THE COBMLIS GAZETTE, TUESDAY. APKIL SO, 1901. ABOUT LATERAL SEWERS. Widely different views are en tertained by various individuals, regarding the necessity and pro priety 01 constructing lateral sewers. When a system of sew ers is thoroughly completed, a town becomes more healthful and the death rate decreases. Manv of the older residents of Oregon willremember when the metropo lis of our state was considered ex ceedingly unheal thful which was at a time wnen rue water supply was not so good as now and the sewerage of the citv was crude and incomplete. Later on Ball Ron water and a thorough svs o J - tem of sewerage took the place ot tae previous unuealthtul con dition, until now it is said that the death rate of the city is aboot as low as that of any city In the world. It is nrabablv . j natural that people in our small towns, bavins: all their lives been accustomed to the bare ground to dump sewerage upon, remain satisned witn their con omsion tnai lateral sewers are Sot needed and that the construc tion thereof would entail upon them a needless expense. They forget that a new village can be started upon a new clean area of ground where the surroundings are reasonably cure and rood. and that with moderate care fair conditions of health will prevai for fifteen or twenty years, the location gradually growing more Qunealtny as time passes, unti after forty or fifty years the eroatids become so comoletelv w K j saturated with refuse matter that ccasional surroundings will at times become breeding spots f eisease and destruction of human life. 18 is only a few years ago that the unfortunate death of all of the children ex cent one of the family of Wm. B. Carter, deceased, which was generally conceded at the time to nave Been caused by the impure public alley near by at that time Mr. Carter was sick about the same time, but partially recover d. His health was so badly shattered, however, that his death was supposed to have been Hastened by the iormer sickness. The same winter several child ren of J.' W. Souther near the same locality died of the same disease. About the same time and only a block and a half away several of the children of M. H. Bell fell victims to the same mal ady. All of the places where the disease proved so very fatal to those unfortunate families were located near impure public alleys. At several times since, as the years have passed, numer ous instances have occurred where latality to life has been attributed to imperfect drainage. A proper system of lateral sewers would relieve most of these increased aangers to. numan lite. Avery prominent and convincing: ebieet lesson can now be held in point to remind every one that a whole family would not have been strieken down for weeks had eomplete lateral sewers been is use at the premises. There is no reason for any per son to ebject to completing lat eral sewars except the small sum f money they may be required to pay for constructing them along their property. So, as long as they d. not fall a victim to some fatal disease, their minds can not be convinced as to the necessity of the improvement. After dread disease has held them in bed for weeks and months, and they have incurred three or four times the expense neaessary to construct lateral sawers, should they again be re stored to health, arguments which had once failed certainly would seem convincing as to the necessity of a thorough system of lateral sewers. The ebjectidn that : the cost of construction would be more than some per sons could stand and save their homes is improbable, because the saving in expenses of sick ness and liability of death more than overbalances any and all expenses. - The property thor oughly sewered would be worth much more than before the im provement was made, and wonld place property remaining vacant in condition so that tenants would be glad to lease and pay good rents. No doubt the small amount anyone wonld tie-srl ta pay for the improvement could ' ka kA.....J 1 r uunuwcu ana reDaia on easv i terms and small payments. It is not the spirit of the Rairttr to urge these matters upon the public, but simply to call atten tion to the various n-aints in. volved. It might bt considered unwise to wait