Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 05, 1901, Image 5

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    Hood's Sarsaparilta
Has won success far beyond the effect
of advertising only.
The true secret of its wonderful popu
larity is explained entirely and only,
by its unapproachable Merit.
Based upon a prescription which
cured people considered incurable,
which accomplished wonders astonish
ing to the medical profession,
Hood's Sarsaparilta
Includes the concentrated values of the
best-known vegetable remedies, united
by such an original and peculiar com
bination, proportion and process as to
eecure curative power peculiar to itself.
Its cures of mild and extreme cases
of scrofula, eczema, psoriasis, and
every kind and degree of humors, as
well as catarrh and rheumatism prove
Hood's Sarsaparilta
the best blood purifier ever produced.
Its cures of dyspepsia, biliousness,
nervousness, loss of appetite and that
tired feeling make it the greatest stom
ach tonic, nerve-builder and strength
restorer the world has ever known.
Hood's Sarsaparilta
Is a thoroughly good medicine. Begin
to take it TODAY. Get HOOD'S. .
Pitch Cloak for Life-Saving.
A pitch cloak is the newest form of
life saving apparatus. It is a Swiss
invention. It weighs abont one pound,
and will keep even a fully equipped
soldier above the surface of the water.
It has water proof pockets in which
food and dirnk may be carried, as well
as blue lights, in case the wearer is
shipwrecked in the night.
Tbii signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Brotno-Quinine Table
the remedy that core a cold In one day
Age of Tree Maturity.
Authorities on forestry say that 75
years are required for the oak to reach
maturity; or the ash, larch and elm,
about the same length of time; for
the spruce and fir, about 80 years.
After this time their groth remains
stationary for some years, and then de
cay begins. There are, however, some
exceptions, for oaks are still living
which are known to be 1,000 years old.
With local applications, as they cannot reach
the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of the best physicians in this
country for years, and is a regular prescription.
It is composed of the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is what pro
duces Buch wonderful results in curing catarrh.
Bend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Propri., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Halls Family Pills are the best.
Distance Between the Earth and Sun.
About 50 of the principal observa
tories of the world are now co-operating
in a great programme - of observa
tion for improving our knowledge of
the distance between the earth and sun.
Permanently Cared. No fits er nemraneM
Bestoror. nd for FREE 84.00 trial bottle n I treat
is. Ds.R.11 KL1NI.LW..V3I ArthSL.Philadelphia.i'a.
Abandoneu Farms Being Taken Up.
The abandoned farms of Massachu
setts are fast being taken up. Three
years ago there were S30 thus classed
in the state. A recent enumeration
shows there are now but 136.
aiier nm nayn nteol pr. iLlins'BUreat Sierrt
Complete life of Queen Victoria Best
book, best terras. Outfit mailed free.
Address 8. C. 1111 ler tt Co.. Portland, Or.
Will Revolutionize Water Navigation.
W. A. Heath, of Eawlins, Wyo.,
ays he has invented a flying machine
which will revolutionize water naviga
tion as well as solve the aerial naviga
tion problem.
When von take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showine that it Is simply Iron and Qui
nine In a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 60c.
In Memory of Hamilton Fish, Jr.
A bronze base relief tablet in mem
ory of Hamilton Fish, Jr., who was
killed in the Spanish-American war,
has been erected in Columbia univers
ity. Contagious
Blood Poison
There is no poison so highly contagious,
to deceptive and so destructive. Don't be
too sure you are cured because all external
signs of the disease have disappeared, and
the doctor says you are well. Many per
sons have been dosed with Mercury and
Fotash for months or years, and pro
Bounced cured to realize when too late
that the disease was only covered up
Bogota UUo.
out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi
cation find those nearest and dearest to
them have been infected by this loath
some disease, for no other poison is so
surely transmitted from parent to child
as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism,
Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease,
an old sore or ulcer developing in middle
life, can be traced to blood poison con-
to'eariy Tho Stn tho Punont.
life, for it remains smoldering in the sys
tem forever, unless properly treated and
driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is
the only antidote for this peculiar virus,
the only remedy known that can over
come it and drive it out of. the blood, and
it does this so thoroughly and effectually
that there is never a return of the disease
to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards.
cures contagious Blood
I Poison in any and all
stages; contains no
mineral to break down
your constitution : it is
purely vegetable and the only blood puri
fier known that cleanses the blood and
at the same time builds up the general
Our little book on contagious blood
poison is the most complete and instruc
tive ever issued; it not only tells all
about this disease, but also how to cure
yourself at home. It is free and should
be in the hands of everyone seeking a
urc. Send for it
UUKI-S WHtHl 41 FIKF (All S.
