Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 09, 1901, Image 2

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TUESDAY, APRIL -9, 1901.
It is estimated that the late
census will place the colored pop
lttion of the South at io, 000,000.
The colored population will en
title the South, under the present
ratio of representation to fifty one
representatives in the lower house
of congress and the same number
in the electoral college. In most
of the Southern states this negro
population is nearly all disfran
chised upon one pretext or anoth
er. What an immense power
this condition of affairs places in
the hands of the democrats who
retain representation in congress
and otherwise for these negroes
and yet they are not allowed to
vote. Any fair minded demo
crat is certainly ashamed for his
party for demanding the contin
uance of this unfair and undemo
cratic inovation upon the funda
mental principals of a true demo
cratic government. Suppose the
republicans in the North should
in like manner claim representa
tion for the Indian population in
the Northern states. If people
North or South are not permitted
to vote for lack of educational
qualifications, . then they should
not be counted as a basis of
representation. The representa
tion 01 the South should be re
duced to correspond in propor
tion as they have disfranchised
their voters. Their pretext for a
. cause for the disfranchisement of
the negro in the South is said to
be for lack of educational quali
ncations. But that is not true.
It is done in the interest of the
democratic party and -against the
negro. This is self evident, be
cause the same rule in many of
tne states that disfranchises the
nerro for lack of education does
not disfranchise the ignorant
wnlte tor the same cause. Con
gress can not much longer ignore
the flagrant violation of the con
stitution of the United States,
If a Southern state or one in the
North decides to disfranchise any
.part of its population for lack of
educational qualities let the rule
apply to white and black alike.
A strong plea made by some of
tne ooutfiern democrats as an ex
cuse for disfranchising the South'!
negro vote," was that it was neces
sary to prevent negro domina
tion. In ttaryland the " same
process is going on, although the
Maryland bill is not so radical
as measures adonted to disfran
chise the negroes in other South
ern states. Yet another signifi
cant feature exists in Maryland,
and that is there never lias been
a fear or likelihood of anything
approaching negro domination
in Maryland. The action
Maryland is simply, a desire pure
and simple to prevent the negro
from voting, and yet he will be
counted as a basis for representa
tion all the same.
County Court.
County court was opened for
for the transaction of business,
Wednesday, April 3rd, 1901.
Aside from the various bills al
lowed, the following matters
were considered:
Oa petition and proof showing
that Alfred Bicknell was entitled
to a rebate of $4. on account of
wide-tire wagon, en taxes, he
wis granted the same.
It having been shown that the
Geo 1, Thompson road, which
had formerly been ordered open
ed by the court, had not beea
duly opend for its eatira length,
H. -.1 i -r .
tuo viciK. vi inc -court was in
structed to notify road supervisor
of this district tp comply with
The county court deemed It
wise to assist the Beaten County
Citizens League in the matter of
7. pablishing a pamphlet advertis
. ine this county, and the clerk
was ordered to draw a warrant of
$50 for this purpose.
It was ordered that the judge
and commisioners of this court,
and Benton cntintv. ho anthrax.
ized and empowered to execute
c w U Jtleckarl a quit-claim
de4 to lets 5-6-7-8, in block 8,
County Addition to Corvallis, to
remedy defect In said deed.
The additional bond f -M P
Burnett as sheriff and tax-cellee-tor,
with the United States Fi
delity and Guarantee Company
of Baltimore, Md., as security,
was approved. The clerk was
instmc'ed to return the original
1900 tax rolls, with an alias war
rant thereto attached, to the
sheriff, ordering him to proceed
and collect the'taxes on said rolls
antil May 25, 1901, after waieh
date the sheriff is instructed to
make a list of delinquent tax
payers on said iqoo rolls and
submit the same to the court en
tie 5th day of June, i9or.
In tae matter of petition of D
O Quiek for correction in erron
eous valaation of land, the cenrt
saw fit to deay the same.
