Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 19, 1901, Image 2

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FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1901.
With tha purpose of foment
ing opposition to the American
system of protection the advo
cates of free trade assert that
monopolies and trusts are espec
ial oreatioa and beneficiaries of
protection. An intelligent un
derstanding of what constitutes
a monopoly and what a trust ex
poses the sophistry of such as
sertions. If the government should grant
to any number of persons the ex
tlusive right to manufacture a
commodity, as woolen cloth, for
instance, it weald create a mo
nopoly. The history of free
trade England furnishes the most
noteworthy examples of monop
oly. During the reign of Eliza
beth they beeame so numerous
and powerful that they controlled
very branch of industry and
fixed the price of every cominod
ity. Down through subsequent
reigns many of them have main
lained their grip, so that in bo
other country does monopoly ex
tst-60 extensively ana wield so
great an Influence upon industry
as it does todav in free trade
Will free trade advocates name
one section of eur tariff laws
enaatea at any time in our
national history which confers
on any man or number of men
th sole right to manufacture or
buy and sell any sort of com
modity? Of course not. No
such legislation exists. Under
bar constitution it would be
utterly null and void. We may
find monopolies and corporations
much favored by the laws of
some of the states but this is
neither the purpose nor the effect
Of oor federal tariff laws.
. Trusts and syndicates can no
mora be ascribed to the opera
tioss of a protective tariff than
monopolies mav be. These have
their inception in the desire of
tfccir promoters to cheapen pro
auction, to control the quantitv
f roiace anrTto fix the price of
tht prodnct. To accomplish
these things the trust seeks to
destioy all competition and to
render saccessfal competition im
possible. Certainly the exist
ence of combinations made to
destroy Competition shoald not
bo attributed to the operation of
protective tariffs which incite
competition, and have done so to
such an extent that many of our
manufactured products are now
cheaper than heretofore. "Give
ns free trade and these will be
eomo yet oheaper," says the free
If free trade would lower the
pricl of many or all commodi
ties by reason of foreign compe
tition, oar producers would
be compelled to meet such
decrease by cheapening produc
tion. The urgency of this wonld
be so great that it could only be
met by a reduction of fhe wage
scale. Oar intelligent workmen
know this.
Monopolies and trusts should
be Meld under proper legal re
straint. The causes of their ex
istence and their power for good
dao for evil must be sought out
and carefully studied. Only by
sach means may we be enabled
a deal with them intelligently
and efficiently. It is a piece of
pure demagogy to attempt to
convert the popular distrust with
which they are regarded into a
mad assault upon protection.
Under our protective system
we have unparalleled prosperity.
Within the last few years the
growth of our exports of manu
factured products has been as
tounding:. The artizans of
Europe are greatly alarmed over
the matter. Encouraged by our
tariff laws the intelligence and
skill of oar American workmen
aid the economy of our processes
have carried our manufactured
products into sharp competition
with the manufactures of the
If it be true that foreigners
bay our products at lower prices
thin Americans do, a charge
not yet substantiated, it is quite
' probable it is at real loss to our
manufacturers and to the wealth
of the country. Under nearly
free trade conditions foreign
manufacturers have sold their
products in our markets at a loss
to themselves until they extin
guished competition when they
recouped their losses by advanc
ing prices. This may bewhat !
j our exporters are now doing in i
some foreign markets. If, how- ,
ever, they are selling without
loss they do not any longer need
So rapid has been our indus
trial growth and expansion that
it is altogether probable our
tariff laws shall soon need re
adjustment. The country will
look to the republican partv for
this and shall noi be disappointed.
The tariff will be modified by
the friends of protection. The
coterie of free traders who hang
upon the skirts of the republi
can party, nor the Altgelds and
Bryans- ot any other party will
be entrusted with anything so
important as tariff legislation.
The country is a long ways on
desiring free trade conditions.
England is nearer protection to
day than we are to free trade.
