Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 16, 1901, Image 2

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TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1901.
It is time that the city authori
ties look into the matter of city
ordinance No. 29 which for many
years has been a city law and
which fordids all persons staking
or grazing animals around the
oremises of others without the
latter' s permission.
Any person violating: this or
dinance is subject to a fine in the
police court. It is also made the
special duty of the police force of
the city to take up and impound
animals so found where this or
dinance is violated and yet this
ordinance has been treated as
dead letter for years, encouraging
disrespect for the laws of the city,
There are plenty of people who
do not stake their own stock
around their own premises in or
der to preserve the grosnds in
better shape, and yet while such
wners of property are asleep in
tkeir homes those disregarding
the rights of neighbors and the
law, call around at night time or
early morning and stake the ani
mals despoiling the premises,
It seems time that the city author
lties should caretully read over
the ordinance and insist upon an
observance of the same. The or
dinance in question provides in
effect that parties may tie . or hold
their cows around the premises of
others after first obtaining per
mission of the owner of the prop
erty, but there is not one instance
in fifty where a party wishing to
trespass about another's property
ever asks permission, but simply
helps himself without leave. It is
time that more severe measures
should be taken for violations of
this ordinance if it can not be ob
served by persuasion. The pres
ent ordinance was passed for the
purpose of nullifying the action
of a large majority of the citi
zens some years ago when it was
voted that cattle should not run
at larg in the city. The ques
tion was strongly opposed by
some and after they were beaten
by a large vote a fair ordinance
was passed carrying out the will
of the voters, but soon the op
ponents set their wits to nullify
the ordinance which resulted in
passing the present ordinance to
. prevent cattle and other stock
running at large but permitted
persons to stake them around
their own premises, and also the
premises of those from whom
they had hrst obtained permis
sion. But permission was never
asked to any extent and the cus
tom has now become so prevalent
that no one asks permission, but
those who wish, stake cattle
without permit and in violation
of the city ordinance, while the
city authorities permit these mat
ters to go along without attention.
It is every ones duty to obey
the laws under which we live.
Disregard for the law in small of
fenses soon encourages a more
general disrespect for law and
Premises can be kept neat and
better during the summer season
where the surrounding grasses
can be evenly mowed, but when
cattle tramp it all down making
the ground uneven and the grass
during the summer mashed down
it cannot be mowed and when it
becomes dry furnishes dangerous
opportunities for fire to spread.
It is hoped that these few hints I
will be sufficient without further
This lengthy notice of this
matter would not be given at this
time, but for the reason that the
will of the voters on this subject
as stated has been so long disre
garded that many people living
here may not understand that we
have such an ordinance or the
steps leading up to it. The so
ciety recently formed for improv
ing the appearance of the town
cannot hope to accomplish" any
thing where surrounding premises
are tramped down and despoiled
by animals.
Horse Thieves In Linn.
A rumor reached Corvallis
several days ago to the efiect
that there had been a shooting
strape ia Linn coanty last Thurs
day evening. The following
dispatch which was sent to the
Telegram from Albany shows
that horse thieves are a specie of
man still in existence:
Deputy Sheriff McHargue lias
arrived in this city with Frank
Shaw, whom he arrested 011 a
eharge of horsestealing.
Four horses were stolen near
Sweet Home Monday night, and
warrants were issued for the ar
rest ot Thurston Pettnohn and
Frank Shaw, who were suspteted
of the theft. DeDutv Frank
McHargue and Jerry Keeney
went to make the arrest and found
tha men hiding in the hills be
tween Holly and Sweet Home.
At the sight of the officers both
men started to run, Shaw at
tempting te draw a revolver.
Keeney fired and wounded Shaw
slightly on the head, but did not
stop him. After an exciting
search the officers captured Shaw,
bat Pettyjohn escaped and is still
at liberty.
Pettijohfl has been a notorious
character in that neighborhood
for many years. Shaw latoly
came from Idaho, but has been
associating with a noforieus
crowd of men. The case has
aroused great excitement at
Sweet Home and Keeney and
MeHargae are receiving much
praise for the aaptnre.
William Harndon.
Another Oregon pioaeer, Wil
liam Hurndon, departed this life
April 12, 1901, the cause of his
death being a severe attack of
pneumonia. He suffered only a
few days when death came to
his relief.
The deceased was born in In
diana, April 4, 1825, being at
the time of his death 76 years
and 8 days old. He was united
in marriage with Miss Francin
ons Miller, September 8, 1846.
