Scrofula This root of many evils Glandular tumors, abscesses, pimples ami other cutaneous erup tions, sore ears, inflamed eyelids, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, readi ness to catch cold and inability to get rid of it easily, paleness, nerv OUsnesH and other ailments includ ing the consumptive tendency Can be completely and perma nently removed, no matter how young or old the sufferer. Hood'sSarsaparilla was given the daugh ter of Silas Vernooy, Wawarsing, N. V., wFto haii broken out with scrofula sores all over her face and head. The first bottle helped her and when she Lad taken six the sores were all healed and her face was smooth. He writes that she has never shown any sign of the scrofula returning. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Ask your druggist for it today and accept no substitute. Different Sort. "Jfy daughter," remarked Mrs. Nex dore, "has developed a perfect passion for music." "Yes, returned Mrs. Peppery, "I'll wairant it isn't as strong as the pas sion vour daughter arouses in my hus band." Stops the Cough and Works Off the Gold. Laxative firono-Quinina Tablets cure cold in one day. No cure, No Fay. Price 25 cents. Cost of the Buffalo Exposition. It coots $10,000,000 to build tb Pan-American exposition at Buffalo. Many complicated diseases and much Buffering result fiutn con stipation. GAKHELO TU.A cures the most obstinate case of stomach and bowel derangements. Encouraged. Jane It is always a surprise to me what a lot of homely women get mar ried. Bertha No dohbt it is a reflection that gives yon a great deal of encour agement, dear. Life to a Lazy Liver! Lazy, leaden livers cause nine tenths of all deaths. Give your liver life with Cascarets Candy Cathartic and save your own lifel All drusgists, 10c, 25c, 50c. The Sexes. Mrs. Henpeck I wonder why they insist on calling women ' "the weaker essel?" Mr. Henpeck I can't imagine, generally carries the most sail. She This signature is an every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that cans a cold In on t"j Mineral Products of the United States. Ia 1890 the mineral products of the United States amounted to $619,000,- 00 and in 1899 to $976,000,000. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow:s Sooth Ir g Syrup the best remedy to use for their Children during the teething period. The Best Mill Hand. It is said that the New Enlgander makes the best mill hand. Valuable Almanac Free. We have received a copy of the new al manac for 1901 publisned by the Royal Baking .Powder (Jo. It is an' artistic and useful book and will be of interest to housekeepers. A noteworthy feature of the almanac is a prediction ot the weather lor every day ot the year, by Prof. Devoe, who correctly prophesied. the great Galves ton cyclone and other important meteoro logical events. We are authorized to say that any woman reader of this paper can secure a copy without cost by sending a re quest to the company, at 100 William St. Hew York. World's Largest Diamond. The largest uncut diamond in the world was the Braganza, owned by the king of Portugal, 1,680 carats, Its cutting reduced it to S67 carats, but even thug it retains its supremacy; and the next largest is the Star of the South, 254 carats. Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest nd distress from tortured muscles, aehing joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ins; food they require. Th"e whole system leels the effect of this acid poison ; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mrs. James Kelt, of 707 Ninth street, K. B Washington. D. C, writes a follows: "A fW months ago I had an attack of Sciatic RheOfnsr tiatn in ita worst form. The bain waa Bo intanaa that T became completely pros trated. The attack was aa unusually severe oac, and say ceaduion was regard ed as being very dmager us. I was atteadedsy ane ef the most able doc tors ia Wasbingtoa, who is alao a member of tfaa fae alty of a leading niadical allege here. He told ai to continue Ms prescrip tioasaud I would get well, twalve times without W After having i filled fceaeat, I declined to continue his treatment an longer. Marias; heard of 8. S. .(Swif t's Specific) recommended far Rheumatism, I decided, almost in despair hewever, to give the medietas a trial, and after I had takes a few bottles I was able ts Bobble around aa crutches, and very soon there, after had no use far then at al), 8 8. 