I Best Cough Syrnp. Tastns Good. Use rA
mtime. gum Draniggtwi.
Talking; with the People of Mara Is Bob
ject tj Many Difficulties.
There are many things to be taken
for granted before we can believe that
it Is possible to communicate' with
1. That the planet Mars Is Inhabited.
2. That It Is inhabited by beings hav
ing a writ tea or spoken language, or
3. That these people are as well up
In astronomy as we are.
4. In order to base any hopes on the
experiment with the kite man. we
must believe that the people of Mars
(or some other planet, the particular
one not being material to the main
question) have not only discovered
wireless telegraphy, but have carried
It much nearer to perfection tbau any
body on this planet has done.
All these things are pretty hard ,to
determine. We may imagiue. assev
erate, debate about them at will,
weigh possibilities and probabilities,
but at last we may come buck to the
bold and uncomfortable fact that we
know nothing about them. Whatever
we say about them Is pure guesswork.
But If all of them were positively
known with scientific accuracy, the
difficulties In the way of communicat
ing with Mars or any other planet
would still be enormous. We have and
can have not the slightest knowledge
of what sort of language the people of
Mars speak. It Is safe to sny that they
are not in possession of the Morse al
phabet or anything like it. If they sent
us signals they would be wholly unin
telligible. If they could write or print
words In their language upon any sub
stance attached to an instrument we
could not read them. Mars lias an aver
age distance from the earth from the
earth of nearly 50,000.000 miles, but .lt
sometimes gets within 35,000,000. Wire
less telegraphy will have to make great
advances before It can cover a distance
like that If we are ever able to signal
the planet Mars In any way and get a
return signal it will be a very Interest
ing event in the annals of the world,
but we shall not be able to understand
the people In the least Louisville
A gas company which negligently
permits its supply of natural gas for
light and fuel to flow with such pres
sure that a building Is set on fire on
account of it is held, In Barrickman vs.
Marion Oil Company (W: Va.), 44 L. R.
A. 02, to be liable for damages.
Personal assets of a national bank are
held in people vs. National Bank of D.
O. Mills & Co. (Cal.), 45 L. R. A. 747,
to be beyond the authority of a State to
tax, under TJ. S. Hev. Sta. section 5219,
which permits and regulates the taxa
tion of the shares of stock In such cor
porations. With these cases will be
found an exhaustive note on State tax
ation of national banks.
Release by the Legislature of a claim
of the State to a portion of a decedent's
estate under an inheritance tax law,
although the money has not yet been
received, is held, In matter of Stanford
(Cal.), 45 L. R. A. 788, to be in violation
of a constitutional prohibition against
gifts by the Legislature to any individ
ual or corporation, and against any spe
cial law' releasing any indebtedness to
the State.
Correction of false entries In legisla
tive Journals Is held, in State ex reL
Brickman vs. Wilson (Ala.), 45 L. R. A.
772, to be beyond the power of the court
to compel by mandamus to the clerk of
a legislative house after he has duly
delivered the journal to the Secretary
of State, or by mandamus to the Secre
tary of State, unless the duty of erasing
such entries is- Imposed upon him by
statute. ,
A pledgee's purchase of the pledged
property at his own sale is held, in Glid
den vs. Mechanics' National Bank (O.),
43 L. R. A. 737, to leave the pledge still
In force, unless the pledgor elects to
treat the transactions as a valid sale,
In which event he can hold the pledgee
accountable for the net proceeds, but
cannot hold him liable for conversion so
long as the pledgee has possession of
the property and can restore it on pay
ment of the debt for which It is pledged.
The annotation to this case presents the
prior decisions on the conversion of
pledged property by the pledgee's In
valid sale.
Cheerful Outlook.
