TBf HfllUIS GAZETTE. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1901. The Dallas woolen mills hav been moved from that city to Portland. Corvallis should see that the carriage factory doesn't follow suit. The publication in the Oregon ian of last week of the Glass let- ler and of the acknowledgements of Dresser on the senatorial situa tion in the legislature, was cer tainly one of the most peculiar movements ever witnessed in a political contest. The move ment would certainly seem to have done much damage to Mr, Corbett's interests. The contest in the legislature for United States senator resulted in the election of ex-Senator John H. Mitchell after a long and hard fought contest during the whole session of the legislature. The fight was a personal fight be tween ex-Senator W. H. Corbett and Mr. Mitchell. The cause of their disagreement is not wholly a new subject, but is of loag duration. Both men made good senators and served their state well. This paper would have been satisfied with Mr. Cor bett's election if he had been elected with the republican mem bers of the legislature unassisted by combinations with democrats. While this paper recognizes that Mr. Mitchell represented all parts of Oregon well and without slighting one section "to benefit another it would have been more appropriate and seemed more like the action of republicans if he could have been elected without a combination assisted by demo' crats. Wheat Pests. As the growing season of crops approaches one often hears con jectures expressed regarding the probability, or possibility, f pasts creating tht havoc in our fields during the coming season laat they did last year. At a recent 'meeting f the farmers In Forest Grove, Prof. A. B. Card- lev, of the O A O. pave the fol. j , , u lowing interesting acconat of the Hessian ny and its nabits: Tha Hessian fly is the greatest wheat test ia the world, and destroyed probably 40,000,000 bushels f wheat in the United States alone. It has but recent ly made its appearance ia the Northwest. Ia 1891 Prof. Wrench cot some wheat in the vicinity ot Scappoose which was infested with the Hessian fly, since which time it has made Its appearance in several localities. However, it is not general In the Willamette yaliey. in oraer 10 Lam Tiow to combat this Insect we mnst learn something of its habits. It is about one-tentn Via size of a mosquito and one take it for a enat. In Ohio it makes its appearance In August and September, deposits its eggs ri dUarmears between the 20th vf Rentember and the Sola of October. The eggs are yellow and elongated. From these eggs a colorless maggot i9 hatoked, which crawls down to near the . . f iL. Tirlira tie lives DSS OI in yin-i. ----- upon the life of the plant. He in this condition, which they usually call the flax seed condition, till the following spring. In April r May another brood emerges which deposits its egg9 on the first or second joint above tha ground and absorbs the nourishment of the plant. If there is fciuch rain there may be three broods. Sometimes the wheat when at tacked looks bright and green and really more thrifty than that which is not attacked. This is due to its effort to overcome the attack, If the wheat is ex amined carefully yoa will find that the central shool is killed. The principal injury is done by the fall brood, although here In this country this brood may not be so injurious. The second or the spring brood causes from 75 to 90 per cent; of the wheat to break down. As to the reme dies, insecticides cannot be used to advantage. The fall grain should be sown after the eggs are. deposited. The burning of the stubble will kill many of them. i Coafessed His Guilt. A 1 ttle boy's conscience is a' power for good in many ways. It sometimes keens him