Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 12, 1901, Image 4

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Your Blood
The cause of all spring humors,
pimples and eruptions, as well as
of that tired feeling and poor appe
tite, is found in impure, depleted
The perfect blood purifier is
Hood's Sarsaparilla, aa multitudes
know by experience.
It cures all blood diseases, from
the smallest pimple to the stubborn
scrofula sore from morning tired
ness to extreme nervous prostration.
Begin taking it TODAY.
ts America's Greatest Spring Medi
cine. Be. sure to get Hood's.
Niagara Falls and the Buffalo Exposition.
All of the Pan-American visitois
will go to Niagara Falls, and all of the
electricity used on the exposition
grounds will come from Niagara Falls.
Both will travel between the two
greatest attractions the world will
offer daring 1901.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the mnney if it fails to cure.
B. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c.
"Necessity the Mother of Invention."
It is said that "Necessity is the
mother of invention." Admitting this
to Le true, who can tell what visitor to
the Pan-American Exposition will
recognize a necessity in some field that
will inspire him or her to the discov
ery or invention of something that will
revolutionize the present day praotice
of the world in that field.
eTITQ Permanently Cured. No fits er nerronsnea
M IV after flrer day's n.eof Tr. Klia.'aftreat Nervt
BMM. Kenil lor FREE 84.0(1 trial Imttleand treat.
Im. Ie.B.H Kuhi. Ltd.,Kll Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa,
An Upside Down House.
How would yon like to live in a
houe upside down? Such a structure
is to be seen on the wonderful Midway
of the Pan-American Exposition.
With local applications, as they cannot reach
the seat of the disease. Catarrh iB a blood or
constitutional diKease, and in order to cure it
you most take internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken lmernallv, and actsdirectly
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of tne best physicians in this
country for years, and isa regular prescription.
It is composed of the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients iswhat pro
duces Buch wonderful results in curing catarrh,
fiend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propra., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Halls Family Pills are the best.
Rate of Interest in Canada.
The legal rate of interest in Canada
ia now 5 per cent, the reduction from
6 per cent having been made by a stat
ute of the dominion which wont into
effect January 1.
There ts no remedy that can equal
G 4 R KI K LD T E J or the cure of all
derangements of the liver; It has
for years been ihe standard by
which other remedies are judged.
President to Open Pan-American Exposition.
President McKinley has promised
to open the Pan-American exposition
at Buffalo, on May 20.
Educate Tour Bowels!
Your bowels can be trained a well as your
muscle or your brain. Cascarets Crndy Cathar
tic train your bowels to do right. All drug
gists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Wonderful Development of Electricity.
Professor Slaby, German scientist,
predicts wonderiul development- of
electricity this century.
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet.
the remedy that cure a cola In om day
- United States Silk Industry.
Thirty thousand people in the United
States make their living from the grow
ing silk industry.
Eczema is caused, by an acid humor in
the Mood coming ia contact with the
kin and producing great redness and in
flammation ; little pustular eruptions form
std discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which,
curies and scales off ; sometimes thcaltin is
hard, dry sad fissured. Eczema in any
form is a tormeuting, stubborn disease,
and the itching and Burning at times are
almost unbearable; the acid bunting
humor seems to ooze out and set the skin
en fire. Salves, washes nor other exter
nal applications do any real good, for as
long as the poison remains in the blood
it will keep the skin irritated.
"For three yean I
bad Tetter oa my
bands, wfcfoh caused
them to swell to twice
their natural sise. Part
of the time the disease
was ia the fenst o4 run
Sting aorea, very pain,
fal, and caaaingmc
as acfe diseotafert JFour
actors seM the Tetter
had pragma too far
le he cured, and they
could d eeUHag for
ate. I teak; enly three
bottles at . a. S. aad
was completely eared.
This was fifteen years
ate. and I have sever
since seen any sign of my old trouble." Mas.
