Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 15, 1901, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MAKCS 15, 1901.
Ladies' Silk Waists
Seed material. Good workman
ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each.
Marceaized cotton. Looks like
ilk. Wean as well as ailk. Pop
ular cetera. (1.60 ta $2.25 each
for ine skirt liaiags and for ahirt
tfto. Twelve ahad. Moentaper
& E Young & Son.
, Albany, Oregon.
New wash goods arrived today, at
Sao Kline's show window ele
gant line of new shirts.
Wall paper in all designs and at
all prises at Mann & Co' a.
Rev. L. M. Beozer will preaeh in
the Mt. View school house Snaday
afternoon at 2:30. .
Both Senator Daly and Represen
tative Nichols of this county, ware
caitooned in last Saturday's Tele
gram. Rev. L. Myron Boozer will preaoh
morning and evening in the United
Evangelical church next Sunday.
Sunday school and Christian En
deavor at the usual hours.
Sunday is St. Patriot's Day.
There will he a St. Patrick's dance
given tomorrow evening in the
Firemen's Hall. A good time is
guaranteed those who attend.
The Artisans had an enjoyable
evening last Wednesday. They
entertained many guests at a bas
ket soeial in their quarters In the
K. of P. hall. There were in the
neighborhood of forty baskets sold,
which brought the assembly $27.
J. W. Martin left on the Modoc,
Wednesday morning, for Portland,
en route to Elma, Wash. Frank
and Henry Howell are both there,
employed in a logging camy. Hen
ry is operating one of the logging
engines. Mr. Martin will be em
ployed as cook for the same camp.
Quite a number ef neighbors
gathered at the - home of Mr. and
Mrs. 0. F. Hetchkiss, Tuesday
evening, to bid farewell to the par
ents of Mrs. Hotehkiss, Me. and
Mrs. Shaw, who have been visiting
their daughter for the past month.
Mr. Shaw and wife left yesterday
for their home in Kansas.
In response to a letter ef inquiry
by Sheriff Burnett regarding the
law on snipe in Oregon, Game War
den Quimby, of Portland, wrote
under date of Marah 12th, that the
law as prevised by the last legisla
ture takes all protection off of snipe
and whoever thinks he can hit a
snipe is at liberty to hunt them. "
Two agents of Portland Law En
forcement Leaene are In a very
pretty pickle. They were holding
cards in a gambling same for the
purpose of obtaining evidence when
the police swooped down on the un
lawful resort and carries the re
formers off with the ordinary gam
blers. Ex. There are people in
this city who know just how they
Prof. F, L. Kent, of O A C, says:
"Three of the latest built creameries
in the state, having ' a capacity of
upwards of 300 cows, report the
cost of building and - equipment at
about $2,100. Should it be.desird
tohac.d e cream only, the prac
tice in some cases i", ths cost of
tauinrnent will be cut down by a
sura equal to the value of a separ
ator, or about $500."
la the revision of the poneral
game laws of tie stato the Ifgigla
ture, at its late session, failed to
make provision for special privi
leges for taxidermists. Taxider
mists in most slates, are permitted
to kill birds at all seasons of the
year in the interest of scianee. For
which privilege they pty a license,
and upon receiving their permit
from the game warden they file a
lond binding themselves to keep
strictly within the purvue of the
All over the state there appears
to be great activity ' regarding the
question of inducing Easterners lo
locate at a given point. Nearly
every paper in Oregon Las , had
something to suggest for tbe inhab
itants of its particular . field, and
these suggestions are always in the
interest of that particular ''Eden."
This is all right and as it should
be. Oregon is a good state from
top to bottom, but certain sections
are more developed than others.
In order to advertise anything it is
neceseary to use ''printers' ink,"
and particularly is this true when
the maiority of the papers of the
state are setting forth the advan
tages of their section. We invite
readers of the Gazette to lend a
helping hand in this matter, so
vital to us all, and inform us ef all
things coming under their observa
tion that will assist' in building up
and improving the county.
W. A. Sanders, thi. watchmaker.
Lace curtains 85o on the dollar
at Kline's. .
