Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 09, 1901, Image 1

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5?LLF :? . I fnnenlMatort Poh 4SQQ
uaihie Kstsb. uec. 1S6Z- ) vuuuwiiuiuuu ioih, iua.
n a ri m
V Oli. I. NO. SO.
We long for a peace that is lasting.
We plead for a rapture that's' rare,
Like fishermen ceaselessly casting
Their nets in the gulf of despair.
We draw from deep waters of sorrow
Dark wrecks of old failure and fear.
And out of sea silence we borrow
. The storm that will never come near.
Faith speeds past the footsteps of Duty,
And halts at the door of a tomb;
Thought pierces the source of all beauty
And returns unto dust 'tis the doom
Of each man-child to strive and to won-
To plan for some positive gain;
And only find mysteries under
All life, be it pleasure or pain.
Lo, in realms of the mini there is, treas
ure For toilers who dwell in content;
There is truth that no science can meas
ure. And the fearless are never forspent;
There is light when earth shadows are
There's reward for the deeds that are
Where envy crowned virtues are calling:
"Through faith is thy victory won!"
I A Regular Proposal.
HT was a drizzling May morning, a
left-over April day, and the hurry
ing crowds at the Grand Central
Station were redolent of wet rubber
and woolen.
One only In the crowd seemed indif
ferent to the. weather a man who
walked listlessly along the platform,
back and forth, heedless whether the
roof sheletered him or not.
Now and then he glanced at his
watch and then tapped Impatiently
with his umbrella. Already he had
smoked three cigars and tried in vain
to sit In the waiting room reading.
Nothing eased his impatience like this
steady tramping.
Once he encountered a familiar face
and raised his hat with a hurried
"How d'ye do?"
"That's young Averill, old Tom
Averlll's son," explained Tils acquaint
ance fo a companion, and the two
just on a -no :r, dsah.
turned and looked after the young man
as he continued: "Immensely rich, but
an odd. stick."
The impatient man was Tom Averill,
Jr., and his behavior during' the ensu
ing half hour was certainly odd. The
Chicago train pulled in and Tom Aver
,111 stopped his walk and hurried down
to thp train chod ir, moot if and aoori
ni.ii.uiuj, iuc uaoocugeig Willi SI I j 11 1U1Y
eye, running from car to car till it fell
-On a party of three a young man, a
middle-aged woman and a very pretty
girl. His eyes brightened, his color
rose and he bolted into the station,
out at the front door and nearly anni
hilated a small street urchin In his vio
lent haste to reach a cab.
. Giving cabby an address and step
ping quickly in, he turned and threw a
fresh-lighted cigar at the feet of the
street urchin. The boy grasped the
prize and remarked sententiously,
. "Wheels!"
The cab stopped before the door of
some luxurious bachelor apartments
and Tom Averill hurried to the eleva
tor, rushing out at the second landing
and quite startled his man, who was
sponging an overcoat
"Take that evil smell Into the bath
room, will you, Martin?" he cried, and
hustled his servant out, slamming the
door behind him.
"Well," he remarked smilingly to his
shaving mirror, "the Uptons came, and
to-morrow night I shall call on her
brother. Now how shall I manage it?"
he mused; "make a clean breast of
what I am and all about me and wind
. X . ....... i
Dick first. I bUDDOse. and cet him' to
-ask her downstairs and leave us alone.
j.nen when we are alone, h'm guess
I'll get up a regular proposal and see
r.jiow it sounds:"
' He examined the doors, to make sure
i. auvj wvic uuiu etuui auu locKea, sat
" down and addressed an imaginary per
son by his side. -"Dear
Miss Upton (guess I won't say
' Marguerite), I want to tell you all
about my life, if you care to listen. I
. was born thirty-two years ago, and as
nearly as I can guess no one was eimi
to see me. My mother died, at my
birth, and I am told that my father
: -would not even see me till I was six
months old.
'. "Very little time or attention he gave
' me after that; -or so It appeared to me.
