Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 15, 1901, Image 2

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FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1901.
C. & E. Rumor.
The Statesman ef the 12th
Inst, contains a communication,
which if true, will be of much in
terest to the people of this sec
tion. It savs:
"Have heard indirectly that
Mr. Hammpnd contemplates or
Is trying to arrange to extend the
road (the Corvallis & Eastern)
easterly over tha Cascades to
meet the Burlington or some
line. I do net know what the
obstaeles to overcome may be,
but if he can get a line from
Corvallis down to meet his As
toria road, have no doubt bat
that eveatnally the Corvallis &
Eastern will devalop into an im
portant property. Astoria is
nearer the Orient than San Fran
otsco, and taa railraacs are
watching the trans-Pasific close
ly. The Southern & Pacific
company and the Santa Pe have
California so closely in their
rasp that any new road is almost
compelled to look to tha North
west for tidewater facilities, and
besides, it is a country which by
development May prodsce a tre
mendous tonnage for a railroad.
Ia my plaion the lumbes traffic
alone could be made a better
reyenue producer, than anything
s new road could expect to get
in California, and the lumber
trade is one that lasts 365 days
in the year. Besides a new road
ia Central Eastern Oregon would
Ba?4 ft 'cinch' oa all the business
for xoo miles nearly, en each
3lila, and as the country da
veloped it would build ap an
important loeal business. To
my mind aa extension of the
Corvallis & Eastern to meet
some road from the East is as
premising a field for railroad
as any loeality west of the Rocky
"The people ef the Willamette
valloy, and, in fast, all ef West'
era Orerea, are hoping that Mr.
Hammond will be in a position
Co act ia the developmemt of his
properties ia this state whoa he
arrives in Oregon. It behooves
the people of Salem to watch
His movements and to be pre
pared to act, in holding to secare
the main line if possible, or at
least a branch ef this proposed
system, which will be one of the
most important in Oregon for all
time, and, which ooald do mere
in the development of the state's
resoarces thaa any one thing."
The Albany Herald adds:
Manager Edwin Stone, of the
Corvallis & Eastern, was seen
by a Herald reporter concerning
" the foregoing. He said he had
received no information from
Mr. Hammond that would in
dicate the carrying out of these
plans. Ho Said Hr. Hammond
is ia California on his return
from New Yosk, and will be
here in a day or two to speak for
Date Changed.
Under an act passed by the
last legislature the time of hold
ing circait court in this county
has been changed. Heretofore,
the circuit coart has convened
on tha second Mondays of the
months of April and November,
bnt the time, has been changed
to the fourth Monday ia March
and the fourth Monday in No
vember. This does not affect
the next term of circuit court
in Benton, as the act dees not go
into effect until after the fourth
Monday ia June, 1901. The
Beaton county bar was not very
well pleased . with, the time set
for circuit court in this county
before the enactment of this act,
as it did not equally divide the
twelve months, the terms being
five and' seven months apart.
According to . the change affairs
will be still worse as regards
division of time. The two terms
of court will now divide the
year into periods of four and
eight months. It beats creation
Itow matters of this nature are
adjasted tbeirsupposltien is, be
yond doubt, that eight months
are twice the length of four
months, hence the year is equally
foer - months and eight months
making twelve months, 61 a year
Improvement Society.
On Monday evening, ia re
sponse to notice in the papers, a
small number of ladies and gen
tlemen, interested ia bettering
the appearance of our city, met
at the office of Judge Woodward.
The ra.-eting was presided over i
by Prof. Coote, and Mr. Bennett
acted as secretary for the even
ing. " -
The object of the meeting was
stated to be, the organization of
all interested into a society for
tue encouraging of improvement
and adornment in all parts ef the
city, by precept and example,
and also, if possible, to extead
encouragement to the existing
Remarks were made ty the
chairman and others, to the
point, showing what might bo
accomplished ia this line, bv
nmted and narmoaleuS effort,
and citing results secured in
many towns and villages, far less
favored by nature, than our own
little city.
It was thought wise to or
ganize in the very near future,
in order that the season favora
ble to landscape work might be
takes advantage of, and imme
diate results bo shown, as a
"starter." It was deelded by
vote to adopt the name Cor
vallis Improvement Society. The
secretary was asked to corres
pond with improvement societies
in other states, aad seeare infor
mation and suggestions available
from experienced parties.
