fflHiave made wonderful price reductions during our Annual Sale on every article -in ocr extensive, stock, except W. L Douglas S3 shoes, Walk Over shoes and Maiarch white shirts. All other lines slaughtered. Nolan & Callahan. THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE. FR1TUY, FEBRUARY 1,1901. Ladies' Silk Waists Good material. Good workman ship. jNew Styles. $7 to $10 eaeh. Underskirts Mercenized cotton. Looks like silk. Wears as well as eilk. Pop ular colors. SI. 50 to $2.2 each Taffeline For fine skirt linings and for shirt woita. Twelve shade. 50 cents per S & Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS. F. L. Miller. Tomorrow is "Ground Hog Day." Reduction sale in all kinds of msn's and boy 3' clothing at'Kline's Your produce bought at Port land prices Miller he pays the freight. Fred Overlander went over to the Big Elk country, Tuesday, to remain a couple of weeks. The public should not fail to at tend the exercises at the college on John Marshall day, Monday, Feb ruary 4th. T. J. Bnford, Indian agent at the Silefz Reservation, left this week for a month's visit in South ern California. Thomas Monleith was on the street yesterday for the first time for several weeks, and is slowly re covering from a severe illness. Herald. Robert JohnBon, of Corvallis, for merly editor of the Times of that city, is in Eugene. He is the same Did Bob of old. Still unmarried. Guard. History and human nature prove that men have always fought over women. Linn and Lane county are now quarreling over the Three Sisters and yet they tell us that the world is growing better. We have no reduction sale on sugar, to speak of, but we do give a dollar's worth for a. dollar and pay you more for your produce than yiu can get 'most any where else. F L. Miller, the farmers' fiiend. The majority of Corvallis gentle men who visited Salem during the past week, while the people of this city and county were on the anx ious chair awaiting certain actions of the slate legislators, have re turned home. Attorney J. F. Yates came out Wednesday from Toledo, where he had been in attendance at the Lin coln county circuit court. Fred is : reported to have been quite ill for a short time during his visit over there. Ha is feeling himself again. The - following notice appears among the Central Point items in Valley Record: Rev. Mr. Adams, of Corvallis, is holding evening meetings in the Baptist church, in the interest of the Church of God. He says he is not a Seventh or a First Day Adventist, but doesn't deny being a. soul sleeper. Quite extensive preparations will be made by the Masons for the re ception to be tendered A. Cauthorn next Wednesday evening. On February 6th it will be fifty years since he joined the order of Ma sonry, and it is rare, indeed, to meet a man who has belonged to any order for such a large number of years. Prof. Albion W. Small, of the Chicago University, in a recsnt leo ture delivered at the U of 0, re marked as follows: "Had I this life to live again I would gladly spend 50 yeais in securing an edu cation, provided I was guaranteed ten or fifteen years in which to ap ply the acquired knowledge. . It is reported that mgpy goats are dying in the southern part of Polk county. U. S. Grant, who is an expert on diseases of goats, states that the cause of death of the goats, and sheep, too, is due to worms. This is getting pretty olose to Ben ton county and our sheep and goat raisers had best look out for the worms. Attorneys W. E. Yates and W. S. McFadden, who attended the circuit court of Lincoln county, ar rived home from Toledo Tuesday The term was very brief, being dis Kiitsed Tuesday, the second day of sestion. There were no cases of any moment: only one jury case, and it resulted in a non-suit. The jury was discharged Monday after noon. The young son of Mr. and Mrs Curtis, who reside next door to the Opera House, was the cause of con siderable alarm laesctay evening. Th childVas suddenly seized with convulsions between six and seven o clock in evening. Iney were auite violent ana pnysicians were summoned post haste. The child : is still low'and there seems to be some doubt regarding the cause of Sanders, the best watch Portland prices paid for prduce F. L. Miller, the farmer's friend. Mr. and Mrs. Rhmebart, of Union county, were visiting their sen at College during this week. Preaching service in the Mt. View fcchool house Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Rev. Boozer will preach. Don't forget that there will be a game of football fjr you to attend at t:30 