Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 05, 1901, Image 3

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Ladies' Silk Waists
Good material. Good workman
ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each.
Mercenized cotton. Looks like
silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop
ular colors. $1.50 to $2.25 each
For fine skirt lining and for shirt
waits. Twelve shade. 60 cents per
S, E Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
P. L; Miller.
Mrs Helm is visiting in Albany
the guest of Mrs. John Althouse.
Redaction sale in all kinds of
men's and boys' clothing at Kline's
O. V. Hurt has accepted a situa
tion in the establishment of 8. L
Mordaunt Goodnough has been
. quite ill with neuralgia in his head.
At present he is somewhat 1m1
There are no new cases of diph
theria reported from Dutty and it
is sincerely hoped . that the dread
disease has run its race in that
The foot hills west of Corvallis
were covered with snow again Sat
urday. This weather will hare the
effect of keeping fruit from startiog
out too soon.
Mrs. Schultz, of Spokane, Wash.,
arrived in this city a few days ago
for a brief visit with her son, who
is attending the O A C. Mrs
"Staultz is a cousin of Mrs. P. Avery.
Miss Edna Irvine, who came
near losing her life recently by ac
cidentally inhaling chloroform,
though still quite, weak, was able
to attend college yesterday morning.-
The last issue of' the Homestead
Contains a fine article, which was
"voiced by Dr. James Withycombe,
of this oity. The address is accom
panied by a good half-tone of the
Miss Joyce Brownell ' and Rev.
Howard L. Hopkins, pastor of the
Congregational church at Paola,
Kansas, were married, in Albany
lust week. Prof. Gifford Nash
played the wedding march.
. Governor Geer issued a message
to the people of Oregon, in which
he proclaimed a half holiday in
honor of John Marshall, who was
chief justice of the supreme court of
the United States for a period of
34 years, beginning February 4,
On motion of Senator Mulkey of
Polk county, the courtesies of the
senate were extended to ex -Senator
Burnett of this county daring his
recent visit to the oapital in the
interest of the Agricultural College
and Benton county.
Mrs.' John Burnett was surprised
last week by the visit of two sisters
: from Lane county, Mrs. Lanb and
Mrs. Ran, and her brother, 1. D.
Hinton, of Benton. At this time
another sister, Mrs. Nellie Claik, of
Heppner, was present and a most
enjoyable time was experienced. .
Junction Times is responsible for
the following: County Surveyor
Collier will arrive here Tuesday to
ran the line for the new railroad
from here to Corvallis. With the
assistance of H. S. Wallace and as
y sociates it is intended to complete
the survey immediately in order to
make the required showing to
secure funds for building.
Fruitgrowers appear well satis
: fied with the weather as ityas been
of late, but some , of ourfarmers
and stockmen appear doubtful
about the matter. The farmers
seem to think that it may have a
bad effect on the fall-sown wheat,
while stock raisers are pretty cer
tain that it has not been ideal
weather for growing grass.
A week or two ago mention was
made of the fact that . the family'of
David Hood, living a few miles
south of Philomath, were all
afflicted with the measles and that
Johnny Irwin, Mrs. Hood's brother
had gone to assist in nurBing them.
Mrs. Hood is now reported to be
out of danger, but it is feared that
one ef the children will not recover.
Members of O A C Battalion held
coart-martial Friday evening in
ihe . presence of quite a number of
people. The subject ' court-mar
tialed was One of the sergeants,
Frank Milihollen, and he was
charged with having posted one of
'the battalion recruits on guard at
the girl's dormitory the last place
on earth where there was need oi
a guard. Both sides of the case
was ably presented, but it was evi-
dent from the first that Sergeant
Millhollenwas a doomed man. He
was found guilty and Sentenced to
bo shot at 2 p. m. Saturday..: We
are pleased to state th at a reprieve
arrived at the last moment, which
granted him life and liberty. It
was a good mock affair.
W. A. Sanders, the best watch
Rev. J. H. Skidmore will preach
ai me Aieinoaist iipiscopal church
eacn evening this week.
Mrs. E. A. Martin returned home
Friday from a four-weeks' visit
with relatives at Springfield. .
Henry Dunn was in town, Satur
day, after a severe attack of la
grippe, which lasted several weeks.
Wanted one hundred dozen fresh
ranch eggs daily, for which we will
pay the highest Portland price.
F. L. Milled
If Lebanon keeps her "lick" up
she will soon have considerable
population she has five pairs ef
twins attending the .public school.