A committee of five was ap
pointed to present resolutions,
etc., tending toward permanent
organization, at the next meet
ing, which will be hold at the
same place on next Monday
evening, March 18th, at 7:30
sharp. It is sincerely hoped
that there may be a full house at
the next meeting. All civilized
people certainly admire a town
with clean streets, bordered by
smooth walks and well kept
grounds, both public and private,
it lies easily within the reach of
onr good people to make this the
most beautiful and desirable
place of residence in the North
west. It costs only a little efiort
oa the part of each, to prodace
great results, and . every individ
ual will he more than repaid by
the personal pleasure aad profit
derived. Lot's make it a mass
meeting ia the interest ef clean
liness and beauty.
C. Lincoln Bbnnett,
Sec'y Pro TeK.
Conditions Ia the Orient.
Col. H. E. Ddsch recently
received a letter from H. B.
Miller, at pieseat United States
Consul at Shanghai, hut former
ly president of the O A C. Fol
lowing are extracts from the let
ter: The market for apples hero
can be greatly increased by some
plan that will give them to the
consumer at a fair price. Japaa
could be made to use more than
China for the present. Chinese
use apples, that is, all who can
afford it, and a price of $3.50
"Mexican" instead ef $5.50
to $ 10 per box, would (make
quite a trade for them.
-The Germans are coming to
China very fast and the future
will see many of them here.
They are going to become the
heaviest traders here, in my
opinion, and they will use our
The one great bar to our trade
expansion in China is the lew
style of living of nearly all the
Chinese, and the great poverty of
the masses. They live in sueh
dirt, filth, and rude simplicity
and their wants are so low and !
tew that we cannot measure them i
properly. I would advise onr
fruitgrowers and dealers to hunt
for a prune trade in the North
among tne Kussians; much
might be done there.
The new steamer line is going
to be a great help in increasing
trade. We never hear of Port
land or Oregon here new and
few people know that there is
such a place, This list that I
have prepared I hope will be of
much help in the way of show
ing what is being done in pro
ducts such as Oregon has. I am
very glad indeed to know that I
am so kindly remembered by tha
fruit men of Oregon and I shall
ask you to continue my . regards
to them for I have every reason
to feel kindly to them.
The results from my frttlt
farms for the year were very
satisfactory indeed. They will
help to pay my . expenses for tha
honor of being a United States
oonsnl to China, as my salary is
not sufficient. There is nothing
like an Oregon fruit farm to fall
back on in case ef financial dis
tress. The trouble ia China Is
not heady finished or at an end,
And Every Form of ; Torturing
Disfiguring Skin and Scalp
Humors Cured by
Speedy Cube Tbeatmkht. Bathe the
affected parts thoroughly with Hot Water
and Cdticdba Soap. Next apply Ccticuua
Ointment, the great skin care, and lastly take
a full dose of Coticuba Resolvent. This
treatment will afford instant, relief permit
rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, perma
nent, and economical cure -when all else fails.
Sold everywhere. Price, Tna 8aT. tl.25i or, ConcnnA.
Soap, 25c.( OuTMEST, 30c.i Resolvent (hsit size). Ate.
" How to Curt ficzemV&l'Pife book. free.
Pat Your Name There.
If orchardists and fruit-producers
generally would go to the
same trouble that tnaay other
producers do they would receive
better remuneration for what
they market. For instance, a
dairyman, if he knows his busi
ness and manufactures good
batter, will put his stamp oa
his article; cheese makers will do
likewise. In fact, if you've got
a good thing to market, it is a
wise thing to take pains and have
everything done that will help
to advertise the article and tho
prodncer. Mr. Olwell, of Sooth
era Oregon, does things about
right in this connection. The
Oregonian contains tho follow
Every apple shipped from the
Olwell orchard sold in London or
important Eastern markets comes
out of the original box wrapped
in paper. The box is sngar pine
marked in large letters, "Oregon
apple?," together with the addi
tional private stamp of the or-
chardist. The bottom and sides
are lined with paper. Between
each layer is paper, blus in color
and of cardboard variety. Oa
top is paper of the same kind,
and the lid is sprung in place
with a machine and nailed. The
apples in the box are packed
with sneh exactness that when
the lid is finally nailed on there
is no shifting of position by the
frait inside.
Putnam Fadeless Dye Yellow, is
absolutely fadeless to either sun
light, washing or bleaching, and
colors about twice as much goods
as ethers. 10c per package. Sold
by Graham & Wells.
