Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 01, 1901, Image 2

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FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1901.
Mr. C. H. Mclsaac, of the
lanufacturers' Association of
Portland, speaks different views
in regard to establishing manu
facturing plants in Portland than
ever before advanced by Portland
people. In speaking of the pro
ject to move the Dallas Woolen
Mill to Portland, Mr. Mclsaac
says: "Portland cannot afford
to arouse local feeling and local
opposition by taking away fac
tories and industries from interior
towns. We want to build up the'
manufacturing industries of Port
land, but we do not want to do it at
the expense of other towns, in which
trade we are benefited. Every
mill and industry in operation in
the state is an indirect benefit to
Portland, and we do not want to
absorbthem, but create new ones.
Dallas will feel the loss of the
mill while it would do Portland
little good."
Mr. Mclsaac is correct, but the
great mouth-piece, speaking for
Portland, takes an opposite view
and has always worked to drag
everything from the interior
towns to Portland. A few years
ago citizens of a valley town sub-
Scribed and paid out about all of
ther available cash to establish a
carriage factory in their midst. It
was only a short time until ru
mors were current that people
in Portland were encouraging its
removal to Portland. A constant
endeavor by Portland interests to
encourage industries in the
smaller towns to become weary of
their location, is certainly a short
sighted way to build up a great
state. It everything is drawn
from the country towns to Port
land decay would soon be ob-
served to effect Portland, because
the country would net have vital
ity to contribute to its support.
The transportation facilities at
one time passing through Ya
quina bay saved several times to
the farmers of Oregon the cost of
governmeit improvements, and
these savings were spent through
Portland. Had the million-dollar
appropriation by congress
been spent for the completion of
the harbor improvement at Ya
quina the amount -would have
been saved by the farmers of Or
egon in two years; and yet
through the opposition of Port
land's short-sighted people the
Yaquina bay improvement was
killed upon the false report of the
government engineers to the ef
fect that the "trade throngh Ya
quina bay had fallen off so
further improvement of that
was not needed."
time tak-
True in fact, but false in
it and in truth. For at the
the Alaska trade sprang up,
mg all the steamers at larger
rates than any local trade could
justify paying, the ware houses
at Yaquina bay and all the freight
cars along the side-tracks of the
railroad company were filled and
remained so for some months,
awaiting shipment through Ya
quina bay. But owing to the
continued failure of steamship fa
cilities, the great quantity of
freight accumulated was shipped
back through the way it came in,
and in this way the trade fell off,
not by any fault of the route, but
for want of steamship facilities to
move the freight away.
The populist state central com
mittee of Oregon held an inquest
over the remains of their party at
Salem, Friday. The occasion
-was a sweetly solemn one; not a
drum was heard, not a funeral
note. Will R. King, of. Mal
heur, chairman; J. A. Jeffery
and G. W. Weeks, of Salem;
Ernest -Kroner, of Portland; F.
Williams, of ""Ashland; Silas B.
Smith, of Astoria, -and William
Hammer, of Albany, performed
the last sad rites. Chairman
King presented his resignation,
and after considerable discussion,
the agreement to dissolve the
State central committee became
unanimous, and the dissolution
of the committee was officially
accomplished. Thus do we be
-hold the truth of the old adage:
'The good die" young."
From the Nation's Capital.
Editor Couvaixis Gazette:
session, of congress
seems certain. It is alracst as
certain that such special session
will baan advantage to the dem
ocratic -p.irtv m the next cam-'
paign. There is a very strong'
opposition anion:,' the republic
cans i i co.-igress to t'ie proposed
special session. It has been pub- '
licly stated that the president '.
desires congress to share with !
him the responsibility of the !
Cuban question, and that such J
desire will induce him to con-
vene congress in March or April, i
Since the Cuban constitu- !
tiotial convention has delayed
action arid has taken its time in I
promulgating the constitution,
republicans in both houses ef ,
congress declare that Cuba cau I
wait until next winter's session :
to have its proposed constitution !
considered. They also say that ;
if the subsidy bill is taken up in
the extra session, the democrats
will press the point that the
Cuban matter was only a blind,
aud a special session of congress
has been called simply for the
purpose of appropriating millions
of dollars to the rich shipping in
terests of the country.
The principal reports of the
twelfth census are required by
law to be published by the first
of July, 1902. There is little
reason to doubt that the work
will be completed on time. The
population department is now
practically through with it3 tab
ulations, and scores of clerks are
constantly being dismissed or
transferred td other departments.