Twenty-one yards of oalico on F.
L. Miller's bargain counter for 99c.
A shipment of 6,540 rolls of wall
paper, in elegant patterns, has just
been received by J. 1). Mann & Co.
Wanted A girl for general house
work; small family;-, good wages.
Address, ''Box 376," Corvallis, Or.
Just in a beautiful line ef La
dies' Hose, in all the latest shades,
with laoe effects 25c and 60a at
It sounds pretty big to speak ef
having 1,100 rolls of wall paper,
but that's the size of our stock.
C. A., Babnhart.
Chester Avery left Tuesday for
Gibbon, Eastern Oregon, 27 miles
north of Pendleton. His family
remain at their home in this county,
for the present.
We have an elegant line of up-to-date
wall paper, in all designs
and at all prices . We have bought
it to sell. It's at The ' Paint Store,
C. A. Barnhart, proprietor.
Rehearsals are still in progress
for the entertainment to be given
shortly by the ladies of the Presby
terian church, borne of the best
talent in the eity will appear on
program. .
The Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co. at
St. Louis, Mo., largest shoe house
in the world, will present your baby
born during 1901 with its first pair
of shoes free of charge, made of
fine Vici'Kld. For particulars ap
ply to their local agents, Nolan &
John Haskins left Wednesday
for Oregon City, to reside with his
son-in-law, W. C. Wilson. Mr.
Wilson was fersaerly a Corvallls
commission merchant, but is now
conducting a similar business in
Uregon City. Thomas Burnett has
leased the Haskins' farm near Oak
The Benton County Citizens'
League, if they want to advertise
Corvallis and vicinty, could do
nothing wiser than to mail copies
of the Gazette to parties in the
East. This will prove to those whe
follow farming that F. L. Miller
pays the Portland price, or more,
for produce. A good local market
is the best advertisement. .'. ,
It is estimated that there are
only about 100 bales of hops in
Oregon at present. By those posted
the statement is made that hop-
yards have wintered well. Oregon
dealers are already looking for con
tracts at offers of from 10 to 11
cents, on the usual terms. The
"usual terms" are cash for cultivat
ing purposes and assistance in pick'
ing time. Growers do not seem
anxious to come to terms on these
uivujiava. g
r mt. ilk... T A . t
a up Aiua.ny xyQuiuuran gives egrtsue
to the Gazette's item concerning
the "egg-guessing contest" in F. L.
Miller's store recently, and says
that no such number of Linn coun
ty eggs could be gotten into, a tub
ef the dimensions stated in our ar
ticle. . Wrong again, Brother Nut
ty. Nearly all of the eggB ia that
ton came from Linn county and
from very near Albany at that.
Better prices aro offered in Corval
lis for eggs than Albany can afford
to pay and they nattfrally gravitate
in mis airecwon. a
rT n r -1 J .o . t - - V
ud oaiuru&y evening ai o seises,
the department of gymnastics will
give an exhibition of the work don
so far this year in the Agricultura
College. The program will em
brace class drills, apparatus work,
tumbling, and music by the O A C
band. One of the numbers which
has attracted the attention f the
visitors is the hygienic dumb-bell
drill by the men s class. It is one
of the first performances of the kind
ever givftn in this city, but His very
popular in the liast ana will piove
worth many times the small Ad
mission fee of fifteen cents. Tickets
on sale at the college library.
Am Albany "theatrical troupe"
went to Corvallis and displayed
their amateur talents to their best
ability. The Corvallis Gazette
gave a mild and friendly review of
the performance, not, hewever,
gushing with the fulsome flattery
which the "company" thought they
deserved, and now the editor of the
Gazette is receiving bitter abuse
from the Albany people. His criti
cism is now charged to the fact that
an Albany girl gave hlin the mit
ten and bestowed her smiles on an
other fellow. Salem Statesman.
Yes, and we have been trying ever
sinoe to locate who that girl was,
but she is ae elusive as Pat Crowe.
A. J. Johnson, United States
Forestry Expert, whoso home is in
Astoria, arrived in Corvallis, Wed
nesday. His purpose in coming
here was to secure a choice" collec
tion of hardwoods from the Corval
lis mills for exhibition at the Pan
American . Exposition at Buffalo.
