Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 07, 1901, Image 2

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TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1901.
The failure in pissing the rs
and harbor bill has been di.-
pointing t the people of the
United States. PsnprM.nriv tlir.e i
interested in transportation by
water. The improvement ot the
Columbia river must be post
poned for future action, which
is regretted by oer people gen
erally a3 the principal part of
the foreign shipping is con
ducted through this channel, be
sides mnch of the coast trade.
The improvement of Ynqaina
harbor met with revcrw.i t un
earlier d.ue, auJ th ie uure
nearly iut-rested iu the port of
Yaquina have become accus
tomed to the treatment. Those
who have made the improvement
of the Columbia their special
cause can now realize hew the
friends ot Yaqaina felt.. The
people of Oregon should make
common cause to ask congress
to improve all of the harbors
and rivers in the state. By a
combined effort, all moving as
one man, they will-succeed.
or many years a great many
peopie regarded ;tie improve
ment of the Columbia of so great
importance to tliem, that they
were led to oppose the improve
inent of Yaquina harbor, fearing
that if the latter was im
proved it would work against
improving the Columbia. This
was a short-sighted . method
of action. The government
money spent in improving Ya
quina harbor was saved to the
farmers of Oregon by three or
four times the amaunt in re
duced freight, and Portland grew
more in t&at time than it ever
did before or since.. Nearly all
of the money saved to the farm
ers of Oregon by way of Yaquina
. bay Was spent through -Portland.
If the leading men of Portland
would assume broad gaage ideas
and lend encouraging words for
other localities in the state, this
would soon tend to cement to
gether all of the people of the
state m one line of action for the
puDiic gooa. - in irns manner
Yaquina bay, the Columbia river
arid all ether localities would
each receive appropriatiens
through the river arid harbor
bill, and these, inprovements
would gradually proceed each
year to completion, until Oregon
would become a great state and
the pride of its citizens. So long
. as the narrow, contracted prin
ciple snail prevail in one locality
- being jealous and opposing favors
to the other, wcshall certainly
realize the repetition of the long
.delays of the early days in the
slow growth of our state. The
worst that can happen any state
is tor a part of it to become con-
: M r ' . - .
vincea oi-its superiority over
every other section, and the ten
dency to disregard the import
ance of less favored locations.
When all can move in united
action making the interests of
all a common cause, it will be
what will be accom-
The Oregon legislature has be
came a menace to the public in
terests and the business affairs of
the state. Nearly every mem
ber elected of recent years be
came an unwritten law unto him
self. The reasons are no doubt
various. People of little experi
ence are often chosen for the
place, totally incapable of grasp
ing the broad principles involved
in leading them to correct views
as to their duty to the public in
terests. The eoaventions nom
inating them fall short of their
duties in a failure to adopt a few
leading ideas to guide and hold
th unadvised members to a re
alization of their duties to tfee
publio. When elected, often
times the highest ideal presented
to their mind may be to join
with a minority to hold the body
in check from obeying the will
of the majority. The doctrines
of the democratic and republican
parties are that a majority shall
role. Haw often has it been
that the majority of the oartv
has practically nominated a cari-
aidate to go before the legisla?
tare, wnen a minority tarrn a
close organization to defeat the
will of majority, leading to pro
longed contests, defeating the
principle of majority rule, and
keeping up a heated contest un
til all watchfulness and car&is
ahlrrfpd f fflm nMiinl !nr?cia-
tioa, and all kinds of pernicious
aets are passed aud become laws
to harass and obstruct the busi-
ness interests of the country.
The impression that eeery
maii is born with capacity to be
i legislator, regardless of his ex
perience or education.'- tends in
o:ne degree to promote the lm-
w-'cility and ridiculous nrcceed
in 25 at our leeis'atiircs. In
nearly e rery state in the nnion a
doctor must have such training
and experience as will qualify j
jnn to pass a competent exam-.
ination to obtain a diploma. A1
lawyer must pass a rigid exam
ination after several years con
stant study-of definitely prescribed
authors before he can practice
in the courts of his country.
