Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 15, 1901, Image 2

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FRIDAY, FEEBUARy 15, 1901.
No oae can tll wbat effect
the delay in electing a United
States senator is having upon tho
several matters of legislation
which are being considered by
the legislature. There is no
oae who would contend that
the result is effecting any
good, but th tendency is
couceeded by all to be bad, with
the chances strong against the
The caucus is one of the meth
ods and practices adopted by
political parties to organize and
govern without confusion the
woruings 01 tne party, it is
just as reasonable and necessary
that a caucus should be held by
the members elected to the legis
lature to nominate a party can
didate as it is for the electors of
a county or state to hold conven
tions to nominate candidates for
the. several state and county
offices. To dispense with either
invariably loads to confusion and
soma times a failure to elect.
The delay, in electing a United
States seiator has an. influence
on legislation which should not
exist, and which can be avoided
in no other way than to prompt
ly elect a senator before matters
ef legislation have progressed to
any extent. The only possible
way to elect a senator promptly
is for the party members to as
semble in caucus, and each sub
mit his candidate and vote for
him, the one receiving the
nomination to stand as the party
candidate betore tne legiilature,
The question of establishing a
free ferry across tha river at Cor
vallis is being discussed by many
citizens find the county court is
considering the plan. A brother
- 7flr the way says, . "I do not
want to eross the ferry; let Cor
vallis build the free farry." Why
ihonld Corvallis bnild tha free
ferry? Because it is near to Cor
allis and it will be used more
l7 Corvallis people than by resi.
dentt of other paits of the coun
ty. If that is good doctrine,
tiin why should Soap Creek
Jhpl not bnild the bridge
across Seap Creak, or the people
in Kiags Valley build the bridges ;
on Lnckiamnte, and Monroe pre-
cinct build the bridges on Long;
Tom, and tie pesple of Philo
math bnild the bridges across
Marys river, because the bridges
across the streams named will be
used by them more than by the
people at a distance? It is a fact
that the tax-payers ef Oorvallis
have paid one-third of the cost
of building all of the bridges
over Benton county which many
Corvallis tax-payers never see or
cross. Now that Corvallis tax
payers need a crossing at their
door it will be Hist and proper
and equitable to the people of
the whole county for the county
to establish and maintain the
free ferry. It would be unjust
for the county court to use the
taxes of the people of Corvallis
to build free bridges in every
part of the county and refuse te
maintain the free ferry across
the river at Corvallis.
Marshall Day Address.
The press throughout the
country has been liberal in the
publication of addresses made on
John Marshall Day, concerning
the life and works of that great
jurist. We believe that the ad
dresses made in Corvallis on
that occasion will compare favor
ably with any made on that day.
We. therefore, offer the follow
ing paper read by John Burnett
at the Marshall Day exercises
held at the Agricultural College:
This is emphatically. "Lawyers Day'
- Never before in the history of this coun
try have the people risen up as one man,
to do honor to a lawyer, and' that, too.
because he was a'lawyer. At the capi
tal of the nation congress stands ad
journed today, and both bonses, the
president of the United States, and his
cabinet, with the judges of the supreme
court of the United States, join in do-
ins honor wvonn marsnai. ai uie
eapitalof our own Btate of Oregon, tbej
members of the legislature, the governor
and other stale officers, with the - judges
of the supreme court of the state are do
ing lioncrlo this i great chief justice;
and so all over the country. The great
c'tiesof New York, Chicago, Boston
St. Louip, San Francisco, Portland, ami
others, and all tho great institutions of
loaniirg and the common s hools,
North, South, E ist and West are doin !
him honor; and wo are here ti join in J
the acrUim, and a l 1 onr tribute of j
praise and honor to -rfhe grand o'd man
oi Atninca lor tne services he has ren
dered the country. We are in the habit
of commemorating the life and services
of our great men. and (he names of
Washington, JslTerson, Adams, Lincoln,
Grant and many others, have become
as household words in our land. It U
peculiarly appropriate and proper that
in a country governed by law "where
i0 man can be deprived of life, liberty
or properly without flue process of law,"
that we should gratefully remember one
who aided so much ia ciring us the
blessings of a written constitution aad
whose life and services now at a dis
tance of one hundred vsars, loom up
above hi3 surroundings, like Mount Hood
above the Cascades, impressing nil be
holders with the thought of grandeur
strength and purity.