Much has been said by the
Oregonian and suggested by
others regarding the best name
to adopt for the exposition to be
held in Portland in 1905. We
suggest "The Centennial Expo
sition in memory of the Lewis
and Clark Expedition. Portland,
Oregon, 1905." This is smooth
in expression and conveys every
thing needful in a title and yet
not so long as to be cumber
The Poll Tax.
According to the opinion of
District Attorney Chamberlain,
rendered to County Assessor C.
E. McDonnell, the poll tax alter
this year will amount to $4 for
each person, instead ot $3, as
the originator of the law thought
would be the case.
Under the code there has been
a poll tax of $1 and a road poll
tax of $a, which made the com
bined poll tax for each person.
Of this sum the sherifl col
lected $1, and the road super
visor the other $2. It was par
tially by reason of this fact that
the collection of the road poll
tax had become practically a
dead-letter law, and also be
cause of the additional expense
of two cellectioas that the framers
of the new law decided that it
would be wise policy to incor
porate the entire tax under one
law. So a law was framed mak
ing the entire tax as it was sup
posed, $3. New, the district at
torney declares that the law pro
viding for the $1 tax has not
been repealed, and that the resi
dents will have to pay 4, the
$3 being collected by the road
supervisor and the $1 by the
sheriff as heretofore.
Rhododendron Excursion.
The beautiful weather we are now hav
ing is productive ef spriog fever, and
our people, watching'the swelling buda.
many of which have burst into blossoms
and leaves, are asking when the most
beautiful of Oregon's wild flowers, the
rhododendron will bloom again. To get
this information we were obliged (a call
at the Corvallis & Eastern railroad office.
Rhododendrons attain perfection at
Newport and Nye Creek between the
10th and 20th of May, depending on the
weather. Usually the C. & E. run a
Sunday excursion which inaugurates the
season at the seaside. Mr. Stone, man
ager of the C. & E., informs as that one
day excursions to the Bay will be gen
erally discontinued this year, but that
on Saturday, May 11,( or a week later,
May 18th, owing to the advancement of
the flowers, the company will make a
low rate, good for Saturday, Sunday and
Monday. This will give passengers all
of Sunday on the beach or gathering
all they can carry of nature's most beau
tiful flowers, which nowhere flourish as
at Yaquina Bay. Herald .
Letter List.
For the week ending April 13, 1901.
Persons calling for ' these letters will
please state date on which they were
advertised. They will be charged at the
rate of one cent each.
W EAlen, A C Beamer, Lewis Cor
nell, P Dixon, Grace Friendly, D Fisher,
Mrs- Kate Kneith, Mrs F M Miller,
Henry McCuliough, Eph Pitt, Riley
Reed, Charley Robnett, Elder H 8
Sturdevant, Jack Fresosn, Esau Taylor,
Oliver Frost le, W D Magoor, Miss Rena
Wood. Packages Alford Kust, Miss
Rena Wood.
B. W. Johnson, P. M.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver
is sluggish and your bowels closged. De
Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the
whole system. They never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells.
For Sale.
A street sprinkler. Enquire of George
Whiteside for particulars.
For Sale.
Two good milch cows. Inquire ef Mrs.
Agnes Thompson, Corvallis.
Burning Scaly
Complete External and Internal
Treatment $1.25
Consisting of Cuticcra8oap (25c.), to cleanse
the skin of cruets and scales and soften the
thickened cuticle, Cuticoea Ointment (60c.),
to allay Itching and inflammation and soothe
and heal, and Cutictjba Resolvent (50c.), to
cool and cleanse the blood. A single set is
often sufficient to cure the most torturing,
disfiguring, and humiliating skin, scalp, and
blood humors, with loss of hair, when all else
Potter Darn Jf d Chbm. Cohf.. Sole Flops.,
Bow to Cure Itching Humors," tree.
Think It Over.
Which is better, to buy your pianos
and organs of an agent who represents
the factoiies where they are made, or of
one who only represents San Francisco
and Portland iobbing ; houses? Is it
woith while to pay an additional profit
to city middlemen for the sake of getting
goods which have passed through their
hands, with double freight charges
added to other needless costs ? Would
not the best plan be to have all your
money count on the value ef the instru
ment itself? We think so, and for this
reason import all pianos and organs
direct from the facUry, depend od quick
sales and small profits and thus give you
a high grade instrument at a moderate
price. All kinds of small it struments
such as guitars, violins, mandolins, etc.