Even those affable gentlemen
who dress our hair and shave our
faces are required to pass an ex
amination and hold a license un
der laws passed by our" wise leg
islators before they ean comb
hair or scrape a face, yet any
man who is able to obtain a
plurality of votes is conceded
proper authority and sufficiently
qualified to pass the laws govern
ing our sacred rights of property
and under which our lives and
liberties must be saved or for
feited. Unfortunately for the
public mny of the laws passed
deprive the people of their prop
erty and business instead of pro
tecting those sacred rights.
Sowing Clover.
Dr. Tames Withycombe, of the
O. A. C, has a communication
in a recent number of the Home
stead referring to the proper time
to sow clover. The following is
an extract:
Clove'r has been successfully
grown under great variations as
to time f seeding, running from
early fall to as late as June. My
favorite plan is to sow clover on
winter wheat not later than
February in Southern Oregon.
When cl&ver Is sown on winter
wheat it shonld ba sown early so
that the plant can develop a good
tap root before the advent of the
dry season. It is possible that
fall sowing would be better in
Southern Oregon than spring
sowing, however, this can only
be determined by experimental
work. There is, to my mind,
greater risk in getting a good
stand of clover with spring grain
than with Jail.
The clover plant likes a finely
pulverized but compact soil. If
land which has been thoroughly
pulverized in the spring and
sawn to clover should be sub
jected to heavy subsequent rains
there is danger of a hard crust
forming, which is very detri
mental to the young clover plant.
Then again, if the season i
backward it is usually quite dif
ficult to put the ground into good
condition for clover. I do not
think the danger from cold
weather in the spring is as great
to yonng clover as the possible
unfavorable physical conditions
of the soil. " Some of oar snccss
fnll clover growers' sow in May
or June on laud thoroughly pre
pared in the spring, then rework
ed with a disc harrow immedi
ately before seeding, , covering
the seed with a common drag
harrow and finally finishing
with a roller. Clover sown at
this season is usually sown alone,
or with rape, and pastured iu the
fall. . " -'-
Rottce ol Election.
Notice is hereby Riven that the annual
election of the City of Corvallis, Benton
County, State of Oregon, wilt be held on
Monday, the 23th Day of May, 1901, for
the purpose of electing a mayor, chief of
police, police judge, treasurer, aud one
councilman for the first ward, one coun
cilman for the second ward, one council
man for the third ward, and the follow
ing place has been designated as the
voting place for said election : Council
room in City Hall, situated on the south
east corner of Third and Madison streets.
And the following judges and clerks have
been appointed to conduct said election :
Judges, Caleb Davis, W. Crees, M. Ja
cobs ;" clerks, J. L. Underwood and J.
L. Ripley. Given under my hand and
seal this 6th Day of May, 1901. '
' " ' ; E. JP. Gkepfoz,
Police Judge.
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Look out for counterfeits, If you get
DeWitt's you will get good results. It
is the quick, positive cure for piles. -
Graham & Wells. - '
Geo. C. Hickock, Curtiss, Wis., says:
"Foley's Kidney Cure has been tested
and found to be all you claim for it. I
have given it to my father and it is the
only thing that ever helped him."; Gra
ham & Wortham.
Onr men's, boys' and children's
clothing stock is imraense this sea
son. Nolan & Callahan.
Foley's Honey and T&r
forchudren,safe,sure. No opiates.
Try this Office for Job W Wk.
Felt It Would Be a Belief to Tear Shin
From Back. Cured by CUT1CLKA.
I had a breaking oat all over my back.
The itching was almost unbearable, and at
times I felt that it would be a relief to tear
the ekin 08 my back. - I tried doctors' pre
scriptions, and several ren ;'!" s, without
even relief. I read of your Cutivdba reme
dies tn the Indianapolis Kact. After three
applications, my back quit Itching, and by the
time the box of Cuticuh. Ointment wan half
used the breaking out had all disappeared.
2310 Cornell Ave, Indianapolis, Ind.
Complete External and Internal Treat,
ment for Every Humor, consisting of Cim-
cum SoiP (25e.), U cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales, CuncURa Ointment (60c.), to ollsy
itching, and soothe and heal, Coticuba Bbsoi
vent (50c.), to cool and cleans the blood. Hold
throughout the world. POTTliBDRiia ahdChkm.
Corf?. Pole Prop., Boston. "How to Cure
Itching Humors," free.
For Police Judze.
I am a candidate for police judge, mb-
ject to the will of the voters of . Corvallis.
