THE tOilUS h ZETTE FRIDAY, FEKBUARY 8,1901. Ladies' Silk Waists . Good material. Good worlcnv n ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 earh. Underskirts Mercenized cotton. Looks like silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop ular colors. $1.50 to $2.25 each Taffeline For flue skirt linings andj for shirt waits. Twelve shade. 50 cents per yard. S, E, Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS. F. L. Miller. Rev. J. H. Skidmore is preaching etch night during the remainder of the week. Th "Social Club" are calculat ing to give another of their parties tonight. Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in the Withain Bchool house, Sunday afternoon, at half-past two. Rev. Dr. Wire, of Albany, filled the pulpit at the Melhodist Epis copal church las'. Monday evening. Mrs. Eliza Geer, of Cove,' .Or., died, Tuesday, of asthma and pneu monia. She was the stepmother of Governor Geer. Word has been received in the city to the effect that Joshua Mason is lying dangerously ill at his home in San Francisco, of pneumonia. T. J. Cams, the Alsea freighter, was in Corvallis, Wednesday. He is doing well to continue teaming over Alsea mountain at this season of the year. Mrs. Clara Newman and little son, who have been visiting rela tives in this city for the past month, returned, Wednesday; to her home in Walla Walla, Wash. On Sunday, Mr. J. Sherman Wallace, a McMinnville student, will preach at the Baptist church, at 11 a. ui. and 7:30 p. m. Don't fail to hear this eloquent young speaker. A hearty welcome to all. There will be the regular Sabbath services in the" United Evangelical ehurch, next Sunday. The pastor, Rev. L. M Boozer, will preach at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. All who de sire toUend these services" will be cordially welcomed. S. I Kline has the agency of Leob . & C 3. custom-made shirts, -the most famous in America. Come in and see the beautiful patterns and have your measure taken in any style you want. Prices $1.25 to $3 each, at Kline's. Ed Kiger, of ' AHea, spent a few days in Corvallis during the week. Mr. Kiger states that everything is quiet over in the little valley and the only change worthy of note, was that Mr. Chandler had sold his Alsea store to Mr. Cathoart. Wednesday, Mrs. J. H. Albright, who was so seriously injured re cently by a fall, was reported to be suffering more pain than at any time since the accident. Her case is a most serious one, and we regret to state that her perfect recovery is a matter of doubt. All persons desirous of receiving a weekly market report from F. L. Miller, will please send him their name and address. He will quote them prices paid by him for pro duoe from week to week and these prices will always be in ad vance of those paid by anybody else. Harbaugh & Son, heretofore pub lishers of the Valley Transcript, of McMinnville, announced in their l ist issue that the next grist they issued to subscribers would appear nnder the title of' "McMinnville News." They certainly believe that "competition is the life of trade," for this will make the fourth paper published at McMinnville. A, F. Peterson returned home several days ago from Fossil,' Ore gon. He will remain home for an indefinite time, as he is awaiting suitable weather in which to com. mence work on the new county court house at JJotsu. lhis build ing is to be a very commodious structure, two stories, with a jail in the basement. Mr. Peterson states that he was very fortunate in secur ing such- a good contract as he has " been awarded. Jim Westf til, and Nancy, his wife, contemplate leaving Albany during the coming summer and will betake themselves ' to the Flowery Kingdom, where they ex pect to pass the remainder of their days, says the Herald. Jim has been a resident of Corvallis and Al bany for more than a quarter of a century, and has been identified with several railroad construction enterprises. 1 In the palmy days of the old Oregon . Pacific some large contracts were carried through to completion under his direction and he has always enjoyed the fullest confidence of his business associates. W. A. Sanders, the best watch maker. . Miss Mayme Crawford is visiting in Salem. D; B: Farley was in Corvallis on business this week. ' Last Friday, a son. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kemp. Mrs. Elmer Samuels, of Junction City, is reported to be critically ill. Ralph lerrill, now of Roseburg, paid Corvallis a flying visit Wed nesday. Merchant Weed, of Philomath, has been in the city several dajB this week. Arthur Bier went to Portland on Wednesday morning's boat, to be absent a couple of weeks. E. E. Wilson and Grant Elgin go to Salem today. A grand hop in the capital city is the attraction. Mrs. L. L. Porter and sister, Miss Lulu Spangler, are expected to ar rive today from Oregon City. Invitations are out for tho wed ding of Mr. Chas.' Smtll and Miss Lenore Stewart; February 20th, in this city. MrH. Taylor Porter left Wednes day for a visit of several days with a sister who lives at Tall man, in Linn county. W- Fred Bund, of "Linn county, and Belle Oakley, of Benton, were united in marriage in . this city, Monday, by Justice Holgate. The vote for senator in the legis lature yesterday was practically the same as on former ballots. Cor bett received 29 and McBride II. Dnnis II. Stovall, state organizer of the K. O. T. M. will spend some time in Roseburg', bolstering up this already, flourishing order. Plaindealer. It has been held that to hear a grouse "hoot", is a sore sign of an early spring. A local sportsman relates that he heard this note a few days ago. Ralph Irwin squeezed his right hand in one of the presses at the college printiug office Tuesday, with the result that the bones in two of his fingers were broken. There will be services as usual in the M. E. church, South, next Sun day. Rev. F. A. Larke, the pastor, will present interesting sermons at 11 a. m. and 7:dO p. m. A hearty welcome is extended. A license to wed was granted Wednesday, at the clerk's office, to W. M. Huggins and Miss Grace C. Hewett, both ef Monroe. The wed ding ceremony was performed yes terday by Dr. Thompson at the i armers Hotel. Preparations are being made far a grand ball to be held in the Ar mory, under the auspices of the of ficers of the cadet battalion, on the evening of February 22od. Parsons' orchestra, of Portland, will furnish music for the occasion. John Martin, an aged veteran of the civil war, died at his home near the Odd Fellows' cemetery, Wednes day. The funeral was conducted yesterday under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, and the interment occurred in the cemetery of that order. The armor which will be used in the production of "Quo Vadis" at the Opera House Saturday night will be on exhibition this afternoon in the show windows of S. L. Kline, This is something fine in the arnioi line and it will be worth your while to call and examine it. in 1882 Jacob ttlumberg was elected treasurer of the Corvallis Fire Department. He faithfully attended the duties of this office from that time until last Monday evening, at which time he tendered his resignation. Dr. James A. Har per was elected as his successor. The special meeting of the coun cil Monday night resulted in three amendments to the city charter be ids submitted to that body; onere- garding sewers, another gives the city authority to assist m maintain ing a free ferry and a third proposes tojexerspt the carriage factory from taxes for a teim of two years. : Probate and county court opened last Monday morning and will con tinue its work Bntil tomorrow after noon. The commissioters court convened Wednesday, as usual, and it was thought that the business on hand would be completed yesterday afternoon. -There was nothing of great importance at any of these sessions. It is expected that the telephone company will begin the task os re' placing a telephone in the clerk's office at the court bouse, next Mon day. At the same time a system ot call balls is to be placed in the building conn'ectirg the various of fices with that of the clerk. The contract also calls for telephones to be placed in the residences of Judge Woodward and Clerk Watters. Several weeks ago the Gazette prophesied that the census returns would give- Corvallis a population of about 1,818. Monday the Ore- gonian gave the population of the the various cities as shown by the last census, and Corvallis has 1,819. Like all neighboring cities, we are not credited with our large number of suburban residents. Roseburg has a population of , but 1,690, and McMinnville ha3 only 1,420. Philo math ia credited with 343. "QUO VABSS" mM. STELLAR ATTRACTION OF THEATRICAL SEASON THE COMPANY Of EMINENT PLAYERS. What The "Statesman" Says Concerning; the Reception Given this Grand P. ay at Salem. " ;Quo Vadis,' that great religious spectacular favorite, was produced at