TUESDAY, APRIL 9,1901. SPRING 1901 STYLES -IN- Suits V and Skirts. We heye now oa sale, and new Spring Suits & Dress Skirts Oar suits comprise tbe newest and best of the late creations each m coat and bolero effects and postillion backs. New style skirls are also shown and jackets too. Tbe price ol our edits range from $8.00 op. 9 E, Young & Son Albany, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS. New goods weekly at Nolan & Uallahan's. Mr. S. L. Kline returned from San Francisco yesterday. . Mrs. Dennis Stovall is expected to arrive in Corvallis today On a visit. Closing out sale of Rambler, Ideal and other bicycles, new and second hand, at Barnhart's. Mr. F. Klecker came in from Alssa Saturday to do some trading and remained over Sanday. Bee Kline's new spring salts for ansa aad bays. Large range of patterns aad right up to style. . Henry Ambler, the Philomath real estate agent, was transacting business in Corvallis, Saturday. Mrs. Elizabeth Gerhard and daughter, May, . returned home Saturday from an extended visit in California Mrs. Lillie Bowersox, of Salem, after visiting with her parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ken, returned home Friday. Our new spring stock is now com plate in all departments; largest stock; smallest prices; good goods. Nolan & Callahan. It is said that tramps recently broke into a freight ear that was sidetracked at Junction City and stoe a case (11 pairs) of shoes that were billed to W. H. Kay, the mer chant at Dusty,. There was quite a frost yester day morning. There are various opinions expressed regarding : the effect on fruit. While it is to be hoped that it has not damaged it, there is no likelihood of its having been beneficial. . On the 15th day of April, next Monday, Referee Bryant of Albany, will have a hearing on application for the sale of all real and personal property of the J. M. Osbura bank rupt estate, which has net already been ordered sold by the United States district judge. . ' j Eleven thousand fleeces of mo hair were pooled and auctioned eff at Salem March 28, for 22 cents per pound. There were six bidders. This is considered one of the finest lots of mohair ever gotten together in the state. About 100 goat breeders were in attendance. Eugene seems to have had a good old-time horse race last week. An exchange says: "TUe race be tween Ream's horse, Red Idyl, and Royce's race horse, Fitzsimmons, was run at Bangs park last Wednes day afternoon. It was a half mile dash for $500 a side and Red Idyl came under the wire at the out come a good three lengths ahead; time, 54 seconds." K. H. Gabbert, of the Courier Ilerald staff, has been called away by the serious illness of hie father at Myrtle Creek near Grants Pass. The old gentleman is more than 70 years of age and has' suffered severely froaa cancer. He is not expected to survive. Oregon City Enterprise. Mr. Gabbert was at one time a member of the craft ia this city and had a sister who at tended the Agricultural College. Two admittance tickets to the Mene'.ey Trio Concert, acnounced to sing in Cdrvallis on April 26, will be given by E. F.: Bryant to the first person giving him a correct answer to the. following query. Who was a well known Biblical character never named in the Bible whose death was the- most peculiar in history, whose shroud is a part oi every nouseftold, and tbe cause of whose death was the subjeet of a widely read novel? .:- , Died, in Albany, on Thursday, April 4, 1901, of consumption, Lucy, wife of Lee Morgan, aged 22 years. Deceased was a daughter of H. M. Kelly, of Benton county, ... and was born and raised near thib city. She was narried about three years and her husband survives her. She has . been :;' afflicted for about a year with the dreaded dis ease that took her. She was a member of the Christian church and also the Fraternal Union. Albany Herald, April 6ti, W. A. Sanders, the watchmaker. Our new spring stock of clothing is me Biggest we ever owned. Nolan & Callahan, Next Friday, April 12th, is Ar bor" Day. Miss Carrie Danneman arrived home, Saturday, from a business trip to Eastern Oregon. The 8ocial Club gave a party in the Fireman's Hall, Friday night. The usual enjoyable time is re ported. -Dr. E. J. Thompson, of this city, preached the Easter sermon in the Presbyterian church, at Indepen dence Sunday. Miss Olive Thompson's engage ment as pianiste, in Portland, will terminate April 15th. She expects to return home shortly after this date. Raymond Henkle, who has been attending a school of pharmacy in New York city during the past year is expeoted home about May 1st. The docket of the circuit court is unusually light this year. There are only 32 cases docketed, and there will be no more except by consent of the judge. Tom Cams was out from Aisea last week after a load of merchan dise for W. L. Malone, the mer chant. Mr. Cams reports the rods as being ia a rather bad condition in many places. Ernest Redd, who is attending the O A C. and who is lender