Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 07, 1901, Image 4

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No other article used in the domestic
economy of the household has so many
enthusiastic friends among the house
keepers of America.
No other article of food has received
such emphatic commendation for purity
and wholesomeness from the most em
inent authorities.
The great popularity and general
use of the Royal Baking Powder
attest its superiority.
The " Royal Baker and Pastry
Cook" containing: over 800 most
practical and valuable cooking re
ceiptsfree to every patron. Send
postal card with your full address.
Gave Him Time.
"You haven't explained how you
came to have Mr. Smith's chickens
in your possession, ' said the judge.
"I'm trying to think, your honor,"
replied the accused. "Give me time. "
"Very well," replied the judge
blandly. "Six months."
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
flruirgists refund the money if it fails to cure.
B. W. Grove signature is on each box. 25c.
- The Source.
"As for the clergy, they're a pretty
poor lot," said a grumbling layman.
"Yes," returned the bishop, "some
of them are poor indeed. But con
sider the stock from which they come !
You see we have to make them out
of laymen."
Take Garfield Tea for constipa
tion; it has this 10 recommend it;
it is made from health-giving
herbs and it surely cures.
Poor William.
She (petulantly) I don't see why
you should hesitate to get married on
$3,000 a year. Papa says my gowns
never cost more than that.
He But, my darling, we must
have something to eat.
"Oh, William! Always' thinking
of your stomach!"
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent.
Easy to buy, easy to take, easy in action, easy
in results Cascarefci Candv Cathartic, ideal
liver regulator and intestinal tonic. All drug
gists, 10c, 2oc, 50c.
"He has built what he calls a Queen
Ann villa, but it strikes me as being a
tawdry imitation, merely."
"Extremely, tawdry! Why, the
roof doesn't leak, even."
Stop the) Cough amf
Work Oft thm Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in
one day- 'No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents..
Work on Longfellow Memorial.
The fund for a statue for Longfel
low park, in Cambridge, has reached
$816.44, and work will be begun on
the meomrial early in the spring.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
The Irony of Fate.
There is the "irony of fate" in the
fact that Rear Admiral Cervera got
his promotion to be vice admiral in
advance cf either Sampson or Schley,
whose ships destroyed his fleet.
nhpn thi accomPanie
Ifilvll lIlV mucous patches in
the mouth, era p.
G(tfP. F3HS ttaJKaft
colored splotches,
Off swollen glands, aching muscles
HI and bones, the disease is making
rapid headway, and far worse
symptoms will follow unless the blood is
promptly end-effectually cleansed of this
violent destructive poison.
S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible
cure for this disease, the only antidote
for this specific poison. It cures the
worst cases thoroughly and permanently.
L'l COfifJIlIOl COuld Iet'ea'lo'
Eavc Been no worse. SSTUiiftS
... . their treatment
did me no good ; I was retting worse all the
time ; my hair came out, ulcers appeared in my
throat and mouth, my body was almost covered
with copper colored splotches and offensive
ores. I suffered severely from rheumatic pains
la say shoulders and arms. My condition could
have been no worse ; only those afflicted as I was
can understand my sufferings. I bad about
rail mn nope 01 ever oeing weu again
. HKiiKu id try a. a. a.
but must confess I had
little faith left in any
medicine. After taking
the third battle I noticed
a cnange in my condi-
1. ia
conragiag, and I deter
mined to give S. S. S. a
thorough trial. Prom
that time on the improve
asent was rapid : 8. S. S.
atemed to have the dis- i
case completely under !$
control : the sores and F
leers healed aad I was f
soon free from all signs
of the disorder: I hive
been strong and healthy ever since.
X,. W. Smith, Lock Box 611, Moblesville, Ind.
is the only purely vege
table blood purifier
known. $1,000 is
offered for proof that
it contains a oarticle of
mercury, potash or other mineral poison.
dead fer our free book on Blood Poison ;
h contains valuable information about
this disease, with full directions for self
treatment.' We charge nothing for medi
cal advice ; cure yourself at home. -THE
1 h-i."I-fmj 1 1 .m jwi js
bynto nntut ALL tut MILS.
