Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 22, 1901, Image 4

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Probably the Largest Land Owner in
the United States.
As a man of business Washington was
extremely methodical. Everything wm
figured down to the penny, and there
was no guesswork about the returns from
any of his properties. He was eminently
successful, and his property outside of
Mount Vernon, and not including his
wife's estate, amounted to $530,000. He
was probably the largest owner of land
in America, his holdings exceeding 50,000
acres. The Mount Vernon estate came
into the possession of the Washington
family in 1C74. It originally consisted
of 5,000 acres, but when it was inherited
by Washington from his brother Law
rence the property was just half that
size. Washington was in the market for
all the available land adjoining, and at
the time of his death he owned 8,000
acres in the immediate vicinity of his
residence. He made wise selections of
lands which were tendered to officers of
the French and Indian war, and by buy
ing out the patents of other officers he
secured ownership of more than 40,000
acres of land In the western part of the
colony. He made large sales from this
domain, but what was left was valued at
over $300,000 in the inventory of his
Just after the Revolutionary War
Washington and Gov. Clinton of New
York obtained 6,000 acres in the Mo
hawk valley. Two-thirds of it was sold
at a big profit and the remainder he held
t his death. . ,
In the location of the new capital on
the Potomac Washington invested heav
ily in the vicinity of the present city of
Washington and built many houses. He
also built houses in Alexandria.
As a farmer Washington early drifted
from the exclusive cultivation of tobacco
to other crops, and later introduced a
system of rotation by which the soil did
not become exhausted. In time Mount
Vernon became the manufacturing cen
ter for the population of 300 people who
lived on the plantation. , Everything that
could be made on the plantation was
produced, and the necessity of buying
from the outside was reduced to the low
est limit. He had looms, blacksmith
hops, wagon shops, flour mills in short,
every variety of industry where slave
labor could be utilized to advantage. He
became devoted to improving the breed
of sheep and of stock generally. He was
Interested in a coilple of banks which
paid good dividends i.nd put money into
several canal companies. All in all, he
was a business man on a large scale,
and while he suffered heavy losses from
the depreciation of currency during the
revolutionary struggle, they were more
than recouped by his successful ventures
In land speculation. Had Washington
been born 100 years later he would have
been undoubtedly one of the "captains of
industry" of the present era.
The Richest Man of His Time.
As the years went on Washington's
lands increased in value, and when he
died he was one of the richest men of
his time. He owned lands and stock
and negroes, and his estates amounted
to thousands of acres. He had houses
in Alexandria and property in Washing
ton. He had valuable lands near the
present site of Pittsburg. He was
throughout' his life a money-maker, and
I was told at Alexandria that when he
was a boy he got $5 a day and upward
for his surveying. He put his surplus
money into lands, and an advertisement
In a Baltimore paper of 1773 states that
he hnd 20,000 acres of land for sale on
the Ohio river. His will, which is now
kept about twenty miles from Washing
ton, in the safe of the old court house
t Fairfax, Va., gives a detailed state
ment of every article he possessed down
to the calves and sheep. His personal
estate was then put down at $532,000,
and this included a vast amount of to
bacco, large numbers of cattle, sheep
and horses, nearly all of which he willed
to his wife. This will is now kept in. a
wooden box, the top of which is covered
with glass.
Washington's Rules for Conduct.'
When Washington was 12 years old
his elder brother, Laurence, found neatly
written in a book rules for behavior,
which the lad had set down for his own
guidance. No one had suggested such a
plan to the child, which, of course, makes
the fact the more remarkable. We give
a few of these noble rules:
Associate yourself with men of good
quality, if you esteem your reputation;
for it is better to be alone than in bad
Every action in company ought to be
with some sign of respect to those pres
ent. -
Speak not when others speak; sit not
when others stand; speak not when you
should hold your peace; walk not when
others stop.
Wherein yon reprove another,' be un
blamable yourself; for example Is better
than precept.
Labor to keep in your heart that little
spark of celestial fire called conscience.
Let your recreations be manful, not
Seek not to lessen the merits of oth
ers; neither give more than due praise.
Be not hasty to believe flying reports
to the injury of any.
Go not thither where you know not
whether you shall be welcome. Give not
advice without being asked; and, when
desired, do it briefly.
