FRIDAY, FERBTJA$Y 22, 1901. ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. As indicated in an article pub lislied elsewhere in this paper, a meeting of business men and interested citizens is to be held at the court house tomorrow even ing for the purpose of organizing a commercial club or board of trade. There are two pressing needs for an organization of this nature. Benton county should make a systematic effort to secure her proportion of the large number of desirable immigrants now coming to this state, and proper steps should be taken to welcome the stranger at our gates, explain to him the advan tages we have to offer and make a good impression. Such an or ganization could perform great ssrvice iu attracting capital to this section with a view to estab lishing manufactories. Given desirable immigrants to divide up j our large farms and assist our already excellent farmers to cul tivate the soil ; and capital to de velop our vast natural resources, and no community will be more prosperoas, or country more in viting. The fault of our present condition is in ourselves, for nature has been lavish with un developed wealth now lying about us. The establishment of such an organization as contem plated will not only be commend able, but is an absolute necessity. The senate committee on com merce has concluded considera tion of the river and harbor bill. Numerous amendments hereto fore adopted were reconsidered, and the committee caused redac tion, in the total of the bill by horizontal cuts on all important items. As presented to the sen ate the bill will provide for $3,125 for the revetment at Cer- vallis and $750 for the Long Tom. i ne war department nas is sued an order for the purehase of 500 cavalry horses in Oregon. Over 7,000 additional are vet re quired and it is probable that they will be purchased in Ore gon, both oa" account of their quality and the saving to the government in freight rates. For Station at Union. House bill 333, by McAllister, to provide for a branch expen men. station in Union county, which passed the bouse Wednes day of last week by unanimous consent, has passed the senate. This is a bill for an act author izing the transfer and conveyance of the 620 acres ot land in Union county, Orego j, purchased by the state for the purpose of estab lishing a branch insane asylum in Eastern Oregon , to the State Agricultural College, authorizing and empowering said Agricultural College to use said land fo3 an experiment station and uch other purposes in con nection with said college as the board of regents of said college may deem advisable, and to ap propriate money for the estab lishment of such experiment station, and the erection, equip ment and furnishing of buildings necessary for that purpose . The bill appropriates $io,oco for buildings, equipment, and furnishings, and conveys by deed all the right, title and interest of the State of Oregon to the 620 acres, to the Agricultural Col lege. The bill further provides that all revenues derived from Said lanfls not necessarily used In connection with said experiment station, may be used by the' board of regents of said Agricul tural College in the improve ment of the property herein re ferred to, and for repairs thereto, and for the use and benefit of said experiment station, its buildings, furniture and . equip ment Oregon's Population. Oregon was organized as a -ritnnr Anoint i1. i8a8. and j wv j 1 r ' r admitted as a state February 14, 1859. The population of. the' state jn 1900 is 413,536 as com pared with a population in 1890 f3T3 1767, showing an increase during the last ten years of 95, 796 or 31.8 per cent. A small portion of this increase is due to the fact that there were 3,713 Iudia is and 224. other oersons. or a t.jtal of 3,937 persons oa Indian reservations, etc., in Ore gon, who were sprcially enumer ated in 1890 under the provisions of the census act, but were not included in the general popula tion of the state at that census. The numerical increase in the population of Oregon for the last decade, as well as the rate of increase, is less than that forlhe one immediately preceding, when the gain waa 138,199, or 79.5 per cent. Oregon had a popu lation of 13,294 in 1850, which increased nearly fourfold in the ensuing ten years, and for each of the three following decades there was also a steady gain in population. During the last decade the numerical increase declined somewhat, but it is sufficient to indicate the prosper ity of the state. The population of Oregon in 1900 is more than thirty-one times as large as the population given for 1850, the first