nf the O A C band, is making ar rangements to organize and main tain a band at Newnort this vear during the summer months. It has been found by experiment at the O A 0 Experiment Station that a pound ef pork can be pro daeed with 3.22 pounds of wheat In feeding ground feed, it seems to be Defer to - feed it drv. tVia porkers seem to fatten faster where tne reed is dry. . . y The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dixon, of Philomath, who have nad smallpox in a light form, are reported to be convalescent It is said that there is another case i i Philomath. A woman who recen -ly arrived from Astoria is said be the last victim. No serious suits are anticipated. . -. - At the home of John RickarJ, Mr. Jesse G. Taylor and Miss E'.ta A. Rickard were united in matri mony, last Sunday, Rev. F. A. Lark, officiating, r, Beth of .the yGung people are residents of Lone Tom, where- they will make their future bome. Many friends wish them unlimited joy and success in life, v The. citizens of Toledo held a meeting last .week for the euroase of organizing fire department. The constitution of the Corvallis Fire Department was read on that occasion. It seems that Toledo is not going to; be caught as Yaauina City was nd not be prepared to mate a right, inn . is a move In the right direction. Prof. A. L. Kniselv entertained the members of the Pierian and Amicitia societies of the O A C at his residence. Fridav evening. Games, nausio and conversation were tne Matures ot the early part ef the eveninr. At a later hour re freshments were served, consist ing of three courses. ; Those pres ent were deliffhtad and ant land in their praise of Professor and Mrs. jvniseiy as nost .and Hostess. Prof. J. B. Horner, manager sf the summer -normal school to be held at Newport during the latter part of July and the first part of August, will lecture at tne eouatv court house on the evening ef April id, isui, on the subject "English Literature.'-' He will also exDlain the work to be done in the summer school. Every person in the coun ty should do all in his power to make this summer school a success. Yaquina Bay News. The receipts of the Albanv office for the fiscal . year ending March 31, 1901, show , a gain of $1,250.56 over the previous year. The total receipts for the past year were $9,124.56. There hi & steady . gain in the amount of business of the pestoffice during the pasiiour years. With s continued gain for another vear at tha safna rate the receipts will exceed $10,000 ana no soudi a free delivery of man within the city can be secured. -AiDany iieraid. The receipts of ' ie Eugene office during .the last vear were over $10.200. - Whs-', the matter, Albany ?-EugeneGur r' . The O. R. & N. Co ! r.--. issued the third edition nf t.li - phlet "Oregon, Washington 'at; aano, ana tneir Kesources,". or t Col. P. Donan. The Gaztsttp. i f'i receipt of a copy of this valuable ! ana Brilliantly written booklet. The twenty half-tone illustrations are new and inelude views of the farming, shipping, agricultural, horticultural, lumbering, mining, stockraisinz and fi Rhine Industrie. of this territory. - The cover is new ana ot the latest design used for such purposes. The kook contains a large map of the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The map has been recently revised and is to bo relied upon. . Anyone desiring a copy of this book can 'obtain the same by sending six cents in stamps to A. L. Craig, G. P. A., O, R. & N. Co., Portland, Oregon., Solves the Problem. In the new law, prescribing the duties of county survyors m establishing boundary lines, passed by the last legislature, there is a provision which offers a solution for the disputed boun dary of Benton and Lane. Section 1 1 of the new law pro vides that "In any survey affect ing a county line, the surveyor who may be called on to make the survey shall serve notice upon the county Isurveyor of the ad joining county and they shall agree upon a time; and they shall each serve notice upon the land owners of their respective coun ties who are interested in such survey," "and shall make such survey in the same manner as other surveys, and each surveyor shall file a copy of the plat and field notes of such survey in the county surveyor' s office." Appeals trom said survey may be made; provided, that such ap peal shall be taken to the circuit court of the county wherever the proceeding is initiated. The corners and boundaries so estab lished and recorded in each coun ty shall be held to be permanent, and ehall never be changed. Since the matter was j&rst brought to the attention of the commissioner court, the mem bers of that body have used their best endeavors to solve the prob lem. It was suggested to the court that the snrveyor general was the proper person to establish said boundary line, but it was de termined that that official was an employe of the government and had power only to make govern ment surveys and this matter was entirely outside of his jurisdiction. Judge