Wanted Men, women, children,
boys and girls of all ages to help
clear counters and shelves. The
counters and shelves are weighted
down with new spring dress goods,
silks, satin?, velvets, and all the
new novelties for ladies' fixings,
men' boys' and children's clothing,
furnishing goods, fine shoes, hats,
etc. Not much money needed.
Apply to Nolan & Callahan.
A Call for Warrants.
Notice ia hereby given that there is
money in the treasury to pay all "gen
eral and" warrants up to and including
No. 2873, endorsed Nov. 14, 1899, and
all "street fund" warrants, up to and in
eluding No. 844, endorsed Nov. 27, 1900,
Interest will be stopped on the same
from this date. William McLagan,
City Treasurer.
Dated, Corvallis, Or., March 15, 1901
No. 54 190 asrts, 60 in cultivation,
mostly bottem land, balance See pas
ture and timber, good new fcarn, email
house, miles from Philomath, price
$2,500; this is a tine farm-
No. 8 165 acres, 140 in tultlvatton,
good house, bane, orchard and water,
All well fenced, two miles frm Phile-
math; one of the fisest farms ia Oregon;
price, $30 per acre.
No. 6180 acrts, 10 in cultivation, bal
ance good pasture aad timber, good cot
ranga, fair home, barn and other out-
buildiage, geed fruit and water ; tail it
a fine goat ranch, 6 miles freru Phllo
price $650 ; this is a snap.
No. 10140 acres, 15 in cultivation,
good building, fine fruit and wsler, fine
bottom laud ; price $650; 412 mi'es frost
No. 103 18 acres near Corrallis, well
improved, a sightly home for $1,100.
. Beal Estate A tent,
Philomath, Benton Ccantv, Oregon.
! Notice for Pablieatlea.
Urite States Lakh Ovnca,
Oretea Citv. Oreeen. March. 4. imi
Notice Is herekj (ifn that ia eempiiance witk taa
prorisiens the aet el Contrail af Jmm t, 1171
entitled "An act ler the sale af timber laaas in the
states el uaiuoraia, ureron, Havana, aad Wash
ington Territory," as extended te all tha Pablio
Land States ev act el August , ISM,
ol Monmouth, county of Folk, state of Oregon, has
thin day filed in this office her sworn statement Ho
5353, for the purchase of S ot NEJ and NJ of SEi
of Section No 2 in Township No 13 South, Hangs No
7 West, and will oSer proof to stow that the land
Eoaght is more valuable for ita timber or atone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
29th day of Mar, 1901. She names as witnesses:
Michael O. Flynn, of Fall City. Polk Co., Or, Jas af.
Flynn, of Monmouth, Polk Ce Or., Samuel W
Kwiny, ol Fail City, Pelk Co., Or., John V. Hyde,
of Philomath, Benton Co., Or.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the akove
d escribed lands an requested te file their claims in1
this office on or before said 19th day of May,
191. "" CHAS, B. UOOREB,
Subscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following
papers ia combination subscriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very lew prices
tattd below; cash in advance always to accompany the order. These wishing
two or mare of the poblications named with the GAZETTE, will pleas cor
respond with this office and we will quote you the combination price. We can
save you money on nearly all publications yen desire.
The abbreviations below are explained aa follows : W, for w eekly ; S W,
for semi-weekly IW, tii-weekly; M, monthly ; 8 M, semi-monthly.
Price With -
' ' ' : ."; Per the ..
" Annum Gazette
8 M, Portland, Oregon. - . ,
OKEGONIAN, W, Portland, Or. ... . 150 2 65 '
RURAL SPIRIT. W. Portland.Or 2 00 2 55
C tains a correct live-iteck tnaiket report.
PACmO CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, W, Portlatd, Or. .... .. 2 00 3 05
THE THRICE-A-WEMK WORLD. T W, New York. 1 00 J 20
HOMESTEAD, W, Des Moines, Iowa 1 00 2 30
A thorough stoek and farm journal.
THE REPUBLIC, S W. St. Louis, Mo 1 00 2 05
THE AMERICAN FARMER, M, Indianapolis, Ind 50 1 65
and Atlas ot tha World bound in cloth, 56 rages ef latest
eolored Maps.
THS' OUTING MAGAZINE, M, New York 2 25 3 80
THE WEEKLY INTER-OCEAN, W, Chicago, 111 1 00 1 00
CINOINNATTI INQUIRER, W, Cincinnati 1 00 2 05
THE FRUIT GROWERS JOURNAL, M, Cokden, 111 50 1 75
It is well to remember that you
can cover Benton County
f horougbly by placing
yonr advertisement in the
They get Proper Display, Proper Position
and Proper Treatment.