Ca 11 at office and ! res ilience one block
west of court house.
M. A. Goodnough.
Skin Troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and
chafing quickly heal by the use of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel ,Salye. It is imi
tated. Be sore you get DeWitt's. Gra
ham & Wells.
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant
to an order of the district court of the
United States for the district of Oregon,
the undersigned trustee will, on Friday,
April 26, 1901, beginning at the hour of
10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that day,
on the Osb'irn stock farm, two miles
we&tof Corvallis, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder or bidders,
twenty-eight head of blooded cattle,
being the blooded rattle raised by John
M. Osburn, on said farm. Also seven
teen calves, and two bulls all the
blooded cattle remaining in the hands of
the trustee. Also two horses and all of
the miscellaneous personal property
tool?, implements, etc., of said bank
rupt estate remaining in the hands of
the trustee.
The trustee is authorized to sell said
cattle one or more at a time. A pedigree
will be delivered with each animal sold
Terms of sale, cash in hand.
Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of
Jonn M. Usburn, Bankrupt.
Vniformed S. P. Porters.
The Southern Pacific Co. intends,
shortly, io uniform its passenger attend'
ants at the Oakland pier and San Fran
cisco depot.
They will wear dark bine suits and
bright red caps with a broad black band
bearing in gold letters the words, "S. P.
Co. Porter," so that they may be readily
distinguished. Their duties will, be to
assist passengers in every way possible,
directing them to proper trains, boat en
trances, etc., helping ladies and children
without escort on and off trains, and
showing such attention to the traveling
public as will tend to make them a pop
ular leature in tne service.;
92 A nice residence 1 acre of land in
Corvallis, 5 minutes walk from postoffice ;
price $8O0.
8$ 80 acres; 50 in cultivation; good
house, barn, fruit and water; 3 miles
from Philomath. A good farm for
74 160 acres: 30 in cultivation : small
house; good barn and water ; iyi miles
irom town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county road ; good pasture and timber.
113 A good 7-roorn house with one
half acre lot ; fruit, good water, chicken
houses and Sheds, price 1600: well ar
ranged for ponltry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis postoffice.
Real Estate Agent,
Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
rhe Eirst National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
On all kinds of approved security, and especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate busi
ness enterprises and industries of this country.
Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange
Sight exchange and transters sold available in
the principal cities of England. Ireland, Switzer
land. France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger
many, Austria.
Letters of Credit
Issued available in the principal cities ot the
United States.
Principal Correspondents Upon Whom "Wi
Sell Sight Exchange
The Commercial National Bauk of Chicago.
TB first National Bank of Portland, Oregou.
The Bank. of", California, San Francisco, Calif;
Anglo-Cali&rijian' Bask, San Francisco, Calif
The National City Barilt New York.
The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n.
Importers & Trader's National Bank, Jfeyr York.
Shoe and Leather National Bank of Boston. Mas.
Philadelphia National Baukof Philadelphia, fa
Of Portland, Oregon,
Owns Sixty Acres of the Best Oil Lands in California, is Incor
porated under the Laws of Oregon; Stock is
GUARANTEED Stock at 20 cents per share; COMMON Stock at
10 cents er share. Company composed of responsible business men of
Portland. PAR VALUE $1 00 PER
HUY NOW and take advantage
follow. Active operations have aheady begun. Oil will be struck with
in four months. Books of company
Many similar stocks have advanced
tificates will be issuod for less than
For all further particulars and
KEADY, Corvallis, Oregon, agent
L. Ye
Bridges Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the county
court of Benton county, Oregon, will ac
cept sealed bids up to 1 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday, April 24. 1901, for the build
ing oi a covereJ bndee across Marys
Hiver at camp ground near Philomath,
Oregon. Main span 60 feet, approaches
180 feet. Said bridge is to be built of
red or yellow fir. in accordance with the
plans and specifications now on file in
this office, and to be completed by June
20, 1901.