Expert Johnson ia one of the most
noted forestry men in the United
States, and besides collecting and
working in behalf ef this govern
ment and many priyate forestry as
sanations throughout the land, he
is a contributor to many like organ
izations in Europe. . One of his
greatest discoveries was the White
Sunflower, which he found in East'
em Oregon ' and determined its
ins vitizens- League is considering a
Proposition Looking to the' Establish-
Blent of Snch-an Enterprise Here.
The Benton County Citizens
League "is now- a thing of life
and prepared to do business. At
a meeting Tuesday evening per
manent organization was effected
and the following 5 officers were
elected : M. S. Woodcock, pres
ident; B. ? W, ' Johnson, ist vice
president; W. H. Currin, 2nd
vice president; C. E. Woodson,
secretary; E. Allen, treasurer.
These officers compose the exec
utive committee.
The pressing need of this or
ganization and the value it may
be to the community, was evi
denced when E. E. Wilson in
formed the members of the
League that he had received a
communication from a gentle
man in Brownsville to the effect
that a- party, having means to
invest, was desirous of establish
ing a one-set woolen mill at
some point in' Oregon. He
wished to know what induce
ments Corvallis had to offer for
such an enterprise. Mr. Wilson
was instructed to enter into cor-,
respondence with these parties
and report results to the League,
which .will leave no stone un
turned to secure the mill.
The executive committee has
received a letter from the land
agent of the Southern' Pacific
Railroad company, stating that if
the Citizens' League will furnish
data concerning the description,
resources and other .matters of
interest pertaining to Benton
county, the above-named com
pany will publish the same in
pamphlet form to . advertise this
section at the Buffalo Exposition.
The matter will be given imme
diate attention.
The committee on member
ship had a most encouraging re
port to make. Over sixty signers
to the constitution have been
secured, the following, being
among the number:
B W Johnson
Walter T Wiles
EE. Wilson
M S Woodcock .
P Avery
E Allen
EH Huston .
' E B Horning
John H Sinpson
EE Lake .
C E Woodson .
J B Irvine
Thos Whitehorn
J M Nolan
Vi A Robinson '
W H MeMahan
PM Zierolf
G E Heut
I E Daniel ?
Virgil E Wa tiers '
G W Desman
Aug W Fischer
J H Wortaam
S L Kline -F
P Sheasgreen
D M Smith
Oliver J Blaukledge
L F Wilson
W T Small
3 0 Taylor
E E Bryson
Eobt Johnson
G E Farra
B F Irvine.
C N McKellips
J K Smith
A Hodes
Wm Bogue
J H Harris
J M Cameron
B Woldt
J H Wilson
F L Miller
W H Hall
Geo L Paul
J N McFadden
J G Wueatefelt
C A Barnbart
E P GreCoz
Thos Callahan
Grant Elgin
E Woodward
H SPernot
J D Mann
Z H Davis
Jas A Harper
Lea Hankie
S L Hays
O Healy
W H Franklin.
A J Metzger
Lost Paradise.
The performance of "Lost Para-
dise" last night by Frank Cooley
and company was excellent in every
particular and preatly pleased the
large audience present. The "Lost
Pai ad ise" requires clever and 'care
ful handling. Hamilton Armour,
as Percy Rnskin, succeeded in gain
ing the dislike of the audience by a
careful and c!ean-cut impersonation
of a trying role. Sidnev Piatt was
liuht and buoy nut 'as Hal Neville:
hia scenes with Polly (Miss Fran
cis), were enjoyable and served to
relieve the more serious part of the
drama. M. de Lacev, as leader of
the strike, presented an ideal work
man with the courage of his con
victioLS. Oswald Roberts played
the 'nill-ownr with energy and M.
Graves looked well as Crawford.
Miss Kingsbury, as leading lady,
acted her pari very well, is hand
8omi? and well gowned and of excel
lent ability, iiithel Urompton was
a charming character in her hands.
