Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 01, 1901, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1901.
Ladies' Silk Waists
Good material. Good workman
ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each.
"A Debt of Honor."
W. A. Sanders, the best watch
maker. -
Attorney W. "3. Yates is at New
part' attending legal business.
Attorney E. K. Bryson returned
yesterday from 1 usiness visit of
several days at Toledo.
Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in
the Mt. View school house Sunday
afternoon at half-past two.
We have a few more reumants
loft which wiil be sold at great bat-
gaius. Nolan & Callahan.
A shipment of 6,540 rolls of wall
paper, in elegant pattern?, has juBt
been received by J. D. Mann & Co.
For a skirt linings andj for shirt I Services as usual noxt Sabbath
mite. Twelve shade. 80 cento per evening at the M E. Church, South.
Meresuized cotton. Looks like
silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop
ular colors. $1.50 to $2.25 each
S, E, Young & Son
Albany, Oregon.
"A Debt of Honor."
It is reported that China
ants are beginning to lay.
1 here , will be no morning service.
Adolph Peterson leaves today for
Fossil, Or., where he has the con
tract for erecting a largo court
Herbert Friendly was in Cor-
vallis yesterday on business con
nected with the telephone company,
with whom he ia employed.
Earl and Marvin Brandeberry
were over from Albany Wednesday
Wall paper in all designs and at arranging for the production of
A. uqdi oi rioner, nere lon'gns.
Wm. B. Scott, the well-known
quarterback on this season's U O
football team, went to his borne in
Corvallis Tuesday to remain.
Guard. -
all prioes at Mann & Co's,
Dr. Lowe, the optieian has been
coming to Corvallis since 1891.
Ont now spring stock is now ar
riving. Nolan & Callahan.
y -WW 1 1 1 1 ? 1 .
.T.fv.ll.Tr! The reason Dr. Lowe fits glasses
wok aunujj mo wcc., uu. . b B0 SU0CeBSfally is he was educated
u!r s.iu. iQ thQ best sohools. He has had
Just arrived, Nelson's custom-fit 114 years experience and uses the
shoe $3.50 shoes for men in all the! best glasses.
new, Biyies, ai e. - Beginning tonight, Corvallis will
Wanted, a few thoroughbred hereafter have telephone service day
chickens of large variety. Address and night. Miss Emma Crawford
A, care Gazette office. j will be day operator, while her sis-
firmt. ft. W. Denman besan the ter. Miss Mayme, will have charge
eight-grade examination of pnpils
yesterday at the school house.
Services of interest, both morning
and evening, at the Methodist
Episcopal church next Sunday
Neal V. Murray is again at his
desk iu the C fc E. railroad office,
after a severe illness. Albany Her
From next Monday noon until
State Sunt,
in Uorvams auring
at nicht.
Regular Sabbath services in the
United Evangelical church at eleven
e clock in the morning and half-
past seven in the evening. Preach
ing by the pastor, Rev. L. Myron
Boozer. Sunday school and Chris
tian Endeavor at the usual hours.
A cordial invitation is extended to
the public
C. Ji. Alarkham, ot the S. r. corn-
Wednesday noon Dr. Lowe, the pany, speaking recently of the great
optician, will be at the Incidental interest manifested by dairymen
Hotel. or this state on the creamery ques-
i. v.. k lion, said: "I do not think it is
tin wflair at presumptuous io say tnas tne 1 ox
tending the meeting of the hoard of Pe'ua which causes promoters to
regents of the OAfc, -.
the institute mestines held under
v l.l .. l 1 - I
nsaun iias grown so serious loai the auibices of the Orearon Aerr
-Ft t it i i ttt t I -- r. .
israay was cauea iiome irom vv asn- cultural Uolleffe."
s i t n i ; nr.j -J 1 v
in(Trn n l : mr nr i rat ui riuuri en r i - . . .