If elected, will do my duty.
Miles 8xakr.
If you are sick all ever, and don't knew
just what ails you, it's ten to one your
kidneys are out ol order, toieys Kidney
Cure will bring you health and'energy.
Graham & Worthain.
The Great Scourge
Of modern times is consumption. .Many
cures and discoveries from lime to time
; are published but Foley's Honey andTur
i does truthiuuy claim to cure an cases je
the early stages and always affords com
I fort and relief m the very worst cases.
Take no substitutes. Graham & AVor-
1 lhain.
Thomas Maple. Birkueclr. Iif., writes
"I had a very bad case of kidney trouble
and my back pained me so I could not
straighten up. The doctor' treatmen
did me no good. Saw Foley Kidney Cure
advertised and look one bottle whict
cared me and I have not been affected
since. I gladly recommend this remedy'
Granatn & Wells.
For Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of ' City Treasurer at the
next annual city election to be held in
the City of Corvallis on the 3rd Monday
of May, 1991. Wm. McLagas
Miss Mamie Smith,. Middlesboro, Kv.
writes: "My little sister had the croup
very bad. 1 gave her several doses
J? oley s Honey and lar, and sne was in
stantly relieved. It raved her life. Gra
ham & Wortham, :
Mr. W. J. Baxter, of North Brook
N. C, says he suffered with piles for 15
years. He tried many remedies with n
results until he used DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured
him Graham t&Wells. "
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is heraby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed by the county court of benton
county, Oregon, administrator with the ' wilt an
nexed of the estate 6f Thomas Egenton XTOgg, de
ceased. All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to -present same to the
the undersigned, at Dis residence near jNasnnlie,
Oregon, duly verified and with proper Touchers
within six months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 3rd day of May, 1991.
with the Will Annexed.
H. C. Watson and L. L Swan, Attorneys.
Mr. E. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes:
He was troubled with kidney disease
about three years. -Had to est up sever
al times during the niglit Ijnt three -bottles
of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a
complete cure, he feels better than be
ever did and recommends it to his friends
Graham & Wortham. ..
For Sale. -
A street sprinkler. Enquire of Georgs
Whiteside for particulars. ;
II people only knew what we know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would
be nsed in nearly every household, as
there are lew people who do not suffer
from a feeling of fuUuess after eating,
belching, . flatulence, seur stomach, or
water brash.,-caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia. A preparation such us Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from
the stomach, will digest your food, cer
tainly can't help but do you good. Gra
ham & Wells, ..: -
The greatest skin specialist in America
originated the formula for Banner Salve.
For all skin diseases, all cuts or sores,
and for piles, it's the most healing medicine.-
Beware of substitutes. Graham
& Wortham.
Dissolution of Co-partnership.
Notice is hert by given that the co
partnership heretofore existing under
the firm name of D. Periu & Son, doing
business at Dusty, Oregon, has been dis
solved.' D. Perin retires, and the busi
ness will hereafter be conducted by the
undersigned, who assnmes all liabilities
of the firm and receives outstanding ac
counts. Arthub Perin. '
Dusty, Oregon, April 30, 1901. :
Tou cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver
is sluegish and your bowels clogged. De.
Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the
whole system. They never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells. " -
To the Public.
Notice is hereby given that J, M,
Flyrtn has sold all hi rights and inter
ests in (he Benton 'County Lumberiaz
Company's sawmill business to Mrs. M.
Y. Flynn and it is mutually agreed that
the remaining' partners assume all
liabilities of said business.
V ' - J. M. Flvnn.
Fall City, Or., April 6, 1901. ; . '
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and bowels do not act
properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
reniOVe the CfltlRP nf liiwilU nraUam A,
1 Wells,
Art Squares,
Oil Cloth,
Iron Beds,
Wall Paper,
Window Shades,
Go Carts,
J. D. Mann 6c Co.
Our Clubblg List.
Subscribe to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can
obtain the following- papers in combination ub-
acnptions with the GAZETTE, at the very lour
prices stated below; cash in atlance always to ac
con aany the ordor. Those wishing two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, wiil please
correspond with this office aud we will quote you
tne combination price, we can save yon money on
nearly all publications rou desire.