from doing a wrong, but a misdeed once committed is oft-times so asrnified that lie breaks rlnwti under the straia and coafesses. The Yaquina Post " tells of a re- cent caseot tins kind, as lollows: Teddy Peco. af?ed ia. and asd Charles Mulkey, aged about 19, were, brought before A. C. TuHnison. T. P.. at Htrlaii in this county, on the 19th Inst., upon me cnarge ot stealing $40 irom 1. JBraazon. jeddy Peoo, upon examination acknowledged taking two twenty dollar pieces from Bradzon's cants, while Charly Malkey plead net guilty; ana tnere Deing msnmoient evidence to convicfi him, acquit tal followed. Deputy District Attorney Swope, appeared for the sJate. Teddv was brought to this city on the 20th, and in all probability will be sent to the Reform School. Prosecutine witness in the above ease. T. Bradzon. then ap peared before Justice Tuaiso on the charge of stealing sheep, Margaret Hart being the prose cuting witness. As the evidence ensued was not sufficient, in the floart, to convict Brazdon, he was acquitted. If the little bov. Teddv. had plead "not sruiltv," he too. w,ould have escaped , as, we are informed, there was not evidence sufficient, save hia own to con vict him. Resolutions. Hall of Alpha Rebekah Lodsre. No. 34, I. O. O.F., Jan. 14, 'or: Whereas, God, in the dispen sation of His providence, has seen nt to remove from our midst our beloved sister, Mary Elizabeth bmitn, therefore, be it .Resolved, That in her "death this lodge has lost one of its most devoted and esteemed members; the community, a kind friend; her family, a loving mother. Therefore, be it further 1 Resolved, That the relatives and friends of our deceased sister have the heart-felt sympathy of tnis lodge m their sad bereave ment. And be it further Resolved, That the reealia and charter of this lodge be drap ed m mourning . forthirty days. And be it further Resolved, That a codv of tnese resolutions be sent to rela tives of the deceased and for oub- lication in each of the city pa pers, and that they be spread upon the minutes of this lodge. ESTHER J. Reid, Mary E. Allen, Anna Beach, Committee. Rates of Toll. The mavor and ritv rntiriril have discussed informally the question ot what rates of toll - . 4 1 A 4 - ... snaii De piacea urxm-tne Albanv bridge under the new law. While no definite action has been taken it is likely the rates will De aoont as follows for the round trip: Footmea $ 05 Single teams and horsemen 10 Double team 15 Four-horse team 2 c Woodsaw engine. " t nei Thrashing machine... 1 50 iraction engine ..... 2 50 Cattle and horses in droves c eents per head, and sheep, goats and swine, 2 cents per head. A toll on the bridge is not a thinr to be desired hti t 4q the!onlv recourse left is trieHtw - -j . As soon as the people become tired of Bavine toll, thev can very easily instruct the county court to have this bridge kept up as a free feridge the same as all others are in the county. Al bany Herald. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IT re. TRADE MARKS - Anyone Banning a sketch an description may OouiniimJoa- at free. CneM asanoy tor neurine oatenta. on patents iJSTLrrlr;.nr?ufn ? Co. receive. Scientific Hmcricati. A kaocUOMHy Ilhurtratad weekly. Lamst -palauoa of any sdeotuic Journal. Term a. ts a ri lOTrmonria,!. Bold byall newsdealer. Mpi & Co'BroWNewYork BrsnaH Office, SB I Bt, Wadunston. 1X0. 1 it.