I was left to the care of servants dur
ing my babyhood, and hustled off to a
boarding school as soon as 1 was old
enough. At home the old housekeeper
.called me the 'oddest child she ever la
bored with,' and the maids all shunned
-: me.' The only childhood friends I re
member with any pleasure are the
stable boy and a three-legged terrier
"From boarding school I went to col
lege, wnere l stayed three years. My
allowance was so scant that I would
not have been able to cut much of a
swell if I had wished to. I believe my
sole ambition was to get through col
lege so as to see what life had for me
"Near the end of my junior year I re
ceived a telegram saying my father
was dying. I went home at once, but
too late to find him alive. As I looked
on his dead face I realized for the first
time that I had utterly missed being
a son.
"Then I heard nfy father talked of,
and knew that I was the son of a good
man, and grieved to think that I had
never really known him. The family
resemblance between us came out
strong and came to me as a new and
startling thing, for with the lines
smoothed out and with the youthful
look death sometimes brings, the dead
face was almost like my own.
"The day after father's funeral I met
his attorney and learned from him
that I was a rich man, rich beyond any
thing I ever dreamed of, and I blamed
my father for keeping me so scant
when he had so much money; but in
looking over some of his papers I found
some notes that were very precious to
me. They were his rules of life, and
among them was this: 'Keep the boy
short of money. He Is safer. There
will be time to learn of his wealth and
how to use it during our trip abroad
"Well, I went abroad soon after that
and lived a wandering life for ten
years. I had not learned how to use
money and I wasted a good deal 'learn
ing,' but there was so much it hardly
"I lived fairly simply and studied
some, but I was restless always. The
only thing that kept me from going
wrong was a natural distaste for boor
ish pleasures. No woman attracted
me, though 1 met many that are called .
beautiful. I didn't gamble or drink he-
cause I wasn't a 'good fellow' enough
to nave invitations to carousals. I
heard one fellow say that 'riiv nose
went up too easy.'
"Two years ago my lawyer called
me home to decide some Important
business and asked me to dinner at his
home. It was that nlcrht that i fnnmi
my lawyer was your father, and that
you were, well, what you are, and that
I liked to be as near rou as nossihle
i don't trunk I really fell in love
with you that night, but I was anxious
to see you again soon. I decided to live
in New York, and fitted up bachelor
apartments and settled down. ' I had
no idea tha,t 1 ever should tell you I
loved you, bnt I wanted to be near at
nana. So I cultivated Dick's acquaint
ance. You needn't tell Dick I made use
of him, because his friendship is one of
ine Dest tnings in my life.
'But just at first, before I knew him
much, I played on his love of fine pic
tures to get him over here to "my
rooms, and offered to help him with his
photographic prints in order that I
mignt oe up m nis dark room when you
were sitting in the next room. We used
to hear your voice there while we
worked, and nearly always you came
to see the prints, and help pin them up
to dry.
"I was very happy In those days, and
if I could get Dick to tell me anything
about you I did. He always thought
you a frightful flirt, and always enjoy
ed relating your escapades with the
High School boys; but he always
wound up by saying: 'But she don't
care a rap for any one of them. Mar
guerite will marry a steady old chap
some day, and a dandy little wife she'll
make him.' Then Dick would slap me
on the back, and I would gef red in the
face. Dick must have seen that I cared
for you.
"I suppose I should have let things
slip along this way forever if you
hadn't gone West, but when Dick told
me you and he and your mother were
going West for the winter I knew that
1 must act some time. I must have you
for my own, so that people' couldn't
carry you off whenever and wherever
they pleased. I tried to ask you then,
but I was always tongue-tied whenever
Dick left us alone, as he often did
those last few weeks.
"I finally let you go with that one
whisper at the station, 'Good-by, dear."
You blushed, but you didn't take your
hand away, and though your lips said
good-by to all In the little group that
came to see you off, your eyes said,
good-by to mo alone.