until a severe spell of sickness should seize some one, costing them enough to build a half dozen sewers, aad hould they recover find that the improvement was not made, but that the money was expended. The Leas oT Sheep. Prof. E. R. Lake of the O. A. , who retarned a week ae-o from a tour through Eastern Ore gon in search of information re garding plants that arc noisonous to stocE, is credited with the fol- owing statements: In the field work we have found that the losses from oois- onous plants have been much less tnis year tnan usual, although scarcely a day passes that a num ber ot sheen are not lest in the sheep-range eonatits. lne plants doinsr the chief amount of damage are those known as larkspur, lobelia or death camas. and the variftn. loco plants. So far as observa tions have been made, these plants are generally distributed over tne sections of Eastern Ore gon and Washington, and the losses in seme sections have been estimated to be between 5,000 and 6,000 sheep within the past three vears. or about 21 ner cent of the stock ranging in the district. The heaviest loss was two years ago, when as many as 500 head would die in one night. Cases of poisoning have been reported from all counties of Eastern Oregon, and from sev eral counties of Eastern Wash ington. Seme two r three plants heretofore unknown to be poisonous have been reported with quite sufficient evidence to condemn them. In the field work, data cover ing the losses, the character of the trouble, together with photo graphs of ranges and herds, and the suspected and known plants, have been collected. The pho tographs of the plants have been taken, in most instances, natural size, as they are found on the ground. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of D. Perm & Son. doina- business at Dusty, Oregon, has been dis solved. D. Perin retires, and the busi ness will hereafter be conducted bv the undersigned, who assumes all liabilities of the firm and receives outstanding ac counts. Arthub Pekih. Dusty, Oregon, April 30, 1901. For Sale. Two good milch cows. Inauire of Mrs. Agnes Thompson, Corvallis. For Police Judge, I hereby announce m self as a candi date for the office of police judge at the election on the 20th of May, 1901. Respectfully yonrs, . E. P. Geefeoz. To Voters. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of police judge, subject to the will of the voters at the - coming city election. If elected, I pledge myself to a faithful discbarge of the duties of the office, without fear or favor, ' E. E. Bbysom. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself candidate for the office of City Treasurer at the next annual city election to be held in the City of Corvallis on the 3rd Monday of May, I9OI. Wm. McLaqas. To the Public. Notice is hereby given that J. M. Flynn has sold all his rights and inter ests in tbe Benton County Lumbering Company's sawmill business to Mrs. M. Y. Flynn and it is mutually agreed that the remaining partners assume all liabilities of said businese. J. M. Flynn. Fall City, Or., April 6, 1901. Letter List. For the week ending April 20, 1901. Persons calling for these letters will Dlease state date nn n-hiph ih.. advertised. They will be chai-cred at th rate of one cent each. John Alexaner, J S Brown, Getlieb Bolincrer. J .T Carter Rrnu Pa..!. Narciss Gill, Cary H Harrisoa, T F Hig gins, John E McBride (2), Mrs L B McFarland. Albert R afnlvin MVa T... . , i - i - " nie Ware, . B. W, Johnson, P. M, Torturing Disfiguring Humors Itching, Burning, and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with loss of Hair Complete External and Inter nal Treatment by Cuticura The Set $1.25 Consisting of CirnciraA 80 ap ( 25c.). to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle, Cuticura Ointment ( GOe.), to Instantly allay Itching, irritation, and in flammation, and soothe and heal, and Cun cuba Besolvbxt (50c.), to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set Is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood hnmors, rashes, ltchlngs, and Irritations, with loss ot hair, when the best physicians and all other remedies fall. ' POTTtm Daco axd Cm. Ooar.. Sota Pro SS-" How to Core Ev.rv Skin mud Blood