This union was blessed with
eight children. Three girls and
two beys survive him. A. C.
Hurndon of Fossil, Oregon, W.
T. Hurndon of Dayton, Wash.,
Mrs. Lizzie Gibson of Pendle
ton, Mrs. Jos. Emrick of Linn
county, Mrs. Scott King, of Ben
ton county.
Mr. Hurndon crossed the plains
in 1852 and settled in Linn
oounty near Halsey, where
he lived until 1859. He then
moyed to Benton county where
he purchased the saw mill known
as the Harris mill. He lived
here for ten years and then he
moved to Turn Turn, where kept
house with his children, his wife
having passed to the spirit land
March 11, 1S67. After his
children were married he has re
sided at different places, yet Ben
ton county has been his home
since 1859. Until recently he has
been residing in Linn county
with his son-in-law, Joseph
Emrick, where he was at the
time of his death.
The deceased has a wide circle
f friends and was well respected
by all who knew him. It is but
fitting to say that much honor
and reverence is due to the
pioneers who moved westward in
the '50s and endured the trials
and hardships ox early pioneer
life and planted tha banner of
civilization on this coast, then
inhabited bv the merciless In
dian savages. The one just de
parted was familiarly known as
Uncle Billy.
His mortal remains was placed
by the side ef his wife in the
Wren eemetery, on the 14th.
Funeral services at the
conducted by Rey. S. M.
of Corvallis.
Thluk it Over.
Which is better, to buy your pianos
and organs 'of an agent who represents
the factories where they are made, or of
one who only represents San Francisco
and Portland iobbing ; houses? Is it
worth while to pay an additional profit
to city middlemen for the sake of getting
goods which have passed through their
hands, with double freight charges
added to other needless coste ? Would
not the best plan be t have all your
money count on the value of the instru
ment itself? We think so, and for this
reason import all pianos and organs
direct from the factery, depend on quick
sales and small profits and thus give you
a high grade instrument at a moderate
price. All kinds of small instrumeuta
such as guitars, violins, mandolins, etc.
Call at office and ; residence one block
west of court house.
M, A. Goodnough.
Notice of Final SettletntfSt,
Notice is hereby given that tin undersigned, as
administer ( the estate ot John L. Clark, deceased,
has filed his final acciunt, in said tstate in the
eonnty court ot Benteu county, Oregon, and that
said curt has appointed Saturday, the 11th day of
May A. D. 1901, at the hear ot ten o'clock
county court room, ia the court house, in the city
of Corvallis, Benton county, state of Oregon, as
the time and place to hear objections, if any, to said
final account, and the settlement of said account
and estate
Corvallis, Oregon, April 6, 1901.
, . . , EDWIN M. OLA UK.
Administrator of the Estate of John L. Clark. JD.
ceasad. .
For Sale.
A street sprinkler. Enquire of Georga
Whiteside for particulars.
A skin without blemish and a body nour
ished with pure blood. Such is the happy
condition produced by CUTICURA SOAP
and CUTICURA Ointment, externally, and
CUTICURA RESOLVENT, Internally, in the
severest cases of torturing, disfiguring.
Itching, burning, and scaly humors.
Sold everywhere. Price. Tna Sex. fl.25: or, CCT1CTTU
Soap,25c.; Oihtmkmt. :Oc ; IUsolvext (half me), We.
PnTTKR DRV.t A SI, C'nvii. OKI'.. Hole Prop., Boston,
nr " How t-- Cure Ui:irjor,H tii-pmsc book, tree.
Notice is hereby (riven that, pursuant
to an order of the district court of the
United Stales for the district of Oregon,
the undersigned trustee will, on inday,
April 26, 1901, beginning at the hour of
10 o'clock- in the forenoen of that day,
on the Osburn stock farm, two miles
west of Corvallis, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder or bidders,
twenty-eight head ef blooded cattle,
being the blooded cattle raised by John
M. Osburn, on said farm. Also seven
teen calves, and two bulls all the
blooded cattle remaining in the hands of
the trustee. Also two horses and all of
the miscellaneous personal , property,
tools, implements, etc., ef eaid bank
rupt estate remaining in the hands of
the trustee.
The trustee is authorized to sell said
cattle one or more at a time. A pedigree
will be delivered with each ei.imal sold.
Terms of sale, cash in hand.
