pay ton to 5AY, FERBUA1S OUR DELEGATION WIDEAWAKE. It will be gratifying for the people to know that the recent attack in the legislature looking to division of the Agricul tural College and taking half the funds to operate another agri cultural college in Eastern Ore gon, has been for the present quieted with a fair prospect that nothing further is likely to be done. The mistake made in the governor's message, advocating that it would be justice to East ern Oregon that the College be divided and one-half placed in Union county, operated as a great stimulus to the attack, which seemed at one time likely to grow to much magnitude. In the course of a few days our faithful senator and representa tive, with what help they could draw to their assistance on short notice, soon brought the governor to understand that his proposi tion to divide the funds appro priated by congress conld! not properly be done; a very natural c6nclusion when one stops a mo ment to think of the proposition. Congress appropriated the money and specified the college: and in detail the methods which should goyern its use. The legislature could as well attempt to pass a law saving how the fund should be divided which was recently appropriated by congress to erect a postoffice building at Salem. Both appro priations are to be used in the state of Oregon for the use of the people of Oregon, but in ac cordance with the acts of con gress and not to be interfered with by the legislature of Ore gon. Had the governor asked the attorney general or members Ol tie board of regents of the College or any one of quite a number f other citizens ot the state he could have beea apprised of the error into which he was being led. benator ohn Daly and our representative Mr. R. J. Nichols, arc wide awake and are doine good work for tne school and guarding: carefully the interests of their constituents. The peo pie ot the county should be ex ceedingly thankful that they have men in the legislature with the ability and activity to com- pste with such great odds against them. They have also been able to get the proposed divison, cutting off a portion of the north end of the county, in sucn a shape that a present it does not 6eem that the interest of Benton county will be further prejudiced unless action thereon takes a dif ferent form than now expected. THE COUNTY SHOULD PAY IT. In the matter of establishiwg a free ferry across the Willamette river at Corvallis it has been said that the people of Corvallis would be the greatest immediate gain ers and therefore the city should establish and maintain the ferry. Others suggest, for the same rea son, that the city should pay one-half and the county the other half of the expense. On the other hand, the great ma jority of the people of the coun ty, who have been heard on the subiect, concede that it would be justice for the county to pay the whole expense. While it is ad mitted that the city would de rive the greater benent, it is urged that the precinct of which Corvallis forms the principal part. Days nearly one-half ot the entire taxes of the county and that if the wliole expense is caid bv the county, Corvallis and the immediate vicinity will then pay One-half the expense. If tha city should pay half and the oounty the other half, the taxpayers of Corvallis precinct would be paying three-fourths of he eroease. While many of the iargeit taxpayers of Cor vallis precinct have for years advised the county court to make liberal appropriations to build good and safe bridges all over distant parts ot the county, it was not expected that anyone e river at Cor vail is. tin the last two years two ferries and one large draw ridge was built at one of the places across the Long Tom in the south end of the county. We have not learned that any objection was raised by the tax payers of Corvall is precinct, but they are pleased that our distant neighbors have been satisfactor ily accommodated. The cross ings have been made free in every other locality for the citi zens of Benton county, and does it look like justice for any one to insist that the people of Corvallis shall continually be compelled to pay ferriage at the principal crossing right at their door, when Corvallis people have always ad vocated making free bridges all over