IV M. Jacksok, 1414 McOee St., Kansas City, Ho,
1 S. S. S. neutralizes this acid poison,
cools the blood and restores it to a healthy,
natural state, and the rough, unhealthy
skin becomes soft, smooth and clear.
cures Tetter, Ery
sipelas, Psoriasis, Salt
Rheum and all skin
diseases due to a pois
oned condition of the
blood. Send for our book aad write as
about your case. Our physicians have
made these diseases a life study, and can
help you by their advice ; we make no
charge for this service. All correspondence
ia conducted in strictest confidence.
,ut ran;
Best Cough Syrui
rue. Tastes
hi time.
Sold by druggists.
Four Persona Met Violent Deaths Bo
fore Hatred Was Fully 6atisfieJ
How the Tronble Began and Its Very
Tragical Ending.
By the death of Charles Vaughn, fif
teen miles south of Cedarvale, Kan., In
the Osage reservation, the lust survivor
of a feud which was fought along the
border with all the neruenesa of a Cor
slcan vendetta for months was wiped
out. The participants were, on the one
hand, Jim and Charles Vaughn, cow
boys, who were cousins, and Tom Wil
der and Denis Amos, who ran a dive In
Oaney, Kan., iu 1879 and 1880, and the
feud began in this place in August,
1880, when Amos in a game of poker
beat Jim Vaughn out of $70.
Vaughn, says the Kansas City
Times, was by accident unarmed at the
time, but left swearing that he would
return in three days and kill all the
Amoses. Accordingly, Vaughn return
ed to the ranch on which he was work
ing in the territory, procured a brace of
six-shooters, and on the appointed day
went back to Caney. The Amoses, bar
ricaded in their joint and armed with
three double-barreled shotguns, were
waiting for him. Vaughn hitched his
horse, and, pulling his six-shooters, be
gan firing and walking toward the
Amos joint. The Amoses replied with
a broadside from their shotguns, and
when the smoke had cleared away
Vaughn lay in the street with his body
full of buckshot and Tom Amos lay on
the floor with his Jaw shattered by a
bullet Blood poison set in and four
weeks later Amos was burled. On the
other hand, Vaughn, who was thought
to have been mortally wounded, recov
ered, and in two months was able to go
to work again.
Vaughn was a crack shot and the
Amoses lived in constant terror of him,
and after they found that he had gotten
well they swore out a warrant for his
arrest which was an unusual proceed
ing lm those days. A deputy sheriff,
who was a warm friend of the joint
keepers, arrested Vaughn and put the
Amoses and one of their friends on the
force to guard him the night after the
arrest During the night while the
deputy slept, the Amoses shot and
killed Vaughn. They claimed that he
had tried to escape. However, three of
the five shots which had pierced the
dead man's body were fired after he
had fallen so the direction of the bul
lets indicated. "
The Amoses at that time did not
know of the existence of Charles
Vaughn who was employed on a ranch
in Texas and, after they had killed
Jim, settled down to quiet life. Wilber
remained in Caney and Dennis Amos,
with his young wife and child, located
on a farm just east of Cedarvale. A
friend of Jim Vaughn in the meantime
notified Charles Vaughn of the manner
in which his cousin had been killed,
and Charles thereupon boarded the next
train and went to Caney. He remained
quiet a day and by inquiry learned of
the whereabouts of the Amoses. On
the second day after his arrival he met
Wilber Amos In a drug store, and walk
ing up to him informed him that he was
there for the purpose of killing him.
Amos reached for his gun, but Vaughn
was too quick for him and sent a 45
caliber bullet through his brain. The
dead man had hardly struck the floor
before. Vaughn was on his horse riding
at breakneck speed toward the town.
Denis Amos was eating dinner when
Vaughn reached his house, and without
introducing himself the Texan opened
fire and sent one bullet through Dennis'
breast and another through his head.