8. having cured me sound and well. All the distressiaf pains have left me, my appetite has returned, and I am happy to be again restored to perfeel health. uc aiignteai 1 the great vegetable 1 purifier ana tome, is the ideal remedy in all ) rheumatic troubles. There are no opiates ot minerals in it to disturb the digestion and kad to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. - It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fidly and freely about your case. Ws sake no charre for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA. OA. . f.llfltS eVKtilF 111 FIXf FAIIS. I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJl in time. Bold by arneeista. Hieiiasissi) RACE FOR A MINING CLAIM. Midwinter Dah to Secure Posaesaton of a Rich Discing: in Washington. An exciting race for a mine took place in February, 1896. For many years It had been known that the Colville In dian reservation was rich In minerals and prospectors bad slipped In. eluding the vigilance of the Indian police, to explore the mountains in northern Washington. But long before white men had entered the Indians knew that the top of a low mountain near the na tion's border line was covered with bright blue stones, so gaudy that many were carried off and placed in the wig wams. The prospectors knew that these gay stones betokened the existence of copper veins and many a hungry eye was cast at that rock-strewn patch of ground before the government lifted the ban that kept out pale-face intru ders. But Congress passed a law open ing part of the reservation to mineral location. Waiting for the President to sign the formal proclamation, two parties quiet ly entered the forbidden territory and camped alongside the promising vein. At Marcus, the nearest telegraph sta tion, two young men waited with tense nerves for the first tick that would tell that the President had signed the proc lamation. It was a cold, gray winter day and the snow was piled high. Late in the afternoon the word came and there was a simultaneous dash for the horses that were waiting outside. Then the race began. Plunging through drifts, tumbling down declines, tolling desperately up steep hills and bound ing at full speed over the level stretch es, these two horses bore their riders. Sometimes one was ahead and some times the other. The sun disappeared and the hurrying pair blundered along through the deepening twilight, and then in the light of the stars reflected by the glistening snow. Spurs were plunged so deep that flecks of blood stained the snow. Almost side by side they scrambled up the mountain. The yells of the riders were heard In the distance by the rival watchers, who did not wait a further hint, but drove the stakes that were to locate the La Fleur mine. Then followed wordy disputes, fist fights and the flourishing of Winches ters, but before the mine was chris tened with blood one party concluded to withdraw and fight its battle in the courts. Ainslee's Magazine. ARMOUR AND HIS EMPLOYES. An Incident Showing the Kindness of the Great Chicaco Packer. Perhaps "Phil" Armour had less trou ble with his employes than almost any other great employer of labor in the country. He was exacting and re quired punctuality and energy, but he always paid good wages and showed a personal interest in the welfare of each one of his employes. He never permit ted himself to get into debt, and he tried to impress upon his employes the rule which he had followed. It is re lated that one day, on going into his office, he found a policeman in the cor ridor. "What are you doing here, sir?" he asked. "I am here to serve a paper," was the reply. "What kind of a paper?" asked Mr. Armour. "I want to garnishee one of your men's wages for debt," said the police man. "Indeed," replied Mr. Armour, "and who Is the man?" He thereupon asked the policeman into his private office and ordered that the debtor come in. He then asked the clerk how long he had been in debt The man replied that for twenty years he bad been behind, and that he could not catch up. "But you get a good salary," said Mr. Armour, "don't you?" "Yes," said the clerk, "but I can't get out of debt. My life is such that some how or other I can't get out" "But you must get out" said Mr. Armour, "or you must leave here. How much do you owe?" The clerk then gave the amount It was less than $1,000. Mr. Armour took his check-book and wrote out a check for the amount "There," said he as he handed the clerk the check. "There