Gaze not on the marks and blemishes
of others, and ask not how they came.
What you may speak in secret, deliver
not before others.
Think before you speak; pronounce not
imperfectly, nor bring out your words
too hastily, but orderly and distinctly.
Treat with men at right times about
business, and whisper not in the com
pany of others.
Be not in haste to relate news if you
know not the truth thereof.
Undertake not what you cannot per
form, but be careful to keep your prom
ise. Speak not evil of the absent, for it is
Show not yourself glad at the misfor
tune of another, though he were your
worst enemy.
The Thoughtful Parent.
"And now, my son, I want to give you
a little lesson. We have here a cherry
tree, a little hatchet and the life of
George Washington. I take a little
branch from the tree and
and now you may read the book and
enjoy it, while you have the advantage
or the father of your country in experi
ence and I will save my cherry tree,
giving you a valuable lesson at the same
time." Chicago Chronicle.
George Washington.
Down the road to Valley Forge, In the grip
of winter weather,
Death, defeat and hunger stalked along;
Phantoms grim upon nis vision; woiulrlng
if his God would ever
Crush the tyrant, help the helpless, right
the wroog.
Patient In disaster be, misery and want
around him
Who a ragged band of heroes led;
Blackest specters of the night ever vigilant
they found him.
True and faithful to a cause so nearly dead.
Out of depths like these he came, and the
dawning of a nation
Was the guerdon that he wrested from the
For himself the wreath of laurel, steadfast
love and adoration
Of a hundred million freemen here below.
Gone the day of Valley Forge, gone the
misery and sorrow.
Like the clouds before the sun all melt
And memory immortal will hall his nam
As his countrymen remember It to-day.
Washington Conundrums.
"Where did Washington take his first
ride?" "When he took a hack at the
tree." "How do we know he slept in an
upright position?" "Because he could
not lie.'? "When was he apprenticed to
a blacksmith I "When he spent a win
ter at Valley Forge." "Where would he
always meet defeat?" "On a postage
stamp anyone could lick him." "Why
was he like a piano?" "Because he was
grand, upright and square."
He Delighted In Dancing.
Washington was given greatly to danc
ing throughout his . life. Even when
President he was a constant attendant
at dancing assemblies in New York and
Philadelphia. It was ten miles from
Mount ..Vernon to Alexandria, but the
trip was none, too long if there was to
be a dance at the latter place.
-gives yoaUe licking thus
I Short Storie$
Speaking of the difficulty students ex
perience in remembering tbe exact sit
uation of tbe mitral and tricuspid
valves of the heart. Professor Hiiiley
once remarked that he remembered
that the mitral (so-called from Its re
semblance to the headgear of the
church dignitary) must be on the left
side, "because a bishop could never be
in the right"
In one of his earliest cases, Daniel
O'Connell, the famous Irish liberator,
made a retort which attracted consld-.
erable attention to him. He was cross
examining an awkward witness, who
declared that he had"drunk nothing but
his share of a pint of whisky. "On
your oath, now," thundered the young
counsel, "was not your share all but
the pewter?"
According to the testimony of an
American correspondent in Porto Rico,
we still woefully lack popularity among
the natives there. This Is his descrip
tion of the manner in which a suit, to
which an American is a party, is con
ducted in one of the insular courts
there: Court You are plaintiff in this
case? Litigant Yes, your honor. Court
You are an American, I presume?
Litigant Yes, your honor. Court
You lose.
"Macaulay Improves, Macaulay im
proves!" Sydney Smith remarked one
day; "I h ve observed In him of late
flashes of silence." The "sonorous vi
vacity" of this enormous talker nettled
Smith, who found it impossible often
to voice his own wit and wisdom. "I
wish I could write poetry like you," he
conplained to a friend; "I would write
an 'Inferno,' and I would put Macaulay
among a number of disputants and gag
him! Another contemporary de
scribed Macaulay as "slopping all over
on every subject and standing in the
Among the clever epigrams which oc
cur In Mrs. Craigie's new society
drama, "The-Wisdom of the Wise," are:
"Mrs. Blstern has made so many ex
periments that she has had no time to
gain experience." "What a man has
done bores everybody, but what he is
going to do is always delightful." "1
hate a man who can only love those
whom he esteems. He always runs
away with his friend's wife." "It is
easy enough to be faithful to some one
you love, but to be faithful to some one
you don't love that, In my opinion, is
true virtue." "Where is Sarah now?
