Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 19, 1901, Image 1

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U1YIOJT Eatsb. .July, 1897.
GAZETTE Eatab. Deo., 1868.
Consolidated Feb., 1899.
VOL.1. NO. 47,
Go thou thy way, and I go mine;
Apart, yet not afar;
Only a thin veil hangs between
The pathways where we are.
And "God keep watch 'tween thee and
This is my prayer.
He looks thy way, He looketh miue.
And keeps us near.
I know not where thy road may lie.
Or which way mine will be;
If mine will lead through parching sands
And thine beside the sea;
Yet God keeps watch 'tween thee and me.
He holds thy hand, He claspeth mine.
And keeps ns near.
I sigh sometimes to see thy face,
But since this may not be,
I'll leave thee to the care of Him,
Who cares for thee and me.
"I'll keep you both beneath my wings.'
This comforts, dear.
One wing o'er thee and one o'er me;
So we are near.
n j
OE'S pencil, paper and arithmetic
JJ were before him, but the bustle
usually attending the Important
ceremony of preparing his examples
for the next day was missing.
Was this quiet boy with his chin in
his hand the laughing, noisy little fel
low who .was constantly getting up to
run around his chair in order to change
his luck when his answers wouldn't
agree With those in the back of the
book; who whistled and sung and talk
ed to himself and interspersed his se
vere mental exertions with accounts of
the day's doings; who scratched his
head and drummed on the table and
dragged his feet until his mother
sought refuge in her room and declared
she wondered how Miss Lucy ever put
up with him and fifty more for five
His father looked at him wondering
ly and put down the paper preparatory
to questioning him, when suddenly Joe
heaved a deep sigh and began to work.
But the figuring hadn't gone on very
long before he fell into another brown
study and then went over and' leaned
against his "pa," who was the confidant
of all his sorrows. He had more than
a dim suspicion that his parent had not
been the model boy of the school, and
so could sympathize with him.
"Pa, do you think a person ought to
get mad at you for just doing one
wrong thing?"
"Well," said pa, Judiciously; "that de
pends. The one thing might be very
serious, you know."
Joe was thoughtful for a moment and
started back to his work, but after a
few attempts put down his pencil, say
ing: "I think I'm sick, pa; I can't do
my examples. Will you write a note
and ask Miss Lucy to excuse me?"
"Why, sonny, Miss Lucy will excuse
you without any note, won't she, when
you tell her you were sick? Where do
you feel sick?"
"Oh, I'm Just sick all over. Pa, did
you ever chase a crazy boy when you
were little?"
"Yes, I did. There was one lived
near the school, and " Mr. Harris
began smiling at the recollection, but
Joe fnteiTupted hiin.
"Did you .ever hit your teacher, or
steal a eat, then?"
"My heavens, boy! What's the mat
ter with you, anyhow? You would bet
ter tell me the whole story and clear
your mind. Now, what has a crazy
boy to do with hitting your teacher
and stealing a cat?"
"Well, Crazy Willie Is a crazy boy
who comes to school sometimes, and he
always has a wheelbarrow. He's big
ger than you, pa. but he hasn't any
mind. Some of the children say his
mother whipped him so much when he
was little that he got foolish. But, any
how, whenever he comes to school the
boys and some of the girls, too, have a
lot of fun teasing him.
"To-day he came and we were all
teasing him and stealing his wheel
barrow to make him chase us, and Miss
Lucy came along. They all ran away
when they saw her, and Willie got his
wheelbarrow and went home. When
school began Miss Lucy asked who had
been teasing Willie, and Harry Taylor
and I stood up. I wouldn't have stood
up,, only Miss Lucy looked at me and I
Just had to, and Harry wouldn't have
stood up only Miss Lucy caught hold
of him when he was running outside;
so he knew it was no use to deny it.
And, anyhow, Miss Lucy always finds
out everything.
" "Then Miss Lucy gave It to us. She
said that even the wild Indians were
good to people like Willie and that boys
who would tease him would do any
thing mean. She knew none of the
girls would do anything like that, and
you should have seen Margaret looking
so good, and she was the one, pa, who
took his coat and ran with it. . But
afterward In school she cried and said
(be was sick and teacher let her go
home. I think she felt bad about Wil
lie. "Miss Lucy told Harry and me she
didn't like us any more and she didn't
want us to come around her, because
she thought we were dangerous; we
might hit her. I water the plants
when I finish my definitions in the
afternoon and when I went after the
bottle she said: 'No, Joseph Harris,
you needn't go. I haven't any confer
ence in yon. How do I know but you
might squirt water over the engineer?'
