Willamette river, about 32 miles
above Portland. It stands where 52
pioneers met on May 2, 1843, and or
ganized the first government of Ore
drawn their troops from Hwai Lu to
Pao ling i u, thus leaving the Ger
mans in sole possession of all the
passes into Shan Si. "
Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Times
from Pekin says :
Ihe indemnity committee favors
a loan raised on the guarantee of all
the powers. Its proposal to increase
the maritime cutstoms to 5 per cent
advalorem applies to import duties
only and not export. All the minis
ters of the powers, except the British,
American and Japanese, favor an im
mediate increase to 10 per cent. The
report, which is based on somewhat
imperfectly understood data, has been
referred to the home governments."
Battle-Ship Iowa Launched.
Seattle, May 6. The battle shin
Iowa was launched today from the
Bremerton navy yard, after under
going repairs and a thorough over
hauling. Less than four weeks were
occupied in the great undertaking,
although six weeks had been allowed
by the navy department. Admiral
Casey, whose flagship the Iowa is,
was loud in his praise of the equip
ment and facilities of the big dry
dock. The flooding of the dry dock
and subsequent launching of the big"
vessel was witnessed by over 1,200
Northwest Postal Orders
Washington, May 6. A postoffice
ha3 been established at Rock Creek,
Baker county, Or., to be supplied bv
special service from Haines, and Ed
ward P. Castor appointed postmaster.
An office has also been established at
Bluellight, Yakima county, Washing
ton, on the route from Bickelton to
Mabton. Elbert L. Gravse has been
commissioned postmaster at this
Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im
portance A Brief Review of of the
Growth and Improvemeuts of the Many
Industries Throughout Onr Thriving Com
monwealthLatest Market Report
Six cases of small pox are reported
near Athena.
Columbia county will be entirely
out of debt by September, 1901.
The bond on the Republic mine, on
Griffin creek, Jackson county, has
been extended.
Dr. D. F.f Lane, of Salem, has been
appointed county physician for
Marion county.
The Samuels creamery will be
moved from La Grande to Baker City
and the capacity doubled.
The horse show at Pendleton this
year eclipsed anything of the kind
ever given in that city before.
A new lumber company is to be
opened up at Huntington by the Kel
ley Lumber Co., of Weiser, Idaho.
It is reported that a rich strike has
been made in the Roaring Gimlet
mine, situated not far from Gold Hill.
The Ashland mine is yielding more
ore now than ever before. The mill
is crushing about 25 tons of ore per
Reports from the Grand Rounde
valley indicate that the prospects for
this year's crop of sugar beets is better
than ever before.
Mr. Wright, owner of the Big Foot
mine, Gold Hill section, has started
a force of men at work on the JDougan
mine on Sams creek.
Work in the mines in the Baker
district is progressing. Development
work is being pushed in several of the
newly opened mines.
The state military board has decid
ed on plans for the coming O. N. G.
encampment. The Fourth regiment
and First Separate batallion will go
into camp, and the Third regiment
will engage in a practice drill, . .. .-
Work has started on the soldier's
memorial monument at Eugene.
Last week 15,150 bushels of wheat
changed hands at Weston. The price
was 4b cents.
A new pump has been put in at De-
Moss Springs for the benefit of farmers
who haul water.
J. H. Eggert has taken a contract
to get out 2,000,000 feet of logs, a
mile below Vient.
About 12,000 bushels of wheat
changed hands at DeMoss springs last
week at 45 cents per bushel.
The Bonanza mine, in Eastern Ore
gon, has received a large new boiler.
It weighs 21,000 pounds, and it took
20 horses 9 days to haul it frcm
Sumpter to the Bonanza, about 16
The farmhouse of Thomas Seavey,
on the north side of the McKenzie, a
short distance below th emouth of the
Mohawk, was totally destroyed by
fire. This was one of the land marks
of that country, having been built in
1868, at a cost of about $3500.