A man wise In his day and genera
tion says that one of the things which
everybody really wishes Is a candid
opinion. "
"I wish you'd come out to my house
and see a Correggio that I bought in
Italy last summer," said a collector of
pictures and bric-a-brac, more noted
for his zeal than his discernment to a
friend who was a connoisseur in the
fine arts.
"It's a head, a perfect beauty Just a
fragment of some great picture," he
"I should like to see if said the con
noisseur, In his most cautious tone.
"I want your candid opinion of It
that's what I want" continued the ml.
lector; "I'd like to know exactly what
you tninir. or it A man had the inso
lence to tell me the other day that he
didn't believe It was an original! if
another man says that I'm afraid my
temper will get tne npper hand of me,
and I shall knock him down where he
stands. Now you come out Just as soon
as you can, and give me your perfect
ly unbiased opinion of It"
Unalloyed Bliss.
"Aren't you going to wear that neck
tie I gave you on Christmas?" Inquired
Mr. Meekton's wife.
"Of course I am, Henrietta. I was
saving it up. I'm going to wear that
red necktie, and my Nile-green smok
ing Jacket and my purple-and-yellow
socks, and smoke one of those birthday
cigars you gave me, all at once."
Washington Star.
A Non-Hydropbobic Dos;.
A baker appeared In a Paris court to
have a woman fined for keeping a ra
bid dog, which he claimed had bit him,
inoculating him with rabies. When he
was through with his complaint the
woman put the dog on the judge's desk
and removed from Its mouth a Bet of
false teeth.
The most tiresome thing on earth is
a practical joke.
Small Boy Could Sleep Well Under the
Folds of tbe Flan.
There Is a 5-year old boy on Massa
chusetts avenue who is of tbe blood of
patriots. His grandfather was in both
the Mexican and civil wars, and bis
father was also a union soldier, con
sequently tbe little fellow has beard
much "flag" talk In bis short life and
has exalted Ideas of Its "protective"
qualities. He was the baby of the
family till very recently and occupied
a crib bed In bis mother's room. When
the new baby came Harold was put to
sleep in a room adjoining bis mother's,
and as be bad never slept alone before
his small soul was filled with nameless
fears, which he was too proud to tell
Un fuIL
"It's mighty lonesome In here, mam
ma!" he called the first night after he
been tucked In his little white bed.
"Just remember the angels are near
you and caring for you." replied mam
ma from the outer room.
"But mamma." he objected. "I
ain't acquainted with any angels and
I'd be scared of them If they came
rustling round same as I would of any
other stranger."
"Now, Harold, you must go to sleep
quietly; nothing will hurt you."
"Can't I have the gasv lighted In
"No, mamma doesn't think It neces
sary, and It Is not healthy."
There was silence for some time, and
then the small voice piped up again.
"Oh, mamma!"
"Yes, dear."
"May I have grandpa's flag?"
'Why, what for? I want you to go
right to sleep."
"Please, mamma!" and a small night
gowned figure appeared at the door.
"Just let me stick the flag up at the
head of my bed, and then I'll go right
to sleep. Indeed I wilL You know
the other night grandpa said at the
meeting that 'Under the protecting
folds of the flag the weakest would be
safe,' and I feel mighty weak, mamma."
He got the flag, and when bis mother
looked In on him an hour later he was
fast asleep with- a little fat fist under
his red cheek, holding fast the end of
the "protecting" flag. Washington
Old Chief Victoria B lected Warriors
by an Up-to-Date Jetho-j.
In the early days of Union Pacific
railroading, Victoria, Nana, and the
present Geronlmo, the three chiefs of
the Arizona Apaches, with 100 of their
best bucks, came through to Green
River, Wyoming.
They had heard of the "heap wagon
and no hoss" and had come to stop the
train. They made a lasso of rawhide,
and fifty men on each side held on to
the rope as the freight came down the
Wasatch divide. The engineer saw
when several miles away what the
Indians were up to, so he whistled "oft
brakes," and, opening his throttle, let
her loose. The cowcatcher struck the
rope and hurled the Indians in all di
rections, literally tearing them to
pieces, headless, armless, and legless.