J. O. W 11 son.
Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of
John JV1. Osburn, Bankrupt.
Uniformed S. P. Porter.
The Southern Pacific Co. intends,
shortly, io uniform its paseenger attend
ants at the Oakland pier and San Fran
cisco depotj.
They will wear dark blue suits and
bright red caps with a broad black band
bearing in gold letters the words, ". F
Co. Porter,'' so that they may be readily
distinguished. Tbeir duties will be to
assist passengers in every way possible,
directing them to proper trains, beat en
trances, etc., helping ladies and children
without escort on and off trains, and
showing such attention to the traveling
public as will tend to make them a pop
ular feature in trie service.?
92 A nice residence 1 acre of land in
Corvallis, 5 minutes walk from postoffice;
price $800.
88 80 acres; 50 in cultivation; gsod
house, barn, fruit and water;. 3 miles
from Philomath. A good farm for
74 160 acres; 30 in cultivation; snail
house; good barn and water; 1 miles
from town; cheap at $1,500; on main
county road ; good pasture and timber.
113 A good 7-room house with one1
half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken
houses and sheds, price $600; well ar
ranged for poultry raising; this is
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis postoffice.
Real Estate Agent,
. Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon.
Executor's Sal of Real Property.
Notice is hereby jrlvea that bv virtue of authoritv
and direction to me given by the last will and testa-
meat of James u. ibk, late ot Benton county, state
of Oregon, deceased, 1 will on Saturday, the 4th dav
ot May, 1961, at the hour 2 o'clock in the afterneon of
that day at tne front door m tne court bouse, in
Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, offer for sale at
public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in
hhJid, all the right title and interest that said de
ceased at the time of bis death had in or to the
following described real property to wit:
"Beginning at a point on the east boundary line
(132.64) one hundred thirty-two and 64-100 reds
north from the south east corner ot the Donation
Land Claim of Waiman St. Clair and Mahal J.
St. Clair, it being claim number forty-seven (47),
notification number six thousand four hundred and
forty 6440, in township twelve 12 south range
six 6 west of Will Mer; thence southerly along the
east boundary line of said claim to the north line
ef the Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad Com
pany's ripht of way; thence southwesterly along
said boundary line of said right of way to the east
line of E. Whitehead's tract of land; thence north
along said east line to the northeast corner of the
K. Whitehead tract of land; thence westerly along
the north boundary line of said tract of land to
the southeast corner of the lot or parcel of land
hereinbefore (said will) devisei to Rosetta A.
Buchanan; thence north along the east boundary
lice of said lot ef land to the north boundary line
of my (James E. Fisk's) said farm or tract of land
98.75 rods; thence easterly along said nerth bound
ary line to the place of beginning 76.47 rods, con
taining 36 acres of land more or less in Benten
county, state of Oregon," said tract of land belong
ing to said deceased at the time of his death. The
proceeds of said eale to be applied to the payment of
expenses of last BicknesB of said deceased, funernl
expenses, expenses of administration and claims
against the estate of said deceased, the residue, if
any, to be paid to the widow of said deceased,
Louisa J. Fisk.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 6th dav of April, 1001.
Sole surviving executor of said last will and Tests
ment of James K. Fisk, deceased.
Hie First National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C, E. MOOR, Vice-President.
WALT EH. T, WILES, Cashier.
GEO. E, LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
On all kinds of approved security, and especially
to encourage ana build up the legitimate bust,
ness enterprises and industries of this country.
Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange
Sight exchange and transfers sold available in
the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer
land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger;
fsajay, Austria.
Letters of Credit
Issued available ia the principal cities ol the
United States.
Principal Correspondents Upon Whom "v7e
Sell Sight Exchange
The CoramcKCiai National Bank of Chicago.
The First national Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglo-Californian Bank, San Francisco, Calif
The National City Bank New York.
The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n,
Importers & Trader's National Bank, New York.
Shoe and Leather National Bank of Boston. Mass.
Philadelphia National Bank of Philadelphia. Pa
Of Portland, Oregon,
Owns Sixty Acres of the Best Oil Lands in California, is Incor
porated under the Laws of Oregon; Stock is
GUARANTEED Stock at 20 cents per share; COMMON Stock at
10 cents per share. ' Company composed of responsible business men of
Portland. PAR VALUE $1 00 PER SHARE.