Wheat Walla Walla, 5960c. ;
valley, - nominal ; bluestem, 6162c.
per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $2. 90 3. 40 per
barrel; graham, $2.60. .
Oats White,$1.301.35 percental ;
gray, $L251.30 per cental.
Barley Feed, $1717.25; brewing,
$1717.25 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton ; midd
lings, $21.50; shorts, $20.00; chop,
Hay Timothy, $12.50 14; clover,
$79.50; Oregon wild hay, $67
per ton.
Hops 12 14c. per lb. ; 1899 crop,
67c. ,
Wool Valley,12)13c; Eastern
Oregon, 912c; mohair, 2021c.
per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 15
17 Mc. ; dairy, 1214c. ; store, 10
12c. per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1414c.
per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13c. ; Young America, 1314c.
per pound.
Poultry Chickens,mixed,$3.50 ;4
hens, $44.50; dressed, ll12c. per
pound; springs, $35 per dozen;
ducks, $56; geese, $67; turkeys,
live, 1012c; dressed, 1315c. per
Potatoes Old, $11.25 per sack;
new, 22Jc. per pound.
Mutton. Lambs 45c. per
pound gross; best sheep, wethers,
with wool. $4.254.50; dressed, 7c.
per pound.
Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.756;
light, $4.755; dressed, 77c. per
Veal Large, 78c. per pound;
small, 8c. per pound. .
Beef Gross, top steers, $55.25 ;
cows and-heifers, $4.504.75; dressed
beef, 8J8c. per pound
It is reported that some of the
Staten Island ferry boats are more
than 40 years old.
Count de Maquille, the last surviv
or of King Charles X's pages, died
recently at Nantes, aged 88 years.
The United States navy department
will exhiibt at Buffalo an 8x20 foot
map of the world, on which will be
placed 307 miniature lead models rep
resenting the war fleets of all nations
and their locations from day to dav.
Chicago Money Will Develop the Country's
Chicago, May 7. Chicago capital
ists and millions of Chicago money
are to develop the resources of Mexico
until the southern republic becomes
one of the important factors in the
worlds' trade. Silver mines supply
ing two-thirds of the silver of the
world ; coal fields hundreds of miles
in extent; great reaches of iron and
other ore lands, thousands of acres of
cotton seed and great grazing lands
dotted with cattle, are to be made the
objects of the impulse of Chicago
money. Bonded warehouses, hereto
fore unknown in the republic, are to
be erected at the City of Mexico and
at Vera Cruz. Under present meth
ods, the Mexican importer is com
pelled to pay duty on his goods the
moment they are landed. In the
LTnited States goods may be stored
until they can most opportunely be
realized on and disposed of. The con
cession under which these great ware
houses will be erected grants the
rights for 40 years. Into this enter
prise alone it is estimated that from
$4,000,000 to $5,0000,000 of Chicago
capital will be placed.
Plans have been fomulated for devel
oping the great Mexican iron fields
at Muarnog and the coal deposits at
Coahuila. Railroad facilities are to
be provided where they lack
ing and a total of $20,000,000 of
money may represent the expenditures
before the work is completed.
An International Affair, in Which a Young
Mexican Was Killed.