Also, at said time bids will be received
for the construction of two small bridges
adjoining Corvallis on the north, same
to be built in accordance with the plans
and specifications now on file in this
office, and to be completed by June 1,
The court reserving the right to reject
any and all bids.
V. E. Wattebs, Countv Clerk.
Corvallis, Or., April 9, 1901.
call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pav all ordfirs endorsed and
marked not paid for want of funds np to
and including those of October 3, 1900.
Interest will be stopped on same from
this date. W. A. Buchanak,
Treasurer of Benton Co., Or.
Corvallis, April 13, 1901.
Our Clubbing List.
Subscriber.) U the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can
obtain the following papers in combination sub
scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low
prices stated below; cash in ah ance always to ac
con pany the order. ' Those wishing: two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, will plcasu
correspond with this office and we will quote you
the comltiiiati.'n price. We can saye you money oil
nearly all publications you desire.
The abbreviations beiow'are explained as follows:
W, !oi weekly; S W for seu.i-weikly; T W, for tri
weekly; M, lor monthly; S M, for semi-monthly.
The first price represents the subscription rate of
the publication alone, and the second the rate for
the publication offered in conjunction with the
semi-weekly GAZKTTE.
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port
land, Or., S.W., 60 cents; $1.80.
Oregonian, Portland, Or., W., LEO; 2.55.
Rural Spirit, Portland, Or , Contains a live-stock
market report, W., $2.00; 2.55.
Pacific Christian Advocate, Portland, Or.. W.
S2.00. aos. -
The Thrice-a-Week World, New York, T. W.,
$1.00; 2.20.
Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough stock
and farm journal, W.. S1.0u;?2.30.
The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., 1.00; 2.05.
The American Farmer, Indianapolis. Ind., Lira
stock, farm and poultry journal, .M., 60 cents; .1.65.
The Cosmopolitan Magazine, New York, M.,
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 5tf pages of
latest maps; ; 2.85.
The Outing Magazine, New York, M., $3,00; 3.80.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W.,1.00; 2.30.
Oregon roultrj Journal, 8alem, Or., M , 50
cents; 1.80.
The Pathfinder,
District of Columbia,
V., $1.00;
The Designer, New York,
$1.00; 2.35.
Standard Fashions, M.,
American Agriculturist, Chicago, 111., including
copy of Year Book and Almanac, W., 1.00; 2.30.
Farm, Field end Fireside, Outage, 111., W., $1.00;
St. Louis G lobe-Democrat, St. Louis, has no riva
as great modern newspaper, T. W., L00; 2.15.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., 1.00; LOO.
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, I1L, W., 60 cents;
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W 1.C0; 2 05.
The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , III., M..
60 cents; 1 76.
Farm and Fireside,
50 cents; 1.75.
Springfield, Ohio, 8. W.,
Women's Home Comi-anion
1.00; 2.15.
Springfield, Ohio,
Lippincott's Magazine,
$2.50; 3.25.
Philadelphia, Fa., M.,
Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and Dance), New York,
M., 1.00; 2.15.
The Century Magazine, New York, M., (4.00; 6.05.
Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis., The
best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world W .
1.00; 2.30. ' '
Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., (1.00; 2.15.
American Homes, Knoxville, Tenn., M..
2.30. . . . '
1 so 1011 CookiDK "fchool Magazine, Bi-SL, 60 cents;
McC lure's Magazine, New York, M., 1.00; 2.40.
Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville, Kv.,
LOO- tOS. Fape ,ro tbe South, T. W.,
"I had piles so bad I could get no rest
Ror find a cure until I tried DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. After nsing it once,
I forgot I ever had anything like piles."
E. C. Bpice, Somers Point, N. Y. Look
out for imitations. Be sure you ask for
DeWitt's. -,Graham & Wells.
spepsia Uure
Digests what yoa eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
Is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It can't help
but do vou aood
Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago
ins i. Dotuecontalns2)i times the 50c size.
prpham Wells.
of rise in price which is sure to
to $10 and $20 per share. No cer
one hundred shares.
prospectus, apply to WALTER G.