"So I have waited and hoped all
these months,, and Dick has kept up
my courage with his letters. : He has
told me many stories of young ranch
men who have fallen a victim to your
charms, but always wound up the same
way. 'She don't care a pin for any of
them and will marry old steady, after
"So now I have come to claim you,
dear (good place to take her hand), and
ask you to be my wife. She ought to
say something by this time, either yes
or no, and then I sha'n't know what to
do "
And Tom fell into a haze of dream
ing till -Martin timidly announced din
ner. '
The next evening Tom dressed care
fully, and walked slowly to the Up
tons', He walked by the house once,
but, coming back, he spied Dick at an
upper window, and with a long-drawn
breath and a tightening of the whole
nervous system he ran up the steps
and rang the bell.
The man ushered him in and he ask
ed for Miss Upton. He had not meant
to ask for her, but was rehearsing his
proposal, and that was the way It be
gan. The man was gone, anyhow, and
so it couldn't be helped. Dick would
probably come down when he saw the
card, even if he hadn't seen him from
the window, so "It" would be delayed
for an hour.
-Perhaps he wouldn't ask her to-night
It might be too soon; he would see how
she received him. There was no hurry;
she wouldn't be going West again soon.
He had never asked for her alone before.-
What would she think? There
was only one Interpretation that he
wanted to see her alone. Well, so he
did, and he would ask her to-day.
He walked restlessly up and down
the little reception room, conning the
speech till a rustle of skirts made him
stop abruptly In the middle of the
room, with his eyes fixed on the door.
It opened in an instant, and a dainty
little maid stood framed in the door
way. Her brown eyes met Tom's
bravely and happily, and before he
knew what he was doing he had open
ed his arms and she had come straight
to him.
"Hello, dear," she whispered, laugh
ing saucily. "Is that all the love-making
you know? Just one word dear.
And you never wrote even that one all
these months. How do you expect a
girl to know you love her when you act
so? I shouldn't have if I hadn't read
all Dick's letters. Dear old Dick! He
told me all you had said about me, and
of course I knew." -. - I
An hour later Tom was sitting on the
divan holding Marguerite's hand. Dick
sat on the other side, and Mr. and Mrs.
Upton had chairs drawn near, and all
formed a happy family group, but not
one word had Tom uttered of his pro
posal. Utica Globe.
How the Gamins Capital of the World
Began. -
Monaco and Mdnte Carlo were always
more orless confused in my mind until
I came here, and possibly they may be
in yours. Monaco is the name of the
kingdom as well as of the capital and
chief town, and Monte Carlo is a sepa
rate town, lying also on the coast of the
Mediterranean. The two places were
originally about a mile apart but the
single street along the shore which con-
nects them has been so built up that
now they are practically one, and It is
hard to tell when you are in Monte Car
lo and when you cross the line into
Monaco. Monaco is the old town, with
dwellings and shops and castles and
dirt and a market place like any other
small European city, but Monte Carlo
Is new, and lives entirely upon the Ca
sino. There are few dwelling houses
in it few shops, few permanent resi
dents beyond the hotel and Casino em
ployes, and even the Casino men live
mostly In Monaco, where rents are
cheaper. Monte Carlo consists chiefly
of the Casino and its appurtenances, a
group of hotels, a railway station and a
very handsome arched stone railway
Here are the Maritime Alps, rising al
most out of the back yards of both
places, the sea in front no bits of ar
able land bigger than flower beds, no
manufactures, no chance for any In
dustries beyond fishing and retailing
groceries, if you take away the gaming
tables. It was a strong temptation, no
doubt to their little majesties of Mona
co to go in for anything that promised
to bring money into the country. And
the winter climate was the best in Eu
rope, and therefore suitable for a great
winter resort The gambling industry
was begun here in 1856, but only in a
small way. Then, four years later, a
person named Blanc, who had been ex
pelled from Homburg, came here and
developed it At present the gaming
tables support everything. The Casino
Company pays the prince $250,000 a
year for the concession. This is a stock
company of the ordinary kind, like any
mining or insurance company, with
shares that can be bought in the mar
ket and that pay such handsome divi
dends that they command always a
high premium. So, if you are a million
aire, as I hope you are, and would like
to be in a position to dictate to a real
prince, you need only come over to
Monaco and buy enough shares in this
company. They are $100 shares, and
sell at present at about $300, I believe.