El Paso, Tex., May 7. As a result
of a pitched battle between American
and Mexican small boys, Anasticio
Pailen, 9 years old, is dead from the
effects of a rifle wound, and three
American lads, whose ages range from
12 to 14, are in jail. It has long been
customary for the boys of both races
who reside in the western suburbs, to
hght whenever different bands en
countered each other, but not until
yesterday had anyone been seriously
injured. On that day about 50 Mexi
cans attacked a dozen little Ameri
cans, and for a time the battle was
severe, but was confined to the throw
ing of stones. The Americans were
being worsted, when they produced a
target rifle and small pistols. The
rifle was directed at the ranks of the
assailants, and the bullet struck Pail
en, inflicting a wound from which he
Administration Decides on 40,000 Men in
Washington, May 7. After a care
ful consideration of the situation, the
administration has decided to reduce
the army in the Philippines to 40,
000. The opinion prevails here that
this number will be ample for the
present needs of the service in the
islands, and if conditions continue to
improve in the satisfactory manner
that has been shown in the past few
months, the force may be reduced still
further. The expectation of the war
department is that all of the volun
teers now in the Philippines will have
left the islands by the end of June,
leaving only the regulars on duty
there. Following the departure of
the volunteers will come the regulars,
who were sent to Manila in 1898, just
after the outbreak of hostilities, and
their movement home will continue
until the force is reduced to approxi
mately 40,000 men.
W. J. Footner Dead.
St. Paul, May 7. W. J. Footner,
vice president and general manager of
the Great Northern Express Company,
died suddenly of apoplexy in this city.
Deceased was born April 10, 1846, at
Montreal, Canada. He entered the
railway service in 1862 and has follow
ed it ever since. In 1883 he was ap
pointed superintendent of the North
ern Pacific Express Company and
shortly afterward was made general
superintendent, serving until 1888.
During the following four years he
was express manager for the Great
Northern Railway, later being pro
moted to the position of vice presi
dent and general manager.
Greatest m the World.
Wheeling, W. Va., May 7. The
directors of the American Sheet Steel
company have authorized improve
ments at the Aetna standard plant at
Bridgeport, Ohio, that will make it
the greatest sheet mill in the world.
The present plant employs about
3,500 hands, but the addition to be
built will be almost if not altogether,
as large, and will cost $1,5050,000.
Will Form a Trust
New York, May 7. The Journal of
Commerce says : Plans are now un
der discussion Jor a consoliation of
the leading manufacturers of shovels
and spades. There has been dis
cussion of a compact in ' this trade for
a long time, but now actual merging
of interests is progressing.
May Run Out of Provisions.
Seattle, May 8. Information has
been received by Quartermaster Ruh
len, of this city, to the effect that
there is likely to be a shortage of pro
visions at Fort Gibbons, Alaska, un
less early shipments are made via
Skagway and the upper Yukon route.
The garrison there has issued rations
to destitute miners to such an extent
that serious inroads were made on its
own stock of supplies.
Hundreds of Buildings at Jack'
sonville, Fla., Burned.
The Loss is Estimated at Fifteen Million Dol
lars Several Lives Reported Lost
Finest Hotels Destroyed.
Jacksonville, Fla., May 4. Fifteen
million dollars' worth of property
gone up in smoke and 10,000 people
made homeless is the result of a bit
of wire accidentally getting into a
shredding machine of the American
Fibre Company yesterday at the cor
ner of Davis and Union streets. The
fire started between the hours of 12
and 1 o'clock in the afternoon and
owing to this fact the loss of life will
be comparatively small. The fibre
factory was a wooden shell, full of in
flammable material.
The wind, which was already blow
ing strong from the southwest,
seemed to be possessed with a sudden
fury and soon was carrying destruc
tive embers all through the city, the
fairest portion of which lay right in
the course of the wind. Some delay
was experienced in sounding an alarm
and the engine at the water works
suffered a mishap and nothing more
than ordinary pressure could be ob
tained. By this time the flames had
swept to the Boston, a huge furni
ture factory. It leaped across Davis
street and took a course right through
a section on which block after block
of frame buildings had been erected.
Here is where the fire denartment
lost control, as simultaneously in half
a dozen places, some of them six
blocks from the main fire, roofs were
seen to burst out in flames. The
wind, rising higher and higher, set
on nre whole rows of buildings and
attracted at first a crowd, of curious
sightseers who seemed to be fasci
nated by the sight until they learned
that their residences too were in dan
ger of total destruction. It took just
four hours for that resistless mass of
names to consume every building in
its wake for a space of six to eight
blocks wide from Davis street, near
where it started, to the Hogan street
viaduct, a -distance of over one and a
half miles, and then, not satisfied
with eating out the heart of the resi
dential portion of the city, it doubled
back and came roaring up the princi
pal thoroughfare of trade, destroying
everything in what was the original
incorporation of Jacksonville.