Miss Francis played Pollv and Cin
ders and deserves praise for her
versatility. Miss Graves won sym
pathy as Emily and Miss Bluxome
looked well as , Mrs. Grompton.
Frank Cooley has been here before,
but never to such sood advantage
as, last night. As George Weston
he displayed a passion, force and
tenderness not possessed by all
leading men. Eugene Guard, Mar.
lth. . ' :
The above-mentioned play will be
produced at the Opera House next
Monday night. The prices are 10c,
20c and 30o.
Hair Dressing.
'' A fiae French hair dressing to clean
hair. Call at Mrs. Healey'son 3rd street
today and Saturday, and get your beads
dressed free. ""' v " "
The finest and most complete line
of wall paper over shewn in Corval
lis is now to bo seen at J, D. Mann,
First In Delivery.
The -Gazette is ia possession
of the markings of the judges on
composition and delivery in the
recent inter-callegiate oratorical
contest held in this city, and
perusal ef them is interesting.
The judges on composition were
required to grade their papers on
their Originality, Rhetorical Ex
cellence, . Subject Matter, and
Style of Treatment. Delivery
was also divided into four heads:
Gesticulation, Articulation, In
terpretation, and Oratorical
Effecs. Each set of judges
graded upon the basis of ioo.
Of the three leading contestants,
Tartar stood first In delivery by
twft points, aad Minchin secend,
two points ahead of Wallace,
who was third. Tartar excelled
in oratorical effect, with Wal
lace second and Minchia third.
Tartar was first in gesticulation
and Minchin second; while Min
chin stood first in articulation
and equalled Tartar in interpre
tation. Wallace was third in
each of these points. :
Judge Colvig awarded O A C's
representative first honors ia de
livery, and Mr. Mays and Rev.
Gilbert gave him second plaee.
Gilbert placed Wallace first and
Minchin third; Mays' first choice
was Minchia, while he con
sidered Wallace . entitled to fifth
Of all the markings, those of
Professor Paddleford, of the uni
versity of Idaho, stand out naked
and alone. So great in his esti
mation, was the difference in the
literary merit of the various
papers, that his voice outweighed
the verdict ef the other judges
combined, in deciding the con
test. On the basis of ioo points,
he gave Minchin 90; Wallace,
71; and 1 Tartar, 46. Prof.
Meaney, of the university "of
Washington, gave Minchia 94;
Wallace, 96; and .Tartor, 93.
President Penrose, of Whitman
college, Walla Walla, like Prof.
Meaney, found little difference
in the composition of the three
leaders. He rated Minchin first
with 90 points,' Wallace second
with 89, and thought Tartar en
titled to 80.
There are some literary produc
tins which Professor Padelferd
has never read or he "would cot
have given Minchin over twice
as much, credit for originality
as he gave Tartar. Professor
Meaney thought that O A C was
second to MoMinnville ia origi
nality and placed Minchin two
points lower. President Pea
rose on this point, gradad Mia
eain and Wallace alike and rated
Tartar below theta.
On the papers as a whole,
Minchin stood the highest Of all
the contestants, Wallace took
second pace, and Stillmacher, of
Albany, third. Prat, Meaney
placed Stellnaacher first; Presi
dent Penrose eave him second
place, while Prof. PadelfrS
marked him seventh.
A Friend of Honest Criticism.
Portland, Or,, March 13, 1901.
Ed, Gazette,
.:' Deab Sib; The high gram
matical authority on the Albany
paper says that your recent criti
cism of "A Debt of Honor" was an
' 'illy' conceived potpourri of bad
English." It might not be out of
: I "1 i''
' rW " 1
1 JA 1
place to call his attention to the
fact that such other authorities - as
Webster, and tho Standard and
Century dictionaries unite ' in dis
crediting the use of "illy" for the
adverb "ill," which is the correct
form of the word.
Sincerely yours,
- A Potlanb Friend of Honest
Things Were Interesting.
The meeting oi the ' council
Monday developed considerable
interest before: adjournment was
taken. . After the regular order
01 business had been considered,
Mayor Crawford announced that
the council was ready to consider
miscellaneous matters. Mr. J.