' ' J " ,. The Portland Teleeram is au
Senator W. W. Steiwer and fam- thority-for the statement that Man-
ily arrived fiom Salem, Monday, ager John F. Cordray, of Portland,
and after a brief visit with rela- has completed arrangements where-
tives in this city will return to their by he has secured control of the
heme at Fossil. Corvallis Opera House, and will
tj t?a; r rr0 f !i. make alterations and improvements
Calif.,' will occupy the pulpit of the ia this When these changes
- - ... I wwivll Via nnnKIirl ft. rilftTTl r Arinl anf
and evenins. Sundav "1 "'"""u
Bohaol at 10: C E at 6:30. aurscuons lor mis city, giving one
' lnmk( afn4a nhAiil f-liWAA tlmaa n
i uiicub o iauuq avu iuicg tiuiua m
Don't isrget that there is to be a m0th. Ha has a circuit of about
good time at the Opera
time at the Opera House to
night. You can see the utcome of
"A Debt of Hener," af ur which
you can dance if you desire.
Subject at the Baptist church
100 theaties.
Last week, Kerby MacLean, a
student at the O A C was so un
fortunate as to have a small par
ticle of iren or steel flv and strike
Lord's Day morning, "Final Perse- him ia the eye, while he was at
vtrence of the Saints or Can the work in the machine shops of this
Saved be Lost?" - Evening subject, institution. His eyes we're both
"The Great Assize." Cordial in
vitation to all services.
Captain James Smith, tha well-
known river navigator, died Mon
day, at Newberg, blood poison
ing causing his death. Until re-
affected and his condition bicame
so alarming ' that he was taken to
the Good Samaritan Hospital in
Portland, last Saturday. At last
accounts he was doing nicely and
there was hopes of Saving the eight
Pflntlr he was in command of the o com ms eyes
Gray Eagle. Tha populority of the local order
... , , . lofthe Woodmen of the world was
jvioraauo uoounongn is pre- evidenced by the crowded house
pared to you dol oiT Wch reeted Head Camp Lecturer
Meakia lagt MoQday. Mr. Mea
monHAlina milffira ot n An mnal. I. . . . . .
T. , . ' " kin's address on "footprints, or
eatisfaotory termP. Residence il- Qnward and Upward;" lasted two
kin's Additien. P. O. Box 64, Cor- h t BcareI a gon kft
vams. uregon. the hall. After an original com
The performance of "A Debt of position by Ruthyn Turney, ren-
Honor ' will begin at 8 o clock dered by the trio, Mr. Meakin
sharp, this evening, in order to favored the audience with a hum-
allow time for dancing after the ber of readings. His most pleas
play. A special train will arrive ing numbers were from Whitcomb
from Albaay. The Albany band Rilev. In fact, a more . artistic
will furnish the music for the dance., rendition of Riley's poems than Mr
iM-. it.. Meakin's would be difficult to
..i .oof. ;.rf imaeine. Tuesday evening Mr,
inof 7i it. rti. IT,. Meakin wai present at a special
i'QD r,aA TnTin m... t meeting of the Woodmen In their
w,. ' trL ti,.m r.,r v. hall. A number ot candidates were
initiated, after which a social good
time was etijoyed, concluding with
a banquet
The new bicycle path law which
went into effect this week, with an
Jim has emergency clause attached, author-
ten or ues county courts to construct
E. A. Chapman store at Philo
math There was a cash considera
tion also.
Jim Scott arrived, Monday, from
Wardner, Idaho, on a visit to the
scene of his early days,
not been in Corvallis for
dozen years and notes many and to levy a license tax ot l upon
chanees. He brought down a num- each person riding a bicycle in the
ber of beautiful SDeeimena of lead county. The act provides for the
ore with him.
From what can be learned the
hop outlook for the present year is
very encouraging. It is stated
that of last year's hop crop there
are less than 1,000 bale1) remain
ing in this state. There is a strong
issuance ot a tag similar to that
issued nnder . the old law. It is
made unlawful for any person to
ride a bicycle upon a bicycle path
without having paid the license
tax. The sheriff is authorized to
seize a bicycle and sell the same
"e7 .W1 uvy ai i0 ceB,s realize the amount of the tax. The
for top quotations. ,aw ftlso r ire8 that evelv bic ole
We note with pleasure that W. shall be provided with a bell and at
D. Fechter, formerly of this city, njght with a good light. Bicycle
has received a very flattering write- paths constructed under the old
UD in the East. OreSOnian On im- lam ara Unlarerl tn ViO WnrA'n no ilia
provements made in his confection- under the provisions of this act.
ery store in that city. The dec- it is expected that this act will be
oratiag was done by 0. W. Me- iega in that it provides a license
Lyman, also at one time a resident for riding, and not a tax upon the
of Corvallis. bicycle. .
h. Communication Full of Sound Advice
and Valuable Suggestions.