Couah Sttud. Tastes Good. Use I
m sime. sola fty druggists.
1 St
Avoid the imitation powders. They
are sold cheap because they are
made from alum. But alum is a
poison dangerous to use in food
"What's your man's specialty?"
asked the mayor of Hot Dog.
"Liftin' horses," said the advance
agent of the strong man.
"Well, " said the mayor, "I shore
admire yer gall fer ownin' up to it,
but I'll tell you beforehand thatlftin'
hosses is a mighty unhealthy game
in this here seciton.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con
sumption hits an equal for coughs and
ooids, John F. Boyeb, Trinity Springs,
Ind., Feb. 15. 1900.
One' Good Thing.
"There is one good thing about
this classical music, " remarked Mr.
Meddergrass. "You can start or stop
anywhere you want to without spoil
ing the sense of the music. "
Little Liver Pills.
Must Sear Signature) of
See Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Tear? asaall amd as aasy
to take as sagas.
-S.tii I oasrcnni wnianiHiumi.
Beyond His Limit
' "Do you ever have moments, Mr.
Spoodlekins, when it seems as if you
couldn't think of anything?"
" Why, I nevah thought of that.
I 1 wondah if I do?"
..V" p""ltioa for Malaria
CWU TlFe tKIV' of GrOTe, Tasteless
itoteleTa fori, taKmf?l5r llSa 1 quinine in
a tasteless form. No Care. No Pay. Price 60c.
Chinese Era. '
The "Chinese era" r n
2697, with the accession of the Em
peror Yao, who first devised a calen
dar for the Chinese dividing the year
into 365 days with an extra day every
fourth year.
sSi.eaJ?yJrge,;nianufaotnflnB house;
36.00in cash paid lor 12 days trial; promotion
dress B V-ltjZn " 8isfactory Ad
dress fa. B. P. Co., 23 Chestnut St., Philada. :
Dangerous Business.
Tourist Why don't you offer a
reward for the desperadoes who
robbed the bank here last week?
Sheriff Why, if they thought
there was any money in the county
treasury, they would come back and
rob that too.
Simplicity, strength and purity
combined in Garfield Tea., the
herb medicine that cures constl
- pation and liver troubles.
Then He Swore Off.
He (producing cigarette case) Do
you object to cigarettes? .
She Not at all. I don't blame the
cigarettes I only object to people
who smoke them.
This slgnatare is on every bo, or the g.anln.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine tm
tt. ramedy that caws a eald tm omm day
Shopman This matni,o !
pie perfectly, madame.
I Customer It certainly does. It
couldn't be closer. .
I Shopman How many yards do you
I .Customer Oh, not any, yet! You
see, this is the first shop I have tried.
How Ha Helped to Clear Up a Post
office in the Sondan.
Any one who has known what It Is
to wait day after day in some out of
the world ,nook for letters which were
u me ume sazely reposing in some ne
glected corner of a sleenv nostofflce can
appreciate the story that Is told of
"ra woiseley by Mr. Nourse, who
w wiin ner Majesty's forces through
tue oouaan campaign.
At Kortl Nourse went Into the post
office to look for some letters. The post
master was a native and not mimh
used to handwriting. He made a super-
examination or a Dig pile of let
ters and Darjera. and nnlri thnv wm
nothing for the applicant Nourse asked
10 see me pne of letters, and while he
was looklne them over n man with
nothing to designate hjs rank came
uiu tne omce. He took In the situation
at a glance. -
"Let's clear this rhinir nnt " ho M
They Jumned on the counter and nrrv
ceeaea to "clear it out" hv frat hnn
aung out the postmaster. Then they
oegan a careful examination of the
postofflce, and found It eonmwted with
mall for the army. Xhey searched ev
ery uook and cranny, throwing the let
ters for each reeiment into a. rlifPoront
pile and heaping up all the newspapers
iu tue center or tlie room. Then they
went throueh each niln and apnnrntoil
It Into companies. Before night every
tetter was in camp and distributed, and
me next day the Danprs wer nut.