is enough to pay all your debts. Now I want you to keep out of debt and if I hear of yon again getting Into debt you' will have to leave." . The man took the check, paid his debts and remodeled big life on a cash basis. How Trees Are Dwarfed. Interest In the dwarfed forest trees produced by Chinese and Japanese gar deners is growing in this country. In making the dwarf the gardener breaks a branch from a tree. Just below aa "eye" on the branch he cuts and re moves a ring of bark. Then he sticks the branch in a ball of specially pre pared earth. This he crams into a flower pot and keeps It moist enough to start the roots. After the roots are well grown the water supply Is lessen ed. As the branch puts out limbs these are clamped with wire bands to pro duce a rugged and ancient look. The roots are kept down by cutting. Honey is smeared on the trunks to attract In sects which give it a worm-eaten ap pearance. It often requires twenty years to perfect the dwarfing. French Elections. Connected with French parliament ary elections are some curious features. For Instance, no wall literature Issued by a candidate or his friends may be printed on white paper, white being the color reserved for official announce ments. In the days of the empire, when official candidates were known in the land, the addresses of the gov ernment's nominees were printed, on white paper, and this no doubt had due weight with the more ignorant voters. Again, any elector whose name is men tioned in a newspaper can. If he feel himself aggrieved, call upon the editor to publish a reply. This, however. Is not confined to elections, but Is a right enjoyed by French citizens under the law of the country. Want Americans to Do the Work. The Siamese government has asked for American bids for the construction of a plant for the manufacture of am munition In that country. The love of a woman is more danger ous than the enmity of a man. Over 50,000 Passengers a Day. The Northwestern elevated road of Chicago, which has been in operation six munthB, leports an averavo daily traffic of 46,606 passengers for that period, and in the lat-t three months an average of 50,404. Still More Counterfeiting. The Secret Service has unearthed another band of cotinterfriters, mid secured a large quantity of bogrus bills, which are so clever ly executed the average oerson would never sur(eet them of being suprious. Tilings 1 of great vaine are always selected for imitations, notably Hnstetter's Stom al li Hit tern, which lias ninny imitators, hut few equal fordiso tilers likeindigextton, dyspepsia, conetipation, nervousnes and general debility. Always go to reliable druggists who have the reputation of giving what you ask for. Art and Nature. . Freddie What's the difference be tween a portrait and a photograph, dad? Cobwigger Sometimes a photograph looks like yon. 1 OF A FAIL SAN FRANCISCO ATTORNEY STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. Shock to the System Brines on Nervous Prostration How a Cure Was Ejected. It is doubtful if anything could' be written more convincing than the in teresting story related by Mr. Edward T. Dudley, a practicing attorney for 25 years in San Francisco, with offices at 83 City Hall avenne. Mr. Dudley lost his balance while standing upon the rear platform of a street car, causing him to fall, striking the ground with the back of his head, which brought on a feeling of numbness and eventually paralysis. Mr. Dndley tells his ex perience in his own way as follows: "After the fall from the car I passed it by as an accident that had left no apparent ill effects; yet a few weeks later, in endeavoring tu get on a car, I found I could not raise my foot. From this time paralysis began in my feet and in time my lower limbs became numb. I became pale as a ghost and it brought on a bloodless condition of my system. From being a strong, healthy man of 180 pounds, I was re duced to 145 pounds, and my doctor told my wife that it was only a ques tion of time when I should have to take my bed. Medicine prescribed by the doctors did no good, and, at the time I started to take Di. Williams' Eink Pills for - Pale People, if I fell down I conld not possibly get np again nnassistance. I could scarcely walk a block. Now I can walk three or four miles without fatigue, and as yon see, am altogether a different man and all from eight or nine boxes of Dr. WilliamB Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple. - "After