From the humble homes of t he poor
to the elegant residences of the well
to do was but a short journey for the
flames. It seemed that wherever
there happened to be a shingle roof
the Hying ambers found lodgment.
Blocks away from the main fire other
fires would break out. Right into
the heart of the town the flames
swept. As the viaduct leading over
the marshes of Hogan 's creek to East
Jacksonville was reached, it was plain
that . the limit of the progress of the
flames westward had come. As far as
the money value of the damage was
concerned the worst was yet to come.
Just as the material for the flames
was apparently consumed, a shift in
the wind sent a roaring sea of flames
southward toward the river. Then it
was beginning to dawn on the minds
of the unfortunates who had sought
refuge at the river side, that they
were in danger of being cut off and
being suffocated. A rush was made
for the South Jacksonville ferry and
hundreds were carried over to the
other side.'
Then came the most thrillinc snona
xi the entire day. The flames caught
tne ireignt warehouses on the Atlan
tic. Valdosta & Western Raili-nnrl anA
began from there on their march
i i i ii i ...
nacKwara in tne teetn ot the wind.
Slowlv but surelv the fire atn its
against the wind, taking either side
oi ray street unm it reached Jones
boatyard. While the flames failed
to cross the open space known as
Jones' boat yard, a new danger threat
ened. The flames swept down in the
rear of the United States hotel and
that, with the Law Exchange, was
doomed. Meantime the county court
house caught fire and another splen
did edifice was soon a total wreck.
From the United States hotel the
flames jumped across the street and
the work of destruction continued,
only to be checked when the last
building near McCoy and Hogan 's
creek had been destroyed.
Storm in Utah.
: Salt Lake, May 6. Reports re
ceived at the government weather
bureau in this city ' show that the
prevailing storm extends almost over
the entire Rocky mountain district.
Nearly two and three quarters inches
of rain have fallen in Salt Lake dur
ing the last 36 hours, the heaviest
precipitation ever recorded here and
ihe weather officials state the total
rainfall will reach three inches or over
before the storm ceases. Swollen
streams and flooded flat lands are
reported from" many places.
' Japanese Cabinet Crisis.
Yokohama, May 6. In conse
quence of the continued postpone
ment by the Japanese minister of
finance, Viscount Watanabe, of the
carrying out of the expected public
works the cabinet crisis has reached a
climax, and Marquis Ito, the premie,
after the last cabinet meeting, pro
ceeded to the palace and tendered his
resignation to the mikado. All the
other members of the cabinet did
likewise, with the exception of one.
Mlied Armies Responsible for Much of the
Anarchy Existing in China.
New York, May 8. The latest mail
from China brought to the state de
partment new nrnnfs nf the
Lind perhaps irretrievable conditions
miiuu caihi unuer tne loreign mili
tary rule in North China, involving
a, situation not heretofore fully real
ized even in Washington, and utterly
unappreciated in the United States
generally. The character of the in
formation which has now come into
the administration's possession is
summarized in the following extracts
from a communication written by one
of the most trusted officials in the
service abroad and mailed from Pe
kin a month ago:
"The Question of raisins the in.
demnity, though one of the most ser
ious oi me unmese government, is
not naramount. All t.h Tunnl a-Y.n
are likely to know declare that the
nu: . .