Editor Gazette: I noted
with satisfaction, the remarks of
a "prominent citizen," in your
last issue, touching the subjec4
of "advertising this vicinity."
This gentleman has certainly
touched a chord that should find
a response ia the minds of our
best people, and produce a vibra
tion in the acts of every citizen
in t'no community, whether
prom:nent or not.
The writer Of these lines was
a resident of Corvallis twenty
years ago, returning now after a
lapse ot two decades, it is but
natural thai many comparisons
between then and now are con
stantly suggested to the reflec
tive mind, and to the imagina
tive, pictures of what might have
been, or may I say. of what
should have been, had the busi
ness men of this county been
awake to their own Interests,
even to the extent of letting the
people of the less favored corners
of creation knew the truth about
Benton county. When I say
"business men" I mean men
wbose business is the prodntion
of food stuffs, and raw material,
as well as the manufacturer,
merchant or banker.
Corvallis tweaty years ago
was very near its present stage,
in point of population ; that there
have been many commendable
improvements, both in public
and privato property, is a matter
not to be overlooked, ana among
the many county capitals of Ore
gon, Uorvams occupies no mean
position; but during this same
score of years, see what human
energies have done for newer
towns, located where the natural
advantages and possibilities are
scarce a tithe of what is here
The writer ha9 been privi
leged to make his observations in
all parts of United Mates and
Canada, and in trutn lie can out
say that considering everything,
Northwestern Oregon is the slow
est of the slow. Even the pro
verbially deliberate South, is
making rapid strides that will
put to shame the most enter
prising community in this state.
The great "wild and woolly"
state of Texas, will at the pres
ent rate, soon have five ot six
cities-, similar ia size to our Pert
land. What Oregoniaa will ad
mit that Texas is a better coun
try than this?
Twenty . years ago, Seattle,
Spokane and Los Angeles were
villages like this; what has
made them the important) cities
that they are today? Men and
human energies, nothing else.
These locations all presented
many advantages, , to be sure,
will any ne admit that Corvallis
had less advantages presentable
twenty years ago, or that it has
none or few today? True, all
Oiegon has lost much prestige
by its Rip-Van-Winkle sleep,
nevertheless, if it9 different com
munities will even now awaken
and da something and keap-a-doing-it,
they may speedily bring
this glorious country to the front,
fill it np with a race of thrifty,
cultured, enterprising people,
who will develop Its many re
sources, now scarsely recognized
It is painful to note the dense
lenorance in tne minas of
Eastern people, those supposedly
well informed, regarding Oregon,
and especially touching any of
the inland or smaller towns.
They know of California from
Mexico to 2nasta, they ara
acquainted with Washington,
from the Puget bound to the
Blue Mountains, bat when you
tell them the truth about Ore
iron, their eves bung out with
wonder, that these things can be
and they knew it not.
It is easy to see how with
proper financial baekingj a board
of trade, or an organization un
der any other name, a man of
abilitv as its secretary, can col
lect and publish such facts,
figures and illustrations touching
this vicinitv, as will attract a
large number of tha best class of
men to it; men with , means to
invest and a mind to be of value
to the community in which they
settle. Attracted only by the
vivid, and I may say conserva
tive, portrayal of the truth, find
ing the reality as good or better
than the representation, these
new-comers at once become well
satisfied citizens, and both the
state and the man reap a benefit
May I be permitted to express
the hope that the business men
of Benton county will at once
push this matter to a successful
issue, and let tne world Knew
that here is as good a country as
lie9 out of doors, and that it in
habited by highly Civilized
wide-a-wake mea wae wish to
share their good fortune with
.others of their kind.
The writer could experience a
just sat 'action in seeing this
county take a leading place. It
was his first adopted home, the
home of his youth, and through
the years that have intervened,
hzs ever stood ont as bys nature,
tlie favored spot of a favored
country. Yours Truly, -
Lincoln Bennett.
Corvallis, Feb. 25, 1901.
Regents' Meeting.