BUY NOW and take advantage of rise in price which is sure to
follow. Active operations have already begun. Oil will be struck with
in four months. Books of company are always OPEN TO INSPECTION
Many similar stocks have advanced to $10 and $20 per share. No cer
tificates will be issued for less than one hundred shares.
For all further particulars and prospectus, apply to WALTER G.
KEADY, Corvallis, Oregon, agent for
L. Y. KEADY & CO..
It is well to remember that you
can cover Benton County
'i horoughlyJibySplacing
yonr advertisement in the
They get Propel Display, Proper Position
and Proper Treatment.
Our Clubbia? List.
Subscribers to the CORVAT.T.IS fiaZE-.TTR ,
obtain the following papers in combiuutiun 8ub-
BiTipuoiis wiin me irAZtrxii, at the very lorf
prices stated below; cash in aih ance always tr, ac
conpany the order. Those wishinn- t.wn nr mr
publications named with the GAZETTE, will please
correspond with this office and we w ill quota von
th nnmKin.ti..n nnna W- 7
..... F,,vn. Eve juH money on
u,ij mi puuii(biuu8 vuu aesire.
The abbreviations below are explained as follows:
, . iwi wcrmj, a lur seici-weaaiy; t w, lor tn
weekly; M, tor monthly; S M, for semi-n onthly.
The first price represents the subscription rate of
the publication alone, and ;the second the rate for
me puoncation ohereu in conjunction with the
seml'Weeklr GAZKTTE.
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port-
Oreonian, Portland, Or., W., $1.60; 2.55.
Rural Spirit, Portland, Or , Contains a live-stock
Pacific Christian Advocate, Portland. Or.. W.
SiOO. 3.05.
The Thrice-a-Week World, New York. T. W.
SI. 00; 2.20.
Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A. thorough stock
suu uiui jimriuu, w.. 91.UU;Z.,U.
The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., S1.00; 2.05;
The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind., Live
buua, inriu aua poultry journal, .M., 60 cents; 1.05.
' The Cosmopolitan Magazine, New York, M. ,
and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, W pages of
latest maps; ; 2.85.
The Outing Magaaine, New York, M., $3,00; 3.80.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W., $1.00; 2.30.
uragon roultry Journal, Salem, Or., M . SO
cents; i.bu.
The Pathfinder, District ol Columbia, W., $1.00;
The Doaitraer, Sew York, Standard Fashions, M.,
1.00; 135. '
American Agriculturist, Chicago, III., Including
WFJ v, x car WK ana Almanac, w., ai.uu; X.3U.
Farm, Field and Fireside, Chitage, 111., W., $1.00;
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St Louis, has ne riva
as great modern newspaper, T. W., 31.00; S.15.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., S1.00; 1.90.
Young People's Weekly, Chicago, III., W., 50 cents;
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W $1.00; 2 05.
The Fruit Growers' Journal, Csbden , 111., M..
50 cents; $1 75.
Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, S. W..
50 cents; 1.75. .
Women's Home Companion, Springfiold, Ohio.
$1.00; 2.15.
Lippiocott's Magazine, Philadelphia, Pa., M.,
$2.60; 3.25. ' ' '
' Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and Dance), Kew York,
M., $1.00; $2.15.
The Century Magazine, New York, M., $4.00; S.05.
Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis., The
best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world, W..
$1.00; 8.30.
Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.1.1.
American Homes, Knoxville, Tenn., M., $1.00;
JBoston Cooking Eichcol Magazine, Bi-M., 50 cents;
HcClure's Magazine, New Yerk, M., $1.00; 2.40.
Twice-a-Week Courier Journal, Louisville, Kv.,
ne ef the test papers from the great South, T. W.,
$1.00; 2.05. '
"I had piles so bad I could get no rest
or find a cure until I tried DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once;
I forgot I aver bad anything like piles."
E. 0. Beice, Somers Point, N. Y. Look
put (or imitations. Be sure you ask for
DeWitt's Graham & Wells.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousand? of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed." It
is unequalled for "aU stomach troubles.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago
Xnefl.bottIecontalna2M times the 50c size,
Ceahan & Wells,
Sherlock Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
Notice t Creditor:).
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator of the estate ef
Thomas Wyatt, deceased, by the county court of
Benton county. Oregon. All persons having claims
against aaiu estate are hereby notified to present
the same, duly verified, together with the proper
vouchem, to me at the law office of Bryson & Wood
son in Corvallis, Benton conuty, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 1st day of March A. D, 1901.