Wm. Drysdale in . New York Times.
The Strength of Ice.
Two-inch ice will sustain a man or
properly spaced Infantry; four-Inch ice
will carry a man on horseback, or cav
alry, gt light guns; six-inch icey heavy
field guns, such as eighty-pounders;
eight-inch Ice, a battery of artillery,
with carriages and horses, but not over
1,000 pounds per square foot on sledges ;
and ten-Inch, ice sustains an army or an
tnumerable multitude. On fifteen-inch
Ice, a railway could be built and two
foot thick ice will withstand the impact
of a loaded railway carriage, after a
a sixty-foot fall (or, perhaps 1,500 foot
tons). Trautwine gives the crushing
strength of firm Ice as 167 to 250 pounds
per square inch.
Colonel Ludlow, In his experiments In
1881, on six to twelve-inch cubes, found
292 to 889 pounds for pure hard ice, and
222 to 820 pounds for inferior grades,
and on an American river 700 pounds
for clear Ice and 400 pounds or less for
the ice near the rpouth, where It is
more or less disintegrated by the action
of salt water, etc. Experiments of
Gzowski gave 208 pounds; those of
others, 310 to 320 pounds. The tensile
strength was found by German xperi
ments to be 142 to 223 pounds per
square inch. The average specific gra
vity of ice Is 0.92. In freezing, water
increases In volume from 1-9 to 1-18, or
an average of 1-11; when floating, 11-12
is immersed.
River of Ink.
In Algeria a river of ink is formed by
the conjuction of two streams, one of
which is impregnated with iron, and
the other, which drains a peat bog.
with gallic acid. The mixture of the
Iron and the acid results In Ink. -
The success of a jest -often depends
upon the digestion of your audience.
For The
Uncle Sam'a Midnight I.an4 Deal.
One of the best bargains ever made
by Uncle Sam was that of the purchase
of Alaska from Russia In 1867. The
Czar had been most friendly toward
our country during the Civil War. and
when Uncle Sam offered to buy his im
mense possessions In northwestern
America he gave the matter favorable
consideration. He had planted forts
and trading posts in many parts of this
territory and had got to calling it the
"outpost of St Petersburg," but he
knew that Uncle Sam was growing into
one of the foremost rulers of the earth
and he wished to keep his good will.
Then, too, Alaska would be difficult to
defend in war time, and the Czar had
always made a point of keeping his
domains joined closely, annexing only
such territory as lay directly upon his
borders. So. after he had thought It
over, he offered to sell for 810,000,000.
True to his dickering instinct, Uncle
Sam held out for $5,000,000. -"Split the
difference," proposed the Czar; "say
seven and a half.JJ "Seven millions,"
insisted Uncle Sam, "Done," , decided
the Czar, as lightly as though it had
been a pair of old shoes. The Russian
Fur Company, however, wanted $200,
000 for its interest in the territory, and
Uncle Sam agreed to pay it
Nothing remained but the signing of
the treaty, and this was done at mid
night on March 26, 1867, at Washing
ton. Uncle Sam's Secretary, Mr. Sew
ard, was playing whist in his parlor
that night when the Czar's representa
tive, Minister Stoeckl, was ushered In.
"I have a dispatch, Mr. Seward, from
my government by cable. The Czar
gives his consent to the cession. To
morrow, if you like, we will sign the
Mr. Seward laid down his cards.
"Why wait until to-morrow, Mr.
Stoeckl? Let us make the treaty to
night" .
"But you haye no clerks, and my
secretaries are scattered about town."