Three, chiefs went south to their cactus
plains, very crestfallen.'' ; -
Before the selected these men the old
Chief Victoria had them all eat a piece
of rock salt about as big as a pecan,
run swiftly about 100 yards, sit down
on a log or rock, and cross their legs.
Then he watched the vibration of the
feet which were crossed. The feet
which vibrated the longest or had the
longest strokes he declined to accept
for a severe duty or a dangerous trip,
or for one that was at all hazardous.
But he accepted the feet which vib
rated short, distinct and regular
Now, what did that old chief know
about pulsation of the arterial system
or of heart action, and, indeed, about
salt In the system? I have lived near
to Indian reservations and have had
occasion often to survey over their
lands for railraods and other objects,
and since this salt controversy I have
wondered where old Victoria got his
ideas. Is not the child of the sage
brush plains better posted than his
pale face brother?
. Only a Small Favor.
A quiet middle-aged man who was
In attendance at an operatic perform
ance was much annoyed at the be
havior of two young women in the row
of seats behind him.
Calling one of the ushers, he put a
coin in his hand and whispered some
thing In his ear. "
The usher went away, and presently
came .back and handed him a small
When the curtain went down at the
close of the first act he turned in his
seat and said with a smile to tbe young
woman directly -behind him:
" "I beg your pardon, miss, but may I
ask a slight favor of you?"
"What is itr she said. '
"Please use this stick of gum in place
of the kind you are chewing. The odor
of wintergreen is very offensive to
After that he was not disturbed.
In Former Days.
Tears clung to the lashes of Egypt's
Queen, to say nothing of the headless
slave who weltered in his blood at the
foot of her gorgeous divan.
It was plain that the daughter of the
Pharaohs had received evil tidings.
In the streets the newsboys could be
heard hawking the Evening Monolith.
"All about the football game! Cor
inth Latin School. 10! . Alexandria
Polytechnic, 8!" they were shouting.
"Now, wouldn't that scald you!"
faltered the Queen, and burst into
tears. Detroit Journal. :
One Coming.
"Could you tell me the rr-anlng of
the word 'cataclysm?" he askea of the
street car passenger who was folding
up his newspaper. ,
"Are you going to ride two or three
blocks father?" was queried In reply.
"Yes, sir."
"Then youH see one. The conductor
has carried that sharp-nosed woman
two streets past where she wanted to
get off already, and she'll wake up soon
and start a cataclysm that'll probably
jump the car right off the track!"
Washington Post
When a woman says that one of her
children looks like her husband's fam
ily, it Is her way of admitting that It
Is not as good looking as the rest
Cannon Balls for Payment .
A private letter from China sayi that
tbe soldiers at Tien Tain are using the
cannon bahs in the arsenal to pave the
roads. They have found an enormous
quantity of iron shot and shell of dif
ferent sizes, which some ingenious
Yankee suggested would make a good
substitute for paving stones.
The Trust Problem.
To a thougbful mind, the trust problem
is one of serious import. It must be firmly
frrappled with, for it creeps upon society
oefore you are aware of its existence, iii
ihia respect much resembling the var
ious disorders which attact the stomach,
iich as constipation, indigestion, dyspep
sia and hiliousiiess. Hostetter's Stomach
Hitters will cure all such ailments, and
rvvrnt la grippe, malarial fever and ague,
lie sure to give it a trial.
The Powers That Be.
"Hush! Not so loud. We're hav
ing a conference of the powers."
"Eh? Who is conferring?"
"My wife, my mother-in-law, and
the cook I"
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it falls to cure.
S. W. Grove's signature in on each box. 26c.
American Corn Exports.
American exports of corn have aver
aged 173,000,000 bushels a year since
1895, an increase of 254 per cent over
the preceding fire years.
People who have for years suffered
with sick headaches have never
' used Garfield Tea, for this II EBB TEA
is a positive cure for constipation
and sick headaches.
Will Experiment With Japanese Oysters.
Eastern oysters do not reproduce
well in the colder waters of Oregon
and Washington; An attempt is to be
made, therefore, to aoclimate there the
tine large oysters of Northern Japan.
I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption
saved my life three vears ngo. Mrs. 'fnos.
ItoBBiNS, Mapel Street, Norwich, N. Y..