And he's bigger than you, pa.
"After a while a note came around
saying the basement cat was gone and
she asked the children if they knew
anything about it, and she looked at me
and Harry as if she thought we took it,
and when she said good-night to Harry
and me she didn't smile at all. Then
after school all the other boys said we
ought to be ashamed; and, pa, every
one of them would have been in it, only
they didn't come early enough. Harry
and me went over to Willie's house and
Harry gave him the nickel he was go
ing to buy a stamp with, but I didn't
have anything. I think I'll give him
my best necktie, If ma will let me. He
likes anything red. Do you think Miss
Lucy will ever like me again? She
said Willie wouldn't be that way if he
could help It and we ought to be thank
ful we were all right.
"I wish ma would let me give him
some pie and cake. I don't think he
ever gets any. I wish I hadn't teased
hiin, because he's only a little boy in
his mind, Miss Lucy says, and it isn't
fair to tease a boy, is It, pa?"
Mr. Harris consoled Joe as well as he
could, then said: "Now I tell you what
to do. Instead of doing your examples
to-night just write Miss Lucy a letter
and you and I will walk over and leave
it at the bouse. We'll put it under the
door and then ring the bell and run
away just as if it were a valentine."
"What shall I say, ' pa?" said Joe,
"Oh, Just tell her all about it. I know
she'll forgive you."
Joe labored in the agony of composi
tion, his father refusing all assistance,
and produced this masterpiece:
"Dear teacher: Ime sorry I teesed
Willie I dident no it would make you
mad at me I wont do it again and if
my ma lets me Ime going to give him
my red necktie that my unkle joe gave
me crismas harry gave him a nickel he
had saved up and hes going to give him
a piggin any one he wants even his fan
tail my pa ran after a crasy boy when
he was little and he never hit his teach
er or stole a cat hes real good I herd
my ma tell miss black he was the best
man In the city he always brings his
envelope home without taking out a
cent. Your loveing scollar,
"Pa" had much ado to keep from
smiling when he read this, but man
aged to say gravely, "That will do very
well, but I think we must have a few
spelling lessons some time."
On the way over to deliver the im
portant letter "pa" remarked that the
boy he had chased wasn't so very crazy
and knew enough to take care of him
self very well.
"But of course," he added, "it was
wrong to tease him at all, though we
generally got the worst of it."
A happy little boy ran to meet "pa"
on his way home from work the next
evening and a beautifully written letter
with a gold monogram was carefully
produced. It said:
"My Dear Little Pupil: I forgive you
from the bottom of my heart ani I am
going to ask you to forgive me. I am
afraid I am as fond of teasing as any
boy in the world. When I got home
from school last night I thought I had
been as cruel to you as you have been
to Willie more cruel, because I ought
to know better. What I said to you
and Harry was my way of teasing.
Let us both start fresh to-morrow and
I hope we will both remember as long
as we live that 'What is fun for the
boys is death for the frogs.' If you
don't understand what that means I
will read you the . story. Ask your
mother if you may come over to my
house next Friday evening. I want to
show you and Harry some things I
have. Your loving teacher,
"And she let me water the plants and
take a note to the engineer, too," he
added. ,
"Miss Lucy Is a daisy,'.' said his fa
ther, "and I don't think she'll teach
school very long."
"Why, pa?"
"Oh, I'll tell you some other time.
We'll go over to Willie's to-night and
take him the cake your mother prom
ised to bake for him. I got him work
to-day where he can use a wheel
barrow all day and get $4 a week for
it. I thought I would get square with
myself for chasing the boy that lived
near me when I was little. I never felt
bad about It until to-day, though."
And "pa" smiled. Chicago Record.
What a Diamond Expert Says.
Damp, murky weather practically
kills the diamond business. No dealer
dare buy for fear of cheating himself.
The purest white diamond will on one
of these dark, foggy days take on . a
straw color, and to all appearances Is
off color. Always pick out a diamond
on a clear day, but see to It that you
have a good light on the gem, for many
dealers tint their ceilings and walls a
delicate hue, "which gives the stone a
bluish tint which it does not or should
not possess in a clear light"
Quickly Turned the Joke.