J J Waggoner having deposited
with the olerk ef the court the
sum due A Hilbert as awatled
him for damages sustained en ac
count of a 30-foot road of public
easement across the latter's land,
the court confirmed the same aad
ordered it opened as a public
road on filing ef the proper re
ceipts. The county surveyor, and view
ers appointed, haying reported
favorably on alteration Independ
ence School Heuse road, said al
teration was sanctioned.
On report of viewers, the eoart
saw fit to grant the petition for
road In the Oliver Creek district
and the same was declared a pub
lie highway.
Forty-five persons who had
aid the bicycle tax for 1900,
haying petitioned to have said
funds applied en the walk from
Marys River bridge to Crystal
Lake eemetery, the same . was
granted and the clerk - was an
thorized to draw a county order
in favor of A W Fiseher on bi
cycle fand for $45, in accord
ance with said petition.
David Hnggins was awarded
the contract of constructing , a
bridge across Muddy at the How
ard place at $125.
The petition f numerous : citi
zens, resident of the north end of
the county, for a rock - crusher
for their section was taken under
D B Farley and C J Ralls were
awarded the contract for con
structing a graveWoader at a
price of $250. " . . . ' ,v
In the matter of the Philomath
and Lloyd settlement road,' Fred
Whitby, Frank Wyatt and Thos
H Cooper were appointed view
ers, and Surveyor Waggoner or
dered to sarvey and plat the
same and report at the next reg
ular term f court.-
The semi-annual reports of
the county clerk, sheriff and
treasurer for the six months
ending March 31st, 1901, 5 were
presented and placed on file.
92 A nice residence 1 acre of land in
Corvallis, 5 minutes walk from postoffice;
price $809. - ; .J
88 SO acres; 50 in cultivation; good
bouse, barn, fruit and water; 3 miles
from Philomath. A good farm for
$2,200. .' : .
74 160 acres ; 30 in cultivation small
bouse; good barn and water ; 1 miles
from town ; cheap at $1 ,500 ; on main
county road ; good pasture and tinker.
113 A good 7-room house with one
half acre lot; fruit, good water, chicken
houses and Sheds, price $600; well ar
ranged for ponltry raising; this is a
cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from
Corvallis postoffice. .
... .- - Heal Estate Agent,
Box 59, Philcmatfaj Benton County, Oregon. -
Notice or Final Settlement.
Notice is heveby given that the uDdersieued.
administor ef the estate of John L. Clark, deceased.
bag filed his final acccant, in said estate in the
county court of Benton countv. Ores-on. and that
saia eoni-i nas appoiatea Batureav. ue 1 1 in day of
May A. D. J 901, at the heur of ten o'clock a. m. at
county court room, in the court house, in the city
of Corvallis, Benton county, state of Oregon, as
the time ana place to near objections, jt any, to said
final account, and the settlement of said account
and estate
Coryallis, Oregon, April 6, 1901. '
Administrator o! the Estate ol John L. dark. De
ceased. - - ... - -
"Last winter I was confined to my
bed with a very bad cold on the longs.
Nothing gave me relief. Finally my
wife . bought a bottle of One Minute
Cough Cure that .effected a speedy cure.
I cannot speak too highly of that excel
lent remedy.!' Mr. T. K. Houseman,
Manatawney, Pa. Graham & "Wells.
j1 tram marks
jale!T attar torn ur oyfetioa fro wnauu
mlatiwt o? say mmmOU toaraaL Taral iTa
rw I four moatla, H. BatA yall tunrsdealara.
a I iisiinssmMMirsiMisa-Mial I
Skin-Tortured Babies
Instant relief and sleep, in a hot bath with .
CtrricuKA Soap and a single anointing with
CuTicim Ointment. A blessing to skin tor
tured infante and worn-out, worried nareuts.
irMmryrhm. "OAr. Je.iOmniiiT.IV!. .Pnr-
l. amd U. Cvar Crop., Button. Send ferWp. bouk.lifaE.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver
is sluggish and your bowels clogged. Ds.
Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the
whole system. They never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells.
Uniformed S. P. Porters.
The Southern Pacific Co. intends,
shortly, to uniform its pasrenger attend
ants at the Oakland pier and San Fran
cisco depot.
