Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 05, 1901, Image 1

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CTHW Rtb. Jmly, im. ,
GAZfiTTB Katab. Dw, SSM.
Consolidated Feb. 1899.
news or the m
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap
penlngs of the Past Week in
Condensed Form.
The mayor of Havana resigned.
Salisbury is said to be improving.
There is no yellow fever in Havana.
Count Tolstoi was banished from
The business situation in Cuba is
- J. P. Morgan wants to build the Pan
ama canal.
The army frauds at Manila are be
ing Investigated.
The foreign ministers are reforming
the tsung li yamun.
.. The public debt decreased J18,876,
595 in the past year.
Karpovlch, the Russian assassin,
will be sent to Siberia.
Titus, the musician, has been ap
pointed a West Point cadet.
Southern China viceroys protest
against the treaty with Russia.
Bids are being asked for supplies
for the naval station at Seattle.
The Southern islands will have a
departmenttal system of government.
. A party of cavalrymen had a sharp
encounter with rebels in Cavite prov
ince. Three hundred .metal polishers in
San Francisco have struck for shorter
Russia threatens to sever relation?
with China unless the Manchurias
treaty is signed. a
A gunboat will carry Minister
Loomis from La Guayra to Porto Rico
on his way home.
Botha and Dewet will join a gath
ering "of 13,000 Boers for operations
against the British.
Ex-Representative Peters, of Kan
sas, may succeed H. C. Evans, as
pension commissioner.
Senator Proctor says the Piatt
amendment is satisfactory to the
leading residents of Cuba.
In order to escape the tariff on im
ported material, the Sheffield steel
works will locate a plant in the United
The United States steel corporation
has absorbed the American bridge
trust, and Rockefeller's iron mine in
terests. ...
As the result of an old quarrel, near
Chehalis, Wash., three men were shot
fln1- seriously injured. One of them
is not expected to recover.
;The threatened revolution in Brazil
has been put down. The government
- has sent communications to the Euro
pean and United States legations, say-
.Jng the country is safe.
A Manila Spaniard was convicted oi
Another attempt was made to as
sassinate the czar.
. : Roland Reed, the actor, is dead at
his home in New York.
A large amount of Washington re
serves is to be opened to settlement.
Gross fraud has been discovered in
the subsistence department at Manila.
Much misery prevails at Marseilles,
France, as a result of the dock strike.
General Fitzhugh Lee says future
of Cuba depends on native statesmen.
A packing-house fire in New York
damaged $200,000 worth of property.
Three thousand arrests have been
made since Russian revolutionists be
came active.
A $30,000,000 syndicate is negotiate
ing for the control of the Pacific coast
fishing industry.
Secretary Gage says if artificial
prices are asked for bonds, he will al
low treasury funds to accumulate.
Commander of the Petrel was suf
focated and 22 officers and men pros
trated in a fire on the gunboat Petrel.
The Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth
regiments, just returned from the
, Philippines, will be mustered out at
San Francisco
Minister Loomis may be transferred
to another post.
By an explosion of gas at the fur
nace of the Edgar Thompson steel
works, five men were fatally injured
The president has appointed Wheat
on to be a major general and Funston
and Jacob Smith to be brigadier gen
erals of regulars.
Peter Karpovitch, the assassin of Bo
goliepoff, Russian minister of public
instruction, has been sentenced to 20
years' penal servitude, with loss of
civil rights.
The Japanese residents of Tacoma,
Wash., have organized to keep out
any disorderly characters from their
-During a recent epidemic of diph
theria in a tewn on the Hudson, 206
.cases were treated witn serum, and
among these there were only two
Elections in London resulted in
tremendous majorities in favor of mu
nicipal ownership of all public utili
ties, thus breaking galling monopolies
existing for centuries.
91,000,000 HOTEL FIRE.
The Jefferson, at Richmond, Va.,
Burned, But No Lives Lost.
RICHMOND, Va., April 1. The Jef
ferson hotel, this city, which was
erected and furnished by the late Louis
Ginter at a cost of $1,000,000, was de
stroyed by fire. The magnificent
structure covered half a block in the
ultra-fashionable part of the city, and
was built of buff brick on a granite
The flames were discovered in the
upper part of the Main-street side
shortly before midnight, and in a short
time that part of the building was a
roaringurnace. The guests who were
first driven out of the Main-street
portion of the hotel took refuge in the
lobby on the Franklin-street side.