Sherlock Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
The operation of through trains be
tween San Francisco and Los Angeles,
via Surf and Santa Barbara, will begin on
Sunday, Mar. 31, 1901
on the new
Two through trains daily. Tbe Coast
Link Limited leaving each terminal early
in tbe morning equipped with elegant cafe
and parlor cars, will make daylight trips
threught the most picturesque, varied
and entertaining scenes on the continent.
Inquire ot agents cf the
Notice to Creditors.
Kotice is hereby iriven that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator of the estate ef
Tlinma8 Wyatt, deceased, ty the eounty court of
Benton county. Oregon. All persons having claims
against saiu estate are hereby notified to present
the sane, duly verified, together with the proper
voucher, to me at the law office of Bryson & Wood
son in Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 1st day of March A. D, 1901.
Administrator of said Estate.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
March 9, 1901.
Notice is hereby eiven that the following
named settler has filed notice ef his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof ill be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at CorvHllis, Oregon,
ou April 22, 1901, viz:
H. E. No. 11838, for the NE, Section 32, T 11
South, Kange 7 West. He names the follow
ing wltneres to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: J.
Abner Woods. George Woods. Thomas Mulkey,
Slvarow Mulkey, ail of Blodgett, Oregon.
Notice or Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersignetl, as
administor of the estate of John L. Clark, deceased,
has filed his final acccunt, in said estate in the
county court of Bentcn county, Oregon, and that
said court has appointed Saturday, the 11th day of
May A. P. 1901. at the heur of ten o'clock a. m. at
county court room, in the court house, in the city
of Corvallis, Benton county, state of Oregon, as
the time and place to hear objections, if any, to said
final account, and the settlement of said account
and estate.
Coryallis, Oregon, April 6, 1901.
Administrator of the Estate of John L. Clark, De
ceased. "Last winter I was confined to my
bed with a very bad cold on the lungs.
Nothing gave m" relief. Finally my
wife bought a bottle of One Minute
Cough Cure that effected a speedy cure.
I cannot speak too highly of that excel
lent remedy." Mr. T. K. Houseman,
Manatawney, Pa. Graham & 'Wells.
- For Rent.
Will rent 200 acres of land west of
Menroe and take part .payment ef rent
in work and.improvements on the place.
Address M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
rLalaiii ells
Corvallis, Oregon.
Established, Incorporated, 189S.
The mcst complete line of Pure Drugs
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article,
Combs, Brashes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Seissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Perscription Department,
T. A. JONES. Registered,
Fpecial Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Universi
ty, Indiana
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Lit
tie Early Risers will remove all impuri
ties t from your system, cleanse your
bowels, make iheni regular. Graham &
"I have been troubled with indiges
tion for ten . years, have tried many
things and spent money to no purpose
until I tried Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure,
I have taken two bottles' and gotten
more relief from them than all other
medidHe taken. I feel more like a boy
than I have felt in twenty years. An
derson Kiggs, of Snpny.Lane, Texas.
Thousands 1 ave testified as did Mr.
Kiggs. Graham & Wells,
Subscribe for this paper.
Southern Pacific Company.
Trains leave Corv. Ilia for Portland
and way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland R: n m
Ly Albany 12:) m
8:30 p m
1050 p m
11:30 a n
4:355 am
0.30 a i )
Ar Ashland 12:33 a m
Ar Sacramento... 6. 00 p m
Ar San Francisco-7 :45 p m
Ar Ogden 5:45 p m
Ar Denver .9:00 am
11 :45 a m
9 :00 a on
Ar Kansas City -7 25 a m
At Chicago 7 5 a m
7 :25 a m
Ar Los Angeles iSO p m
Ar El Paso fliOO p tn
7:60 a
6'Mp tn
6i30 a ta
88 a a
4:00 m
Ar tort wnn o:bu a m
Ar City ef Mexiott 9 :B5 a m .