the New Grand Opera House, last night; by toe Rassel-Drew Co., before an audience that crowded the opera house from the orchestra to the doors. It was the largest audience eve; seen in the' New Grand, and the "standing room only" sign was displayed early in the evening. The performance was so well received that the manage- msnt was compelled to ai range for a secoud performance of his great masterpiece, which will be had to morrow (Wednesday) night, when another crowded house is assured." From the Statesman, Salem, Feb ruary 5. "Quo Vadis," will be produced by this eminent company of play ers at the Opera House tomorrow evening, February 9. "Quo Vadis" is a play that will make people that witness it better for having dune so. Prices of admission, 35, 50 and 7.5 cents. Carriage Factory May Open. Prospects are exceedingly bright for revival of operations at the carriage factory. This large and valuable, plant has been lying idle for years, and be sides being a reminder of the blow its closing was to the city, it has made others wary of start ing an enterprise. E. E. Wil son, who represents the present owners, is authority for the state ment that two young and enter prising business men have vir tually closed a deal looking to the purchase, and operation of the plant. ... Those gentlemen will be in Corvallis to personally investigate the property and local advantages early in March. Mr. Wilson has spared . no time nor pains to fully inform the prospective purchasers upon all matters concerning which they sought information. They seemed quite anxious to know what facilities Corvallis" could ofier in the way of schools and churches. Expert workmen will be required in the factory and it is probable that they will be men of families, good schools and numerous churches will be a great inducement to them to came here. - The growing appreciatioa in the East for Oregon oak as ma terial for making wagons, has at tracted the attention of those in terested in this field to the lao tory at Corvallis. An item . of greatest expense in wagon saak ing is freight. By building these vehicles where the lumber entering into their construction is grown, this expense is ob viated and a nice profit ' is in sight. The purpose is to make all the parts of a wagon here, except the hubs. An inovation 1-will be the manner of construct ing the beds. Heretofore, fir was " used exclusively. ,:If has been discovered that larch which grows in profusion along the line of the C. & E.,- is quite as good for this purpose and is much lighter, thereby removing the great objection to the use of flr. ,,-;.;,,-The fact that the factory has failed twice -heretofore, is not discouraging to : the new pro moters of the enterprise. They have been made familiar " with the splendid advantages offered by this section, and the cause of former failures. In the first in stance, the manager killed it by overstocking; and its last mana ger came to the position totally inexperienced. L When these Eastern gentle men arrive here next month they should be extended every courtesy and unstinted encour agement. The opening of the factory means" employment for from fifty to one hundred men, besides the work to be supplied through lines radiating from the factory; in the forests, on the railroads, at the mills, etc. It will form a nucleus for other manufactories, which together with our farming, dairying and other industries will furnish the community with ample revenue for a thriving community. Local Oratorical Contest. Tonight, at the Armory; will occur the contest which will de termine who shall represent the college in the inter-collegiate oratorical contest to be - held in this city, March 8th. The pro gram, which is to be interspersed with vocal and instrumental se lections, will begin at 7:30. Following are the contestants and the subjects treated: Phila delphian society, Thomas Bilyeu, "The Elevation and Preserva tion ot the .Chinese Empire;" Sorosis, Miss Ivy Burtou, "True Ivife;" Pierians,. Miss Pearl Al len, "College Patriotism ;"v Fer onians, Miss Ethel Kyle, "Edu cation;" Amicitas, Herman Tar tar, "The Trend of Democracy;" student Jjody, Jack Dempsey, "The Mission of the American Flag." Two sets of judges' will select the winner. Dr. MacLain, Mrs, Humbert and Prof. Berehtold will pass upon the papers, while delivery will be marked by other judges. An entrance fee of $10 is charged for participation in the state contest and to cover this sum