There was much excitement, espe
cially among the women, many of
whom had retired for the night.
Many persons lost all their effects.
No one perished in the flames. The
fire started in the linen room from a
defective flue. The insurance is
about $650,000. All the surrounding
houses are filled with property taken
from the hotel. There has been some
looting, and several arrests have been
made. There were in the hotel many
works of art, including Valentine's
marble statue of Jefferson, which
stood In the Franklin-street court.
This statue was broken.
Immediately upon the discovery of
the fire, which was eating into the
ceiling of the linen room, the hotel
fire apparatus was brought into play,
but the hose burst. Attendants then
dashed through the building awaken
ing the guests, .many of whom were
sleeping and had to be dragged out
of bed. Most of the guests on the
Franklin-street end of the hotel saved
their baggage, and finally the Jefferson
statue was gotten out, with the head
broken off. The guests in the part
where the fire started lost their bag
gage, and many of them lost all their
clothes. Owing to the height of the
building, the fire department was at a
great disadvantage. The fire made
an immense blaze, and practically
awakened the entire city. There were
nc thrilling escapes, the halls and
staircases being numerous and wide.
Insurgent Leaders on Luzon Are Ex
pected to Surrender.
MANILA, April 1. Aguinaldo is
now detained in a comfortable room
in a wing of the Malacanan palace.
He is in charge of Captain Benjamin
H. Randolph and Lieutenant Gilbert
A. Youngberg, of battery G, Third
When Aguinaldo was captured he
wore a plain dark blue suit with the
coat closely buttoned up at the throat
and a wide white helmet with a leather
band. He takes his capture philo
sophically. He is generally cheerful,
but sometimes moody. His health
during the past year has been very
good. It is uncertain what attitude
he will now assume. Certain visitors
are permitted to see Aguinaldo, but
newspaper interviews with the pris
oner are not allowed.
Since Aguinaldo has been domiciled
at the Malacanan palace, persons not
provided with special permits have
been denied admission to the grounds.
General Trias, the commander of the
insurgent forces in Southern Luzon,
who recently surrendered to the Amer
ican authorities, visited Aguinaldo,
and told the latter why he had sur
rendered. Trias said that a continu
ance of armed opposition to the United
States was unjustifiable and ruinous;
that the independence of the Philip
pines was impossible, and that the Fil
ipinos had better accept liberty, pros
perity and progress under American
The capture of Aguinaldo, follow
ing the surrender of General Trias,
will probably occasion the surrender
of the insurgent leader Malavar in
Batangas province, Luzon; Bellarmino,
in Albay province, Luzon, and Luc
ban, in the island of Samar within a
month. Many people visited the resi
dence of General and Mrs. Funston on
the Calle Rell, in the suburb of Ermita.
The general modestly declined to talk.
Mrs. Funston was evidently the hap
piest woman in the Philippine islands.
General Funston has been recom
mended for the highest practicable re
ward. It is believed here that he will
receive an appointment of brigadier
general in the regular army.
The Panama Waterway.
Washington, April 1. The conditions
under which the Colombian govern
ment will consent to the transfer of
the French concession for the con
struction of the Panama canal to this
government,, should the latter select
that route for an isthmian waterway,
are before the state department for
its consideration. Senor Silvela, the
minister from Colombia, called on
Secretary Hay today and left with him
a memorandum bearing on the subject.
This memorandum, being of a confi
dential nature, the minister refused
to discuss its features while the matter
is under consideration by the state
department. The French concession
originally expired in 1904, but it has
been extended to 1910.
Work of a Lunatic.
Akron, O., April 1. The Diamond
pottery plant was totally destroyed by
fire last night. The fire originated
in waste soaked in oil placed in va
rious parts of the building. A well
dressed man was noticed loitering
about the place some time before the
fire started. Earlier in the evening
an attempt was made to dynamite
the pottery of the Robinson-Merril"
Company. The watchman discovered
sticks of dynamite placed ifl various
parts of the main building before the
fuses had been Ignited. At other fac
tories oil-soaked waste was found in
various sections of the buildings.
Massacred by Tiburon Indians.