Feb. 17, 1900.
Exports of Coal Grow.
The exports of coal continue to grow
monthly, and in 10 months this year
this country has Bbipped abroad coal
and coke to the value of almost $20,
000,000. .
Do Not Bufferl
8ufferin(t is unnecessary. Cascarets Candy
'atnartic kill disease germg. clean out the body,
emove the first causes of sufferiug. All Drug.
ists 10c, 20c, 50c.
Night and Morning.
-Pays a Kentucky obituarist of his
-nbjecfc "She was wafted into the
doom of eternal night at six o'clock in
he moraine."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
To Be Sure.
Quizzer ''What does it mean by
'hi ling your light under a bushel?' "
Guyer "Sending valentines with
iu t writing your name on 'em."
The skin and flesh feel like
the fit of a new soft glove when
has driven out
from cold.
j Iii H
1 aso
Bi I Sous1
. You re bilious, got a cold, you have a throbbing sensation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your
eyes burn, your skin is yellow with dark rings under your eyes, your lips are parched and you feel ugly and
mean, as if you wanted to kick a lame infant or kill a canary bird. Your system is full of bile not properly
passed off, and what you need is a cleaning up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself
and those who love you, but send out at once for a box of CASCARETS and work off the cold while you sleep.
w surc
b.4 blth? b
neadiiveh, I ad Ideation, pimple, n
ditch, dlreaUon.
M w M ma ........... lucm. x nave used tnem for um.
f t jK 1 1 1 'd'B om time for Indigestion and biliousness
1 jr . A. V 1 i ? now completely cured. Recommend WOP
I f W J them to every one. Once tried, you will bar
VI I. never b T'ihout them in the family."
VV dim- EDW. A. MARX. Albany. A T. J
I - iiis'-' aBJ A movement i oa foot in New T'-k eif, II
L uv assa
V. - BITOT CAD BSMn'm O A am it ir-r '
F'o" ana Jlzxtneu. when roar
.rill UK KlCkt . n.Mat1nti trill
ls starter for th chronic nllmenta and Ian r mirflrtno- ht
afterwards. No natter what alls yon, "tart taklnir EX today. Tor
Ji'lU, never net well and be well all the time until yon pnt your Dowel
rassH. a. ho mr MTieci start witn "-'a. atjn. Jt'X a today, tinder an aaooiato
ffuaraatee im earn mr money refanaed.
O , I .Vc-i&A'ii4
Story of a Druggist Who Was
Always Compounding Rem
edies for Others Yet
Suffered Agonies
From the Republican .Eldorado, III
Perhaps in no case where stomach
trouble was the ailment has the effi
ciency of a popular remedy been so
thoroughly demonstrated as in the case
of W. E. Mathis, a prominent druggist
of Eldorado, 111. The story as told by
Mr. Mathis is as follows:
"In the spring of 1894 I had a very
serious case of indigestion. Mv tnm.
ach commenced to give me great trouble,
ano, wniie i Knew tbe . nature of tbe
pain, I did not at first use the proper
precaution. For some time I did not
pay anv attention, but it gradually
grew worse, when I consulted a phy
sician, who prescribed for me. I used
his medicine according to inatmotinne
I began to experience nervous spells,
became subject to congestion of tbe
stomach, and considered myself in a
precarious condition. The physician's
medicine and other remedies I tried
failed to bene6t me.
"One day a friend urged me to try
Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale Peo
ple. I considered it a useless experi
ment, but as I had tried everything
else, I agreed to take them. That was
three and a half years ago. When I
bad used three boxes I could note very
plainly the ohange for the better.
When I had used the seventh box I
was cured.
"The pills have not 'only cured the
indigestion, bat tney have also cured
my nervousness, my blood is in perfect
condition, and they have brought my
weight from 140 pounds at the com
mencement of the stomach trouble to
180 at present.
"If any one who reads this desire b
to know more of my experience I will
gladly answer letters which enclose
stamp for reply. Signed,
Sworn and subscribed! to before me
this 27th day of June, 1900.
Thos. D. Morris,
Justice of the Peace.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People are sold at all druggists or will
be sent direct from Dr. Williams Medi
cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
Price 50 cents per box; six boxes, $3.50.