S. L. Kline left, Saturday, for . a
visit with his family in San Fran
cisco. Mr. Kline was not enjoying
the best of health when he de
parted. ;'
8. L. Kline has the agency of
Leob & Co. custom-made shirts, the
most famous in America. Come in
and see the beautiful patterns and
have your measure taken in any
style you want. Prices $1.25 to
$3 each, at Kline's.
A team from this city, com nosed
of ten or a dozen Woodmen of the
World, will go out to Philomath,
Friday evening, to assist in the
work of initiating a number of men
into the mysteries of the order. A
good time is anticipated.
An exchange, speaking of the
effort to divide the State Arricul-
tural College, says that "it is
scarcely the proper province of the
state to bestow an education upon
all who desire it." It also asks the
question, "Are wo to have no more
'self-mado men?' "
SuB't Denman has issued the
following certificates of perfect at
tendance to the following pupils
who have neither been absent nor
tarty for three months: Cora
Chandler, Ewert Chandler, John
Longbottom, Frank Edwards, Eta
Phillips, Frank Peek, Freddie Peek
and Myrtle Hastings.
Claude Riddle arrived in Grants
Pass Friday to assume a position
as local editor and reporter for the
Observer. He was recently the
printer of the Barometer, the col
lege publication at Corvallis. Mr.
Riddle is a very pleasant gentle
man and we are glad to welcome
him to Grants Pass. Courier.
At the recent term of the Lincoln'
county circuit court, the case of G.
b . Lackey, administrator of the es
tate of Mrs. L. A. S. Luckey, de
ceased, against Lincoln county was
granted a change of venue to Linn
county. 1 his is (he case that re
sulted from the death' of Mrs.
Luckey, laBt summer, caused by
collapse of a defective bridgef near
An effort is being made at the
legislature to pass, a new" game
law. It is the desire to formulate a
law that will, as nearly as possible,
meet with the approbation of the
sportsmen, farmers and game
eaters. There is plenty of oppor
tunity for an improvement in the
game laws of Oregon -and it is sin.
cerely- hoped that something bene
ficial will result from the effort.
T. H. B. Helm, who was a euoBt
during the sumiaer, of Mrs. F. A.'
Helm, of this city, writing from !
his home at J us tin, : Texas, says:
''We have had a beautiful winter,
in fact, too warm for our people; i
no storms, no snow, no ice thicker
than a knife blade, no northers,
and but little frost. Wheat is
fine, plowing for spring planting is
nearly done and gardening will;
commence next month."
Oregon has done less in propor
tion to its population for the promo
tion of agricultural education than
most other states and - has never
provided the existing college with
half the equipment it ought to have.
If there is to be a second agricul
tural college it should be supported
by the state, yne strong experi
ment station, properjy equipped,
is worth ten times as much as two
weak concerns 'incapable of doing
first-class work of any kind. Ore
gon Agriculturist. 1. c
It is said that William A. E.
Moore, khownas "Badger" Moore,
wearing stripes in Sing Sing prison,
has fallen heir to $125,000. He
has served only two years of a nine
teen years' , sentence for robbing
Martin Mahon. The fortune jvas
left ta him by his uncle, Capt. John
W. Moore of Cleveland, Ohio, who
died a few days ago. With -the
means now at his command, Moore
hopes before many months to be
released." His case has gone before
the court of appeals arid will be ar
gued in March. His wife, Fayne
Moore, is appearing1 in London in
"The Society Girl." '".
Col. Dosoh, speaking: of the an
nual convention of Oregon fruit
growers, to be held in Po.-tl and,
February 5-7, says that "the local
horticulturists ia Oregon should
take more interest than they are
showing in the convention, and it
means a great deal to the fruit in
terests of the Northwest. . Since
people are coming across the conti
nent to attend, he believes the peo
ple here should show their appre
ciation of the fact by turning out
in large numbeis. Aside from all
other motives, the fact that it is to
their interest to attend should be
inducement enough, so believes the
mako $50,000,
Born, in this city, February 2nd,
to the wife of Geo. W.-Irvine, . an
eight pound girl.1 .
Miss Viola Johnson is quite ill
with pneumonia, at the home of
her mother in Job's Addition, u
tf, li. Miller has workmen en
gaged at the task of making im
provements in the grocery de
partment of his establishment.
Mrs. George Kerr and sen, Moit,
returned home Saturday from a
week's visit at the home of Mr.
John Whitaker. south of Corvallis.