Administrator of said Kstate.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon city, Oregon,
March 8, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice ef his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benten County, at Corvallis, Oregon,
on April zz, iwit viz :
H. E. NO. 11838, for the NE,, Section 32, T 11
South,- Rang 7 West. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon ana cultivation oi aaia tana, viz: j.
Abner Woods. George Woods, Thomas Mulkey,
lvarow Mulkey, all ot Blodgett, Oregon.
"Last winter I waa confined to my
bed with a very bad cold on the lungs.
Nothing gave me relief. Finally my
wife bought 'a bottle of One Minute
Cough Cnre that effected a speedy cure.
I cannot speak too highly of that excel
lent remedy." Mr. T. K. Houseman,
Manatawtiey, Pa. Graham & Wells.
For Rent.
Will rpnt. 9nfl aPKfl nf land rust et
Monroe and take part payment ef rent
in work andimprovemeotH on the place.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
Corvallis, Oregon.
Established, Incorporated, 1898.
The most complete line of Pure Drugs and
' Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article,
Combs, Brushes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery
Manager of Peiscription Department,
T. A. JONES. Registered,
Special Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Universi
ty, Indiana
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers will remoTe all impuri
ties from your system, cleanse your
bowels, make them regular. Graham &
"I have been troubled with indiges
tion for ten years, have tried many
things and spent money to no purpose
until I tried Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure,
I have, taken two bottles and gotten
more relief from them than all other
medicine taken . I feel more like a boy
than I have felt in twenty years. An
derson Rigcs, of Sunny Lane, Texas.
Thousands 1 ave testified as did Mr.
Riggs. Graham i Wels,
Subscribe for this paper.
Southern Pacific Company.
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
and way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland 8 :80 am S :30 p m
Lv Albanv . 12:30 n m in-sn n m
Ar Ashland 12 :33 am 11 :30 a m
Ar Sacramento -5 .00 p m 4 :85 a in
Ar San Francisco-7 :45 p m 9.30 a m
Ar Ogden 6 :45 p m
Ar Denver 9:00 a m
Ar Kansas GUy-7:2S a m
11 :45 a m
8 :00 a a
7 :25 a m
Ar UniCBgo 7 5 a m
Ar Los Atgales.-.l (20 p m
Ar El Paso 6:00 p to
7:00 am
9 5 an
:48 am
1Z:46 p ta
Ar Fort Werta 6!S9flm
Ar City ol Mexios .9 :B5 a m
Ar Hfttatfon 4:60 a m
Ar Kew Orleans.. 6 :25 a m
Ar Washington B :42 a xti
Ar New York 12 :43 pm
both trains. Ohair cars SacranieBtO to
Ogden and El Paso, sad Tourist oars te
Chicago, St Lonis, New Orleans and
ITt " i
Concectine at San Franaiaco with asnr-
rai atemaitbip lines for Hanoi mo, Japan.
China, Philippines, Central and leOth
Sea F. B. FARMER, fteeat a CervalUa
station, or acmrK3
0. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Dxnttstrv of ererr AeKHpOoa ton tn first
otett manner, and satisfaction guar
an seed.
csBim md kike mi & mmxi
Offise Ovw Zleroif ' (f rettery store, oppose
Specialties Diseases of . women and
children ; also deformities aad all chron
ic and nervoas diseases.
Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 6 :30 p. in.
B. A. ATOEY, M. D.
Physician Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Bnilding. '
Office Hour.
Residence : Corner College and 8th Sts.
Telephone at office and residence.
Corva'lis, - Oregon.
Orrics Corser 3rd and Monroe streets
Hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Ban-
day 9 to 10.
Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Cervallis, Oregen.
Tklephone 315, at residence.
. n. NEWTH
Physician ; Surge cn
Veterinary Surgeon
Residence in Block 30, Job's Addition,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Orders may ba left at Gralium & Wer
tham'a drugstore.
Kotaht Titles. Cokvbtanclnb.
Practice in ;all State and Federal Court.
Office; JagFirati National Bank Baildrne.
Bryson $ Woodson
Corvallis, Orerron.
Office In roetoffice Building-.
Office la Wbttehora Btark
Corvallis, Oregon
Corvallis, Oregon.
Does a general and.' conservative baotani
White and Barred.
Fmm nmvSnnin stAplr fiwnnrl ta
none on Pacific coast, Ejrs, $1 60 a set
ting of fifteen at yard, or 2 00 if packed.