It is difficult to speak of the life and
services of lohn Marshall without re
peating somewhat the history of the
revolutionary war for American inde
pendence, the formation of the constitn-
tion of the United States, its adoption and
being placed in operation under the
guiding hand of the "father of his conn
try," for he was nn efficient man as a
soldier, lawyer, statesman and jurist in
these great and important transactions.
He was, so to speak, the right arm of
George Washington in many of the mo3t
important events that transpired during
that eventful period, and maintained
until the close of Washington's lite the
high personal regard and esteem, and
warm personal friendship of that great
man .
John Marshall holds the same rela
tion to the American bar that- George
Washington does to the American peo
ple, From whatever point of view we
consider the character, life and services
of the great chief justioa, he is entitled
to the respect, affection and gratitude
of the American people. At the age of
twenty he joined a military company
and on the arrival of the news oi the
battle of Lexington and the march of
Patrick Henry upon WilliatSsburg, he ad
dressed the company in eloquent terms,
urging them to prepare for eyery emer
gency. In Jul'. 1775, he was made
lieutenant in the 11th Virginia regi
ment, on continental service and
marched to the North. From the time
of his entrance into the army to the
close of 1779, Marshall was in active ser
vice. He took part in the battles of
Brandy wine, German town and Mon
mouth. He shared the hardships and
sufferings of the troops at Valley Forge,
with unvarying good humor and ean
guine hopefulness. At this- period he
frequently acted as deputy judge advo
cate, and secured the ' warm regard of
Washington. At the close of the war
he began practice as an attorney and his
success was marked from the com
mencement. His extraordinary compre
hension and grasp of mind, ;by which
difficulties were seized and overcome
without difficulty or parade, commanded
the attention and respect of th'e courts of
In 1788 the Virginia convention to
act npon the constitution of the
United States had been assembled, and
Marshall was a member. He took a
conspicuous stand by the side of James
Madison, Edward Pendleton and other
distinguished advocates of its adoption.
His defense of the constitution against
its assailants, was masterly. On three
occasions the debato on taxation, the
Indians and on the power over the mil
itia, he gave full scope to his powerful log
ic and maBsive faculty of reasoning. The
instrument was finally accepted by a
vote of 89 to 79.
Marshall and Madison were justly re
garded as having done more for the
adoption of the federal plan of govern
than any other members of the conven
tion. I sometimes think that we do
not sufficiently appreciate the labors,
the genius and the ability of those men
who, by their unwearied exertions,
secured for ns the adoption and blessings
of a written constitution upon which
has grown up a government which is
the wonder and admiration of the civ
ilized woi Id find a blessing te seventy
five millions of people.
If, as Cicero informs ns, in ancient
Rome the very boys were obliged to
learn the twelve tables by heart as an in
dispensable lesson to imprint on their
tender minds an early knowledge of the
laws and constitution of their country ;
if it was deemed necessary to the preser
vation of British liberty in the earlier
and better days of the country that
Magna Charta should be authoritatively
promugated and read to the people it'
la no less important to ths preservation
of American liberty that the constitu
tion of the United States should be read
and taught in the common schools Of
the country. ,.
The masterly discussion, of the nature
and construction of, the constitution
and the union formed by it, by tha great
Webster in 1830 and 1833 did as much to
gave the union thirty years afterwards
as did the sword of Grant . It is true
that the Tight of secession was settled
on the battle-field but the right to oppose
secession by force was based on the fact
that the constitution had provided a
common arbiter in all cases of dispute
between the states and that arbiter was
the supreme court. The American
system of dividing the powers of govern
ment into three grand divisions was un
known to the ancient or modern systems :
or guverumeui; auu ui mose inree ciivis-
ions, the executive, the legislative and
Burning Scaly
Instantly Relieved by
One Application of
Instant Relief and Speedy Cube Tbeat-
misst A warm bath with Cdticuba Soap,
a single anointing with Cutiouka Ointment,
and a full dose or Cutiouka Resolvent will
afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep,
and point to a speedy, permanent, and eco
nomical euro when all else fails.