'Proenix, Ariz., April 1. It is re
ported that a party of goldseekers was
massacred by Ceris Indians on'the is
land of Tiburon, in the Gulf of Cal
ifornia. Two weeks ago six Mexican
prospectors left Tepopa on the west
coast of Mexico in a small boat and
went to Tiburon island in search of
gold. Pedro Pasqulela, one of the
party, has reached the mainland in a
small boat, and reported a fierce fights
with the Indians. He escaped, and
believes his comrades were killed.
Items of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
A Brief Review of the Growth and Improve
ments of the Many Industries Through
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Athena Negotiations are pending
for a skimming plant at Athena.
Pendleton The O. R. & N. will sup
ply its yards at Pendleton with a new
switch engine.
Susanville It is reported that a
milling plant will soon be installed at
the Badger mine, near Susanville. .
Philomath Two carloads of ma
chinery have arrived for the new saw
mill, in course of construction near
Buena Vista The steamer Modoc
ran into the ferryboat at Buena Vista
the other night. The company paid
the damage.
Echo-John L. Crawford, of Echo,
was injured by a pile of rocks falling
on him. He sustained a compound
fracture of his left leg.
Corvallis A deed has been recorded
at Corvallis, conveying from A. J
Johnson to J. H. Albert 2566 acres rf
land at Kings Valley for $10,000.
Wallowa Luss Beddingfield, a Wal
lowa county sheepherder, committed
suicide at the Hayes Kernan ranch. He
left a note saying that he was tired
of life.
Sprague River John and Louis
Gerber have purchased of the state
610 acres of land on Sprague river,
known as the O. C. Applegate section'
for about $6000. ,
Medford The contractors who are
digging the Britt ditch, extending from
below" Medford to the Britt farm on
Rogue river, have their work nearly
completed. This ditch will enable Mr.
Britt to utilize a large tract of pumice
land which is now useless.
Rogue River Jesse Orme, while
prospecting on the south bank of
Rogue river, about a mile west of
Savage rapids, found some good pay
dirt. He dug a little flitch, built a res
ervoir and ground-sluiced for 12 days,
and the clean-up amounted to about
$60. He found two or three nuggets
of $6 each and several more worth $4
Condon A dinnst-i-niia "ntiA-un"
vuu ,111 11 ,1 VWU CV
place at the sheep camp of S. B. Bar
ker, near Condon. On 9 OOnorotinn
of the ewes from the lambs the latter
puea up m a ditch, and 88 head were
Sumrjter Tt in rannrtiul c,.n
1 - u. ,4 1. win uuiiiy
ter that the Golconrla. nina to oh,;,,,.
another rich ore body, and that as un-
ucigruuuu development continues
the Dl'OSDectS Of tho nino o-...i. 1,4.,-
- - &ivn u i I, l ... 1
each succeeding day. s
Canvnn r.itu Tamo. r-v
of the oldest and best-known citizens
of Grant county, died at Canyon City
after a lingering illness of nearly 12
T.9TO nanaa.ail - 1 , .T
- "obcu was uorn ill IN e w
Brunswick, January 12, 1834.
Klamah Falls The Ashland-Klamath
Falls mail route and schedule has
been changed. It will hereafter be a
daylight run, and the route from
Parker's station to Jenny creek will
he over the logging camp road.
CanVOnvMlft A rmmnonw A
, , j : - " uii i. tem
plates building, a flume from Canyon
vyiccn., uve nines soutn or Uanyonville,
to the. mines owned by Lewis Ash!
which are situted about halfway be
tween Riddle and Canyonville.
Wheat Walla' Walla, 57c; Valley,
nominal; bluestem, 59c per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $2 703 40 per
barrel; graham, $2 60.
Oats White, $1 25 per cental:
gray, $1 20 1 22 per cental.
Barley Feed, $16 5017; brewing
$16 5017 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $16 per ton; mid
dlings, $21 50; shorts, $17 50. chop.
Hay Timothy, : $1212 '50; clover,
17 9 50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per
Hops 1214c per pound; 1899 crop.
Wool Valley, 14 15c; Eastern Ore
on, 912c; mohair, 2021c per
Butter Fancy creamery, 2225c
lairy. 17 20c; store, 1012c per
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1314c per
'ozen. ,
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 50i
; hens, $56; dressed, ll12c per
lound; springs, $4 5 per dozen
lucks, $56; geese, $68 per dozen;
urkeys, live, 10 11c; dressed, 13 He
per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13c; Young America, 1314c per
Potatoes 4555e per sack. .