iiiiiese peasant can stand no greater
burden of taxation than i n t.n nasi
so the question resolves itself largely
to reducing the expense of collection,
which in nina involves radical re
forms. Another nronnsitirm fnr
meeting the. indemnity is to grant
lucrative mining and industrial con
cessions to foreigners hut. that, moa-na
bartering their independence, and
mying up enaiess trouble tor the Chi
nese, who are quick to recognize the
"If the whole horror nf the murder
and pillage done between Tien Tsin
and Pekin comes to be understood in
the United States and in Europe,
me sum oi it is so great as compared
to the number of Christi ana whn hnv
suffered at the hands of the Chinese
that, rightly or wrongly, the Chinese
are likely to be helil the injured
party. Lancers wantonly impaling
little children by the wayside in the
Streets of Pekin are com a rf
of the well authenticated horrors and
o some foreign soldiers a dead Chi
nese Christia1 is just as satisfactory
an eivdence of no quarter as a dead
Boxer they nejther know nor care
for the trifling distinctions.
"The allies, even if they could
agree, could not set up an administra
tive machinery of their own for the
empire. They must restore the power
to some native party, and the quicker
they do it the better for China. The
Chinese estimate that 1,000,000 of
their people have lost their lives by
violent deaths or starvation about
Pekin and Tien Tsin since the allies
Thirty Ninth Infantry and Others Just Re
turned from the Philippines.
San Francisco, May 8. The Thirty.
.inth infantry was mustered out of
the serivce today. The Thirty-second
lwenty-ninth and Twenty-sixth will
all follow in a few days. Nearly all
the officers of the Twenty-sixth in-
lantry have been ordered to appear
before the examining board for com
missions in the regular army. The
reduction of the size of the army in
the Philippines will bring home
immediately after the return of all
the volunteers the regiments of the
regular army who have been longest
in the Philippines, the Fourth caval
ry, the Fourteenth, Eighteeth and
Twenty-third infantry.
The transport Egbert, which has
just arrived from the Philippines will
be detained in quarantine for a week
or more, a soldier having diedofsmall
pox during the voyage. The cabin
passengers, however, will be fumi
gated and allowed to land.
Yacht Constitution Lowered Into the Water
at Bristol.
Bristol, R. I., May 8. With her
hull gaily decorated with flags and
her deck well filled with sailors, the
yacht Constitution was christened
this evening by Mrs. Butler Duncan.
who broke the traditional bottle of
wine on her glistening bow, just as
she started slowly down the ways into
tne sea. ne scene was a brilliant
one, as the Constitution was slowly
lowered into the water, the cheering
from the boats outside being loud and
vigorous, while the searchlight from
the steam yacht Colona, just outside
the dock, illuminated the stern of the
Constitution. Rockets and other
fireworks added to the gaiety of the
situation. As the stern of the craft
emerged from the shops, the private
signals of the members of the syndi
cate were displayed on small flagstaff's
upon her decs.
Torquoise for McKinley.
Santa Fe. N. Tit.. Mav 8 Fnni
beautiful and valuable turquoise from
me rorterneid mines in the Burro
mountains were presented to Presi
dent McKinley by Governor Otero.
The largest stone weighs 20 carats,,
and was a superb specimen. -
Sheet Music Trust.
Chicago, May 8. Arrangements
have been completed for the forma
tion of a combination of the eight
leading publishers of popular sheet
music in the United States.
Smallpox on Ocean Linen.
New York, May 8. The ocean lin
ers arriving of late are averaging 1,.
000 immigrants each, and the health
officers of the port are kept busy.
Steerage passengers with sore eyes are
rejected, as a case of small pox was
discovered on a German steamer. A
steamer from Marseilles had three
cases of smallpox among her 1,173
steerage passengers.
At Washington It Is Stated by the Authorities
That the Memorandum as Presented, Em
bodying the Views of Different Senators,
la Merely Tentative Will Not Divulge
Contents of the Document
London. Mav 8. The A
Press has been officially notified that
r i t. - , . ...
uuru jraunceiote has received from
Secretary Hay the draft of a new
Nicaragua canal treatv. It is
stood that it advises neutrality.