census taken after it was organized as a territory. . The total land surface of Ore gon is, approximately, 94,560 square miles, the ayerage num ber to the square mile at the censuses of 1890 and 1900 being as follows: 1890, 3.3; 1900, 4.4. Prune Proposition. It will soon be time for or chardists to turn their attention to the care of their trees. A writer in an exchange, comment ing on the probable surplus in California of from 30,000,000 lo 40,000,000 pounds of prunes this year, makes the following sug gestions to prunegrowers: First That we raise larger sizes. Second That we improve the quality. Third That we curtail the output. Fourth Tha6 we reduce ex penses. The heroic use of pruning tools will go a long way toward accomplishing all' these results. . I would Cut away in most cases oae-half the top. I would cat back one and a half or two years' growth, and thin out vigorously, letting in plenty of sunlight and air. This will increase the size and quality, but decrease the quantity, reducing . expense of handling in orchard, evaporator and packing room. Snpole men heavy pruning with thor ough cultivation, and, if need be, hand-thinning, and the crisis will be safely over, prices will be maintained and reputation be preserved. Heavy pruning acts like a tonic, causing the tree to throw its whole soul into new and vigoroua growth, that means better fruit for years to come. Mr. Sklpton's Loss. Frank Skipton, formerly of this county, bat now In the livery business in Albany, has just suffered the loss of his best team by drowning. The Herald gives the following account of the affair: Meagre particulars were re ceived last , night of the acci dental drowning of one of Frank Skiptftn's fine livery teams at Eleven's bridge across the Cala- pooia. Thos. Chambers started yesterday afternoon to drive int the country and after crossing the bridge found the high water had flooded the road. The horses got into swimming water. The buggy was washed off the the road, and Mr. Chambers had a narrow escape from drown ing, uota horses were drowned and all that could be seen of the vehicle was the top sticking out of the water. Mr. Chambers went to Tangent and telephoned the news of the accident to Mr. Skipton, who sent some men to the scene to get the 'buggy. Highly Nutritious. Prof. F. L. Kent, who is in charge of the dairying depart ment of the Agricultural College, makes a strong plea in behalf of cheese. The consumption of cheese is admitted to be large, but when it is recognized at its true value by the masses as a food, it is likely to become even more staple. The professor makes the following statement: Cheese la something more than a' relish; it" is a food. It con tains both carbohydrates and pro tein. Cheese contains the most AD COMPLEXIONS RED ROUGH HANDS FALLING HAIR - PREVENTED BY fltiGQlQ SOAP The most effective skin purifying and beautifying; soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. It strikes at the cause of bad complexions, red, rough hands, falling hair, and baby blemishes, viz., the clogged, irritated, inflamed, overworked, or slug gish Pokes. Sold throughout the world. Pott D. awd C. Coar., rrop., Umbra. Ilow to tlY. Bwitiful Complexion, free important food elements of milk y m 1 f . uooa cneese is wortn one and a half limes as much as beef. pound for pound, as food. It is the concentrated nourishment of milk, less the greater portion of sugar, and will sustain a man under heavy work better than almost any other single food. It is eaten alone with a relish because it contains all the neces sary elements of food. When we make butter we throw away or feed to animals the most valu able growing elements of th milk; when we make cheese we retain it. Three Questions. Before purchasing; a Diam or oman there are a few questions ir 13 well to consider. First: Is the instrument made to use or simply to sell? Second: Is the the tone, action and finish first class? Third: Is the price reasonable? Cheap instruments are expensive at any price. Why? Because they never give satis faction, being constructed of the cheap est material hastily thrown together. To secure the value of your money there is una certain way. any an instrument whieh bas not only an established repu tation for years, but which has kept up with every improvement of madern times. If you then would like such an instrument with a tone, action and fin ish unsurpassed, I have them, and can lurmsn you any at the lowest price, Call around. Mokdaukt Goodnough. ' A Boy . Or young men having a fair education and desirous of serving ample time to leam a good trade or profession