Ar Houston .4 :00 a m
Ar New Orleans- 6 :23 a m
Ar Washington C :42 a m
Ar New York 12 :43 pm
11:43 p tn
both trains. Ohair cars Sacramento to
Oeden and El Paso, and Tonriat can to
tihicago, bt .Louis, JNew Orleans ana
Cnfilieittinc fit n.n PrannilBnn with nmv-
ral steamship lines for fiotmlaln, Japan.
China, Philippines, Central and Booth
See P. E. FAftMER. aseot a Corvalli.
station, or address
O. E. MARKHAM. , P. A.
Portland, Ot.
Dttnti.try of every description done in first
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Offles over Zlorolf's grocery rtre, dpposfti
the po&t office, Corvallis. Oregon.
Specialties Diseases of women and
children ; also deformities and all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidental Hotbl Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 5 :30 p. m.
E. A. GAT HEY, M. D.
Physician x Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
- ) 10 to 12 a. m.
Office Honrs f 2 to 4 p. m .
Residenre: Corner College and 8th Sts.
Telephone at office and residence.
Gorva'lis, - - - Oregon,
Office Career 3rd and Monroe streets
Houbs 9 to 12: 2 to 5: 7 to 8; Sun
day 9 to 10.
Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Cervallis, Oregon.
Telephone 315, at residence.
Physician g-Surgeon
Veterinary Surgeon
Residence in Block 30, Job's Addition,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Orders nay be left at Graham & Wer
tham's drugstore.
Titles. Cokvbvancl""s
Practice in ;all State and Federal Conrt.
Office: inrirbtj National Bank Buildinz.
Bryson Woodson
Corvallis, Oreon.
Office in Pcstoffice Building
efflcc In Wbitehorn Block
...EGGS... .
White and Barred.
From prise-winning stock, second t
none on Pacific coast, Egca, $1 60 a set
ting of fifteen at yard, or 2 00 if packed.
J.G. BoKNiKG, Oorvaliis. Or.
Motto of Final Scttlomet.
NotiM is h.r.W eivaa that the nndtrticaetl atcu
tor.! tb-j.lWU of Murthn J. Klce, decautd, bu
let) bi. (ssl ciu is tald estate la Ike CeuMj
Coort.I tne State ef Oregon, for Benton Ceuntj,
littler in prokate, tod Saturday, IB. 5th Day ef
February, 191, at 10 e'clock a. ov, at tbe Conrt
Home in Cer.allie, Oregon, la the time aid plaoe
flxea by the Conrt for hearing; objection,, If any, to
aid final account and the settlement thereof.
. Dated January 11, 1901.
Caiara - Bin,
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad,
2 For Yaqsina:
Tram leaves Albany 12:45 p. m.
" Onrvallis 1:50 p. m.
" arrives Yaquina 6:45 p. r.
1 Returning:
Leaven Yaquina.... b:iu a. tn.
Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:30 a. m.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m.
Arriyes Detroit .... 11:20 a. m.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:1U p. m.
Arrives Albany.... 5:45p.m.
One and two connect at Albary
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service to and
from fewport and adjacent
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample tio.e 1o
roach camping grounds on tbe
Breitenbush and Santiam river the
same day.
Edwin Stone,
H. L. Walden, Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
H. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis.
from Portland
Portland Special
9 a. 111.
kit Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, St.
1 :30 p.m.
Louis, Chicago
via Hun
9 p. m.
via Him'
and East.
Salt. Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, St
8:10 a.m.
Louis, Chicago and
Walla Walla. Lew
ist.ui, Spokane,
Minneapolis, S t.
Paul, Dulnth. Mil
waukee, Chicago,
and East.
St. Paul
Fast Mai!
6:00 p.m
7:00 a.m.
Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers.
Ocean and Eiver Schedule.
All sailing daiet
suhject to change.;
For ban Franciseo,;
Sail every fivedays
from April 2d. '
8 p. m,
4 p. m.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. m.
10 p. m.
Columbia River
To Astoria & way
landing. 4 p. m.
Wiiiarastti Rfvit.