A Kansas City man went Into one of
the meat stalls at the city market, and
finding a comely young woman in at
tendance, thought he would joke a bit
with her. "Madam," he said, gravely,.
"I want a yard of pork." "Yes, sir,"
said the young woman, quickly, and,
turning to the boy in the back of the
shop, she called: "Charlie, wrap up
three pigs' feet for the gentleman."
How to Make and Spin Tops.
Any one can buy a top if he can get
a few pennies from his father or moth
er, and any one can make far better
and finer tops with a little trouble and
industry. Here are some interesting
tops that you can buy anywhere, but
which you can make with very simple
tools and cheap material. The simplest
of house tops, to be spun on top of a
table, or some other smooth surface, is
made simply by putting a sharpened
stick through the center of a piece of
pasteboard cut into a perfect circle.
Care must be taken that the wood is
longer above the disk than below, so it
will keep its balance. If the disk is
decorated In water colors It will be
prettier as it spins. Quite a game of
tops may be played by making these
tops for a number of children and let-
ting them try who can make his spin
A fine out-door top Is the Russian
double-header. It can be whittled out
of hard wood by any boy with a sharp
jackknife, who will take care to get it
just like Fig. 2. It is spun with a
string around the middle, and if prop
erly made will beat any of the single
tops you can buy. And then if you
would like to make a top which will
spin in air,' take a bit of thin paste
board, cut five equi-distant oval holes
in it, one in the center and four around
it, as seen in Fig. 4. Paste a small pa
per cone over the central oval (Fig. 3)
and let it dry, when you have a top
which can spin in various ways. You
can put a stick with rounded end in
the cone (Fig. 3) and twirling the stick
rapidly between the palms of your
hands, the top will fly up in the air and
perform there. Or you may insert a
stick into one of the other ovals (Fig.
4) and swinging the top around until
it is going rapidly, withdraw the stick
and the top will spin In eccentric
curves curves. Jf this top is colored In
various stripes ft will be even more in
teresting in its turnings and twistings.
"Ways to Kara Honey.
It may be a help to those who are
teaching little people to earn and save
an important lesson to read the fol
lowing list of ways in which children
have earned money, as compiled by the
Congregationalist :
Washing windows.
Picking apples and other fruit
Raking up leaves.
Doing errands.
Picking over raisins.
Weeding in the garden and the paths.
Picking up pins at a cent a dozen.
Raising vegetables.
Caring for animals.
Washing and wiping dishes. "
Singing for the old folks. ;
Hemming papa's handkerchiefs. :
Beating rugs and mats.
Stoning cherries.
Making and selling paper flowers.
Gathering and selling wild flowers,
autumn leaves, etc.
Caring for the baby.
Hemming towels, etc.
Waiting on grandpa and grandma.
Reading aloud.
Caring for the table silver.
Making and selling lamp lighters and
iron holders. '
Self-denial of candy, etc.
"I Didn't Think."
If all the troubles in the world
Were traced back to the start,
We'd find not one in ten began
From want of willing heart.
But there's a sly, woe-working elf
Who lurks about youth's brink.
And sure dismay he brings away
The elf "I didn't think."
He seems so sorry when he's caught,
His mien is all contrite,
He so regrets the woe he wrought
And wants to make things right.
But wishes do not heal a wound,
Nor weld a broken link;
The heart aches on, the link is gone
All through "I didn't think."
When brain is comrade to the heart,
And heart from soul draws grace,
"I didn't think" will quick depart
For lack of resting place.
If from that great unselfish stream,
The golden rule we drink,
We'll keep God's laws and have no cause
- -To say, "I didn't think."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
She Has a Precious Dolt
Naomi Oles, the little 6-year-old
daughter of Frederick Oles, of Lans
dale, Pa., has In her possession a doll
which Is considered the most valuable
possession in the county and which has
created considerable comment because
of Its headgear, to which there is an in
teresting story attached.