In bed wlth-lce on her temples! She
may be a woman for a crisis, but we
have to know It for weeks afterward."
In his "Eccenutrielties of Genius,"
ilajor Pond tells the pathetic story of
Ralph Waldo Emerson's last lecture,
delivered in the Old South Church in
Boston for the fund to save that build
ing from demolition: "As be began
reading his lecture the audience was
very attentive. After a few moments
he lost his place, and his granddaugh
ter, sitting in the front row of seats,
gently stepped toward him and remind
ed him that he was lecturing. He saw
at once that he was wandering, and,
with the most charming, characteristic,
apologetic bow, he resumed his place
an incident that seemed to affect the
audience more than anything else that
could possibly have occurred. A few
moments later he took a piece of manu
script in bis hand and, turning around
with it laid it on a side table. Just then
one of the audience said to me (I think
it was Mrs. Livermore or Mr. Howe),
Please have the audience pass right
out' and rushing up to Mr. Emerson,
said, 'Thank you so much for that de
lightful lecture;' then, turning around,
waved the audience to go out He
probably had been speaking about fif
teen minutes. The audience passed
out, many of them in tears. It was one
of the most pathetic sights I ever wit
nessed." Cottonseed Meal andQuallty of Butter
It is the general experience that cot
tonseed meal produces a hard butter,
and In some Instances a small amount
of this feed is given for that specific
purpose. Crude cottonseed oil has been
found to contain a quantity of so-called
vegetable stearin, which is separated
from the cottonseed oil of commerce
in the process of refining. Its fatty
acids have a high melting point and its
general composition is not unlike that
of other oils which have been found to
produce hard butter when fed to cows.
Corn oil, on the other hand, contains
practically no stearin, and Its fatty
acids, like those of linseed oil, are liq
uid at a temperature considerably be
low freezing point
Time's Mutations.
"Really your face Is very familiar, sir,
but you seem to have the advantage of
me in names.
And she looked at the distinguished
stranger with a puzzled air.
. "I fancied," he said, "that you would
know me. My name is Bangs, and four
years ago I had the honor to be your
The face of the lady blazed.
"Sir!" she fairly snarled.
"But a remarkably lucky series of
stock investments," he went on, "have
enabled me to become your next door
Tbe lady's face softened. '
"So pleased to renew our acquaint
ance, Mr. Bangs," she smilingly said.
Our Overheated Houses.
A Mexican newspaper declares that
when Mexicans visit the United States
in winter they suffer more from the
overheated bouses than from the cold
outside. -
Trolleys Carry the Mails.
In Pennsylvania the trolley Is carry
ing tbe mall and thus supplanting tbe
star routes.
- - One Lone Populist.
There is only one member of the new
Legislature of Tennessee who is not a
Democrat He is a Populist
No. matter how erect a general may
be he is apt to lean more or less on his
A finished poet 1b one who gets dis
couraged and goes to work.
A girl's mission in life Is to change
ber dresses, her mind and her name.
PI 9Mant Incident Occurring the
World Orer-Sayings that Ar Cheer
ful to Old or Young Funny Selec
tions that K-terybody Will Enjoy.
"Do you see that man over yonder?
He has just had greatness thrust upon
How so?"
Why, he's the only public man In
the' country who when asked to tell
what would happen in the new cen
tury said he didn't know." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Tan Get Alone
"Do you think it Is desirable for a
man to study the dead languages?"
'No, sir," answered Mr. -Cumrox,
with emphasis. "If queer words are
what a young man aspires to, the golf
and base-ball reports In any good daily
newspaper will supply all his wants."
Washington Star. -
A Difference.
The parson (on a visit) And how
long do you pray at night my boy?
The Boy Winter or summer?
Dickerman There's one
thing that
puzzles me.
Rawley And, pray, what is that?
Dickerman How it happens that
the new woman is generally not a very
young one. Boston Transcript
The Cornfed Philosopher.