Humor," free. CUTICURA PUREST OF BABY SOAPS Ttaik it Over. Which is better, to buy your pianos and organs of an agent who represents the factories where they are made, er of one who only represents San Francisco and Portland jobbing houses? Is it woith while to pay an additional profit to city middlemen for the sake of gettine goods which have passed through their hands, with double freight charges added to other needless costs T Would not the best plan be to have all your money count on the value of the instru ment itself? We think so, and for this reason import all pianos and organs direct from the factory, depend on quick sales and small profits and thus give you a high grade instrument at a moderate price. All kinds of small, irsr.ruments such as guitars, violins, mandolins, etc. Ca 11 at office and residence one block west of court house. M. A. Goodxouqh. Skin Troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quickly heal by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel .Salye. It is imi tated. Be sure you get DeWitt's. Gra ham & Wells. Save Money. Owing to the fact that we have had to take a good share of the lumber cut by onr Tualatin mill, and that we also have a large amount of fir logs comiog in the big drive from the McKenzie, we are get ting overstocked and will have to sell to make room . Our stock is A 1. Save money by buying now, Corvallis Sawmill Co. "I have been troubled with indiges tion for ten years, have tried many things and spent money to no purpose until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I have .taken two bottles and rotten more relief from them than all other medicine taken. I feel more like a boy than I have felt in twenty years. An derson Biggs, of Sunny Lane,, Texas. Thousands Lave testified as did Mr. Eiggs. Graham & Wells, ' call tor Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the county treasurer's offiee to pay all orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds op to ndincluding those of October 3, 1900. Interest will be stopped on same from this date." W. A. Buchanak, Treasurer of Benton Co., Or. Corvallis, April 13, 1901. : , 1 -L. Ton caaaot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver ia sluggish and your bowels clogged. De. Witt's Little Early Risen cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. Gra ham & Welle. ....... TO HOMESEEKERS. 92 A nice residence 1 acre of land in Corvallis, 5 minutes walk from postoffice ; price f80Q. 88 80 acres; 50 in cultivation; good houee, barn, fruit and water; 3 miles from Philomath. A good farm for $2,200. 74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation ; small house; good barn and water; miles frem town; cheap at $1,500; en main county read ; good pasture and timber. 113 A good 7-room house with one- half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken nouses and sheds, price $600; well ar ranged for poultry raising; this is a cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from Corvallis poetoffice. HBNSV UBUtK, ., Real Estate Agent Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon. rtie first National Bank OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. ESTASJL1CHCB 1SSO. OFFICERS St DIRECTORS M. S. WOODCOCK, President. C. E. MOOR, Vice-President. WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. Loans Made On all kinds of approved security, and especially to-encourage and build up the legitimate busi ness enterprise and industries of this country. Deposits ' Received subject to check payable on demand. Foreign Exchange Sight exchange and transfers Bold available in the principal cities of Enirland. Trviund land, Prance, Belgium. Holland, Norway. Swed en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger Letters of Credit Issued available in the principal cities ot the united States. Principal Correspondents Upon Whom W Sell Sight Exchange ; The Commercial National Bank ot Chicago The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. Anglo-Californian Bank, Ban Francisco, Calif. The National City Bank New York. The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'np Importers & Trader's National Bank, New York. Shoe and Leather National Bank