Woodward finally deter mined , upon a plan which was almost directly in line with that adopted by the legislature. He wrote to Judge Kincaid, of Lane county, suggesting that the court of each county interested appoint persons to survey, , jointly- a oundary line between the two counties; that they place monu ments upon " the line determined by them, and that the next legis lature be asked to designate this as the permanent boundary line. This proposal met with the ap proval of the commissioners of Lane, county, and the move was about to be pat into effect, when copies of the new lawswere re ceived offering the solution above described.. ... . . . THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. Law That Makes His Office One of tbe Best in the County. If we interpret the matter aright; the last legislature passed an act which transforms the eonnty surveyor's' office '. from a position offering little . employ meat and meager remuneration, to one affording afflnenfla, influ ence and plenty t do. ... Under this law the county snrveyor is entitled to an ; office ia the county'court he-use. He shall fit this office np as becomes his position, and procure the materials- and requisites instru ments, etc. ion tarrying into effect the provisions ef this act, "and the eennty shall pay for the same aid all expenses in curred therein out ot the genet al land of tie county," and ae questions asked. He shall re ceive fees, fer his services the sum f $5 per day for each and every day employed ia the per formanceof his duties, and ten cents per mile for each mile act ually traveled ia geiag from the eeanty seat to aad from the place of survey. ",- - The duties enumerated in the act will increase., materially the number of ; days' employment now enjoyed by the snrveyor. He is authorized to adainister oaths necessary to the leg al establish ment of roads aad ether surveys and to take . evidence te prove aay point necessary to such sur vey, y -v,.y., Upon the establishment of any road.be shall enter the plat and field notes upoa the effieial re cords of the county. He shall make out a complete description of all or any part of the real , es tate f his county, t be - made out and entered n proper rolls famished by the clerk. y He shall - make complete - survevs. plans, specifications and estimates for all bridges, Culverts, roads, ditches or other pnblic works to be constructed under the authority of the county court. The court may employ a civil engineer or architect to act ia conjunction with the surveyor. " For taking the variation of the magnetic needle i and recording aad making report of the same, tor making and recording calcu lations of areas of land, for at tendance al regular meetings of the county court when required for making plans, specifications, saperintendingor inspecting pub- lio work , the surveyor shall re ceive tbe same fees as allowed for making surveys, which fees shall be paid bi-monthly upon order of the court. Laid Up For Repairs. Editor Gazette: As I am laid np for repairs will try and give yon a few items. After leaving Corvallis, I stopped a few days in Portland. From there I passed over the Northern Pacific route to Elma, Wash., where I called on the " Hewell boys. Henry is operating a don key engine ia a logging camp at a wage of $3 per day. Frank is, an assistant on another, engine. Found them both well. They stated that they enjoyed their work; the board was good and they . were employed under an excellent foreman. After spending Sanday and Monday with them I came ea to this place. Aberdeen is a loud tewa aad has a population of 4,000. ' This plaee has eighteen saloons and nine churches. Business he-rises are abundant and are carrying heavy stoeks. What interests me most Is the fact that the whole town is built on piling, and at extreme high tides, where the lots are not filled in, they have all the watei they -wast. There are six large sawmills here and the sawdust from the mills is Used , for filling in the streets. It makes a good filling, and after it has settled they plank it over With. 3x13 timbers. In this manner they keep a fine system of streets. Hoquftm is about three and a halt miles from here and there is a fiae plank walk all the way. The walk runs throngh a num ber of fine groves, making it a perfect "Lovers' Paradise. This is a great shipping point and there are from fifteen to eighteen' ships in .the harbor all ! the time loading for different. parts of the globe. The sawmill . company that I am working for ( ha?e from four to five ships aj their wharf all the. time. There is about"i5o men employed in this mill and the output per day is 110,000 feet. All of the em ployes pay $1.00 each per month insurance, and if a man is in- jnred he is oh ; half pay until he is able to work, aud if he is bad ly "urt ne is. sent to the hospital free ef charge. A . , ' I am off duty at present: Wednesday,' "while4" moving; a large timber, .1 slipped . and canght myM right'foot dislocating the ankle. - The result is that at present my ankle is about, four times as large as it enght to be. The doctor says that it will be a month before I can go to work again. The company pays the bill, bat I bear the pain. With best regards for my Ben ton county friends, I remaia, Yours truly, H. L Martin. Aberdeen, Wash., April. 