"Never mind that" replied Mr. Sew
ard. "If you can muster your secre
taries before midnight you will find me
awaiting you . at the Department of
State' ':; ; X- '
... And so at midnight light was stream
ing from the windows of 'the Depart
ment of State,; and the place was busy
with writers,- secretarles..and engross
ers. , At 4 o'clock. Jn. the morning the
treaty was finished engrossed, signed,
sealed' and ready -for sending to the
President and. th Senate. And the next
day the Senate ratified the transaction,
and the immense country of Alaska,
with its hidden gold, passed within the
limits of the United States for the price
of two warships."
Nine Men's Morris. ,
This interesting little game is play
ed by two persons on a board marked
with the diagram here , .shown, and
buttons, beans or grains of corn of two
colors may be used as men. .Cch
player has nine pieces, none of wfilch
are on the board at the opening of the
game. - ... ;
The players take turns in placing
their men, one at a time, at the points
where the lines meet each other, and
after all have been put on in moving
them from one spot to the next in any
direction along the lines. Each player's
object, both in placing the men and
moving them, is to form a row of three
of his own pieces, and whenever this
Is done he may take from the board
one of his opponent's pieces, but he
must not disturb a row of three if there
is any other than he can take. He who
lanes on all the hostile pieces wins.
Sometimes when a player has lost all
his men but three he is allowed t
"hop" that is, to play a man to any
vacant spot on the board. The player
must avoid crowding his men toeether
and place them on or near the
comers of the board, at the same time
trying to block his ODDonent as woll na
to get his own men Into line. When
possible it should be arranged to make
more than one line In successive mmu
when by moving one man backward
and forward two lines can alternate.! v
be made and broken.
How Animal Rank In Wisdom.
The monkey is the most intelligent
animal. Poodle dogs come next; then
in order the Indian elephant, bear, lion.
tiger, cat ana otter. Ants, bees and
spiders are more Intelligent than
horses and goats, and the wild rabbit
has considerably more brain power
than the camel. Tame rabbits come
almost last In the list, and -have less
intelligence than the frog, . The lowest
form in the animal school is occupied
by the nautilus, octopus, python, tame
pigeon, deer, sheep, buffalo and bison.
The intelligence of all thes
has been very accurately determined
by a well-known scientist, who has
spent the whole of his life on the work.
Instinct is not taken Into consideration.
Intelligence is only to be measured by
the manner in which unexpected diffi
culties are overcome.
The spider, for instance, will con
struct Its web In almost any position,
and if it cannot find any natural object
to which It can attach the supports it
will construct little weights of mud,
and place them at the lower parts of
the web to keep It in position.
Bees will construct their honeycombs
in any 'place regularly or irregularly
shaped, and. when they come to any
corners and angles they seem to stop
and consider. Then they will vary the
shape of the cells, so that the space Is
exactly filled. It could not be done
more satisfactorily if the whole thing
had been worked out on paper before
hand. Ants will construct hard and
smooth roads, and will drive tunnels
compared to which man's efforts In
making penny tubes are Insignificant
Kins; Who was Ma 'e a Scullion,
Here is an obscure little story from
that very large book, the history of
England: In 1497, during the reign of
Henry VII., a young map appeared in
Ireland, announced himself as Edward
Plantagenet and claimed the right to
the English throne. Some discontented
noblemen took up his cause, formally
crowned him, proclaimed him "King
Edward VI." and set out toward Lon
don with 8,000 followers to make good
his heirship. The rebellion lasted until
the town of Stoke was reached. Then
the rebel forces met an army sent out
against them by King Henry, opposed
it and were defeated and scattered.
"King Edward VI.," with a priest nam
ed Simons, was caught and taken to
London, where it was found that his
real name was Lambert Simnel. King
Henry, who had a keen sense of econ
omy and perhaps of the ridiculous
cast Simons, the true conspirator, into
prison, and set his pretending brother
monarch to scouring pots in the royal
A Fearlen Yonth,
A brave and fearless heart beats
within the breast of a young East Bos
ton lad named Edward Ryan. Recent
ly, while standing near the foot of
Liverpool street, he saw a runaway
horse dashing down the street, and
knew that In a moment it would en
danger the lives of two small boys.