They will wear dark blue suits and
bright red caps with abroad black band
bearing in gold letters the words, "S. P.
Co. Porter," so that they may be readily
distinguished. Tbcir duties will be to
assiet passengers in every way possible,
directing them to proper trains, boat en
trances, etc., helping ladies and children
without escort on and off trains, and
showing .such attention to the traveling
public as will tend to make them a pop
ular feature in the serviee.
Examination for County Certificates
Notice is hereby given that for the pur
pose of making an examination of all
persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county superintendent
thereof will hold a public examination at
his office in - Corvallis, commencing
Wednesday, April 10, at nine o'clock a.
m., and continuing until Friday, April 12,
at four o'clock p. m. "
Wednesday Penmansnip, history, or
thography and reading..
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar and school law.
Friday Geography, mental arith
metic, physiology and civil government.
Commencing Wednesday, April 10, at
nine o'clock a. m.,and continuing . unti
Thursday, April 11, at four o'clock p. m.:
Wednesday Penmanship,' ortography
and reading. .-' -
Thursday ;Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, and methods.' ,
Dattd this 26th day of March, 1901. '
.. . G. W. Denmax, "
.-. r County School Sopt.
Executor's Sale of Real Property,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of authority
and direction to me given by the last will and testa
meat of James . Fisk, late of Benton county, state
Of Oregon, deceased, 1 will on Saturday, the 4th day
ef May, 191, at the hour 8 o'clock in the afternoon of
that day at the front door ef- the - court house, in
corvallis, Beaten county,- Oregon, offer for sale at
public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in
nana, au tne ngnt title ana interest that said de
ceased at the time ot his death had in or to the
following described real preperty towit: -
"Beginning at a point oa tbe east boundary line
(132.64) one hundred thirty-two and 64-100 rods
norm rrom tne soutn east comer of the Dcnatkm
Land Claim of Waman St, Clair and Mahals J.
St. Clair, it being claim number forty-seven (47),
notification number six thousand feur hundred ant-
forty 6440J, in township twelve 12 south range
six 6 we3t of Will Mer; thence southerly along the
east boundary line of said claim to the north line
ef tbe Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad Com
pany's riyht of way; thence southwesterly along
w uuniMnrjr iiu vi sain ngnii oi way te tne east
line of K. Whitehead's tract of land; thence north
along said eabt Use to the northeast corner of the
E. Whitehead tract of land; thence westerly aloDg
.iiv uurm uouduuv line oi saia tract OI isna to
the southeast comer of the lot or parcel of land
hereinbefore (said will) devisci to Rosetta A.
Buchanan; thence north along the east boundary
line of said lot ef land to the north boundary line
of my (James E. Fisk's) said farm or tract of land
88.75 rods; thence easterly along said nerth bound
ary line to tne place ol beginning 70.47 rods, con
taining 36 acres of land more or less in Benten
county, state of Oregon," said tract of land belong
ing to said deceased at tbe time of his death. The
proceeds oi saia sale to be applied to the payment ef
expenses of last Bickness of said deceased, funeral
expenses, expenses of administration and claims
against the estate of said deceased, tbe residue, if
any, to be paid to the . widow of said deceased.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 5th dav of April, 1901
Sole surviving executor of said last will and Testa
ment ox wames js. run, aeceased. : - -
rhe first National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK, President. ;
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
On all kinds of approved security, and especially
nets enterprises and industries of this country.
Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreign Exchange
Siffht exchanre and transfers sold Available In
me principal cities et sngiana, Ireland, Switzer
land, Prance, Belgium. Holland,- Norway, Swed
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spam, Portugal, Ger-
Letters of Credit . ,
Issued available in the principal cities ot the
United States. .' . . ..
Principal Correspondents Upon 'Whcin "Wi
Sell Sight Exchange
The Commercial National Bank of Chicapo.
The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. :
Anglc-Californian Bank, Ban Francisco: calif
The National City Bank New York.
Tm Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n.
