Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 22, 1901, Image 3

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Ladies' Silk Waists
Good material. Good workman
Mp, New Styles. $7 to $10 eat li
Mercnlzd cotton. Looks like
ilk. Woara as well as silk. Pojw
uisreolora. $1.50 to $2.2i each
For floe skirt linings and for shirt
wtflla. Twelve shade. 50 eente per
S, E, Young & Son
Albany, Oregon.
Coming Silver Medal Contest.
This is Washington's Birthday.
Wall paper in all designs and at
all prices at Mann & Co's.
Today being a legal holiday,, the
students at the 0 A C will enjoy a
Our now spring stock is now ar
riving. Nolan & Callahan.
Save your money for "A Debt of
Honor" next Frida'y night, March 1.
John Castle, the Dallas stock
dealer, was in Corvallis on busineEs
during the wf ek.
Judge Burnett is still confined to
his room as a result of his recent
siege of kidney trouble.
The three-year-old son of John
Creson, who has been quite ill with
pneumonia, is convalescent.
We are pleased to announce that
Mrs. Elmer Samuels, who has been
very ill, is rapidly recovering.
We have a few more remnants
loft which will be sold at great bar
gains. Nolan & Callahan.
A shipment of 6,540 rolls of wall
paper, in elegant patterns, has juat
been received by J. 1). Mann & Co.
Miles Young intends moving to
Oregon City with his family the
first of next week. Mr. Young has
bright business prospects there.
Commencing Monday, the cadet
battalion will drill during the noon
hour. On days of fair weather it
is the intention to hold these exer
cises out-o'-doors.
Geo. H. Williams is again second.,
in the race for United States sena
tor. Yesterday he received 22
votos; Corbett, 34; Hermann, 7.
The legislature adjourns tomorrow
at midnight.
L. L. Swann and Earl Brande
berry are members of the cast in
"A Debt of Honor," to be presented
in this city next Friday evening by
Albany amatuers. Both are form
er Corvallis boys.
A number of the professors of
the O A C are in attendance at the
Farmers' Institute now in sesion at
Sodaville. From the program it is
ascertained that subjects of un
usual interest will be discussed.
George A. Waggoner, after a
visit of two months with his family
in this city, took his departure,
Saturday, for Skagway, Alaska.
He is ft custom official on the White
Pass, about 14 miles above Skag
way. Dr. Thompson removed his
household effects from the Presby
terian parsonge, Wednesday. The
Presbyterians are expecting a min
ister to arrive in the course of a
week from California. Rev. Hayes
is the geritleman.
A return game of basket ball is
to be played this evening between
the ladies of St. Helen's Hall and
the Multnomah Club, at Portland
Miss Leona Smith, of this city, who
Is captain of the St. Helen's Hall
team, will play guard. '
W. S. Holt, D. D., of Portland,
whd so acceptably filled the pulpit
of the Presbyterian church in this
city the fourth Sunday of last
month, will occupy it again next
Sabbath. Sunday school will be
held at 10 a. m. and Christian En
deavor at 6:30 p. m.
Mr. H. B. Williamson left Mon
day for Eureka, Calif., on a tour of
inspection. Mr. Williamson ia
seeking a location in California and
was attracted to Eureka on aeeount
oi the activity there in luml-ering
and shipping industries. His fam
ily are still in Corvallis.
Details of a "Valentine" party
given at the residence of Mayor
Crawford, on this popular Saint's
day, have just come to light. The
young ladies of the pharmacy class
at the u A (J entertained the gen
tlemen of their class. The rooms
were daintily decorated with ever
greens, cupida and hearts, and the
greater part of the evening was
passed playing "Hearts" not the
"real" game oi hearts, but the sub
stitute. Mies Mabel Davis and
Frank Ward won first prizes, which
were appropriate Valentines, while
Miss Blanche Holden and Eugene
Weber secured at a great sacrifice
to themselves, the "booby" awards,
consisting of comie Valentines. A
delicious banquet was given, an
amusiDg feature of which was
menu card in Latin.
W A. Sanders, the best " watch
maker..! . - :
New Idea Patterns for March
now in. ' Nolan & Callahan.