Sunday, at the Catholio church,
Father Jurek announced the en
gagement of Carl G. Hodes, of this
oity, and Miss Margaret Krapp, of
Henry Stuart is now employed
in the state printing offie at' Salem.
Henry is well known in this city,
where he was one of the craft for a
number of years.
Charley Hodaon, formerly of
this city, is now a member of the
orchestra at "The Lou vie," in San
Fra.no1sco, one of the finest musical
organizations in that city.
A public meeting is to be held at
the court house this evening. A
D. Hale and J. D. Stephens will at
this time reveal the mysteries of
social democracy to the uninitiated.
The Farmers' Short Course at;
the O A C closed Thursday evening.
There were public exercises held in
the chapel in the evening, in the
course of which Dr. Withycombe
Prof. Lake and Prof. Cordley made
addresses. ,
Yesterday marked the beginning
01 the second term of four and one-
half months at the Corvallis public
school. Ihe teachers are very de
sirous that new student who. intend
going to school this term should be
gin at once. . -
Mi's. J. P. Wilson died at her
home at Wells, Oregon, Thursday,
of heart disease. . The funeral
occurred at the Evangelical church
at Wells, at 11 o'clock ' Saturday
morning, and interment was made
in Locke cemetery. . .
Sunday's Oregonian devotes a
full page to an article concerning
Julius Caesar Taylor, formerly the
property of the late B. T. Taylor,
of this city. The article is illus
trated'with numerous cuts of this
distinguished colored orator, actor
and politician.
A handsome book-case containing
135 volumes by " standard ' authors,
was recently presented to the Cor
vallis order of Odd Follows by the
children of the. late Mr. and Mrs.
L. G- Kline, in memory of their
parents. The various local lodges
of the order intend making this the
nucleus of. a suitable library for
their members.
Dr. Cathey, who was called to at
end the son of Mr! and Mrs. Cur
is, when ire was seized with con-"
ulsions, states that the ohild is in
he first stages of Bright's disease.
Aa examination proved the exist
ence of albuminuria, but whether
in acute or chronio form is not yet
determined. It is rare to find one
so young showing these symptoms.
However, the child has been greatly
relieved, and should the case prove
to be 01 acute form there is reason
to hepe for a speedy recovery. '; .:
Conductor Charley Berry, of the
S. P. freight,. reports having switch-:
ed two carloads of - onions Over the
C. & E., from here to Albany, re
cently. '"These onions were con
signed to California parties. In
this connection it may be stated
that a great deal of freight from
Portland is nt south over this
route,-as it cheaper than to pay
toll over the steel bridge at the
metropolis. Such being the case,
one may be excused for wondering
why in the world the West Side
line is hot extended on to Junction
City. -. .
Exercises were held yesterday by
the bar association of all the states,
m celebration of 'Tohn Maishall
day."; In this city the following
program was held at the college:
Overture "Golden ; Cresent" Col
lege Band address, "The Relation
of Federal Court to National Gov
ernment," E. E. '"? Wilson, Esq.;
march, "American Eagle," .College
Band; address, , Judge W. .8. Mc
Faddenjr "The Ruined Chapel,"
Male Quartet; address, Judge John
Burnett; .March, "Lotus Club,"
College Band. . - H ; A -
The return game of football be
tween the Cauthoru Hall and down
town elevens was played on the
college campus Saturday afternoon.
The team from the hall h&i been
greatly strengthened, and the large
number of spectators, who braved
the blustery ; weather,' were treated
to a rattling . good -.exhibition- of
football. Although the ' playing
was fast and furious, the beat of
feeling prevailed and no injuries re
sulted. The down town team
scored a touchdown hear the close
-of each halt but failed to kick
goals, the final. score being 10 to 0.
. Albert J. Metzger- is an exper
ienced watchmaker and ieweler
Hi place of business is three doors
north of the postoffice.
Try this Office for Job Work.
If you " want to -catch
Pat Crowe.
Corvallis Bar Resolutions.
On the convening of the coun
ty court,, yesterday morning at 10
o'clock, these resolutions in com
memoration of the life and service
of John Marshall were presented
to the court by the bar. Ad
dresses -were made by Judge Eur-
nett, Mr. Wallis Nash, W. E.
Yates and W. S. McFadden, with
a response by the court. The fol
lowing are the resolutions: '
Whereas, The American peo
pie generally, have decided to
commemorate the accession of
Chief Justice John Marshall to
the supreme bench of the United
States, as "John Marshall day"
and the the state bar association
01 Oregon , has decided to join
in the observance of this day, out
of respect to a great jurist, and a
good man. therefore, be it
Resolved, That, on the rooth
anniversary ol the accession 01
John Marshall to- the high and
honorable position of chief justice
of the supreme court of the Unit
ed States, we, the Benton county
bar, take a pride in doing honor
to his memory as one of the first
lawyers of his age, and placing
on the records of this court this
slight tribute to his great ability
as a judge.