may find an opportunity by addressing P. O. Box iNo. 358, Corvallis, Oregon. The appli. cant should be steady and indiistiioua, spending his evenings at home and not on the Btreets or in the various resorts. The trade referred to is along educational lines, and two or three years spent there in will afford good educational facilities foe any young man, besides affording 6leady employment in all seasons after becoming competent. One whose home is in town preferred. Cigarette smokers need not apply. Something Hew. Just published by the Southern Pacific Company is a pamphlet upon the re sources of -Western Oregon, which in' eludes an excellent map off the state, and contains information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing indus tries end their capabilities. : Attention is also directed to snch new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex perienced by Oregoniane, in replying to inquiries of Eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent of the Southern Pacific Company, or from C. 11. Markham, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon . Notice for Publication. Unitrd States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Deo. 19, 1900. Notire is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ol an act ot Congress of June 8, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, CHARLES D. TICE, Of Fall City, eenrity of rolk. Stole of Oregcn, has this ojy filed in this oSce his sworn statement No. oo33. lor tne purchase of the N. i N. W. 1-4, N. J N. E. 1-4 of Section No. 34. in-Townshin No. 12 8 Ran;;e No. 7 W.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is a ore valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to ea tab- nan nis claim to said land befere the Begister and Receiver ef this office at Oregon City,' Oregon, CD Friday, the 8th day of March, 1901. He names as witnesses: Michael Flynn, Freeman R.binson, Peter Miller and Alvin Kobinson, all ot Falls City, , Anv and all persons claiming adversely the ahove dsscribed lands are requested to ale their claims in vuu, uuice on or oeiore saw Btn aav oi March 1991. CHAS.JB. HOORES, Register, Ret ice far Pabllasfloa. OMras eiATBB Un Ornm, OregOB City, Oreeen, Jer. iga BG& Notice is heresy given that in compliance with tho provisions of the act of Coigress of Jane 3rd 1878, entitled "An act for the (ale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended te all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 189t, , .s LETTIS M. ROBINSON, Of Fall City, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day Sled in this office her sworn statement No. 6323, for the purchase of tbe B. B. quarter of Sec tion 14 in Township No. 13 8., Range So. 1 West, and will offer proof to show that the land bought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Ret eiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 14th day of February, 1901. She names of witnesses: Michael Flyrn, Kreen an W. Robinson, Bridget Flynn and Albert N. Robinson, all of Fail City, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 14th day of February 1ML OHAS. B. H00RE8, . - Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon city, Oregon, , January 5, 1901. Notice is heresy given that the following named settler hns filed notice ef his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on February 20, 1901, viz: - JOHN W. HYDE, H. E. No. 11,053 for the Lot 1, 2, and 8, Sec tion 6, T. 13 8 R. 6 W. He namea the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Tames Franklin, John Franklin, Mahlen W. tVorth ington.fl.nd Francis M. Spencer, all of Philo math, Oregon, CHAS. B. MOORES; Register. .fell , Wal FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE And, in fact, everything from Kit hen to Parlor. Rugs oa cloth Linoleum Art Squares Come and see us and get our prices. OUR CLUBBING RATES. Subscribers lo the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain tbe following papers in combination subscriptions frith the GAZETTE, at tb very low prices stated below; cash in advance always to accompany the order. These wishing two or more of the publications named with the GAZETTE, will please cor respond with this office and we will qnote you the combination price. We can save yon money on nearly all publications yoo desire. . The abbreviations below are explained as follows : W, for weekly ; S W, for semi-weekly ; T W, tii-weekly; M, monthly; 8 M, Mni-monthly. Pries With Per the Annum Gazette OREGON AGRICULTURIST ANI RURAL NORTHWEST f 50 fl 80 S W, Portland, Oregon. OREGONIAN, W, Portland, Or 1 50 2 55 RURAL SPIRIT, W. Portland.Or , . 