Importers & Trader's National Bank. New York.
6hoa and Leatiier National Bank of Boston, Mass
Fh.llade)phi Nattenalpaukpf Philadelphia, Pa
Of Portland, Oregon, . ..
Owns Sixty Acres of the Best Oil Lands in California, is Incor
porated under the Laws of Oregon; Stock is
GUARANTEED Stock at 20 cents per ehare; COMMON Stock at
10 cents rer share. Company composed of responsible business men of
Portland. PAR. VALUE sfl 00 PER SHARE.
15 UY NOW and take advantage of rise in price which is sure to
follow. Active operations have already begun. Oil will be struck with
in four months. Book of company are always OPEN TO INSPECTION
Or Jers for stock should be aocompanied with draft or money order.
Many similar stocks have advanced to $10 and $20 per share. No cer
tificates will be isiuod for lets than one hundred shares.
For all further particulars and prospectus, write to
L. Y. KEADY & CO.,
110 Sherlock Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
It is well to remember that you
can cover Benton County
horoughly JJlbyplacing
your advertisement in the
They get Proper Display, Proper Position
and Proper Treatment.
Oitr Clubbing List.
Subscribers to the VaaK-TTn- .
obtain the following papers in combinatiun sub
scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very lo
prices stated below; cash in adance always tr, ao
con pany- the order. Those wishing two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE, will pleaso
correspond with this office and we will quote you
. ...... p, ...o. can save yoa money on
nearly all publications yeu desire.
The abbreviations below are explained as follows:
; , i eemi-rweeKiy; r w, lor tri
weekly; M, for monthly; S Mfor semi.uohthlv.
. The first price represents the" subscription rate of
the-pTrbhcatioirialoiie) and ,be second the rate-for
the Rubhcation offered in" conjuuetich ith the
uregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Po.t- ou cents; 91.8U.- -
L Oregonian, Portland, Or., W M.50; 2.55. :
Kural Spirit, Portland, Or , Cftntalns a live-stock
PaciSc Christiin (. Advocate, Portland, Or'.. W.
$2.00. 8.05.- . . : - '-rr '- ..
The Thriee-a-Weel i V&d, New York. T. W .
Il.oo; 2.20. - r-r,..
Homestead, Des Moines. Iowa, A thorough stock
....... journal, rr .. .uu;;i..iu.
The Republic, St. Louis,, Mo S. W., $1.00; 2.05.
.la American r'urmer, Indianapolis. Ind., Live
lanoana poultry journal, M., 50 cents; 1.65.
Jne uosmopolitan Magazine, New York, M.,
and Atlas of the World, ' bound in cloth, 5B pages of
... .-O.l.
The Outing Hagaxine, New York, JL, $3,00; a80.
Paeifie Homestead, Salem, Of., w;,-$1.00; 2.30.
vregon rouitry - Journal, Salem, Or.. M . 50
cents; 1.80. . .
i Os" PlthB,lde,' DjS'rict of Columbia, W., $1.00;
i? D.'?r,ler' Vew York. Standard Fashions; M.,
American Agriculturist, Chicago. 111., includina-
COTIV Of Ynr Rnrtt n. V,- A. , .? S
- oiuiwinv, " . , fl.UU,
2.""' Fidd nd r'de. Chieaga, III.. W., $L00;
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St Louis, has ne riva
as great modem newspaper, T. W , Jl.oo; 2 15.
The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chicago, W., $1.00; 1.90.
wTJn People's Weekly, Chicago, I1L, W., 60 cents;
Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W.,' $1.00; 2 05.
- The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden . Ill M
50 cents; $1 7s. -.. '.. , ' -
Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, S. W..
50 cents; 1.76.
Women's Bomn nMnijiniaii
Springaeld, Ohio,
$1.00; 2,15. .
Lippincott's Mairaz inn
Philadelphia, Pa., M.,
$2.60; 3.25. , '
rfTm1?111 Musie SOTe D-ince), Kew York,
The Centuiy Majfaziae, New York, M.,5100; 6.05.