Mrs Thomas Fish,' of ' Toledo,
came in on the train, Wednesday.
1. J. Buford, agent at the Siletz,
has returned from his trip to Cali
fornia. Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in
the Withaui school house Sunday
at 2:30 p. m.
Dennis Stovall is now working at
Grants Pass in the interest of tho
By special request Dr. Lowe, the
well-known oculist will be in Cor
vallis Maroh 4th and 5th.
The finest and most complete line
of wall paper ever shown in Corval
lis is now to be seen at J. D. Mann
Mrs. W. A. Wells started far
San Francisco, Wednesday, to visit
for three months with her sister,
Mrs. Lida Fitzpatrick.
Volume 1, No. 1, of the McMinn
ville News reached our desk a few
days ago. It is published by Har
bough & Estes, and is replete with
local news.
Mrs. Mary Bryson, of Corvallis,
arrived in Eugene this afternoon
from a trip to California and is the
guest of Mrs. Mary Griffin. Guard.
Regular services in the United
Evangelical church Sunday at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The pastoT
will preach at both services. A
cardial invitation is extended to all.
Miss Fanny Whitaker went to
Albany, Wednesday, to attend a
wedding of deaf mutes. This was
a very unusual affair, as only mutes
were invited to attend and the en
tire ceremony .was conducted in
the sign language.
Mrs. U. B. Vogle took her de
parture Wednesday, for Lempoc,
Calif., where she will join her hus
band. Iney expect to make their
home there in the future.- Lompoc
is in Southern California, about 30
or 40 miles north of Santa Barbara.
J. B. Irvine, master oi Corvallis
Grange, desires us to Btate that
there will be a meeting of that body
at the O A C tomorrow at 2 p. m.
It 13 hoped that all members will
attend, as there is business of great
importance to be transacted.
G. W. Bingham is ia Oregon
City arranging to take charge of
the soda works recently acquired
by him in that city. He has taken
as a partner "Jim" Bier, who will
have charge of the work in Corval-
Jis. For the present Mr. Bingham's
family will remain here.
Dr. Clem Bell, who has been
visiting for a v eek in this city, the
guest of- Mrs. Agnes Thompson, re
turned Wednesday, to her home in
Douglas county. It is six years
since Dr. Bell was in Corvallis and
she noted many changes, and ex
pressed the opinion that our city
had improved greatly during this
The young ladies of Alpha '.hall
entertained the down-town fresh
men, otherwise known as the win
ners in the recent football contest
between the freshmen and the fac
ulty. It is in honor of their victory
that they were entertained. Music,
cards and refreshments were the
leading features of a most enjoya
ble evening.
Prof. E. R. Lake, of the State
Agricultural College at Corvallis,
was in Ashland luesday. He is
professor of botany and horticul
ture and is investigating and en
couraging the growth of grapes,
which he Says is a fruit that would
be highly beneficial and the people
of this country "should- consume
more of. Valley Record.
The Seventh Annual Session of
the Oregon Conference of the United
Evangelical church convenes in
this city the 9 th of April, to con
tinue a week. About fifty minis
iBters and delegates are expected to
be present ." ' Active preparations
for this meeting are being made by
the local church. Bishop R. Dubs,
T)t D., L. L. D., of Chicago, 111., will
preside over the conference. ...
Services at the M. E. church,
South, Feb. 24, 1901, as follows:
Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; sermon
by the pastor, Rev. F. A. Lark, at
11 a. m. At 7:30 p. m. the Ep
worth League will hold a special
service on Missions; an excellent
program nas been prepared by the
League. The public is cordially
invited to all of these services.
Various papers are offering as a
premium to the following missing
word ccntest, free subscriptions to
their "rags" for a given period:
"A good deacon accidentally sat
down on tho business end of a car
pet tack. He uttered two words,
the last was 'it.' What was the
first?" Not being personally famil
iar, with such a condition, we timid
ly suggest that the missing word
began with a capital "D."
If you are baited with an offer of
a naif cent more, per dozen for your
eggs than the market price, and
charged 20 per cent too much for
your goods, you are "buncoed." If
you are given the " glad hand on
the street, steered into a place of
business and charged . $12.50 for a
$10 suit of clothes, you have bought
a "gold brick." We pay no com1
mission to "boasters; all goods sold
at an honest price.