- 1 I BAD COMPLEXIONS V RED ROUGH HANDS FALLING HAIR - ' PREVENTED Blf Tha most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. It strikes at the canse of bad complexions, red, rough hands, falling hair, and baby blemishes, viz., the clogged, irritated, inflamed, overworked, or slug gish Pores. Sold throughout the world. Form D. awb C. Corp., Prop.. Bortoa. IIow U IiYt Beautiful Complexion, frea Eighth Grade County Examination , Notice is hereby given to those pnpils outside of Corvallis, who have completed the state couree of study, that I will con duct the Eaid examination in the Corval lis public school, beginning "Thursday, Feb. 28, at fl o'clock a. m. All. appli cants in districts where school lias closed, desiring to take eaid examination mny do so. Very truly, G. V. Dknman, County School Supt. Thres Questions. Before purchasing a piano or ortran there are a few questions it is well te consider. First: Is the instrument made to nse or simply to sell ? Second : Is the the tone, action and finish first class? Third: Is the priee reaeomiUe? Cheap insiriimeme are expensive at any price. Why? Because thev never mva 'nniiR- faction, beiug constructed of the cheap est material hastily thrown together. 10 secure tne value ot your monev there is one certain way. Buy an instrument which has not only an established repu tation for years, but which has kept up with every improvement of modern times. If yon then would like such an instrument with a tone, action and fin ish unsnrpassed, 1 have them, and can furnish you any ' at the lowest price. Call around. Mokdaukt Goodnough. A Boy Or young man having a fair education and desirous of serving ample time to learn a good trade or profession may find an opportunity by addressing P. O. Box No. 35S, Corvallis, Oregon. The appli cant should be steady and industrious, spending his evenings at home and not on the streets or in the various resorts. The trade referred to is along educational lines, and two or three years spent there in will afford good educational facilities for any young man, besides affording steady employment in all seasons after becoming competent. One whose home is in. town preferred. Cigarette smokers need not apply. Something New. Just published by the Southern Pacifie Company is a pamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which in eludes an excellent map ofj the stale, and contains information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing indus t-ies End their capabilities. Attention is also directed to snch new fields for energy or capital as promise tair return. This publication fills a need Ions ex- perienced by Oregon iane, in replying to inquiries of Eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent of the Southern Facihc Company, or from C. II. Mabkham, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. Notice for Publication. . rjuiTKD States Lass Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Deo. 10, 1900. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the pivTiBiuiH w hu act n onirress 01 june s, 1878, en titled "An act for -the sale of tiiuhcr lnH. in t.hA States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wasbing- wuiciiiivrjr, rauKnoeawui ma niDUc Land ataiee oy act oi August , 1892, CHARLES D. T1CE, Of Fall City, county of Pollc, State of Oregen, has tbis day filed ' lthis office his sworn statement No 6333. for tbe purchase of the N. t, M...W. 1-4, N. 4 N. E. 1-4 of Section No. 34, in Township No. 12 8 Bangs No. 7 W.. and w.U offer proof to show that the.land songht is rfore valuable for its timber or suine man tor agrioultmai purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th day of aich, 1901. He names as witnesses: jnui'sei iynn, Freeman Robinson, Peter Miller andAlviu Kobinson, all ot EaUs Citv, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above- . :-iUCU laaasaro requdsiea to nie weir claims in iius voice on or oeiore saia Btn c&v ol uarch 1901. CHAS.JR MOOBES, Register, Retloe for PHbHatnioa. TJlfflTED STATES 1S9 OFFTOa, ' Oregeei Oity, Oregon, Rev. 19, UK v4 : i i : .v.. i : .. ..cow, ijiwi. iruk id compliance Wltn the provisions of tho act of Congress ef Jane Srd. - w, au m,. ,wi ww nioff uiaDw lanos in the states ef California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash- (tlfftjtn IVmHnn " n . 