T. Phillips here called the atten
tion of the council to the fact
that the law relating to the clos
ing of saloons was being violated.
Mr. Phillips spoke warmly on
the subject from the standpoint
of a parent and citizen and was
given close attention. When he
had concluded Officer Wells
created a sensation by reading a
list of names of persons whom he
claimed had passed a portion of
last Sunday in a certain saloon
in this city. He closed his re
marks by asking the council if it
was the desire ot that body that
the Sunday closing law be en
forced. Councilman Heckart
offered a motion to the effect that
it was, and the council gave
unanimous assent.
A wise action on the part of
the council was the repeal of the
bill pasting ' ordinance. A mer
chant may now distribute dodgers
and other literature advertising
his business without paying tri
bute for the privilege, and the
city is relieved of the constant
menace of a law suit
The police judge was ordered
to cancel the judgment for $20,
standing against the water com
pany. The city attorney informed the
council that in his judgment the
case of The City of Corvallis vs
Lee Dan could not be appealed.
J. B. Irvine was elected special
policeman to serve at the Opera
House for a term of six months
without compensation from the
Judge Woodward cosferred
with the council regarding the
repairing and operating of the
gravel ferry, and an agreement
was reached whereby the city
and county will each bear one
half of such expense.
Petitions for placing electric
lights on corner of Harrison and
nth, and corner of Harrison and
1 6th streets, were referred to fire
and water committee.
A petition asking that a side
walk be built along the north
side of Harrison street from 16th
to the city limits was referred to
the street committee.
Bills were allowed amounting
to $316 on the general, and 3.85
on the street funds.
Additional Loeal
All the latest things ia Dress
Trimmings, at Kline's.
Born, Wednesday, March
ts the wife of E. P. Greffoz,
a son.
Born, Tuesday, March 12th, , to
tho wife of O. B. Connor, a daugh
ter. - '
Miles Young and family are now
residents of Oregon City. Mr.
Young has a position as clerk in a
grocery store ia that " city and is
well-pleased with the situation..
The elders of Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints will
hold services in the Burnett hall on
Sunday, March 17th at 2 p. m. and
7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is
extended to all.
Manager Dosoh, of the Oregon
Commission to the Buffalo. Pan-
Amerioan Exposition, is extremely
anxious to becare exhibits of grain
and grasses from this section.. Par
ties willing to donate specimens for
this purpose, should leave them at
the S. P. depot in . care of Agent
V armer, wno will torward them to
Manager Doscb..
Methodist Episcopal church, Kev.
Frank L Moore, pastor; services
next Sunday , as follows: Sunday
school at 10 a. m. with good young
people's classes; preaching at 11 a.
m., "The Method of Christian De
velopment;" at 6:80 Epworth
League and a hearty welcome. Peo
ple's service on "What the Kingdom
is Like," with special music at 7:30
p. m. . ; ,";!:. .- .-.
Some weeks ago, Ed V. Price,
senior member of the firm of Ed.
V. Price & Co., wholesale custom
tailore, Chicago, wrote to Ed Wiles,
of this city, enclosing a check in
full for payment of a debt to John
Wiles, contracted when Price was
a poor school teacher in this county,
some 25 years . ago. The letter
stated that the writer-, was in a
position to settle all accounts
against him, and was desirous that
creditors should send in their bills.
In looking over . old accounts, E.
Allen, of the firm of Allen & Wood
ward, found an item of $2 charged
up against Price 24 years ago. He
sent a statement to Price, and a
few days ago a check for $4 and
some cents was received by Mr.
Allen. Mr. Price stated that Mr.
Allen was entitled to interest en his
money, and interest for 24. years
was enclosed. '
We are Trepa'red"this season to show yon a larger- and more - op-to-date
line of Gent's Furnishing Goods than ever before
.'.'V Gold and Silver Shirts, v :
The most popnlar brand in America.
fancy. Silver brand, $1
For Col lars We have any kind
15 cents, two for 25 cents. .
Fancy Hose Bine line. Haadkerchieis, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, Etc.
Nelson's Custom-Fit $3.50 Shoes for Men.