F. L. Miller,
Stroma Article be a Leading Citizen Unr
tho Establishment or Snchan Organ
ization. Editor Gazette: I notice
there is a movement among the
business men of the city to get
together and form some kind of a
business organization," of a per
manent nature such as a board of
trade, or commercial union or
something of that nature,, and
with a view to having a medium
through which the business in
terests of the community can ex
press themselves on questions
attecting the welfare of the com
munity. I understand that
meeting of this character has been
arranged for to meet at the court
house next Saturday evening at
half past seven o'clock, and
that the business men generally
have set this date in mind, and
are . ready to meet and make an
effort toward perfecting such an
It may not be out of place for
a remark or two on this subject,
just to remind us of some un
pleasant facts. A few years ago
there was a "boom" movement
which more or less affected the
entire coast. Beginning in Los
Angles, it worked its way to
Seattle. Nearly every town on
the coast felt this boom movement
more or less. Corvallis felt it;
felt it far more than her share,
for we not only had the stimulus
of the boom fever, but also aspira
tions built on transcontinental
railroad hopes; which time only
showed to be visionary. I think
fully a quarter of a million dol
lars of Benton county capital
was invested in Pnget Sound,
Astoria, Portland and Yaquina
Bay real estate, on which invest
ments probably not one-tenth
ever came back.
We all know the results of this
wild speculative tendency. Many
of us feel it yet. Many have
sold out and gone, many more
have been sold out and gone, and
we still have with us the land
and a good healthy town
healthy because this speculative
tendency has died out; and more
so because the citizens and busi
ness men who have survived the
hard times of 1893-4 are apply
ing very dmerent methods m
their business affairs, than those
methods in vogue before that
What the community needs
more than any thing else now
is population. Population of the
right sort, people who can come
here, buy our land, and make
those lands productive of wheat,
hay and diversified farm products,
and who will raise more sheep,
hogs, poultry, cattle, and every
other income-producing commod
ity which our climate and soil so
abundantly yields under the
hand of intelligent industry.
But how can we reach people
to so populate this surrounding
country? How can we invite
them here, and when they come
how are we to treat them, and
what are the conditions they will
meet respecting the acquisition of
property? Certainly there are
lands in this county' for sale, the
best of farm lands, and at very
reasonable prices, but how may
incoming people know of this?
Traveling men report that there
is a strong immigration into the
state. For instance, one railroad
has a rate of $28 once a week from
Nebraska points to Oregon, and
this has induced a great influx of
people; one train, said to carry
above 1, 500 new homeseekers
arrived in Portland this present
week. Now, how are we meet
ing these incoming people? Sim
ply not meeting them at all.
Other communities have business
men's organizations and these
boards get up descriptive matter
and see that it is placed on the
trains bearing these homeseekers,
and as a result the new settlers
go to their communities. -. They
do not know that Corvallis and
Benton county exist, for the rea
son that these places are not rep
resented. It is not necessary,
that descriptive matter be of the
boom order, nor that . incoming
people be met with rebuff, nor
with real estate sharks, so-called,
(a misnomer, by the way: "for
there are no such in this county).
But there certainly ought to be
some kind of descriptive matter
showing that we have a town of
1,800 people here, a college with
a liberal endowment, and offering
especial inducements to people
having children to educate, and
a community - in J every way
respectable and up-to-date, and
a healthy location, in short a de
sirable place to live. .
One object of a representative
business men's club, if it had no
other purpose, would be to de
vise ways and means for present
ing in a proper manner, to in
coming people the advantages
which this community has to
offer, as a place of residence and
a desirable place to settle and
make a home,' to buy arid, cul
tivate; land and to hope to pros
per according, to the investment
in labor and money. No pro
gressive man wants to locate in a
dead town. Desirable settlers
want to make their homes in
wide awake communities. . Nat
urally, if they find that Benton
county has no community of sen
timent, no organized representa
tive body of men who can and
will keep their eyes on move
ments of a public nature which
may make or mar the town, or
the interests of the county, then
they will go to some other town
in this valley where the commu
nity is organized, where- the peo
ple are awake, and centers of
population will grow up in other
localities and Corvallis and Ben'
ton county will remain pasture
It takes people to make any
community prosperous. The
country is too large and too thin
ly settled to expect that incomers
will come here unless we make
an effort to place in a fair and
reasonable manner the advaa
tages Benton county and Cor.