1 1 1 - Jt . l - I . - - , .wnmj, wnKUUCU U9 u Lit. U UUiiD AAnd states by act ef August, 189i, , irriE m. ROBiNsoir, ; tbia day filed in this office her swora sta ement Ne RAKt fnt t Via ntirnkiaa n (Ks V . . e, . j u vi "i A . an. i(Ua.lUr UI OBC- tioiil4inTewM8hip No. 13 8., Range JXo. 7 West, ua win oner prooi u snow tnat tne .'ana Bonht is more valuable fr its timber or stone than for agri- iiusuiw puipu&i, nuu WvBMUUoUHfjr C1U1ID VO S.UQ land before the R- skater and Receiver ol thte office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tfauraday, the 14th day ot February, lel. hhe names of witnesses: Michael Flynn. Freeiran W. Robinson, Bridget Flynn and Albert N. Robinson, all ef Fall City, Oregeu, i-v.dviio -''"""5 cuvciocir i ne aoove d escribed lands are requested to file their claims in 1901 itiuu my ui reoruary, - CHAS. B. MOORI, Notice for Pubticatloti. Lakd Officb at Oregon City, Ohegok, . . January 5, 1901.' nTnfliu'(et.aV I il -i . . . ' uaD uutivc ei nis intention f 2 alf.fllial Sro?, in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County l"ir Eta""1 county, at corvallis, Oreeon on February 20, 1901, -viz: ' "en, . . JOHN W. T1YTE, c tvpiwiouw wunuuoi s res id en ha upon and cultivation of said land vi?-- tSSS math, Oregon, CHAS. B. MOOKES Register. f SOAP FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE And, in (act, everything from Kitchen to Farlor. Rugs oa cioth Linoleum Art Squares Come and see us and get our prices. OUR CLUBBING RATES. Subscribers lo the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following papers in combination subscriptions with the GAZETTE, at Hie very low prices stated below; cash in advance always to accompany tbe order. These wishing two or more of the publications named with the GAZETTE, will please cor respond with this office and we will quote you the combtnatlon price. We can save you money on nearly all publications you desire. - The abbreviations below are explained as follows: V, for weekly; S W, for semi-weekly; T W, tri-weekly; M, monthly; S M, semi-monthly. Price With Per the , Annum Gazette OREGON AGRICULTURIST ANH RURAL NORTHWEST J 50 1 80 S W, Portland, Oregon. OR EG ONI AN, W, Portland, Or 1 50 2 55 RURAL SPIRIT, W. Portland.Or 2 00 2 56 Contains a correct live-stock maiket report. .. PACIFIC CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, W, Portland, Or. . . . ... 2 00 3 05 THE THRICE-A-WB:EK WORLD, T W, New York 1 00 2 0 HOMESTEAD, W, Des Moines, Iowa 1 00 2 30 A thorough stoek and farm jonrnal. THE REPUBLIC, S W.St. Louis, mo. ..... r . 1 00 2 05 THE AMERICAN FARMER, M, Indianapolis, Ind 50 165 THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. M, New York. , 1 SO 2 85 and Atlas et the World bound in cloth, 56 pages of latest colored Maps. THE OUTING MAGAZINE, M. New York.. 2 25 3 SO THE WEEKLY INTER-OCEAN, W, Chicago, III.....' 100 190 YOUNG PEOPLES' 'WEEKLY, W, Chicago 50 1 SO CINCINNATTr INQUIRER, W, Cincinnati 1 00 2 C5 THE FRUIT GROWERS JOURNAL, M, Cobden, 111 50 1 75 It is well to remember that you can coyer Benton tlounty f horoughly by placing your advertisement in the They get Proper Display, Proper Position and Proper come to think over it, yon can easily under stand vrhy so many prom nent advertisers place ads in this paper. That's the Secret. PLYMOUTH ROGK ...EGGS... VVhite and Barred. From prize-winning "stock, second to none on Pacific coast, Errs, $1 60 a eet ting of fifteen at yard, or 12 00 if packed. J. G. Hohning, Corvallis. Or. II Paper A"cw and beautiful designs at prices lower than usual. Treatment. Kotfce of Flanl Settlement. Notioe Is berebj pirea tbat