The infuriated cowboy then picked np
the child and dashed its brains out
against the floor. He also fired a shot
at the woman, but she escaped into the
bedroom, and Vaughn, thinking his pur
suers were close upon him, mounted his
horse and rode away. Although a posse
pursued him for two days he was not
overtaken, and his whereabouts had
never been known from that day to the
day of his death. Recently, when, after
a six weeks' struggle with the fever,
he found that he had to die, he told bis
attendants that he was Charles Vaughn
and narrated the story, which the older
residents of this town know to be true.
Carnegie's Romance.
Andrew Carnegie, in his address be
fore John D. Rockefeller's Bible class
in the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church,
insisted that if a young man must fall
in love with a woman he must be care
ful to love one well on in years. His
exact words were:
"If you must fall in love, do so with
a woman 20 or 30 years your senior.
The greatest friend a young man can
have is a woman, but the woman
must be much older than he."
This precept is greatly at variance
with the practice -of the preceptor.
Mr. Carnegie in his selection of a wife
didn't follow the advice given his hear
ers. He married late in life, and the
woman of his choice was 20 years
younger than he. It was not until 1887
that he took to wife Miss Louise Whit
field, the daughter of John Whitfield,
No. 35 West Forty-eight street. Ten
years later a little baby girl blessed
their union. Mr. Carnegie at the time
his first child was born was 62 years
Behind the steel magnate's marriage
there lurks a romance. It is said that
he would have married earlier in life,
and some years before his marriage
was very much In love with a Miss
Tula Addison, who afterward became
Mme. De Ximenez. Mr. Carnegie vener
ated his mother, however, and it is
said promised her not to marry during
her lifetime. He kept his word, and
those who like to gossip say that his
promise prevented his marriage to the
first woman of his choice. Chicago
Inter Ocean. ' . x
Artist and Painter.
Among the many stories of Sir Fred
erick Iighton, the great artist, the
following account of one of his holiday
rambles is given. " He noticed a sign
board being rudely painted by a local
artist. The man, after a few moments,
remarked that it was a fine day. Leigh
ton agreed, adding that a figure on the
djrn board was out of proportion.
"Where be it out'" staked the ag
grieved workman.. "I'm thinking
you've something wrong in your sight."
"If you'll get off that ladder I'll put
It right for you," replied the R. A-,
"Aye, but can ye paint?" queried the
other, doubtfully. "Ye know I don't
want my work sp'iled."
"It's all right; I've done considerable
painting In my time." answered Leigh
ton, as the other clambered down the
ladder. Then, taking the pallet, he
climbed up and commenced to paint,
and did not stop until he had complet
ed the sign board.
"Well, that's not so bad." was the
rural workman's comment. "Art is not
so paying now. Still, if ye like to do
more work for me, I'll give ye more
than I do as a rule."
"Thanks," replied Letghton. "My
name is Leighton."
"Very pleased to know yon, Mr.
Leighton," replied the man, Ignorant of
what the name meant. "My name is
Short Storie$
While James Russell Lowell was edi
tor of the Atlantic Monthly, Mrs. Har
riet Prescott Spofford enjoyed a warm
personal friendship with him, and he
frequently accepted her stories. Mrs.
Spofford feared that he might be tak
ing them because of his interest in her,
and not for the merit of her work. She
resolved to put the matter to a test
Her handwriting was peculiar. One
of the most characteristic letters was
her d, to the end of which she gave
a queer little crook toward the left.
In order to disguise her work she had
her sister copy one of her stories before
she sent It to the editor. Mr. Lowell
accepted it in a letter in which he
wrote: "The d's may not be yours, but
there is no mistaking the 'idees.' "
The Westminster Gazette gives some
interesting Information concerning the
use of tobacco by .the clergy In different
religious bodies. "John Wesley," it
says, "forbade his preachers to smoke
or chew tobacco, or take snuff.' This
rule still obtains In the Wesleyan min
istry. Thackeray hoped the day would
come when he would see a bishop loll
ing out the Athenaeum with a cigar In
his mouth, or at least a pipe stuck in
his shovel-hat. He did not live to see
this, but the Bishop of Manchester has
publicly proclaimed the virtues of to
bacco as a bond of sympathy between
man and man. 'At your idol again, Mr.