"There Is nothing a woman more en
joys," said the Cornfed philosopher,
than monkeying at making something
out of something it ought not 'to be
made out of." Indianapolis Press.
Quick Exit.
"Mr. Lew told me that be was a Yale
man. Do you know what class he was
graduated from?"
"From the sophomore class." Har
lem Life.
Accommodating; Old Man.
He I asked your father's consent by
She What was his answer?
He He said: "I don't know who
you are, but it's all right." Harvard
Lampoon. .
A Valuable Doa;.
Friend Magnificent dog that.
Mr. Suburb Yes, he's a spfendld
watchdog. Paid $500 for him.
Friend Well, he's worth it SDlendld
animal! Splendid! Finest I ever saw!
But, by the way, what's this other dog
for? He's a mere mongrel! Fact is,
he's a common cur.
Mr. Suburb Ye s. I had to get
him to prevent the thoroughbred from
being stolen.
The One Concerned.
The Bride (three times widow) That
Dicky Small is one of the most im
pertinent men I ever saw. Why, Alfred,
just after the ceremony he came up
and wished me many happy returns.
The Groom (after figuring on it a
minute) I euess it's no to me to srn nut
and smash his bead or go and take out
life insurance policy. Denver News
Goo 1 Advice.
Willie Sonnet In what magazine
would you advise me to publish poems
to give them the highest position?
Editor The powder magazine.
A Great -urpriae.
Jack Huggard Miss Pechy's father
made a surprising statement to me last
night x
Dick Danser That so? What was it?
Jack Huggard He sneaked into the
parlor and cried: "Aha! That's , the
time I caught you kissing my daugh
ter!" Philadelphia Press.
His Glorious Record.
"Let me see, Colonel," she said In her
sweetest manner, "where was it you
won your spurs?"
"At Cape May," he replied.
"Cape May?" she echoed. "Why,
there never was a battle at Cape May."
"No," he admitted, "but there were
three grass widows in the house when
I stayed there last summer, and I got
away from the whole crowd.".
Then, with her nose pointed in the
direction that all good people hope
some day to go, she left him alone in
the corner. Chicago Times-Herald.
Phe Wai Fpeaklnar.
Nurse Girl I lost track of the child,
mum, and
"Good gracious! Why didn't you
speak to a policeman?"
Nurse Girl I wuz speaking to wan all
the tolme. mum."
Not eriona.
Passenger (to station porter) Now,
it's 4 o'clock and the time table says
the train arrives at 3:14.
Station Porter Oh, well, you mustn't
take tbe time table -too seriously. Flie
gende Blaetter.
Affection's Shrine.
"Pauline has one Bide of ber boudoir
devoted to photographs of her lost
"So many dead?"
"No; married."
I ar at i, r y.
Vreaka of Fortune. '
Mlkey Chlmmy's got a pair o' skates
for Christmas, an' a red pencil, an' a
one-bladed knife, an' five cents' wort' o'
gum an' a bean shooter, an' a pair o'
suspenders, as'
Terrence Gee! Some fellers seem
ter be born wlf a sliver spoon In delr
mout'! Puck.
Wunn I seem to have the worst luck
in the way of getting my feet stum
bled over in street cars.
Tuther It's their size, I guess. Peo
ple don't stumble over mine. -
Wunn Just run again them, do them?
Indianapolis Press.
Inadvertently Pleasant.
"I didn't know it was to be a comic
"Well, you knew it was to be an opera
given by an amateur company, didn't
you?" Chicago Record.
Briggs How long has Miss Pertly
been on the stage? .
Griggs Two or three marriages.
Chicago Record.
Ftudy in Economic.
"She accepted me, but wouldn't let
me sit by ber on the sofa."
"Why not?"
"Said she'd just paid eighty cents to
have ber white dress done up."
A Domestic Kxploelve.
L.itle girl Papa, what is powder?
Father It is something people gel
blown up with.
Little girl that what makes you
scold, mamma so when she puts it on
her face?
An Illiterate.
Jane What did you ever reject John j
Gray for? '
Kitty He was so illiterate. i
Jane Illiterate? Why, I thought he I
was a man of superior education.