trying Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I could see in a very short time that I was picking np color and my health and general system was much improved. I did not change my diet, nor did 1 take any other medicine, and my increase in weight from '145 pounds to 185 pounds I can lay to nothing else than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Signed. EDWARD T. DUDLEY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July, 1900. . Justin Gates, Notary Public. At all druggists or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., on receipt of price, 50 cents per box; 6 boxes $2.50. Origin of Sing Sing. Sing Sing's name is derived from "Sint Sics," the title of a former branch of the Mobegan Indians. The inhabitants of the town want to call it Ossining, which, is the name of the township. ' Sura of Ohio, Citt of tolkdo, ( Lucas County. j" Fbank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior parter of the firm of F. J. Cheney 4 Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid," and that said firm will pay the sum ol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cuke. FRANK J. CHENEY ' Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this sth day of December, A. D. 1886. iHj A.W.GLEABON, y ' Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mncons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 75c. Ball's Family Fills ars the best. Variation of the Loot "That friend of mine in the British army sent me a keg of Chinese wine that be looted in Pekin. The stuff was half water." , "Evidently diluted." Piso'sCnre cannot be to hijrhlv spoken of as a cough cure. J. W. O'Brien, 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minu., Jan. 6, 1900. Bees in Paltstint Under rational treatment the aver age yield of a beehive in Palistine is 100 pounds. LIFE OF QUEEN VICTORIA. Complete life of Queen Victoria. Best Honk, best terraa. Outfit mailed free. Address 8. C. Miller A Co., Portland, Or. D'suistd. . Adversity is often a blessing in dis guise. I DOWNFALLS I Sometimes in winter at every step there is danger of ? I SPRAINS I and g I BRUISES I which cripple or hurt S - deeply, but sit any time & & from whatever cause i St Jacobs Oil J wiU cure surely and promptly UPS AND DOWNS OF MERCUR. Its Career Only Typical of a Thousand Mining; Camps. The story of Mercur, Utah, la a strlk- ng illustration of the ups and downs r a typical raining camp, aiany years igo the Indians there were supreme, irrowheads and other relics picked up oear the site of Mercur indicate that :he tribes have at times contested imong themselves for that supremacy , ivith these hills as a battleground. In 1870 silver was discovered on this dte and iwo years later the Carrie Steele mine took out $83,000 in three months, and' the Camp Floyd boom .eaped to its height. Lewiston sprang p almost in a day where Mercur now stands. The town was in a fever. There were rich strikes, shootings, wild arousals and claim Jumpings. The Mormon Chief mine was transformed into a fort, and battles for its posses sion were frequent. Then the bottom dropped out. The ?amp was deserted. The sounds of pick and blast were gone from the deep recesses. Bats fluttered unmolested about the rotting timbers. Coyotes slunk into the tunnels and from this vantage ground howled defiance at the tierce wind of winter. For a time the spectral buildings stood gloomily on their stilts, their paneless windows staring vacantly. Then decay made them sink gradually into desolate heaps, to be swept away later by fire. In 1880 only one house was left in the entire canyon. There lived solitary Moses Manning, keeping up assessment work on a few claims. In 1881 Arie Plnedo thought he had found quick silver in the old camp. He staked out a claim and named it Mercur. But the mercury never paid to develop the claim. In 1883 gold was found in as says, but it could not be extracted. A few men became Interested and car ried on mining in a desultory way with out success. The Mercur claim waa sold as a "gold brick" to a party of Ne braska "tenderfeet" For years they worked away. Ore was to be found in plenty, and the assays showed large amounts of gold. But every process they tried brought no results in ex tracting the precious metal. 