Mutton Lambs, 12 c per pound
gross: best sheen, wethera s-
$4 50; dressed, 7 8c per pound.
Hogs-Gross, heavy, $5 756; light.
$4 75g5; dressed, 7c per pound.
Veal Large, 77c per pound;
small, 89c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $5 5 2;
-ows and heifers, $4 504 75; dressed
ieef, 78c per pound.
Meeting his chief in the compan
lonway, the ordinary pirate, although
laboring under the intensest excite
ment, saluted. "I have the honor to
inform you, sir," said he, "that the
magazine has gone up!" "The powder
magazine, you doubtless meant" aai
the captain. "No. The magazine in
which the story of our adventures is
running!" The captain paled. For a
moment he thought rtf ahrmtm
hoarsely to his men to clear away
iae ooais, mil tnis would obviously
avail nothing. They must all perish.
Commander Roper, of Gunboat Petrel,
WASHINGTON, April 2. The' navy
department early this morning re
ceived a cablegram from Admiral
Remey, commander-in-chief of the As
iatic station, giving a brief account of
a fire in the sail room of the gunboat
Petrel, and of the death ofthe com
manding officer, Lieutenant Command
er Jesse M. Roper, as a result of a
heroic effort to rescue the men below.
The dispatch states that 22 other of
ficers and men were prostrated, but
all are recovering. Admiral Remey's
dispatch follows:
"Cavite, March 31. Fire was dis
covered in the sail room of the Petrel
at 7 o'clock this morning, Roper com
manding. After going below once, he
went again against advice, and at
tempted to recover the .men below. He
was suffocated, and died at 7:45.
Twenty-two other ofllcers and men
were entirely prostrated, but are re
covering. The -fire is, out; damage
Immaterial. Will send Roper's re
mains by Buffalo. REMEY."
The department at once sent a tel
egram to H. F. Fay, brother-in-law of
Lieutenant Commander Roper, at
Longwood, Mass., asking that he in
from Mrs. RoDer of thn
following expression of sympathy and
apiucuauun was aiso made: With
this sad news the department sends to
Mrs. Koper deep sympathy in the great
loss she has sustained, and the highest
appreciation of the gallantry and self
sacrifice with which Lieutenant Com
mander Roper gave his life for his
fellow men. It was a heroic deed."
Lieutenant Commander Roper was
born in Missouri, and entered the
naval service June 25, 1868. He was
commissioned to the rank held by him
at the time of his death, March SI,
1899, and was ordered to the command
of the Petrel November 15, 1899. The
Petrel was one nf the vossola imrio.
"Admiral Dewey at the battle of Ma
nna Day, wnen she was in charge of
Lieutenant Commander Wood. The
latter officer came home shortly after,
and Lieutenant Commander Roper suc
ceeded him. The Buffalo, on which the
remains will be sent home, is used for
the transportation of troops, and is
about to return to the United States
by way of the Mediterranean.
Then, General Young Says, a Small
Force Will Do in the Philippines. ;
SAN FRANCISCO; April 1. Major
General S, B. M. Young, who arrived
from Manila today otf'the transport
Logan, said: -
- "General Funstpn's exploit was one
of remarkaole bravery,' and he is de
serving of the" highest recognition at
the hands of our government. This
talk about 'West Points influence' is
all bosh. . If any such, statements
have been made that graduates oi
West Point or men who have risen
from the ranks will oppose Funstoh's
advancement, it .has come from the
lips of disappointed officers. No good
officer or gentleman would belittle
such a brave achievement." .-'
General Young, m speaking of the
effect of the capture of Aguinaldo. on
the situation in the islands, said he
believed the troops would have to be
kept there but six .months longer. ' He
did not think it. would oe- wise to bring
them all away," however", for therewas
a large number of marauding Bands
throughout the islands Who would have
to be kept under subjection.
"It will take at least two genera
tions," said the general, "to get the
Filipinos to understand the meaning
of self-government as we understand
it. The Filipino idea is to have the
country parceled out among the lead
ers, and they will rule the people and
get all they can out of them. " We
shall have to look to the children of
the babies over there now to get the
matter on a correct , basis."