of Boston. Mass. Philadelphia National Baskef rbUadclpkia, Pa FORTUNES MADE IN OIL STOCKS. THE PORTLAND OIL COMPANY, i Of Portland, Oregon, Owns Sixty Acres of the Best Oil. Lands in California, is Incor porated under the Laws of Oregon; Stock is Non-Assessable. GUARANTEED Stock at 20 cents per share; COMMON Stock at 10 cents per share. Company composed of responsible business men of Portland. PAR VALUE $1 00 PER SHARE. BUY NOW and take advantage of rise in price which is sure to follow. Active operations have aheady begun. Oil will be struck with in four months. Books of company are always OPEN TO INSPECTION OF STOCKHOLDERS. Many similar stocks have advanced to $10 and $20 per share. No cer tificates will be issuod for lew than one hundred shares. For all further particulars and prospectus, apply to WALTER G. KEADY, Corvallis, Oregon, agent for L Y. KEADY & CO., 110 Sherlock Bldg, Portland, Oregon. WE CAN SHOW YOU - iisr Furniture, Iron Beds, Wall Paper, . Window Shades, Go Carts, Art Squares, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Mattings, J. D. Mann & Co. Corvallis, Our Clubbing List. Subscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following: papers in combination sub scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices stated below; cash in advance always to ac conpany the order. Those wishing two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will please correspond with this office and we will quote you the combination price. We can save yoa money on The abbreviations below are explained as follows W. (01 weekly; B W for semi-weekly; T W, for tri weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi-n ontbly. The first price represents the" subscription rate of the publication alone, and !the second the rate for the publication offered in conjunction with the . Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, To.-t-land. Or., S.W., SO !cents; iJl.SO. Oresroniai, Portland, Or., tf:, 1.60; 2.55. Rural Sr.rit, Portland, Or, Contains a live-stock market rej.;;rt, W. z.uo; Z.56. Pacific Christian.' 12.00. 3.05. Advocator Portland, Or., W. The Th -ue-a-Week World; New York T W $1.0.; 2.2U. . .. . ... .. Homester.'!, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough stock " The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., $1.00; 2.06. ine American Farmer, Indianapolis, lnd., Live toca, rami ana poultry Journal. -M., 60 cents; 1.66. ihe Cosmopolitan 'Magazine. New York. M. and At'aa of the World,, .touud in cloth, 6tt pages of t i m , . t.i. Ihe uuting- Maganne, New York, M., $3,00; 3.80. Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W., $1.00; 2.80. uragon rouitrj Journal, Salem, Or., M, 60 nuw, A.ov. The Pathfinder,! JJlttrict of Columbia. 2.05. - ' W., 11.00; t l""1' f'w Ywk- Standard FajbJeM, M., American Agriculturist, Chicago, IU., including nm. rtf V... ...j ... .... ... a -" - Mu aunuiw, IT., fl.uv; Z.BV. "mi, Field and Fireside, Chieage, III., W., $1.00; St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, has ne rira as great modern newspaper, T. W., L00; 1.15. -ins Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.90. Ynn' People's Weekly, Chicago, TO., W., 60 eents; Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W tl.C0; 2 OS. The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , I1L. M.. Farm and 60 cents; 1.75. Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, & W. Women's Home ConilAnien Springfield, M.O0; 2.15. Ohio, LiDDincott'a Migazine, Philadelphia, Pa., 2.60; 3.15. H., EvVv Month fftlair S'nnir enl raAnAA Mm M., SI.OO: 2.1.V " ' The Century Magazine, Now York, M..J4.00; 6.06. Hoard's Dairyman Vnrt Atlrlnann - Wl. 1k. best most Up-to-date dairv 4minl in tt.o ur 11.00; 2.30. Table Talk, Philadelphia, St., tLOO; 2.15. 2.S0. ' American Homen. Knnwnio rnn v 1.00; Boston Cooktnfr KnhftAl Umn B: IX ca ...... - " HHUWilM-AVSIIIB, McClure'B Maganne, New York, It, 1.00; 2.40. Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville, Ky., ?s the best papers from the great South, T. W., L00; 2.05. "Dairy Fortunes," a neat, .well written boek of 20 pages on all queations concerning dairyinir. feeds and feeding, the constituent properties of all kinds of feed; SO combinations forming well Balanced rations for dairy cows. Every dairyman should have it Price with the Cobvallib Gazcttb one year, S2. 