New Road Laws.
All the members of the col
lege regents were present at the
special meeting Wednesday ex
cept Governor Geer and Secre
tary of State Dunbar, who sent
their special regrets for being
unable to attend. The main
object of the meeting was to pro
vide for expenditure of the funds
appropriated by the recent legis
lature for that institution. There
were two funds appropriated,
first, $20,000 for the present and
$25,500 annually thereafter.
- It was resolved by the, beard
to" expend this money in accord
ance with the relative needed
improvements at the college.
1 Toilet rooms; 2 heating of
Armory building; 3 erection of
a station building; 4 painting
of the two dormitories; 5 water
supply for the building and
grounds. A committee consist
ing of President Apperson, Sen
ator Daly and Mr. Weatherford
was appointed to manage this
The other appropriation was
$10,000 and the 620 acre farm in
Union county bought by the
state for an asyium a few years
ago, now turned over to the
college for experimental pur
poses. The institution of an ex
periment station at this farm
and the management of this fund
was delegated to tha executive
committee of the board with the
Eastern Oregon member, J. M.
Church, added.
A resolution was unanimously
adopted by the board that it is in
hearty accord with the action of
the legislature in thus establish
ing an experiment station in
Eastern Oregon and that it in
tends to aid it as much as possi
Architect Burgraf, of Albany,
was present with drawings for
the agricultural building, which
probably will cost when finished
$40,000, and no doubt will be
very creditable.
There were some other rnat-
i ters discussed but they were of
minor importance. The meet
ing was very harmonious and
encouraging for the college.
Most ot the visiting members
went to Albany in the evening
in a carriage.
Two bills relating to the collec
tion of road taxesj which have been
signed by the governor and are now
law, are house bills 103 and 205. .
The . former law requires courty
courts to levy a road tax of - not
more than 10 mills on the dollar,
based on the previoes year's as
sessment. The fund thus created
is to be expended under the direc
tion of a county roadmaster, who
has supervision of the supervisors.
Upon the petition of 12 free
holders of any road district, ap
proved by the roadmaster, for the
improvement of any road, the
county court shall consider the
petition, and, if approved shall ask
for sealed bids for the performance
of the work and furnishing of the
material -needed, and let ' the con
tract to the best bidder, provided,
however, that the court may reject
any and all bids. The court is also
authorized to purchase rock-crushers
out of the road fund. The tax
provided for in this act is in lieu of
taxes heretofore made oollectible
under other acts.
House bill 205 requires the col
lection of a road poll tax of $3 from
every re ale inhabitant over 21 and
under 50 years of age, unless by
law exempt. The tax must be
paid either in labor or cash, but
the county court may require that
it be paid in cash. If any person
refuses to pay the tax a suit may
be brought in the justice court to
collect the same, and the wages of
delinquent may be levied upon to
collect any judgment recovered
The tax must be expended upon
the roads of the district in which
collected. The act contains an
emergency clause, and : goes into
effect immediately. The tax be
comes due on March 1, and may be
collected between March 1" and
December 81 of each year.
In all kinds of Men's and Boys' Clothing to make
Our Large and Handsome Spring
room ior
No. 4301.
Report Of The Condition
the First National Bank of Corvallis, at
Corvallis, in the State, of Oregon, at tne
close of business, February 5, 1901
Loam and Discounts
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation
Stocks, securities, etc.
S 89,086 77
311 72
50.000 00
82,236 01
Banking-house, furniture and fixtures 21,433 55
Other real estate owned 8,089 36
Due from National Banks not reserve
16,365 29
Due from State Banks and Bankers 19,624 71
Due from approved reserve agents 81,491 44
Internal-Revenue stamps , 493 75
Checks and other cash items 953 85
Notes of other National Banks 395 00
Fractional naoer currencv. nickels.
and cents 68 82
Lawful Money Res. in Bane, viz:
Specie $38,993 80 1 35,993 80
Legal-tender notes 410 00 f 410 00
Boys' suits are a most trying problem to mothers and to
us. They must not be too costly, and they must be of dura
ble material and strongly made. We think we have solved
this dual problem. Bring the boys around.