Brave Musician of the Fourteenth May
Be Sent to West Point.
WASHINGTON, April 1. A petition
signed by all officers serving with the
Fourteenth infantry regiment has
been sent to Adjutant General Corbin,
requesting the appointment of Musi
cian Calvin P. Titus, company E. Four
teenth infantry, the first American sol
dier to enter Pekin during; the recent
troubles in China, a cadet-at-large to
the military academy. .- The petition
"During his service Musician Titus
has proved himself to be a" trustwor
thy, intelligent, sober, brave and thor
ough soldier. On August 14, 1900,
at Pekin, China, he was the first
American to scale the wall of the Chi
nese city and enter Pekin. On the
following day, while engaged in the
fight in the Imperial city, he received,
a slight wound. His meritorious con
duct deserves recognition, and it is
believed that if given an appoint
ment to West Point, and a commis
sion upon graduation, Musician Titus
will make an excellent ofllcer."
Roughly Treated by Burglars.
Pittsbure. Pa.. AdHI 2. m Anna
Ward, aged 60, is lying in a critical
condition irom tne effects of brutal
treatment by three masked burglars
at her home this morning. Mrs. Ward
and her daughter were nwnlrnaH. v,v
the prerince of burglars at their bed-
siae, eacn woman, nnamg a revolver
pointed directly at her head; Mrs.
Ward nnrierr.nnk tn roniat nnri w Villa .
the daughter was held in subjection by
one oi me men, anotner Knocked the
elder woman into unconsciousness,
literallv cnishine her Rkull Tho Vino.
band and son of Mrs. Ward were
sleeping on the third floor, having in
their possession about $1,200, the
booty the burglars evidently were
after. .
Rain and High Wind.
Dallas, Tex, April 1. A heavy rain
storm, .accompanied by a high wind,
prevailed here this afternoon. The
wind damaged roofs and blew down
shrubbery and the precipitation was
so heavy that it formed torrents in
the streets which swept everything
before them. Street-car traffic was de
layed and a Quarter of a mile of track
in the southern portion of the city
had to be abandoned for the remainder
of the day. . The damage in Dallas
is estimated at $25,000.
Capture of Aguinaldo Leads to
' ... Many Surrenders.
The Innurrection in the Island of Mindanao
Stamped Out Filipinos Learn That
Resistance Is Useless.
WASHINGTON, April 1. An im
portant dispatch received at the war
department today from General Mac
Arthur, in the opinion of the officials,
went far to support the prediction
made by General MacArthur yester
day that the end of the rebellion is
near at hand. This dispatch chron
icles the surrender of a considerable
additional number of rebels and mil
itary arms, and the Important feature
of it is that the surrender marks the
complete stamping out of the Insur
rection in the island of Mindanao,
which is, next to Luzon, the largest
island in the group. The dispatch is
as follows:
"Manila, March 29. Brigadier Gen
eral William Cobb reports the sur
render at Sumulao, Mindanao, of 9
officers, 160 men, 187 rifles and 80
shotguns, Capistrano's command. This
ends the trouble in Mindanao as far
as the Filipinos are concerned. Brig
adier General Robert P. Hughes re
ports Alikpali and Ruiz, 34 guns, sur
rendered to Captain David Shanks,
Eighteenth infantry, at Mamburao;
206 guns, Fulton's command, surren
dered to Lieutenant Colonel William
S. Scott, Forty-fourth infantry."
The following cablegram was re
ceived at the navy department from
Admiral Remey:
"Cavite, March 29. Bureau of Nav
igation, Washington: MacArthur tel
egraphs: 'Thanks to splendid co-operation
of Vicksburg, I have Aguin
aldo securely in my possession at
Malacanan. General Funston loud in
praise of everything navy did. Entire
army joins in thanks to yourself, of
ficers ' and 1 men.' REMEY."
Secretary Long replied to the ad
miral as follows:
"Remey,:. Manila: Inform MacAr
thur highly appreciate his and Funs
ton's generous praise navy, and con
gratulate them heartily. LONG."