Negotiations for Canal Treaty.
Washineton. Mav 8. Tt is
from an authoritive source that before
Secretary Hay left here for the West
he had several conferences with T.nrH
Pauncefote relative to the basis for
another isthmian canal treaty, and
that an unofficial written memoran
dum also was submitted to Lord
Pauncefote on the subject. The am
bassador has made known the general
results of these conversations ond rf
the memorandum to the authorities
in .London, and it is doubtless to this
that allusion is made in the T.nnHrn
dispatches. The negotiations, how
ever, are so tentative and informal
that they are not regarded as an offi
cial exchange or nronosit.inn Wtt.
they embody is not made known.
tuougn it is unaerstood they are
chiefly an exposition of the views
held hv the TTnit.pH Ktatoa canQlnra aa
to the essential features which should
be included in a treaty. While this
is not a rjroffer of a treaty, it
to the British authorities what is con
sidered essential by the senators who
control the ratification of any treaty
wnicn win De made. Jt also is
learned indirectly from senators who
have been consulted that among the
chief features of the negotitaions are
a neutralizing of the canal, the Unit
ed States alone undertaking to guar
antee this neutrality, and the admis
sion of all shipping on an equal basis
with that of the United States. Al
though, as stated, these conferences
and these written memorandums have
been exchanged, it is not expected
that there will be any further nego
tiations prior to Lord Pauncefote 's
departure for London, which occurs
June 5, or during his absense. The
British embassy will remove to New
port as soon as the ambassador leaves.
Many Other People Burned and Injured in a
Chicago Fire.
Chicago, May 8. Seven people were
burned to death, three fatally injured,
and several others slightly burned and
otherwise injured in a fire that de
stroyed a three story apartment build
ing at 3916 Marquette avenue, South
While the occupants of the burning
building were struggling with the
smoke and flames in hopes of forcing
their way to safety, the firemen who
were responding to the alarm were
vainly waiting for a freight train,
which blocked the way of the fire en
gines, to move away from the crossing
and give an open road to the fire.
Marshall Driscoll, in charge of the
firemen, called to the conductor and
brakemen to move the train, but they
refused to comply with his request.
The police were sent for and the train
crew arrested. Then, under orders of
the fire marshal, the train was backed
from the crossing, but by the time the
firemen reached the burning building
the structure had been destroyed.
Scattered among the embers were
found the charred remains of the vict
ims. The bodies were burned beyond
recognition, and were identified in
various ways.
The train crew are being held await
ing an investigation by the coroner.
The origin of the. fire is unknown.
The building was an old one, built of
wood, and burned so rapidly that all
avenues of escape by stairways were
cut off before the occupants were
aware of the fire.
Germans Fired on British.
Tien Tsin, May 8. Some German
soldiers who were guarding a German
bridge across the Pei Ho river at the
3011th end of the British concession
here, fired on the British tug The
Ego this morning, wounding two of
her crew. The bridge impedes rvier
traffic and the tug touched it.
Japanese Monument to Perry.
Berkeley, Cal., May 8. Baron
Kentaro Kaneko, pressident of the
Bei Yu Kvo Kai, the American asso
ciation of Japan, has asked the assist
ance of the University of California
in rousing public interest m the
movement to erect at Kurihama a
monument commemorative of the
landing of Commodore Perry half a
century ago. A considerable fund
has already been raised, and it is ex
pected that the monument will be
unveiled on the coming anniversary
of the landing of the American envoy.
Marion Ignacio Prado Dead.
Paris, May 8. Marion Ignacio
Prado is dead, aged 74 years. Prado
participated in General Cast ilia's rev
olution against the Echugenes gov
ernment in 1854. He : marched
against Lima in 1865 and entered the
capital November 6, at the head of a
victorious army. November 26 he
declared himself dictator and was sub
sequently elected constitutional presi
dent by ' the Peruvian congress. He
was again elected president in 1876.