The abbreviations below arc explained as follows:
W, lot weskly; B W for semi wetkly; T W, forvjri
weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi-nonthly. '
The first price- represents the subscription rate of
the publication alone, and 'the second the rate for
the publication offered in conjucction with the
semi-weekly G AZKTTE.
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest. Port
land, ur., s.w., bit cents;
Oregonian, Portland, Or., W., $1.60; 2.55.
Rural Spirit, Portland. Or , Contains a live-stock
market report, W., 2.00; 2.56. -
Pacific Christian Advocate. Portland. Or.. W.
S2.00. 8.05.
The Thrice-a-Week World. New York. T. W.,
S1.00; 2.20.
Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa. A thorough stock
ana zarm journal, si.uo;.a.o.
Tho Kepnblic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., 1.00; 2.05.
The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind., Live
stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 60 cents; 1.05.
The Cosmopolitan Vaszine. New York. M.
and Atlas of the Worlri, bound in cloth, 50 pages ot
latest maps; ; z.eo.
The Outing Magasine, New York, M., $J,00; 3.80.
Paeiflo Homestead, Salem, Or., W., fl.00; 2.S0.
Oregon foultry Journal, Balem, Or., M , 60
ceuts; 1.80.
The Pathfinder, District of Columbia, W., $1.00:
The Doniirner, New York, Standard Fashions, Mi,
American Agriculturist, Chicago, 111:, including
copy 01 xear book aua Almanac, w., Si.uu; Z.3U.
Farm, Field and Fireside, Chicago, III., W., $1.00
St. Louis Globe-Dcmociui, St. Louis, his ne riva
as great modem newspaper, T. W , $1.00; 2.15.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicego, W., $1.00; 1.90.
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, III., W., 60 cents;
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W., $1.00; 2 05. .
The Fru't Growers' Journal, Cobden , III., M.
50 cents; $1 75.
Farm and
50 ceuts; 1 75.
Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, S. W.
Women's Home Comj-auion,
Springfield, Ohio,
Lipplocott's Magazine, Fhiltdelpliia,
42.50; 3.25.'
Pa., SI.
Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and Dance), Ktw York,
The Century Ma-tzinef New York, if., J4.00; 6.05.
Heard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinion. Wis., The
best iuoet up-to-d&te dairy journal in the world, W.
Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.1-V
American Homes. KncxriKe, Tenn., 91-00;
Benton Cookh:& tithrol J'ajzine, Bi-M., 50 cents;
McClure'a Magazine, Kew York, M., $1.00; 2.40.
Twice-a-Wsek Courier Journal, Louisville, Ky.,
one of the best papers front the (treat South, T. W..
$1.00; 2.05.
"Dairy Fortunes," a neat; 'well written book of
204 pages on all questions concerning dairying,
feeds and feeding1, the constituent properties of all
kinds of feed; 39 combinations forming- - well
balanced rations tor dairy cows. Ei ery dairyman
should have it. Price with the Corvallis Gazette
one year,
Pocket Atlas of the World. 381 inures, containing
colored maps f all the states and territories in the
Waited lutes, the province of the domiaion of
Canada, and of every country anctciril division on
the face of the globe. Alee valuable statitical in
formation about each state and county, giving the
population of every large city in the worU, besides
other valuable information. A handy reference
work tor every person; with Corvallis Uazrttb one
year, 1.0.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt A Co., Chicago
The 1. bottle contains 2H times t be 50c. size.
Craham & Wells'.
92 A nice residence 1 acre of land in
Corvallis, 5 minutes tfalkfrom postoffice;
price f800. -
88 80 acres; 50 in. cultivation; good
house, barn, fruit and Water; 3 miles
from philomath.. A good arm for
12,200. ,
74 160 acres; 33 in cultivation ; small
bouse; good barn and water; 1 miles
from town; cheap at fl,5C0; on main
county road ; good pasture and timber. . -
113 A good 7-rootn house with one
half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken
houses and sheds, price 600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis postoffice.