Our Spring stock is superb, comprising all the new styles in patent kid,
lew cuts, black and tans.
Made To Order Clothing.
We have three books from America's foremost tailoring firms to select from
The Corvallis Commission
- Store -
Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated
-corvallis m mmm. nous
A package of Arm & Hammer Soda ia given free with
very sack of the latter
Hay, Oats, Grain.
LFUh, EssBi Psadtry, Etc
CGrvalHs' Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and S
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies jl
.a specialty. -
' : I
H..W. HALL, Proprietor.
-ft Hot Springs and
These baths are health insurance. If yea are ailing they will
make you well. If you are well they will ward off disease. I handle
the finest line of cabinets made; not spurious imitations. Call at
once, as our time is limited. A good agent wanted.
Mes. J. A. SEixwOOD,iPWiE3
No. 1123, Third Street, Crvallis, OfcJB
To Ront.
Ten acres, with house and barn, close
to college. Enquire at this office. ,
Hair Dresser.
A fine assortment of goods, consisting
of first-class work. Combings rooted
and put op as nice as cat hair. Old
switches a specialty ; dyed to any shade
and made as nice as new.
Mrs. C. A, Spaulding.
Call at 1123, 3rd St., Corvallis.
For Rent.
A good stock farm for either cattle or
goats, in Alsea. Enquire of
. F. Kl,KCKEJt.
Get yonr Job Wort done here
For .50 Years
mothers have been giving their
children for croup, coughs and
colds '" ' ...
Mothers Wv wttdtt in
isomers nave you OHlLOHin
menouse at au times r . uo
you know just where you can
find it if you need it quickly
if your little one is gasping
and choking with , croup? , If
you ' haven't it get a .bottle.
It will save your child's life.
"Shiloh always cared my baby of croup,
' coughs and colds. I woald not be without it."-
MRS. J. B. MARTIN, Hustsville, Ala. '
BhlloVa Consumption Core Is sold by all
Irnggtst at gse, fiOc, 81. OO a bottle. A
? rinsed guarantee aroes with Tery bottle.
ryoaarenotaatisfiedgro ta yonr druggist
and g;et your money back. ,
Write for ninstrated book on consumption. Sent
without cost to you. S. U. Wells & Co., Roy, N.V,
Sold b Graham & Wortham.
The very latest styleslinlwhite and
00; Gold brand, $1 50.
you want.
All the new styles just in
. Bran, Shorts, Potatoes
Turkish Baths at Home
How It Is Bone.
The first object in life with the
American people Is to "get rich;"
the second, how to regain good
health. The first can be obtained
by energy, honesty . and saving;
the second, (good health) by using
Green's August Flower. . Should
eu be a despondent sufferer .from
any of the effects of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, In
digestion, ttc.,: such as Sick Head
ache, Palpitation of the Heart,
Sour Stomach, Habitual Costive
ness, Dizziness "of the Head, Ner
vous prostration, low spirits, etc.,
yon need not suffer another day.
Two doses of the well known August
Flower will relieve yon at once.
Go to Grahaua & Wortham and
get a sample bottle gfree. Regular .
size, 75 cents. Get Green's Prize
Almanac. .
Three Questions.
Before purchasing a piano or organ
there are a few questions it ia well to
consider. First: Is the instrument made
to use or : simply to sell ? Second : Ia
the the tone, action and finish first class?
Third: Is the priee reasonable? Cheap)
Instruments are expensive at any price. .
'J7 Because they ever givelsatis-
, factionj being constructed of the cheap
est - material hastily thrown together.
To secure the valae of your money thera
ia one certain way. Buy an instrument
whieh has not only an established repu
tation for years, but which has kept np
with every improvement of modern
times. If yon than wonld like such art
instrement with a tone, action and fin
ish nnsnrsassad, I have them, and eait
furnish yon any at the lowest price.
Call around . ' Mobdaumc Goodkouqh.
Pests and Fencing..
The Corvallis, Sawmill Co. have just
received a carload of split cedar posts, ,
the , very . finest posts on . earth.
Buyers are invited to inspect this itoclt
before purchasing elsewhere. ' -
V. vv