vallis have to offer to induce them
to come here. If the business
men of the city will organize
and see to it that proper matter
is placed before the people com
ing into the state, illustrating our
community as a desirable place
to live, and tell the plain truth,
and leave out boom matter, then
we may expect to get our share of
this tide of immigration, and hold
our place as an important com.
munity. But if we do not do
our part, then we must not com
plain when we see other cities
going ahead and this city going
behind. Citizen.
Corvallis, Feb. 21, 1901.
Free Entertainment.
The Woodmen of the World
invite the people of this com
munity to jm with them for an
evening witn trot. Jonn F.
Meakin, the celebrated dramatic
reader and fraternal lecturer, at 1
the Opera House, Monday even
ing. Professor Meakin is known
as the fraternal Evangelist and
his home is in Salt Lake City.
He is Mead Camp Lecturer for
the Woodmen of the World, and
is said to be without a peer in
this particular field. Local mem
bers of the order state that as an
entertainer he ranks above Head
Consul Falkenburg, whose ad
dress here a few years ago arous
ed so mueh favorable comment.
The entertainment Monday
night will consist of an address,
songs, and humorous, pathetic
and dramatic readings by Pro
fessor Meakin, and instrumental
numbers by the Turney-Daniel-Goodnough
trio, consisting of
Ruthyn Turney, violin; Ivan
Daniel, 'cello; Mordaunt Good
nough, piano. The program
will be as follows:
Trio Andante, Adagio,.. Presto, - -Haydn
Messrs. Turney, Daniel, GoOdnough.
Address "Foot-prints, or Onward
and Upward.'' . .
. -Prof. John P..MeaVin.
Trio Allegro moderato, Andante,
Presto Turaey
Messrs. Turney, Daniel, Goodnough.
Dramatic Kecitations -
-'" Prof, John P. Meakin.
Admission will be free.
The wedding of Mr. Charles
E. Small and Miss Lenore Stew
art occurred at the resldenoe of
the bride's uncle, Mr. J. H. Me
Mahan, In this city, Wednesday
evening. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Humbert in
presence of relatives and friends
of the high contracting parties.
The rooms were tastily decorated.
After the ceremony, a dainty
wedding supper was served.
Mr. Small is one of Corvallis'
most energetic . business men,
and very popular with his asso
ciates. His bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stew
art, and a highly esteemed young
lady. i
Band Concert.'
If the weather will permit, the
Corvallis Band will play the follow
ing selections at 2:30 on the after
noon of February 12 Washing
ton's Birthday:
March "American Leagae" Heed
Overture, "Maid of Perth" , ."Widdle
"Dawn of Love" .Bendix
Overture, ' "Lustspiel" . . ... . . . Keler-Bela
Gems of Stephen Foster .Tobani
Dying is as simple as washing
when you use Putnam Fadeless
Dyes. Sold by Graham & Wells, '
Get your Job Work done here
"Mrs. Nation" of Oregon.
During the recent "rumpuses' '
that have taken place in Kansas
Trs. " Nation is ' credited, and
ery naturally so, with being
the prime mover in this unlaw
ful mix-up. Various opinions
nave been expressed by Oregon
ians as to what would happen
the woman who attempted to
emulate Madam Nation's ex
ample in Oregon. Read the fol
lowing, from the Herald, and
make a guess at what the result
will be: .
. Word is received from Lyons
to the effect that this thriving
little town was thrown into a
state of excitement last Sunday
evening by the action of a Mrs.
Wilson, who seems to have
emulated the example of Mrs.
She entered the plaee in
which her hasband was sitting,
and it Is said proceeded to drag
him out, and then to demolish
the place wita a hatchet, and
left it a complete wreck.
She was placed under arrest
yesterday morning and this
morning Deputy District Attoi
aey Gale S. Hill leaves for Lyons
to represent the state in the
prosecution of Mrs. Wilson on a
charge of willful and malicious
destruction of property.