the county and have paid nearly half of the expense? The tree ferry at Corvallis is the only countv improvement for ten years whieh the people have asked to have made at Corvallis, and it is certainly disappointing that it should not be promptly made. Had Relatives Here. Miss Susan Mulkey, niece of the late United Slates Senator N. Dolph, shot herself with a revolver at San Francisco, a few days ago, and, died soon after ward at a hospital from the wound. She is the daughter of C. J. Mulkey, fermerly special agerft of the Treasury Depart ment, and is a cousin of Council man F. Mulkey and Chester Dolph, ot Portland. She was also distantly connected with the Mulkeys of this section. Miss Mulkey and her mother had recently arrived in San Fran cisco from Tacoma, Wash. , and t&eir business there was to dis pose of some mining property acquired by Miss Mulkey. The property . was located at Nome. Her attorney made aH unfavor able report regarding the proper ty and the young: lady seemed quite hysterical over the matter. At a later -hour he called again and found the young lady in much the same mood. .-. She re quested her mother and the at torney to leave her to rest and quietude and she would recover. They departed and a few mo ments later heard a shot, and hastening back found her lying" in a pool of blood with a revol ver at her side. She died with out giving any reason for the deed. A peculiar phase of the case is the fact that the mother and daughter registered at the Royal House, in San Francisco, under the assumed name of Mrs. Millsap and daughter. The young lady was about 20 years of age. C. J. Mulkey, father of the dead girl, formerly special agent of the Treasury Department, was implicated in the famous smug gling ease several years ago, along with other government officers, when Nat Blum was a. star witness, and related such sensational testimony. Mrs. Mulkey was a sister of the late Senator Dolph. More in Beef. For some time various writers on agricultural and kindred pur suits have been" urging the farm ing population to embark in the dairy business, and there is little doubt but such a move in a ma jority of instances would prove beneficial. The Pacific Farmer contributes the following, which gives a reason why dairying is not more generally engaged in by the valley farmers: One of the greatest drawbacks is the fact that the farmers are nof supplied with the requisite number of good milk cows to dairy successfully, there are sev eral thousand little scrubby cows that are no good for beef or milk that should be sent to the eastern ranges to be fattened and their places supplied with a few better grade animals. The dairy cows will not increase in the Willam ette valley as fast as they would naturally increase, owing to the fact that so far the farmers be lieve they can make more money raising beef animals at the pres ent price, than they can in rais ing dairy cows, and iu this re spect many of them are correct, because there are far more men who have the patience to take care of beef animals than there are that have the patience to milk cows regularly night and morning. For . Rent, Will rent 200 acres of land west of Monroe and take part payment Of rent in work and improvements on the place. Address - M. S. Woodcock, Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon. TENDEil-SKINNED MEN Shavo wiih Ci tico-.a Sjiavin i Poap, and before cWn is- j t ho Uioe rubou a lut of Ctni'jHti l he triiuitekinciivc. AVash oit wttllCl'TICURATOILKTSOAP.intlHT WATER. Thin simple, i.iexi-cnsive treatment will inako shaving a p'easitre find comfort to tltoa wiih tender, inflamed, easily irritated skin. BoM throorhoiTt ths wurM. PnTTM D. axp C. Coxi Sole Piops., iWoa. :AU About Uu Skin." fret. Real Estate Transfers. Frank Wilkinson to John Hamilton, 80 acres near Monroe; con, $1,500. , Ruth Buchanan to S H Peter son, 19 acres, 10 miles south of Corvallis; con, $450. J GSeifert to H Se'fert. 80 acres in Kings Valley; con, $1. E J Davis to .C S Harding, 2 lo.ts in blk A, Wilkins' Add to Corvallis; con, $100. E Elliott to F S Elliott, . 