Sfl.?,,lpto"d,lte dau-y journal in the world, W..-
fl.UUf &30a
Table Talk, Philadelphia, M.. $100: 115. ...
American Hompa. - RnnTviiia - t.. -at a-, nn.
2.30. -.aat ACUU., iH., .Wi
Boston Cook!
j " a"-aJMo, Ai-jn., ov inmu;
McClure'a Magazine, Kew York, M., $1.00; 2.40.
Twice-a-Wek Courier .Tcnrn.l t.,;jh ir
I?!J?f ih P 'roM the great South, T. w"
'I had piles so bad t conld get no rent
aor find a cure until I tried DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Alter usinir it once.
I forgot I ever had anything like piles."
u. Boice, Sotners Point, N. Y. : Look
out tor imitations. Be sure vou ask for
DeWitt's. Graham & "Wells'. "
Dyspepsia Ours
Digests what yoc eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestanta and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive.
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
t can't he'-v---:v'i'v-;.'-'
! " f but do vou oood
Prepared only by E. 0. DeWiti & Co., Chicago
Aneti.DotuecontainsSH times the 50c size.
Ceahan & Wells.
Notice to Crtditors.
Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator of the estate of
Thomas Wyatt, deceased, by the county court of
Benton county. Oregon. AH persons hariiur claims
against saiu estate are hereby notified to present
the same, duly verified, together with the proper
Vouchers, to me S.t the law nrTW of RrvKnn A
son in Corvallis, Benton eounty, Oregon, within six
momnH irom me aate oi mis notice.
Dated Una 1st day of March A. D, 1901. :
Administrator of said Kstate.
. Notice for Publication. r
Land Offick a-T Oregon City, Oregon,
vi ? . Mareh 9, 1901.
Kotiua Ib hereby given that the following
nanied seitler has filed notice of hla intention
to make final proof in support ef his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benten County, at Corvallis, Oregon,
ou April 22, 1901, viz:
H. E. No. 11838, for the NEJ, Section 32, T il
South, Range 7 West. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: T.
Abner Woods. George Woods, Thomas Mulkey,
llvarow Mulkey, all ol Blodgett, Oregon.
- ' ' . Register.
Notice for Publication.
TJjutkb Btatks Lakd Office,
. - Oregen City. Ortgen, Deo. 19, ISC.
Notice is hereby given that In cen.pliance with the
provision: of an act of Conertts of June S, 1878, en
titled "All act for the sale of timber landa in the
States of California. Oregon, Notada, and Washing
ton Territory," aa extended to all the Fublic Land
States by act ef August , 1892,
Of Fall City, eocnty of Talk, State of Oregen, has
this day bled inthia office his worn statement No
6333. for the purchase of tho N. i M. W. 1-4, N. 1
N. B. 1-4 of Section Ne. 84. in Township No. 12 S
Range No. 7 W.. and will offr proof to show that
the land sought is ip ore valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricnltural purposes, and to- estab
lish his claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregen City, Oregon, en
Friday, the 8th day ef March, 1901. Be names as
witnesses: Uichael Flynn, Freeman- Robinson.
Peter Miller and Alvin bobinson, all of Falls City,
Oregon. - :
Any and all nersens claiming advemelv thA .Wim.
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or tefore said 8th dav of March 1901.
' Register,
Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies
- Corvallis, Oregon.
Established, . , Incorporated, 1898.
The most complete line of" Pure Drugs
Chemicals in Corvallis, -.
Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa
pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Artlcla, ,
. Combs, Brushes and Mirrors.
Pocket Knives, Scissors Fine Cutlery
- Manager of Perscription Departmemt, -T.
A. JONES. Registered,
Special Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Uuivcrsi-
ty, Indiana .
Those famous little pills, DeWilt's Lit
tie Early Risers will remove all impuri
ties, irom your system, tteanse vour
bowels, make them regular. Graham &
Wells,, - :;;';j -.. r -
'"I have been troubled with indigestion-
for ten years, have tried man'v
things and spent- money to no purpose
until I tried Kodol Dy spepsia Cure,
I have taken two bottles; . and gotten
more relief from tbem than all other
medicine taken. I feel more like a boy
than I have felt in twenty years. An
derson Bigee,' cf Sunny LaDe, Texas'."