Composition of Pitch Pine.
A cord of pitch pine under distilla
tion gives the following substances:
Charcoal, 50 bushels; illuminating gas,
about 1,000 cubio feet; illuminating
oil and tar, 50 gallons; pitch rosin,
1 barrels; pyroligneous acid, 100
gallons; spirits of tuprentine, 20 gal
lons; tar, 1 barrel; wood spirits, 5 gal
lons. .
The Best Proscription for Malarias
rSm8T?S,1Fe?rls f bo,ttle of Grove's Tasteless
r?.il1onii" I "Imply iron and quinine in
a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. Price 50c.
A Business Transaction.
"No," said tbe Impecunious Noble
man to the Astute Interviewer, "I am
not in America on a pleasure trip. 1
am here on business."
"Count de Smallchange," wiote the
Astute Interviewer, "arrived yesterday
with the intention of capturing an
heiress for his bride. "
The oses of Garfield Tea are mani
fold: it regulates the digestive
organs; cores constipation; puri
fies the blood; brings good health.
Pants by the Leg.
A man who went to Providence tbe
other day was amused to see this sign
on the front of a clothing store: "Here
is the place to buy your pants at $2 a
leg!" This method of offering trousers
for sale must possess great interest for
one-legged men and centipedes. .
Siopm thm Cough and
Work Off tho Gold.
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets cure a cold In
one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents.
The First King Known.
From among 600 fragments of writ
ings discovered in tbe ruins of Nippur,
Professor Hilprecht has obtained
knowledge of the first king known to
man En-shag-shur-ana, lord of the
Kengi, now known as Babylonia, who
reigned about 6,500 6. C.
1 '
wowKtiii uoirt
I "WMk.
ZZll . iKSl ?ZJZ.Z''
our iMweli don't mavre reritl'mrly yon mrts
bom f?rl thai all other tfiieuci together.
mam .-
JF S r A A ':LSfSTS ? nd them partect. Couldi?t
: "Sa. w wr di-'O miiu uvcrii .
:..V ln. - ."
zii; i.hisiii: t ii ii 1 1 - "
Of the U. S. Treasury Recommends
Dr. L'ewtllyn Jordan.
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Ex
aminer of 0. S. Treasury Department,
graduate of Columbia College, and who
served three years at West Point, has
the following to say of Peruna:
"Allow me to express my grati
tude to you for the benefit derived
from your wonderful remedy.
One short month has brought
forth a vast change and I now
consider myself a well-man after
months of suffering. Fellow suf
ferers, Peruna will cure you." .
Catarrh is a svstemio disease curable
only by systemic treatment. A reme
dy that cures catarrh must aim direct-!
ly at the depressed nerve centers. I
This is what Peruna does. Peruna '
immediately invigorates tbe nerve-cen-ters
which give vitality to tbe mucous ,
membranes. Then catarrh disappears. I
Then catarrh is permanently oured.
Peruna cures catarrh wherever lo
nated. Peruna is not a guess nor an
experiment it is an absolute scientific
certainty. Peruna has no substitutes
no rivals. Insist upon having Pe
runa. A free book written by Dr.
Hartman, on the subject of catarrh
In its different phases and stages,
will be sent free to any address
by The Preuna Medicine Co., Co
lumbus, Ohio. I
Church Membership at Newton,
Tbe ministers of Newton, Kan., have
just completed a religious census of
that town. Ibey found 5.853 persons
in 1,453 families and of thjse people
2,316, or less than half, professed to
be church members.
The English Sparrow Defended.
The Buffalo Bird Protective Society
defends the English Bparrow , ascrib
ing to the birds tbe disappearance in
that vicinity of the oankerworra.
Buy from the manufacturer. Price in full rolls
2 feet wide, ISO feet long . 11.68
3 ' " ' M .... 2 47
" " y".'.'."....ZZ 3.30
5 ' , 4 12
" " -. 4.95
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work.
149 Front St., Portland, Oregon.
IT BICKF0R1). Washington. D. C - thv will
I ceive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols. Stall
loth Corpa. Prosecuting claims since 187a.
Don't You Want
The prettiest Calendar out this season?