Twenty-one years ago Mr. Oles, fa
ther of Naomi, was the proud possessor
of a head of silken locks with a natural
tendency to curL As he grew older his
viotber thought it was not becoming
I egaps?' Housetop XCritfOA
r" '" ' in ' ii I flying lop 1
I Bussi&n sciVHfy Nv
Double- ZggjZjZj ( ; e j
J Haider. f if
Y Outdoor loiySf
that a boy of his age should wear such
pendants and it was with much per
suasion that she finally induced bin
to have his hair cut. When the barber
had shorn him of his locks the mothe:
secured them and placed them away
for safe keeping.
Recently she had a doll's wig mad
of the hair and, having had it placed
upon a pretty doll, the grandniothei
presented it to Naomi. The little gir
is extremely proud of her gift and
seems to thoroughly realize the valu
of this doll with natural hair so pecu
Marly secured. Little Naomi's present if
the envy of all the little girls in th
Tommy Wanted a Reason.
"Mamma," queried little Tommy,
"can a door talk?"
"No, dear, of course not" was the re
"Then," continued the youthful in
formation seeker, "why did you tel
Jane to answer the door this morn
Not Always Polite Thinza.
Teacher What does h-u-n-t spell
Johnny Dunno.
Teacher Don't you know what youi
father does when he loses his collai
Johnny Yes'm. He says things.
Would Still Be a Puller.
"Charlie," said a visitor to a brigh
little 5-year-old, 'are you going to be a
dentist like your father and pull peo
pie's teeth when you grow up?"
"No, sir," replied Charlie. "I'm going
to be a lawyer like Uncle George and
pull people's legs."
Elbows on the Finjira.
Small Willie was talking about his
knuckles, and his little 4-year-old sis
ter asked him what he meant. "Why,"
replied little Willie, "I mean the little
elbows on my fingers."
Little Alice's Description.
Little 3-year-old Alice stood watch
ing her mother baking pancakes. Aftei
a few moments' silent observation she
said: "Put on back, turn over on
stomach, then eat."
Composition of Sweetbreads.
Elsie (aged 3) Mamma, I want tc
ask you a serious question.
Mamma Well, what is it, dear?
Elsie Are the sweetbreads made of
loaf sugar?
Uncle Sam's Detectives Have Impor
tant Duties to Perform.
Uncle Sam's large and well-organized
secret service is made up mostly of
men who come properly under the head
of detectives with police powers, but it
has its class of bona fide spotters,
whose entire duty it is to Ingratiate
themselves with persons suspected of
having designs to evade the custom
house duties and ,to warn the baggage
inspectors at this end of the impending
swindle. In cleverness, address and
adaptability the secret service spotter
is easily at the., head of his profession,
and even ranks with the trained ex
perts of the European diplomatic
corps. It is essential that he should be
a man of the world, for he must associ
ate with all kinds of people on equal
terms. He has no fixed abode, but lives
in various European capitals when he
is not on shipboard, where he is much
of the time. He must never let himself
be in the slightest degree suspected.
There is always a number of these
agents in Paris because of the great
American trade there. They live the
life apparently of flaneurs and boule
vardiers. In all lines of trade that con
cern dutiable goods they are experts,
and no large purchase by an American
in Paris is unknown to them. Their
circle of acquaintance is enormous, but
nobody knows them for what they are.
In one way or another they contrive to
make the acquaintance of any persons
whom they suspect, and unostentatious
ly and unremittingly trail him. Many
a time some man who has made a
heavy purchase of diamonds or laces
and so disposed them that he felt sure
of being able to get them through the
port undiscovered has been passed on
the dock by a chance acquaintance of
the voyage over, who, unseen, presses a
little note into the hand of the customs
inspector. That note tells all that the
wily smuggler would wish to keep sec
ret, and his baggage is mercilessly ran
sacked until the hidden articles are
brought to light He has been follow
ed by the spotter. Men employed In
this line get good pay as high as $10 a
day but it costs them much to live in
the manner In which they must main
tain themselves. Ainslee's Magazine.
- Comparison and Contradiction.
Rustic New England humor, though
It is not always delicate, dearly loves
the paradox In comparison and the con
tradiction. Of a crooked man, the peo
ple say, "He stands as straight as a
sheep's hind leg," and "that 'ere road
goes to Milford as straight as a snake
can run." The bicycler is ploughing
along laboriously through a sandy
road, and the rustic who meets him ex
claims, with compassion in .his eyes,
"Ain't it durned mean they won't let
ye ride on the sidewalk." Nothing like
a sidewalk within twenty miles.