Thousands tave testified as did Mr.
Biggs. Graham & Wells,
Southern Pacific Companv.
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
arid way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland 8 :80 a m
Ly Alhany 12:30 p m
At AshJfttnl -12:33 am'
Ar Sacramento -5 .00 p m
Ar San Francisco-7 :4o p m
3 :30 p m
10-M p m
11 :3l) a ta
4 :35 a m
9.30 a ii
Ar Ogdeo.- 5:45 p m
Ar Denver 9:00 a m
Ar Kansas 0itv 7 :25 a m
Ar Chicago 7t55am
11 :45 a m
9:00 a rr
7 :25 a m
Ar Log Angeles. 1 ;20 p m
Ar El Paso 6:80 p m
Ar Fort Werth- 6:88 a m
Ar City of Mexieo 8 :85 a m
Ar HoBfttOB 4 :00 a ru
Ar New Orieana 6 :23 a m
Ar Washington 6 :42 a m
Ar New York 12 :43 pm
7:00 am
6:00 p m
6:80 a tn
4:00 am
6:S5p tn
6:42 km
12:48 p ffi
both trains. - Ohair cars Sacramento to
Ogden and EI Paso, and Tourist Cars to
Chicago, St Loais, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu Japan,
China, Philippines, Central and South
See P. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis
station, or address
G. B. MA RKHAM. G. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Dentistry of rtry dpsnrlptiau done In first
class manner, fend satisfaction guar-
6See over Zlerolf 'a grocery store, orpos--
me post omce, (.G.-vaiire. uregon.
Specialties Diseases of women and
children ; also deformities and all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidental Hotel Monday. Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 5 :30 p. in.
B. A. ATHEY, M. D.
Physician Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
) 10 to E2 a, m.
J 2 to 4 p. m.
Office HOUTB
Residence : Gornei College and 8tli
Telephone at efEcfe and residence. '
Corva'fis, - - - - Oregon.
Office Corssr 3rd ar.d Monroe streets
Hodes 9 to 1.2; 2 to 6 ; 7 to 8; Sun
day S t 10. . '"
Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Telephone S15, at residence.
Physician Surgeon
Veterinary Surgeon
Residence in Block SO, Job's Addition,
vervains, urejon.
Orders snay be lelt at Graham & Wor
tham's drugstore. . -
Practice in ;all State and Federal Court.
Office inp' National Bunk Btiiltling.
Bryson Sr Woodson
Corvallis, Oregon.
Office la Postoffice Building;.
OIBc la Wbltehorn Blork
Corvallis, Oregon.
Does a general and. conservative banking
business. -
...EGGS... .
. . White and Earred.
- From prize win nine ttock, second to
none on Pacific coast, . Egcs, $1 60 a set
ting of fifteen at yard, or 00 if. packed.
. . - J.U. UOPNiKG, Uorvallis. Ur.
Montana, Utak, Colerado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two faverite routes, via
the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Seeuie Lines.
Look at the Time . .
1 J2 days to Salt Lake
s days to Denver
iy2 days to Chicago
4 days to New York
Free RcHlng Chair Cars, U6liolstre4
"Psmrlst SleejriBr; Can, ttk foil a an
PMae S'eepers, operRln! n sfl
For farther rnibiniatiea, aV (
GEO. R EG LIS, Afetit, 5srvm., Or.
6. 0. TftRRY, W. Jt. COMAS.
tvv Jass. Agt CB1 kfut
154 Third St., Portlac, br.
Corvallis & Eastern Rattrsad.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m.
" Corvallis 1:50 p.m.
" arrive? Yaquina 6:43 p. in.
1 Returning:
Leavea Yaquina. . . . 6:10 a. tn.
Leaves Co'vallis. . . . 11:30 a. m.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Albany. 7:(,) a, n,
Arriyes Detioit .... 11:20 4. m.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit ..... 12:10 p. ra.