There will be material reduc
tions in the entire force within a
few months, and by the first of
the year the censns office will
probably be represented by four
or five hundred clerks.
Oregonians in Washington are
watching with a decided interest
the course of the legislature in
electing, or rather in not elect
ing, the United States senator.
Their desires naturally differ
according to their political asso
ciations, .and their predictions ts
to the final outcome vary with
their desires. A few prefer that
there should be no election; in
which event, Senator Simon will
be the dictator of federal patrou-
Representative Tongue has
been having some "lively times
with the other members from the
West, recently. Mr. Tongue is
chairman of the arid lands and
irrigation committee, and mem
bers from the arid states believe
that he is their chief obstacle in
securing irrigation legislation.
Mr. Tongue, while fully recog
nizing the importance and "the
benefits of arid land reclamation,
has a good eye fo the fitness of
things; and, doubtless, is oppos
ing and will oppose any further
additions to the immense' appro
priations which have already
been made by this congress.
The Newlands bill provides that
the money received from the
sale of public lands in the arid
section shall be used for building
reservoirs and canals. While
this is not a direct appropriation,
and Is perhaps an equitable
measure, it means the withhold
ing from the treasury of several
million of dollars. Some such
measure will, doubtless, pass at
the next regular session, but it is
Hot deemed advisable to open up
anew outlet for public money,
and an outlet which will, event
ually, mean the expenditure of
millions upon millions of dol
lars, at this session which already
has enough to answer for. The
Irrigators are very well organ
ized, and it is said that they
have determined on a newspaper
attack apon Mr. Tongue, with
the avowed object f forcing him
to retire from chairmanship . of
the committee.. As Mr, Ton
gue's management of the com
mittee is in pesfect accord wish
the plans of Speaker Henderson,
and as Mr. HendersOn will be
rc-eleeted speaker, their efforts,
If attempted, are almost certain
to prove unsuccessful. One
irrigation lobbiest perpetrated a
pun on the names of our delega
tion in the lower house. Ha
said : ' 'The irrigators are Moody
because they are given too much
Tongue." Senator Simon is
chairmaa of a similar committee
in the senate, but the battle has
not raged there so fiercely.
Maud Hoffman appears in
Washington next, week, as lead
ing lady with E. S. Willard, the
English actor. Miss Hoffman
has received more favorable no
tice during her New York en
gagement, than the star himself,
and according to the newspapers,
has ranked among the few rtally
favorites. H. I Holgate
Heat Rash, inflammations, itching, irritations
and chafings, undue or offensive perspiration,
. and many other sanative used, nothing so
cooling, purifying, and refreshing as a bath
with Cutiouea Soap, followed in the severer
forms by gentle anointings with Cuticcba,
tho great skin cure and purest of emollients.
Cuticusa Soap In beyond all donbt the nnt enVetive
io purifying end beautifvine eoen. u well aa tbc nurent
and eweeteat for toilet, bath, and nunery. Sold thronph-
out the world.
l'rope., Boston.
' now io iiave iseaimrm sun," tree.
No. 54190 acres, 6(1 in cultivation,
mostly bottom land, balance fine pas
ture and timber, good new barn, email
house, miles from Philomath, price
$2,500; this is a fine farm.
No. 8 165 acres, 143 in cultivation,
good house, barn, orchard and water,
All well fenced, two miles from Philo
math; one of the finest farms in Oregon;
price, $30 per acre.
No. 61 80 acres, 10 in cultivation, bal
ance good pasture and timber, good out
range, fair 1)usp, barn and other out
buildings, good fruit and water; this is
a fine goat ranch, 6 miles from Philo
price $650; this is a snap.
No. 101 40' acres, 15 io cultivation,
good building,.fine fruit and -vater, fine
bottom lnnd ; price $050; 4 1 2 miles from
Philomath. ' r
No. 10318 acres near Corvallis, well
improved, a sightly home for $1,100.
Real-Estate Agent,
Ph"Gmalb, Benton County, Oregon
Box 59
Threa Questions.
Before purehasinir a piano or organ
there are a few questions it is well to
consider. First: Is the instrument mad
to use or simply to sell ? Second : Is
the the tone, action and finish first class?
Third: Is the price reasonable ? Cheap
Instruments are expensive at any price.
Why? Because they never give satis
faction, being constructed of the cheap
est material hastily thrown together.