Nourse did not know the name of his
companion in the benevolent deed, and
when he asked the answer was, "They
call me Charlie."
Some time after Nourse found It nec
essary to see the commRndnnt onH
sitting near the tent to which he had
been directed, he saw his companion of
me poetomce.
"Hello, Charlie!" he said. "T'm lnnir.
Ing for the commandant Where shall
I find him?"
"Well" said Charlie, "you won't have
to ook rar. I'm the commandant
Come Inside and have a bite to eat and
It was Lord Woiseley. Youth's Com
p anion.
Germany has $300,000,000 Invested
in eiectncal works.
Philadelphia makes 90 per cent of
our ingrain carpet
A cat about half-grown can devour
twenty mice a day, or 7,300 a year.
An owl was shot 400 miles out to
sea by the captain of the British steam-
snip juthelreda. No other case is on
record of a land bird having flown so
tar rrom snore. '
Since the national park at TosemltP
Cat, has been established and hunters
are forbidden to shoot game, the bears
have become so tame that they run
aiong tne roads In front of the stages,
and come quite close to the valley ho
tels. Fighting a well established newspa
per is a costly undertaking. Typo
graphical union No. 6 has uncondition
ally declared off a strike against the
New York Sun which was begun sev
enteen months ago and lias cost the
printers 125,000.
In an effort to drive the'English spar
rows off the telegraph and telephone
wires in Cincinnati a current of Hjec
trlclty strong enough to kill a man
was turned upon the wires, but the
birds did not move and seemed not to
be injured in the least
Only two. of the thirteen bills intro
duced Into the Kansas Legislature at
the request of organized labor have be
come laws one, providing for the es
tablishment of free employment' agen
cies throughout the State, and the other
requiring seats for women employed in
factories and stores.
No less than 140,000 homes are held
free of debt by southern negroes.
These have been estimated at an ag
gregate value of $140,000,000. The hold
ings of personalty by the race are prob
ably worth more than the realty. Il
literacy has decreased among them
nearly 50 per cent in twenty years.
The New York State factory inspector
says In his report to the legislature
that there has been vast improvement
in tenement and dwelling house work
shops, but that much remains to be
done. He pointedly refers to the fact
that "men who hold their heads high
in the business world and presumably
some also in the religious world indi
rectly traffic in the very lifeblood of
their fellow men." '
The United States labor commission
er sets forth 'some very interesting
facts. Aided by machinery, he says,
4,500,000 men turn out a product which
would require the labor of 40,000,000
men if produced by hand. In America
the advantage derived from machinery
is about twice as great as In Europe,
so that the actual production of the
United States is equal In productive
power to 150,000,000 Europeans. With
labor-saving machinery one generation
of men can do the work of four or five
generations of hand workers.
A Little Sermon on Habit.
This is what a minister has to say
about habit etymologlcally:
. "Habit" is hard to remove. If you
take away the first letter, "a bit" Is
left If you take off another letter, you
still have a "bit" left While If you
take off another the whole of "It" re
mains. If you remove another It Is
not "t" totally used up. All of which
goes to show that If yon wish to get rid
of a bad habit you must shake it off
The Heaviest Railroad Train.
A locomotive of the Pennsylvania
Railway recently drew a train about
three-quarters of a mile long, made up
of 180 loaded coal cars, from Altoona
to Harrlsburg, 132 miles, in twelve
hours. The weight of the train behind
the tender was. 5,212 tons, the locomo
tive weighing 104 tons. This is said to
have been the heaviest train ever
moved a long distance by a single loco
motive. . Don't wait until your friends arc
dead to give them flowers.
Scientific Penetration.
""Professor, how did you come to
propose to me in the face of my con
tinued indifference?"