22 acres near Mt View; con, $10. F S Elliott to E Elliott, 22 acres near Mt View; con, $10. Fintics and Organs for Sale. Call at residence in Wilkins Addition and see samples cf high grade pianos and organs juBt unboxed. Can give bar gains on goods of the highest merit as they are shipped direct from the factory thus saving middle men's profits and giving the benefit of this economy to patrons. All invited to inspect goods. MOEDAUNT A. GOODKOUGH. Bargain. Good farm for sale 4 miles southwest of Corvallis; Marys river is south boundary line. A fraction over 90 acres ; 50 acres in cultivation ; 8 acres in hay, 12 acres in fall wheat ; rest plowed ready to sew in f pring. Good 2-story house 6 rooms, 1 pantry, 2 clothes closets, woodshed, barn, straw shed, smoke house, young orchard bearing, good well of water right at door, 1 plow, 1 cultiyator, 3 horses and harness, 1 light rig, 1 new farm wagon, 4-miIch cows, some poultry: all for $3,600. Well known as- the Frank Davis farm. Mrs Lydia Taylor A Boy Or young man having a fair education and desirous ot serving ample time to learn a good trade or profession may .find an opportunity by addressing P. O. Box No. 358, Corvallis, Oregon. The appli cant should be steady and industrious, spending his evenings at home and not on the streets or in the various resorts. The trade referred to is along educational lines, and two or three years spent there in will afford good educational facilities for any young man, besides affording steady employment in all seasons after becoming competent. One whose home is in town preferred. Cigarette smokers need not apply. Remnant Sale. A quantity of. remnants have accumulated during our Reduction Bale, consisting: ol Dress Goods, Silks, Yelvets, Satins, White Goods, Muslins, Tables, . Linens, Ginghams, Skirtings, Tickings, Prints, Flannelettes, Outing Flannels, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Curtain Nets, Etc. All will be sold less than cost of pro duction. They must be sold before our new ' spring stock arrives. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Property In the matter of the Estate y. James Abraham. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the county court of tho state of Oregon for Mult nomah county made and entered on the SOth dav of novemoer, woo, 1 will from and after the 7th day of March, 1901, proceed to sell at private sale the following described real property of said estate, and all the right, title and interest which the said Janica Abraham had therein at the time of his de cease, towit: Beginning at the quarter section corner between fractional sections 2 and 3, township 11 south, lange 4 west Willamette Meridian, running thence south 48 degrees east 14.90 chains, thence south &5 de grees 50 minutes west 6.62 chains, thence south 20 degrees 10 minutes east 17.H0 chains to tbe north bank of the Willamette river, thence following said north bank of the Willamette river with the me anders thereof in- a southwesterly course to the southeast comer of lot 1 in -fractional section' 3 in said townBhip. thence north 37 minutes east 28.80 chains to the place of beginning, containing 20.40 acres; also the northeast quarter of the eoutbeast quarter and lot number 1 of fractional section 3, township 11 south,, range 4 west of the Willamette Meridian, containing &8. 45 acres, save and excepting the right of waj heretofore deeded to the Willam ette Valley & Coast Railroad containing about acres, all situated in Benton . county, Oregon; also, the east half of the following described rear proper ty: The north half of the southwest quarter, and lots 3 and 4 in section 3, township 11 south, range 4 west, containing 7a 60 acres in Benton Bounty, Oregon. Tlw tern- spf said sale are as folios s: The entire purchase pries i ti tje paid in cash. , W. E. BJJRKE, Adinr de bonis non with thewill annexed' tbe estate of James Abraham, deceased, Portland, Or. It is well to remember that you can cover Benton County horoughly by placing your advertisement in the . They get Proper Display, Proper Position and Proper come to think over it, you can easily under stand why so many prom -nent advertisers place ads in this paper. That's the Secret. Notice for Publication. tr. S. Lakd Office Oregon City, Oregon, Kgv. 19, 1900. " Notice is hereby griven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, 167S, entitled "An act for the sale of timlier lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18!)2, BRIDGET FLYNN, Of Fall City, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office her sworn statement No. 6324, for the purchase of lot 3, 8. i, N. W. yt and N. J5. J, S. W. li of SectianKo. 