'They ex hausted their capital, and in 1893 they were $50,000 in debt and at the end of their rope. . Gilbert Peyton, one of the owners, who was a Nebraska druggist, visited the mine. Going through the drawers of the office desk he came upon a pamphlet which had been sent to the foreman. It was a brief description of the cyanide process, then new in Amer ica. With his druggist's experience Peyton had no difficulty in mixing a cyanide solution and testing U in a cupel with some pulverized ore. But the solution did not seem to percolate the powdered ore and the experiments were failures. Sick at heart, Peyton left in the cupel a solution with which he had been making tests until it was much diluted, and went to bed. The next morning he noticed, that the weak ened solution had penetrated the clay cupel. "If the .weak solution will go through clay like that, it ought to go through large pieces of ore,' he reasoned. The problem was solved. A weak so lution and' larger pieces of ore were tried, and the process worked like a charm. The owners of the Mercur mine were transformed - into rich men. Moses Manning, the patient hermit, made $15,000. The town of Mercur sprang np, phoenix-like, and is to-day one of the richest gold camps in the United States. Eugene B. Palmer in Ainslee's. GIRL'S FIGHT WITH A HAWK. California Child Displayed a Wonder ful Amount of Pluck. Ida Duffy, the 9-year-old daughter ol Thomas J. Duffy, of the Palatine In surance Company, of San Francisco, had a desperate battle with a wounded chicken hawk at San Rafael and nar rowly escape with her life.' Several days ago the bird was given to the child and it has since been kept a pris oner In the yard of the family residence at that place. The other morning the hawk succeeded in making its escape and flew to a near-by tree, where a piece of string attached to its leg be came entangled in the branches, again making the bird a prisoner. The little- girl seeing that the hawk was unable to fly away, ran to the tree, and taking advantage of its spreading limbs, rapidly climbed to a spot many feet above the ground, where the bird was entangled. She attempted to undo the string from the tree, when sudden ly the bird swooped at her and buried the talons of both feet in the little girl's face. . The child screamed with pain, but pluckily fought the hawk off as again and again it attacked her with beak, talons and wings. The child's face was terribly scratch ed and her hands cut in the struggle, but the little heroine clung to the tree and eventually securing a hold on the bird's legs prevented it from doing fur ther harm. Slowly and painfully she climbed down the tree and still cling ing to the struggling bird she brought it with her to the ground and placed It in captivity. Then she ran to the house, where her cut and bleeding face was promptly attended to. Los Ange les Times. An Unfortunate Name. Mr. Peet, a rather diffident man, was unable to prevent himself from being introduced one evening to a fascinating young lady, who, misunderstanding bis name, constantly addressed him as Mr. Peters, much to the gentleman's dis tress. Finally, summoning courage, he bashfully but earnestly remonstrated: "Oh, don't call me Peters; call me Peet!" "Ah, but I don't know you well enough,' Mr. Peters," said the young lady, blushing, as she playfully with drew behind her fan. AU She Took. "Did she take anything when she left tier husband's house?" "Nothing but her departure." "Then I was misinformed." "In what way?" : "I understood she took her maiden name." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Bridget told Mrs. Nextdoor that I was a henpecked fool; shall I discharge her?" "At once! Bridget has no right to tell our family secrets to -the neigh-bors'-Llfe. CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. Released by Pe-ru-na Congressman How ard's Recovery Congressman Geo. H. White's Case. La Grippe Is epidemic catarrh. It spares no class or nationality. The cultured and the ignorant, the aristo crat and the pauper. The masses and the classes are alike subject to la grippe. None are exempt all are lia jble. . I Have yon the grip? Or. rather, has ! the grip got you? Giip is well named, j The original French term, la grippe, j has been shortened by the busy Araeri I can to read "grip." Without in ten 1- ing to do so a new word has been coined that exactly describes the 'case. I As if some hideous giant with awfnl I GRIP had clutched ns in its fatal clasp. Men, women, children, whole towns and cities are caught in the baneful grip of a' terrible monster. Pe-rn-na For Grip. Mrs. Dr. C. D. Powell, president of Epworth League, also president of Loyal Temperance Legion, writes from Chehalis, Wash.: "I have used several remedies in cases of severe colds and la grippe, but none I consider of more value than Peruna." Mrs. Dr. C. D. Powell. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, After-Effects of La Grippe. Miss Emma Jouris, president Golden Rod Sewing Circle, writes from 40 Burling street, Chicago, 111., as fol lows: "This spring I suffered severely from the alter effects of la grippe. As tbe doctors did not seem to help me I bought a bottle of Peruna." Miss Em ma Jouris. Congressman Howard's Letter. Fort Payne, Ala. The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, Ohio: Gentlemen "I have taken Pe runa now for two weeks and find I am very much relieved. I feel that my cure will be perma nent. I have also taken it for la grippe and I take pleasure in rec ommending Peruna as an- excel lent remedy to all fellow suffer ers." At. W. Howard, Member of Congress. La Grippe Leaves the System In a Deplorable Condition. D. L. 'Wallace, a charter member of the International Barbers' Union, writes from 15 Western avenne, Min neapolis, Minn.: Iowa the "Hawkeye State." .Iowa almost from tbe date of its ad mission has been called the "Hawkeye State." Hawkeye was the name of a noted Indian chief, who, in the early days, caused no little trouble along tbe western border of American civiliza tion. G A BFIBLD II A purifies the blood and cores all forms of indiges tion; a clear, healthy complexion and good health result from its use: It is made from HtSKBS. A Bi J Warehouse. Kansas City is to have a big banana warehouse, large enough to hold 25 car loads. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. Electrical Works of Germany. The electrical works of Germany repiesent an investment of $300,000, 00'J. - CITO Parmaaentlr Cured. No fits ar nervousness 111 mfternr.tifT'iimeof Pr. Kliae'sGreat Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE S4.00 trial bottleand treat ise. IB.B-U Klini.LW.,W1 Arch8t.,Phillelthia.Pa. Output of Russian Gold Mines. Russian gold mines average an an nual yield of 86,668 pounds. TbtJ KNOW WHAT TO0 ARB TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less form. No Cure, No Pay. 60o. Purchased a State Convict Plantation, The penitentiary board of Mississippi has purchased 1,000 acres for a state convict plantation. "Following a severe attack of Ia grippe I seemed to be affected badly all over. "One of my customers who was greatly helped by Parana advised me to tr? it, and I procured a bottle the same day. Now my head is clear, my nerves are steady, I enjoy food, and rest well. Fernna has been worth a dollar a dose to me." L. D. Wallace. Grip Causes Deafness. Mrs. M. A. Sharick, chaplain G. A. R. Woman's Relief Corps, writes from Fremont, Wash.: "When la grippe was the prevailing illness in this Western country I was laid up tbe whole wmtar, I partially lost my hearing, and had a very bad case of catarrh of the head and throat. VI read of Peruna, tried it and had fflj hearing restored and catarrh enred. I cannot speak too well of Peruna." Mrs. M. A. Sharick. La Grippe Cured in Its First Stage. Lieutenant Clarice Hnnt, of the Salt Lake City barracks of the Salvation Army, writes from Ogden, Utah: "Two months ago I was suffering with so severe a cold I could hardly speak. "Our captain advised me to try Pe runa, and procured a bottle for me, and truly it worked wonders. Within two weeks I was entirelv well." Clarice Hunt. Congressman White's Letter. Tarboro, N. C. Gentlemen "I am more than satisfied with Peruna and find it to be an excellent remedy for the grip and catarrh. I have used it in my family and they all join me in recommending it as an excellent remedy." Geo. H. White, Member of Congress. Remained In Feeble Health After Cured of La Grippe. Mrs. T. W. Collins, treasurer Inde pendent Order Good Templars, of Ever ett, Wash., writes: "After having a severe attack of la grippe I continued in a feeble condi tion even after the doctor called me cured. My blood . seemed poisoned. Peruna cored me." Mrs. T. W. Col lins. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, O., for a free book on catarrh. Bonnet Nearly 4,000 Yeras Old. The oldest bonnet was found on an Egyptian mummy, that of a prinoess who was interred about 2,000 years before Christ. - The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves, Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. Price EOo. Indians Who Are Prohibitionists. The remnants of the once great Pen obscot tribe of Indians now living on an island near Oldtown, M. E,, have their own form of government. At their recent election they chose a Pro hibitionist chief, named Mitchell At tean, by a vote of 25 to 23. Sour Stomach After I was ladncd tm try GASOA- RETItt I will never be without tbem in tbe bonae. lir llrer wai In very bad shape, and my bead aobed and I bad stomach trouble. Now. elnoe tak ing Caa caret. 1 feel fine. My wife bas also used them witb beneficial results for soar stomach. Jos. JaUKHUKG, lui Congress 81.. ft. Loots, Mo. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Qood. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c &cfi0e. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... sorilar aasua? Caasaar. CkMats, aaaliaal. I.w Ys. Sit S n.Tfl.R 1 1 80,4 ud tnaranMed br all drog- VI" I U-DAlf gist to CliKE Tobacco Hablu X. P. N. U. Mo. 7101. w HBN writing t adTertiem plie hwuhhs Msie papsir $i CATHARTIC vfcjtj tao( MAMM aaourntaw SEED DEALERS. WHY DON'T YOU Send for FREE SEED CATALOGUE Portland SEED Company, 136 Front Street. Portland, Ore. FLINT UKBERSOH'S SEEDSI Annual Catalogue now ready. Mailed free on request. Pull line of supplies tor farm, pouliry, bees or garden. BUELL LAM BE RSON'S SONS. 180 Front Street. Portland,, Ore. You know what you're planting- when you plant Ferry's Seeds. It von buy cheap seeds vou can't be sure. Take no chances t Ferry's. Dealers every- wnere sen tbem. Write for 1901 Seed Annual- mailed free. 0. M. FERRY CO., Detroit, Mich. aaaniaagmi "SALTER'S SEEDS . ,, WILL MAKE YOU RICH" 'rv This la a daring statement, bnt Bal. j Comblnat!on Corn. " v'1 111 poaiaveiy : !E3D a.; 11:-- 17- Greatest marvel of the ft ere; 12 tons of hay per acre. First crop six wecu niter bowl What Is It? Catalogue tells. FOR 10c. STAMTS And this NOTICE wt mail big seed CAtalog, 10 Grata 'VmS mpl Including abore, bUo I 81U (SO bo. per A.) OmU, I (&0 bathei tm A.. Ran. I EasTiev.f 173 bD-Tjer Al PmosL fa--Wn-tt,ilQ. to rata Si Ijonn A. Salzer Seed Go. La CrotttV 1 I M I 1 I mZ. a NOTHING BETTER MADE Yob can't make a mistake it yon get t ..Mitchell.. fflitehell, Letuis & Stavee Co. PORTLAND. ORECON. in 1 CLAIMANTS FOR li FT CM O I al Wrie toNAIHAN H E. Vi O I KJ N IT BICKFORl). Washington. 0. C. thev will ra il ceivequick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols. Stall 201 h Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878. JMfaiHFKOTIDRII S LIVER r laUBaU ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and Dys pepsia, K-more Pimples, Purify the Blood, A!d llgcs tlon.PreventBUlousnesB. DonotGrlpeorSldvea. To convince you, win mail samp efree;fullbox,25c Dlt, BOSANKOCO..ralladaliaia,ra. Sold by Druggists. "Kreamola" A re markable liquid cream, which softeus the skin, giving that youthful com plexion which EVERY WOMAN DESIRES. Harmless and absolutely Invisible.- $i.oo per bottle. Send 25 cents for illustrat ed book,"Beauty Secrets." P. D. Wismer & Co., Suite 625 New York Bldg, Seattle. B You Need a SAW MILL, ENGINE RON PP uviuurv, will pay to write us for cat, logue and prices. RUSSELL & CO., Portand, Or. POULTRY NETTINC. Buy from the manufacturer. Price in full rolls 2 'get wide, 150 feet long ji.65 3'" " " '" " Z.47 4 " ' " " " .. 3.80 . 412 " 6 " " "!!Z!iT.".Z 4.95 AU Kinds of Wire and Iron Work. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS 149 Front St., Portland, Oregon, Don't Stop Tobacco Suddenly . lujuiw irct wuo ajBkCUl w UP SO, HAUU CCKO is the only cure that realty cares uuv.d j vin nucu w mup. coia witn a guarantee that three boxes will cure any case. BaCD-CURO vegetable and harmless. It has Pfluu uunu Cllred lhougand8i it wmcureyoil At all druKgists or by mail prepaid, tl a box 8 boxes J2.50. Booklet free. Write Euasaa Chrmic-l Co., La Crosse, Wis. HHP FREE TO EMPLOYERS. Cooks, Waiters, Loggers, Millmen, Engireers, Bakers, R. R. men. Domestics, Clerks, Carpen ters, Woodcbopera, Howse Girls, Hotels, Kes taurants, Prompt attention to mail orders - ICIE EaPtOTKtT BUHHU, Int. 245' sOBSSOl, PtJIITUMD.Ija. Will Keep You Dry Take No Sustitute. Free Catalogue, Showihc Full Line or Garments ahoHats. A. J.TOWER Co. Boston. Mass. CUTLER'S CARBOLATEef IODINE ' A guaranteed Care for Catarrh aad Consamptlon. fl.oo. D Lock Box lit. W.H. SMITH I CO., luffaSo, R.Y.Piep'i RvtVT'.' i.n Jaajium am uf Wa, Hi; mm