Additional Local
Migs Ella Wills, of Portland, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Winnifred
Bills amending the charters of
Corvallis and Philomath have
passed the house.
Thirty minutes is all the time re
quired to dye with Putman Fade
less Dyes. Sold by Graham &
Airangements are in progress for
au entertainment to be given in the
Armory on the evening of the State
Oratorical Contest, March 8th. A
program of special interest will be
6S0 Humbert will occupy the
pulpit at the Christian CJiurch next
Lord's Day. Subject at 11 a. m.,
''The Change of Heart; what is it,
and how is it Changed?" At 7:30,
"For What do we Stand?" You
will be welcome.
A Silver Medal Oratorical Con
test will be held at the Methodist
Episcopal church Saturday night,
February 23. Six young ladies,
students from the college, will con
test for the medal. The program
Will be interspersed with music,
both vocal and instrumental. Ad
mission only 10 cents. Doors open
at 7; exercises commence at 7:30.
The council met in an adjourned
session Monday evening to consider
the report of the finance committee
on the bills of Attorneys Wilson
and Wataon. Mr. Wilson's bill
was $420, and that of Watson $300.
The hnance committee recom
mended that the former be paid $320
and the latter $200. The council,
however, voted to allow Mr. Wil
son $200 and Mr. Watson, $150.
Oregon is not always "slow. In
the Carnot debate, recently held at
the Stanford University, William
Alfred Marvin won the prize. The
contest was- between Berkeley and
Stanford men and was on the ques
tion: "Resolved, That French ad
ministrative law is incompatible
with the spirit of a democratic re
public." Mr. Marvin is aa Oregon
boy and his home is in balem.
Officers of 0 A C cadet battalion
will give a grand ball tonight in
the Armory. Everything possible
has been done by those ia charge
of the affair to make it one of the
events of the season. Parson's or
chestra, of Portland, has been
secured to furnish the music. Be
fore the dance begins a concert will
be given, beginning promptly at 8
o'clock. It is hoped that there will
be a good attendance.
J. J. Cady. of Furnas county,
Nebraska, paid the Gazette a
pleasant visit this week. In com
pany with his family, Mr. Cady ar
rived in Corvallis last Satuiday, and
is now occupying the residence juBt
vacated by George Stafford. Ne
braskans in great numbers are
taking advantage of the special
rate of $28 from points in that
state to Portland, offered one day
each week by the railroads. Nearly
sixteen hundred people were on the
train that, brought Mr. Cady to
Oregon. They are attracted here
by the splendid natural resources
of the state, end the belief that de
velopment of our trade in the Orient
and building of the Nicaragua.,
canal will make the Pacific Coast
the most prosperous portion
of the United States.
Eighth Grade County Examination.
Notice is hereby given to those pupils
outside oi Corvallis, who have completed
the state course of Btudy, that I will con
duct the said examination in the Corval
lis public school, beginning Thursday,
Feb. 28, at 9 o'clock a, m. All appli
cants in districts where school has closed,
desiring to take said examination may
do so. Very truly,
. G. W. Denmah,
- -.. County School Sup..
In all kinds of Men's and Boys' Clothing to make
room for Our Large and Handsome Spring
Stock. '
Boys' suits are a most trying problem to mothers and to
us. Thev must not be too rnsrl v. ntirl flipv timet- of rlntn-
ble material and strongly made. We think we have solved
this dual problem. Bring the boys around.
We have a special line of boys' suits worth from $5.00
to $7.50, that will be closed out at 3.00 per suit, age 5, 6
and 7; also a line of long pants suits, age 15, J 6 and 17, at
one-half price. These are real bargains.
Men1 s suits in all the popular shades and styles from
the $5.00 sack suit to the genteel frock suit for $16.50.
We are headquarters for overcoats and ulsters. This is
our strong line and we are sure to please you in style and
See us for extra trousers; we have a full line.
The Biggest Store! The Biggest Sto:k! The Littlest Prices!