Hall,' exclaimed a lady once on discov
ering Robert Hall, the celebrated di
vine, with a pipe in his mouth. 'Yes,'
said the preacher, 'burning it,
The late Prof. Max Muller was orig
inally Just Muller, but he added one of
his Christian names, Max, to his sur
name, and became Max Muller. His
change of surname and of nationality
did not add to his popularity In Ger
many, where his former compatriots
used to say that "but for his settling in
England he might have become a
scholar." Considerable amusement was
caused at Oxford a few years ago by
the Kaiser telegraphing the professor,
upon the occasion of some aquatic vic
tory: "My best wishes to you and your
gallant crew." "Great Scott!" or Its
Sanscrit equivalent, the professor Is
said to have exclaimed, "just as if I
were a 'coach' running along the em
bankment with a trumpet." The point
of the joke is that Max Mulled disliked
every form of exercise, and used to say
that "There Is only one act of folly
more egregious than looking at a foot
ball game, and that is taking part in
Early In his career at the bar Daniel
O'Connell was counsel at the Kerry as
sizes in an action against a relative
named Mr. Siggerson, and. having oc
casion to refer to that person in some
what strong terms in his speech to
the jury. Siggerson jumped up in court
and called him "a purse-proud block
head." O'Connell said: -"In the first
place, I have got no purse to be proud
of, and, secondly, if I be a blockhead,
It is the better for you, as I am counsel
against you. However, just to save
you the trouble of saying so again, I'll
administer a slight rebuke," whereup
on he struck Siggerson soundly on the
back with a cane, which the tipstaff
accommodatingly lent him for, the pur
pose. That evening Siggerson sent
him a challenge, but next morning he
wrote stating that he had discovered
that O'Connell's life was Inserted In a
very valuable lease of a portion of his
lands. "Under these circumstances,"
he continued, "I cannot afford to shoot
you, unless, as a precautionary meas
ure, you first insure your- life for my
benefit. If you do, then heigh for pow
der and balL I'm your man."
Many Want to Do Murder,
It Is a matter of legal record that a
famous English physician. Sir Richard
Owen, when called upon for expert tes
timony in a celebrated poisoning case
where a subtile toxic was suspected to
have been used, testified that there are
several toxics which cause death and
leave no trace, and, upon being asked
to name them, and refusing to do so,
stated as his reason for refusing that
such knowledge was too dangerous to
be made public. The court for that
reason sustained him In his refusal to
name the poisons. This single circum
stance In the report of the trial attract
ed such wide attention that Sir Rich
ard Owen received 700 letters from all
parts of the world and all conditions of
people asking for the' names of the
poisons letters In which the writers
resorted to all sorts of arts and wiles
to elicit the coveted information.
Burglars' Booty.
Burglars are said to seldom receive
more than 20 per cent of the value of
their booty from the buyers to whom
they dispose of it if it happens to be
In any other form than coin. A fifty
dollar Bank of England note will bring
about $10 from a buyer, while $500
worth of plate would be worth only $75
j or $100 to the thief, who must risk
years of liberty In obtaining it, and so
on with all other valuables.
Lots of men who have college diplo
mas in their pockets don't know where
their next meal Is to come from.
Young Idaho Representative.
Glenn P. McKinley. speaker of the
Idaho house of representatives, is the
youngest member of that body, being
only 23 years old. He is Btndent of
the law department of the University
of Idaho.
Proposed Alliance With England.
It the United States and England should
form an alliance, the combined strength
would he so (treat that there would belittle
chance fur enemies to overcome us. In a
like manlier, a lien men and women keep
tip their bodily strength with Hostetter'a
Stomach Bitters, there is little chance of
attacks from disease. The old time remedy
enriches the blood, steadies the nerves, and
increases the appetite. Try it for dyspep
sia and indigestion.