, come to think over it,
yoe can easily under
stand why somaay ptena
cent advertisers place ads
in this paper.
That's the Secret.
rhe first National Bank
M. S. WOODCOCK, President.
C. E. MOOR, Vice-President.
WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. .
GEO. E. LILLY. Assistant Cashier.
JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
On all kinds of approved security, and especially
to encourage and build up the legitimate busi
ness cuieipriscs ana inausmes ox wis country.
Received subject to check payable on demand.
Foreiga Exchange '' '
Digui exenanf e ana transiers eoia available in
the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer-
wuu, x.iMuvc,.jcigium. .tioiiana, i orway, awco
en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger-
maw. An&tHa .
' Letters of Credit
United States. , .
'rincipal Corrsspondents Upon Whom "Wt
aeu.aignt ticnango
The Commercial National Bank of Chicago.
The FlrstNational Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif.
Anglo-California!! Bank, San Francisco, Calif.
The National City Bank New York.
The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n.
Importers ScTrader's National Bank, New York.
Shoe and Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass.
MUladtipHia National Bank of Philadelphia, ra,
' Rattle for Pneiieatioa.
Lard Omci at Obeqon City, Origon, "
. Man-h 8,
VnH ia f. V 1 t , . ...
Riven mat tne xoiiowinf-
muDi HisumiBoun mi nis inienuen
to mats final proof In support of his claim, and
that said rool will be made before the County
on April 2i,lS01, Tiz : '
TT V v., 1 1 m. r . t -. .. .... ' .
'or me nr-t, section jtj t 11
bouth. Range 7 West. . Be names the follow
" w yiv,c I11B VUDUDUDU8 rCfiOCIlCO
upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J.
..wuo. vrcuiKD TVOUUS, 1 11 U 111118 JUUMteV,
Klrarow Mulkey, all ol Blodgett, Oregon.
' : , Begistor.
Nolle to Creditors.
Notice is heresy given that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator ot the estate ef
Thomas Wyatt, deceased, by the county court of
Benton county. Oregen. All persons havine claims
against saiu estate are hereby notified to present
the same, duly Verified, together with the proper
vouchers, to me at the law office of Brvson A Wood
sun in Corvaljis, Benton county, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this In eay ol March A D, 1901.
Administrator of (aid Estate.
Ksttee for PtabUcatlsa.
On ttArvs tjAss emo,
! 0MJ, OregM, J. 1, ISA. .
Katie Is heresy gifes that in cesipllasce with
the aratiaions of the act ef Ooagress ef Jeae Srd,
1878, entitled "An act lor ths sale ef timber lands in
the states ef California, Oreroa, Nevada, aad Wash
ington Territory," as extended te all tho Public Land
States kyaet at August 4, last,
OtTallCiiy. ceantyefFelk. Bute of Orea-oa, hat
this day tied in this olSce her swora statement Ke.
bin, for the purchase of the . B. quarter et Kec
tion 14 in lewasnip fto. 18 S , Range So. 1 West,
and will offer proof to show that the laad sought is
morevaluahteieritstimberorsteae than for agri
cultural purposes, and to estabiish her elsiea to said
land before the Register aad Receiver of this efflca at
Oregon city, Oregon, on Thursday, the 14th aav of
reeraary, imi. Dae names ! witnesses: Hicnael
Flynn, Freeman W, Robinson, Bridget Flynn and
Albert N. ItebinsAn. all af Fall Citv. Orecan.
Anyaud all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their elaims In
mio vinwj v uuviv saiu aio uvy ol I sprusrv.
Notice for Publication.
Uniim States Lash Office,
Oregon City, Orcgea, Deo. 10, 10M.
Natice is hereby given that In compliance with the
previsions at an act of Congress ef June 8, 1878, en
titled "An act fr the sale ef timber lands in the
States ef California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton sermory, as extended te all the rublio Land
States by act af August 4, 1892,
Of Fall City, eDty ef Pelk, State of Oregen, has
this day Sled inthis office his swora statement No.