"I proceeded on the general propo
sition that whatever a woman seems
to be she isn't."
Another Leap to Fame.
"My cousin" Percv. the noet, lilrp
Byron, awoke the other morning to
una mmseii iamous.
"How did it hannen?" '
"A man who had committer! mil-
cide had, when they found him, one
oi rercv s nieces m his nnplrAt.
Nearly every Daoer in town mpn.
tioned it. "
Superstition Relative to the Number
Thirteen Singnlarlr Verified.
"I would not sit down to dinner in a
party of thirteen," said a broker who
Is credited with plenty of "horse sense,"
"for the simple reason that I don't In
tend to give coincidence a chance to
play Into the hands of superstition.
Moreover, I have had one very d!sa
greeable experience along that line. In
the early spring of 1896 I was one of
a bachelor party gotten up to give the
usual send-off to a friend about to com
mlt matrimony. There were fifteen of
us in the crowd, but at the last moment
two were called away. That reduced
us to the fatal number, which nobody
noticed until we were seated at the
table, wherf a desperate effort was made
to scare up another guest, but no one
could be found. So we laughed the
matter off and went on with the fun,
but there was a palpable undercurrent
of depression and several of the boys
acquired lachrymose Jags which, next
to the English cemlc newspapers, are
saddest things in the world.
"If yen are not familiar with the
terms I will explain that a lachrymose
Jag Is the stage of Inebriety at which a
man tells you the story of his life and
weeps on your shoulders at Intervals of
six months in the narrative. However,
to get to the point, two ef the fellows
present died in 1896, and the way the
circumstance demoralized nearly all the
ethers was simply amazing. In several
ef them it effected a total change la 'dis
position. The death of distant rela
tives, petty misadventures In business,
occasional attacks of sickness and a
hundred and .one other incidents of
everyday life were all charged up to
the blight of thirteen, and finally, about
a year and a half later, I became so
tired of hearing that sort of stories that
I took the pains to collect statistics on
another stag party given within a few
weeks of ours. An even dozen had
been present and the net result was:
Two deaths, three business failures,
one lost a leg and one lost an eye In ac
cidents, one embezzler skipped out, one
divorce and two men gone to the doss
through drinkv - This was not a party of
hoboes, either, but average chaps about
town, and their catalogue of disaster
put an end to further croaking over our
thirteen supper. AH the same, I don't
yearn for a repetition of the experience.
Life's toe short for all worry not strict
ly necessary.!'i-New Orleans Times
Democrat. --44 , -
Stamp Novelty.
Stamp collectors have a novelty In the
shape of Cape Colony stamps Issued In
that portion of the colony that has been
annexed to the South African repub
lic, for a time at least. ' These are the
regular issue of British stamps, across
the face of which have been stamped
the letter A. R." and the value of
the stamp .Jn Boer coinage. Dealers
have not yet been able to secure thet
specimens,, in any number at least, and
there Is a fancy value attached to the
bits of printed paper that makes their
actual worth to collectors an unknown
quantity until some one ascertains how
many of them have been issued. New
York Times.
But the Diagnosis Was Wrong "When tne
Blood Was Knrlchend the Symptoms
From.Presbyterian Journal, Phila , Pa.
After years of patient and intense
suffering, Miss Gertrude Gilbert, of
3201 Dauphin street, Philadelphia,
Pa., has recovered her lost health,
and is today a rosy and blooming
specimen of young womanhood. To
a reporter she gave the following ac
count of her casef
"I had been sick for a lona time,
when a friend urged me to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
Previous to this three doctors had
treated me. They diagnosed my trouble
as heart disease, together with con
sumption, and prescribed accordingly.
All this medical treatment did not
benefit me in the least. I was in a
terrible condition. There was scarce
ly any blood left in my body. My
chief trouble was weakness, and after
laborious efforts to get up stairs I
almost went into a faint and on sev
eral occasions thought I was going to
die. '
"So little blood had I that my ears
were almost transparent, and my
complexion was as white as a sheet.