Sold everywhere. Price, The 8bt.91.25i or, CimctntA
BOAr,25c.i Oiktmeict, flc.! Kesolveht (half bIxo, fiOo.
X'OXTEB Dxuo axd Ciuw. Cobp., Sole Props., Boston.
Ihe judicial, the judicial has become per
haps the most important, for we see
today the two great political parties of
the country arrayed on opposite sides of
certain important questions waiting in
anxious suspense the decision of the
supreme court on the Porto R'co and
Philippine tariff question.
(Continued next week.)
Our remnant and odds and ends
sale will close Saturday evening,
February lotn. Uur new spring
slock is now arriving.
- Nolan & Callahan.
Sweat and fruit acids will not dis-
color goods dved with Putnam Fade-
less Dyes. Sold by Grahtm & Wells.
Something New.
Just published by the Southern Pacific
Company is a pamphlet upon the re
sources of Western Oregon, which in
eludes an excellent map of j the state,
and contains information on climate,
lands, education, etc., existing indus
tries Bnd their capabilities.
Attention is also directed to such new
fields fcr energy or capital as promise
fair return.
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregoniane, in replying to
inquiries of Eastern friends.
Copies may be had of local agent of
the Southern Pacific Company, or from
. C. II. Mabkham,
G. P. A., Portland, Oregon
the Light of the World
Our Savior in Art.
Cost nearly $100,000 to produce. Con
tains nearly 100 full-page" engravings of
our Savior and IlisMothor by the world's
gieatest painters. True copies of the
greatest Masterpieces in the art galleries
of Europe. Every picture is as beauti
ful as a sunrise over the hilltops. Con
tains description of the paintings, biog
raphy of the painters, the names and 1
cations of the galleries in Europe where
the originals may be seen. Also contains
a Child's Department, including a Child's
Story of the Christ and His Mother,
beautifully written, to fit each picture.
This wonderful book matchless in its
purity and beauty, appeals to every
mother's heart, and in every Christian
home where there are children the book
sells itselt. Christian men and women
are making mosey rapidly taking orders.
A Christian man or woman can in this
community soon make $1,000 taking or
ders for Christmas presents. Mrs. Waite,
our agent in Massachusetts, has sold
over $3,000 worth of the books in a very
short time. Mrs. Sackett, our agent ia
New York, has sold over $1,500 worth of
books in a very short time. The book is
printed on velvet-finished paper, beauti
fully bound in Cardinal Red and geld,
and adorned with Golden Roses and
Lilies.: It is, without doubt, the most
beautiful book ef this century. .Write
for terms quickly and get the 'manage
of that territoiy. You can woik on
salary or commission, and when you
prove your success we will promote you
to the position of Manager and Corres
pondent, at a permanent salary, to devote
your time to attending to agents and the
correspondence. Wanted , also a State
Manager to have charge of office in Lead'
ing City of the State and manage all the
business of the State. Send for terms.
Address . .
Corcaraa Building, Opposite
TJ. S. Treasury, Washington, . C.
b. L. Kline has the agency of
Leob & Ga. custom-made shirts,
the most famous in America. Come
in and see the beautiful patterns
ana nave your measure taken in
any style you want. Prices $1.25
to $ 3 each, at Kline's.
IMmmr Marks
Anyone sending a sketeta and description ma
guloklT ascertain onr opinion free whether en
invention la probably patentable. Commnnlea
lions jrtrtctly conaaenttal. Handbook en Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for eaurlngjpatente. .
PaMnts taken through. Munu & CoTreeelve
special notice, without Aargo. In the
Scientific Hitierlcati
AfcsnUsomsly Illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific journal. Terms. S3 a
If.;.!2?rlt2tl13' L Bold, by ail tiewsdealam.
MN I Co.86,t. New York
JSnrecb Offloa. OS St. Washington. & G.
Try this Office for Job Worfc.
Subscribers Jo the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following
papers in csmbiaatioa subscriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices
stated below; cash in advance always to accompany the order. Those wishing
two or more of tho publications namsd with tho GAZETTE, will please cor
respond with this office and we will quote you the combination price. We can
save you money on nearly all pub i.-ations you desire.