Without assistance he rushed to where
the boys were sitting, near the curb,
unconscious of danger, and pulled both
just out of the course of the runaway,
The act was bravely done, and none
too soon, for the- vehicle attached to
the runaway passed over young Ryan's
foot. The injury was slight, however,
and in a short time the young man bad
His action was witnessed by only a
few people, but those who saw It say
that Ryan .is, a young hero.
Too Smart an Uncle.
To measure all things by the little
yardstick of our own experience Is a
most unsympathetic and sometimes un
kind method. ' Forward tells of a small
boy who pronounced judgment upon
this peculiarity of his elders.
"I caught, him all myself mother, I
did!" he cried. "A big fellow, so long!"
The eager little hands measured an
uncertain length, that might have be
longed to anything from a minnow to
a good-sized trout and then the boy
trotted away to recount his exploit to a
neighbor. . He came back very quietly.
"What did Uncle Gray say?" the
mother asked.
"Oh, h,e said he'd caught lots biggen'n
that ' I guess everything was bigger
when he was a boy, but I wish he
didn't always 'member it When I
show him my long lessons, he says he
used to have longer ones, and when I
do lots of work, he tells me how be did
more when he was like me: I wish,"
said Davy, reflectively, "he'd left a few
big things for me to have all to myself,
'cause, you see, I didn't live when he
was a boy!"
Too Far Away.
Chicago is noted, anions' nth or no-
' a - - f
cullaritles, for the gigantic policemen
that guard the crossings in its down
town district.
-Several of these men oToeod rIy foot
four Inches in helrfit. and nno n irAna.
sal Irishman usually stationed at the
intersection or state and Washington
Streets, stands six feet seven inchea in
his stockings, and Is well proportioned.
"Why do you let your streets get so
awfully dirty?" comnlainpd a visitor in
the city one windy day,, rubbing his
'I think." renlied the friend whn wn
showing him around, "the reason is
that our policemen are so high up above
tne airt they never see it"
Not Alike.
The Scotch butler is not in the least
like an English one. - No man could be
as respectable as be looks, not even an
elder of the"kirk, whom he resembles
closely. ' He hands your plate as If It
were a contribution box, and in his
moments of ease when he stands be
hind the 'master" I am always expect
ing him to pronounce a benediction.
The English butler, when he wishes to
avoid the appearance of listening to the
conversation, gazes with level eye Into
vacancy; the Scotch butler looks dis
tinctly heavenward, as if he were
brooding on the principle of co-ordinate
jurisdiction with mutual subordination.
Danger on Stage and Rail.
The proportion of passengers injured
in the "good old stage coach lays" as
compared with the present is as sixty
to one. .... - .-
' No woman can get ud in a Mother's
club and claim that she understands
the male nature, who refuses to let her
sou hays a. dog.
The Uses of the Weeder.
Some one has said that the weeder
was an excellent tool to use when there
were no weeds to kill. If so, it is Just
what every farmer needs. There is no
time when the crop Is so much bene
fited by a stirring of the soil as when
there are no weeds in the field, and no
time when so many weeds can be kill
ed with so little labor as when the
weeds are scarcely visible to the eye,
and if they will go over fifteen to twen
ty acres in a day, one can afford to use
it several times, instead of going once
when there were so many weeds that
an acre would require a day's work to
destroy the weeds. An old farmer used
to say that a field which was so weedy
as to very much need hoeing was not
worth hoeing. But destroying weeds Is
not the whole work of the weeder. To
break up and pulverize the crust after
a rain that It may be more absorbent
of the dews and rainfall, and the nitro
gen that is in the atmosphere; to make
an earth mulch which will absorb the
heat of the sun and attract moisture
from below, are as Important as to de
stroy weeds and weed seeds that are
ready to germinate, and on large farms
this implement will save many a hard
day s work with horse, hoe and hand
hoe. Massachusetts Ploughman.