$30,000 for Sewage Improvement
Bradford, England, has had a recom
mendation from the committee on sew
age, calling for the expenditure of
more than $30,000 on the improvement
of its sewage disposal plant. It is also
contemplating immediate street im
provements to the amount of $150,000.
Of Particular Interest to Threthtrmen and
Russell & Co., of Portland, Ore., the
largest dealers in machinery on the
Pacific Coast, have just issued at con
siderable expense a neat and very oom
plete account book for up-to-date
thresheimon, etc. The books are for
free distribution, and all people who
want them should write Immediately
to Russell & Co., Portland, Ore.
War Between United States and Germany.
Kaval officers look for a war with
Germany. Admiral Dewey is said to
have predicted a oonfiict within two
When von take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it Is 11111017 Iron and Qui-
uuvui a wmioieBH lorm. no vurc, stQSrmy. 00c.
Carbonate ef Lints in the Ocean.
It has been estimated that if the rhi-
zopods, which secrete living shells in
the ocean, are as numerous down to a
depth of 600 feet as they are near the
surface, there are over 16 tons of shell
of carbonate of lime in the upper fath
oms of every square mile of the ocean.
Nervousness, the Disease That Wrecks
the Happiness of so Many Women,
Conquered at Last.
Ko incident of the many that are
daily brought to pnblio attention is of
greater human interest than that which
centers about Ellen Farce, the wife of
Mr. David F. Parce, of No. 4 Spruce
St., Binghamton, N. Y. The story is
told by Mrs. Paroe aa follows:
"It was two years ago this Bummer
that I was in a miserable condition
as the result of bard work. I was
completely run down, pale and losing
flesh, and so nervous that I could not
sleep or even , get rest. It was dread
ful to go to bed at night all worn out
and lie awake for hours with nervous
uness. If I did fall asleep it was to
wake up in the morning as tired as
when I went to bed.
"My bead troubled me a great deal,
too, both with pain and dizzinea. If I
stooped over at any time I would be so
dizzy I could hardly see or keep from
falling down. I was troubled some
what with indigestion at this time,
but the nervousness was the greater
trouble. If I became a little excited
my hands would shake so I could hard
ly hold anything in them. I felt that
something must be done so I employed
our best physicians. They did all
they could for me and although I ob
tained some benefit from their treat
ment, not one of them did me any per
manent good.
"I had, of course, read of Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People but
bad never taken any of them till a
friend recommended them to me so
strongly that I got some and before the
first box was used up I began tu feel
that they were doing me good. I
kept on taking them according to di
rections and got from them the only
real, permanent benefit I have had
from any remedy. It did seem so good
to get a night's sleep and to be re
freshed by it. I am a firm believer in
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple and recommend them to all my
friends. I generally keep a box in the
house to take in case I feel a little run
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady,
N. Y. Price, 50 cents per box; 6
boxes for $2.60.
The Kind You Have Always
vi viu3i icwuci, tutu. iuu uecu maao usacr His
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-g-ood are but Experiments, and endanger the.
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its asre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
. Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc eearrawn oom r NT.
'V ' !Z'
, J,A,'' Mj'-'ZJ'
First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, Ga., and l,s Pastor and Elder.
The day was when men of promt -
nence hesitated to give their testimon-
ialsto proprietary rusdicines for pub-
lication. This remains true today of
most proprietary medicines,' but Pe
rona has become so justly famous, its
merits are known to so many people of
high and low stations, that no one hes
itates to see bis name in print recom
mending Perana.
The highest men in our nation have
given Pernna a strong endorsement.
Men representing all classes and sta
tions are equally represented.
A dignified repiesentative of the
Presbyterian church in the person of
Bev. E. 6. Smith does not hesitate to
state publioly that he has used Pernna
in his family and found it cured when
other remedies failed. In this state-
ment the Rev. Smith ia supported by
an elder in his church.