Real Estate Agent,
Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
Save Money,
Owing to the fact that we have had to
take a good share of tho lumber cut by
onr Tualatin mill, and that we also have
a large amount of fir logs coming in the
big drive from the McKenzie, we are get
ting overstocked and will have to sell to
make room. Our stock is A 1. Save
money by buying now,
Cobvalus Sawmill Co. .
and Second
Hand Goods
The operation of through trains be
tween San Francifco and Los Angeles,
via Surf and anta Barbara, will begin. on
iar. 31, .901
on the new
Two through trains daily. The Coast
Link Limited leaving each terminal early
in the morning equipped with elegant cafe
and parlor cars, will make daylight trips
threught the most picturesque, varied
and entertaining scenes on t tie continent.
Inquire ot agents cf the
Notice to Creditors.
Kotice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator of the estate of
Thomas Wyatt, deceased, by the county court of
Benton comity. Oregon. All persons having claims
against saio estate are hereby notified to present
the same, duly verified, together with the proper
voucherR, to me at the law office of Bryson & Wood
son in Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 1st day of March A. D, 1901.
Administrator of said Estate.
" Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that th4 undersigned, as
adminitor of the estate of John L. Clark, deceased,
has filed his final acciunt, in said estate in the
county court of Bentcu county, Oregon, and that
said court has appointed Saturday, the 11th day of
May X. D. 1901. at the hour of ten o'clock m. at
county court room, in tho court house, in the city
ot Corvallis, Benton ccunty, state of Oregon, as
the time and place to hear objections, if any, to said
final account, and the settlement of said account
and estate.
Corvallis, Oregon, April 6, 1901.
Administrator of the Estate of John L. Clark, De
ceased. "I have been suffering from Dyspepsia
for the past 20 years and have been un
able after trying all preparations and
physicians to get any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
1 found relief and am now in bf tter
health lhan I have been for 20 years. I
Can not praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure too
highly." Thus writes Mrs. C. W.
Roberts, North Creek, Ark. Graham &
Tor Rent.
Will rent 2C0 acres of land eat o
Monroe and take part payment of ren1
in work and, improvements on the place
Address , - M. S. Woodcock,
. Corvallis, Oregon.' -
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Ccrvsllis, Oregon.
Established, " Incorporated, tfs8
The most complete line i of Pure Drugs aud
Chemicals in; Corvallis.
Be oka and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article,
.. Combs, Eiushes and Minora..
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Pcrscription- Department,
T. A. JONES, Registered,
Special Course in Pharmacy at Fetdue I'uivttsi
-ty, Indiana .
Hie First National Bask
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
On all kinds of approved security, and especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate busi
ness enterprises and industries of this country.
Deposits ,
Received subject to check paj-able on deraa-it
Foreign Exchange
Sight exchange and transSers sold available in
the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer
land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spam, Portugal, Ger
many, Austria.
. ' Letters of Credit
Issued available in the principal cities ol the
United States. -
Principal Correspondents. Upon Whoa We
Sell Sight Exchange '
The Commercial National Bank of Chicago.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglo-Cahfornian Bank, San Francisco, Calif. .
The National City Bank New York
The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n,
Importers &Trader's National Bank, New York.
6hoo and Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass.
FhUsdclphia. National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa
Southern Pacific' CGiapany.
Hf.fl way Ati(n,s at 1:20 p. m.
1, '"filMfid..-, .: n in
l,V All, - 12'JSfl in
8 :30 p in
10:50 p m
1 1 ::' a in
4 M a m
o.3l a m
Ar Aslilwi'xJ.,-. JZ.M,i,ut
At erftmpf!fi. . j tn
St Huh Ytnm'im-4).7i4h p tn
Ar Oifden. ......
Ar ffcttiVkf
t :Vi p tn
.9 :1) to
9:00 s m
y:Soa m
Ar Fa'iiasOlty-
7 (5rf tn
ArChiargr, 75 am
Ar Los Aagnln.-.liSO t tn
ArEir tMpm
ArFort Worth CrfKism
A r Oily of Mexlra S :S5 a ra
Ar Honaten - 4 :0ft a n
Ar Nw Orleara.. 0 :23 m
Ar WMBlngtOB t42 t fh
Ar Kew York 12:48 p tn
7:00 a
6:00p m
:30 am
9A a bi
4:00 Am
lli3 p ra
both trains. Chair cars Sacrantato te
Ogdeo and 1 Faso, slid Teuriit cars to
Chicago, St Louie, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Jspaq,
China, Philippines, Central and South
See. F. E. FARMER, agent a Oorvullii
station, or address
Portland, Or.