The abbreviations below are explained as follows : W, for weekly ; S W,
for ecmi-weekly ; T W, tiUeekly ;'M, monthly ; 8 M, semi-monthly.
Price With
Per the
' Annum Gazette
S W, Portland, Oregon.
OREGONIAN, W, Portland, Or , 1 50 2 55
RURAL SPIRIT, W. Portland.Or 2 00 2 55
Contains a correct live-stock maiket report.
THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD, T W, New York. . .... 1 00 2 20
HOMESTEAD, W, Dea Moines, Iowa 1 00 I 30
A thorough steak and farm journal.
THE REPUBLIC, S W, St. Louis, Mo 1 00 2 05
THE AMERICAN FARMER, M, Indianapolis, Ind 50 1 05
and Atlas ef the World bound in cloth, 56 pages ef latest
colored Maps.
THE OUTING MAGAZINE, M, New York... 2 25 3 80
It is well to remember that you
can cover Benton County
'horoughly by placing
your advertisement in the
They get Proper Display, Proper Position
and Proper Treatment.
come to think over itj
you can easily under
stand why somanyprem
ntnt advertisers place ads
in this paper.
That's the Secret.
White and Barred.
From prize-winning stock, second to
none on Pacific coast, Eggs, $1 50 a set
ting of fifteen at yard, or 12 00 if packed.
. J. G. HonNina, Oorvallis. Or.
Retlvs fT PKMIeetlea.
arms stun Lus arena,
erofta aty, Orafea, Key. 19, ttte.
N.tlce Is herahy girea that in ceapliaace with
the prerisiens ef the act of Coagress ef Jane 3rd,
1STS, entitled "An act for the tale ef timber lands ia
the states ef California, Oreroa, KevU, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended te all the Public Lane
States eject ef August t, 18QS,
Of Fall City, canty of Folk, State of Orefoa, has
tbis day filed in this office her sworn statement No.
533, for the purchase of the N- B. quarter ef Sec
tion 1 in Township No. IS 8 , Range No. 7 West,
and will orer proof te show that the land souirht is
more raluablefer its timber or stene than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish ber claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon, en Thursday, the 14th day of
Fehruary, 1M1. She names of witnesses: Michael
Flynn, Freeman TV. Reeinson, Bridget Flynn and
Albert N. Rebinsen, all ef Fall City, Oregon,
Anyandall persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to Die their claims in
tbis office en or before said 14th day of February,
' . Register.
Notice for Publication.'
Uhitkd States Lasd Office,
Oregon City, Cr gen, Dec 10, 199.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of an act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ef timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended te all the Public Land
States by act ef August 4, 1892,
Of FaU City, county of rolk. State of Oregon, has
this day filed inthis office his sworn statement No.
6333, for the purchase of the N, i N, W, 1-4 N. J
N. C. 1-4 of Section No. 84, In Township No. 12 8,
Kange No. 7 W.. and w.U offer proof to show that
the land sought is irore valuable for Its timber or
stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim te said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at On gen City, Oregon, on
Friday, the 8th day of March, 1001. He names as
witnesses: Michael Flynn, Freeman Rahinson,
Peter Miller and Alvin Koainson, all of Falls City,
Oregon. - -
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are recniestcd te file their claima in
this office on or before said 8th dav ef March lftoi.
- . " - Register,
Hotlce of Fltial Settlement.
Notlos Is herehr given that ihe undersigned execu
tor ef the estate of Martha J. Rice, deceased, has
filed his final account- ia said estate in the County
Cenrt ef the State ef Oregon, for Benton County,
sitting in probate, and Saturday, the 9th Day of
February, 191, at 10 o'clock a, nt., at the Court
House in Corvallis, Oregon, is the time and place
fixed by the Court for bearing objections, if any, to
said final account and the settlement thereof.
Dated January 11, 1S01.
Cuaklcs R. Ricn,
Notice for Publication.