Kitty Well, he wasn't. He didn't j
even know the rudiments, for when I j
told bim "No" and thought sure he '
would read between the lines, would '
you believe it, the guuip picked up bis j
hat and went home. Detroit Free j
Press. i
The First Conre.
"Miss Keedick is taking the first
course in the Female College of Jour
nalism. "It will last three months."
"What is the subject for the first few
"Learning to sharpen a lead pencil."
Looked Like It.
Dog I wonder if those are what they
call goo-goo eyes?
The Seminary Kin-1.
Johnson Does your wife speak
Thompson She thinks she does.
"You don't speak It do you?"
"Then how do you know she doesn't?"
"I watched a French waiter's face
the other day when she was talking to
him, and I'll be blamed If he didn't
look as if he had the toothache."
"Won't you give a veteran something
to eat mum?" said Tired Thompson to
Mrs. Whiffet
4,You a veteran," replied Mrs. Whif
fet unbelievingly. "You were never
a soldier, I'll be bound."
"Madam," added the tramp, "you do
me a grievous injustice. I have done
nothing but soldier all my life."
Had Them in Hia Head.
Professor to Student of Surgery
Please inform the class tbe names of
bones forming the skull.
Student Ah er I do not at the mo
ment remember, but I know that I have
them all In my head.
Past Tense
"She married a millionaire, didn't
'.'You mean that he was a millionaire
at the time she married him."
Didn't Mlsi Anr.
. Mrs. Statestreeth Did she marry her
first love?
Mrs. Stockyarde Oh, my, yes! Her
first second, third and fourth. Norris
town Herald.
To Divert Them.
Pittsburg Man What would you
folks do If a mob of rioters should come
charging down Broadway?
New-Yorker (busily) Start a police
man to shooting at a dog. New York
Weekly. -
Told in Washington.
"Is the correspondent of that publi
cation a well-informed man?"
"I should say so!" was the answer.
"Half the time he's the only person In
the world who knows whether what he
tells Is true or not" Washington Star.
An American Sign in, Egypt.
"American Bazar," in huge letters
over a shop In Alexandria, Egypt at
tracted the attention of an American.
Curious to know what kind bf goods
might be for sale, be entered and
asked tbe proprietor if be were an
American. In French came the an
swer: . "
"Yes, I am an American."
"From what part of America?"
"Buenos Aires."
"Do you keep American goods for
"Yes, certainly, I have American
goods." ';
"What kind of goods?"
Whereupon the shopkeeper took, from
a shelf an article which he handed to
the visitor with the remark, "These are
the only American goods we have at
The "American goods" consisted of a
single fountain pen! New York Even
ing Sun.
Landlords in Holland.
In Holland no landlord bas tbe power
of raising the rent or of evicting a ten
ant .
Sharpness in Hearing Make Up for
Hie Lack of Vision.
In Detroit, Mich., there la a barber
who is stone blind, yet does a thriving
business in spite of bis inability to see
Edward Max, proprietor of tbe Cadil
lac barber shop, during his blindness,
wblcb lasted for seven years, has man
aged bis business entirely by touch and
r !!u ..,,. .... .
One would think that even customers
f longest standing would hesitate be
fore going to a man who could not see,
but Mr. Max bas not only not lost any
of bis old customers, but bas added
many new ones to bis trade since be
lost bis sight
. Mr. Max Is a young-looking, pleas-
ant-faced man, who carries out his ap-
pearance in nis disposition. He was
quite ready to describe the way In
which be carries on bis business in
spite of bis great handicap.
"I can tell whereabouts In the shop
my men are and what they are doing,
just as easily as though I were look
ing at them all." be said, good-naturedly.
"I know them all by their step, and
when they move I can tell where they
go. Every man, as you know, bas an
individual walk, just as be has an In
dividual temperament, and as the differ
ent barbers in my sbop walk about tbe
marble floor I know whether It is Jim
my, who Is nervous, or George, who is
slow and very careful. It Is, of course,
easy to tell whether a man's hair or
beard is being cut, the ring of
shears being very different In each
"1 can tell when a man Is being
shaved by the scrape of the razor, and
sometimes I know whether the beard is
a stiff or a soft one.
"When a man is having an egg sham
poo I hear the egg shell cracked and
the egg beaten and I bear the customer
go to the fountain afterward to wash
bis head.