Dmtistry of every description done In firsl
class manner, otid satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf 's jrrocery store, oppos'tj
the pon cifice, Corvallis. Oregon.
Specialties Diseases of women and
children : alsodeforinities and all chron
ic and nervous diteases.
Occidental Hotbi. Mondav, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 5 :30 p m.
B. A. CAT HEY, M. D.
Physician Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
ntr wM I 10 to 12 a. m.
Office Hours itoip,Vii
Residence: Cornet College and 8th St.
Telephone at office and residenre.
Corva'lis,- - - - Oietrnn
Office Corser 3rd and Monroe streets
Bouts 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8: Sun
day 9 to 10.
Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison
Btreets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephoke 315, at residence.
Physician -Surgeon
Titles Cosvi'Taicmjs.
Practice in -all State and Federal Conrt.
OfficoJ inFirs,t; National Bank Bnildine.
Bryson Woodson
Corvallis, Ore-on.
Office in Fcstcffice Eullding.
O.lice In Wbltehorn Blork"
Corvallis, Oregon
White and Bgrred.
From prize winning stock, second to
none on Pacific roast, Eggs, $1 50 a set
ting of fifteen at yard, or 2 00 if packed.
J.G. KorKiKG, Corvahis. Or. ,
Hettc f Find Settlement.
Notice is hereby given last the undersigned execu
tor of the estate of llartha J. K;co, deceased, has
filed sis Seal accnuat is said estate in the Ccunty
Conrt of th etata of Or;gon, for Benton County,
sitting in proeatc, and Saturday, tat fth Dsy of
February, 1981, at 10 o'clock a EL, at tha Onrt
Bouse in Corvallis, Oregon, is the tine and place
fixed by tha Court for hearinf abjections, if any, to
said final account and the settlement thereot
Dated January 11, 190L
- - CBASLaa E. Bice,
"Ourlitilp girl was unconscious from
strangulation during a sudden apd terri
ble attack of croup. I quickly secured a
bottle of One Minute-Cough Cute, giving
her three doses, The croup was mas
tered and oar little darling speedily re
covered." So writes A. L. Spaffo'rd,
Chester, Mich. Giaham & Wells.
Ccrvaliis 6 Eastern Railroad,
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. ru.
" " Corvallis l:50(). ui.
" 'arrivtc Y:.uuiit!i G:4o it. in.
1 Reluming:
Leaves Yaquina.. . . 6:10 a. in.
Lea v-8 Cova!lis. . . . 11:30 a. ni.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. ru.
3 For Detioit: ;
Leaves Albany 7:: 0 a. m.
Arriyes Detroit 11:20 i.' m.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. iu.
Arrives Albany.... 5:45p.m.
One and two oonsect at Albary
and Corvallis with SoHthero Pacific
trains, giving direct serried to and
from Newport and adjacent
Trains for the m.'nntaina arrive
at noon, giving ample time to
reach ramping grounds On the
Breitenbush and Santiam river the
same day.
Edwin Stomb,
H. L. Walden, Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
II. H. Ceonise, Agent, Corvallis.
Shojt line
and vmqn Pacific
for from Portland PB0M
Shi',ToB!r Salt Lake, Denver,
Port and Kt WorUl) 0maba
special Kansaa cityi l :30 p.m.
via Hun- LoUis- Ohieage
tjnVgrT dEast- :
Atlantic Salt- Lake, Denver,
Express Vt Worth, Omaha,
9 p.m. Kansas City, St 8:10 a.m.
via Hnn- Louis, Chicago and
lington. East.
I"-"! T Walla Walla. Lew-S-
5? . istan, S p o k a ne.
F,sr.Mil Minne.,p0i8, St.
6 1:00 p.m. Pall! D)ntr;. Mil. 7 :00 a.m.
y,'" . waukee, Chicago,,
bpokane an(1 Eaat
Through Pullman and Tuniist S ecptrs.
Ocean and Eiyer Schedule.
Ail sailing dates
suhiect to ciisnge.
8 p. m.
For San FranCiso,
4 p. m.
Sail everv tiTedays
from At-ril 2d.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. m.
10 p. m.
Columbia River
4 p. B.
To Astoria & way-!
WiiljiiieUi Riv.r.
Ex. Sun
6 a.m.