Land Offick at Oregon City, Oregon,
January b, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon,
ou Februr.ry 20, 1901, viz: -
H. E. No. 11.C53 for the Lots J, 2. and S, Sec
tion 6, T. 13 8 R. 6 W. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, Tiz: Jamea
Franklin, John Franklin, M anion W. Worth
lngton and Francis M . Spencer, all of Philo
math, Oregon, CHAS. B. MOORES,
- Register."
Notice of Administrator's bale of
Real Property
In the mfciter of the Estate
James Abraham. Decease).
lSetioe is hereby triven that pursuant to an order
of the county court of tho state of Oregon for Mult
nomah county made and entered on the 30th dav of
jNOvemoer, iwv, i will irom and after the 7th day
of March, 1901, proceed to sell at private sale
iae to j towing uesenueu real property oi saia estate,
and all the rijrht, title and interest which the said
Jamil Abraham had therein at the time of bis de
cease, towit:
Beginning at the quarter section corner between
fractional sections 2 mid 3, township 11 south, range
4 weft WiHair.etU Meridian, running thence south
48 decrees east 14.t!t chains, thence south 65 de
grees 60 minutes wost fi .02 chairs, thence south SO
decrees 10 minutes east 17.80 chains to the north
bank of the W iliametta river, thence following said
north bank of the Willamette river with the me
anders thereof in a southwesterly course to the
southeast corner ef lot 1 in fractional section S ia
said township, thence north 87 minutes east 28.80
chains to the place f beginning, containing' 20 40
acres, also the nprtheast quarter of tie southeast
quarter and. Jot number 1 of fraptionjl Fee. ion 3,
township 11 south, nimre 4 west of the Willamette
Meridian, containing- 5b.4facres, save and excepting.:
ette alley & Coast road containing about 6
acres, all situated in Benton county, Oregon; aNo,
the east half of the following described real proper
ty: The north half of the southwest quarter, and
lots 3 and 4 in section 8, township 11 couth, range
4 west, containing 78. CO acres in Benton county.
1 he tenr s of said Ealearea follows: The entire
purchase price is te be paid in cash.
Adm'r de bonis noss with thewill annexed ot the
estate of James Abraham, deceased. Portland. Or.
v"' via
Southern- Pacific' Campanv.!
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
and -way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland ft m
3:30 p m
10:58 p m
11:30 am
4:35 a m
9.30 a m
Ly Albany 12:30 p m
at Asniana VI :33 a m
Ar SaprametHo 5 .00 p m
Ar San Francisco. 7 :4i p m
Ar Ogden-- 5:45 p m
Ar Denver .9:00 a ni
11 :45 a m
9 :00 a m
Ar Kansas Git v. -.7 :26 a m
Ar Chicago T :65 a m
7 :Z5 a m
9 :80a m
Ar Los Angeles -1 :20 pm
7:00 am
at bimbo o:u ptn
Ar Fort Wsrth 6 189 S tn
Ar City of Mexleo 9 :65 a m
Ar HotKtoa . 4:00 a m
At 9a Orleans.. 6:2i a m
. 0 :W a m
4:00 am
6 :42 a m
12:43 p m
Ar Washington 6:4! a m
Ar New York 12 :18 pm
both trains. Ghair cars Satrtmento te
Ogden and EI Paso, end Toariat enrs to
Chicago, St Loais, Kew Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco with 8v
tral sieamBbip lines for Honolulu, Japan
China, Philippines, Central and South
Sen F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis
station, or audress
C. H. MAKKHAM. G, P. A.,
Portland, Or,
Dentistry of every description done in Srsl
class manner, ana saustaction guar
Office over Zierolf 'a grocery store, oppos:
. Osteopathist
Specialties Diseases of : women and
children ; also deformities and all chron
ic and nervous diseases.
Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, 1 :30 to 5 :3U p. m.
Physician $ Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Braiding.
Office Hours
Eesidenee! Corner College and 8th St&
Telephone at office and residence.
eorva!lis, - - -, Oregon
Office Comer 3rd and Monroe streets
Hocks 9 to 12; 2to5;7to8; Son-
day to 10. .
Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, Corvallis, Oregon-.
Physician S'Jm
Veterinary Surgeon
Residence in Block 30, Job's Addition,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Orders may be left at Graham & Wor-
mam's drugstore.