Arrives Albany.... 5:45 p. ib.
One and two connect, at Albany
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service to and
from Newport and adjacent
Trains for tbe mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample time to
reach camping grounds On the
Breitenbush and Santiatn river, the
same dav.
EdwinStonk, .
II. L. Walden, Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
U. II. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis.
FOB from Portland, FROM
: a- f , :
vtu 7 Salt Lfke, Denver,
Portlaud FtWonh, Omaha
Special- Kansaa CitVi st.l :30 p.m.
via Sun- Loois, Chieage!
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 1
Express Ft-Worth, Omalia,
9p. Bi. Kansas City, St- 8:10 a.m.
via Hun- Louis, Chicago and
lington. East .
e. p . Walla Walla. Lew- r (,-.
t- tVt ' -i iston, Spokane, . -
tastMail MiuneHpr0iiB, St. , M "
6 :00 p.m. Mi vQl MU. 7 :00 a.mj
cu wankee, Chicago, ?
Spokane and EaBt.
Through Pullman- and TourisS'eepers
Ocean and Eiver Schedule.
All sailing dates!
subject to change.
For San Francisco,
8 p. m.
4 p. tn.
Sail everv five days
from April 2d.
Ex. Sun,
8. p. m.
10 p. m.
Columbia River
To Astoria & ay
landing. 4 p. ru.
Willamette River.
Ex. Sun
6 a. 111.
4:30 p. m.
Oregon City, New-
lierjr, Salem, lnne
peiulence and way
0 a. m .
4:30 p.m.
Corvallis and Way-
. Lanomgs.
and Fri
day. ;
7 a. m.
T uesday,
T hursd'y
3:30 p.m.
Oregen City, Day
day and
ton & Way-land s.
rnday. -
3-40 a. m,
Snake Eiver.
Lewis ton
Ripuria to Lewis's.
A. L CBAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent,
" A. P. TAPSCOTT, Agent,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Ukitkb States Lak Omen,
Oregon City, Oregon, Irch, i, 1H1.
Notice is Lerebv Kiven that in compliance with th
provisicrui of the act of Congress f Jnhe 8, IS?!,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in ta
States of Califcmia, Oreeon, rx-vada, aid Wash
ington Territory," as extendtd to all the Pnblie
Land States by act of August 4, 1S9!.
of Mi-nmiith, countv of Folk, ttate of Oreucn, has
this cla filed in this office her tom statcirint Ko.
5853, fur ttu porchase of ol NhJ andhJofSKJ
olSeotiuq No 2 111 Township No IS South, kang-e No
7 west and will offer proof Ui show that the land
sought i hiore valuable for its timber or frtone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establh h her claim
to saiA lanl" before the lte-istcr and Kecoiver of thia
office at Oregon City, Creai.n, 011 Vt eonetday, tht
29th day "V. 1901. the umeau Kitnctses:
Michael G. Flynn, of Fall City, 1 oik Co., Or, Jaa II.
Flvnn cf Konniouth, Polk Co., Or., Samuel W.
EwinV. of Fall Citv, Polk lo., Or, John W. Hyda,
of Philomath, Benton Co , Or.
Anv and all peitons claiming adreirel.r tbe asT
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on l) .eiore said 2Mtta day of Bay,
fSil til AS. B. MOORE8.,
Rotlce of Final Settl6nst.
Knb't. la herebr cirta that the unCerdcned execs-;
tor of tbe estate of Martha J. Itice, ontisid, t.aa
filed his nal account in raid estate In tie Coualy
Cenrt of tbe Stat of Orefea, tor Benton County,
littlnr in probate, and Saturdsj, lie Itb Dtj ef
v.h..n loci atlOe'elock a. an., at tbe Court
House in Corvallis, Orefen, Is the time and (rise
Cxerf by the Court for hearing bjecttons, If any, M
taid final account and tbe aeitknent thereof.
Dated January.ll, 1CC1. ' , .
Cbasls I. Bica,
- - Kzrcutor.