6. Pocket Atlas of the World. SSI pages, containing colored maps of aU the states and territories in the mted States, the province of the domiaion of Lunula, and of every country and civil division on the face of the globe. Also valuable Statistical In formation about each state and connty, giving the population of every large city in the world, besides ther valuable information. A handy reference work fos every peraen; with Cobvallib Uazette ene year, lot. . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This Dreriaratlon contains all nf t.ho digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. Themostsensiti stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Oo Chicago , Toe H. bottle contains VA times the 60c. size. , Graham & Wells. For Sale. ; : . A street sprinkler. ' Enquire of Gtortre ! Whiteside for particulars. I GfcEAT BARGAINS Stoves, Tinware, Graniteware, and Second Hand Goods Oregon. GAP CLOSED The operation of through trains be tween San Francisco and Los Angeles, via Surf and Santa Barbara, will begin on Sunday, Mar. 31, 1901 on the new Coast Line Two through trains daily. The Coast Line Limited leaving each terminal early ni tun muming equipped wim elegant caie and parlor cars, will make daylight trips inreugnT. tne most picturesque, varied and entertaining scenes on the continent. inquire ot agents of the SOUTHERN PACiflC. Notice la Creditors. . Hotice it hereby eiTeti that the nndersiirned has teen appointed adminiitrator ot the estate ot Tbnmas Wyatt, deceased, by the ceunty court of dvuwd coon,;, uregtn. aji persons nannsT claims against saiu estate are hereby notified to present the sane, duly verified, together with the proper TVUVUCin, rU UIC lab UltJ IKW U Lit CO OI DrjSOa TV 0041- son in GorTaltis, Benton connty, Oregon, within six monma irona tne oate oi tnis notice. Dated this 1st day ot March A. D, lOOL GEOROB W. WYATT, Administrator of said Estate, notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that th-. undersign od, as wiiuiiiisiur 91 uie esuiu) oi ionn u. uiarx, oeceased, has filed his final acctant, in said estate in the connty court of Benton county, Oregon, and that said court has appointed Saturday, tbe 11th day of juaj m. i. jwi, Kb biic nour oi ven o ciocK a. xn. at county court room, in the court house, in the city of Corvallis, Benton county, state of Oregon, as the time and place to hear objections, if any, to said iiiisu mcuouiiii, hiih uib settlement oi saiu account and estate. Corvallis, Oregon, April 0, 1901. EDWIN M. OLABK, Administrator of the Estate of John L. Clark, De ceased. "Last winter I was conGned to my bed with a very bad cold on the lungs. Nothing gave me relief. Finally my wiie bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that effected a speedy cure. I cannot speak too highly of that excel lent remedy." Mr. T...K. Houseman, Manatawney, Pa. Graham & Wells. For Rent. Will rent 200 acres of land meat of Monroe and take part payment of rent 111 work and.iniprovements" on the place. Address M. S. Woodcock, Administrator, .Corvallis, Oregon. Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies Corvallis, Oregon. Established, Incorporated, 1898. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete line of Pure Drugs and Chemicals in Corvallis. Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa pcrs, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article, -Combs, Brushes and Mirrors. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery V CIGARS Manager of Perscription Department, T. A. JONES, Registered, Special Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Uaiversi ty, Indiana . . Those famous little pills. DeWitt's Lit- tie Early Risers will remove all impuri ties from your svstem, cleanse your bowels, make them ugular. Graham & Welle, SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacific ComDanv. THE SHASTA ROOTS Trains leave Corvallis for Portland ' and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8 :80 a m 3 :S0 p m 10:00 p to 11:80 am 4 :85 a m 9.30 a M Ly Albany 12:S0 d m Ar Ashland .12:33 a m Ar Sacramento 5:00 p m ar oan r rancigco-7 :4o p m Ar Ogden 6:45 p m Ar Denver 9 :00 a m Ar Kabfiae Gity 7 :25 a m 11 :46 a m 9:00ara 7 :26 a m 9 :88 a tn at unicago.. 