Offered a Small Figure.
A few days since a popular attorney
called upon another member of the
profession and asked his opinion upon
a certain point of law. The lawyer to
whom the question was addressed
drew himself up and said. "I gener
ally get paid for what I know." The
questioner drew a half dollar from his
pocket handed It to the other and cool
ly remarked:" "Tell me all you know
and give me the change." .
A sweetheart Is a charming fancy,
but a wife Is very apt to be a solemn
fact .
Ram's Horn Sounds a Warning Note
to the Unredeemed.
GOOD man riot
only knows how
to live; be
knows how to
The true
Christian Calen
dar makes ev
ery day a saint's
He who fears
God need never
fear man.
The begging church is a libel on the
giving Christ.
Man's favor is temporary; but God's
is everlasting.
Too much service steals our time for
serious thought.
Abiding achievement is greater than
restless activity.
It is a jelly-fish creed that has no
bones of difficulty.
Evil fastens on us only because it
finds affinity in us.
No weapon will slay the enemy like
the "Sword of the Spirit."
Christianity is to the Christless as the
science of optics to the blind.
The adder on a jeweled tray Is as
dangerous as Its fellow In the dirt.
The approbation of self Is seldom
born of the approval of conscience.
The pains of colic are' not to be con
founded with penitence for apple-coon-ing.
God knows how much faith we have,
but tries us so we can honor Him with
our faith.
Charity draws from an exhaustless
fountain; the more it gives, the more it
has to give.
The sceptic'' hits at the New Testa
ment miracles with a view of hurting
its morals.
The saddest day for the Christian is
that in which he seeks satisfaction out
side of Jesus.
The modern plan is for a man to be a
publican in his prayer and a Pharisee
in his practice.
There Is no promise that the church
which is a poor beggar will rest in
Abraham's bosom.
It is hopeless consulting the compass
of conscience when you lay the load
stone of lust beside it.
The roots of a strong tree do not
make much rustle but they do the
hanging on in time of storm.
No wonder some churches are shaky
when the pillars reel, the pews waltz
and the pulpit is in a whirl of social
You can always find many to go the
way of riot with you, but then you can
always find One, the Son of Man, to go
the way of righteousness.
Bold in Their Thievery.
"The thing wnich struck me the most
forcibly in Mexico," said J. D. Proud
fut who has just returned from a visit
to the far south, "is the boldness and
cleverness of the sneak thieves who
invest the national capital. They call
them rateros down there, and if that
word comes from rat It is well taken.
The day before I left Mexico an old
gentleman came in on the train and
put his head out of the car window to
see the sights. Just as the train pulled
up at the depot a rateros on the plat
form snatched off the old gentleman's
hat The old gentleman ran out of the
car and, seeing the thief, he set his
valise down in order to give chase. In
an instant another rateros had swiped
the valise and both of the thieves got
"The old gentleman went to a hotel
and barely had unpacked his trunk
when a young man appeared in his
room and called for his dirty clothes
for the laundry. The young man was
another rateros and he got nearly every
stitch of wearing apparel the old gen
tleman had. I had a little experience
with the rateros on my own account.
They got a light overcoat from my car
riage seat in broad daylight when I
was standing within five feet of it talk
ing to an acquaintance." Kansas
City Journal.
Label If oar Jokes.
A joke that has for its point the mis
use or the mispronunciation of a word
cannot safely be used in mixed com
pany. I've always fancied myself
a wit said a woman who went abroad
last summer, and on the steamer com
ing home I really let myself out Every
body was a bit seasick, and I well,
even I had times when I thought I'd
rather own an automobile than any
kind of a yacht One day we all fore
gathered on deck, and talked about
what we'd gone through you know
how people do on shipboard. I was
talking in my cleverest vein with an
English ramily.
"I'm like a famous lady," I chortled,
gayly. "I'll be extremely glad to set
foot on terra cotta again."
That evening the mother of the Eng
lish family took me aside. -
"My dear," said she, "I'm so much
older than you that I am sure I may
make so bold as to tell you something
and I want you to take it in the spirit
in which it is meant You said this
morning you'd be glad to set foot on
terra cotta again. I thought I'd just
call your attention to the thing so you
won't make the same mistake again.
It isn't terra cotta, it's terra firma."