To secure the ralne of your money there
is one certain way. Buy an instrument
which has cot only an established repu
tation for years, but which has kept up
with every improvement of modern
times. If you then would like such an
instrumeut with a tone, action and fin
ish unsurpassed, I have them, and can
lurnisn you any at the lowest price.
Call around. Mokdaust Ooodnough.
Something New.
Jnst published by the Southern Pacific
Company is a pamphlet upon the re
sources of Western Oregon, which in
cludes an excellent map of the state,
and contains information on climate,
lands, education, etc., existing indus
tries end their capabilities.
Attention is also directed to such new
fields for energy or capital as promise
fair return.
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregonians, in replying to
inquiries of Eastern friends.
Copies may be had of local agent .of
the Southern Pacific Company, or from
C. 11. Markham,
G. P. A , Portland, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Uk;tkd States Laud Office, .
Oregen City, Cregen, Dea 10, I960.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of an act of Ceneress of June 8, 1878, en
titled 41 An act for the Bale of timber landa in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Of Fall City, county of Polk, State of Oregen, has
this day filed inthis office his sworn statt jient' No.
6333. for the purchase of the N. N. W. 1-4, N. i
N. E. 1-4 of Section No. 34, in Township No. 12 S,
Range No. 7 W.. and will offsr proof to show that
the land sought is n-ore valuable for its timber or
Btone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on
Friday, the 8th day of March, 1901. He names as
witnesses: Hit -jal Flynn, Freeman Robinson,
Peter Miller and Alvin Kobinsbn, all of Falls City,
Oregon. .
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
detaribed lands arcrequested to file tbeir claims in
this office on or before said 8th dav ef afarch 1901.
Ketfoe for PKbllvsTIea.
- Orrrrro stism Lara Omm.
Oregon City, Ortgem, War. 19, MOB.
Notice is hereby gives that In conpllaice with
the provisions ef the aet of Ooagress of Jane 3rd,
1878, entitled "An act tor the tale ef timber lands in
the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Of Fall City, coanty of folk. State of Oregoa, has
this day filed in this office her sworn statement No.
5323, for the purchase of the It. E. - quarter of Sec
tion 14 in Township No. 18 8., Range No. 1 West,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to t.ild
land before the Reist( s and Receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 14th day of
February, 1901. she names of witnesses: Michael
Flynn, -FreerranW. .Robinson, Bridget Flynn and
Albert N. Robinson, all ef Fall City. Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to filetheir claims in
this office on or before said 14th day of February.
. Register.
Notice, for Publication.
Land Office at Obegon City, Oregon,
January 5, 19ul.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice ef his intention
to make final proof in support ef his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton Countv; at Corvallis, Orcgou,
ou February 20, 1901,- viz:
JOHN W. HYDE, ' : - ' ' ' "
H. E. No. 11,058 for the Lota 1, 2, and S, Sec
tion 6, T. 13 8 R. 6 W. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon ana cultivation of said land, Yiz: James
Franklin, John Franklin, Mablon w. Worth
lngton and Fiancis M. Spancer, all of Philo
math, Oregon, CHAS. B. MOORES,
ED , Wa
And, in fact, everything from Kitchen to Parlor.
Oil Cloth
Art Squares
Come and see us
and get cur prices.
Subscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following
papers in combination subscriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices
stated below,, cash in advance always to accompany the order. These wishing
two or mSre of the publications named with the GAZETTE, will please cor
respond with this office and we will quote you the combination price. We can
save you money on nearly all publications yon desire. -
The abbreviations below are explained as follows : W, for weekly ; S W,
for semi-weekly; T W, tri-weekly; M, monthly; 8 M, semi-monthly.
Price "With
Per the
Annum Gazette
8 W, Portland, Oregon.
OR EG OKI AN, W, Portland, Or 1 50 2 55
RURAL SPIRIT, W. Portland.Or 2 00 2 55
Contains a correct live-stock maiket report.
PACIFIC CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, W, Portland, Or. 2 00 3 05
THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD, T W, New York 1 00 2 20
HOMESTEAD, W. Des Moines, Iowa . 1 00 2 30
A thorough stoek and farm journal.
THE REPUBLIC, S W, St. Louis, Mo 1 00 2 05
THE AMERICAN FARMER? M, Indianapolis, Ind 50 165
and Atlas of the World bcund in cloth, 56 pages of jatest
colored Maps.