Senator Burton and Representatives
Long and Curtis, of Kansas, saw the
president after 4 o'clock, when the
rush of work had ceased. The presi
dent listened attentively to what the
delegation had to say, and said he
had under consideration the matter of
rewarding 'General Funston for his
services in capturing the Filipino
chief. The delegation regard their in
terview as encouraging and hope to
see the Kansan made a brigadier gen
eral in the regular establishment, but
its members were careful to say that
the president gave them no promise
nor any indication as to his inten
tions in this regard. They would not
be surprised, however, if considerable
opposition to giving Funston a briga
dier generalship should develop at the
war department. There is no disposi
tion in the regular establishment to be
little General Funston's exploit, es
pecially since the receipt of General
MacArthur's dispatch giving full credit
to Funston, but there would natu
rally be opposition to jumping a vol
unteer officer 35 years of age into the
grade of brigadier general,' and the
Kansas delegation recognizes this
Retention Made Impossible by Fric
tion With Hitchcock.
, WASHINGTON, March 30. It has
practically been determined that
Hermann will not remain commis
sioner of the general land office.
While the president speaks well of
Hermann, he cannot have him a sub
ordinate to Hitchcock, in view of the
friction that exists. Hermann has
been tendered a place on the civil
service commission, but as this is a
reduction both in salary and impor
tance, he does not like to make the
change. The president does not want
to dump Hermann out in the cold,
and the civil service commissioner
ship was suggested to let him down
George D. Melklejohn, ex-assistant
secrteary of war, is mentioned as
Hermann's successor. He lost his
former place in making a fight for the
senate, but it is understood he con
tributed his full share la the choice
of two Republicans, and may be reo
ognized for his party loyalty.
A Dubuque Fire.
Dubuque, la., April 1. A four-story
brick structure occupied by George
Richardson & Co., manufacturers oi
shoes, and B. F. Richardson & Co., la
dies' shoes, was destroyed by fire to
night. LossA $118,000.
Says He Is Heir.
Tacoma, Wash., April 1. Samuel
Phllby, a Tacoma ship carpenter here,
claims to be one of the heirs to the
English estate of Thomas Holden,
mentioned in yesterday's dispatches.
Philby's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Shel
ton Philby, 76 years old, now living ai
Brazil, la., was the granddaughter oi
Thomas Holden, through her mother.
The claim of the Philby heirs com
bats that of the Broadbents, of Balti
more; Stambaughs, of New York, and
others, who claim inheritance through
Holden's sister Elizabeth, while the
Philby heirs claim direct descent.
Massacred by Indians.
Phoenix, Ariz., April 1. It is re
ported that a party of goldseekers was
massacred by Ceris Indians on the
Island of Tiburon, in the Gulf of Cal
ifornia. Two weeks ago six Mexican
prospectors left Tepopa on the west
coast of Mexico in a small boat and
went to Tiburon island in search ol
gold. Pedro Pasqulela, one of the
party, has reached the mainland in a
small boat, and reported a fierce fight
with the Indians. He escaped, and
believes his comrades were killed.
Russian Threat Unless Manchurlan
Treaty Is Signed. ..
WASHINGTON, April 3. Informa
tion has reached here to the effect
that the Russian government, being
seriously perturbed by the course of
China in not signing the Manchurlan
agreement, largely because of the
protest .made by the several powers,
has conveyed a distinct and unmis
takable intimation to China that if
this course is persisted in there may
be an interruption of diplomatic re
lations between Russia and China
and a termination of the present in
tercourse between them. This is lit
tle short of an ultimatum that China
must sign or take the consequences of
a termination of her friendly relations
with Russia.
To what extent the United States
will take cognizance of Russia's dis
position to enforce the signing of the
agreement has not yet been made ap
parent. It appears to be the policy of
the Chinese authorities to consider
this as a subject which concerns the
powers quite as much as it does China.
The matter has become further com
plicated by reports reaching Wash
ington that the Chinese authorities
are divided on the course to be pur
sued, some of the most influential in
cluding Li Hung Chang, urging that
acquiescence be given to the Russian
proposals, while others insist on re
jecting the agreement. The attitude
of Li Hung Chang is accounted for by
his well-known friendliness for Rus
sian interests. In this case, however,
there appears to be arrayed against
him the strong influence of the south
ern viceroys, Chan Chi Tung and Lai
Kun Yi, who oppose the signing of
the treaty.
The reports reaching here this
morning showed that the agreement
had not yet been signed. Its status
is most peculiar. The time .within
which it was to be signed expired last
Tuesday, but on that day Yang Yu,
the Chinese minister, fell in the St.