"This may seem a little farfetched,
but everything done in a barber shop
bas some very characteristic sound,
and If you bad been in the hair-cutting
business as long as I have you would
recognize these movements and sounds
as I do.
"I can tell Just about what the day's
business has been and what we ought
to have made. My daughter is the
cashier, and when she Is away I make
the change myself. I can tell all the
coins by the feeling, but, of course. I
do not know one bill from another, and
I never attempt to make change for
anything but a $1 bill."
Doctor' Story of a Man and Woman
with Broken Lees.
"When I was an ambulance sur
geon." said the young family physi
clan, "I used to start like a fire horse
at the sound of the call. I was just
as much Interested in the work at the
end of two years as I was the day I
began. It was the excitement of the
life that' made me so fond of it I had
all sorts of experiences at all sorts of
hours. There was an element of dan
ger In it too. but that only added to
the charm.
"One night I bad a call from the
West Side In the neighborhood of
Chelsea square. ' It was for a drunken
man who fell down and broke his leg.
On the way back to tbe hospital with
him I picked up a drunken woman to
whom a similar accident had happened.
There was nothing to do but put her in
the ambulance along with the man.
"After that the ride across town was
exciting enough for a cowboy. At first
the patients sympathized with each
other. Then they began to cry in
chorus. At Broadway they fell to kiss
ing each other. At Third avenue they
were fighting like a pair of Kilkenny
cats, and I bad my bands full in keep
ing them apart Tbe woman bad
scratched tbe man's face dreadfully
and he had iiearly closed her eye with
a punch. When we struck the asphalt
in 26th street they were singing, 'We
have all been there before, many a
time,' and such singing! The uproar
attracted a crowd who evidently
thought I had an ambulance full of
lunatics. When we reached the gate
they swore eternal friendship and at
the office they parted In tears." New
York Sun.
. Mr. Gillette's Tobacco Habits.
William Gillette claims there Is no
righteousness in his tobacco reputation.
He admits be likes a good cigar, but
denies that smoking is with bim a con
tinuous performance, and asserts that
coincidence rather than intention has
made it necessary for him to simulate
a devotee of the weed In the majority
of bis plays. It was Conan Doyle, he
says, who made Sherlock Holmes a
worshiper of pipe and cigar, while it
was the dramatic effect of tobacco, as
indicative of tbe stoicism of tbe smoke?,
which appealed to him when he equip
ped Col. Thorne of "Secret Service"
with the habit.
Yet he does not deny that a cigar Is
bis most frequent stage companion. An
odd result of the association Is the pref
erence which the actor now has for the
extremely dry cigar. Before he smokes
a cigar he places It on a steam radiator
and lets it dry almost to the crumbling
point "I found," he explains, "that a
damp, fresh cigar would go out If I laid
it down for a few moments. That would
not do, for the relighting might prove
decidedly embarrassing. A dry cigar
will burn on. So 1 took to drying the
cigars I smoked on the stage, and after
a time I got to' like them. Now I can
not smoke a freshly made cigar." Bos
ton Post.
Wants More Settlers.
A body of capitalists bas contracted
with the Ontario government under
heavy bonds to place in Algoma, west
ern Ontario, 500 settlers per month for
five years. The representative of the
capitalists, Mr. Clergue, sailed for En
gland recently, and will open emigra
tion agencies forthwith. It is expected
and hoped that the emigrants will be
chiefly British and will consist largely
of skilled workmen. -
A Cruel American Parent.
The Mother My dears, your father is
obdurate. He says that after raking
and scraping, as be vulgarly expresses
It and getting into debt, and making
other sacrifices, be can only allow you
$500 apiece for your clothes.
The Girls (in chorus, weeping) Well,
we'll get even wltb blm yet! Life.
Trade Advises Arc Reported to be Mors
Bradatreet's says: Trade advices are
rather more cbeerfnl. This applies as
much as to current retail business
wblcb baa been enlarged with wintry
weather as It does to the opening
spring trade which finds stimulation
i in the general confidence felt as to the
, , , . , .
policial vutiuuJh iw iuo Jon. iiiwm
j show exceptional strength, all things
j considered, tbe one weak spot being raw
cotton which shares the rather usual
j tone manifested by tbe cotton growers
: and yarn markets. . Foreign demand
j lor our breadstuffa has been rather bet
: tar. KnAniallv nhnnrfnl rennrts coma
i ,, tDe inoa and leather, the lumber
and the iron trades, tbe strength of
prices of tbe latter having been in
creased by the talk of pendng consoli
dations although tbe volume of business
is restricted from the same cause.