7 ;55 a m Ar Los Angeles---! SO p m' Ar El Pas 61M p tn 7:00 a 6 :00 p m oiSOttn 9Sata 4 .-oo am eakss II : p m Ar fort worth 0:89 Ben Ar City of Mexico 9 :65 a m Ar Houston .4 :C5 m Ar (tew Orleans 6 :25 a m Ar Washington :42 a m Ar New York 12 :43 pm PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at ban Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan. China, Philippines, Oeatral and South America. See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis station, or address C. H. MARKHAM. 3. P. A., Portland, Or. E. H, TAYLOR DENTIST. Dn4Utry ef every description done in 5rsi eMKs manner, aad sausiaetieti guar anteea. crows m mm mi . spegialh Office over ZWolf 's grocery afore, opposite fflee over Zlterolf '8 gi the post office. Cor vi aure. Oregon. MRS. DR. CYLTHIE RAMSEY, Osteopathist Specialties Diseases of women and children ; also deformities and all chron ic and nervous diseases. Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1 :30 to 6 :30 p. m. B. A. GATH EY, M. D. Physioicyi it Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Sailding. ) lOtoEaw n. I Si Residence : Corset College and 8th Sts. Telephone at ofiioe and residence. 6va!lls, On L G. ALTMAN, M. D. Bouks 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8 ; Sun day S to 10. Residence Corner 3rd and Hariisoi streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Telephone 315, at residence. . M. NEWTH Physician Surgeon PHILOMATH, Ofimm. Notaey. Titles. Conveyancing, JOS.H. WILSON. ATTORNBY-AT.LAW. Practice in tall State and1 Federal Court. Office; inpfrbtl National Bank Building. Bryson Woodson ATOMS -AT -LAW Corvallis, Ore-tm. Office in Foatcffice Btxlldics;. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Oslca la Wbltchora Block Corvallis, Oregon PLYMOUTH R0GK ...EGGS... White and Barred. From prize-winning stock, second to none on Pacific coast, Egg $1 60 let ting of fifteen at yard, or 2 00 if packed. J.G. Boenikg, Oorval'is. Or. Notice ef Final Settlement. Notisa is Reresy rivtn last tbe ondei Hjoas execu tor oltheestate of Martha J. Rice, deceutd, has flleakisfnal account ia (aid estate la the Couaty Court ot the Stats ef Oreron. (r Benton County, sitting- in prosat. and Saturday, Ihe tth Dy ol Februarv, ISei, at 10 o'clock a. as., at the Coart House in Corvallis, Oreron. Is the time aad Blaoe Dxed by the Court for hearing objections, If any, to taid float account and the settlement thereof. Dated January 11, 1S01. Chaubb I. Bice, Kxecutor "I had piles 10 bad I could get no rent sor hnd a cme ur.ui x ineu ievruis Witch Hazel Salve. After nsingitonce, I forgot I ever had anything like piles." E. 0. Boice, Someis Point, N. Y. Look out for imitations. Ee sine you atk for PeWiU's.-Graham & Wells. Cenrallis & Eastern Rallr&ad. TIME CAKD. 2 For Yaquita: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. ra. Corvallis 1 :50 p. m. " arrive Yaquina 6:45 p. . 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina. . 6:10 a.m. Leaves Co-vallis. . . . 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany .... p. in. 6 or Detioit: Leaves Albany 7:f.O a. Arrives Detroit .... 11:20 -i. m. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit ..... 12:10 p. ra. Arrives Albany .... 5:45 p. m. One and two connect at Albary and Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiam river the same day. Edwin Stonk, H. L. Walden, Manager. T. F. & P. A. H. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis. Oregon SliQigrLlNE UnionPacific AND Depabt TIHESCHEDULES Arrive fob from Portland. fbom ' Pnriu Salt Lake, Denver, " ' .. Snpi-ia? Ft Worth, Omah, peuai KaBSa8 City Sl i:80p.m. tington Atlantic Salt Lake. Denver, Express tt Worth, Omaha, 9 p. m. Kannos City, St 3:10 a.m. via Hun- Louis, Chicago and tington. EaBt. ' -t Pai Walla Walla. -w .f 51 n i(,toB- S p o k a ne, Minneapolis. St.' 6.00 p.m Paulf Du"luth MU. 7:00 a.m. SDokane "nk'. Chieae, bpofcane gnd EaBt Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers. Ocean and Kiver Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. ail sainntc Oaler sulnect to change 8 p. m, ?or San Franeiseo 4 p. m. Sail every five days from April 2d.' . Daily Go.ymbia Rivsr , , iSBMa; Steamer. Saturday, To Astoria & vrxy-. 