I can scarcely describe my senations,
but after repeated treatment by . my
physicians I became thoroughly dis
couraged. -
"It was at this time that Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills were recommended
to me, and I procurred a bx. Before
I had finished it 1 began to feel the
benefit to my health. This gave me
encouragement, and I began a sys
tematic course according to directions.
At the end of the seventh or eighth
box, in addition to having a sufficient
quantity and a better quality of blood
in my veins I was relieved of that
shortness of breath and quick heart
action which had been my chief trou
ble. My appetite returned, and I was
enabled to do my daily duties with a
cheerfulness which I had never before
experienced. I always, as a prevent
ive, keep a box of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in my room. They are all they
are represented to be, and to them,
and to them alone, do I owe my res
toration to health. " ' ' - .
At all druggists or direct from. Dr.
Williams Medicine Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y. Price, 50 cents per
box; 6 boxes, $2.50.
500,000 Yorien
Have boon restored to health
by LydSa Em Pinkham'm Vege
table Compound. Their let
ters are on file and prove thla
statement to be a fact, not a
mere boastm When a medi
cine has been successful In
curing so many wenten, you
cannot well say without try
ing It" I do not believe It
will help me."
Vegetable Compound
Is a positive cure for all those painful
Ailments of Women.
It will entirely cure the worst forms of
Female Complaints, all Ovarian troubles.
Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and
1 i3plaeements of the Womb, and consequent
Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted
w into juun.yis uj jjye.
rible female illness.
Mas. M. E. Muxler,
1A Concord Sq., Boston, Mass.
It has cured more cases of Backache and
Leucorrhcea than any other remedy the
world has ever known. It is almost infallible
in such cases. It dissolves - and expels
Tumors from the Uterus in an early stage
of development, and checks any tendency
to cancerous humors.
, Your Vegetable Compound re
moved a Fibroid Tumor from my
womb after doctors failed to give
relief. Mas. B. A. Lombabd,
Westdale, Mas..
EBearing-down Feeling
Womb troubles, causing pain, weight, and
backache, instantly relieved and perma
nently cured by its use. Under all circum
stances it acts in harmony with the laws
that govern the female system, and is as
harmless as water. v
9(fRnte Backache left me after taking
ygg the second bottle. Your medicine
cured me when doctors failed.
Mas. Sarah Holstbut,
3 Davis Block, Gorhain St., Lowell, Mass.
Suppressed or Painful Menstruations, "Weak
ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating,
Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache,
General Debility.
It is a errand medicine. T am
thankful for the good it has done
Mrs. u. w. J.,
76 Carolina Ave.,
Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass.
Dizziness, Faintness,
Extreme Lassitude, " don't care " and
"want to be left alone" feeling, excitabil
ity, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness,
flatulency, melancholy, or the " blues," and
backache. These are sure indications of
Female Weakness, some derangement of the
Uterus. . -
I was troubled with Dizziness,
' Headaches, Faintness, Swelling
limbs. Your medicine cured me.
Mbs. Sabah E. Baker,
Bucksport, Me.
The whole story, however, is told In an
illustrated book which goes with each bot
tle, the most complete treatise on female
coxy plaints ever published
i For eight years I suffered with
womb trouble, and was entirely
cured by Mrs. Pinkbam's medicine.
Mbs. L. L. Townk,
Littleton, K. H.
Kidney Complaints
and Backache of either sez the Vegetable
-omponnq always enres.
The Vegetable Com.
dia E. Pinkham's
Liver Pills curs '
Sound is sold ey all
rutrcists or sent bv
mail, in form of Pills
or Lozenges, on re.
celpt of SI.OO.
Correspondence fredf
Headache, Z5c
You can address in strictest confidence,
Didn't Need One. '
"Clara, an indorar flvino- manUrm
has been invented. "
"Well, you needn't tret one. Clar
ence. You break enoue-h hrir. a. rat
o - "
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
k,3 i. ." piainiy printed on every
bottle showing that it is simply Iron and cSt
tune In a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. 60c
A Realist
"So you let your leading man go?"