THE OUTING MAGAZINE, M, New York... 2 25 3 80
THE WEEKLY INTER-OCEAN, W, Chtcago, III 1 00 1 90
CINCINNATTI INQUIRER, W, Cincinnati .... 1 00 2 05
THE FRUIT GROWERS JOURNAL, M, Cobden, 111 50 1 75
It is well , to remember that you
can cover Benton County
Ihoroughly by placing
yotir advertiMmeat in the
They get Proper Display, Proper Position
and Proper Treatment.
come to think over it,
you can easily under
staid why so many proni
nent advertisers place ads
in this paper.
That's the Secret.
Notice to Credltor.
Notice is hereby giren that the undersigned has
been appointed administrator ol the esl-ata ef
Tbomaa W.vatt, deceased, bv the county court of
Benton county, Oregen. All persons having claims
against saiu estate are hereby notified to present
the same, duly verified, together with the iiroper
Touchers, to me at the law office of Bryson ft Wood
son in CorTallis, Benton count-, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Sated this 1st day of March A. U, 1901.
Administrator of said Katate.
II Paper
Neiv and beautiful
designs at prices
lower than usual.
J. D. MANN & CO,
Motto of Final Settlement.
Notia Is heresy that the tlndartiffled execu.
tor at the estate of Kartha J. Kfce, deceased, has
filed his fnal account la said estate In - the County
Ceurt at tesStata ef Ordgoa, far Beaton County,
atttlaf in probate, and Saturday, the 9th Day af
February, 19C1, at 10 'clock a. sa.. at the Court
House in Corrallis, Oregen, is the time and place
fixed by the Court for hearing objections, if any, to
aaid final account and the settlement thereof.
Dated January 11, 1001.
Chablh I. Rica,
Southern Pacific Oempanv.
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
and wr.y stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland 8 :8t a m
Lv Albany 12:30 p m
Ar Ashland 12:83 a m
Ar Sacramento-. -5 .00 p m
Ar San Francisco. 7 :4i p m
S :3t) p in
109 p m
11:80 a m
4 :S5 a m
9.30 a i i
Ar Ogdeo 6:45 p ni
At Denver 9 :00 a m
Ar Kaunas Gitv7 :25 a m
Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m
11 ;45 a va
0 :00 a 09
7 :86 ft m
9:30a m
Ar Lob Augoles 1 SO b m
ArEHaso C:8efm
Ar Fort VTortb 0 i8d a m
7:60 a va
fiiOdf) in
9:18 a m
4:00 am
C3Sp to
0:42 a tn
I2s43 p m
Ar City of Mexico C :B5 a m
Ay Houston.. ....4 :00 a m
Ar Hew Orleans.. 6 :2J a m
Ar Wailiitfjton --0:42 a m
Ar Ifew York 1Si48 p m
both traioB. Chair cars SaartmentO to
Ogden and El Paso, end Tonriet enrs to
Chicago, bt Louis, ow Ur!ealiB and
Connecting at Ean Francisco villi sev
eral steamehlb lines for Honolulu. JaDon
China, Philippines, Central and Sooth
Sea F. E. FARMER, ageat a Corvallis
station, or address
C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Dentistry of every description done in Srsi
ciaes -manner, ana saiisraction guar
Office over Zierolf 'a ffrocery store, oppose
me post oinpe, jorvaui3, uregon.
Specialties Diseases cf women and
children ; also deformities aud all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :S0 to 5 :30 p. m.
Physician & Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
. . ret
'Offico Honrs
Residence: Coreer College and 8th Stb.
I'elepbose at office and residence.
Corva'lis, - - - - Oregon
Office Corser 3rd and Men roe streets
Hqubs 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; San
day 9 to 10.
Residkkck Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician SfSif gdii
Veterinary Surgeon
Residence in Block 30, Job's Addition
Corvallis, Oregon.
Orders may be left at Graham & Wer
tnam's drugstore.
Titles. Cohvetakcifo
Practice in all State and. Federal Cohrt.
Office inFirit; National Bank BuiMinp.
Bryson Sr Woodson
Corvallis, Ore-'on.
Office In Postoffice Building.
Office la Vbitohora Blnrk
Corvallis, Oregon
Corvallis, Oregon.
Does a general and conservative bankus
business. - -
White and Barred.
From prize-winning stock, second to
Bone on Pacific coast. Erzs. tl 50 a set
ting of fifteen at yard, or 2 00 if packed.
j. u. HOSNWO, Uorvailis. jr.
QUI) -.ftRcaft ilS
Montana, Utah, Golsrado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the Union Pacific . Fast Mai! Line, or
the Rio Grande SceDie Lines.