Petersburg legation and hurt his head
so that he was unable to transact bus
iness. This misfortune caused much
amusement here, and some irritation
in certain quarters, as it had been
recognized as a timely means of
avoiding a direct action on the sub
ject. It is not clear to what extent the
Russian intimation has gone, but in
any event it gives an urgency to
China's course which has not been
presented thus far.
Result of Dock Strike at Mar
seilles Floods Add to Distress.
PARIS, April 3. The masters per
sist in their refusal to discuss a day
of eight hours, which has all along
been regarded by the strikers as the
crucial point in the dispute. In spite
of the increasing number of freight
dockers now working, quantities of per
ishable goods lie rotting on the docks.
Twenty-one steamers are awaiting
The general strike, while it lasted,
and the continued suspension of
work, has done enormous injury to
the commerce and industry of Mar
seilles. The calculations show an in
dustrial loss of some 25,000,000 francs,
while the .men have lost 2,000,000
francs in wages. A curious illustra
tion of the bitterness which the strike
has engendered between the men and
masters is seen in the fact that the
strikers instructed their delegates to
give formal notification 'to the minis
ter of finance of frauds in the oil seed
trade, pointing out that oil seeds
were imported in bag's, which the cus
tom officers have not been in the
habit of opening, with the result that
articles subject to a much higher "im
port duty are smuggled in. The com
merce of Marseilles is, for the time
being, almost at a complete standstill
Foods which are imported are scarce.
The prices of sugar, coffee, flour and
other necessities have increased. A
number of factories have been obliged
to close. These condiitons, added to
the serious damage done by the floods
and hail, have thrown the whole pop
ulation into deep misery. The store
keepers and merchants intend to ap
peal to the government to remit th
taxes for the first three months of the
Five Thousand Acres of Big Timber
Destroyed Windsor in Danger.
HAMMONTON, N. J., April 3.
One of the most extensive forest
fires that has visited this section of
the state is raging in the big woods
north of this city. The fire reached
a point just east of the town of Wins
low last night, and for several hours
it was feared the town would be
wiped out. Men, women and children
fought the flames and succeeded by
back firing in turning the flames to
the north of the town. While the
men threw up trenches to keep the
fire away, women and children car
ried their household goods to places
of safety and are guarding them, as a
change in the wind is feared.
Several farm buildings, about 5000
acres of big timber and thousands of
cords of wood have been consumed.
Many narrow escapes of the firefight
ers have been reported.
Interest in Spain in the Capture.
Madrid, April 3. The capture of
Aguinaldo has caused much interest
here. The press is divided on the
subjecL In a published interview the
director of the Filipino organ here
and the piesident of the so-called
Filipino juata emphatically declare
that the capture will have no perma
nent effect on the war; that Aguin
aldo will be replaced, and that the
Filipinos, aided by the climate, will
never be subdued.
Good Workers for Mills.
It is said that the New Englandei
makes the best mill hand.
Will Go to West Point
Washington, April 3. The presi
dent ' today appointed Calvin T. Ti
tus to be a cadet at large at the
United States military academy at
West Point
Titus was the first soldier to scale
the wall at Pekin. General Corbin
today cabled General MacArthur at
Manila to send young Titus home on
the first available transport, in order
that he may take the entrance exam
ination to the academy. :
Gunboat Will Carry Him From
La Guayra to San Juan.
The Minlstar's Future Action Will Depend
Altogether on His Conference With
Secretary of State Hay.
WASHINfJTOW in.ii tt."
. . o. rrauK
Loomis, United States minister to Ven
ezuela, nas Deen recalled, and will
soon be on his way to the United
States. The fiitni-o n fi:
. i v. ji iAiiiiBter
Loomis depends upon the conference
win oe neia at the state de
partment between Secretary Hay and
himself when the minich.
.....1.1., i icatuca
Washington. Until the secretary has
"vpuriuuity to taiK ireely with
Mr. Loomis as to the conditions in
Venezuela, it mnnnf ha .-
tively whether or not he will return
iu uis post. Mr. .Loomis has been the
object of bitter attacks by some of
the Venezuelan newspapers, not solely
because of the asphalt controversy,
but also because he was charged with
making false reports to his govern
ment touchine thn )
government in Venezuela.
me minister did inform the state
department of the conditions as he
saw them, and tho .