tomorrow afternoon, at the college. The Katie Emmet Co. will ap pear here next Tuesday evening in the sensational melo-drama, the "Waifs of New York." License to wed was granted, Wednesday, to Carl G- Schoel and Miss Minnie E. Goff. The young people are both of Fairmount. Didn't we tell you so? we're pay ing Portland prices for produce 24 cents for eggs, everything else in proportion. F. L. Milleb. County Superintendent George W. Denman, of Benton county, is in Salem for a few days, visitins the session of the legislature. Statesman. Rev. L. M. Boozer will occupy the pulpit of the United Evangeli cal church Sunday morning and evening. Topics of interest and profit will be presented. A cordial welcome awaits all. iiunung matches were the eo for a time. Lake county parties recently indulged in a rabbit hunt for a supper. One side killed 194 rabbits, while the other secured 182. No jaybirds were listed. S. L. Kline has placed his spring order with the largest cloak and suit house in the United States for tailor made suits, silk waists, sum mer capes and dress skirts. ' Due notice will be given of their arrival. 0. F. Gillette was kicked on the leg by a vicious horse Tuesday. tie was shoeing the animal and the blow struck him on the leg, making quite a severe bruise, though not serious enough to detain him from his work. As is the custom, when five Wed nesdays occur in one luonth, the. Knight and Lady Maccabees met in joint session last Vvednesday evening. A program had been ar ranged and refreshments were served. A delightful time is re ported. Judge George H. Burnett pre sided at the recent term of circuit court held Lincoln,, in place of Judge Hamilton. The latter was obliged to be absent in California on account of his wife's health.' Judse Burnett is circuit iudge of theUrd judicial district." -- A series of grand gospel meetings are to be held, at the Christian church, this city, beginning next Sunday. These seryices will be conducted by G. S. O. Humbert and Ella M. Humbert, pastors of the church. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Little Miss Nellie Barnhart was given a birthday, party the other day, she having reached the twelfth mile stone on the road of Life. She was visited by eight of her little friends with big dolls. Quite a joyons time resulted for the little girls and Nellie received some yery nice presents. The little girls pres ent were: Frankie Hout, Winona Woodward, Modesta Rosendorf, Ethel Norton, Ethel Waiters, Cecil Rowland, Gertrude Nolan and Helen Raber. People did take kindly to "A Turkish Bath." There is much in a name, and the suggestion of any kind of a bath this sort of weather meets with a frost. The company was a capable one,: but " few ven tured out to see them. Those few seemed highly entertained and en joyed the sport immensely. Now, had "La Mascotte" been advertised, for this is really what was played, the card would have proved a bet ter drawing one. The players were competent, the singing acceptable, and the costuming excellent. In short, those who attended received their monny's worth. The decision that the bicycle tax law was not eonstitulional may possibly lead to trouble. There has already been inquiry at the clerk's office regarding the proba bility of the money that was col lected in this county as a bicycle tax being refunded. There being no proyision for such a state of affairs, the party not having signed away his right or interest in the money to the county, he was in formed that he would have to pro ceed against the county, as it was not in the power of the county clerk to refund anv sum collected as a bicycle tax. . Clerk Watters and Deputy Moes have been quite busy for the past two weeks working on the tax rolls. They would have had them ready to turn over to Sheriff Burnett within a few days had not the one mill scalp tax come up and de layed matters . As it is, they will now await oihcial notice from the secretary of state before rush ing the work. This extra tax of one mill will necessitate overhaul ing and adjusting the entire tax roll. It is roughly estimated that Benton county will pay about $2,500 dollars this year for coyote scalps in Eastern Oregon. It will take a lot of varmints to be worth W. A. maker. that to this county. THE MASS MEETING. Some Stirring Speeches were Made nttd Numerous Resolutions Adopted. At the meeting of citizens held at the court house Wednesday evening, the committees appoint ed to investigate the various mat ters of legislation effecting the welfare of the city, now pending before