40 p. m.
Oiegon City, New-
oerg, balem, Inile
pendence ami way
6 a.m.
(4:30 p.m.
Corvallis and Way-
and. Fri
day. XJinoings.
3:30 p.m.
a. m.
T uosday.
W ednes
day and
Oregon City, Day-
ton way-land 'a,
S40a. m
SnaA River.
St :30 a. m
Riparia to Lewis's.
A. L CRAIG. Gen. Psns. Agent,
J. P. TAPSCOTT. Agent.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Kotlce for Publicatlen.
Unitkd Statss Lanb Omen,
Oregon City, Oregon. March, 4, 1M1.
Notice is txifl civen that in eussplisace with tha
provibiLiiA of the n;t ol Ct iigii-t-s tif Juaa tf, 1S7S,
t-titilled "An &Lt tcr the sale ol timber lands in tka
htiitej cf Caiin ruia, Uleicou, heveda, aad Wash
ington 1'trritoi.v," h exit-Htltd to all the fablie
Land states b net of August 4. 1802.
of Minmtuth, county of Folk, state at Oreten, kaa
this tiay tiled iu this ufiice her sorn statemsat Ha.
5&3, for the purcl ase of ot NKj aadNtofKEj
uf Section No 2 m 1 ownshlp No 13 South, Jtanav Ho
7 West, and will offer ptoof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and'to establish her alaiaa
to eaict land before the Register and Ueceivsr ot this
office at Oregon City, Oreeon, on Weanesday, tba
20th day of May, 1901. bhe n.mes as wiutetset
Michael 0. Flynn, of Fall City, l'ollt Co., Or, Jaa II.
Flynn, of Monmouth, Polk Co., Or., Samual W.
EiriL', of Fall City, Polk Co., (jr., John W. Byde,
of Philomath, Benton Co., Or.
Any and ail peitons claiming adversely the abava
desciibed lands are requested to file thtir alaima Is
this office on or before said 9th day af Hay,
1901. CIIAS. B. MOOKE8.
Executor's Sale of Real Property,
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of authority
and direction to me given by the lsst wiil and testa
ment of James E. Fuk, lata ot Beaton county, atata
of Oregon, deceased, 1 will on Saturday, the 4th day
of May, 19A1, at the hour z o'clock in the aiternaaa of
that day at the front door of the oouit house, in
Corvallis, Bentcn county, Oregon, offer far sale at
public auction, to the highest bidder far cash in
nno, ail me nui viue aiiu imprest pai Said fle.
ceased at the time of bis death had la or to tha
following described real property towit:
"Beginning et a point on the eaat benndary line
(132.64) one hundred thirty-two and 64-100 reda
north from the south tart corner of tha Deration
Land Claim of Watman St. Clair and alahala J.
St. Clair, it being claim number forly-savrn (47),
notification number six thomand four hundred aad
forty 644U, in township twelve 12 couth range
six 10 west of V, ill Mer; thence routberly along tha
east bouncary line of said claim to the north line
of the Oregon Central & K as tern Hatlroad Cans
pany's ritrht of aj; thence southwesterly alon
said bouudary line of said right of way ta tba cast
line cf E. Whitthead's tract of land; thanca north
along toid'Ut line to the noitheaU corner of tha
R. Whitehead ttsct of land: thence westerly along
the north boundary line of said tract cf land to
the southeast cornt r of the lot or parcel of land
hereinbefore (said will) devise1! t Knaetta A.
Buchanan: theuce roith along tha east beundarr
line of said lot of laita to the north boundary Una
rf myfJfcines IS. Fittt's) said farm or tractof land
9.75 lods; thence easterly along said nt:rth bound
ary line to the place of beginning 76.47 rods, can-
laming zo acres oi lana more or lesa la uenten
county, state ol c regpn, saia tract el land Lelan
ingtoaid deceased at the time of hiafUath. IfTp
expenses of lsu.t sickneas of said d, ceased, funeral
expenses, expenses of administration at.d tlaima
against the estate of sa d deceased, the residue, it
any, to he paid to the widow of laid deceased,
Louisa i. Fisk"
Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 5th dav of April, 1901.
ole suivivin&r executor of said last will and Tm.i.
rrci. V of Jin cb h . Ink, i cicanri.