Notary. Titles. OeirvsrAxcDie
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Office' infFirotJ National Bank Bnild inc.
Bryson 8f Woodson
Corvallis, Ore'on.
Office In Fostcffice Building.
Office la WBitekors Elork
Corvallis, Oregon
Corvallis, Oregon,
Does a genera! and conservative banklDf
If you are locking fur bargains in
Stock, Grain and fruit Farms
Xbavelhcm. Come and see me or write for
my list. .- HENRY AMBLER,
Real Estate Agent,
Philomath, Deuton County, Oregon,
Boa 59 ' . . '
Oil .(HE1 1
Montane. Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
tne Union racihe Fast Mail Line, or
the Rio Scenic Lines.
Look at the Time . .
I Y days to Salt Lake
tyi days to Denver
3 days to Chicago
4 days to New York
Free RecKaing Chair Cars, Upholstered
Ttmrtst Sleepiog Cars, ao4 Fnllmaa
Palace Sleepers, operated en all
Por fWl-her infoimatioe. atnrrrtat
BED. P. BGLIJI, Agent, CwvIlts, Or.
trav. Pass. Agt feen'l AjarA.
I24 Third St., Portland, Or.
Corvallis & Eastarn Railroad.
2 For Yaquiria:
Train loaves Albany 12:4a p. m.
" " Corvallis 1:50 p. m.
" arrives Yaqnina 6:45 p, m.
1 Retaining:
Leaves Yaquina..,. 6:10 a. m.
Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:30 a, m.
Arrives Albany ... . 12:15 p. in.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Albany ...... 7:C0 a. m.
ArriyeB Detioit .... 11:20 t. m.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. ro.
Arrives Albany.... 5:45p.m.
One and two contect at Albany
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service to and
from Newport and adjacent
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample time to
reach ramping grounds on the
Breiterbush and Santiam river the
same day.
H. L. Walukn, Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
II. II. Cbomse, Agent, Corvallis.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, St.
Louis, Chieage
and East.
9 p. to.
7:00 p.m.
Walla Walla. Lew
lutou, Spokane,
Minneapolis, S t.
Paul.Dalnth, Mil
waukee, Chicago,
and Ea6t.
6:00 p.m.
8:40 a. nt.
Bcesn Stesmshlcs-
All eailing dates
subject to change.
For Sao Franeis,
Sail Doc. 3, 8," IS,
13, 3, 28, & every
8 p. m.
4 p. in.
fix. Kn.o.
8. p. m.
1 p. m.
Columbia Rinr
4 p. at.
To Astoria & way
landing. iillssistti Rinr.
Oaegon City, Ke-tx-rp,
Salem, fend
6 a. ra.
Ex. San.
4:S0fc m.
1 A. m.
S atorrlay
Willamette and fas
I Rivers.
Oregon City, Day
ion & Way-land's,
6 a in.
T negdav.
T Lnrsy
Wilia the River.
Portland to Corval
lis & Way-land'8.
4 :30 p.m.
d ay and
3' 36 a. m.
Snaka Hirer.
Riparia to Lewig'n.
Lewie ton
8:8oa. m
Local Agent.
JerEcys fcr Fale.
For Pale One of the finest Jarsay
bulls, full blood, born last Jtly,
solid color, gentle asd kind, will
register in the A. J. C. C.
Ote very fine full-Wood Jcrwy
bull solid color, prominently nark
ed, gentle and kind, bom Jans 18,
1899. llis mother tested 6$ per
cent, butter fat. .Will register in
the P. C. C. C.
Two nice 'full-blood Jersey huif
ers, solid color, well traiked, abeut
15 n nthe old, ciitle and kind,
registind in the A. J. C. C. Par
ties wai tinp fine nj!tmd Jirny
stock will nsiFs a rnre if they
fail to in f t igatc l Is "h r j p i i unity
to get fihe Jerseys.
M. 8. Wocecmk,
Corvallis., Cra.
For Rent,
V, ill rent 200 acres of land est of
Monroe and take j art payment ot rent
in work and improvements on ths place.
Address M. S. Woodcock,
. Administrator,
Oorvallis, OregoD. . '
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