the legislature, reported what progress had been made. Three sets of resolutions were adopted, as follows: Whereas, Bills have been in troduced in the legislature look ing to a division of the Agricul tural College, therefore, be it Resolved, That we are op posed to- said movement, for the reason that it would be bad poli cy to undertake to divide said college, would be utterly ruinous to the school and cripple it in its efforts to benefit the young peo ple and result in lasting injury to the best interests of all the people of the state. Resolved, That the legisla ture of the state in 1868-1870 provided a State Agricultural College to receive the endow ments of the Morrill Act of 1862, and the endowments of the Hatch Act of 1887, and the-Mor rill Act of 1890, coming to it and vesting in it by the forces and language of those acts. There is no authority given by those acts, or either of them, to divide or divert the college tunas, or any portion of them. It having come to our knowl edge that a petition is being cir culated in the north end of this county .asking that the legisla ture to cut off a piece of this county four miles wide and seven miles long and attach the same to Linn county, therefore, be it Resolved, That as Linn coun ty is now more than four times as large as Benton -county, and as our county has been divided and cut up until we only have "very little over the constitutional mini mum of 400 square miles left, we emphatically oppose this scheme to further despoil our territory and give it to our rich neighbor who could cut off from their vast territory an area the size of Benton county and never miss it. Whereas, It appears that some amendments to the city charter needed in order to give the com mon council power to aid in establishing a free ferry at this point and to provide for the con struction of later sewers: there fore, be it Resolved, That the mayor be requested to call a speeial meet ing of the council at an early day as possible, to consider what amendments should be made to the charter to the end that they may may be made during the present session of the legislature. The Eastern Stars. The order of Eastern Star, of this city, met Tuesday night in regular meeting and to entertain Mrs. Jessie Vert, of Pendleton, who is Worthy Grand Matron. Mrs. Vert is on a tour of inspec tion, and while here witnessed the manner in which the Stars of Corvallis did their ritualistic work. From what has always been said of the work of the local Stars in the past, it goes without saying that she found everything satisfactory. After the secret work was over the evening was devoted to social conversation and music, vocal and instrumental. During the evening, the Ladies' Mandolin and Guitar Club played a couple of very nice selections, to the en joyment of those present. A delicious banquet was given just before the close of ', the meeting, much to the appreciation of all. Mrs. Vert went from here to Southern Oregon, where she will continue, her work as Worthy Grand Matron. Hodes-Brookwalter. The wedding of Mr. Carl Hodes and Miss Flora Brook- waiter occurred at the home of the bride's parents in this city, Wednesday evening, January 30. The ceremony was performed by Dr. E. T. Thompson m the presence of the bride's mother, Mrs. C. E. Brookwalter, the par ents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. A.- Hodes, and the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Wueste feldt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt, of Albany, Carl G. Hodes and membersof both fami lies. The groom is a popular and industrious young gentleman who has lived in the city all his life. For a number of years " he has acted as salesman in his father's store, which position he retains, His bride is a highly esteemed young lady, For the present the oouple will make their home with the bride's rjaotlser. , Passed Both Houses. Telephonic advises from Salem yesterday conveys the intelligence that the bill to divide the Agri cultural College has been with drawn, and a substitute offered for the establishment of an in dustrial school at Union. The bill provides for an appropria tion of $20,000 for the erection of buildings and $5,000 annually ior maintenance The house, Wednesday, passed the Nichols bill increasing the appropriation; lor the college. A synopsis of the bill was pub lished in the GAZETTE of January 2$ia. it provides lor $30,000 lor this year and.: $25, 000 an nually thereafter, Slieht oppo sition was offered. Whitney, of L,mn, had something to say on tne ground