Ii so, send your name and also names and
addresses of live ranchers in your neigh
borhood, and one will be mailed you free.
Address :
Gen. Agt.. McCormick H. M. Co.,
321 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, ore.
Don't Stop Tobacco Suddenly
It injures nervous system to do so. BACO
CBKO is the only cure that r. ally cures
and notifies you when to stop. Sold with a
guarantee that three boxes will cure any case.
Kind fill ttfl is vegetable and harmless. It has
pnuy uunu cured thousands, it willcnre you.
At all druggists or by mail prepaid, 31 a box;
3 boxes 12.50. Booklet free. Write Eubbka
CHEMIO.L Co., La Croase, Wis.
A guaranteed Care for Catarrh and
Consumption. Sl.oo. D Lock Box 146.
V. H. SMITH 4 GO., Buffalo, I. V., Prop's
, P. N. U.
Ha. 8101.
WHJEN writing to ndvartiaora please
mention this paper.
let them sell you a fake
AR) i.Ona.1 rrttil aU Ulk !. a an a
C A REnwM m TdT li owl 1 1 mmTw i-V i s. 11 1
"ZTT.ri . ViT- "".T"'.
JkSakv .gft
"bet toetl-nnlal. W. ha fkitb. Vdu"leirI Isr.TaiV
naraatera to care or Money rernnded. Oo bay today, t fc V ,1 I
litem a fair, hoaeat trial a per Implo direction i, anal If too W-.Vi 5il3
mmovpu UBtaaiBft muse wwc UWXi r
n hv mall, or tha drasviat
E. rC ?! thi, maBaaaisbauC
i."".rr ?"" -." Tk. dVie:
ri-eij wheel r
The Legion of Honor.
The French Legion of Honor is the
biggest order ot merit. -It numbers 6a,
000 members.
New Hampshire's Game Law.
A new law in New Hampshire pro
hibits the holding of pro petty in that
state by game clubs which are not lo
cally incorporated. It also provides
that the state shall hold in trust for
publio use all natural bodies of water
having an area of 15 acres or more.
The girl with the great, eernphio.
gray eyes complained bitterly of tbe
timidity of her steady company.
Orive him the mittcnl" advised her
entourage, unhesitatingly.
"What, for cold feet?" exclaimed she.
Ttmm fiandB ftrat
known the eouatr nr
tk MtMl laa hi Raaislsithai
nickel on cheap aeedij and Ium a
ooiumt on ens narrest.
1901 8cd Annum! free.
0. M. FERRY CO.,
Dttrott, Mich.
THtt u a daring rtatment. trat Sal-
mti twni pear ii out every uma.
Comblnat'on Corn.
Criteit corn on arth. wilt po1Ut1t
nTolntlonlcA corn growing.
Rill Inn On 1 1 4a s
Greatest marr. ofthe
lttonaof bar per acre. First
Brupiu ween alter eowiog
What Is It ?
Oatalofrne tells.
SsunplM inolnduicibOTft, kIm I
Me eaUlasr. 10 GraJa
John A. Salier Seed Co. La Cnst Via. I
Fortunes have been made, fortnnes are be'ng
made by Judicious investment in Oil Stocks.
We are S-llIng agents for several comi.ani-s
that are sure to sirike Oil. Prices are low now.
Forward fifty cents for a choice of six. includ
ing maps, prospectus and sample cortiflcate.
Lands wanted and Oil iAiids for sale from $10 to
per acre to 110,000 per acre. Agents wanted in
every town; guaranteed commissions.
ELAClft oil W.LL(DW
Will Keep You Dry
B3ki IIqjiiWlil
Take No Sustitute . Frtcc Catalogue,
Showing Full Line of Garments and Hats.
A. J. TOWER Co. Boston. Mass.
the Russell cowoura traction
aua.1 BY RUSSELL 1 Ce.
mauum em
The "Russell" Compound
Is here to stay. It is the Most Economical
and Powerful Engine built.
Write us for full particulars.
25c 50c
tJTl -? T A
T'r, nreater than aur
MRkutl It. end rel
sUte. W . T j . . n
".bk VEZt si?. ;.sr.i."r
at ,
111 111
t J fc-s