Look at the Time . .
i4 clays to Salt Lake
z4 days to Denver
Jt days to Chicago
4 days to New York
Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered
Tctnist Site pifcg Cars, aa PbUBeti
Palace E: Copers, operated ott til
Vat further infoi illation, eptrtylo
CEO- P. EGLiret, AijenU OBrvini Or.
C. 6. TERRY. W. Wt. COMAS.
Tfav, Pass. Agt. CStil Amt,
1?4 Third St., Porflanit, Or.
Corvallis & him Rallmad.
2 For Yaquina: $ ' '
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m.
OoTvallia 1 150 p. tn.
" arrives- Ynqtiina 6:45 p. tn.
1 Reluitilrig:
Leaves Yaquina.. .. 6:10 a. at.
Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:80 a. tn.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. tn.
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:10 a. m.
Arrives Detroit .... 11:20 i. to.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. in.
' Arrives Albany .... 6:45 1. to.
One and two conmect at Albany
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service to and
from Newport and adjafient
Trains (or the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample tttne to
r-aoh ramping grounds on ttoe
Breiter.bush and Santiatn river tie
game day.
Edwin Stone,
H. L. W amies, Manager.
T. F. A P. A.
H. II. Cbonise, Agenf, Corvallis.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, St,
Louis, Cliieago
and East.
9 p. m.
7:00 p.B
Walla Walla. Lew
istou, S p o k a ne,
Minneapolis, St.
Paal.Dulnih. Mil
ankee, Chicago,
and East.
6:00 p ro.
3:40 a. ni.
Ocean SUtrcshicj
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For (San Francisco,
Sail Dec. ft, 8, 13,
IS. 3, 28, & every
5 days.
8 p. m.
4 p. m.
fix. Bub.
. p. m.
1 p. m.
Columbia Rtvsr
To Astoria & ay
landing. 4 p. n.
4($0t. oi.
0 a. tn.
Ex. San.
Oregon City, Kar
herg, &alem, abd
7 a. m.
8 alurday
tYiilsiK&fte and Ysffl
i Rivers.
Oregon City, Day
ton A Way-land's.
3 '.S3 p.m.
6 a. ni.
T nesday,
T hured'j
Wil!a Ette River.
Portland to Corval
lis & Way-land's.
W ednes
d a y and
8' 35 a. tn.
Snake River.
Ripni ia to Lew le'n.
8:30. IB
Local Agent.
Notice of Administrator's Sale of
Real Property.
In the matter of the Estate
James Abraham, Deceased. )
Notice is hereby eiten that pursuant to an order
of the county court of tho state of Oregon for Mult
nomah county made and entered on the ZOth dav of
November, 1900, I will from and after the 7th day
of March, 1901, proceed to sell at private sals
the following described real property of said estate,
and all the rijrht. title and interest which the said
JamtS Abraham had therein at the time of his de
cease, towit:
Bejjfinning at the quarter section corner between
fractional sections 2 uiid 3, towwhip 11 south, tange
4 wett Willamette Meridian, runnine; thence south
8 decrees cast 14.90 chains, thence south 55 de
grees 50 minutes west 5.62 chains, thence south SO
degrees 10 minutes east 17. to chains to the north
baik of the Willamette river, thence following: said
north bank of the Willamette river with the me
anders thereof in a v iTthwesterly course to the
southeast comer of lot 1 in f ractioital section 8 is
said townt-hip thence north 37 minutes east V8.8S
chains to the place of beginning, containing 20 40
acres, also the northeast quarter of the touthcaKt
quarter and lot number 1 of fractional section 3,
township 11 south, range 4 west of the Willaitietto
Meridian, containirg 58. 45 acres, save and excepting
the right of wa heretofore deeded to the Willam
ette Valley & Coapt Railroad contemns about &
acres, all situated in Benton county, Oregon; aho,
the east half of the following- described real proper
ty: The north half of the southwest quarter, and
lots S and 4 in section 3, township 11 Fuuth, range
4 west, containinsr 78.60 acres in Bentcn countv.
The tenr s of said rale ere as follows: 5 he entire
,UI.IUEV pill.,3 tO I. HO 111 CHHII.
Adm'r ds bonis non with thewill anneieu cf the
estate of Jimes Abraham, deceased, Portland, Or
For Rent.
Will rent 200 acres of land ett of
Monroe and .lake part payment of lent
in work and.improvemtnts on tLe plat e.
Address M. S. Woodcock, . '
Corvallis, Oregon, 1 -. -