ol economy, but Mr, Nichols met all objections. Eddy, of Tillamook, spoke in lavor ot the section. He believed in extending the helping hand to an educational institution that has become well founded and en trenched in the hearts of the peo pie of Oregon. The section was adopted, there being but tew opposing votes, ine remaining sections were adopted without discussion, the bill reported back to the house and passed. Whitney, Reaves, Watson, Rice, Montague and In graham voted in the negative. Yesterday the bill passed the senate unanimously, and now awaits the governor's signature. Executive approval is unques tioned. Married. A quiet wedding oocurred at the home of Mrs. F. A. Alexan der in Kings Valley, Sunday evening, Jan 27, the contracting parties being Mr. J. P. Isbell and Mrs. F. A. Alexander, both of Kings Valley. Mr. Isbell, the groom, has resided in Kings Valley for several years, and is quiet, gentlemanly and courteous, in his dealings with others. He is identified with Mr. R. Dunn, as proprietor of the Kings Valley flour mills, and is highly respect ed by all his acquantainces. Mrs. Alexander, the bride, is also well known, numbering among her acquaintances all the leading families of that valky. The marriage ceremony was per formed by -. the . Rev. T. T. Vin cent iu the presence of the near relatives of the bride and a few invited guests. A host of friends wish them a long and pleasant married life. Visitor. Bicycle Tax Illegal. The supreme court ef this state has ruled that the bieycle tax is illegal. The decision was hand ed down by Judge Moore. Four points are decided. First, the burden imposed by the act is held to be a tax rather than a license. Second, it is decided that the act is local. Third, the law is void as contravening the state constitution. Fourth, the act Operates to produce a double assessment of bicycles. in violation of the state constitu tion. The Illinois case delaring unconstitutional the act under which the Oregon law is modeled is cited on this point. After citing several text-writ ers and adjudged cases the court says: "It is evident, we think, from a consideration of the - en tire act, that it was primarily designated as a means of raising revenue, and the burden thus imposed must be treated as a tax and sot a license." Special Council Meeting? Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the city council of the city of Coryallis is called to meet in the council chambers of said city, on Monday, Feb ruary 4th at 7 ;30 p. m. to consider and take action on any amendments that may be offered to the city charter. A full attendance, not only of the mem bers of the city council, bat of the citi zens of Corvallis, is urgently requested to be present as matters la which all are interested are liable; to come before the meeting for action by the council. " - J. W. Crawford, Mayor. January 31, 1901. Note Lost. A certain promissory note in favor of Martha Jane Felton, bearing date at Corvallis, Or., Jan. 2, 1901, secured by mortgage of even date, signed by Sarepta Harlan and J. R. Harlan. Maktha Jake Felton. Corvallis, Jan. :!9, 1901. Don't forget Nolan & Callahan' Great Reduction Sale. Albert J. Metzger is an exper ienced watchmaker and jeweler. Hia.place of business is three doors north of the postoffice. Try this Office for Job Work. Additional Local Mr. Titus Ranney returned to Summit yesterday, after a short visit in this city. There was a dance at Summit last night. 011 Gerhard attended in his best suit of clothes. ur. viinycjn3De returned irom Salem, yesterday.- It is saying no more than is dun him, 1 3 state that the services of no one, who took an active part in defeating the nionosed division of the college, were uore effective than his. His colleagues in this matter are loud in their praise of his worth. Mrs. Ella Eehn, wife of Geo. F. Eglin, died at her home in this city Wednesday evening, after a lingermg illness, her ailment being pleuropneumonia. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. Mark Noble at the Baptist church to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment will take pkee at Crystal Lake cemetery. When Dr. Tames Withvcombe visited the Live Stock Show at Chi cago a short time ago he purchased a couple of fine young rams for the O AC. A week or two ago men tion was made of the arrival of the Shropshire. Wednesday, the Cots- wold yearling arrived. It came through in good shape and is pro nounced by competent judges to be a yery valuable animal. We erred last issue in savins' that the bill amending the charter of Corvallis had passed both houses. t passed the senate last week, but when it came up in the house Tues day morning Representative Nich ols moved that its further consider ation be indefinitely postponed. Butts ot Yamhill wanted to know why such action was sought, and Nichols explained that at a recent mass meeting of a large maioritv of the citizens of Corvallis, the desire was expressed not to have the pro posed amendments Become a law. The motion of Nichols was carried, and the Corvallis charter amend ment bill was practically killed. Talent, combined with a stirring play full of strong situations, is what the management offers their patrons in Katie Emmett and "The Waifs of New York," at the Opera House next Tuesday evening. "The Waifs of New York" tells of things, people and happenings made familiar to us by every day reading of newspapers, and places them on the stage in the most at tractive style. The mechanical and scecic effects are startling in their originality and elegance, and never fail to raise an audience to the greatest enthusiasm... Of Katie Emmett, the star, too much in praise has been written by the critics of the newspapers to need any lengthy encomium here ". All goods are alike to Potman Fadeless Dyes, as they color all fibers at one boiling. Sold by Graham & Wells. For .50 Years mothers have been giving their children for croup, coughs and colds loh's sumption Mothers have you Shiloh in the house at all times? Do pou know just where you can find it if you need it quickly if your little one is gasping md choking with croup? If jrou haven't it get a bottle. It will save your child's life. "Shiloh always cured my baby of croup, coughs aad colds. 1 would not be without it. MRS. J. B. MARTIN, Uuntsrille, Ala. Shiloh's Conframptfon Cure is Hold by all Irnggtsts at 25c, 50c, 81. OO a bottle. A frlnted guarantee goes with every bottle, f yoti are not satisfied go to your druggist End get your money back. Write for illustrated book on consumption. Sent without cost to you. S. C Wells & Co., IcRoy, N.V , Sold b Graham & Wortham. ..TDBSday, Felinianj 5IL The Merry Katie Emmett Go. In the Great Sensational Melo drama The Waifs of New York as presented over 4,000 times in the principal theatres of the country. Big Railroad Bridge Scene Wonderful Fire Scene Thrilling Swing for life Great Battery Parle Scene The Two trains passing eaeh other in full view of the audience on the Elevated Railroad Trestle See a Hundred Other Good Things Mere Laughs, More Thrills, More Tears, . More Excitement, More Pleasure, ' Than in any Play of the Century. Prices: 35, 50 and 75 cents. Sale opens Saturday morning. Watch for the Bewsboys' Band parade at d o'clock. - Dpniirtiffli Xfih 1 In all kinds of Men's and Boys' Clothing to make room for Our Large and Handsome Spring Stock. Boys' suits are a most trying problem to mothers and to They must not be too costlv. and thev must be of dura us. ble material and strongly made. We think we have solved this dual problem. Bring the boys around. We have a special line of boys' suits worth from $5:00 to $7.50, that will be closed out at $3.00 per suit, age 5, 6 and 7; also a line of lone pants suits, avre 1?. 16 and 17. at one-nan price, rnese are real bargains. Men's suits in all the popular shades and styles from the $5.00 sack suit to the genteel frock suit for $16.50. We are headquarters for overcoats and ulsters. This is our strong line and we are sure to please you in style and price. See us for extra trousers; we have a full line. The Biggest Store! The Biggest Stock! The Littlest Prices! That is why we do the Biggest Business. TRY FOR Fresh FINE TEAS AND COFFEES eORYALLIS The Corvallis Commission Store Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated CORVALLIS AND MONROE HOURS A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given tree frith; every Back of the latter Hay, Oats, Grain. Br aa, Shorts, Potatoes Fish, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. JOHN LENGER, Manager ine commercial Kcstaurant and Bakery, Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc. '. ?Kept Constantly on Hand, Leave orders for Dressed Chickens. in Season. C. C. CHIPMAX. Prnnrifitnr. Lorvalhs' Most Popular Eating Hous Pioneer Bakery AND RESTAURANT. I Fresh, bread daily. A complete sfock of candies, fruits and i nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies !, - a specialty. H. W. HALL, Proprietor. 3 at this Kline. Groceries PBOVISIONS, NOTIONS, CIGARS Yaquina Oysters 7 t Job Printing. 6? office his trouble.