"I had to.' answftrpd Mr Sfnvm.
ineton Barnes. "He wnja t.nn ioo lac
tic in his ideas. "
"Interfered with vour work on" thin
io not on the stao-e. in tbn Vinv
office. He wanted real monev. "
. -
We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewrfl f mmr
ease of Catarrh that can not be enra!
Catarrh Cure.
F. 3. CHENEY, & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We tho nndersisrned. haTTi. lrnnwn 1? T
for tlie O&St IS VPnm H Till hoi il.I'D Him arr,r.l
honorable in ail busin ss transsutionQ nn) fin
ancial - able to carry out any obligations made
1 J WCU U& U1.
Wholesale Drungists, Toledo, O.
Walking, Rinnan & Makvin,
. "Wnolesale Drug-ists, Toledo, O.
XIall'S Catarrh Cure ist-lron nr.,nitllv aAtlno
c!ireciiy on the blood and m..cons Burfaces oc
the system. Pri :e 75c per bo- tie. - a'd by all
digsT188- Testimonies free. ". .
nou s f amily r- th" best
Insanity its Great Britain.
For the last 10 vears there has hear,
an increase of 2,000 annually in the
numDer ot lireat Britain's insane.
Hyoa Daren't a regular, healthy movement of the
SSrSS "?erT aWOu re aick. or will be. Keeyou?
"i" ope". nd be well. Force, in tbetaapaof
en'. Weaken, or Gripe. lOe. iOc Writi
jot free sample, and booklet on health. Addresi
"r0 -P7. CMOS Html, I xfa Xtl.
Movable Breastwork, for Soldiers in
- South. Africa.
The great loss of life suffered is at
tacking Boer Intrench ments In South
Africa has inspired Walter Severn, an
English artist, to invent and patent a
form of movable breastworks, by the
use of which he thinks fortified kopjes
might be captured without much dan
ger to the attacking party. The breast
works consist of steel plates, mounted
on bicycles at such an angle that bul
lets striking tbem will be deflected up
ward. The Inventor bas the word. of
Maxfm. the great gonmaker, that the
steel plates need not weigh more than
five or six pounds tk the square foot,
so that the weight on each bicycle will
not be more than that of an ordinary
man. It is intended that the movable
shields shall be pushed ahead of the
attacking column by a number of
strong men, detailed for the purpose.
They may also be used to protect the
wounded, to form squares, and to pro
tect men who are cutting wires. They
can be removed from the wheels and
transported by wagon, and, when prop
erly arranged about the sides, they
would transform a transport wagon
Into an armored car.-
Traveling In Colonial Days.
After the period of walking and
canoeing had Its day In colonial times,
nearly all land travel, for a century,
was on horseback, just as It was in
England at that date. In 1672, there
were only six stage coaches in the
whole of Great Britain, and a man
wrote a pamphlet protesting that they
encouraged too much travel. Boston
then had one private coach. Women
and children usually rode seated on a
pillion behind a man. One way of prog
ress which would help four persons
ride part of their Journey was what
was called the "ride-and-tie" system.
Two of the four persons who were
traveling started on their route on foot;
two, mounted on the saddle and pillion,
rode about a mile, dismounted, tied the
horse, and walked on. When the two
who had started on foot reached the
waiting horse they mounted, rode on
past the other couple for a mile, dis-
mornted, tied and walked on; and so
Machinery, Implements,
Mitchell Bicycles
$25 - $30 - $35 - $40
Dnnlop Steel Rims. Full Line of Sundries.
Agents Wanted. Send for Catalogue.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
First and Taylor Sts.
R. L. Cate Predicts 150,000 Popula
tion and Says All Eyes ArV
Pointed This Way.
Portland is growing faster today than at any
time in its past history, and will have a popu
lation of not less than ldO.UOO in90j. lam
offering business and residence property today
at prices that will pay 50 per cent net in 5
years. Call on or address
General Agent of the Hawthorne Estate.