Resolved, That his appoint
ment to the office of secretary , of
war, secretary of state, minister
to France, and chief justice of
the supreme court of. the United
States, all within nine months; is
a recognition of merit, ability and
patriotism which is without a
parallel, and stamps him as, a
great man .
Resolved, That in his thirty
four years service as chief justice,
presiding all the while with ''na
tive dignity and unpretending
" he did
more to mold
the new government
on lines to
make it a blessing to the people
than any man then living.
' Resolved, That his career as
chief justice,, in view of his able
opinions, his solid judgment,
great, reasoning . powers, acute
arid penetrating mind with man
ners and habits to suit the purity
and sancity of the ermine, is the
pride of the American bar.
Resolved, - That the thirty-
five volumes of the reports of de
cisions of the supreme court of
the United States , is a. monu
ment to the ability, integrity and
purity of Chief Justice Marshall;
more lasting than marble, ; more
beautiful than bronze, and as im
perishable as the American Re
public. ; - -.
Resolved, That the court be
requested to spread these - resolu
tions upon the ; journals of ; the
court, and as a further mark of
respect to the memory of John
Marshall that the court do now
adjourn. , '
Respectfully submitted,
- John Burnett, .
W. S. McFadden,
" - . W. E. Yates,
E. Holgate,
E. .E. Wilson.
February 4, 1901.
Eugene Field Day.
Friday, February 1st . was
Eugene Field Day, and the occa
sion was appropriately observed
in Mrs. Nelm's grade of the pubr
lie ' school: The afternoon was
given up to exercises consisting
of songs and recitations from the
pen of Field, rendered by the
children. A short bioerafehv of
this great friend of the little
ones, was given by a clss of
small tots, eaeh one recitiner a
paragraph. An interesting fea
ture was an example of the
phonic method of spelling given
by the pupils. The ability of
the children of six or seven years
of age to pre&emnce diffioult
words readily was a surprise to
those who had learned t8 read
under the old method. Too
much cann be said in praise
of the , efficient . work of Mrs.
Itf elms and the pupils in her
department, t The class room
was filled with' an appreciative
audience. At the close of the
regular program, ; remarks- were
made by Sup't G. ;-W. Denman,
Principal A. S. McDonald, "Rev.
McLain and Rev,. Mark Noble.
- S. L. Kline has placed his spring
order with the largest cloak and
suit house in the United States for
tailor made suits, silk waists, sum
mer capes and dress skirts. Due
notice will be given of their arrival.
All goods are . alike to Futman
Fadeless Dyes as - they color all
fibers at one boiling. , Sold by
Graham & Wells , -
Watch for . the Newsboys' Band -parade
at 3 o'cipck.? : ;- -i
His Eye Removed.
Louis " Edwards returned the
latter part of last week from Sa
lein, leaving his sou,: Frankie,
down there under the care of Dr.
Gillis. The boy was so ' unfor
tunate as to have his eve iniured
a short time ago while' attending
school at his home near Dusty.
The little fellow and his play
mates were enjoying a reoess and
one of the boys threw . an oyster
can at another, who struck it
with a ball-bat. The' can flew
and strack Frankie Edwards in
the eye, with the above result.
After the boy heard the opinion
of Dr. Gillis, at Salem, he be
came desirous of having the eye
He was taken to the sanitar
ium for an .operation, and placed
in bed. Here he got pretty ner
vous, but his father talked to
him for awhile and he calmed
down and finally dronned off to
sleep. After he went to sleep he
was chloroformed and the eye re
moved. After awakening he
asked his sister, who accompan
ied him down there, if his eve
had been taken out She said
it had, and he remarked, "Oh,
I'm so glad." It is now thought
that he will soon recover. hn ha
is obliged to remain under the
oare of Dr. Gillis for a1 sWf
time as the other eve was some-
wnat anectefl. .
Katie Emmett Ce. Tonight.
The sensational melodrama.
"The Waifs of New York," will
be presented at the Opera House
tonight. . Morft laughs, more
thrills, more tears, more excite
ment, and more pleasure than
in any play of the century, See
the railroad bridge scene, J the
wonderful fire scenes, and the
thrilling swing for life. All new
scenery and startling meohanical
enects. This play is true to
nature . portraying scenes of
actual life. iPrices kc, mc. 7.