8unly 10 p. m. landing, WlitaRietti River. . landings 1 0 a.m. i :30 p.m. Tuesday Corvallis and Way !"d;' Thursday Landings. Wednsdv and ind Fn- Saturdfty lay. 7am WILLAMETTE :80 p.nfc. T neadsv AND YAMHILL Monday Thurs.7y KIVERS Wednes and Oregon City, Day- 47,ad Saiu rd'y ton dc Way-land's. n7 Snaka Biver. r T Kipana Lewlstosi 3- 40 a. m, Riparia to Lew is'n. Daily Pailv L CBAIG. Gen. Pas. Agnt, J. P. TAPSCOTT. Agent, Corvallis, Oregon. Notice for Publication. Units Stitks -Lanb Omea, Oregon City. Oron.' March, 4, 1B01. itice is lterrby eiven that in coaapliaace 1rith tha provWcns of the tct ef IVngreM of Jose I, lWi, entitled "An act for the Kale of timber lands in the States of liffTnia, Oregon, Keveda, aad Wash. ingtuu Territory," as extended to aU the fab)i Land States by act ef Aucuat 4. ISM, MRS. BHSSIE S. FLYNN, of Mrtr.mouth, county of Polk, slate of Oreron, baa this day hied in this 1nce her sworn statement 6353, fi r the furcliaFe of S of NKJ andN'iafHEi of Section No 2 in Township No IS South, Kan-e Ho 7 West, and will offer proof to show that tbe land gougrht ie more valuable for ite timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to eetabllsh her elaim to (aid land before the Register and Keceiver of this office at Oregon City, Oreron, on Tednssday, tha 29th day of Kav. 1901. hbe nsraes as witnesses : Michael O. Flynn. of Fall City. I elk Co., Or. Jas M. Flynn, ot Monmoutb. Polk Co., Or.. Samuel W. Ewinir, of Fall Citv, Polk Co., Or., John W. Hyde, ot Philomath, Benton Co., Or. Any and all peivone claimiuir adversely the eVoie described lands are requested to file their elaiae ia this office on or before said 29th day of May, 19U. CIIA8. B. MOOKI8. fUriater Executor's Sale of Real Property, Notice is berebv eiven that bv virtue of authority and direction to me riven by the laet will and teeta met of James E. Fisk, late of Beaua county, state of Orcgop, deceased, I will on Saturday, the 4th day of May, 1991, at the hour 2 o'clock ia the afternoon of that dav at the trout aoor oi we court nonee. In Corvallis. Bentcn county, Oreron. offer for sale at public auction, to the hirhest bidder for cash in band, all the right title and interest that said de ceased at the time ot his death h4 tn or to the following described real property towit: 'Beginning ata point on tbe east boundary llns (132.64) one hundred thirty-two and 64-100 rod) north from the south east corner of tbe Donatloa Land Claim of Wmman St. Clair and Hahala J. St Clair, it being claim nuniber forty-Mvan (47), notification number six tliouband feur hundred and forty f644(j. in township twelve 12 south range six 0 west of Will Mer; thence southerly along ths east Lour.cary line of said claim to the north Una of the bretron Central & Eastern Railroad Cos, pany's ripht of way; thence southwesterly along said boundary line of said right oi way to too eaav line cf E. Whitehead's tract of land; thenos north along said i act line to the northeast corner of tha K. v Mtebcad tract oi land; tnence westerly along the north boundary line of said tract of land to the southeast corntr of the lot -or parcel of land hereinbefore (said Willi dsvise-t to. Roaetta A. Eucliaoan; thence rortb along the east boundary lire of said lot of lani to the north boundary Uae 'f mv (Jamee E. Fufc's) said farm r tract of land 93.75 loda; thence easterly along said n-rrth bound, ary line to tbe place of beginning ?o.4r rods, cspv Mining 30 acres of land more or less ia Benton, county, state of Oregon," said tract of land belong ing to (aid deceased at the time of his (Hath. The proceeds of said sale to be applied to tbe payment i expenses of last sickness of said d ceased, funeral expenses, expensss oi aaminisirauoit and Malms against ths estate of said deceased, the residue, if anv, to be paid to tne widow ca sua deotssef , Louisa J. Fisk I Sated at Corvallis, Or., this Sth dav of April, 1901. HOMIR WYATT, - Eole rarvivingstecutor of said last will and TtsJs utLt of Jamas B. FuJf, deceased.