' i"wirewo Ul LUC
revolutianary movement. The Vene-
oueicui euvernment could not have di
rect knowledge of the minister's re
port, but because thev
- J " iwuwncu
by the appearance of three United
otates warsnips in Venezuelan waters .
they came to the conclusion that the '
minister reDorted as
and serious revolutionary movements
vmi;ii me government organs were
trying their best to minimize. There
fore these naners Inst
of attacking Mr. Loomis in print, and Bucueeaea in mailing his lot un-
It is onlv fair tn Btata that Ttt.
" uwub vua.b ,iAT3
Venezuelan charge here asserts posi-
uvcijf mese attacKs were made
by irresponsible newspapers, and that
the government was tint hohln ,
and deprecated them. If Mr. Loomis
connrms tnis view, and he cares to
remrn to Caracas, he will be per
mitted to do so.
There is rn nreeonf WanKnn
sending the North Atlantic squadron
to Venezuela, for, as above stated,
the government cannot rierMa h
this matter should be treated until '
air. loomis nas Deen personally con
sulted. The squadron, which is at
Culebra island pn?n?oH in mam,.-
vers, is about to head north in. a. lew
uays. une or two or the vessels will
be sent first to Kingston, Jamaica but
the stav will ho
tf vvuij'v. UJ. J f CUU
whole squadron will soon be""tinder
way ior romKinsville. . -
It was decided that in the interest
Of a OUick naSS?o tn tho TTnitd
States, Mr. Loomis should be carried
ny tne scorpion to San Juan, Porto
Rico, there to take one of the regular
merchant steamem fnr Npw Vnrir Tho
officials did not know positively when
me minister would leave Venezuela,
hut at the navigation bureau it was
stated that htore was nn crnni
why the Scorpion should not sail to-
uay irom i,a liuayra, II Mr. Loomis
is on hand.
Negotiations Without Colombia's
Consent Would Forfeit Charter.
NEW YORK, April 3. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
While M. Hutin, president of the
French Panama canal, has been await
ing the participation of Colombia in
the negotiations for the sale of the
Panama canal to the United States,
M. Bruna Barila, formerly an engineer
of the company, who says he repre
sents some of the stockholders, has
indicated to the Isthmian canal com
mission that the company is willing
to sell its concessions and property.
M. Barila will leave in a few days for
France. He has been in Washington
for several days. M. Hutin has seen
M. Barila, and the two have talked
over the situation.
M. Barila has represented to Rear
Admiral Walker, president of the
Isthmian canal commission, that M.
Hutin is to be displaced from the of
fice of president of the French com
pany. It is learned, however, that M.
Hutin was advised only a few days
ago of his re-election to the presi
dency, showing that he is to be re
tained for another year, and that a
majority of the stockholders are sat
isfied with his policy.
M. Hutin has contended that under
the terms of the concession held by
the company, the grant would be sub
ject to forfeit from the moment nego
tiations began for its sale, unless such
negotiations had the approval of the
Colombian government. It was, there
fore, impossible for him to submit a
proposition for the sale of the con
cession to the United States as re
quired by the Isthmian canal com
mission. Mount Baker Road Nearly Ready.
Seattle, April 3. P. B. Cornwall,
president of the Bellingham Bay &
British Columbia railroad, is in the
city on business connected with his
road. He stated today that the road
to the Mount Baker mining district
will be in operation by May 1. The
roadbed has been graded, steel bridges
put in, and the final tracklaying is
now being hastened as much as pos
sible. Mr. Cornwall is chief owner
of the Black Diamond coal mines, and
while in Washington will visit that
property with a view to making ex
tensive improvements preparatory to
making larger shipments to meet the
increased demand.
Big Timber Land Deal.
Eureka, Cal., April 3. Two big deals
in timber lands have just been con
summated here, involving 3898 acres.
Of this large transfer the. Merryman
Fruit Land & Lumber Company? St
Michigan, secured 2500 acres, ,aipi
Charles A. Smith, . of: Minneapolis,
1398 acres. In round numbers I'thTs
last acquisition will increase the itaiJ
ings of Smith and his partners, tt
30,000 acres, making them the .'larg
est owners of redwood timber in' tfi'S