the undertigaed execu tor mi the estate ol Martha J. Ktce, deceased, has Sled Sis foal Recount ia said estate tn the County Court ef the State of Oregoa, for Benton Cour.7, stttlBs; tn probate, and Saturday, tbe 9th Day of February, 1941, at 10 'clock a. a., at the Court House in CorTallis, Oregon, Is the time and place fixed by the Court for hearingr objections, H any, to said final account and the settlement thereof. . Dated January 11, 1801. CaiRLia B. Bid, Executor. J. D. MANN & GO. SOUTH and EAST VIA. Southern Pacific Company. THE SHASTA ROUTS Train's leave Corvallis for Portland and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8 :SO a m S :30 D in Lv Albanv 12:30 Ar Ashland 12:33 am 11:33 am Ar Sacramento .5 .00 p m 4 :85 a m Ar San Francisco-7:45 p m 9.30 a m Ar Ogden 5 :45 pm 11 ;45 a m Ar Denver -9 :00 a ra 9 :00 a m Ar Kansas City 7:25 am 7:3m a ui.Hgu :oo a m y:s'Jam Ar Los Angeles...! :20 pm ArEl Paso 0:00 btn Ar Fort Worth 6 ;83 a m 7 :00 a m e;08p m 6i30atn fistSam 4;00 am 0(S6p in 0:42 km 12:13 p m at uity oi Mexico 9 :65 a m At Houston 4 :00 a m Ar Kpor Drlmna ft -91 n. Ar Washington C:42 a m ArjNew xork 12:4Spm PULLMAN AND TOnRTST PAHS nn both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ugden and hA Paso, nd Tonrist cars to Chiiwso, St Lonis, Kow Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, Chins, Philippines, Central and Bouth America. Scb F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A., Portland, Or, E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry of every description done in firsi waoo uiauuci, U1JU BUtlBlWJMUQ guar1 anteed. GROWN iHD BRIDGE WORK i SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf s grocery store, epposr MRS. DR. CYLTHIE RAMSEY, Osteopathist Specialties Diseases of women and children ; also deformities audallcliron ic and nervous diseases. Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1 :30 to 5 :30 p. in. B. A. GATHEY, M. D. Physician ? Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours J m ) 2 W 4 p.m. Residence : CoTeei College and 8th St. Telephone at bflice aad residence. Corva'lis, - - - Oregon L G. ALT MAN, M. D. Office Corner 3rd and Monroefctreets Houes 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun day a to iu. Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison streets, Corvallis, Oregon. . H. NEWTH Physician $Surgeo n PHILOMATH, OREG02J. J. R. HARLAN Veterinary Surgeon Residence in Block SO, Job's Addition, Corvallis, Oregon. Orders may be left at Graham & Wer tham's drugstore. Notary. Titles. Gohvietancisiq JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-ATJ.AW. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office; inplrbt- National Bank Bnildintr. Pry son Woodson ATTOBNEYS-AT -LAW Corvallis, Ore-'on. Office in Pcatoffice Euilding. DH. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office la Wuitehora Blork Corvallis, Oregon -OF- Corvallis, Oregon. Dees a geaeral and conservative fcankict busincsa TO K0IV1ESEEKERS. , Jf you aie looking fcr bargains in Stcck, Grain and Fait Farms I have them. Cime and see me or write for my list. BENRT AXBLES, Real EsUte Agent," Phi'omatb, Benton County, OrcRon, THE DIRECT ROUTE IV Moatans, TJtah, Oolerado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via me Union .Pacific Fast Mail Lin, or the Rio Gra-hde Scenie Lines. Look at the Time ... x days to Salt Lake Yi days to Denver $4 days to Chicago 4 days to New York Free Reclining CUair Cars, TJpnolsUrvd Ttarfst Sleeping Can, aca FnUfiaa Pfctace S'eepers, operatffl 06 all trains. For further infoitrtflUftn itmtiia GEO. P. EGLI2S. Ajretit, comllfe, Or. U. AJSKK.V, w. R. COHAN. Truv. Pass. Agt Gn1 AftSfrt. . 1T4 third St, Portland, Or. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. . ' " Corvallis 1 :50 p. ra. " arrive? Yaquina 6:46 p. fa. 1 Reluiiilng: Leaves Yaquina. . . . 6:10 a. to. Leaves Corvallis.... Ilt80 a, to. Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. tn. SForDetioit: Leaves Albany 7:C0 a. m. Arriyes Detroit .... 11:20 4. m. 4 Returning: . Leaves Detroit 12:10 p.. in. Arrives Albany .... 5:45 p. no. One and two connect at Albatsy and Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample titfle to reach ramping grounds on Ike Breitenbush and Sanliain river the Fame day. Edwin Stone, H. I Walden, Manager. T. F. it P. A. II. IL Cronise, Agent; Corvallis. mi SCHEDULES. Arrive Salt Lake, Denver. Atlantic Express 9 p. m. Ft Worth, Omaha Fast Mail 7:00 p.m. Kansas City, St, Lonis, Chieage and East. Walla Walla. Levr ifitan, S p o k a tie, Minneapolis, S t. Paul, Duluth. Mil waukee, Chicago, and East. Spokane F!ver 6:00 p.m. Spokane Flyer 8:40 a. in. Um Stesmshlcs- All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco, Sail Dec. 8, 8, 13, 18, 3, 28, A every 6 days. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Pailv Ex. Sun. 8. p. ID. Saturday, 1 p. ' Dl. Columbia fliw Steamer. To Astoria & way landing. 4 p. m. Kxept Sunday K;!!;,Tcit3 Rivsr. Oiegon City, Kew b6r)f, Suicin, bnd Wfy-landintra. e a. rjn. Ex. Sun. 4 S0 p. d. Except SandAT ? ft. m. Tuesday WHianifilto ami 1m I Rivers. Oregon City, Day ton Way-land's. 5:S0 pan. MeDday aad Friday, Thursday and S aturddy 6 a. m. Willa ette River. Portland to Corval lis & Way-land's. 4:30 p.m. T uesdav. Monday, W ednea- Tliursd'y and Satur.J'v d a y and rnuav. Leave Eiparia Snake River. Itiparia to Lewis'n. Leave Levleton 35 a. m. Daily 8:30a. ra Daily. MR. THAYER, Local Agent Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Property . In the tcaiter of ti e Estate of I James- Abraham, Deceased. Notice is herebr eiren that pursuant to an order of the county conit of tho state of Oregon for Mult- uumau wuuty ojaue ana enterea on tne suttt dav of November, 1900, 1 will from and after the 7th day of March, 1901, proceed to sell at private sale the following described real property of said estate, and all the ritrht, title and interest which the said James Abraham had therein at the time of his de cease, towit: Beginning: at the qnarter section corner between fractional sections 2 and 3, township 11 south, tanpe 4 wett Willamette Meridian, nmnintr thence south 48 decrees cast 14.90 chains, thence couth 55 de frees 60 minutes west 6.02 chains, thence south 20 degrees 10 minutes east 17. to chains to the north bax'k of the Willam river, thence following said north bank of t! e W 'mette liver with the me anders thereof i f K tthwesterlv course to the southeast comer oi Wl in fractional Kf?t,?n Sin said township them: njrtb37 minutes eatt ?8 80 ch&iustothe p'ace of beginmt.ir, containing1 20.40 acres, also the northeast Quarter of the atitheaflt quarter and lot number 1 oi fractional tection3, township li south, rarge4wttt f the WiIlu:otte Meridian, font aim t g 58.45aeres, gave ind Meepting: the riirltt of ra Leretoforc tftedI tn tl Willam ette Valley & Ooast haih oad conbiinh g al.out 6' acres, all situatt d in Benton county, Oicgon; ajf-o, . the east half of the following described rtal proper ty: The north half of the tout h wet, t quarter, and lots 8 and 4 in section 3. townshio li truth, mdm 4 vents containir.g 78.C0 actes in Btt,u n county. Ohe tern s of raid Falc rrc tt follows: llie entire ' rurthate rice ik lo be a:d in cstb. W. E. 1 OiKF, Af'tn'r de Icnis nc with tU will Lni:&tu t-f tht (f:c of Jtnes AbraKam, deccastd, Portleud, Or. , For Rent. Will rent 200 acres of las d t o Monroe and lake peit f fyment cf rent in work and improvements on the place. Address . M. S. Woodcock, At'mini;tra;t " Oorvallis. Oregon , Boxjj