Bev. E. G. Smith, pastor of thePres-
byterian church of Greensboro, Ga.,
"Having used Peruna in my family
for some time it gives me pleasure to
testify to its true worth. My lit
tle boy seven years of age has been suf
fering for some time with catarrh of
the lower bowels. Other remedies had
failed, but after taking tno bottles of
Peruna the trouble almost entirely dis -
Larger Cains in the Southern States.
Southern states are making much
larger gains than any other section in
the business of cotton and woolen man
ufacturing. . Should Establish Lighthouse.
Although after thn
hioan two years ago and again after
that of the Paris last vear the Trinitv
Brethren, the British lighthouse
authorities, promised that a light
would be put on the Manacles reef, off
the Liizzard, nothing marks the spot but
ine oia dbu duoj that Has been proved
Garfield Tea is made from HERBS;
there are no harmful drugs in its
composition. It is the tet blood
purifier known to medical science.
Highest Inhabited Place.
The highest iuhtbitel plaoa in the
worll is the custom house of Anco
marca, Peru, 16,000 teet above the sea.
His way.
"Was little Uobby restless in
"Restless? He aoted like a pocket
ful of fishing worms."
Sfopm the Oough and
Mb,t n
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold In
one day. .No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents.
Ancient Cities of Note.
Every ancient city of note was lo
cated on or near the sea or a river.
Two Large Steamers.
Two large sea-going steamers, 450
feet long and with a 43-foot beam, are
to be built upon the great lakes by the
American Shipbuilding Copmany.
The greatest public schools of the large
cities use Carter's ink exclusively. It is
the best and costs no more than the poor
est. Get it.
Wanted Particulars.
Judge What's the charge against
the prisoner, officer?
' Officer He had an infernal maohine
in his possession, your honor.
"Automobile or bicycle?"
lfreri' -eJ
Bought has borne the sisrna.
Signature of
eaav stmct, near town errv.
1 appeared. For this special malady I
consider it well nigh a specific As a
J tonio for weak and worn out people
it has few or no eauals." Rev. E. G
Mr. M. J. Rnssman, a prominent
merchant of Grennsboro, Ga , and an
elder in the Presbyterian church of that
place, has used Peruna, and in a re
cent letter to The Pernna Medicine
Co., of Columbus, Ohio, writes as fol
lows: "For a long time I was troubled
with catarrh of the kidneys and tried
many remedies, all of which gave me
no relief. Peruna was recommended
to me by several ftiends. and after
nio lew bottles I am pleased to say
tbat the loDK looked for relief was
, wnnd n' I m now enjoying better
I health than I have for years, and can
heartily recommend Peruna to all
similarly afflioted. It is certainly a
grand medicine. M. J. Rossman.
If you do not derive prompt and fat
is factory results from the use of Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hartraan,
giving a full statement of your case and
he will be pleased to give you his val
uable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman. president
1 Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Yob can't make a mistake tt you get t
fflitehell, Lemis .& Stavef Co.
Spariih-Spcaking People,
In 90 years the Spanish speaking
people have increased from 26,190,000
to 42,000,000.
The Beet Prescription for Malaria
Prills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
Cnlll Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in
a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. Price SOc.
A Spider's Thread.
What vie call a spider's thread con
sists of more than 4.000 threads united.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infal
lible medicine for coughs and colds. N.
W. Samuel, Ocean (irove, N. J., Feb. 17,
Popular Literature in France.
There are about 117.000 novels in the
Paris national library and nearly 69,
0.10 volumes of French poetry.
I hT none 14 my it a time with sm
MfncHt ' lh buwwla, nut being able to
tuov them xceic by uniug but water Injection,
Chruule oonstipatiou fur seveu years placed me In
ttals terriuiecuiidltiuii: dnriuir that time I did ev
ery thin K I beard of buLuoTor found any relief; tueta
waa my ease until 1 using CAtJCARKTS, I
bo Bare from one Ui ttore passage a day. and If I
waa rich I won id giTO S1U0.OU for each movement it
la such a relief. arjaiEK I,.Uitkt.