2 in Township No. iS 8 Uan:?e No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her elMm to said land before tbe Registei and Re ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, en Thursday, tbe 14th day of Fobruarv. 1901. She names as witnesses: Freeman W. Robinson, Lettie M. Robinson, Michael Flynn and Albert N. Robin son, all of Fall City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 14th day of Feb., 1901. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. Notice for Publication. Onus Statu Luc Omen, Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of Jnne 3rd. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Publie Land Biawg oyact oi August 4, l&yz, LETTIE M. ROBINSON, Of Fall City, county of l'olk. State of Oregon, has bi-is uuy uieu ii mis ouice ner sworn statement no. Odzd, lor tne purchase of the . B. - quarter of See tion 14 inTownshiuKo. 13 8 . Ranee No. 7 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 14th dav of February, 1901. She names of witnesses: Michael Flynn, Freeman W. Robinson, Bridget FIvnn and Albert N. Robinson, all of Fall City, Oregon, Anyand all persons claiming adversely the above- oescrioea lauas are rcquestea to me their claims in IMS omce on or before said 14tn day of February, CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. Notice for Publication. Unitf.b States Land Officb, Orcson Citv. Oregon. Nov. 1st. 1960. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act ef Congress of June S, 1878, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Publie Land states Dy act ol August 4, 1892, CLAYTON T BLACKMAN. Of Salem, county of Marion, state of Oregon. has this day Bled In this office bis sworn statement no. 6316, tor tne purchase of the SW of Section No. 14. in Township No. 18 S ranze No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is moe valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to .said land -Deiore tne regiBter and receiver of this omce at Oregon mty, Oregon, on 'luesday, the 29th day January. 1901. He names as witnesses: Devlllo M. Wilson, Robert A. Wilson, and E. V. Spencer, all of aiem, Marion vou&ty. Oregon, ana Ken V. spencer of Alsea. Benton County. Oretron.- Any ana an persons Claiming adversely tne aDove- aecnoea lanas are requestea to nie tneu claims m this office on or before said 29th day of January, 1W1. . tllAB. 1. MOUttllH, Register Notice for Publication. Unitkd States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Deo. 10, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of an act of Coneress of June 3. 1878. en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, CHARLES D. TICE, Of Fall City, eounty of Tolk, State of Oregon, has this day filed inthis office his sworn statement No. 6333. for the purchase of the N. J N. W . 1-4, N. ii. n,. oi oecuon io. 44, in lownsnip jxo. jz a, Range No. 7 W.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is n-ore valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab- iiou dib -iiiu w miu idiiu ueiuie Hie ivcgisier auu Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th dav of March. 1901. He names as witnesses: Michael Flynn, Freeman Robinson, Peter Miller and Alvin Robinson, all of Falls Citr. Oregon.' Any and all persons claimimr adverselv the above- described lands are requested to file their claims in is omce on or Deiore sua tttn dav el March lix'l. . CHAS.;a MOORES, Register, J9 Treatment. NOTICE. . Persons desiring to locate on timber claims tributary to the C. & E. E. E. would do well to call on or correspond with the undersigned. There is a num ber of first-class timber claims to be taken up under the timber or homestead acts. W. L. CLARK, Gates, Marion Co., Or, Locator. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned execu tor of the estate of Martha J. Rice, deceased has filed his final account in said estate in the County Court of the State ef Oregon, for Benton County, sitting in probate, and Saturday, the 9th Day of February, 19M, at 10 o'clock a. at the Court House in Corvallis, Oregon, is the time and place fixed by the Court for hearing objections, if any, to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated January 11, 1901. Charles E. Rick, Executor. Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real ' Estate. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale and license from th countv -court ef Clack amas county, state of Oregon, made and issued at the December term thereof, to-wit: en the 3rd day of Dec., 1900, licensing me to sell certain real estate, I will on Saturday, the 26th day of January. 191, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court house door in the city of Corvallis, in Benton county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real property, to wit : Lot No. 3 in Block No. 7 in Dixon's Addition to the city of Corvallis, in Benton county, state of Oregon, said real property here inbefore described being the property of Leo F. Cook, Thomas O. Cook and Hazel Cook, minors who are under the guardianship of the undersigned. - Dated December 21, 1909. MINNIE COOK, Guardian of Said Minors. Notice for Publication. Notice is hereby given that the following named seitler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on February 20, 1S01, viz: JOHN W. HYDE, H. E. Kn.ll.0rS lor the Lots 1, 2, and 8, Sec tion 6, T. 13 S R. 6 W. He names the follnw ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Tames Franklin, John Franklin, Mablon VV. Worth ingtonnndFiaucisM. Spencer, all of Philo math , Oregon, , CHAS. B. MOORES, . Register. Notice for Publication. Lakd Office at Oregon City, Oheqok, T0nlwr 1 .1 lOOO Notice is hereby given that the following-nwieU settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, an that said proof County, at Cortallis, Oregon, February 4th, "in u uuhic uKiKtrK toe iaiuuev uierK OT Kcnlnn IRVING E. GLEASON, Father of Parson C. Gleaeon. deoeau1 HE. No. 11,650 for the NEJ Section 20, T 13S, R He names the following witnesses to prove his nnntinnm,. r.aiilanu ... -... , , ; ui.ii upiii mm uuilivblioji OI saiu land, V lz.: T A Lemaster and W H Parish, of Ina- Uc,ij.uiiu r. ireiauu ano ueo iv Armstrong, of Fern, Oregon. v.n&S. B. MOORFS, Register. YEARLY to Cu. stian man or wamnu in li-inL- after our growing business iu this and adjoining Counties; to act as Manager and Correspondent, work can tie done at home. Enclose self addressed, stamped envelope for particulars to H. A. Slierman, General Manaeer, Corcoran Build i ing, opposite united mates Treas- Lnry, Washington, D. C. y $900. SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacific Company. THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Corvallis for Portland and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8 :30 am S :30 p m Ly Albanv 12:30 p m 10-50 p m Ar Ashland 12:33 am. 11 :30 a m Ar Sacramento 5 .00 p m 4 :3d a m At San Francisco-7:45 p m 9.30 a m Ar Ogden 6:45 p m Ar Denver 9:00 a m Ar Kansas City. 7 :25 a m Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m 11 :45 a m 9 :00 a m 7 :25 a m 9 :30a m Ar Loe Angeles -1 :20 pm Ar El Paso 6:80 p m 7:00 a m 6:00 p m Ar f ort Wertb- 6 :80 a m Ar City of Mexico 9:55 a m Ar Houston 4 :00 a ni Ar New Orleans-- 6 :25 a m Ar Washington --6:42 a m 6:30 am :55 a m 4 :00 a m 0:25 p u :4Z a m Ar flew York 12-:43 p m 12:43 p m PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on both trains. Chair cars (Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, bt Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines (or Honolulu, Japan Utnna, rtiilippines, Uentral and South America. See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis station, or address C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., Portland, Or. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry of every description done in firsi class manner, ana satisiacuon guar anteed. CROWN 2ND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. MRS. DR. CYLTHSE RAMSEY, Osteopathist Specialties Diseases of women and children ; also deformities and all cliron ie and nervous diseases. Occidental Hotel Mondaj-, Wednes day and Friday, 1 :30 to 5:30 p. m. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician 8? Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours Residence '. Corner College and 8th Stu. Telephone at office and residence. Ccrva'lis, - -. - Oregon L. G. ALTMAN, M. D. Office Corser 3rd and Monroe streets Hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun day 9 to 10. Residence Corner 3rd and Hanison streets, Corvallis, Oregon. G. H. NEWTH Physician Surgeon PHILOMATH, OREGON. J. R. HARLAN Veterinary Surgeon Residence in Block 30, Joh's Addition, Corvallis, Oregon. Orders may be left at Graham & AVer tham's drugstore. JfOTABY Titles. Cowvetakcinq JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORXEY-AT-XAW. Praetioe in all State and.Federal Court. Omce inFirfct National Bank Buiidine. Bryson 8f Woodson ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW Corvallis, Orcon. Office In Postoffice Building. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office la Wbltehsrn Blork Corvallis, Oregon IHEFiHSTITiOiLiP -OF Corvallis, Oregon. Does a general and conservative bankiac business.. TO HOMKKKERS..- If you are locking for bargains in Stock, Grain and Fruit Farms I have them. Ccme and ceemeor write for thy list. HENRT AKBIER, Eeal Estate Agent, " Diilomatb, Benton County, Oregon, Box 5a BAILEOAB THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, TTtak, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Grande Scenie Lines. Look at the Time . . i yi days to Salt Lake zyi days to Denver 3 j days to Chicago 4 days to New York Freo Recliaing.Cbair Cars, Upholstered Tourist Sleepisg Cars, add Pnllaaa Palace Sleepers, operated en all trains. For further information-, apprj te GEO. F. EGLIiJ, Agent, Corvallis, Or. C. O. TERRY, VT. R. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent. . 124 Third St., Portland, Or. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad. TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. " " Corvallis 1 :50 p. m. " arrive? Yaquina 6:45 p. m. 1 Returning: Leaven Yaquina.... 6:10a.m. IxaveB Co-vallis. . . . 11:30 a. ui. Arrives Albany . . . .-12:15 p. in. 3 For Dettoit: Leaves Albany 7:X) a. m. Arrives Detioit .... 11:20 t. tu. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. in. Arrives Albany.... 5:45p.m. One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time to reach ramping grounds on the Breite'ibuKU and Santiam river the eainedav. Edwin Stone, H. L. VValukn, Manager. T. F. & P. A. II. H. Ceonise, Agent, CorvalHft, Depart TIME SCHEDULES. Arrive Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha Kansas City, St. Louis, Cliieage and East. Atlantic Express 9 p. in. FaBt Mai) 7:00 p.m. Walla Walla. Lew istou, S p o k a ce, Minneapolis, St. Paui.Dulnth, Mil waukee, Chicago, and East. Spokane F!ver 6:00 p.m. Spokane Flyer 8:40 a. at. Ocean Steamships- All sailing dates subject to Change. For San Francisco, Sail Dec. 8, 8, 13, 18, 3, 28, & every 6 days. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Dailv Ex. San. 8. p. m. Saturday, 1 p. fn. Colombia River Steamer. To Astoria & way landing. 4 p. m. Bxctpt Snnday Willamette Rim. O-iegon City, New btrtr, Salem, and Wy-landitijjs, 8 a. m. Ez. Sun. 4 iSO p. m. Except Buftdav 7 a. m . Tiietday Thursday and S aturdtty Willamette and Yaffl I Rivers. Oregon City, Day ton & Way-land's. 3:80 p.m. Monday W edbea day aad Friday. 6 A. m. T Uesdny, Thur6'y and Salu i U'v Willa ette River. Portland to Corval lis & Way-land'a. 4.30 p.m.' Monday, W ednes d a y and Friday. Leave Riparia Snake River. Ripnria to Lewis'n, Leave Levis ton Dailv 8:30a. m 3'3oa. m. Daily. ME. THAYER, Local Agent. Jerseys for Sale. For Rale Orb of t hn finest Jerapv bull?, full blood, born last July, solid color, gentle and kind, will register in the A. J. C. C. Ol6 very fine full-blood Jersey bllll solid color, nrnminp-itlv nnarlr. ed, gentle and kind, born June 18, ioy. ins mot ner tested 64 per cent, butter fat. Will register ia the P. C. C C. Two nice full blood .Tersev li inf ers, solid color, well maiktd, about 10 months old, gentle and kind, reeisteml m i!:p A. J. f! C. Par ties wantinu fln rro'Ktfrpil Ti-rfspi, ' c . stock will n.ifs a rare chance if they fail to investigate th-s opportunity to get fine Jerseys. M.S. WOODCOCK, Corvallis, Ore. Music Lessens. Lessons given on the piano and organ in a manner that trains the ear, mind and hands and raves years of net diets drudgery. ' M. A. Gocbnoigh. Subscribe for this f aj-er,