2 00 2 55 Contains a correct live-stock market report. PACIFIC CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, W. Portland, Or 2 00 3 05 THE" THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD, T W, New York. 1 00 2 20 HOMESTEAD, W, Dea Moines, Iowa. -...:. '. 1 00 2 30 A thorough stock and farm jonraal. THE REPUBLIC, S W, St, Louis, Mo...... 1 00 2 05 THE AMERICAN FARMER, M, Indianapolis, Ind .. 50 1 65 THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. M, New York 1 30 2 85 and Atlas ef the World bound in cloth, 56 pages of latest colored Maps. THE OUTING MAGAZINE, M, New York 2 25 3 80 THE WEEKLY INTER-OCEAN, W, Chicago, 111 1 00 1 90 YOUNG PEOPLES' WEEKLY, W, Chicago , 50 1 90 CINCINNATTI INQUIRER, W, Cincinnati 1 00 2 05 THE FRUIT GROWERS JOURNAL, M, Cobden, 111. ..... . 50 1 75 It is well to remember that you can cover Benton County thoroughly by placing your advertisement in the "Gazette" They get Proper Display, Proper Position and Proper .come to think over it, you cart easily uadcr staed why so many prom Hent advertisers place ads in this paper. That's the Secret. PLYMOUTH ROGK ...EGGS... White and Barred. From prize-winnine stock, second ten none on racinc coast, jcecs. 1 61) a set ting of fifteen at yard, or $2 00 if packed. J. u. uobnihg, Uorvallis. Or. I Paper New and beautiful designs at prices lower than usual. Treatment. Nottc ot Final Bettlemaat. NoUoo b hereby (We tlrt tbe underline execa toreftbeeitatoof Mrtli J. Rice, deceases', has Sled hie tnai .(-count in eaid eetate In the C.uaty Cenrte! tbe State ef Oregoa, fer Benton County, Ittlr in probate, and Saturday, the Sth Day of February, 161, at 10 'clock a. a., at the Court Uouae in Cor.allii, Oregon, is the time and slice fixed by the Court for hearing oojectioni, If any, to aid final account and the settlement thereof. , Dated January 11, lSOi, Cruaus B. Rica, . Executor. J. NN& CO. SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacific Company. THE SHASTA ROUTE. Trains leave Corvallis for Portland and -way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8 :80 a ni 3:30 p m 1058 p m 11:30 s m 4 :S5 a m . 9.30 a i-i Lv Albany 12:30 p in Ar Ashland -12:33 a m Ar Sacramento -5 .00 p m Ar San Francisco-7:45 p m Ar Ogden 5 :45 pm Ar Denver -9 :00 a m Ar Kansas City... 7 :5 a to Ar Chicago 1 :55 a m 11:45 am 9 :00 a o 7 :25 a m 9 :30a m Ar Los Angeles-..! :20 pm Ar El Paso 6:80 pm Ar Fan Worth 6 :8d a m Ar City ot Hexise 0 :65 a m Ar HtMten 4:00 a m Ar Ke Orleans.. 6 :2 a m Ar Washiogton .-0:42 a m Ar Hew York -12:48 p ra 7:00 am 6:00p m 0:30 am 9:68 am 4:00 am er5B m 6:42 km 13i48 p to PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on Dotn trains, unair cars ttanramento te Ogden and El Paso, and Ton rid t cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at Kan Francisco with sev- China, Philippines, Central and South America. See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis Biation, or address C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., Portland, Or. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry of every description done tu firs r-aaa manner, ana satisfaction guar anteed. GROWN WD BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY Office over Zlerolf 's grocery store, Oppos'j the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. MRS. DR. CYLTHIE RAMSEY, Osteopathist Specialties Diseases of women and children ; also deformities and all chron ic and nervous diseases. Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1 :30 to 5 :30 p. m. B. A. GAT HEY, M. D. Physician St Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours Residence : CoTEer College and 6ih Sts. Telephone at Office and residence. CorvaMis, - - Oregon L G. ALTMAN, M. D. Ofpicb Corer 3rd and Monroe streets Houns 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun day 9 to 10. Residknce Corner 3rd and Hariison streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Q. H. NEWTH Physician SSio rgeon . PHILOMATH, OREGON. J. R. HARLAN Veterinary Surgeon Residence in Block 30, Job's Addition, Corvallis, Oregon. Orders may be left at Graham & Wor thorn's drugstore. Hotaby. Titus. Costvetancikg JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNKY-AT LAW. Practice in 'all State and. Federal Court. Office; inFirtt National Bank Boildinp. Bryson Sr Woodson ATTORNEYS AT -LAW Corvallis, Ore'on. Office in Fcstoffice Building-. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST See U Wbltehora Blork Corvallis, Oregon TBEfRSTPTillElE OP Corvallis, Oregon. Does a general and conservative bankus business. TO nOMIESEEKCRS. If you are looking for bargains in Stock, Grain and fruit Farms I have them. Cc me and see me or write for my list. 1MBLBS, Beat Kstate Agent, Philomath, Benton Ccunty, Oregon. BATLBOAD THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choiceof two favorite routes, via me Ui.ion Pacific Fast Mail Lm, or the Rio Grande Scenie Lines. Look at the Time . . i days to Salt Lake t4 days to Denver 3 4 days to Chicago 4 days to New York Free Recfiaiug Chair Cars, Upholstered TvBTtst S'wpisg Cars, asd PnUmaa Palac Sleepers, operand oa all trains. For further infoitnatioa, applyta GOT. f. EGLI5T, Agent, CtervaMi, Or. C 6. TEiRY, t. ft. COMAS. . trav. Pass. Agt feen'l Agnt 4 Third St., Portland, Or. is & him Raf TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. " Cervallis 1:50 p.m. " arrive? Yaqv ina 6:45 p. tu. 1 Returning: Leaven Yaquina.... 6:10a. oa. Leaves Co'vallig.... 11:20 a. tn. Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. tn, 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany.- 7:'0 a. m. Arrives Detroit .... 11:20 t. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. m. Arrives Albany.... 5:46 p. ra. One and two conaect at Albaey and Corvallis with Southern Paeifio trains, giving direct service to aed from Newport and adjacent beach e. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time te rfaeh ramping grounds on tha Brei ten bush and Santiam river the same dav. Edwin Stone, II. L Walden, Manager. T. F. & P, A. II. II. CronisE, Agent, Corvallis. Dkpaet TIKE SCHEDULES. A&srvz Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha Kansas City, St. Louis, Chieage and East. Atlantic Fast Mail 7i00p.m, Express 9 p. m. Walla Walla. Lev iston, S p o k a ne, Minneapolis, St. Paul.Daimh, Mil waukee, Chicago, and East. Spokane F!ver 6:00 p.m. Spokane Flyer S;40 a. m. 6:s3B Ste,.iiGhiEj. All sailing dates subject to change. For Baa Franeiseo, Sail Dee. 8, 8, 13, 13, 23, 28, A every 5 days. 8 p. m. 4 p.m. Daily fir. San. 8. p. a. Saturday, 1 p. m. Columbia River SlflLinsr. To Astoria & way landing. 4 p. . Except Stmday A a. m. Ex. Sua. 49) p. IB. Oiegon City, Ke herg, Saletn, and Wsy-landines; eept Ad 7 s. m . Tufi-dav WiDanieRe tii lm I Rivers. Oregon City, Day ton A Way-land's, fi:96 p.m. Menday aad Friday. Thnrstiay and 6 atnrday 6 a. oi. Willa t i Eiver. Portland to Corval lis & War-land's. 4 :80 p.m. Monday, W edaes day aod Friday. T oesdav. Tbursd'y aud SalurJ'v Leave Ripaiia Snake River. Riparia to Lewie'n. Leitton Daily 8:80 a. ra S SSa. m. l-'aiJy. MR, THAYER, Local Agspnt. Notice of Administrator's Kale of Real Property. In the malter of tl.e Kst?te "i of I Jmes Abraham, Decrasetl. j Notice is herebr siren that cumiant tn tin m-nfo of the county court of t iio state of Oregon for Mult- cuuuty maae aim enteral on tne ZOth dav of November. 1900. I will from and after th 7th Hv of March, 1901, proceed to seH at orivate sale the following described real property of said estate, and all the rigrht, title and iaterest which the said Jamtg Abraham had therein at the time of bis de cease, town: Beginning at the quarter sectioa corner between fractional sections 2 kiid 3, township 11 sooth, range , 4 wet Willamette Meridian, running- thence south 48 decrees cast 14.90 chains, theuce south 65 de grees 60 minutes west 5.ri2 chains, thence south 20 degrees 10 minutes east 17.80 chaius to the north bapk of the Willamette river, thence following said north bank of the Willamette river with the me anders thereof in a southwesterly course to the southeast corner of lot 1 in fractional sec;ion 3 in said townhip thence north 87 minutes eat ?8 8 chains to the p'ace of teginnirir, containing 20 40 acres, alKo the northeast cuarterof the toutLcaet quarter and lot number 1 oi fractional i-ection 3, township 11 south, rarge 4 west of the Willamette Meridian, contaii,it-g 58.45acres, m ve and ex epting theriirhtof wa LertLoiore deeded to the Willam ette Valley & Coast Railroad contaiim g ( about 6 acres, all situated in Benton cocnty, Oregon; alo, the east half of the following described real proper ty: The north half of the southwest ouarter. and lots 3 and 4 in section 3, township 11 nuth, range 4 west, contain in 76. CO acres in Btnti n ccuntv Oregon. . Ine tenrs of raid sale tress follows: 5he entire purchase irice is te be aid in caeh. W. E. BURK. Adiu'r de benis non with thewill t.nncieo uf the taie ut Jumes Abraham, deceased, Portland, Or. For Rent. Will rent 2G0 acres of land west d f Monroe acU (ake part ment of rent to work ard imp rovemeiute en the plate. Address M. S. Woodcock, Acroinistraler, Coivflllis, Oregon