4, 1 901. Real Estate Transfers. Martin Pavne to T. H. Walk er; fraction f land on Kiger's island; $700. T. H. Walker to Willamette Pals and Pater Co. fraction of land en Kiger's Island; $700. N. B. Avery to T. F. Martvn. lot 12, bloek 3, N. B. and P. Avery's Add; $125. T. F. Martvn te E. W. Tenks. lot 12, block 3, in N. B. and P. a. very 's Add; f1.5c.y- A. 6. Tavener to Eddio Tor- tora, 80 acres 3 miles west f iwOrvauis; 150. - A. Anderson, by sheriff to P. H. Marlay, 160 acres ; or 6 miles northwest of Corvallis; 6.90. Notice. - Notice ia lierfihv piv-pn fhaf Miraitant to an order of the district court oC the united btates for t&e district of Oregon, the undersigned trustee will, on Friday April 26, 1901, beginning at tha hour jf 10 o'clock in the forenoen of that da?, on the Osburn stock farm, two mil. wesi pi. oorrains, uregon, Bell at pub! c auction to the highest bidder or bidders, twentv-eieht hail of Wrusarl oin being the blooded cattle raised by John m. usourn, on saia farm. -The trustee is authorized to sell eaid cattle one or more at a time. .. A pedigree will he-rielivprpri with pqMi a;Mni --u. - -. .... - u.i. ai olll. Terms of sale, cash in hand. J.O. WlISON, TrURfPP Of tha RanWnnl TTi .1 John M. Osburn, Bankrupt. For Rent. - Will r.nt onn t a "- si iaaa west ot Menroe and take part payment ef rent Tj j -ux.'uip.uvcuiome on ine place. Address . M. S. Wodcock, - ... Administrator, - Corvallis, Oregon. Subscribe for this paper." Nearly Finished Johnson. - LioneT A. Jnhnann wa crrndnAfod from the O A C some two or three years ago, and is now editor of the Malheur Gazette, rrablished at Vain. Or., was very nearly drowned" at -wibuuuut reccutiy, . says lllv Boise Statesman. It seems that, while in in bathiner with two vnnno- lady friends, they all got beyond their depth. Mr. Johnson had in duced the TOUic ladies fn nihe- yond the rope; and they all three ?ppeu aiaa went unaer. . This scared the ladies, and they began scrambling to get iuto shallower water.'- In some manner Mr. John son was again pushed under end botB ladiea Btarmnil nn him. Tho attendants at the Natatorium were active when they saw the trouble, but knowine that Mr. Johnson conld swim, paid but little attention to mm. ine ladies were talcen to places of safety as soon as possible, but thev had in Inmo munnpr unin tentionally kept Mr. Johnson under t L 1 waier uu ne was nearly drowned. As soon as thev had cano-Sf. their breath they called attention to the auaence oi ine gentleman ot tbe party, and attendants instantly hurried to his rescne. He had sunk to the bottom of the pool. After much trouble he was taken out of the water, and tbe work of resuscitation hastened. He was unconscious and witnesses thought he was dead, it took' some min utes to restore perfect respiration. Jiappiiy mere were no serious re sults from the mishap, Mr. Johnson being able to return to his home shortly after. Additional Local The case of Lee Dan vs. City of Corvallis, which was an appeal irom tne decision rendered in the police court of the city a few months ago, wherein Lee Dan was convicted and fined $20 fer keeping a vicious dog, came before Judge . Burnett Saturday morning and was denied. The law requires that a fine to exceed $20 shall be imposed before an appeal can be ' made, and Lee Dan's tine was not in excess of $20. Chief Flett called on Lee Saturday afternoon, and as that gentleman preferred to serve his fine out rath er than pay it, he now languishes in the city jail. A few years ago W. E. Yates, of this city, was retained as attorney for a gentleman by the name of Frank Belcher. Mr. Belcher was a mining man and joined the stam pede to the Klondike gold fields. He died in Dawson a short time ago supposed to have been murdered. A couple of days ago Attorney Yates received a letter from S. C. .Wiutmore, of Jermyn, Pa., enclosing an inventory of some stock pertain ing to a Santiam mine, in which Mr. Belcher was interested. Mr. Yates is now employed in straight ening out this matter. Judge George H, Burnett opened an adjourned term of cireuit court Friday afternoon and closed, it at 11 a. m. Saturday, ia place of Judge Hamilton, who is unable to be here on account of his wife's illness. The regular term of the circuit court should hare opened yesterday morning, but as Judge Hamilton cannot preside, and Judge Burnett is holding court at Tilla mook this week, Judge Cleland came up on the West Side train from Portland, yesterday. He opened court and adjourned it un til next Monday, April 16lh.' So brief was the last adjourned term that Judge Cleland was enabled to return to Portland on the same train that brought him up. At