an admission fee of ten Gents will be charged tonight. A Good Year's Work. Sunday, February 3, was the first of anniversary of the Beaver Creek Y. P. S. C. E. A short program ,ras rendered consist ing of a recitation by Thella B Rickard , select reading, 4 'Means of Grace," Wm. Quick; instru mental solo, Vena Rickard; select reading, "The Marble Waitefch, What Will. You do With It," Bertie Mercer; recita tion, selection from Evangeline, Lottie Butler; short address by Rev. Peterson. Officers were elected for the following year. A very good years work has been done by this little society with prospects of better work ia the future Iottie Butler, - President Additional Local John Smith was appointed ad' ministrator, by the probate court. iuesday, ot Mrs. Mary Smith, de ceased. The estate is valued in the neighborhood of $4,000. Numerous influential citizens ap peared before the commissioners' court at its session yesterday after noon to urge : upon that body the great necessity of a free ferry at this point. The concensus of opin ion, locally at least is in favor- of such an enterprise. Another mat ter which engaged the attention of the court was the purchase of a rock-crusher. Numerous petitions from various portions cf the county askod that this be done. Sweat and fruit acids will not dis color j?fDuS dyed with Putnam Fade less Dyes. Sold by Grahtm & Wells. Tiy this Office for Job Work. What Will Result. J. T. . Appersen, of Oregon ;Ctty, president of the board of regents of the O A O, arrived in Corvallis, Monday. He came up to overlook affairs at the college, and it is known that he was joined here by Architect Bur graff, of Albany. This seems to augur well for affairs at the school. For some time it has been the intention of the regents to im prove the system of toilets, the heating plant, and make various improvements of - the grounds that will have the effect of mak ing everything more healthful and beautiful. A couple or more years ago when the old mechanical hall burned down, it was wondered if the building would be rebuilt, or if a horticultural and agricul tural building would replace the one burned down. This, of tourse was the talk of the people outside of the authorities. Now there is a sort of a general feel ing that something permanent is about to be inaugurated at the college as a result of the recent ly acquired appropriation of $25, 000. It is also rumored, possi bly without foundation, that the outcome of the matter will yet be a substantial building for hor ticultural and agricultural inter ests. It is sincerely hoped that this may prove true, as it is greatly needed. We have a mechanical hall, well equipped, now let us have the other, or agricultural Sail. As far as can be ascertained at present, there has been nothing divulged by the regents thatvwould warrant one- m stating that O A C is to have any more 'buildings, but the public keeps an eye on affairs, and this is the conclusion, or hope it has arrived at. May it prove correct. . Fifty Years a Mason. Last Wednesday evening was the occasion of an event in the history of the local Masonic fra ternity which will be long and pleasantly remembered. It marked the 50th anniversary of A. Cauthorn's membership in the order. The various lodges met in joint- session and Father Cauthorn was the guest, of the evening. Mr. Cauthorn made a short address in which he related a most interesting history of - his affiliation with the order since joining it in Mexico, Missouri, fifty years ago. Response was made by B. F. Irvine, who pre sented Mr. Cauthorn with a beautiful boquet. An address on behalf of the Eastern Star was delivered by Mrs.. Callahan, and Prof. J. B. Horner read an able paper. This program was interspersed with vocal solos by Mrs. M. S. Woodcook and Prof. J. F. Fulton, and instrumental selections by Dr. Harper and Mrs. Inez Wilson. The entertainment closed with a sumptuous banquet. No social event ever held in this city was more delightful. - . Father Cau thorn was heartily, congratulated by all present upon the length of his membership in the order and. the vigor and interest he manifested for one of his ad vanced age. Letter list. For week ending February 2, 1901. Persons calling for these letters will please etate date on which they were advertised. They will be charged at the rate of one cent each. C E Avery, Miss Effie Brown, J C Clark. 