Dressing the Capon.
In dressing capons the feathers are
left on the neck, legs, wings and rump,
and the tail feathers also are left.
Otherwise capons should be dressed
for the Chicago market the same as
other fowls, except that they should be
dry picked, as. it would be impossible
to scald them and leave part of the
feathers on, and if 'they are scalded
the same as other chickens they will
not bring any more than the" price of
common fowls, for they are distin
guished more by the way . they are
picked than in any other manner. All
other chickens sell better In the mar
ket scalded, while turkeys sell best dry
picked. P. S. Sprague, in Poultry
' Insects in Stored Grain.
- Every year after harvest comes the
time of trouble with insects in stored
grain. Concerning these pests, which
work in the grain bin and often do
great damage before they are discover
ed, Rural New Yorker advises thus:
All grain bins should of course be thor
oughly cleaned before the new grain Is
put in. If the. weevils appear, there
are two ways of killing them. Raising
the temperature to 140 degrees will de
stroy them, but that is hardly prac
ticable in most granaries. The most
effective remedy is found In bisulphide
of carbon. This Is a powerful poison.
It Is .quite Inflammable and must not
be used near an open fire. When put
at the top of the bin It volatilizes, and
the gas, being heavier than air, sinks
through the whole mass of grain with
out injuring it The usual application
is about a pound and a half of bisul
phide to a ton of grain in a tight bin.
More should be used when the bins are
open. The bisulphide may be put in
shallow pans or saucers, and thus
scattered over the surface of the bin.
Then close the top and throw a blan
ket over to exclude the air, leaving It
alone for twenty-four hours.
' Farm Separators.
Butter-makers kick on farm separa
tors, says the Northwest Farmer. Some
of the butter-makers are making a live
ly kick against the Introduction of the
farm separator. They might as well
kick against a stone wall, for kicking
will not stop Its coming. There is only
one thing that will check its rapid in
troduction, and that is better sklmmilk
from the creamery. Farmers are get
ting more and more determined to
raise good calves, and they propose to
do this with separator skimmllk. If
the butter-makers don't clean up their
pump's, pipes and tanks and give the
skimmilk a thorough pasteurizing, the
farmer is certain to lend an attentive
ear to the farm separator agent a sep
arator will be installed on trial, and
you can count on Its staying. . It will
then be too late to protest for after a
farmer pays $100 for a separator he Is
quite apt to find a factory that will
take his cream. Dairymen of experi
ence have found that the best of calves
can be raised on good separator milk,
and every ; intelligent butter-maker
knows how to return it in good condi
tion. . -
' Clover an i Alfalfa.
While we have grown the mammoth
red clover we did not like it as well as
the common or medium red.. The cattle
did not seem to like the coarse stalks,
and only on very rich land would it
give a better yield. It was more trou-
lle to get it properly cured, and It did
not with us give as good a second crop,
being more apt to be Injured by the
drought We were taught to so weight
or ten pounds per acre of clover seed
when other grass seed was sown on
the same land, but we think we would
prefer now to increase the. amount to
twelve or fifteen pounds per acre. Nor
would we sow timothy with clover,
preferring orchard grass, which Is
ready to cut at the same time. While
we had little difficulty In getting a
catch of clover on our rather light
lands, we seldom succeeded to our
satisfaction on strong and mucky soil.
This is said to be the best adapted to
alfalfa, and If It once gets started
there, it will not be easily killed out by
drought We think where alfalfa is
much grown they put on from three
to five pounds of seed to the acre. Ex
change. Bran for Kee l.
European dairymen buy large quan
tities of American feeding stuffs. Ex
periments are now being made in com
pressing bran Into bricks for more con
venient exportation. Whilethe suc
cess of this line of work might lead to
a still greater exportation of American
raw farm products, the failure of the
experiment would be America's gain.