the regular term next week Judge Burnett will preside. Thlak it Over. Which is better, to buy your pianos aad organs of an agent who represents the factories where thay are made, er of one who only represents. San Francisco and Portland iebbing 5 housei ? Is it worth while to pay aft additional profit to city middlemen for the sake of getting goods which have passed through their hands, with doable freight charges added to other needless costs? Would not the best plan be to have 'all your money count on the value i the instru ment itself? We think so, and for this reason import all ' pianos and organs direct from the factory, depend on quick sales and small profits aad thus give you a high grade ; instrument at a moderate price. All kinds of; small instruments such as guitars, violins, mandolins, etc. Call at office aad je&idence one block west of court house. ' ; . " : . , V ' M. A. Goodnough. Call forVTarrants. Uotice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds up to and including those of Augnst 9, 1900. Interest will be stopped on same from this date. W. A. Buchakak, Treasurer of Benton Co., Or. Corvallis, April 6, 1901. -, For Sale. y . A street sprinkler. Enquire of George Whiteside for particulars. s Skin Troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quickly heal by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salye. It Is imi tated. Be sure you get DeWitt's. Gra ham & Wells. HEW SPRI run mtr. MADE TO ORDER SUITS. We have three books lrom Ameri ca's best tailoring flajis to select from. S. L KLINE'S. The Gorvallis Store- Keeps eonstaatly oa haad the celebrated CORVALLIS AND MONROE FLOURS A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given free with every sack of the latter Hoy, Oats, Grain. Bran, Shorts, Potatoes IFten, Ebk, Poultry, Etc . JOHN LENGBR, Manager Corvallis' Most PopularEating House I Pioneer Bakery AND RESTAURANT. Fresh breadV daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and 1. nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies t B - a specialty. - H. W, HALL rSJob Printitig . JS Of at this To Rent. Ten acres, with house and barn, close to college. Enquire at this office. . For Sale. Fresh cows for sale, 5 miles southeast Philomath. C. A. Babhinger. Wood Chopping. Parties wishing to cut cerd wood may find employment by calling upon J. F. Aldrich, residing near the Catholic ceme tery on the foothill west of Corvallis. Get your Job Work done here It's a Short. Roac. 3:? from a cough to consumption. Don't neglect a cough take Consumption when your cold appears- The " ounce of prevention " is better than years of illness, I suffered for yean from a conh, bronchial - and lung trouble.- Raised blood frequently. Speat year in tha Dakota and other parts of west but cot no relief. - Retarscd east and began taking Skxloh. A few bottles com - pletelr cured ne (consider it the greatest ol - rftaffflifs, ; HENRY T. DETCHER. With F. L. On; Go., Broken, Buflalo, N. Y. SbUoh'i Coninmptlon Ogn la sold by all draKKi t 5e, SOo, St.00 a bottl.. A printed nrmnto jom witli mvuig bottle. If yn are not MMUfled go to your druggi.! ud tt you DiMtj lHMk. Write'for Ultutmted book on consumption. Seal Vitbont com te jrotk S. C Wells A Co., LtRoy, N.Y. Sold b Graham J& Wortham. LOT Ann ou t o Be Wise When you buy your next suit look about see "what's what." Look everywhere i then here, and we'll get your order. For fashion able, perfect fitting, elegant ly trimmed suits you can't equal the line that here awaits you. Commission & I M I i Proprietor. office Question Answered Yes, August Flower still has tha largest sale ef any medicine in tha civilized world. Your mother and grandmothers never . thought of using anything else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce and they Beldom heard of appen dicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to cleanse out the system, amd stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took' when 'feeling dull and bad with headaches: and other aches. You only" heed a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's Prize Alma nac. Graham & Wortham.l : You will waste time if you Undertake) to care indigestion or dyspepsia by stary ing yourself. That only makes-it worsa when you do eat heartily. You always aeed plenty of goo J food properly diges ted. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is tBe re sult of years of "scientific research foe something rthat' would: digest not only some elements of; food but every kind. And it is the one remedy-that wUl do it. Graham fc 'Wells. . , wanted;- ' Fifty good farms and 50 stock ranchc j i to sell. ' Geo. F. EglinA Go.jjJ. j RealEstate.Insurance and Collections, -t Office: Boom No.l, First JJaVlBank, Bld'g,-Corvallis, Oregon. : ' ? Spring coughs are specially dangtpoar and unless cured at oace, serioas results: often follow. One Minute Cough Onro acts like magic. It is not a common mixture but is a high grade remedy,- Graham & Wells. . - -E i i