3 B Fuller. Willie Heinrick, Mrs Pearl Htint, Rev H Hansen, Mies Clary Howard. W H Ish. J K Logan, W H Millhollen. E Meeker, Kav Ottenbere. Ben Olson, Mrs J VV Phillips, Mrs John Schlaober, A G Sounds, Henry Sievers, W A Thompson, Mrs Maggie Taylor. B. W. Johnson, P. M, K In all kinds of Men's and room for Our Lare Stock. Boys' suits are a most trying problem to mothers and to us. Thev must not be too costlv. and thev must be of dura ble material and strongly made. We think we have solved this dual problem. Bring the boys around. We have a special line of boys' suits worth from $5.00 to $7.50, that will be closed out at $3.00 per suit, age 5, 6 and 7; also a line of long pants suits, age 15, 16 and 17, at one-half price. These are real bargains. Men's suits in all the popular shades and styles frorn: the $5.00 sack suit to the genteel frock suit for $16.50. We are headquarters for overcoats and nlsters. This is our strong line and we are sure to please you in style and price. See us for extra trousers; we have a full line- The Biggest Store! The Biggest Stock! The Littlest Prices! That is why we do the Biggest Eusiness, The Corvallis Store- Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated CORVALLIS AND MONROE HOURS A rtscltflf'e nf Arm A. Tlummpr ffnrtn in frimn freA trith every sack of tiny, uais, urain. Braa, snorts, Potatoes Fish, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. JOHN LENGER, Manager I Corvallis' Most Popular Eating piouse jrioneer t$a&ery AND RESTAURANT. j Fresh bread daily. A complete nuts Kept canstanuy on nana. smokers supplies a specialty. ft H. W. HALL, ,6 Mob, Printing, at this Real Estate Transfers. F Wilkinson to A Hamilton, 340 acres near Monrse; $2,400. J R Chandler to David Cath cart, 203 acres in Alsea valley; $1,900. John Hamilton to Wm Hug gins, a acres near .Monroe; $35. Examination ef Teachers for State Papars. Notice is hereby given that for the pur pose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county and state, the same being applicants for state papero, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a public examination at Corvallis, begin ning at 9 a. m. Wednesday, February 13, 1901, and continuing for three, days. The program is as follows : Wednesday Penmanship, composi tion, history, spelling, algebra, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, English literature, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, suhool law, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometery, general history, physics, psj-chology. Dated this 5th day of February, 1901. , , - G. W. Denuan, County School Superintendent. Pianos and Organs for Sale. Call at residence in -Wilkins Addition and see samples of high grade pianos and organs just unboxed. Can give bar gains on goods of the highest merit as they are shipped direct from the factory thus saving middle men's profits and giving the benefit of this economy to patrons. All invited to inspect goods. MOBDAUNT A. GOODNOUGH. . Boys' Clothing to make acd Handsome Spring Commission the latter Jj stock of candies, fruits and Proprietor. office A Boy Or young man having a fair education and desirous of serving ample time to learn a good trade or profession may find an opportunity by addressing P. O. Box No. 358, Corvallis, Oregon. The appli cant should be steady and industrious, spending his evenings at home and not on the streets or in the -various resorts. The trade referred to is along educational lines, and two or three years spent there in will afford good educational facilities for any young man, besides affording steady employment in all seasons after becoming competent. One whose home is in town preferred. Cigarette smokers need not apply. Get your Job Work done here 123,000 people are killed every year in this country by CONSUMPTION. The fault is theirs. No one need hav consumption. It is not hereditary. It is brought on by neglect. You have a slight cold and cough. You do nothing to get rid of it. Shiloh's Consumption Cure will cure a cough or cold in one night. V -Shiloh's is an unfailing euro for conghs r throat and lung troubles. It will cast coa sumption. It is a remarkable remedy." - A. E. SALTER, M. D.,- Buffalo, N. Y. SaiHoli's Consumption Care is sold by all druggists at 25c, 50c, Sl.OO a bottle. A ' Jrinted guarantee go9 with every bottle f you are not satisfied go to your druggiuf and get your money back. Write for illustrated book on consumption. Senr without cost to you. 5. C Wells & Co., LeRoy, N.V Sold Graham & Wortham,