Failures are smaller than of late and
current railroad earnings show large
gains over good returns of a year ago.
Despite the check given to business
by the talk of consolidations, a fnii
volume of trade is doing at all leading
iron markets, and the adavnees in
these columns last week are firmly
beld. Bessemer pig is still selling at
$13.25 at valley furnaces, equivalent
to $14 at Pitteuhrg am) sales of 10,000
tons are reported. Immediate deliver
ies of steel billets still cost 60 cents to
j f 1 more than pool price $19.75. Cbi-
1 cago reports manufacturers price lists
, withdrawn pending the consolidation.
bnt that billets are $3 a ton bighei on
sales of 20,000 tons.
Wheat, incnlding flour shipments,
for the week agrgegate 4,814,878 bush
els, against 4,997,813 last week.
Failues for the week in the United
States numbered 226 as against 350 last
Canadian failures numbered 39,
against 34 last week.
Seattle Market 1
Onions, new yellow, $2.50 8.
Lettuce, hot house, $1.60 per case.
Potatoes, new, $18.
Beets, per sack, $1.
Turnips, per sack, 75o.
Squash 2c.
Carrots, per sack, 75c
Parsnips, per sack, $1.25 1.50.
Celery 60c doz.
Cabbage, native and California,
2c per pounds.
Butter Creamery, 25c; dairy, 15
18c; ranch, 16c 18c pound.
Cheese 14c.
Eggs Ranch, 20c; Eastern 20c.
Poultry 13c; dressed, native chick
ens, 13c; tnrkey, 15c.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $15.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $24.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.40;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.25; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15.00;
shorts, per ton, $16.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $23; oil cake meal,
per ton, $29.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, price 8c; cows, 7 c;' mutton
1; pork, 8c; trimmed, 10c; veal, 10c.
Hams Large, lljc; small, 11;
breakfast bacon, 18?4c; dry salt sides,
8c. .
Portland Market
Wheat Walla Walla. 55o; Valley,
nominal; Bluestem, 56o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.40; graham,
Oats Choice white, 45c; choice
gray, 43o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15.50 brew
ing, $16.50 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $16.00 ton; mid
dlings, $21.50; shorts, $18.50; chop,
$16 per ton.
Hay Timothy,$12 12.50; clover,$7
9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 g 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 5u55c;
store, 272C
Eggs 17o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50
per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs,
$2.00 3. 50; geese, $6.00 7.00 doz;
ducks, $5.00 6.00 per dozen; turkeys,
live, lie per pound.
Potatoes 45 50c per sack; sweets,
$1,65 per lOOpouna.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, l?o per pound; parsnips, 85c;
onions, $2.25; carrots, 75c.
Hops New crop, 1214o per
Wool Valley, 1314o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10 12c; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
$4-75; ewes, $4.50; dressed mutton,
6)7eper pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.25;
light and feeders, $5.00; dressed,
6 7c per pounds.
Beefc-Gross, top steers, $4.60(34.75;
cows,- $4. 00 4.50; dressed beef, 6
7o per pound.
Veal Large, 77sc; small,
9c per pound.
San Francisco Market
Wool Spring Nevada, 11 13c per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 1617c; Northern, 910c.
Hope Crop, 1900, 15 20c.
Butter Fancy creamery 21c;
do seconds, 17c; fancy dairy, 19
do seconds, 14o per pound.
Eggs Store, 22c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00
20.00; bran, $15.00 16.00.
Hay Wheat $913; wheat and
oat $9.00 12.60; best barley $9.50
alfalfa, $7.00 10.00 per ton; straw,
85 47 o per bale.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1;
Salinas Burbanks, 75c $ 1.05; river
Burbanks, 85 60c; sweets. 60$1.00.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons - 75c$1.60;
do, choice $1.752.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60
2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 66Ko pex
pound. '