Oregon City, Sew
berg. Salem, Inde
pendence and way
Ex. Sun
6 a. m.
4 :0 p. m.
6 a. m.
4 :30 p.m.
Corvallis and Way
Landings. Monday,
nd Fri
3:30 p.m.
7 a. m.
T oesday,
Satu rd'v
W ednei-
Oregon City, Day
day and
ton & Way-land's.
Snaks River.
L ewistoa
S :30 a. m
3- 40 a. m.'Riparia to Lewis'n.
Pailv I
A. L CRAIG. Gen. Pans. Agent,
J. P. TAPfcCOTT, Agent,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
VJkitks Statu Lass Omti,
0rcBeii City, Ores on. March, 4, 1M1.
Notice is l.eid'.y ehen that in cimpliaace with the
pxrvh-itna ol the act of ( oneresa ef Jnee I, UTS,
entitled "All ait for the aale of timber lasts in Ike
states of Caiifi n.ia, Oregon, evate, and WtA
iiiton Territory," as extenotd to all the I'dhiie
Luna tu tes bj act ef August 4. ISM.
of Monmouth, county of Polk, state of Orcrcn, ha
this clay tiled in this office her sworn statement lie.
S3f.3. for thepurcl aseot SJ4of NEj aadNJoISE,
of Section No 2 in Township No 18 South, Kange lie
7 West, and will offer proof-to show that the ind
fought is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for aericuliural purposes, and to establish her elaina
to said land before the Ke?ister and Receiver ot this
office at Oregon City. Oreeon, on Wednesday, the
29th day of Kav. 1801. She names as witness.:
Michael G. Flynn. of Fall City. 1 oik Co., Or, Jas If.
Flynn, of Monmouth, Polk Co., Or., Samuel W.
Ewinir, of Fall Citv, Polk to., nr., Jokn W. Hyde,
of Fhilomath, Benton Co., Or.
Any and all persons claiminit adversely the akoT
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this orlice on oi Vefore said 29th day ef May,
1901. Oil AS. B. MOORES,
Executor's Sstis of Real Property,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of authority
and direction to me given by the last will and testa
ment of James E. Fik, late ot Benton county, state
Of Oregon, deceased, I will on Saturday, the 4th day
of Mav, 1961, at the hour 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
thatd'av at the front door of the couit bouse, ill
Corvallis, Bentcn county, Oregon, ofler for sale at
public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, all the right title and interest that said de
ceased at the time of his dtath bad in or to the
followintr described real property towit:
"Beirinning at a point on tbe east boundary une
(132 64) one hundred tliirty-two and 64-100 reds
north from the south east corner of the Donation
Land Claim of Wawnan St. Hair and Mehale J.
St Clair, it being claim number forty-seven (47),
notification number sir thousand four hundred and
fortv mm. in township" twelve 112 south range
six west of WiJJ Mer; thence southerly along the
east bouncary line of said claim to the t orth lint
of the Oregon Central Eastern Railroad Cosa
panv's riotit of way; thence southwesterly along
saitfboundarv line of aaid right of way to the east
line cf E. Whitehead's tract of land; thence north
along said eatt line to the northeast corner of the
K Whitehead tract of land; thence westerly along
the north boundary line of said tract of land to
the southeast comtr of tbe lot or parcel of land
hereinbefore (said will) devise4 to Rosette A.
Buchanan; thence rorth along the east boundary
lire of said lot of land to the north boundary line
rl mv (James E. Ffck's) said farmer tract of la
98 ;6 iods; thence easterly along said nerth bound-
ary line to the place of beginning 76.47 rods, con
isiniuir 36 acres of land more or less in Beaten
county, state of Oregon," said tractor land Delong-ina-
to taid deceased at the time of his ileath. The
expenses of last sickness of said d. ceased, funeral
expenses, expenses of administration ai d claims
acainst the estate of said deceased, the residue, if
any, to be rmd to the widow ol saia aeceaaea,
Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 6th dav of April, 1901.
Bole suiviving executor of said last will and Testa
ment of James t. Fisk, deceased.