We have a special line of boys' suits worth from $5.00 ,
to $7.50, that will be closed out at $3.00 per suit, age 5, 6
and 7; also a line of long pants suits, age 15, 16 and 17, at
one-half price. These are real bargains.
Men's suits in all the nooular shades and styles fromf;
the $5.00 sack suit to the genteel frock suit for $16. 50. '
We are headquarters for overcoats and ulsters. This is
our strong line and we are sure to please you in style and
See us for extra trousers; we have a full line.
The Biggest Store! The Biggest Stock! The Littlest Prices!
That is why we do the Biggest Business.
The Corvallis Commission
Keeps coastantly oft haad the celebrated
A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given fre wila
every sack of tne latter
Hay, Oats, Grata. Bran, Skorts, Potatoes
Fish, Bsxs, Poultry, Etc
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer
5 per cent, of Circulation
2,500 00
-f 560,464 07
Capital stock paid in
surplus iuna
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid
$50,000 00
t,3W uu
1,428 28
46,200 00
13 84
National Bank notes outstanding.
Due toother National Banks
Individual deposits subject to check 207,907 97
Demand certificates of deposits 45,944 65
For payment of taxes 1,000 00
Liabilities other than those above
stated 1,659 S3
Corvallis'. Most Popular Eating House
At the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. wyatt,
near Corvallis, Mr. Herbert J. El
liott and Miss Lizzie A. Wyatt were
united in marriage, "Wednesday,
February 27th at 10:30 a. m., Rev.
Frank L. Moore officiating.
The bride was beautifnlly dressed
in white. The couple stood in the
northwest corner of the parlor,
across which was suspended a grace
ful arch of green in front of which
hung a large white marriage bell.
A large number of friends and rel
atives were present. After the cere
mony all sat down to the large
table in the good old-fashioned
way with grandparents and grand
children as well as other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott entered the
freshmen class, O A C, in '93, grad
uating in '97, since which time both
have been engaged at teaching. Mr
Jfiluott is now employed by JJ. Li.
Keyt, of Perrydale. The couple left
on the 1:20 train lor Portland, lney
will return to Dallas to spend Bun
day with friends, and will proeeed
to Perrydale, their future borne,
Moaday. Their many friends wish
them a long and happy life.
: $360,454 07
State of Oregon, County of Benton ssi
J, Walter T. Wiles, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Walter T. WILES, uasmer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
27th day of February, 1901.
Notary Public for Oregon.
Correct Attest:
C. E. Moos,
John Wiles,
M. S. Woodcock,
Gray . Eagle Aground.'
Tuesday ' afternoon the Gray
Eagle arrived as the logging
eamp of B. E. Robertson, on
Smith's island, in order to tow a
canple of rafts of logs to Oregon
City for C. K. bpaulding. Ia
letting the rafts swing from their
moorings affairs did not go just
as Capt. Walker . ot the Gray
Eagle anticipated, but swung in
against his craft. The weight
of the moving rafts was so great
that,, aided by the current, the
poor old Eagle was pushed up on
the beach, stern first. In spite
of all efforts, she remained there,
Lines were run off in all direc
tioBs and men worked tile eap
stan heroically, But it was no
use. Thev were obliged Is
await the atriral of the Eugene,
Wednesday noon, when they
were assisted off and passed down
on their way to Oregon City with
the logs. It is estimated that
about 75,000 to 100,000 feet of
logs were taken down.
Additional Local
now in.
Idea Patterns for March
Nolan & Callahan.
The finest and most complete line
of wall paper ever shown in Uorval
lis is now to be seen at J. D. Mann
& Co's.
The body of the little son of
Tobias Tom, whose disappearance
from his home in Alsea was re
corded in Tuesday's Gazette, was
found by the searchers that day,
The child was lying dead under a
small log. within twenty feet of
the place where its father was work'
ing cutting wooa. n is supposed
that the little fellow Glimbed upon
the log and in some manner it
rolled upon him. The bereaved
parents hare tha sympathy of the
entire community.
A Boy
Or young man having a fair education
and desiroas of serving ample time to
learn a good trade or profession may find
an'opportnnity by addressing P. O. Box
No. 358, Corvallis, Oregon. The applr
cant should be steady and industrious,
spending his evenings at home and not
on the streets or in the various , resorts.