Bran is one of the most valuable feeds
for the dairy. It Is recommended by
many feeders as especially useful for
feeding in conjunction with corniueal.
which Is concentrated and tends to
"pack" in the stomach. Bran is cool
ing and can be used In almost any rea
sonable quantity. It is a food rich In
protein and contains a large amount of
the nitrogenous element of fertility in
soils. Wheat is known to be extremely
hard on soil, and the chemist has found
that most of the soil strength goes into
the bran. Broadly speaking, therefore,
the extreme folly can be seen of export
ing bran and letting that much fertility
go out of the country to enrich foreign
lands, necessitating the purchase. In
lieu thereof, of artificial fertilizers of
all kinds to keep up our own fertility
of soil.
Growing; Potatoes.
An exchange tells the story of a farm
er who had been In the habit of crow
ing potatoes each year, and usually
raised fifty to sixty bushels per acre.
iast year ne gave the use of an acre
of ground to his 12-year-old son, to see
what he could do with ia. The boy
read up a little on the potato crop,
bought good seed and e-avp tho field
good care, and harvested 225 bushels to
tne acre, or about four times as much
as the father's usual eron. Tho Ktnrv
Is good enough to be true, even If it is
not, but as name and location is not
given, it may be a little doubtful. Yet
we think boy or man following this
plan could get better crops than come
from the too often careless method nf
taking anything for seed, and then neg
lecting the proper cultivation. Ex-
Goats With Sheep. ,
In Mexico they keen sheen in flnofea
of about 2,000, and they keep about a
dozen old billy goats with each flock as
leaders and for protection. The goats
fear nothing and are ready to fight dog,
coyote, or anything else. And the sheep
do not seem to be at all scared as long
as the goat Is between them and the
enemy. The Croats are also mnro not.
ive or restless than the sheep; thus they,
lead them over more ground and the
sheep are better fed without grazing
the field so closely. Perhaps a goat
leader is what is needed in some places
where farmers say they cannot keep
sheep because of the depredations of
the dogs.
Beardless Barley.
Barley Is often said to be a much
better grain than oats for feeding
hogs, sheep or noultrv. as it fattona
better, nearly equal to corn, but mak
ing more growth or lean meat The
best Canadian and English bacon is
made largely upon barley or barlov
meal, yet many will not grow it be
cause the beards are poisonous, or ry
Irritating to some people, and even to
animals when the straw is used as bed
ding. But Western farmers are now
paying much in praise of beardless
barley. It grows well on good soil.
standing about four' feet high, and
producing thirty to forty bushels of
grain to the acre. -American Cultiva
Value of Farm Crop. 10 JO.
The January bulletin' of the Depart
ment of Agriculture give's the value of
the principal farm crops of the United
States grown last year. The figures
are as follows:
Corn , $731,220,031
Wheat 323,515.177
Oats ' 208,009,233
Barley 24,075,271
Rye 12,295,417
Buckwheat 5,341,413
Potatoes 90,811,1C,7
Hay 445,538,870
It appears that next to the corn crop
hay Is the most valuable of the Northern-grown
farm products. .
Pnt Fiesh on the Animals.
One advantage of the system of fat
tening beef animals and lambs young
er than used to be the custom is that
they have more lean 'meat or the fat
and lean well mixed together,- which
makes them more desirable to the mar
ketman.' While fat .enough . tliere ia
not much fat to trim off when.., they
come to tne block. They are thus more
profitable to the growers, becanseSthey
make their growth more rapidtyv more
profitablexto the dealer., and ,uit the
consumer much better.
Sowine t lover et
In a heavy soil clover seldom germi
nates well, if sowed two inches de'p or
deeper, and 'this is a not inffeqSient .
cause of a failure to get a good ratch
when it is sown with grain In? the
spring .The soil newly broken early
for the grain Is so mellow that the bar--1'
row often buries It too deep. It would
be better to go over only with a brush
after the clover is sown.