U8B itusselt bt Uetarolt, Mlofe.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tact Good.
Good, Merer Blckea, Weaken, or Gri. lOe,
I ' jJT kaow what I I
I r you're planting I I
f Jr when ' you plant fc
g f Ferry's Beeda. if you
buy cheap seeds you esnt 1 1
I I be lure. Take no chances 11
V set Ferry's. Dealers every-
a where sell them. Writ
for 1901 Seed Ar.mi.i J
mailed free. Jr
0. M. FERRY ft CO., jfjr "
Dstrslt, Iste
For 14c.
Wewlah to eats this year SW.OM new
customers, and henos offar
1 Pkg. Balaer'a illue Blood Tomato.. 16o
1 Tee nonaorn lbboi 1 e
I m Mama's aaTOrlto Onloa...... loo
1 IfflKiU O recti Ooeamoer.... lte
1 " City Garden Beat. too
1 UDayBadleh lOe
1 " LaCrjeae Market Lettuce.... Uo
S Klesaet Flower Beeda.... .. lc
Wee for 14 eaata. Xi6
We will mall too thle entire ei.oo'i
worth of plendtd aeod BOT.ltiee free.
toMthar with onr lanre Ulnetrateo
Flan and Seed Catalogue on receipt
of thle otlce and 14o in pootaso
Chatre S)nton Seed SSe lb ewS ep.
Fotatoee at 11 -X) per barrel and US'
Catalogue alono. a oent. P
JOHS . Slim KED COLCrrw,Wrt.
Buy from the manufacturer. Price in full rolls
2 feet wide, ISO feet long 11.65
5 247
" " - " - LJL. s.30
6 " " m 4 12
" "
All Kinds of Wire snd Iron Work.
14 Front St., Portland, Oregon.
Heirs Of Uniun SolrllAM whn hnmtMHr1 lae.
1 than 160 acres before June 22, 1874 (no matter li
abandoned), should address
HKNKY M. tOPF, Washington, D. C.
from 16 to 35 lbs. per month by a
hannleae treatment. Thousanda
eared. Mrs. M. A. IlarCrone, 431
Hawier BL, Hooheeter, h. y.,
writes: "Four years ago I waa
reduced 48 ponnda bj your valu
able treatment, sir experience
aa Trained Nnree has taught me the dangers of Fatty
Degeneration. Hare net gained." Patlenta treated
by mall confidentially. For parUOQlaraaddreaa,wlta
Use, DB.v.C. SHIER, 1314 limit TuPlt,l'.icto,lit
D A I Ea Kj iT ualtuiaenHfal
IT 14 I rifl I Il8nd description
n Shall W end eet free opinion
HIXO. H. STEVENS CO., Iitab. 1864.
Div. 4. S17 14th Street, WASHINGTON D. c.
Branch offices: Chicago, Clevelandand Detroit
' .. A guaranteed Care for Catarrh and
Consumption. il.Oo. D Lock Box lea.
W. H. SMITH 1 CO., Euffilo, N.Y , Prop's
Or in fact anything in the Machine line,
write us for Catalogues and Prices.
Portland, Oregon.
li H. P.
Pumps Water, Saws Wood,
Grinds Feed, and coststwo
cents an hour to run.
Get full particulars from 310 Market
Street, San Francisco, Cat.; First and
Stark Sts., Portland, Or.; Los Angelee,
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-Sunlle Wrapper Below.
Yexy saaoll amd aa easy
to take as eajpee.
mju sairoinB MvaraavtapaArtMiE.
ts cwti I Vnrety rretaMevS-
M. P. N. V.
Mo. 10 ISO I.
I1T7UEN .riU.. k ..