The trade referred to is along educational
lines, and two or three years spent there1
ia will afford good educational facilities
for any young man, besides affording
steady employment in all seasons after
becoming competent. One whose horn
is in town preferred. ' Cigarette smokers
need not apply.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not
spot, streak or give vour goods an
unevenly dyed appearance. Sold by
Graham & Wells,
Get your Job Work done here
Lessons given on the piano and organ
in a manner .that trains the ear, mind
and hands and saves years of needles
drudgery. M. A. Goodnocoh,
loneer isa&ery
Fresh bread daily. A complete 6tock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokera supplies
a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
95 3SjMWgmgXMgg
S?Job Printing. S?
at this office
Notice is hereby given that the county
court will receive sealed bids up to one
o'clock p. m. Wednesday, March 6, 1901,
to furnish 25 'cords of old growth body
red fir wood four feet long and fifty cords
of grub oak wood four feet long and not
less than three finches ia diameter, and
four cords of grub oak wood two feet Ions;
and not less than three inches in diame
ter. All of said wood to be delivered at
the curt house in Corvallis, Oregon,
between June 1 and August 1, 1901, the
same to be paid for in connty orders.
The court reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated this 16th day of February, A. D.
1901. Virgil E. Wattebs,
County Clerk.
Sore Lungs - ;c
mean weakened lungs all
caused by a cold and cough.
Weak lujigs sooner or later.
mean consumption. .
Shiloh's l?
will heal and strengthen the
lungs, cure cold and stop the
"I coughed for yean had heraorrJiazes.
Doctors said I was m last stage of consump
tion. - Had given tip aU hope. I finally tried
' Shiloh and It cured me completely. Am
today ia perfect health."
- East Oakland, CaL
SUloh'a Consumption Cure Is sold by all
druggists at 88c 60c, 81.00 a bottle. A
Friii ted grtu-,rante Eoes with erery bottle,
f yoa are not satisfied go to toot druggist
and g-et your money back.
Write for illustrated book on consamption. Seel
trithout cost to you. S. C. Wells ft Co., LeRoy.N.V.
Sold b Graham & Wortham.
How It Is Done.
The first object in life with the
American people is to "get rich;"
the second, how to regain gocd
health. The first can be obtained
by energy, honesty and saving;
the second, (good health) by using
Green's August Flower. Should
ou be-a despondent sufferer from
any of the effects of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, Appendicit.s, In
digestion, etc., such as Sick Head
ache, Palpitation of the Heart,
Sour Stomach, Habitual Costive
ness, Dizziness of the Head, Ner
vous prostration, low spirits, etc,
you need not suffer another day.
Two doses of the well known August
Flower will relieve yon at once.
Go to Graham & Wortham and
get a sample bottle free. Regular
size, 75 cents. Get Green's Prize
For Sale or Exchange.
Otis hundred; asd eighteen lots, in half and whole
blocks, in the original town of Newport, that health
ful and beautiful summer resort, in Lincoln eennty,
Oregon; some business lots; residence lots near the
principal churches, school house, and other resi
dences; also residence lots commanding beautiful
views of ocean andfbar.
Fire fractional blocks, south of and near the
State Agricultural College; all completely tiled,
streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient
and healthful for residence.
Large dwelling, barn and outhouses, centrally
located OQ roomy and commodious grounds, ia
Corvallis; will exchange ior farm near Corvalli:.
Twenty acres highly improved, all tile drained,
and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy
buildings; aboutone.fonrth mile from afrtclltnr&l
Large anS roomy house and Mahle'and lot to C -vallis,
good residence, two bl os irera -House;
high, rolling ground. vc ,
Eiht nice residence lotf, therongnly tile drained.
In Wilkins Addition to Corvallis.
One lot and hotel, The Vincent Bois, en Front
street, in Corvallis, centrally located.
Seventy-three acres,- 9 In orchard, 11 la wheat,
balance in grubs, timber and pasture; situate west,
adjoining the Odd Fellows Cemetery, near Corvaliii.
Will exchange the '-town property named for
suitable farm or acreage property; er will exchange
the aereage property described,for town property tr
ether farms or acreage; or will sell any er all ef
said property on reasonable terms and time at rea
sonable rate) and prices.
' CortstUa, Oregon