Parade at 3:30 this afternoon. ".,
Yesterday's Ballot.
Salem. Feb. 4. A feeling
prevails here : that something
dehuue is about to happen ia
the senatorial contest. Tomorrow
possibly, will mark an import-
u - .-I. - i : r r -a
sui cjjui-u iu iuc iuc 01 some vjix
egonian. Todays ballot result
ed as follows: Corbett, 39; Mc
Brlde, 20: Hermann, 7: Ful
ton, 7.
Letter List.
For week ending February 2, 1901.
Persons calling for these letters will
please state date on which they were
advertised. They will be charged at the
rate of one cent each. -"
C E Avery, Miss Effie Brown, J C
Clark, J B Fuller, Willie Heinrick, Mrs
Pearl Hunt, Eev H Hansen, Miss Clary
Howard, W H Ish, J E Logan, W H
Milihollen, E Meeker, Kay Ottenberg,
Ben Olson, Mrs J W Phillips, Mrs Joha
Schlaober, A 6 Sounds, Henry Sievers,
V A Thompson, Mrs Maggie Taylor..
B..W. Johnson, P. M.
Note Lest.
A certain promissory note in favor of
Martha Jane Felton, bearing date at
Corvallis, Or., Jan. 2, 1901, secured by
mortgage of even date, signed by Sarepta
Harlan and J. B. Harlan. ;
Mabtha Jane Felton.
Corvallis, Jan. :J9, 1901.
A. Boy
Or young man having a fair education
and desirous of serving ample time to
learn a good trade or profession may find
an opportunity by addressing P. O. Box
No. -358, Corvallis, Oregon. The appli
cant should be steady and industrions,
spending his evenings at home and not
on the streets or in the various resorts.
The trade referred- to is along educational
lines, and two or three years svent there
in will afford good educational facilities
for any young man, besides affording
steady employment in all seasons after
becoming competent. One whose home
is in town preferred. Cigarette smokers
need not apply.
For .50 Years
mothers have been giving their
children for croup, coughs and
colds " . -
Mothers have you Shiloh in
the house at all times? Do
you know just where you can
-End it if you need it quickly
if your little one is gasping
md choking with croup? - If
you haven't it get a bottle.
It will save your child's life.
"Shiloh always cored my baby of croup,
coughs and colds. I would not be without it.
MRS. J. B. MARTIN, Huntsville, Ala.-
Shiloh'a Consumption Cnre la aoMbyall
IrngRtsts at KSo, fiOc, Sl.OO a bottle. A
frlnted guarantee goes with erery bottle,
f yoa are not satisfied go to your druggist
and g-et your money back. - . -i- .-
Write for illustrated book on consumption. " Sent
without cost to you. S. O. Wells & Co., LeRoy, N. Y .
Sold b - Graham & Wortham.
In all kinds of Men's and Boys' Clothing to make
room for Our Lare and Handsome Spring
Stock. ' -
I Boys' suits are a most trying problem to mothers and to
' us. They must not be too costly, and they must be of dura
ble material and strongly made. We think we have solved
this dual problem. Bring the boys around.
; We have a special line of boys' suits worth from $5.00 S
to $7.50, that will be closed out at $3.00 per suit, age 5, 6 ' '
and 7; also a line of long pants suits, age 15, 16 and 17, at (
one-nair price, l nese are real bargains.
Men's suits in all the popular shades and styles from
the $5.00 sack suit to the genteel frock suit for $16.50.
We are headquarters for overcoats and ulsters. This is
our strong line and we are sure to please you in style and
price. ,
See us for extra trousers we have a full line-'
The Biggest Store! The Biggest Stock! The Littlest Prices!
That is why we do' the Biggest Business,
The Corvallis Commission
Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated '
- A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given free with
every sack of the latter
Hay, Oats, Grain. Bran, Shorts, Potatoes
Fish, Ekks, Poultry, Etc "
- - - .
sistittstttttAt a a
The Commercial Restaurant
" and Bakery. -
Fresh Bread, Cakes, JPies, Etc.
' . jKept Cpnttaatly on Hand.esrt . . . A ' ; J
Leave orders for Dressed
in Season.
C. C. CHIPMAN, Proprietor. ;
CorvaUis; Most Popular Eating Housd
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits . and
. nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty.
j H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
fgJt Printing.
at this
Chickens. Yaqulaa Oysters