Free Sulphur Baths.
In Paris the public authorities supply
gratuitously sulphurous baths to all
workers who manipulate lead.
, Worth More than Gold.
Attar of roses sells at $100 an ounce,
which is exactly five times the value of
(St... .-HS-JWsNSI
Apples for the Northwest.
SPECL FARM kucikoc'blN(5u ffwzfflg
In reply to some criticism of his
views about Russian apples. Prof.
Hansen, of South Dakota, says in the
Country Gentleman: "The facts are
that in the sections of the Northwest
where the American varieties fail, the
Russian varieties as a class have
proved superior in hardiness and that is
the first essential. In more favored
regions where American varieties are
a commercial success I would say, 'Let
well enough alone.' In time we hope to
combine the high quality and long
keeping capacity of our best American
winter varieties with the hardiness and
freedom from scab of the hardiest Rus
sian sorts, but this work of crossing
will demand patience and considerable
time. The fact remains that the Minne
sota State Horticultural Society only
recommends three varieties as of the
first degree of hardiness viz.: Hiber
nal, Duchess and Charlamoff. (The
name 'Oldenburg' has not been adopted
by this society, as the old name,
'Duchess,' Is so well established in Min
nesota that the change would only
cause confusion). Four other varieties
are recommended as of the second de
gree of hardiness and of these two are
American and two 'Russian. Of the thir
teen recommended for trial at least
three are Western seedlings of Duch
ess, three are American seedlings and
seven are Russian. Neither class of ap
ples needs defenders. Leave it to a
vote of the fruitmen in each locality.
It is simply a question of locality."
Sheep in Australia.
The Breeder's Gazette publishes a
picture of the champion "strong wool"
Merino ram of Australia this season.
This sheep is owned by S. McCaughey,
Coonong, who likewise breeds Ver-
mont Merinos in large numbers, having
carried off many prizes at both the
Sydney and Melbourne shows with his
Vermonts. The sheep illustrated is
named Eclipse, and he was champion
at both the shows named. Reports of
these shows indicate that Vermont
Merinos are increasing In popularity in
Australia. Large numbers of them
were shown, both pure breds and
grades, by many exhibitors.
Winter and Spring Spraying.
It seems to be almost universally
claimed now by our best horticulturists
that spraying in winter, when the trees
are bare, effects more in killing fun
gous diseases than a spraying when
the foliage has come out, as the spray
can be used much more than double
the strength and is more sure of reach
ing every part of the bark, thus also
reaching the fungus spores which may
be harbored there. It can also be used
on such as may be on the ground, or in
the grass and weeds under the trees.
These spores lie there dormant during
the winter months, but start and multi
ply rapidly in the warmer weather, and
especially If it be damp. They are also
agreed that the law against spraying
apple trees when in bloom, to kill the
larva of the codling moth, though en
acted as a protection to the beekeepers,
is really an advantage to the orchard
ist In Niagara and Ontario counties.
New York, many experiments have
shown that when blossoms were spray
ed with paris green strong enough to
kill the codling worms, the blossoms
failed to set any fruit, and usually fell
off much sooner than those .not spray
ed. This was seen where one-half the
tree was sprayed In bloom and the
other was not
Cheap Way of Getting Fertility.
At the meeting of the New Jersey
Board of Agriculture one of the speak
ers gave his experience in improving
a run down farm. He started with
crimson clover, but later on he added
the cow horn turnip to it sowiilg a half
peck of crimson clover and a pound of
the turnip seed together, sowing among
the corn in the summer and plowing un
der in the" fall. Of three strips sown,
one with buckwheat, one with crimson
clover and one with the clover and tur
nip together, the latter gave so much
the best result that the difference was
noticeable In the next crop at quite a
distance. It brought up poor soil to
wonderful fertility. .
Cheap Flooring.
We will give a method of making a
floor for henhouse or other places
where heavy animals are not to travel
or teams to be driven over it that is
nearly as good and durable as a cement
floor and Is cheaper. It also makes a
good walk around the house, in places
where it will not be much driven over.