5333. for the purchase of the N. 4 H. W. 1-4. N. i
H. . 1-4 et Section No. 34. in Township Na. 12 8,
Range Ke. 7 W.. aad Will offer proof to show that
the land sought ia store valuable for its timber or
stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim t said land before the Register and
Receiver ef this offioe s4 Oregen City, Oregon, s)n
Friday, the Sib day of March, 1901. He ausej at
witnesses; afichael Flyan, Freeman Robinson.
Peter Miller and Aivln Roklnson. en at Fans ( it
Any and all aersens olsiming adversely tha aaova.
described leads are requested to file their claims in
this office on er before said 8th ar of If arch 19U. .
S friHeT,
Southern Paoilio GGmpany.
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
and way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland 8:ai a m
Ly Albaov 12:30 p in
Ar Aehlimd 12:33 am
Af J&rrmtaro 6 :oO p ro
Ar San Frabcisco.7 :46 pm
3:30 pm
100 p ed
11:30 am
Ar Qgdeo -5 :43 p m
Al PefiWx -9:00 a m
at. H Mmmj CftsSsa iAB da,
7tS9 a B
9 !S0a ra
Aj ChtCBgo-. 7 h5S a m
t4M-tatm VUV...I LaU b in
fr Lm Asgales...; r20 p ta
Ar Rl Pwjl 6:90 h m
hi (Sty ol Mexico 9 iD5 a tu
Ut H&OltOB . 4 'Mam
At Few Or leu., e :2S eJ in
Ar WMhtRBtsa 0:42 a m
Ar New York .12t48 p m
T:00 a ta
iioo a
12:43 p m
bath trains. Chair cars EatramentO to
Ogieu ood El Paso, eiid Tourist cars to
ttbicazo, st Loots, Now Orlestrs and
Cenueuting st San Francisco with sev
eral ateaBtahib lines for Hrifwilnlu. .Tnnnn
Qiiiia, Fliilippiriea, Central and Sooth
8e F. E. F.ARMEIt, agent a Corvallis
station, or aoeress
S. H. MARKHAM. Q. P. A.,
PerrUatid, Or.
ram frXar-w "T sr.w- JhryrmrHr f I Awr. (R
s s-.J u J w af,ij ASyuivaA saaaJiav Al aa I Ta
t&xsm Biftucer, and sHtis?acfiin gua
Specialties Di6en6ea of women and
children ; also deformities and all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidbntai. Hotel Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 5 :30 p. m.
B. A. ATHEY, i. D.
Physician $ Surgeon
Rooms 14 ia Bans: Building.
Residence! Cornet College and 8th St.
Tfeleplione at effiee and resideore.
lis, - - - Oregton.
Office Cor r 3rd aad Monroe streets
Houas 9 ta 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun
day 9 to 10.
Rebidixci Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregen. .
Physician $Srgeii
Veterinary Surgeon
Residence in Block 30, Job's Addition,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Orders may be left at Grahmu & "VVer
tham's drugstore.
PraLtice in .all Slato and. Federal CbU.-t.
Oflic5 inFiretJ National L.uik Uniii.'iuc
Bryson Sf Woodscn
Corvallis, Ore-'on.
OfSce in rostoffice Building.
efflca tu Wbltehorn Bturt
E hist pram IP
:.' (iT
Corvallis, Oregon.
Goes a geaeral aad conservative bankts;
White and Barred.
From Briae-wiunlnz stock, second to
one oa Pacific coast, EgE, $1 50 a set
ting of fifteen at yard, or f 2 00 if packed.
V-1. Boiniko, uorvaius. ur.
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
UK Uuion Facibc Fast Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. .
Look at toe Time . .
ifi figys to Bslt Zt&ke
fays to Stenviar
3 flays to Chicago
4$ days to Krw t oit
Pree Rsottaiirw Ghalf Ors, ttebfOstmi
Trattst S'.fspiCE Can, weA VESitm
PaSact Sleepers, opairrtcd M gh
for fnrfber Jnftninafioa. amdrXK
GiXX 9. EGLUJ. AeMfc. CtevaQk. Or.
C 6. iff. H eSHAJL
Trfiv, tBss.Aet. tfeafi AttMt.
i4 ihlti St, PotOSri .
Corvallis & Easlera Mmb
2 For Yaqoina:
Train leaves Albaar 11:45 b. m.
, " CwTftlli. 1:50 p. at.
" arrive Yaqnina 6:45 p tax
1 RelnrnSng:
Leaves Ynqnina.... 8:10 a. 0.
LoaveB Co-vallis.... llstO ft. b.
Arrives Albany .... 13il5 p. m.