That is vrhy we do the Biggest Business,
The Corvallis
Keeps constantly on
A package of Arm & Hammer Soda ia given free wit&
every seek of the latter
Hay, Oats, Grain. Bran, Shorts, Potatoes
Fish, Eggs, Poaltry, Eto.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eat?ig Housa j
Fresh bread daily. A complete etock of candies, fruits and f
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies t
a specialty. U
H. W. HALL, Proprietor. f
?Job Printing.
at this
Notice is hereby given that the county
court will receive sealed bide up to one
'clock p. m. "Wednesday, March 6, 1901,
to furnish 25 'cords of old. growth body
red fir wood four feet long find fifty cords
of grub oak wood four feet long and not
less than three finches ia diameter, and
four cords of grub eak wood two feet long
and not less than three inches in diame
ter. All of said wood to be delivered at
the court house in Corvallis, Oregon,
between June 1 and August 1, 1901, the
game to be paid for in comity orders.
The court reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated this 16th day of February, A. D.
1901. Virgil E. Wattees,
County Clerk.
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption.
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
" ounce of prevention " is
better than years of illness.
UI suffered for years from a cough, bronchial
and lung trouble. Raised blood frequently.
Spent ycaxa in the Dakotaa and other parts ol
vest but pot no relief.- Returned east and
began taking Shiloh. A few bottles com
pletely cured me. Iconsiderit the greatest of
. remedies,
With F. L. Camp & Co., Brokers, Buffalo, N. Y,
Shiloh's Consumption Cnrelaaold by all
druggists at JSBo, 60c, &1.00 a bottle. A
printed gnarantee goes with every bottle.
If yoa are not satisfied go to your druggist
and get your money back.
Write for illustrated book on consumption. Sent
without cost to too. S. C Wells & Co., LeRoy, N. Y
Sold b Graham & Wortham.
v gjr ism
hand the celebrated
rnrnn muss u
How It Is Done.
The first object in life with the
American people is to "get rich;"
the second, how to regain good
health. The first can be obtained
by energy, honesty and saving;
the second, (good health) by U3ing
Green's August Flower. Should
ou be a despondent sufferer from
any of the effects of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, In
digestion, eta, such as Sick Head
ache, Palpitation of the Heart,
Sour Stomach, Habitual Costive
ness, Dizziness of the Head, Ner
vous prostration, low spirits, etc.,
you need not suffer another day.
Two doses of the well known Augnst
Flower will relieve you at once.
Go to Graham & Wortham and
get a sample bottle , free. Regular
size, 75 cents. Get Green's Prize
For Sale or Exchange.
One lmndredasd eighteen lots, In half and whoW
blocks, in the original town of Newport, thai health
ful and beautiful summer resort, in Llnceln Munty,
. .--him, residence tots Bear ins
Snncipai churches, school house, and other resi
ences; also residence lota commstnuiiur beautift 1
- .U,U..
Five fractional blocks, south of nd near lis
State Agricultural College; all ceraplotelv tile
bireets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient
and healthful fur residence.
Iuve dWflllinv ham uj nntl . .
located on roomy and commodious rrouads. in
Corvallis: will crchai f.- T m
' m -v. .wu. viu . 1.111a.
Tit- ..... .AHa l.lL1 f . .. ..... .
V, ' J ' "nproveo, all u!0 drains' ,
and in good state of cultivation; excellent roon r
buildings; aboutlone-fourth mile from Afrricoltut i
College. '
Large and roomy house and stable and oi in C r
vallis, good residence, two blocks uem
House; high, roiling ground.
Eight nice residence lots, thoroughly tile dralnt ;
In Wilkins Addition to Corvallis.
One lot and hotel, The Vinoent Bora, en Front
street, in Corvallis, oentrally located.
AAV(.TltV.tllKM ar-r-oa O In n . a . ,
-j -' . " v..iimu, a ID WSjSS .
1 - -... . paavuif . .unaia a'
adjoining the Odd Fellows Cemetery, near rw.ii.
,. , - a pivjtvit,j named lor
soluble farm or acreage property; er will exchac'-e
the acreage property desoribed.for town property or
other farms or acreage; or will sell any er all of
said property on reasonable terms and time at real
Will 1.a 'fan. . , .
torvsilia, OWOnJ
Bakery I