Lay a foundation four to six inches
deep with small stones or the cinders
from the coal ashes, making as nearly a
level surface as possible. - Then with
the regular coal sieve get the coal ashes
and add a bushel of fresh slaked lime
to each four bushels of the ashes. Mix
well and let it stand a few days, then
add a gallon of salt and moisten to a
thin mortar so that when put on it will
settle down into the stones. Spread two
or three inches thick, and in a few
days give another coating. The more
coatings and thicker it is the longer
It will last If it is broken by accident
it can be mended In the same way. It
will be ratproof and waterproof; and if
the upper surface of last coat is smooth
It can be kept clean, and absorbs no
filth or odors. American Cultivator.
Agricultural Colleges.
The increased number of students
that have been reported at most of
the agricultural colleges is not so much
an Indication of a more prosperous con
dition of the farmers, enabling them to
send their sons to the college, as It is
of the fact that they are better recog
nizing the value of the practical knowl
edge that they can there obtain of the
best methods of handling all or Some
of the various branches of agriculture
and horticulture. And It is In part due
to the managers of those same colleges'
having lately paid more attention to
teaching in these special branches. It
may not he that they have in any way
lessened their requirements in other
studies, but they have begun to under
stand that those who have chosen the
agricultural college instead of the
many which are not classed under that
name, have done so because they want
ed or were desired by those who sent
them there, to learn that which will fit
them for a farmer's life rather than for
a professional life. And those which
are the most prosperous to-day are
those which first learned this lesson
and profited by it
Baising Pigs.
We always preferred to have the
young pigs come in March rather than
later in the season,' partly because we
were not too busy to attend to them,
and more especially because they
would be fattened before the weather
was very cold and were out of the way
when we wanted the space for those we
intended to feed in the winter. Then,
too, if we bred any to sell we usually
found the price better in November
than in December or January. With a
well-built piggery we had no trouble
in getting winter pigs to grow and be
fit for the butcher at about' seven
months old, and If they would dress
about 200 pounds each they were al
ways in demand. American Cultivator.
The Poultry House.
While we want a poultry house so
well built that water will not freeze in
it by day or night, we do not believe in
having it heated artificially. If it is
kept too warm the fowl will not endure
the cold when let out of doors We have
known some to succeed with hens,
keeping them confined to the house all
winter, but it requires much care to
keep the house clean, and we think that
an outing every day when' it is not
actually freezing keeps them in better
health, and they lay quite as well, for
we seldom failed to have about half the
flock laying during the greater part of
the winter Exchange.
Good Care of Stock Pays.
Never try to lay up a big bank ac
count by raisins scrub stock, ssm th
Farmers' Advocate. If you have a good
grade of stock and cannot afford to buy
one or more thoroughbreds, you can
make your grade stock better by liber
al feeding and good care. Stunting
young stock, thoueh thev mm ho thor
oughbreds, will in a short time reduce
mem io worse man scrubs, because
scrubs are never used to and fin nnt re
ceive but very ordinary care. - The thor-
ougnDrea aoes expect liberal feeding
and good care, and will degenerate
without it -
Horse Talk.
Never hit a horse on the head. It is
not only cruel, but it is very foolish.
You will likely injure him and he will
lose all confidence in you, and he will
watch every opportunity to escape
from you.
Another frightfully cruel, injurious
and inexcusable act is to kick a horse
in its belly.
No man with the least intelligence or
common sense will do It
Every farm should have at least one
or two large box stalls to use for hospi
tal purposes. No sick horse should
ever be tied by the head.
These hospital stalls should be In a
detached building and kept disinfected
and ready for use at any time. There
should also be some means of beating
in severe cold weatherl
The saving of even' one horse with
pneumonia by keeping the temperature
even and comfortable would more than
repay the expense for years.
If a horse is inclined to stock up in a
tie stall, he should have the freedom of
a box stall. Try it The high-spirited.' ?
nervous horse will always do better in ,.
a box stall.
Iron mangers for grain are preferable '
to others, as they are easily kept sweet -''
and clean. ; ;:
It is a good plan if your tie stalls are .
not quite warm enough, or are exposed ; . ...
to the in-rush of cold air when the outer
doors are opened, to hang curtains at
the back of the stalls from rods placed
near the ceiling.
These curtains can be made of old
blankets, pieces of carpeting or old
meal sacks sewed together..
They should be fastened to rings on i ;
the rods so tbey can be pushed back -and
forth as occasion demands.
Anything that adds to the comfort of '
a horse saves money for his master.-, -Farm