UmtczLB) Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of tw favorite routes, via
the IFniSa Padfia Past Mail Lib, ot
the Rio Grande Seefiie Lines.
Look at the Time . .
itf days to Salt Lake
2j days to Benver
3 j flays to Chicago
4 days to New York
Free feccflllft? (Suftr 0Brs, tTCartd stand
TttftrfSt ffioBp&q: fan, ttt hrBmaa
PaJKCv Stvtfffra, opefCttd sTK flfl
Vot fbrCher fafomatioa, afrtyre
050. & ESLQ5, leeat, CferW9a, r.
Tnm fen. Aft. Oxrt Af.
n4 Third St., Porflsattf, t.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. ta.
" Csmllig 1:50 p. ta.
" arrive? Yaquina 6:49 p. B.
1 Retraining:
Leavts Yaqmioa. ... 6:10 a. ta.
Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:S0 a. ta.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. to.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m.
Arrives Detioit .... 11:30 a. tn.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. m.
Arrives Albany .... 6:45 p. ra.
One and two connect at Albary
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service to and
from Newport and ' adjaeent
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample time te
roach camping grounds On the
Breitenbush and SantiaA river tha
same dav.
Edwin Stoke,
II. L. Walden, ' Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
H. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis.
for from Portland fkom
S';f7 Sa't Lake, Denver,
Portland Ft Werth 0maba
Special Kansas Citv, St. 1:30 p.m.
via Sun- Ls?hiea8e
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
Express Ft Worth, Omaha,
9 p.m. KanBBS City, 8t 8:10 a.m.
via Hun- Louis, Chicago and
linrton. East
c , Walla Walla. Lew
f?i -i iston. Spokane, .
Fast. Mail Minne!rU8i 8t
6:00 p.m. p, DuTuth. Mil- 00 a.m.
cIav waukee, Chicago,
Spokane and ?Bt.
Through Pnllmau and Tonrist S'eepere.
Ocean and River Schedule.
All sailing datesl
snliiflct te change.
8 p. m.
For Sa Francisco.
4 p. in.
Sail every five da) a
from April zt.
Kx. Snn
6. p. m.
Columbia River
To Astoria & ay
landing. 4 B. sk.
10 p. m
Willameft, Firm.
Ex. Sun
6 a. in.
4)S0p. ta.
O-iegon City, Kew-I
ber(i, baleni, Inde
pendence and vay
0 a. tn.
4:S0 p.m.
Corvallis and Way-
and Fri
day. 7 a. m.
T uesday,
T hursd'y
S -.80 p.m.
Oregen City, Dy-
day sad
ton Way -land's,
8-40 a. ra,
L cvriatoa
Soaks Eivar.
Riparia to LewU'n
A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent,
J. P. TAPSCOTT, Agent,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Vkitx Sum LiK Ontcs,
Oregon City, Oregen. Mirth, 4, 1H1.
Notice is hereby sjven that in complisnes with tn
provisions ot the act ot Congress el June t, 1IH,
entitled "An act tor the sale ol timber lane's in tae
States of Calilornia, Oregon, Nevada, aa Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all tha rnhlia
Land States by act ef August 4. 1883.
of Mnmuth, count rt folk, slate of Oretra, has
this cay Med ill this'olfice her sern statement Ka.
5358, fur the purchase ot SH ol Kk and&iofBEJ.
ofSectiim No 2 m Township No 13 South, lange Ho
7 west, and will offer proof to show that the land
souht is more valuable for its timber or none thaa
for purposes, and to establish her claim
to ku4 lnd before the Keirister and Keceiier of this
office at Oregon City, Brecon, tin VtdneBday, tha
9flth dav of May, 1901. ehe n tines as witnesses:
Michael G. Flynn, of Fall City, l'olk Co., Or, Jas U.
Rynnf of Monmouth. Polk Co., Or . Samuel W.
Ewing, of Fall Citv, Polk Co., Or., John W. Hyde,
of Philomath, Benton Ca., Or.
Any and all persons claiming adverwly the iWn
described lauds .r, requested to 01. their etalata
this office on oi hefore sa d I 29th day .f Maj,
Hotlc ot Fimat SettlotMCt
. . - j. nar'!srtakaafl aWata.
Sttlna In oraaaM, and Saturday, tha th TaJ
rebruVy, 19.1, 10 Veloc .,
laid anal account and the s.ttJmt ""'.