Phone Oak 1006. 819 Chamber of Commerce.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison Street,
Can give you the hest bargains in
Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines,
Windmills and Pamps and General
Machinery. See us before buying.
HZgrUfeBy3gousr Anchor
Great Combination of Strength and Beauty.
"The Tnt That Binds."
See Our Anchor Clamp
You would be surprised it you knew
how little it would cost you "10 fix up
that old fence. Better lend for some
Anchor Clamps and Upri&it8t and a
pair of our pinchers, and ma ice your old
wire fence look like a new one.
ANCHOR FENCE looks so nice and
is so strong that farmers sometimes
think that it must be high priced. It
isn't, though. i
Clamp Bipom Using. Cattle, Sheep and
Write lor Prices nd Catalogue
"Agents Wanted In
- Every Town.
Chas. L. Mastick & Co. 7Fsrore?c;'.0ak
Consignments solicited. Pay highest market pure. PROMPT RETURNS.
Dealers in Leather and Findings.
Befer to WeUp, Fargo & Co. Bank, Bortland, Oregon.
Not to bs Divulged.
Kash yhat was the cashier fired
De Sales For giving away one of
the trade secrets, I believe.
Kash You don't say?
De Sales Yes; he told one of the
customers that the boss was an old
block head, and the boss overhead
England' Army and Navy. I
It was recently stated that England's
army and navy is inadequate to properly
defend herself from a sudden onslaught.
England is, in this instance, like the indi
vidual who allows disease to creep into his
system through a stomach too weak to
iiroperly digest the food taken into it. To
strengthen the stomach there is nothing
better than Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,
it cures dyspepsia, constipation, indiges
tion, liver and kidney trouble, and as a
tonic is incomparable.
Features of a National Park.
The Vicksburg national park will
soon be complete as far as the acqui
sition of land is concerned. It will
comprise in all 1,231 acres. It is
proposed to restore all military feat
ures that marked it in the struggle of
TITO Permanently Cured. Xo fits er nerronsnew
after nrtd7'"ienf Ir. Kli.e'iOreat Nerrt
Bettuntr. Send for FR B E $. 4.00 trial bottle and treat.
1m. Pa.E.ll.KLiN..Ltd..wl ArcbSt,.Puiiadelpbia,Pa,
A Deep Cutter.
"I was out in a revenue cutter, last
night," remarked Dukane to Gaswell.
"I thought you went sleigh rid
ing?" "Well, it made quite a cut in my
is best time to cure Catarrh;
Bronchitis and Consumption.
Our remedy is guaranteed, f 1.
f. U. BOX 73.
CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
rfRC. ' IN THE
If BICKF0RD, Washington, D. C. thev will re.
I ceive Quick replies. B. oth N. H. Vols,
20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878.
n. r. x. c.
Ho. 181901.
VyHEJf writing te, advertisers please
mention this paper
Supplies, Etc.
Factory, Battle Creek, Michigan. 1
Branch House, Portland, Oregon.
To be Prosperous, Use the
The greatest money-maker. For prices
and catalogue see "Advance'
agents, or write
Advance Thresher Co., Portland, Or.
Or write
M. E. and E. T. Hay, Wilbur, Wash.
One or two horse: sizes 8, 9, 10 and 12. Call on
Mccormick agent, or address
At H. BOY LAN, Gen. Agt., Portland, Or.
. For Catalogue and Prices.
Buy from the manufacturer. Price in lull rolls
2 fee t wide, I.tO feet long $
S '
- 2.47
" " . 3.30
" " 4.U
4 "
5 M
6 " " " " " 4.95
All Kinds of Wire and iron Work.
14 Front St., Port laud, Oregon.
Clamps and Uprights.
The Old Fbkci. The Anchok Fkncc
Hog Tight. It Never Slips after closing,
The Portland Anchor Fence Co.
74a NIcolai St., PORTLAND, Oregon.