3 For Detioit:
Leavaa Albany T.-tO a. m.
Arrlyes Detroit .... llsK) . ta,
4 BetoniiBg:
Leaves Detroit ..... 12:10 p. n.
Arrives Albany .... 6. tt.
One and two coaiwet at Ale&iy
and Gervallis vita Slathers Pftcifie
trains, giving direct Berries te Aad
from Newport and idjadeat
Trains fur tbe munnlftins arrtva
at noon, giving ample time) ta
reaoh rainping gronods oa tt
Breitenbush and Sastiam river the
Edwin Stohb,
H. L. Walden, Manager.
T. F. & P;'A.
U. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis.
Salt Lake, lVnver,
Ft "Worth. Omaha
Kansas City, St.
Louis, Chieage
and East.
9 p. m.
7:00 p.n
Walla Walla. Levr
iHtsn. S p k a tie,
SCnneapolia, St.
Paul, Dulotli. 1111
wankee, Chicago,
and East.
8:40 a. rn.
6:00 p. in,
Ocean Stesmshios-
All sailing dates
subject to change.
PerSaa Franeisefi,
Sail Dee. S, S, 13,
18, 3, S3, St every
5 days.
8 p. fn,
4 p. rn.
Ex. gun.
i fte.
CalufflMa Hirer
To Astoria & wy
landiag. 4 p. DA.
1 p in.
mmb River. .
OjppfiB City, Kew
tSrji, Kak'tn, and
W y-laidiBa.
6 a. ta.
nSOp. m.
T a. rn.
Tl ftflftT
WiHatr.Ette and Yin-
S: 38 pan.
d a f and
I Rivers.
Oif-(an City, Day
icn" Wy-lanil'a,
li a in.
VI ilia ttte Piivsr.
Fortlund to Corval
lis & Way-land's
4:30 p.m.
T uetii'ay,
T haiB'i'y
W ednes
day and
r rioey.
litis Elter.
Ripailti to Lewis'n.
L e iatoo
a -M a m
S'S.,4 m,
Local Agent,
Notice, ef Administrator's ice of
Real l'reperty.
In the malter ot the folate )
ef I
James Abraham, Deceased. )
Nfitieo is hereby eWen tbnt puruat.t t an order
of the county cuuit of tho utafce of lrcvon fr Multw
noniah county made and entered on the lOtK dav of
November, 1900, I will from and after tbe 7th da
of March, . 1601, proceed to sell at private salt
the following described real property of Mid Hltk
and all the riht. title and interest which the said
Jattci A bra bans had therein at the tlle f his tie
cease, toyrii:
Eeif inning: tvt the quarter section corner between
fratHional sections S tnd 8, teiirhtp 11 soDth, lanf
wet nniaa&ciie aieriamn, runtuns; tneticesouta
48 degrees east 14.9U chains. tl euc south &&de
Iicf6&0 minutes west &.tf2 chains, thence routh
tegreos 10 minutes east 17 fcO chains to the nerth
bapk of the Hillameifa river, thence follow in said
nurth bank of tiie iHairette river with tha xoe
andurs thereof in a auutbwrtiterly course t tha
DOGtht-ast comer of tot 1 in fractional sett'on S la
said town -hip thence nortti S7 minutes east ?6.6 ,
chains to ibe p ate f begiriniiiif, contnininy 20.40
acres, also the northcatit quarter af the southeast
quarter ai d lot number 1 of fractional f-ectieu S,
township 11 south, range 4 west of ti e WiJIauitt .
Meriiiiati, containirg 6b.4&acies, save snd excepting
the riifht of wa here to. ore deeded to the Will am- ' .
ette Valley & Coast K& 11 t oad containipp; about t
acres, all situated in Bern on county, Oregon; alto,
the east half of the following described real proper
ty: The north half of the southwest quarter, and
tots 3 and 4 in section 3, township 11 south, rantj
4 went, containing- 78.00 acres in Ik n ton county.
Hie tern s of taid salt are as follows: Ibe entlr
purchase price is to be paid in cath.
r W. K. BURKI,
Adin'r de bonis non with thtwill apneedf
estate of James A bra am, deceased, Portland. Of, ,
rr Reflt.
Will ret 2C0 acre of Us wot f
lklBree aad taka aart vsjasealaf remt
ib wark ard'mproTeiseBBB cotbtylace.
Address M. 8. Woodcock,
Adniinietratt). :
Oorvrilis, Oregon, .v .